muscle biopsy and cell cultures: potential diagnostic ... file18 g. meola et al. al. 2001, ptacek lj...

17 ©2003, European Journal of Histochemistry Hereditary muscle channelopathies are caused by dominant mutations in the genes encoding for subunits of muscle vol- tage-gated ion channels. Point mutations on the human ske- letal muscle Na + channel (Nav1.4) give rise to hyperkalemic periodic paralysis, potassium aggravated myotonia, para- myotonia congenita and hypokalemic periodic paralysis type 2. Point mutations on the human skeletal muscle Ca 2+ chan- nel give rise to hypokalemic periodic paralysis and malignant hyperthermia. Point mutations in the human skeletal chlori- de channel ClC-1 give rise to myotonia congenita. Point mutations in the inwardly rectifying K + channel Kir2.1 give rise to a syndrome characterized by periodic paralysis, seve- re cardiac arrhythmias and skeletal alterations (Andersen’s syndrome). Involvement of the same ion channel can thus give rise to different phenotypes. In addition, the same muta- tion can lead to different phenotypes or similar phenotypes can be caused by different mutations on the same or on dif- ferent channel subtypes. Bearing in mind, the complexity of this field, the growing number of potential channelopathies (such as the myotonic dystrophies), and the time and cost of the genetic procedures, before a biomolecular approach is addressed, it is mandatory to apply strict diagnostic proto- cols to screen the patients. In this study we propose a pro- tocol to be applied in the diagnosis of the hereditary muscle channelopathies and we demonstrate that muscle biopsy studies and muscle cell cultures may significantly contribute towards the correct diagnosis of the channel involved. DNA- based diagnosis is now a reality for many of the channelo- pathies. This has obvious genetic counselling, prognostic and therapeutic implications. Key words: hereditary channelopathies, voltage-gated ion channels, muscle biopsy, muscle histochemistry, muscle histopathology, cell cultures Correspondence: Giovanni Meola, M.D., Cattedra di Neurologia, Università di Milano, Ospedale di San Donato, via Morandi 30, 20097 San Donato Milanese, Italy. Phone: +39.02.52774480. Fax: +39.02.5274717. E-mail: [email protected] This paper is dedicated to the memory of prof. Guglielmo Scarlato. This work was supported by MURST-COFIN 2001. Paper accepted on December 9, 2002 European Journal of Histochemistry 2003; vol. 47 issue 1 [Jan-Mar]:17-28 Muscle biopsy and cell cultures: potential diagnostic tools in hereditary skeletal muscle channelopathies G. Meola*, V. Sansone*, G. Rotondo*, E. Mancinelli** *Istituto Policlinico San Donato, Dipartimento di Neurologia, Cattedra di Clinica Neurologica, Università di Milano; **Dipartimento di Fisiologia e Biochimica Generali, Università di Milano, Italy O ne of the essential properties of the muscle membrane is its excitability,that is the ability to conduct electrical impulses across its membrane in response to an action potential and to propagate this electrical impulses along the muscle fiber itself.Electrical impulses travel throughout the nervous system by rapid shifts of the concentration of ions across the cell membranes.These shifts in ion channel concentration are conducted thorough ion- specific channels which, comprise a family of trans- membrane glycoproteins that are made up of two or more subunits and use a variety of stimuli to trigger their opening or gating. Voltage-gated ion channels on the sarcolemma, are those selective for sodium, potassium, chloride or calcium ions which open by changes in voltage (usually depolarisations) across the sarcolemma. When mutations arise on the genes encoding one of these skeletal muscle voltage-gated ion channels (usually occurring on the α-subunits of the ion chan- nels), the resulting phenotype is that of a hereditary muscle channelopathy. In general, most mutations cause gain-of-function defects (Hanna et al. 1998, Davies NP et al 1999, Lehmann-Horn F 2002, Cannon SC 1997, 2001). Loss-of-function changes may also occur with disease-associated mutations in ion channels (Lehmann-Horn F 2002). According to the channel involved there are sodium, calcium, chloride and potassium muscle chan- nelopathies (Aguilar-Bryan L et al 1999; Ashcroft FM et al 1998; Barchi RL 1995). It is however worth noting that, decisive for the phenotype is the type of functional defect brought about by the mutations, rather than the channel affected. In fact, different phenotypes like hyperkalemic and hypokalemic peri- odic paralysis may be caused by the point mutations in different parts of the same gene. Similarly different genes can lead to similar phenotypes as is the case of some cases of cold-triggered myotonia associated with muscle weakness which may involve sodium or chloride channel gene mutations (Jurkatt-Rott K et original paper

