mutual life ins....promptly paia ror on presentation in the united states. of the bill, will be...

V 4 V f fl I? ; B f ' II II 11 II t fl B m .1 Ci tl U 111 El 14 vr4 A .. . - . ... J r Ktbllihel July , lace. ' t VOL. XVIII. NO. 3-10- HONOLULU, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, SATURDAY, AUGUST 11). 1893. PKICE 5 CENTS. fimdi CDrtrttctiiuuit. t to rJ 0 m 1 1 i s c 1 1 u u in Pacific Commercial Advertiser Mineral CUtomi&anxut. OCEANIC STEAMSHIP CO 13 UBU4HJtl iver.K Murutuj Except Sundays, Utisiiirsj vtais. HAWAIIAN Abstract ami Tillc Co. HONULL'Ll . .. I UY TUB () c cd : o La o HAWAIIAN UAZLTTE COMPANY, r V v J. M. DAVIDSON, Attoroej and Counaellor-at-L&- w. Offlce oii Mtrchdul dtreet, LEVVERS COOKE, ;auccrtari it Levari k Dlckioa) l(uurter huiI liealeru lu Lumber AuJ U Kloi of Uallaing lUterUU. No.rtJ tour SfUtLT, Uoeolalu. At Mo. 48 !HrcUu Ilk. Australian Mi Service, NEW GOODS ! 8UHdCltUTION UATKBl HI Daily Pacific Coalmekci.ii. ADVKHTiaaa Received by lute Steamers. COTTON CRAPE! Of New 1 'at terns; also, GENT'S READY-MAD- E hir Sm.ii KY;iiir.isr.O! Pr yed, with '(iuulo premnm- - 8 W Vit 'I i A Muiit r Auttitor O so O "3 O .52 W. II. CubUe J. y. Brown, W. K. Ftar Per month E0 I The New anJ Fiuo Al Steel Steamship i'kat ttiAi.l Vnr!irr . 12 00 Crape Shirts and Suits! Per year, pobtpAid toUnUeUbtatea I xvxjxxu.xiiJ--c- . E Hardware, Builders and General, always up to the times iu quality, styles and prlcoM. Plantation Supplies, a full asdortiuent to uit the various ileiaaml . Steel Plows, made expressly for Island work with extra part". Cultivator's Cane Knives. Agricultural Implements, Hoes, Shovels, Forks, Mattock, etc., etc Carpenters', Blacksmiths' and Machinists' Tools Screw Plates. Taps and Dies, Twist Drills, Paints and Oils, Brushes, Glass, Asbestos Hair Felt and Felt Mixture. Blake's Steam Pumps, Veston's Centrifugals. SEW1HG MACHINES, Wilcox & Gibbs, and Remington. Lubricating Oils ln irpa General Merchandise, "ufinw there Is anything you want, come and ask for it, you will be Of First-clas- s style. Silk Handkerchiefs and Necktiex. of America, Ca.aaJa, or Mexico. 10 00 I OJ tjie Oceanic Steamship Company will I ho iliirt nt llonolulii. from Svdnev and W. II. STONE, A COO IJ NT A NT. gjggri. O. Box No. 17. 3230-lm-tf R. W. M CHK8NKT, J. M. A 9. W. M'CHESNBY. 12 i Clay St., S. l. 40 Queen tit, llono. M. W. McOUESNEY & SONS, liumLioiiie aaea of Japanese Art, etc. w&kiXLY us wasij iuwuus uAaxx-- c i Auckland, on or about EXTRA CHOICE rer year, hiiu "uaaat" preuiiuui., w w i i IT "I TTfim L i a 1 Per year, pofitpaid Foreign ttOO AUuUol 11 lit Pan Fired Japan Tea This Coiupauy ) prrparcd to fcnarcli records mid IuiuikIi cf titltf to all rtal properly in the Kudum. 1'artien plncuiK loans uu, or conU'rupiM inx the purcliaee cf real tlnti will IwnJ II to their advuiiUtye to ron-rii- t lli' ( . .juy ' in regard to title. - - HTAli orders nttf itdi d iu with f.rompt- - FOR FAMILY USE. ti iQrlblr la AdtkuM. I And will leave for the above port with hi H O Mails and Paaaenera on or about that Sold at very reasonable irices for tho SXr AH traudxent Adverusemeuta I date. Wholesale Grocers, Commission Mer- chants and Importers. 40 Queen bt., Honolulu. traue as well as retail. ITOHAN. uiift be prepaid. o O a as a o CL s I- - u.ii.i.l T. '....I ..... iuw. if. .'i r..... i For Sydney A Auckland juiiiui Ltir ui .jaiiiiurttf' u s 102. r.v.mjx sx. The New and Fiue Al Steel Steamship 206 Fort St., near Custom House. II. M. Wuitmjsy, Manager. Aktul r Jousstonk, Editor. SfgClAL NOTICE. C. BREWER k CO., WD P. IS I. WAKEFIELD, Attorney and Counsellor at Iaw Temjkoiary Otlice with C. W. Afahford, Yauiatoya, Yokohama, Japan, Cotton Crape Manufacturer and Shirt Maker. Sole annt, 1TOUAN, 20i Fort Street, QUKK.N HlKKKT, IloNOLl'Ll H. 1. AGJCNTh icon Of the Oceanic Steamship Ooinpany will 4itrAil and sub- - I be duo at Honolulu, from San Francisco, Hawaiian Agricultural Co. soriptiori must Xxd prepaid. . I on or about iiouolulu. 3395-t- f CHAS. T. GULIOK, iar-Varn- er are uot Riloweu to sell politely treated. No trouble to show oods. 3278-tf-- d HCL'tf-- w AUGUST 24th, Merchant Street, Honolulu. 339 My HONOLULU IU0N WORKS CO., Stoani .Engines paters, uor to receive paynieuta Irom sutwcritxji-- j. Onomua Huur Co. Ilnnoum Huar Vj. Wailuku bujjar Co. Wailie hujrar Cu. Make huj.'sr Co. lialeakaia Hjiik h Co. Ktuuiala Ranch. I . .... . .a . ty-6iug- !e copies of the Dailt Aovii- - I And will have prompt despatcii wun NOTARY PUBLIC For the Island of Oahu. TisKu or Wkkli uazitii can al-- 1 jUaila ana rastiengers ioriue aooveporis. way) be purcliaded from tne ews Hilrt. NiiKr MIIIn, Coo I e rat, Url Planters Line ban lTani-iMc- j Packets. Lfealerj or at tne omce oi puonca- - Agent to take Acknowledgments to Lb bo Contracts. Chas. Rrewer Co.'s iJne uf JJoHton H. E. McINTYRE & BRO., tion, 5 Merchant street. The undersigned are now prepared Packets. i And machinery of every description made Agent to O rant Marriage Licenses, Hono to issue J3P-11AT- ES Daily Adtbrtissb, 50cts. AKentB RoRton lioard of L'ndrrw ritTn. lulu, Oahu. Agent for the Hawaiian Islands of Pitt & to order. Particular attention paid to ships' blacksmithinig. Job work excuted per montn, or so.w a year. THROUGH TICKETS TO ALL POINTS Agents l'hiladelphia lioard of Urnlft wri- - AS i ix aavauce. uazkttk, IMPOETEK8 AKD VKALKHH if tera. on the shortest uotic. bcoTT's freight and Parcels Express. Agent for tue Burlington Iioute. a year in aiivauce. jrapers not IN THE UNITED STATES. promptly paia ror on presentation List op Ofickus: of the bill, will be stopped without Real Estate Broker & General Agent, LKWIS & CO., IT erj tor turttier particulars renaming Groceries, Provisions and Peed BeU Tel. 348; Mut. Tel. 139; P.O. Box 415. GeoJ. jj lioieri'Bon . . Tn!MU,r CrST"sabscrtption lor tne uailt adtis- - i Freight or Passage apply to OFFICE: No. 38 MERCHANT bt., E. F. Iiishop tisbk and Wmut Uazktti may be naiit at the publication oCice, 46 iter- - Wholesale and Retail Grocers, C3ol. W. F. Allen Secretary Auditor Directors. 1 . tenant street, or to the collector. Chan M. Cooke nowonri.TT. Oahu. H.I. ATLAS K. Swai, who is authorized to EAST CORNEK FORT AND KING STREETS. Win. (t. Irwin & To., Ltd., GENERAL AGENTS. OCEANIC 11. VTaterhouao Kbo,. B. C. Allen Rpq. tipt for Ihe same. MTKEKT. Hi KOriT ?y Vriy alf'riber who pays to the an New Goods received by every packet from the Eastern btates and Eurorie Assurance UomDailV Boston liimch Farlorn 1-.- . - . 8 iermu;.l for either paper one year, fric:lv in advance, will receive one ,; v ''. the " Tocrists LtCIDS " aa Fresh California Produce by every steamer. All orders faithfully attended to, and BEAVEK SALOON, STEAMSHIP CO irOIlT STllKKT- - POUNDED leOB. uooub delivered to auy part of tne city free of charpe . Island orderB solicited Satisfaction guaranteed. Post Office Box No. 145. Telephone No. 92. prcta-mi- . iririMrrl, 0)hxII Wilder Co. MRS. NICIIOLL - Proprietress. H. I. NOLTB, PBOFBIKTOB. Poilara rewar-- win be paid for ,:i:.riu.tiiou that will lead to the of any one stealing the yirat-cla- at Lnncbes Served with Tea, Coffee Time Table. Capital. t5 6,000,000 Assets, $ 9,000,000 lUilror Weetly lett at tne omce or Homc-mad- i; 1 unclieB ! AT ALL HOCKS OJ UJj; DAY. ;dcnceof subscribers. Soda Water, Ginger Ale or Mil. Open From 8 a. m. till XO p. en. gyamotera'Beqnlilteee Specialty. 