music video analysis work sheet two door cinema club

Music Video Analysis Two Door Cinema Club Undercover Martyn Target Audience & Needs The target audience for this song is teenagers and you adults, which like indie music or something like that. This type would be played in clothes shops and cafés. Lyrics (Meaning Implied?) The lyric meaning of this song is: And she spoke words that would melt in your hands and she spoke words of wisdom” “You hid there last time, you know we're gonna find you” The meaning of this is that he’s sing about a girl that he liked that spoke words of wisdom, and then he sings about her hiding from him but she hide there last time so he’ll be able to find her. Tempo The tempo of this song is a fast song, in the beginning its fast but slows down when they start to sing but in some parts the song is still fast when they are singing, it stays fast till the end it doesn’t slow down anywhere in the song.

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Post on 04-Aug-2015




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Page 1: Music video analysis work sheet two door cinema club

Isis GarstangMusic Video AnalysisTwo Door Cinema Club Undercover Martyn

Target Audience & Needs

The target audience for this song is teenagers and you adults, which like indie music or something like that. This type would be played in clothes shops and cafés.

Lyrics (Meaning Implied?)

The lyric meaning of this song is:“And she spoke words that would melt in your hands and she spoke words of wisdom”“You hid there last time, you know we're gonna find you”The meaning of this is that he’s sing about a girl that he liked that spoke words of wisdom, and then he sings about her hiding from him but she hide there last time so he’ll be able to find her.

TempoThe tempo of this song is a fast song, in the beginning its fast but slows down when they start to sing but in some parts the song is still fast when they are singing, it stays fast till the end it doesn’t slow down anywhere in the song.

Genre The genre of the song is indie rock, the song is very fast and it tells a little story while he is singing and with the video there are little things happening in the video so it doesn’t get boring with the black screen all the time.