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Page 1: Muscle biopsy and cell cultures: potential diagnostic ... file18 G. Meola et al. al. 2001, Ptacek LJ et al., 1992). No matter which channel is involved, the heredi-tary muscle channelopathies


©2003, European Journal of Histochemistry

Hereditary muscle channelopathies are caused by dominantmutations in the genes encoding for subunits of muscle vol-tage-gated ion channels. Point mutations on the human ske-letal muscle Na+ channel (Nav1.4) give rise to hyperkalemicperiodic paralysis, potassium aggravated myotonia, para-myotonia congenita and hypokalemic periodic paralysis type2. Point mutations on the human skeletal muscle Ca2+ chan-nel give rise to hypokalemic periodic paralysis and malignanthyperthermia. Point mutations in the human skeletal chlori-de channel ClC-1 give rise to myotonia congenita. Pointmutations in the inwardly rectifying K+ channel Kir2.1 giverise to a syndrome characterized by periodic paralysis, seve-re cardiac arrhythmias and skeletal alterations (Andersen’ssyndrome). Involvement of the same ion channel can thusgive rise to different phenotypes. In addition, the same muta-tion can lead to different phenotypes or similar phenotypescan be caused by different mutations on the same or on dif-ferent channel subtypes. Bearing in mind, the complexity ofthis field, the growing number of potential channelopathies(such as the myotonic dystrophies), and the time and cost ofthe genetic procedures, before a biomolecular approach isaddressed, it is mandatory to apply strict diagnostic proto-cols to screen the patients. In this study we propose a pro-tocol to be applied in the diagnosis of the hereditary musclechannelopathies and we demonstrate that muscle biopsystudies and muscle cell cultures may significantly contributetowards the correct diagnosis of the channel involved. DNA-based diagnosis is now a reality for many of the channelo-pathies. This has obvious genetic counselling, prognostic andtherapeutic implications.

Key words: hereditary channelopathies, voltage-gated ionchannels, muscle biopsy, muscle histochemistry, musclehistopathology, cell cultures

Correspondence: Giovanni Meola, M.D., Cattedra diNeurologia, Università di Milano, Ospedale di San Donato,via Morandi 30, 20097 San Donato Milanese, Italy.Phone: +39.02.52774480. Fax: +39.02.5274717.E-mail: [email protected]

This paper is dedicated to the memory of prof. GuglielmoScarlato.This work was supported by MURST-COFIN 2001.

Paper accepted on December 9, 2002

European Journal of Histochemistry2003; vol. 47 issue 1 [Jan-Mar]:17-28

Muscle biopsy and cell cultures: potential diagnostic tools in hereditaryskeletal muscle channelopathiesG. Meola*, V. Sansone*, G. Rotondo*, E. Mancinelli***Istituto Policlinico San Donato, Dipartimento di Neurologia, Cattedra di Clinica Neurologica, Universitàdi Milano; **Dipartimento di Fisiologia e Biochimica Generali, Università di Milano, Italy

One of the essential properties of the musclemembrane is its excitability, that is the abilityto conduct electrical impulses across its

membrane in response to an action potential and topropagate this electrical impulses along the musclefiber itself. Electrical impulses travel throughout thenervous system by rapid shifts of the concentrationof ions across the cell membranes.These shifts in ionchannel concentration are conducted thorough ion-specific channels which, comprise a family of trans-membrane glycoproteins that are made up of two ormore subunits and use a variety of stimuli to triggertheir opening or gating. Voltage-gated ion channelson the sarcolemma, are those selective for sodium,potassium, chloride or calcium ions which open bychanges in voltage (usually depolarisations) acrossthe sarcolemma.

When mutations arise on the genes encoding oneof these skeletal muscle voltage-gated ion channels(usually occurring on the α-subunits of the ion chan-nels), the resulting phenotype is that of a hereditarymuscle channelopathy. In general, most mutationscause gain-of-function defects (Hanna et al. 1998,Davies NP et al 1999, Lehmann-Horn F 2002,Cannon SC 1997, 2001). Loss-of-function changesmay also occur with disease-associated mutationsin ion channels (Lehmann-Horn F 2002).