1843; 1893. LOCAL LINE. SEMI-CENTENNIA- L, Having been appointed Agents of tho SflT'Open Sundays from 0:30 to 10 a. lSm l.oiitby advertisements should be li i.ided ia during the dy, to insure P'lotication the next mornm. Short ehove Compaoay we are now ready to m. Roston-bake- d Reans and Brown S. S. AUSTRALIA effect Insurances at the lowest rateB of Bread. JOHN T. WATERHOUSE, Importer and Dealer to 5 Per Cent. Debenture Policy vf.coi receive! up to iu p. si. HAWAIIAN GAZETTE CO., premium. Leave your orders on or Wfore Friday, at 4 v. m. each week, for Reans and H. W. SCHMIDT A SONS. II. 11. Vhitsy. Manager. GENERAL MERCHANDISE. Brown Bread, to iriFure a promnt -- ISSUED BY Arrive Honolulu Leave Honolulu from S. F. forS.F. July 12 July 19 Aug. 9 Aug. 16 Sept. 6 Sept. 13 Oct. 4 Oct. 11 Nov. 1 Nov. 3 delivery. 3423 DB. B. I. MOOBE So. 25--31 Qneen 8treet, Uonolnln. WORLD OF LABOR. Tlae Mutual Life Ins. Co. FOR SALE. WM. WAGENEE DE ISTTTS T, THROUGH LINE. Sews and Happenings of Special OF NEW YORK. Richard A. McCurdy, - . - - - President. From San Fran. From Sydney for Contractor and Builder. San Francisco. for Sydney. "YTK OFFKll K)l: HA LI: AT T1IK T following prices : All kinds of Jobbing promptly attend- - I A (aenfa 1 tn Will mfc a anai iitv of flffirA I StlS Leave Honolulu. Arrive Honolulu. $175,OS4,156.61. ALAMEDA Jun 20 V wir ,? t ? . and Store FittnK; second floor Honolulu Office: Arlington House, Hotel St, Pulor 2. Poha Jam in 2 lb. cans at f4.f0 ier Joz. Information regarding this form of policy, or any particulars concerning the various other forms of policies Issued bv The Mutual Life Insurance finmrnnv mav MARIPOSA Jul 27 r wr'r Pianing Mill, Fort Street. )?JhDA. A."2 z fJ& M utual Telephone 825 U19-3- be obtained of MONOVAIAu24 ALAMEDA Sep 21 Poha.lam in 1 lb. cans at 2.f0 per doz. Toha Jellvin 1 lb. cans at 3.H0 per doz. Gnava Jelly in 1 lb. csnn at 2.W jht doz. Gas Administered. MARIPOSA Sep 21 MARIPOSA Oct 10 S. 13. ROSE, General Agent, Hawaiian Islands. MONOWAI Oct 19 ALAMEDA Nov 16 H. HACKFELD C0-- , MONOWAlNovlG China Orantr and Papnia Jam, (this Interest in the Various FieldA. rnam has one railroal. Glass curtains are in use. A ventilated boot is new. China has 14 daily papers. London has 45 lady doctors. Glass houses are predicted. There are p:iper false teeth. Idaho boasts a (Q0-kara- t opal. Jerusalem is to have a brewery. Electro-photograph- y is on paper Office IIouks : 9 to 12 and 1 to 4. 3271-I- m 3314-3-m is a very Fapfrior articho, in 2 lb. cans General Commission Agents at ?4.50 per dozen. NEW GOODS. DRS. ANDERSON t LUNDY, Oor. Fort tt Queen Sti., Honolaln . gOCr1 Teiims Cash. KONA CANNING CO., Kealakekna, Kona, 3140-3-m Hawaii, H. I. Royal Insnrance Co., WILLIAM C. Just arrived ex Pal mas a fine assort PARKE, AT - LAW DEISTTISTS, ment of ATTORNEY Matting, Camphor Trunks, Australia has a 1230-mil- e fence. OF LIVERPOOL. "THE LARGEST IN THE WORLD." AKD Agont to take Acknowledgment. There are "200 kinds of perfume Queen Victoria ha3 125 servants Rattan Chairs and Tables, Silk Shawls and Handkerchiefs, White Chinese Linen, White and Colored Silk in Rolls. Fine Teas, Fine Manila Cigars, Orric No. 13 Kaahuraanu Street, Hono- - ff isoaW Chicago is the greatest grain port. Germany makes aluminium cra Hotel St., opp.Dr.J.S.McGrcw' Assets January 1st, 1892, - $ 42,432,174.00 lulu, tl. 1. PIANO TUNING! W. H. BENSON. Chinese and Japanese Provisions I CO-O- AS ADMINISTERED. And a general assortment of Groceries, which we will sell at the very lowest once. vats. Italy leads Europe in wine out- put. Germany has 3,000,000 farm hands. Leave orders with T. E. K rouse at M. E. Grossman, D.D.S. tTFirc . ks on all kinds of insurable property taken at Current ratoa 3040- - lmtf jCGTFresh Goods by every steamer I Arlington Hotel. Hotel St by from California and China. PioTieoi' Ston.m CANDY FACTORY and BAKERY. F, HORN PrarticHl ConirctfoT Patrv Cook Btid . TTncl? Sam has 11,400.000 dwel WING MOW CIUN, J. S. WALKE R , Ag-cn- t for Hawaiian Islands. lings. W. A. KINNEY, ATTORNEY AT LAW. 3140-l- m Russian railroads cover 13,000 No. G4 Krsa Stbkbt, Near Mannakea. TIihon. No. 71 Hot! Bt. 3124-- q Office : No. 06 Fort Street. fW. O. PALACE ICE CREAM PARLORS Smlth's Law Office). 3360-- tf I3K1STTIST, 98 HOTEL STREET. ttP-Orri- cx Hocbb 9 A. M. TO 4 P. M. HOTEL STREET. JOHN H. THOMPSON, Ics Cream, Shertet?, Sodas, C. B. KIPJjEY, ARCHITECT 1 Orricx SrKKrxKi.p Pi.ock, I'oam 5, Ho?cci.ri.r, H. I. CaTidle3, Cakes, Coffee, ENTEEPBISE PLANING MILL PETER HIGH, - - - Proprietor. OFFICE AND "SI 1 1,1. : On Alakea and Richards near Queen Street, Ilonolulu, n. I. Chocolate, Tea, Etc. NOTARY PUBIilC Mr?. AT WOOD, Proprietress. 3398-t- f Agent to take Acknowledgments to SDN NAM SING, LA 13 OR CONTRACTS. N"o. 109 Nnnnnn Street. Plana, Specification , Ami Snperinlr nl ence given for every iVperiptlon of I'mii!-lnj?- . Old Buildings eTicco'-ruI- !- rejtiO.UhVd and enlarged. Desipns for Interior Deonrnf ion. Maps or Drnwinp, Trsclnp, snd Blueprinting. TDrRwinps for Bo k or Nevrpper Illnntmtion. jVI OULDINGS, Doors, Sash, Blinds, Screens, Frames, Etc. TURNED AN 13 SAWKD WORK. P. O. Box 175, HUSTACK fe CO., Dealers in WOOD AND COAL Also Whito and P.lack Pand which w will sell at the very lowest market rab. 3F"Bell Thlkphonk No. 414. fSggr-McTC- At. TELsnroifK No. 414. 3033-l- y Begs to call the attention of the publl Office at Gnlick's Agency, No. 33 miles. Women horticulturists are in- creasing. United States hay export is in- creasing. The Campania dining room seats 430. South Africa has American loco- motives. Telegraph wires stretch 831,000 mi h s. New York has 300,000 working women. A Brooklyn man sends his laun- dry to London. In nn effort to cope with the rahhit pet in Xew South Wales, 032 mile? of rabbit-proo- f fencing have lately been erected. Tho narrowest gauge railroad now in use is one of 20 inche3 in NV.rth Carolina, built last year for transporting timbers. The city of London drinks every year 45,000,000 gallons of malt liquor, 3,000,000 gallons of wine and 1.500,000 gallons of spirits. their large and well selected Merchant Street, Honoluln. Stock of Japanese Goods 3nitable for thi9 market, which will be .nld t fowpot Prices. Honoiolo, Popt. 20, 1W2. 3l81-3- m SFrompt attention to all orders. T e L k i ii o n h jr 31 UTUAL 65. - HAWAIIAN GAZETTE CO., Law - and - General - Bookbinders IHg O fs arknowleed the leading remeJT for 55 PI-'.L- Pianos For Rent. The only sata reme'ly for JTtsfl T05HAVS.VJ 7ij( ,o. StTlctar. Lfacorrhtra or V b iten. I prescribe it and feel Massasre. 1 'i:i3CfEU""" Ct to a'! suffer. . ; .- .- ' ,0 A. J. STONl.R. Jf. PIANOS IN GOOD ORDEK from $4.00 to 7.fiO per month. MUSIC DEPAP.TMENTOK THE HAWAIIAN NKWP i I 'ECATCH. IU. Vf RS. PRAY WOULD ANNOUNCE iTJL that she will attend a limited num Tlie Daily Advertiser ni) CKNTS PF.h' MONTH ACCOUNT-HOOK- S MAN U1ACTUKK1) to any Patlrrn, incln.linj; the Supply of Paper, Hnlinjr, Printing, Pnjrintr, Porforatinp, Binding, Gilding, l.vtter-in- , etc. MUSIC AND M AOAZIN'KS POUND to any Pattern. TT Vorrmnn &r f.rt r w rn A rfonf a ber of patients. Address at H. M. Send a copy of this week s HA- - Hollister & Co.. Wholepale Ae?nts. hitney's, Kinj? st. ; Eell Telephone 75. 3223-t- f WATTAN GAZETTE With your letter. Benson, Smith Co., Wholesale Asrents.

