music video evaluation 4

MUSIC VIDEO EVALUATION 4.How did you use new media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

Upload: kay95carter

Post on 30-Jun-2015




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MUSIC VIDEO EVALUATION  4.How did you use new media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

Page 2: Music video evaluation 4

Research And Planning

Construction Evaluation

Blogger: This site allowed me to create my own blog that allowed me to upload all stages of my work in a way that was both visually appealing but at the same time effective as it set up as time line of how my work was developing over time.

Digital Camera: when using a digital camera during our photo shoots with our performer we opted to manually focus the camera allowing us to gain confidence with it and eventually go on to take picture of a high quality.

YouTube: as the video we produced has been placed upon YouTube it was evident that using social networking sites to gain audience feedback would be effective.

SlideShare: This was key as one of the presentation devices I used was places work into presentations this site allowed my presentations to be converted into a web design that then allowed me to embed my work into a blog.

Video Camera: I had experience with using a video camera previously due to creating the Vox Pops video however when constructing the music video i used other devices that went along with it for the first time such as portable lighting this was effective as when looking over footage it was clear when the lighting was and wasn't used.

Adobe Premiere: Part of research and planning was making a video that portrayed our audience Vox Pops as a group we used premier to carry out this task. At this point our skills were minimal using basics tolls such as the ‘razor’ tool to cut our video and then simply put the clips in the correct order.

Adobe Premiere: after gaining some understanding of the programme worked I was able to operate the programme a lot better. This enabled me to use audio and video transitions as well as video effects. Apart from that I also became confident with importing both video and audio files whilst learning how to control the effects I had put on the video enhancing them or making them more subtle.

Adobe Photoshop: to create the ancillary task we used photo shop I believe during this stage I gained technical experience as I began to manipulate images creating duplicates and showing changes to the images and I also became more confident with experimenting with text placing strokes on them and creating effective texture and colour combinations.