According to the channel involved there are sodium,calcium, chloride and potassium muscle chan-nelopathies (Aguilar-Bryan L et al 1999; AshcroftFM et al 1998; Barchi RL 1995). It is however worthnoting that, decisive for the phenotype is the type offunctional defect brought about by the mutations,rather than the channel affected. In fact, differentphenotypes like hyperkalemic and hypokalemic peri-odic paralysis may be caused by the point mutationsin different parts of the same gene. Similarly differentgenes can lead to similar phenotypes as is the case ofsome cases of cold-triggered myotonia associatedwith muscle weakness which may involve sodium orchloride channel gene mutations (Jurkatt-Rott K et

original paper

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al. 2001, Ptacek LJ et al., 1992).No matter which channel is involved, the heredi-

tary muscle channelopathies share common charac-teristics: there is usually a dominant inheritance; thesymptoms involved are typically episodic in nature,that is they are triggered by different internal andexternal factors; there is a general accepted rulethat acetazolamide improves symptoms. These fea-tures lead to the general diagnosis of a channelopa-thy. The diagnostic criteria for each channelopathyhave been set at the first European Consortium forthe Periodic Paralysis. Since then, new channelo-pathies have been identified (Andersen’s syndrome)and many muscle disorders have been recognized aspotential channelopathies.The muscular dystrophiesin general have been considered so far as the resultof the lack of structural proteins like dystrophin,which lacking, disrupt the sarcolemma and give riseto the dystrophic process and related weakness.Therecent demonstration that chloride channel mal-functioning is involved in the myotonic phenomenonof the myotonic dystrophies types 1 and 2 (CharletB et al. 2002; Mankodi et al. 2002a), indicatesthese disorders may also be considered as potentialchannelopathies and expands the field of the hered-itary skeletal muscle channelopathies.

In this study we propose a diagnostic clinical andlaboratory protocol to be applied as a screening inpotential channelopathies. In particular we demon-strate that muscle biopsy and muscle cell culturesmay be considered an important supportive tool forthe correct identification of the channel involved.DNA-based diagnosis is now possible for many ofthe hereditary skeletal muscle channelopathies.Thishas obvious genetic counselling, prognostic andtherapeutic implications. Collaborative efforts inthe field of the muscle histopathology and molecu-lar genetics have resulted in improved understand-ing of the disease mechanisms that underlie musclechannelopathies.

Materials and MethodsFifty patients from 18 families fulfilling the gen-

eral criteria for a potential hereditary muscle chan-nelopathy according to the criteria described abovewere included in the study.Ten patients from 4 fam-ilies with myotonic dystrophy type 1 (DM1) accord-ing to the criteria set at the International MyotonicDystrophy Consortium (IDMC 2000) and 10patients from 7 families with myotonic dystrophytype 2 (PROMM/DM2) according to the criteriadesigned at the European International Consortium

Figure 1. Schematic representation of the skeletal muscle calcium channel (αa-subunit) and associated mutations (filled circles).

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Figure 2. Schematic representation of the muscle sodium channel (αa-subunit) and associated mutations (filled circles).

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Figure 3. Schematic representation of the chloride channel and associated mutations (filled circles).

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(Moxley RT 3rd et al 2002) were also included inthe study.

After informed consent, all patients were subject-ed to the following: detailed family history to iden-tify potential affected asymptomatic family mem-bers; neurologic examination including manual andquantitative muscle strength testing; electromyo-graphy with a standardized protocol to quantifymyotonia; additional assessment of myotonia bysubjective scales of severity, functional tests andquantitation of relaxation time after maximum vol-untary contraction; muscle biopsy. Cell culturesfrom the muscle biopsy specimens obtained wereprepared for research purposes.