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Page 1: Mutual Life Ins....promptly paia ror on presentation IN THE UNITED STATES. of the bill, will be stopped without LKWIS & CO., Real Estate Broker & General Agent, List op Ofickus: erj


Vf fl I? ; B

f ' II II 11 II t fl B m .1 Ci tl U 111 El 14vr4A ..

. - . ...J rKtbllihel July , lace.'t


fimdi CDrtrttctiiuuit. t to rJ 0 m 1 1 i s c 1 1 u u inPacific Commercial Advertiser Mineral CUtomi&anxut.



iver.K Murutuj Except Sundays,

Utisiiirsj vtais.


Abstract ami Tillc Co.

HONULL'Ll . .. I





V v


Attoroej and Counaellor-at-L&- w.

Offlce oii Mtrchdul dtreet,


;auccrtari it Levari k Dlckioa)

l(uurter huiI liealeru lu LumberAuJ U Kloi of Uallaing lUterUU.

No.rtJ tour SfUtLT, Uoeolalu.

At Mo. 48 !HrcUu Ilk.

Australian Mi Service, NEW GOODS !8UHdCltUTION UATKBl HIDaily Pacific Coalmekci.ii. ADVKHTiaaa

Received by lute Steamers.

COTTON CRAPE!Of New 1 'at terns; also,


hir Sm.ii KY;iiir.isr.O!Pr yed, with '(iuulo premnm- - 8 W


'I i A Muiit rAuttitor

O soO "3

O .52

W. II. CubUeJ. y. Brown,W. K. FtarPer month E0 I The New anJ Fiuo Al Steel Steamship

i'kat ttiAi.l Vnr!irr . 12 00 Crape Shirts and Suits!Per year, pobtpAid toUnUeUbtatea I xvxjxxu.xiiJ--c-. E

Hardware, Builders and General,always up to the times iu quality, styles and prlcoM.

Plantation Supplies,a full asdortiuent to uit the various ileiaaml .

Steel Plows,made expressly for Island work with extra part".

Cultivator's Cane Knives.

Agricultural Implements,Hoes, Shovels, Forks, Mattock, etc., etc

Carpenters', Blacksmiths'and Machinists' Tools

Screw Plates. Taps and Dies, Twist Drills,Paints and Oils, Brushes, Glass,

Asbestos Hair Felt and Felt Mixture.Blake's Steam Pumps,

Veston's Centrifugals.SEW1HG MACHINES, Wilcox & Gibbs, and Remington.

Lubricating Oils ln irpaGeneral Merchandise, "ufinwthere Is anything you want, come and ask for it, you will be

Of First-clas- s style.Silk Handkerchiefs and Necktiex.of America, Ca.aaJa, or Mexico. 10 00 I OJ tjie Oceanic Steamship Company will

I ho iliirt nt llonolulii. from Svdnev and



gjggri. O. Box No. 17. 3230-lm-tf

R. W. M CHK8NKT, J. M. A 9. W. M'CHESNBY.12 i Clay St., S. l. 40 Queen tit, llono.


liumLioiiie aaea of Japanese Art, etc.w&kiXLY us wasij iuwuus uAaxx-- c i Auckland, on or aboutEXTRA CHOICErer year, hiiu "uaaat" preuiiuui., w w i i IT "I TTfim L i a 1

Per year, pofitpaid Foreign ttOO AUuUol 11 lit Pan Fired Japan Tea

This Coiupauy ) prrparcd to fcnarclirecords mid IuiuikIi cf titltf toall rtal properly in the Kudum.

1'artien plncuiK loans uu, or conU'rupiMinx the purcliaee cf real tlnti will IwnJ IIto their advuiiUtye to ron-rii- t lli' ( . .juy'in regard to title. - -

HTAli orders nttf itdi d iu with f.rompt--

FOR FAMILY USE.ti iQrlblr la AdtkuM. I And will leave for the above port with



Mails and Paaaenera on or about that Sold at very reasonable irices for thoSXr AH traudxent Adverusemeuta I date.

Wholesale Grocers, Commission Mer-

chants and Importers.

40 Queen bt., Honolulu.

traue as well as retail.

ITOHAN.uiift be prepaid.




I- - u.ii.i.l T. '....I ..... iuw. if. .'i r..... iFor Sydney A Auckland juiiiui Ltir ui .jaiiiiurttf' u s 102. r.v.mjx sx.The New and Fiue Al Steel Steamship 206 Fort St., near Custom House.

II. M. Wuitmjsy, Manager.Aktul r Jousstonk, Editor.



Attorney and Counsellor at Iaw

Temjkoiary Otlice with C. W. Afahford,

Yauiatoya, Yokohama, Japan, CottonCrape Manufacturer and Shirt Maker.Sole annt, 1TOUAN, 20i Fort Street,


AGJCNTh iconOf the Oceanic Steamship Ooinpany will4itrAil and sub-- I be duo at Honolulu, from San Francisco, Hawaiian Agricultural Co.soriptiori must Xxd prepaid. . I on or about

iiouolulu.3395-t- f

CHAS. T. GULIOK,iar-Varn- er are uot Riloweu to sell politely treated. No trouble to show oods.3278-tf-- d HCL'tf-- wAUGUST 24th,

Merchant Street, Honolulu.339 My


Stoani .Enginespaters, uor to receive paynieuta Iromsutwcritxji-- j.

Onomua Huur Co.Ilnnoum Huar Vj.

Wailuku bujjar Co.Wailie hujrar Cu.

Make huj.'sr Co.lialeakaia Hjiik h Co.

Ktuuiala Ranch.

I . .... . .a .

ty-6iug- !e copies of the Dailt Aovii- - I And will have prompt despatcii wun NOTARY PUBLICFor the Island of Oahu.TisKu or Wkkli uazitii can al-- 1 jUaila ana rastiengers ioriue aooveporis.

way) be purcliaded from tne ews Hilrt. NiiKr MIIIn, Coo I e rat, Url Planters Line ban lTani-iMc- j Packets.Lfealerj or at tne omce oi puonca- - Agent to take Acknowledgments to Lb boContracts. Chas. Rrewer Co.'s iJne uf JJoHtonH. E. McINTYRE & BRO.,tion, 5 Merchant street. The undersigned are now prepared

Packets.i And machinery of every description made Agent to O rant Marriage Licenses, Honoto issueJ3P-11AT- ES Daily Adtbrtissb, 50cts. AKentB RoRton lioard of L'ndrrw ritTn.lulu, Oahu.

Agent for the Hawaiian Islands of Pitt &to order. Particular attention paid toships' blacksmithinig. Job work excutedper montn, or so.w a year. THROUGH TICKETS TO ALL POINTS Agents l'hiladelphia lioard of Urnlft wri- -AS

i ix aavauce. uazkttk, IMPOETEK8 AKD VKALKHH if tera.on the shortest uotic. bcoTT's freight and Parcels Express.Agent for tue Burlington Iioute.a year in aiivauce. jrapers not

IN THE UNITED STATES.promptly paia ror on presentationList op Ofickus:of the bill, will be stopped without Real Estate Broker & General Agent,LKWIS & CO., ITerj tor turttier particulars renaming Groceries, Provisions and Peed BeU Tel. 348; Mut. Tel. 139; P.O. Box 415. GeoJ. jj lioieri'Bon . . Tn!MU,rCrST"sabscrtption lor tne uailt adtis- - i Freight or Passage apply to OFFICE: No. 38 MERCHANT bt., E. F. Iiishoptisbk and Wmut Uazktti may be

naiit at the publication oCice, 46 iter-- Wholesale and Retail Grocers, C3ol. W. F. AllenSecretary



1 .

tenant street, or to the collector. Chan M. Cookenowonri.TT. Oahu. H.I.

