music magazine double page spread research

Double Page Spread Research A Level Media By Paida Mapfeka 12O

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Post on 29-Jul-2015




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Double Page

Spread ResearchA Level Media

By Paida Mapfeka 12O

Drop capitals, which are usually at the start of an article, but with is article there are 2 at the start of new paragraphs.

There doesn’t see, to be a title to this articles just the name of the artist at the top, which is Lady Gaga. Lady is fancy lower case and the gaga is bog bold capitals. I think the name to this artist is very important as it represents her to different personalities. The lady shows a sophisticated smart and respectable woman but the gaga show her wild fun side.

The main image of lady gaga is very sexual; all she is wearing is a necklace or chain of some sort and covering her boobs with her hands. This may have been doing this to attract male attention.

The very large red L, which is right behind the main body text in the article, takes up the entire page, this links to the name of the artist. This acts your attention first because it is big red and the rest of the article is basically in black and white.

The main colour scheme for this double so red is 3 simple colours, clack whit and red

The picture of lady gaga takes up its on page and we can clearly it has edited by Photoshop. The main piece of editing we can see id the fact it has been turned into grayscale, which makes it look old band classy but at the same time fresh new and modern.

The layout is very plain and it uses up nearly the entire blank and whites spaces on the page and then leaves the other page to one image of the star.

The font and type size are very small most likely to put in as much information this gives this article that lady like sophisticated edge, There are only some words is some different font.

The positioning of the columns is tight and compact and it’s fitting a lot of small text in to a small area. As well there is long paragraphs that contain many spaces many readers may find this boring and get uninterested easily.

Double Page Analysis 2

The caption that supports the headline of the page, it tells the reader what the article below is all about and gives an overview. It is in a yellow color and the headline in black again sticking to the theme. The font is quite professional and formal making it easier to read.

Here is the main body of the article, the text is black text again the font is quite a simplistic font therefore easy to read. The first letter of the article. And the first line is in yellow to highlights the importance of the line.

This is the name of the the article and photographers name.

The main image of the double page spread is of the artist the article is based on the image. The image is a head shot that covers the whole of one of the two pages. The artist has a nonchalant loom upon his face and smoking blowing out of his mouth, this represents his ‘swag’. The smoke relates to the headline on the next page which states ‘how high?’ This creates a double meaning of the phrase as they are referring to how high he can achieve . The title ‘WK’ is also the initials of the artist name Wiz Khalifa, the font is very interesting as they have merged the 2 letters to create a kind of logo for the artist and with letters can be distinguished as one is in gold and the other is in black and this also goes with the color scheme of the magazine. The title is very high at the top of the article and could represent how high the artist id going or the fact he is at the top of the game at the moment.

The main main fashion that we see in the main image is of the artists hat which is mainly black and yellow this matches the title of the article which is ‘WK’, they have done this color scheme throughout the two pages as the artists had a really famous song called black and yellow and therefore the used this to for further recognition.

The kicker “how high” gets the audiences attention as it could mean how much do you want to know about him. It could be trying to be personal to the audience as it could be trying get them to read and feel like they are talking to him personally.

The lay out of the article is very simple as there is a large picture on one side and a small article on the other page along side the kicker strapline and introduction.

The colors used in the article are relative to the artist that is about. As the colors used are black yellow and go with the color scheme and relates the wiz khalifa’s song black and yellow.

‘Puff Puff’ is a play on words(PUN) these onomatopoeic words not only link to the article. But they also add texture the to title by playing on the readers imagination of the sound of smoke actually being blown and puffed from wiz khalifa’s lips.

Drop cap is used for the article and takes up three lines.

There is a byline on the bottom right hand side of the magazine which gives credit to the photographer, stylist and author. Double Page Analysis


Headline is shown above the article in bold, black text so it stands out

The article is written I'm columns on the right page; it is black text on the grey background which is easy to read. There is introduction informing readers what article is about.

Long shot of artist takes up the whole left page and is the background for the spread

Double Page Analysis 3

The front is casual but would be classed as feminine font as is looped, and female writing is typically known to be loopy in style .

The image takes up half the double page spread and covers the USA writing in the background. This suggest it is the main focus of the article. The main image is probably the largest thing in the page so that it can interest the audience to start reading .

The mise-en-scene is simple, not many props have been used. The artist is sitting on a box which has been covered in a red sheet which could be the American flag along with this the letters ‘USA’ are in the background which give it an American feel.

The overall color scheme of the spread is white, black, grey and red. The colors put together give the double page spread a classy and contemporary look and feel. They also go well together which makes the page look sophisticated and easy on the eye.

There is one image on this double page spread which is the center of attention. The image has been positioned on the left side of the spread, also taking up the right side of the double page spread. This makes it clear who and what the article is about because there is no other person make it clear that this is about Florence Welch.They use the drop cap of the ‘D’ attracts the audiences attention

They have used the bit of text at the start to introduce the artist so if you didn't’t know who she was then this would explain everything about her.

They have set the writing out in a 3 column layout so the writing isn't too much so the audience is kept interested and does not get bored.

The masthead is ‘USA got the love’ because her hit single was called’ you got the love’ and the article is about her trying to make it in the USA. They have used sans serif, black font to fit with the color scheme.




From my research I have learnt that I need

to have one main image to attract the reader then and that I

should keep the color

scheme very plain and