PatientsPotential calcium channelopathy: twenty-patients

with clinical and laboratory features of hypokalemicperiodic paralysis or calcium channelopathy werestudied (7 males, 13 females; age range: 20-48years; mean age: 24.5±6.8) (Curtis BM et al 1984,Hosey MM et al 1988;Takahashi M et al 1987). Anautosomal dominant transmission was recognized in14 of 20 patients. Age at onset of symptoms was11.8±3.4 and consisted of episodes of suddenweakness, affecting all 4 limbs, triggered by carbo-hydrate ingestion in 17 out of 20 patients. In theremaining 3 patients the episodes of weakness weretriggered by prolonged exercise (football game, bicy-cle). In all cases the clinical diagnosis ofhypokalemic periodic paralysis was made on thebasis of low levels of serum potassium during anattack of weakness (below 3 mEq/L).The episodes,

typically beginning in the morning on awakening,lasted 48-72 hours, exercise facilitating recovery. Acommon finding was that of triggering of symptomsalso during episodes of emotional stress. During theinterictal period 10 of 20 patients showed signs of alimb-girdle myopathy affecting the lower limbs moretypically in the 4 range of the MRC scale. Theremaining 10 patients had muscles of normal bulkand strength. Calcium channelopathies are deter-mined by point mutations on the gene encoding forthe voltage-gated skeletal L-type calcium channelprotein on chromosome 1q (Ptacek LJ et al. 1994).

Potential sodium channelopathy: ten patientswith the clinical diagnosis of sodium channelopathywere studied (7 males, 3 females; age range: 14-60


original paper

Figure 4. Schematic representation of the skeletal muscle chlo-ride channel and associated mutations (filled circles).

Figure 5A and 5B. Schematic representation of the pathomech-anisms involved in the myotonia of myotonic dystrophy type 1(DM1) (Figure 5a) and of myotonic dystrophy type 2(PROMM/DM2) (Figure 5b). MBNL = muscle blind proteins;CUG-BP = double stranded CUG or CCUG binding proteins. ClC-1 = skeletal chloride channel.

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years; mean age: 18.3±12.8) (Davies NP et al,2000, Ebers GC 1991, Fontaine B et al 1990,Heinemann SH 1992, Lehmann-Horn F et al, 1987,McClatchey Al et al, 1992, Ptacek LJ et al, 1991,1992, 1994; Rojas CV et al, 1991; Sansone et al,1994; Stuhmer W et al, 1989). Of these 6 patientshad episodes typically exacerbated by cold expo-sure. The episodes were characterized by paramy-otonia and less often by episodes of weakness. Theparamyotonic phenomenon was most pronounced inthe facial district and in the hands compared toother body parts.The eyes were frequently affected.Repeated exercise worsened the contracture so thatrelaxation was increasingly impaired. The clinicaldiagnosis of paramyotonia was made in thesepatients. Four patients fulfilled the clinical criteriaof a hyperkalemic periodic paralysis because serumpotassium levels were above normal range duringepisodes of sudden weakness, typically triggered byexercise and fasting. Sodium channelopathies aredetermined by point mutations on the skeletal volt-age-gated Na channel (Nav1.4) on chromosome17q.

Potential chloride channelopathies: twentypatients fulfilling the diagnosis of myotonia con-genita were studied (14 males, 6 females; agerange: 30-58 years; mean age: 34.5±6.8) (BeckerPE 1977, Koch MC et al, 1992, Fahlke C et al,1997, Jentsch TJ 1994, Steinmeyer K et al, 1994,Wagner S et al, 1998; Wu FF et al, 2001). In 12an autosomal dominant transmission was found.Symptom at onset was myotonia, typically presentin the hands rather than on the face, exacerbated bycold. Repeated exercise resolved myotonia (warm-up phenomenon). In 4 patients there was associat-ed proximal and distal weakness and in 2 patientsmyotonia was particularly painful. Dominant andrecessive myotonia congenita are determined bypoint mutations on the skeletal muscle channelgene on chromosome 7q.

Potential potassium channelopathies: fourpatients with episodes of sudden muscle weaknessassociated with severe cardiac arrhythmias andpeculiar facial and skeletal abnormalities wereclassified as affected by Andersen’ syndrome(Andersen ED et al, 1971; Tawil et al, 1994;Sansone et al, 1997, Canun S et al, 1999, PlasterNM et al, 2001,Tristani-Firouzi M et al, 2002).