ATLASK. Swai, who is authorized to EAST CORNEK FORT AND KING STREETS.Win. (t. Irwin & To., Ltd.,



11. VTaterhouao Kbo,.B. C. Allen Rpq.tipt for Ihe same. MTKEKT.Hi KOriT

?y Vriy alf'riber who pays to the anNew Goods received by every packet from the Eastern btates and Eurorie Assurance UomDailV Boston liimch Farlorn

1-.-. - .


iermu;.l for either paper one year,fric:lv in advance, will receive one,; v ''. the " Tocrists LtCIDS " aa

Fresh California Produce by every steamer. All orders faithfully attended to, andBEAVEK SALOON,

STEAMSHIP CO irOIlT STllKKT- -POUNDED leOB.uooub delivered to auy part of tne city free of charpe . Island orderB solicitedSatisfaction guaranteed. Post Office Box No. 145. Telephone No. 92.prcta-mi- .

iririMrrl, 0)hxII Wilder Co. MRS. NICIIOLL - Proprietress.H. I. NOLTB, PBOFBIKTOB.Poilara rewar-- win be paid for

,:i:.riu.tiiou that will lead to theof any one stealing the yirat-cla- at Lnncbes Served with Tea, CoffeeTime Table. Capital. t5 6,000,000

Assets, $ 9,000,000lUilror Weetly lett at tne omce or Homc-mad- i; 1 unclieB !

AT ALL HOCKS OJ UJj; DAY.;dcnceof subscribers.Soda Water, Ginger Ale or Mil.

Open From 8 a. m. till XO p. en.gyamotera'Beqnlilteee Specialty.

1843; 1893.LOCAL LINE. SEMI-CENTENNIA- L, Having been appointed Agents of tho SflT'Open Sundays from 0:30 to 10 a.lSm l.oiitby advertisements should beli i.ided ia during the dy, to insureP'lotication the next mornm. Short ehove Compaoay we are now ready to m. Roston-bake- d Reans and BrownS. S. AUSTRALIA effect Insurances at the lowest rateB of Bread.JOHN T. WATERHOUSE,

Importer and Dealer to 5 Per Cent. Debenture Policyvf.coi receive! up to iu p. si.

HAWAIIAN GAZETTE CO., premium. Leave your orders on or Wfore Friday,at 4 v. m. each week, for Reans andH. W. SCHMIDT A SONS.II. 11. Vhitsy. Manager. GENERAL MERCHANDISE. Brown Bread, to iriFure a promnt--ISSUED BY

Arrive Honolulu Leave Honolulufrom S. F. forS.F.July 12 July 19Aug. 9 Aug. 16Sept. 6 Sept. 13Oct. 4 Oct. 11Nov. 1 Nov. 3

delivery. 3423DB. B. I. MOOBESo. 25--31 Qneen 8treet, Uonolnln.WORLD OF LABOR. Tlae Mutual Life Ins. Co. FOR SALE.WM. WAGENEE DE ISTTTST,THROUGH LINE.Sews and Happenings of Special OF NEW YORK.Richard A. McCurdy, - . - - - President.From San Fran. From Sydney for Contractor and Builder.San Francisco.for Sydney. "YTK OFFKll K)l: HA LI: AT T1IK

T following prices :All kinds of Jobbing promptly attend- - I A (aenfa

1 tn Will mfc a anai iitv of flffirA I StlSLeave Honolulu.Arrive Honolulu. $175,OS4,156.61.ALAMEDA Jun 20

V wir ,? t ? . and Store FittnK; second floor Honolulu Office: Arlington House, Hotel St, Pulor 2. Poha Jam in 2 lb. cans at f4.f0 ier Joz.Information regarding this form of policy, or any particulars concerning thevarious other forms of policies Issued bv The Mutual Life Insurance finmrnnv mavMARIPOSA Jul 27

r wr'r Pianing Mill, Fort Street.)?JhDA. A."2 z fJ& M utual Telephone 825 U19-3- be obtained ofMONOVAIAu24

ALAMEDA Sep 21Poha.lam in 1 lb. cans at 2.f0 per doz.Toha Jellvin 1 lb. cans at 3.H0 per doz.Gnava Jelly in 1 lb. csnn at 2.W jht doz.

Gas Administered.MARIPOSA Sep 21MARIPOSA Oct 10 S. 13. ROSE,

General Agent, Hawaiian Islands.MONOWAI Oct 19ALAMEDA Nov 16 H. HACKFELD C0-- ,

MONOWAlNovlG China Orantr and Papnia Jam, (this

Interest in the VariousFieldA.

rnam has one railroal.Glass curtains are in use.A ventilated boot is new.China has 14 daily papers.London has 45 lady doctors.Glass houses are predicted.There are p:iper false teeth.Idaho boasts a (Q0-kara- t opal.Jerusalem is to have a brewery.Electro-photograph- y is on paper

Office IIouks : 9 to 12 and 1 to 4.3271-I- m

3314-3-m is a very Fapfrior articho, in 2 lb. cansGeneral Commission Agents at ?4.50 per dozen.

NEW GOODS. DRS. ANDERSON t LUNDY,Oor. Fort tt Queen Sti., Honolaln .

gOCr1 Teiims Cash.KONA CANNING CO.,

Kealakekna, Kona,3140-3-m Hawaii, H. I.Royal Insnrance Co.,WILLIAM C.

Just arrived ex Pal mas a fine assort PARKE,

AT - LAW DEISTTISTS,ment of ATTORNEYMatting, Camphor Trunks,Australia has a 1230-mil- e fence. OF LIVERPOOL.


Agont to take Acknowledgment.There are "200 kinds of perfumeQueen Victoria ha3 125 servants

Rattan Chairs and Tables,Silk Shawls and Handkerchiefs,White Chinese Linen,White and Colored Silk in Rolls.Fine Teas, Fine Manila Cigars,

Orric No. 13 Kaahuraanu Street, Hono- -

ff isoaWChicago is the greatest grain port.Germany makes aluminium cra Hotel St., opp.Dr.J.S.McGrcw'Assets January 1st, 1892, - $ 42,432,174.00

lulu, tl. 1.


Chinese and Japanese Provisions I

CO-O-AS ADMINISTERED.And a general assortment of Groceries,which we will sell at the very lowestonce.

vats.Italy leads Europe in wine out-

put.Germany has 3,000,000 farm

hands.Leave orders with T. E. K rouse at M. E. Grossman, D.D.S.tTFirc . ks on all kinds of insurable property taken at Current ratoa

3040- - lmtfjCGTFresh Goods by every steamer I Arlington Hotel. Hotel St byfrom California and China.


F, HORN PrarticHl ConirctfoTPatrv Cook Btid

TTncl? Sam has 11,400.000 dwelWING MOW CIUN, J. S. WALKE R ,

Ag-cn- t for Hawaiian Islands.lings.



Russian railroads cover 13,000 No. G4 Krsa Stbkbt,Near Mannakea. TIihon.No. 71 Hot! Bt.3124--q

Office : No. 06 Fort Street. fW. O.PALACE ICE CREAM PARLORS Smlth's Law Office). 3360-- tf


ttP-Orri- cx Hocbb 9 A. M. TO 4 P. M.

HOTEL STREET.JOHN H. THOMPSON,Ics Cream, Shertet?, Sodas,



Orricx SrKKrxKi.p Pi.ock, I'oam 5,Ho?cci.ri.r, H. I.


PETER HIGH, - - - Proprietor.OFFICE AND "SI 1 1,1. :

On Alakea and Richards near Queen Street, Ilonolulu, n. I.

Chocolate, Tea, Etc. NOTARY PUBIilCMr?. AT WOOD, Proprietress.3398-t- f

Agent to take Acknowledgments toSDN NAM SING,

LA 13 OR CONTRACTS.N"o. 109 Nnnnnn Street.

Plana, Specification , Ami Snperinlr nlence given for every iVperiptlon of I'mii!-lnj?- .

Old Buildings eTicco'-ruI- !- rejtiO.UhVdand enlarged.

Desipns for Interior Deonrnf ion.Maps or Drnwinp, Trsclnp,

snd Blueprinting.TDrRwinps for Bo k or Nevrpper


jVI OULDINGS,Doors, Sash, Blinds, Screens, Frames, Etc.



Dealers in

WOOD AND COALAlso Whito and P.lack Pand which w

will sell at the very lowest market rab.3F"Bell Thlkphonk No. 414.

fSggr-McTC-At. TELsnroifK No. 414.

3033-l- y

Begs to call the attention of the publl Office at Gnlick's Agency, No. 33

miles.Women horticulturists are in-

creasing.United States hay export is in-

creasing.The Campania dining room seats

430.South Africa has American loco-

motives.Telegraph wires stretch 831,000

mi h s.New York has 300,000 working

women.A Brooklyn man sends his laun-

dry to London.In nn effort to cope with the

rahhit pet in Xew South Wales,032 mile? of rabbit-proo- f fencinghave lately been erected.

Tho narrowest gauge railroadnow in use is one of 20 inche3in NV.rth Carolina, built last yearfor transporting timbers.

