music video analysis (waiting all night)

Guy Pollard

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Post on 21-Jan-2017



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Page 1: Music video analysis (waiting all night)

Guy Pollard

Page 2: Music video analysis (waiting all night)

In this first scene there is no music playing. Some artists chose to do this to set up the narrative before the music comes it. Because there is no music this adds a lot of suspense to the scene and it gets the audience watching closely. This can be effective because it helps the audience connect with the storyline better. In this scene we have a group of BMX bikers who are enjoying the ride around town on their bikes and seemingly living life to the full. It is a montage with continuity as they skip from location to location. Everything seems fine until the main character gets hits by a truck.


The director choses to use GoPros which gives the audience a good visualisation of the sport they are doing. It gives creative shots with its wide angle lens so that the audience can fully immerse themselves into the action. In these shots the characters are in natural lighting which is quite bright. This gives the impression to the audience that the character are happy; furthermore the natural lighting helps the audience believe the narrative which can make the video all the more powerful.

Page 3: Music video analysis (waiting all night)

TraumaThe music finally starts with this heartfelt scene. The Biker is now in hospital and he has just lost his leg. In this scene there is a lot of close ups which shows the immense emotional and physical pain our character is in. The camera style is shot by an amateur hand, so that it looks like it is his friends filming him. This has the effect of bringing this story into reality, which can make the message all the more powerful.

Despite the hand camera shots there is a lot of jump cuts and fast pace editing to gives the audience a sense of the drama and panic the character is going through. This has contrasting effect with the music genre as it is a dance/electric. Our character is surrounded by his friends who are there to motivate him. So as well as providing an interesting narrative this video is able to provide helpful life tips to help people get through the hard parts in life.

Page 4: Music video analysis (waiting all night)

Party!!This scene is more fitting to the genre of the music as our character is a house party. This is what you would expect to see from a music video of this genre, however this song goes against convention and tells a powerful story which you would expect to see with other genres such as soul or R&B. This music video decides to take the role of televised bard which is a theory from Sven Carlsson. They are using a strong narrative to tell a story rather than idolising the artist.

This scene gives the audience an insight into the life of the main character. We can see that from the party vibe and the sporting life that he has a very active social group. This music video will attract people to like to live life on the full like the main character. This is why his so hard for him as it is preventing him from living his life how he wants to. We can also see here that BMX biking is still the focus here. We can see that the main character is still chasing his dream despite his injuries.

Page 5: Music video analysis (waiting all night)

RehabilitationWhen we see the main character in this shot we see reflection going on and on in a state of paradox. This shot can resemble how our character is feeling as he is stuck in a paradox because of his injuries and it is almost impossible to get out of it. Despite this immense pressure and pain our character is able to pursue his dream. There is a lot of pauses in the editing to show the audience the characters emotions. I believe that it would have more effect if you had a pan or a time laps to add more effect around the character although it would be stepping away from their style.

In this shot our character is shot from the other side of the walking rail. They shoot from the other side to show the audience how far our character has to come. This makes the simple task of walking seem a lot harder and it shows the daunting battle our character has to fight in everyday life. The camera and editing makes sure that the audience can see the struggle the character is going through with lots of close ups and shaky actions to resemble the struggle and the nerves.

Page 6: Music video analysis (waiting all night)

DeterminationIn this scene we see our character looking over his passion. The camera shot from behind gives the audience a good reflective view to help them understand what the character is going through. We can see him desperately trying to get back to the place he used to be. This wide shot shows the extent of what he is missing out on as he is looking into a society which he feels he cannot be part of anymore.

Throughout the music video there has been little contract with the song and the narrative. However at this point our character is struggling with his disability and is desperately trying to claw his way back into his sport. This is a scene has a powerful effect on the audience as the music is building as well as the character is building himself so that he can continue enjoying what he loves most.

Page 7: Music video analysis (waiting all night)


The director of the music video has created a very symbolic scene when his chose to use this shot. There is a shot of the birds flying away which is almost what it is like for our character. Now that our character has achieved his goal he is able to fly away like the birds in the shot. This is where we see his true personality with the use of mis-en-sence in his clothing we can see that he is an active person who can never be held down. Furthermore we can conclude that he is quite immature which was confirmed by his accident.

In this scene we see our character looking over his passion. The camera shot from behind gives the audience a good reflective view to help them understand what the character is going through. We can see him desperately trying to get back to the place he used to be. This wide shot shows the extent of what he is missing out on as he is looking into a society which he feels he cannot be part of anymore.