Potential myotonic dystrophies: ten patients withautosomal dominant inheritance of muscle weak-ness, myotonia and cataracts were diagnosed as

having myotonic dystrophy type 1 (5 males, 5females; age range 19-45; mean age 43.2±9.1).Symptoms at onset were grip myotonia for 7patients and distal hand weakness for 3 patients.Muscle weakness and atrophy were typically distalat onset. Multisystem involvement and specificallycardiac arrhythmias were present in 8 of 10patients. Myotonic dystrophy type 1 is determinedby the well-known large CTG repeat expansion(> 50 repeats) on chromosome 19q.

Ten patients with autosomal dominant inheri-tance of predominantly proximal muscle weakness,cataracts and myotonia (4 males, 6 females; agerange 29-65; mean age 48.6±5) with a normal sizeCTG expansion on the DMPK gene were diagnosedas having myotonic dystrophy type 2. None of thepatients complained of symptoms attributable tocardiac involvement and no cardiac abnormalitieswere found on EKG. Myotonic dystrophy type 2 orproximal myotonic myopathy is determined by aCCTG expansion on chromosome 3q21.

Quantitation of muscle strength Manual and isometric dynamometric muscle

strength assessment: all subjects were tested man-ually for muscle strength using the 5-point MRCscale (Medical Research Council. 1976) and usingan isometric dynamometer according to previouslystandardized protocols (Sansone et al. 2000).

Quantitation of myotonia: myotonia is quantifiedaccording to subjective self-assessment scales ofseverity, timed functional tests, relaxation timeafter maximum voluntary contraction and EMGrecordings of relaxation time according to previ-ously standardized protocols (Sansone et al 2000).

Muscle biopsy: muscle biopsy was performed onthe right vastus lateralis or on on the left bicepsbrachi undel local anaesthesia with the consent ofthe patients. Cryostat sections (10 um thick) wereprocessed for histochemical analysis as previouslydescribed (Dubowitz 1985). A battery of histologi-cal and histochemical reactions was performed(hematoxylin and eosin, modified Gomoritrichrome, ATPase pH 9.4, 4.6 and 4.3, nicoti-namide nucleotide deydrogenase (NADH), succinicdehydrogenase (SDH), periodic acid Schiff (PAS),phosphorylase, acid phosphatase and oil red O.

Cell culturesCell cultures were prepared as previously

described (Meola G 1991) from muscle biopsies


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obtained from patients with congenital and adultforms of myotonic dystrophy types 1 and 2 to studythe differentiation and replicative capacity ofmutant DM1 and DM2 myoblasts in culture underdifferent conditions.

ResultsThe results of the diagnostic protocol applied and

in particular of the muscle biopsy results were con-fronted with the expected results solely based onthe clinical diagnosis and with the results of genet-ic studies.

On the basis of clinical information we classifiedthe patients as potential sodium, calcium, chlorideor potassium channelopathies. We also classifiedpatients with myotonic dystrophy of yet undeter-mined genetic background as potential type 1 andtype 2 myotonic dystrophy.


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Figure 6. A) Vacuolar myopathy; B) vacuolar myopathy; C) tubu-lar aggregates; D) tubular aggregates.

Figure 7. Tubular aggregates in Andersen syndrome (electronmicroscopy).

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After careful analysis of muscle biopsy we wereable to outline the specific biopsy findings whichcharacterize each channelopathy (Table 1).

In general, we demonstrate that sodium chan-nelopathies are characterized by a normal mor-phology at trichrome Gomori and by subsarcolem-mal areas, positively stained by NADH-TR (tubularaggregates) (Figures 6c and 6d). This helps in thedifferential diagnosis of hypokalemic periodicparalysis (HypoPP) types 1 (calcium channelopa-thy, chromosome 1) and types 2 (sodium chan-nelopathy, chromosome 17) (Jurkat-Rott K et al2000). In fact, HypoPP type 1, caused by a calci-um gene mutation on chromosome 1q is typicallyassociated with a vacuolar myopathy without tubu-lar aggregates (Figures 6a and 6b). This vacuolarmyopathy is represented by the presence of vac-uoles in the middle of the fiber morphologically, oraffecting only one type of fibers (type II) by histo-chemical staining.These are more typically presentin the sodium channelopathies (Figures 6c and 6d)and in Andersen syndrome (Figure 7) (Sternberg Det al 2001).