The city of London drinks everyyear 45,000,000 gallons of maltliquor, 3,000,000 gallons of wineand 1.500,000 gallons of spirits.

their large and well selectedMerchant Street, Honoluln.Stock of Japanese Goods

3nitable for thi9 market, which willbe .nld t fowpot Prices. Honoiolo, Popt. 20, 1W2. 3l81-3- m

SFrompt attention to all orders.T e L k i ii o n h


Law - and - General - BookbindersIHg O fs arknowleedthe leading remeJT for 55 PI-'.L-Pianos For Rent.The only sata reme'ly forJTtsfl T05HAVS.VJ

7ij( ,o. StTlctar. Lfacorrhtra or V b iten.I prescribe it and feel Massasre.

1 'i:i3CfEU""" Ct to a'! suffer.. ; .- .- ' ,0 A. J. STONl.R. Jf.


Vf RS. PRAY WOULD ANNOUNCEiTJL that she will attend a limited num

Tlie Daily Advertiserni) CKNTS PF.h' MONTH

ACCOUNT-HOOK-S MAN U1ACTUKK1)to any Patlrrn, incln.linj; the Supplyof Paper, Hnlinjr, Printing, Pnjrintr,Porforatinp, Binding, Gilding, l.vtter-in- ,



T T Vorrmnn &r f.rtr w r n A rfonf a ber of patients. Address at H. M.Send a copy of this week s HA- - Hollister & Co.. Wholepale Ae?nts. hitney's, Kinj? st. ; Eell Telephone 75.

3223-t- fWATTAN GAZETTE With your letter. Benson, Smith Co., Wholesale Asrents.

Page 2: Mutual Life Ins....promptly paia ror on presentation IN THE UNITED STATES. of the bill, will be stopped without LKWIS & CO., Real Estate Broker & General Agent, List op Ofickus: erj


'ca Dfrltsciiifiitf Nzrs CXbwtistminiB.


Have ruined a beautiful and faultless complexion by theuse of powders and washes composed largely of lead, arsenicand other noisonous metallic substances, which not onlvroughen, irritate and discolor the skin, but by absorption intothe system, produce headaches and nervous disorders of adistressing and dangerous character.



Six Pages.tie Ja.t fear uut;

Let all the end thou aliu'at at beThy Country', thy Uud'i, and Truth'.



During the past monin theroad board lias heen doinp- -

good work in iniprovi ng thesidewalks on each t ide ofKing street. Commencing nearAlapai street the haveheen curbed with heavy three-inc- h

planks which with their posts werewell tarred before being set inposition. This work has been car-ried out with two or three shortexceptions as far as where theWaikiki road branches off, nearthe old rille ranee. It i3 a trreat

st. Andrew's cathedral.fTline eervices of St. Andrew's

cathedral for tomorrow will be asioiiows : hoi v communion nt :m. Special music'and sermon at the11 o clock service. Evensong in

awxu at o:olp.m. evensongiiu fcermon at i :6) p.m.itie services of the Second Con

gregation of St. Andrew's Catheoral tomorrow fiinflfollows : 9 :45 a.m., morning prayerwith sermon ; Venite, Handel in F :

um, uarrett in .L.

Hat; Bene.11 a--

uicius, .Maunder, B flat; hymns203 and 255; anthem, "Blessedare they that dwell in thv Tours. G :S0 p.m.. evening nravsr...:iL ' ox j -

ilin sermn; Magnificat, Smart in, ; unc Dimittis, Havergal in E;Mackintosh, pastor. All are cor- -dially invited.


bunday School at 9:45 A. M.rublic worship at 11 a.m. and at7:30 p.m.

1 he Kev. Vm. Racier of Oakland,Vyai-- , Will nrpanh mnrnincr nnrm - awaaas Vt

evening.Sunday Mornintr. subieet.

religion of power ; evening, subject,

All are cordially invited to theseservices.


Sunday, 11 a.m., at Oahu Jail1 :15 p.m., at the Barracks : 3 :30 pm., viuie study at Y. M. C. A. ; C :30p.m., Gospel praise service at V. M.C. A.

Tuesdaj', 7 :30 p.m., prayer meetat l . m. u. A. i 1t


Reorganized Church of


Soothes the skin irritatedimparts a natural and healthfuldorsed by the highest medicalfrom objectionable substances.


307August 14, lSgj.

it you have had much trou-ble or wasted timfi in hpaHnrreggs, you should adopt thenewest method and set a"Keystone Egg Beater." Yousimply break your eggs inthe glass container put on thelid and turn the crank. Inless time than it takes you totmnK about it, you hangnt enough to float in theair.

ilie "Jlultum in Parvo"'L?0"3 have .arrivedauu lauies wno line to nave

tneir clothing or pillow shamsnuttea can do it with one ofthese combination irons. Theprice is low compared with theservice j-o-

u get out of one oftnem.

Our stock of Silverware hasbeen very largely increased oflate ana we can supply youwuii me Handsomest silver

i tuners we nave everoiiered; the designs are all newand rather more taking thanwe have had the pleasure ofshowincr you before. W ha.also received some singlesilver tea pots which we sellejawi- - toadies who do

Lineal v the ex--I "


by injurious applications andtonn and nnnp.nrntipn Fti.authority as absolutely free


CO.. DRTOfiTSTSStreet, Honolulu.






Invoices of Goods ex Amy Turner

improvement to the street, and acomfort to pedestrians. The trees opposite the Catholiccemetery which have blocked thesidewalk for year3 have been cutdown and removed. In front ofThoma? gqunro a fine stone curb- -

Stoves and BaiigesDANDY. A supply of tbo

REDWOOD.fGhtry aiTftIT-O0'- !. made from inguniiaiuu-- u equal n2rhrsJatv Ar:::i

'ZKSTIFP- - She Bttfe that she A-

Uu-ooiie- rs 110t Care to indulge i. "tPR,.LNews Co. and the Drug .Stores.Christ of Latter PACIFIC HARDWARE CO rnt

A. Water Filter at Ixw Cost ; oneFIl

Hall, Banquet and Hunting Lamps; Revere Garden Hose;Turkey and Ostrich Dusters ; Tuck's Packing; Coe's Wrenches,

Zinc and Brass Oilers ; Cow Bells ; Carriage and Machine Bolts ;

Nuts and Washers; Sal Soda; Ox Bows;Cut Nails, Galvanized and Plain; Cotton Waste;

Horse and Mule Shoes, Horse Shoo NailsTinware, Rinsing, Dish and Dairy Panw, Cork Screws,Charcoal Irons, Yard Brooms, Locks, Night Latches, Yale Locks,Disston's Saws, Kiles and Cane Knives, a full assortment;Katchet and Spofibrd Braces, Hook Hinges, Brass and Iroa Butte,

Chisels, Squares, Bitts, Chest Handles !

Cup Hooks, Paints, Lamp Black, Putty, Brushes,Insecticide Wash and Spray Pumps.


rcto Utoirtisrmcuts.


New !

Novel !


Necessary !

We have to offer you this weekin the shape of

i?r v , vT?? vUJ-.- -

-- - SPi jnnr. --ijxvux

Mcipiiids!A few months ago we called .your attention to these Good

and to the fact that we wouldsoon be prepared to supplyyou. its so Ion'' since, vouhave probably fonrottfin nilabout it.

We had commenced to thinkourselves that the mannfnr---

turers had mislaid our orderand on writing to ncp.4nin

i7ne delay were informed t.haTyq" r: "1 -IIIc

-- fff, I King Btre ,.S'o great thatCtlCU UlllCl Ililll IU UtJ LtllvKIl 111

turn, and ours being awaydown on the list, it would takesome time to reach it.

We had these goods made upin Kvlbrhsoax, as they arc thenicest and coolest goods towear.

In the hacks and fronts ofthese Shirts, pure, soft woolhas been skillful woven toprotect the lungs from cold.

To those who cannot wearall-wo- ol garments, these goodsare a boon.

New and fresh from thelooms, a novelty never beforeintroduced here, and an abso-lute necessity to those who de-

sire to maintain their health.3See our corner window.


Mortgagee's Notice of Intent' oa to

Foreclose tnl d S:b

IS HEREBY GIVEN THATNOTICE to a power of sale contain-ed in a certain mortgage made on the18th day of August, A. D. 1883, by S.Kaina Keaweolu and M. Kapolei Keawe-ol- u,

his wife, of Ivapualei, Island ofMo'okai, to Waiheo Sugar Company, acorporation under the laws of this Gov-ernment, cf record in tin KegisierOffi c,Honolulu, in Lib?r 113, on pag( s 217, 218ar.d 2U, iul for biesch of conditionsin said moitgage deed contained, towit: the non-paymen- t of interest whendue, the mortgagee intends to foreclosethe said mortgage. Notice is also here-by given that the property described inthe said mortgage will be so'd at publicauction at the court house at Wailuku,Island cf Maui, on the 23d day of Sep-tember, A. D. 11)3, at 12 o'clock noon ofthat day.

