music article final


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Post on 21-Jan-2018




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‘’We have opened our world’’

Thunderstruck: Hello, for readers who haven’t heard of the band this introduction will say who theyare and

what each of members do in the band also some background on each artist, there is Rob who is the singer of

the Kamikazee Millionaires, and then there is Ian who is the bass guitarist, also Kevin Price the first guitarist,

Paul the second guitarist and lastly the drummer Glyn Price. This month’s interview has taken place in Ian

house where the band was just about to start their practising for their gig coming up on the weekend and

they are here to talk about their lives and how music has changed it.

Thunderstruck: How long has the band been together?

Rob: Well, Kevin is the best to ask because he is the only original member, but I think about twenty years,


Ian: As far back as I can remember eight years or it could about twelve years.

Glyn: Then it should be more than that because you’re a lot older than that, fifty five right? [laughs].

Ian: No, I’m twenty one actually [laughs].

Kev: To be honest the band has only been together for ten years, well, this band because it wasn’t always

called Kamikazee Millionaires we’ve had lots of different names.

Thunderstruck: Was it hard to get gigs when the band first started?

Paul: To be honest, I only just joined so in my experience it was easy to find gigs, mostly because it isn’t me

looking for them [laughs].

Rob: It was very hard, we would be lucky to get over 2 gigs a year.Then I took charge of the gigs, now we have

lots more, almost every weekend [laughs]. I just went around the town and just starting asking all the different

pubs saying if they wanted any new bands to play. So if there is any new bands starting out there and can’t get

gigs I would say just keep looking around ask everywhere anyplace is a good place when you start your music


Glyn: I would say it was simple to get the gigs, but we didn’t know many places, so yeah we didn’t have that

many gigs but getting those weren’t hard. Rob has really improved this band’s amount of gigs. This means

more money. [laughs]

Thunderstruck: How has music changed you as an individual?

Rob: Music for me and I would say for the rest of the band has completely changed my life because I wouldn’t

of found my wife. As you can see we practise every week in here so we had to make time for the band.

Kev: Saying that, we also get paid so it isn’t like we only do this as a hobby which we do, we also do gigs to gain

an income and I would say that music has changed our lives for the better.

Thunderstruck: What type of music do you play when you are at gigs?

Kev: We play a lot of ACDC because they’re the best. We play a bit of Black Stone Cherry, also.

Rob: We also do a bit of Queen but not every often. Bon Jovi mixes it up a bit lots of people like Bon Jovi, so

why not.

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Ian: Name a rock band and we have probably played at least one of their songs in our time. We play rock songs

but we have a huge range of them in that type of music genre.

Glyn: JLS, no I’m just joking [laughs] but we do play a massive range of songs.

Thunderstruck:What is your Favourite song to play as a band, your individual opinions?

Rob: Umm…… For me it can only be Shinedown. Mostly because I love the lyrics of the song and I find it the

easiest to sing out of the other songs in our collection.

Ian: It has to be Wrathchild, it is 100% the best to play in my perspective as a bass player.

Kev: School’s Out is my favourite don’t care what the rest of you say mostly because the guitar solo is really


Glyn: No, no, the one and only song is Iris without a doubt. It has sick drum solos. Well It’s just so good to play.

Paul: ‘’Sandman’’ would be the one I would choose. Just because it’s my favourite song it’s always in my head.

Thunderstruck: What gigs do you have coming up in the near future?

Rob: Well we have a gig this weekend,the 15th

of February and now as I said we have gigs weekly, nearly

anyway but this one isn’t anything big just a normal town pub one.

Glyn: I wouldn’t say they’re small because so many people come and see us that the place is packed, most

nights. The people always have a good time when we are there.

Rob: We are going back to that this year as well so we do have a festivals coming up, that we will be playing

at. Then the readers can come out a see us live.

Kev: They aren’t always big festivals that we sometimes play atthey are only biker festivals, like the one a

couple of months ago in the summer, August I think it was?

Ian: Yeah, it was about that time, June, August time because I checked last night so I could stick it in my

memory and my calendar. [laughs]

Thunderstruck: I know this is very cliché but where would you see the band in five years’ time.

Rob: Well, hopefully, headlining the festivals like the one that we are doing this summer and being the main

act in festivals.

Ian: They are biker festivals, but you can get lots of people going to these festivals, so they ain’tno small thing.

Kev: Yeah, just headlining festivals and being the best band ever [laughs].Also to gain a lot more fans and

become a bigger and better band.

Glyn: Getting a new place to practice instead of Ian’s crappy house [laughs].

Rob, Kev, Paul:[laughs]

Ian: I have had this house for twelve years, yeah it’s a bit odd but it’s better than your houses for band

practises. So Shut up!

Thunderstruck: Where can the readers find out more about the band?

Rob: We have a website you can find lots of information about us.

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Kev: There are hundreds of pictures on the website of us playing in gigs and festivals.

Ian: We have more information about where the festivals we would be playing in and the other artist in the

festival and other festivals that we are headlining or even just playing as a normal band.

Rob: The website also has links to the other bands websites, if you go on our website and click on festivals

then just under the pictures, you can see the web addresses of the different band.

Thunderstruck: OK, well thanks for letting me come and interview you guys it’s been great, thank you.

Rob: It was great and we don’t mind doing things like this for the fans. We feel that like our fans are like our

friends because we are close to our fans and they come to most of our gigs.

Glyn: If we have any fans because some venues are completely bare. Maybe we don’t have any[laughs]. We

have opened our world for you all to see, what have, we done. [laughs]

Kev: It was fine, thanks you for coming because thereaders now can see more insight to what we do when we

aren’t gigging.

Paul: To be honest most of my friends are the fans, so they already know what my life is like after the gigs

because I meet our fans down the pub the next day. But it is also good to have friends as fans because then

they are more likely to tell the truth like if one of the songs you played sounded terrible or just didn’t sound

right compared to the original.

Kev: But we aren’t trying to do it the same as the original we want to put our own spin on the song, but we

don’t want it sounding too different to the original, or people won’t recognise it and won’t join in.

Forged by Luke Gumery

We will have more exclusives about the Kamikaze Millionaires in next month’sissue, also we will be

reviewing their next gig.