Chloride channelopathies are also typically char-

acterized by the absence (Figure 8c) or deficiencyof type 2B fibers (Figure 8d) and this helps in thedifferential diagnosis with other myotonic syn-dromes, i.e. the myotonic dystrophies (Figures 9cand 9d).

Myotonic dystrophy type 1 is characterized byincreased variability in fiber size, increased centralnuclei, nuclear clumps and preferential type 1 atro-phy (Figures 9a, 9b, 9c). Similar abnormalities butwith no preferential type 1 atrophy have beendescribed in myotonic dystrophy type 2 (Figure 9d).Our results confirm that myotonic dystrophy type 1is characterized by preferential type 1 atrophy. Wedemonstrate that myotonic dystrophy type 2 isinstead characterized by preferential type 2 atro-phy (Figures 9c and 9d).

ConclusionsOur results demonstrate that although the diagno-

sis of the known and of the potential skeletal musclechannelopathies is ultimately a genetic one(Lehmann-Horn F et al 1995, 1999; Kleopa KA etal 2002), muscle biopsy may be a mandatory diag-nostic tool in the correct identification of the chan-

Table 1. Summary of the clinical, muscle biopsy and genetic findings of our patients with calcium, sodium, potassium and chloridechannelopathies and of our patients with myotonic dystrophy types 1 and 2 (potential chloride channelopathies).


CALCIUM-CHANNELOPATHY age at onset: 2nd decade vacuolar myopathy arg-528-his; chromosome 1q .(hypokalemic periodic paralysis type 1) triggers: CHO, exercise (Patient P1, Fig. 1)

permanent limb-girdle myopathyno myotonia

SODIUM CHANNELOPATHY age at onset: 1st decade tubular aggregates gly-1306-glu; chromosome 17q(hyperkalemic periodic paralysis triggers: fasting, rest after exercise (Patient P2, Fig. 2)hypokalemic periodic paralysis type 2) myotonia: face > hands > limbs

CHLORIDE CHANNELOPATHY age at onset: 1st decade type IIB fiber deficiency arg-317-glu; chromosome 7q(myotonia congenita) triggers: cold temperature (patient P3, Fig. 3)

myotonia: hands > limbs > face

POTASSIUM CHANNELOPATHY age at onset: 1st decade tubular aggregates gly-300-val; chromosome 17q(Andersen syndrome) triggers: CHO, exercise (patient P4, Fig. 4)

no myotoniasevere cardiac arrhythmiastypical facial and skeletal features

POTENTIAL CHANNELOPATHIESMyotonic dystrophy type 1 age at onset: birth-2nd preferential type 1 atrophy (CTG)n > 50 repeats

predominantly distal muscle weakness chromosome 19qmyotonia: grip, percussion, tongueposterior lens iridescent cataractsmultisystem involvement

Myotonic dystrophy type 2 age at onset: 2nd-5th preferential type 2 atrophy 11000>(CCTG)n>75 repeatspredominantly proximal muscle weakness chromosome 3qmyotonia: grip, percussion, tongueposterior lens iridescent cataractsmultisystem involvement

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Figure 8: a) Note hypertrophy of some fibers (EE x 40); b)Normal fiber type mosaicism of the biceps brachii at pH 9.4ATPase (x 10); c) Note absence of type 2b fibers at pH 4.6 (x10); d) Deficiency of type IIb fibers at pH 4.6 ATPase (x 40).

Figure 9. A) DM1 morphology (TG×¥20): note fiber type variabil-ity, nuclear clumps; B) DM1: internal nuclei and nuclear clumps(*) (EE, ×¥ 20); C) Preferential type 1 fiber atrophy in myotonicdystrophy type 1(ATPase 4.3, ×¥ 4); D) Preferential type 2 fiberatrophy in myotonic dystrophy type 2 (ATPase 9.4, ×¥ 10).

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nel involved.This is particularly so when consideringthe time and cost of techniques such as linkageanalysis, southern blot, PCR and mutational analysisespecially for large size genes. In general the possi-bility to perform muscle biopsy rather than previoustests like potassium or glucose and insulin chal-lenges used for the diagnosis of hypo- and hyper-kalemic periodic paralysis is a great advantagebecause of the safety of the muscle biopsy procedurecompared to the risk of secondary cardiac arrhyth-mias induced by variations in serum potassium lev-els. This applies particularly to the Andersen syn-drome in which cardiac arrhythmias are a majorconcern and challenges should be avoided in anycase.