The property to be sold is thusdescribed :

1st All that land situated on the Isl-

and of Molokai, known as the Ahupuaaof Puaahala, the same being convejed byA. J. Cartwright under date of .January4, 1SSG, recorded in Liber 9C, folios 4('3,470 and 471.

2d All of those p'ece or parcels ofland situa'e.l at Kaamola, Island of Mo-

lokai, granted to Mauoha, Royal PatentNo. G032, L. C. A. 240v, contaiLing 9acres, 728 square fathoms and being con-vcve- d

by the said Mauoha under date ofMarch 12, ISO!, recorded in Liber 41,folios 15 and 16

3d All of those pieces or parcel3 ofland situated at Kaamola, Island of Molo-kai granted lo Pupuka, Royal Patent No.G0G3, L. C. A. 240x, and conveyed byKalawaia Kapenaki, the grand son of"

Pupuka, recorded in Liber .

E5rPurchase price payable in U. S.Gold Coin. Conveyances at purchaser'sexpense.

WAIIIEE SUGAR CO.,By John "V. Kalua,

Attorney.oSFurther particulars can be had

at John W. Kalua's Law Oilice at Wai-luk- u,

Maui. 3461-t- d

National Iron Works

QUEEN STK TO h.1Between Alakea and Richard Streets.

UNDERSIGNED ARB PR K- -T rareJ to make all kinds cf Iron,Brass, Bronze, Zinc and Lead Castings;also a general Repair Shop for SteamEngines, Rice Mills, Corn Mills. WaterWheels, Wind Mil!, etc.; Machines forthe cleaning of Coffee, Castor Oil Beans,Ramie, Sissal, Pineapple Leaves andother tihrn-- - plants; also. Machines forPaper Mock, Machines for extractingStarch from Maniock, Arrow Root, etc.

X2F""A11 orders promptly attended to.

White, Hitman & Co.3423-t- f


a. Draft for .f 2GJ.75 endorsed over toHop Hing A Co by C. Ho, Hilo. A suita-ble reward will be paid for returning thesame to H. W. SCHMIDT & SONS.

3459-l- w

-- AT-

iu iiia iiiio Lit tire 11


CurrMl I'hlj-- u mm

Anzust 3"j o'clock.

trio lijiit.-lath- e Cliarcli.

I'KOGi: 5 i -

1i wvenure :JNva;ian Ban.!.o ri . . . . , .

.icie r jean.3- --S rr Cutlh.ii lrio .:i.--s I'.iv. :r TTr, arA

sir. .vicurew.5 S!rini it:., v. i.o i isa .o:il'.o fcolo Mr Barsytti.-- Overture Hawaiian Band.

S Duet. . ..Mrs. Paty and Mr. WakeGeM.y mediation ...... ......Tra . t ui

,.....10-S- onj? Mr Booth11 Kcho J'lecP .Mr. Kr.u prnn l Afr

ivapua.i- - Lnoru.s Mi.;,..,..

Hawaii Ponoi.

Admissioh 50 cntt.STicketa to l.o nUlnr.,;?,

i - 3tr,o-s- t

rnn.TTnnJust Arrived per Albert



mi) vnmi innr mi JUitli

The Handsomest Line of Goods ever rn-p;rt- ed

into these Islands,



Wicker Sets and Pieces ;

Reed and Rattan Sets;Antique Oat Sets, bideboards;

Wardrobes, Tortierres ;Mattincr, CI airs ;

Tables, Etc., Er.

Manufacturers of Special DesignsFurniture, Upholstery, Mattresses, etc.All Repairing and Matting Layingattented to promptly.

OliDWAY & P0RTEKImporters ard Manufaetortrc.


gfiTBoth. Telephones. 3460-l- w

Enterprise Beer

O OO - ErH

5w I

O PL,11 Q Oo

Enterprise Beer

A Card.

THE PUBLIC: HAVING RE-ceiv- edTO Tools, Machines and a Stockof Goods from San Francisco per steamerAustralia, I have opened a Tinsmith andPlumbing business in the rear of the re-sidence of Jas. Nott, Jr., second door eastof the Beretania-stre- et Armory where allkinds of work w ill be done cheap forcash. I have placed my brother, Jas.Nott, Jr. in charge, who will act for mewith full power cf attorney in said busi-ness. Respectfully soliciting a share ofihe public patronage. THOS. NOTT.

To my friends and the public : I havebeen placed in charge of the above men-tioned business, and thanking you foryour kind favors of the past,wonld respect-fully solicit a continuance of the same.All orders will receive prompt attention.I remain,

Yours respectfully,JAS NOTT,'Jk.

g?"Ring up Mutual Telephone 244.3453-- q

DE. BRODIEHas Resumed Practice

o. '19 Beretania Street.OFFICE HOURS: 8 to 9 A. M., 1 to 3

and 7 to 8 p. m.

20"Botk Telephones No. 32G.3151-l- m

and Australia just to hand for the

. . W W j m.A JmJ


O- -



- Hands at 25 Cents


- I hinds at 555 Cents







ing has been plal'lnevc.lava rock quarried aThe blocks vary from one tofeet in length, and having beenneatly dressed on the top andfront, make a good and durablecurbing, as good, one might say asany found abroad. The plan iseventually to surround this beauti-ful park with stone curbs, whichwill improve the appearance verymuch. It is to be hoped that someday in the near future some one ofHawaii's millionaires Jwill gener-

ously provide for a statue of Admi-ral Thomas, after whom this parkwas named. ?

Some of the prettiest residents inthe city are along King street wherethe improvements noted above havebeen made. A tourist, riding inthe cars the other day, remarkedon the smooth macadam roads andfine cottages that line the streets,referring especially to those on theupper side of King street, fromThomas square to the Governmentnursery ; that he had nowhere seenfiner homes than" those and othersinllonolulu, with their endless va-

riety of vines, flowers and trees.And every one must admit thatHonolulu has some very tasty andenviable homes not confined toany one street, but scattered alongalmost every street. Speaking oftrim cottages, it may be remarkedthat paint, judiciously applied,often adds as much to their attract-iveness as flowers and trees. Anyone can see this who will notice theresidence of Mr. Hoting, Consul ofChile, whose house has lately beenburnished by an artist of taste,which shows what a painter's brushcan do.

Returning to roads, it must beadmitted that the road board,through its supervisor, i3 doingfirst-clas- s work, and there hasnever been a time during the pastten year3 when our roads, as awhole, have been kept in bettercondition or greater improvementsmade in them than during thepresent year. Mr. Cummings hasbeen a faithful and diligent officer,and under the immediate super-

vision of Minister King, has accomplished more and better work thanha3 been done by any of his predecessors. Of course, the wholecity cannot be attended to at once,but the Nuuanu sidewalks andother ugly places will be attendedto in time.

1'tzblic Concert.The Hawaiian band, conducted

by Professor Berger, will give apublic concert at Emma squarethis (fcaturdav) alternoon, commencing at 4 :30 o'clock. Follow-ing is the programme :

1. Overture "I ruritani"...Bousquet2. Piccolo solo "The ' Deep Blue

Sea" Brewer3. Clarinet Solo "Louisa Miller"

Bergson4. Cornet Solo "First Kiss"

Newman. "Waltz "New Melodies"

Arranged by BergerG, selection ".Folksongs of Italy"

BempezottiHawaii Ponoi.

Amateur Baseball Today.The first game of the recently

organized amateur baseball leaguewill be played at the leaguegrounds this afternoon at 3 :30, thecontesting clubs being the Planetsand Healani. Admission 25 and10 cents.

bnriids. j-ha-t

Rett liesM ??2v Saints: Mili- -V. m t iT--laniA'ATl, rear of Opera House.Services will be held on Sunday asfollows: 10 a. m., Bible class;11 :15 a. m. and 7 :30 p. m., preach- -

ing by Elder J. C. Clapp.

Tcu? luurrtisciuc?:


UNDERSIGNED HEREHYcertifies that owing to the pressure in

other braccbes of business, have this dayentrusted the entire management ofliquor trade to Mr. S. Kimura of this city,wno has full power of attorney to act forme in the same trade. K. OGURA.

Honolulu, August 15. 1893. 3461-3- m

Dividend Notice.A MEETING OF THE DIRFC-tor- sAT of the Hawaiian Sugar Co. hel J

August 18th, a dividend of 22 per cent,was declared on the capital stock of theCompany, payable at the office of theAgents,Wrm. G.Irwin & Co., Limited, onand after September 1st, 1893.

WM. G. IRWIN,Treasurer H. S. Co.

Honolulu, Aug. 18, 1893. 34C1-1-

Copartnership Notice"VJOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THATl. Ho Leong, C. Kara Seu, Ah Tong,C. Kim Sing, G. Kim Hee and Yee Sing,all of Honolulu, Island of Oahu, do here-by form a copartnership under thefirm name of Sing Wo & Company.- - Thebusiness of said copartnership is sellinggoods, merchandise, etc., at retail at No.43 Nuuanu St., Honolulu aforesaid. Andit is further announced that Ho Leongalono is authorized to sign the firm nameof the Company. SING WO & CO.?

3400-- 1 w

Election of Officers.

