music sub genre research

Music sub-genre research Leah Douglas

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Post on 29-Jun-2015




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Page 1: Music sub genre research

Music sub-genre research

Leah Douglas

Page 2: Music sub genre research

Indie RockThis is an ‘indie rock’ magazine with artic monkeys featuring on the front cover. This magazine cover demonstrates sophistication as there is a simple black and white colour scheme- this however makes the advertisement stand out from the page as these are in brighter/bolder colours. This is an insight on what my magazines cover could look like so helps my research. The magazines masthead is basic as it has a curved text instead of a bolder – more square one. Arctic Monkeys are Indie Rock icons so is appropriate to the magazines brand name and draw in their target audience as they represent its genre.

This ‘MOJO’ magazines contents page also follows the black and white colour scheme which shows how basic yet effective this can be. The colour scheme also involves red which stands out from the other colours used. The bold title saying mojo stands out on the page and clearly indicates what magazine it is. There is only one image which takes up half of the page so shows that it is the main focus which draws in the attention of the audience. This contents follows a different layout which tells me that if I was to choose the sub-genre ‘indie-rock’ that I do not have to follow a certain way to lay out my contents page.

Mojos double page spread uses columns to structure the page. There is a larger image taking up a quarter of the page which draws in the readers attention, there are also smaller images on the page with small writing underneath so the reader can see what the pictures are about-

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