Recognizing that hypokalemic periodic paralysisis more likely due to a sodium rather than a calci-um channel on the basis of clinical and biopsyresults has obvious clinical implications for thegenetician who may direct time and money towardsa more specific genetic analysis. It has also thera-peutic implications because type 2 hypokalemicperiodic paralysis is less likely to respond to aceta-zolamide or dichlorofenamide.

The importance of muscle biopsy studies in thechannelopathies is also clearly demonstrated inpatients with myotonia of unknown cause. This isespecially true for uninformative families in which adominant trait is difficult or impossible to deter-mine. In fact, there may be patients with myotonicdystrophy type 2 or with myotonia congenita inwhom myotonia may be the only clinical manifesta-tion. In these patients the finding of preferentialtype 2 atrophy in the presence of normal distribu-tion and size of type 2B fibers directs towards thediagnosis of myotonic dystrophy type 2 whereas theabsence or deficiency of type 2B fibers is highlysuggestive of myotonia congenita.

The results of our study also emphasize that mus-cle biopsy specimens from patients with myotonicdystrophy types 1 and 2 (Moxley et al, 2002,Mankodi et al, 2002) may be used to set up musclecultures to investigate into the mechanisms involvedin the pathogenesis of these disorders. Using mus-cle cell cultures it has been possible to recognizethat myotonia in these disorders is determined byloss of the muscle-specific chloride channel due tomisregulated alternative splicing (Charlet-B. N etal. 2002). For this reason the myotonic dystrophieshave been recently considered potential channelo-pathies.

Muscle cell cultures may be considered as inter-esting models to study RNA processing and abnor-mal regulation of alternative splicing thus contribut-ing to the understanding of the pathogenesis of DM1and DM2 (Tapscott SJ et al, 2001). Previous stud-ies have demonstrated that muscle cell cultures maybe an in vitro model to study the effects of expand-ed CUG or CCUG RNAs on muscle and therefore toextrapolate these findings to other tissues. Recentlyinvestigators have shown that RNAs produced frommutant DM1 or DM2 alleles are retained in thenucleus in one or more discrete foci (Taneja KL, etal, 1995; Liquori CL et al, 2001). The expandedCUG and CCUG repeats retained in the nuclei andpossibly additional components of the mutantDMPK and ZNF9 mRNAs inhibit myoblast differen-tiation and this may be investigated in vitro usingthis model (Khajavi M et al. 2001; Amack JD et al,1999; Amack JD et al, 2001, Fardaei M et al,2002). In addition to these observations are otherprevious studies showing that in vitro differentiationof congenital DM1 myoblasts is markedly impairedand that these cells undergo premature senescence(Furling D et al, 2001).

In conclusion, although the diagnosis of the chan-nelopathies is ultimately a genetic one, muscle biop-sy is an essential tool to direct the genetic approachtowards the specific potential channel involved inthe disease process. In addition, muscle cell culturesobtained from the biopsies of patients with myoton-ic dystrophy types 1 and 2 are very interesting mod-els to study the possible toxic gain-of-function bythe mutant RNA in the nuclear foci. Some manifes-tations of DM1 and DM2 like myotonia, cardiacarrhythmias, insulin resistance and cataracts likeother aspects of the multisystem involvement ofthese disorders may result from transinterferencewith RNA processing. Understanding the exactmechanisms to overcome the toxicity of mutantRNA has obvious clinical and therapeutic implica-tions.

The hereditary skeletal muscle channelopathiesdescribed here represent a small part of the rapid-ly expanding group of neurological channelo-pathies. The skeletal muscle channelopathies haveserved as paradigms for the understanding of otherion channel disorders, partly because of the avail-ability of the tissues, which is not the case for thecentral nervous system channelopathies (Ptacek LJ1997). Identifying the genetic locus of these dis-eases is important in the short-term for genetic


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counselling, but in the long-term is should lead totherapies, tailored to the particular dysfunctionalchannel.

This is an area yet to be explored and functionalexpression studies by cellular electrophysiologycould result in improved mechanisms that underlieneurological channelopathies.


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