A MEETING OF THE STOCK-holder- sAT of the Kilauea VolcanoHouse Co. held this day, the following of-

ficers were elected for the ensuing year:

W. R. Castle PresidentJohn Ena Vice-Preside- nt

E. C. Macfarlane TreasurerT. W. Ilobron SecretaryP. C. Jones Auditor

The above officers also constitute theBoard of Directors. T. W. HOBllON,

3400-- 1 w Secretary.

For Sale.

HAWAIIAN SAFE DEPOSITTHE Investment Company oilers forsale shares of Inter-Islan- d Steam Navi-gation Co. Etock, shares of HawaiianSugar Co. stock, shares of Kilauea Cy-clora- ma

stock, shares of Volcano Housestock. 3453-3- t


Nuuanu Avenue, adjoining theAfong homestead. The Cottage

is built of stone and is hard finishedthroughout. Possession given August 1st.Apply to MRS. AFONG,

3441-t- f Waikiki.

Notice.URING MY ABSENCE FROMthese islands, Messrs. Bruce &

Alex. J. Cartwright will act for me in allbusiness matters under a full power ofattorney.

3457-3-6t GEO. C. BECKLEY.

For Sale.


3434--1 m Queen Street.


xV claims against Mrs. J. J. Langa willconfer a favor by sending them to theundersigned at once in duplicate.

J. J. LANGA,3460-2-t U. 8. S. Boston.

travasrance of a full silveittsset. Silver match boxes suitablefor every day use and as apresent to a gentleman.

The best lime or lemonsqueezer we ever saw is onemade of metal with a porcelainbowl in which to catch tbejuice. They don't cost muchmore than an ordinary metalone and they are much moreeconomical, because you saveevery particle of the liquid.

Several of our customers for"Jam Jars" have been disap-pointed, because wre could notsupply their wants. Our stockis complete now and you canget any number you telephonefor

Three thousand feet ofGarden Hose came to us onthe Australia.

The Hawaiian Hardware Co.,

307Fort Street, Honolulu.

Have You Seen

the dainty little STRAWBER-

RY FORKS in sterling

silver at H. F. WICHMAN'S ?

Do you know thatthey are absolutely the

correct thing, and that even

a poor berry will taste

sweet if eaten with one

of these little implements ?

Do you know that we

have lots of new and striking

Goods in every line ?

Don't forget that we have





in the city, and that we can

suit your taste. in color

and quality at moderate cost.



100 Dozen Four - in


100 Dozen Four - in


I! Great Clearance Sale-1 COMMENCING

MONDAY, JUNE 20, 1893.We will oiler anything in our

of Goods

PLarge Stock

At GreatlyKjSCaW and see for

offering in all Departments.


Reduced Prices!yourself, the bargains we are

Egan & Gunn, Fort Street.

Canadian - Australian Steamship LinePACIFIC RAILWAY.IN CONNEC-


Tickets per Canadian. Pacific liallway are5 --Second Class and $10 First Class,

Less than Yy United State lAn

STEAMSHIP SERVICE MONTHLY.0r"THROUGH TICKETS issued from Honolulu to Canada, United States

and Europe ; also, to Brisbane and Sydney.FOR BRISBANE AND SYDNEY Steamers eail 23rd each month . FOKVICTO

AND VANCOUVER, B. C Steamers sail Aug. 1st, Aug. 31et,Oct. 2d, Nov. 1st, Dec. 2d and Jan. 1st, 1893.

Route of the World.

oI I

t3TFor Freight and Pamie :nl "geneial inionnation, apply to

i Tlieo. H. Davles & Co.Agents for Hawaiian Islands.


D. McNicoll, Montreal Canada;Robt. Kerr, Winnipeg, Canada.M. M. Stern, San Francisco, Cal. ;G. McL. Brown, Vancouver, B. C.

Page 3: Mutual Life Ins....promptly paia ror on presentation IN THE UNITED STATES. of the bill, will be stopped without LKWIS & CO., Real Estate Broker & General Agent, List op Ofickus: erj



3 DAILitt PACIFIC COrvmiSUClAJ, Ai VEUTLHEU, AUGUST 11). 1893.OiHU BMLWAY S LAND CO LOCAL AND UliNliUAl.. WII A III' AND WAVJi. CDiiutal CflUDcrticcuunU. tefWdi . Of. l.--

e i t j t rj&.

TtMW TABKH. Jut J!tn i i PEIl M0IWAIDiamond Head, Aux. Jb. lUr m. ;

Weather, clear ; wind, light XK.The large iour-mtU-- J tchooiitr

Alice ("ooke, Captain De li. J.I'tnhallow, i expected to makeher appearance at thit- - port licit

TJiP; KLITKCream JJarlois

v,t'Y. kii-jw- I'jT their excel- -

A Movement liciti& Inauguratedto Form Due Here.

.Secretary (Juilett of the Y. M. C.A., in conjunction with the iumi-- a

rd of the tiiU'creiit base hall clubr.aro agitating tle fjut-etio- of organ-izing u lacroate club in tiiid city.

week, the tailed from Port Gam-- ) Jut rtccivtd, pir auaiuer Au-hl- e

ou July oOth with a cargo of txy.Ua, While CUauioia-siu- u (.iiuvcr,

HaacLall at 3 :() toJay, at tlaleague gruiiuild.

K. t'Jgura ailvertiaca a change ofuiaijagLUicat in hid Luaint&d.

A ilusUabliJ rcbUltncu to Jet laailvtitiacii thia iiiorning hy Jarf. FMurgaii.

Mr. Y. C. l'cacock's handsomevilla at Waikiki will be reavly foruccunancy next week.

Hev. O. 1. Eineroon will lead the..... t iu :y) Miniiay evening nraunVice ai Hie . .M. l . A.

A mortgagee's notice of intentionto toreclosy and ol tali appearselse where in this issue.

The vault for the safe depositbuilding is expected to arrive hythe Monotvai next Thursday.

A concert will bu given by theHawaiian nana in Miima cipiaieat 1 :'0 i clock this afternoon.

fin ii i i i I

ine uawauan string-nan- a gavea, very entertaining concert at thelucen'.s hospital yesterday afternoon.

Tt. i acme taioon auveitinessomethinir new in the shape of

Ulltlalo" beer at l'--'J cents Iterglass.

The new surcharged envelopesand postal cards will bo placed onsale on or about the -- oth of thismonth.

The management of the I'oit- -

and Hotel announce an excellentmenu for Sunday dinner at thatopular hostelry.

(5eo Kim. the enterprising Chinese Xunanu street dealer, an-nounces a new consignment of ..

bamboo chairs, tea, etc.

Two Chinamen for assault andbatterv, and bicvcle-ride- r for ridin- - without a light, constituted thearrests nmele last niht

Attention is called to the advertisements of the government uuarterly financial report and the mili-tary bill, which appears on anotherpage.

A Japanese pug dog, markedwith black spots about the eyes,has been lost. A suitable rewardwill be paid for his delivery at thisoilice and no questions asked.

A temporary window will be isplaced in the safe deposit buildinguntil such a time as another plateglass can be imported to replacethe one that was recentlv broken.

A meeting will be held at therooms of the chamber of commerceon Monday evening at 30 o'clockfor the purpose of forming an association for the preservation ofgame.

Something new, novel and necessary in the way of wool-splice- d underwear can be found by readingMclnerny s advertisement appearing elsewhere in this morning sissue.

The directors of the HawaiianSugar Company have declared adividend of 2 per cent., payableon and after September 1st, at theoffice of the agents, Wm. G. Irwin

Co., Ld. rAll members of Captain Cook

lodge. No. 35C, Sons of St. George, I

are requeeted to attend the nexttrofiilfir metfincf wl-iir- l Ko liofrl F

on Monday evening, as business.o&1iImr-rtanr- o a in, l.o trinsiffpr 1

' " " " ': '

The numerous creditors of SamParker have conented to a furtherpostponement until noxt Thurs-day.

onIf matters are not arranged

satisfactorily by that tirn, bank-ruptcy

tleproceedings will bo carried


A long line of anxious stampcollectors awaited the opening ofthe Po?toffice yeterday morning inorder to procure some of the re-

maining 15-ce- nt issue. It took thepostoffice clerks but a phort time to

10,dispose of the entire lot.

Owing to the scarcity of witr inthe re3ervoirs at the present tirn, thethe government electric plant i

unable to fjrni?h light to only aportion of the city at a tim, which

the cause of tl.e onts:do prtiori ofn" -- wn rinsj without lihta. his

A number of residents along theWaikiki roid are complaining of a got

scarcity of drinking wit-r- , and at-

tribute the cause to the street carcompany n?ing watcr from the As

mains for sprinkling its tracks, in-?t"- id

of from the art'ian well inthat locality.

Prof. J. S. L:hornio, formerlyconductor of the old band, lias be-

come jn3trncor of the Concordia, ab?nd compoaed almost entirely ofi'ortuz'K?e residents. It is to behoped that the worthy proft,?,orrill soon give the public the ben-efit of a c-ricr- t.

7' Shnrpsh'iOtcr?.

C.pain ICidw'-U'- ?iarji)Oo4.erirr. last n i g ri t at th e TrTi i v K'

building" birracks. A gen'-m- l di- -

cur?ion was he'd to the inTi3inz proficiency of rr.":rnb"r, nn'l i

ftrnmimiti'm for tho --nvWydrill wa? dra-n- . t i at9t3 thatoi of fifty men compo'in f"cornpiny, th rrjjonty have nt edpractice lately ma-'l- 07er 9 per i

cent at t3rg0t practice. i thg

hi lie iii.d

fade tluse x- -

excellent quality, warrante: to wivsb,at N. . ACJia' M1I.1.INKKVJsJoki:.

only j

puie iauiiJry to: r in tlie market, canbe hul by the ctJit er at r, at uuyof tlie grocer.-- ? iu Jiouoiolii, a well usat the coiijpauy'ss agents,can ouw older Jlawuiiuu soap fromthtir iee'eio w ith other eu'-- . 1'riceio-O1--

1 pe r hundrci.M. W. Me Cll JUNKY'S Set.NS,

AyeLits Jioiiolulu irioap Works ..

g& Auiericju JStiHUii:ltd ButLou-Ho- le tiultous for .Sale nt theI X L.

gJST' Fluent Jiuauieltd Cabinetsonly a dozen at CosmopolitanPhoto Co., 4tf7 Nuuauu street.

83i!-t- f

gjgf For JSarguius iu New &udSecond baud Furniture, Liiwa Mow-e- r,

Wicker Chuirf, (jlardeu liobe,etc., call at the J. X. JL.., corner ofNuuauu and Kin istrfeeU.

gJSy If you waul to ttll outyour Fcknituke iu IU entirety, callat the I. X. Iau

CaSaT" Bedroom tiets, Wardrobes,Ice Jiojce, Btovfc-a- , Hanging Jjampt-- ,

Iiugb, Uureaus, CiiUfuuiora, feteauierand Veranda Chairs, Jied LiourBofas, Baby Cribs, Clothes Basket',Be wing Machines, Whatuot, MeatSafes, Truuks, etc., told at the lowentCash Prices at the I. X. I., corner ofIsuuanu aud King streets.

t&" The Zlusical Library of thelate G. L. D&bvoclz is now on nu'e atthe Golden Iule Bazaae.

The Bozi Ton Dressmak-ing Parlors Ere now at corner of

Fort and Beretariia streets, open tothose of Honolulu and vicinity wish-ing stylish suits and costurnes, as wellalso as comfortable and neat gownH.

The public are now enabled to havetheir wardrobes fitted out as well andwith the same style as can be ob-

tained in San Franeisc-o-. 32G7

EGt?" Prompt returns made ouGoods sold ou commission at theI. X. Lu





Tlie Finest Line of Shirtsin the city.

Silk, Crap?, Flannel and LinenShirts made to order.

l'aja.mas, JJiijlit STiirt,tuiii Cotton TT 11 ilfrw par

J"Tailorinf; in all iff branches.



33IiY GOODS,Laoies' and GclVs Fine Goods !



CtErWp Polioit yonr pafronape.

fSiiitr wo v ComiwnvNo. 4?. Nniiann Ftroft.

Pianos For J?ont.

rtAM)RlN aOOD OMDKKfromH.ontrt?7.00Tif-- r month.if MUSIC 1 K I 'A HI M E N T OrTil F. tl A H' MIA N M K

TO V ! A N V

For Lonso or Sale.

UKKlDENTK ON M'NAMLOmi? f frft. nt j rf-Tri- l ;rcilj H 'l by 1. be

W. Ilo!''?woi t'l ,ni'il in;np; iniildprarlor. 4 bt rm v . t rq int: an

batb mot. ilium j' riiom, i 7itry onokitrhrn. Utronn.: Vjder, fr.-- t , 1Hout ; jcrvont' roeni-- . nn'l ohiflionhon" In rnr if main

II. I. I.HJdE.222-t- t Then. 11 . lvi. '

To Let.An

A NEWLY 1 1M I !?:!It 'SI", fnrn:1-')- ' 1 r u'lfnif-.ilif"- )

I!ri;r r;tT(-- t nr.lo-- n f i (hi- - 1 r I'i'C If to

(. f. 1 1 : 1 I . R-- O.N,

3 HI if



1. IV.

TIP ! t M jj Mi l in ivnl ( l

i.i . .jn r t ; im I' n in! fur tl'i'ndvM?i-- ' ..U- - f

inFor Halo.

COll.Mli: TO b'INI ANDIirni'ie f'.r Pile 'n Nnusnnm Fnuire at thi" omvo,


iKi: Tin:

OJilTJiiflOJSFresii Oysters

i or.



NuuttLu iveaue,


Hotel Etroet.

livrTa.hit liadn! ?1 pt .'....Jioard jitid Luluu ?- - " "Ikiard und Luuiu,: $1'J

OHpeei'il uioutiiiy prite.-- .1. J- -. IHUlb'Ki:. l'ikOti:i!iioj;.

CASTLJ:: cS: COOKEjuikj: an i j 'ini :

AGENTSAtiLMTfi i oi:


Life IiiHiu'iiiice Co.OF BOSTON,

.A.lliLLiioe --Afc,surLixicoUO.MPANY Or LONDON,

iEtmi Fir(i liisuxaiice Co.

3ms. E. TURNERllna removed her

DltESSMAiuNt. E00MSTo Hotel eL, Opp. the T.ll. C. A. Hill

Where phe is preo Ted todo IrefiRraaldnein all tbe laier.t h.: le. The new nicthfMlof form-fittin- g r.inp!oyd (tb methodrow lined by all the lending dreBBmakornin Han Franrieo) .

JCTA1I work neatly an.t promptlyfinished. Prices ch reasonable ft tnv inthe city. 3234-- '. f

charlds it. coorni, ie. h.,

Opt-ic-:- : Alak..; Mie-!- .

Office Horns: 10 to 12 a. m., 2 to 4P. M., 7 to 8 r. m; Sundjyp 0:.:o lo 10;.a;A. U.

TKLKrnositK. Mutual 424, Bell IP,.ItESinKNCE : No. 10 Pninn Street, MntnalTelephone 4f(), Honolulu, II. 1.


Many PeopleThiol, thev're ret-

ting n reliable S.ifc, beeanse it Ima a lineappearance , com c! 1 i h j , nrd i, n ppn --

rentlv fire jiror.f.The ditTi renc in r ! n! tualerial in u

f.nt-oI:- s Safe it-- one n! !i(b rencebe'we'ti the best ninl one nl mi

Nolb'mp. but the truth i the b.'ftpolicy for us ; nothing, but a IIai i.V SatiIk the bet poltt-- , f. i ymi.

It'a n luxury foj n bu'-'nfp- man topofes a Mail's. A buinefs manwanfs pomethink,' bi vidrs looks l ack ofthe veneering.

All Sad work in tin l.mi Klines of theWorld'8 Fair vaa put in by ri-.- r Com-pany. Poes thiu not fji ak volnmei-- . ?


chas. brswr: k (::;.

Boston tv o Vi.vut s

im I'oiiTKi:; V'M.i ri.v.M i.


Ni t i :.. Ux

Will positively om OiTiKil li )

Pf- - ?" r f ;rVei - -- i r - ny?

For UoiU.

y a pfvip r.i r. nvi:T.i,iN.Shrubberv, etc., in Kir,n s:n-i- '

next t; 'vrnei of P mv ' l i ; in- - 1

from Tr.t ttH'nr". V,. P ll' NPtlY,3.'77-- I ll.i.ri"" .'I;.-- .; :,r.- ('.

Tlio IMissin?; NuiuIxm'S

i: i "oi.i.owiNi n i r,- -! I'm,I Planter1;' Vonthh sir v n1-- oi..

Un r more riipio'-- : f ni ! ;

Mav, V..p-.ri,b.-- r at l P-- . ' t ! '

Am'-u--t- , 1 ; .nil. 1 - t

II WV.MIAN i - V. TIT. i'(V.'.I'i.' It "1

Vov Salo

1 T A P K J A I N', A ).1J!MPIA' V He-li- Tit" Picvele in - i'T-dilloti-


Addrran t L i 1 ofTV"'.

Arta:it miaoty

Jiiic Ice Cream,Oilto, Ciiiiei tH, IM,

Hot Cofic, Tea tz& Chocolate, El:.l:-- : jl js! nilructhe coillvct; .r. of

Island Curios J


7ltd HuU'l bLioet.


1JIK JTNK (JKl'.MAN.. v r.


Captain, W. E.

Due lit-r-e shortly will be despatchedfor the above port on

or about

September Otli, 1893CfiPur further particulars xegardiuj:

Panbage and Freight, appU' to



First-clas- s Market in every respect ; be --

bidep carrying a full line of Meats,we make a specialty of

Drt-uklittd- t BausHces,Huad ChfHH-- ,


C4U7-l- ui tf 1'kopkietoe.

For Sale.

1 House and Lot on Liliha Street.2 Lot on Kuakini Ktreet, tetween

Nuaanu Avenue and Liliha Street.3 House an3 Lot ou the Palama


X .W XJXZkj.

1 House and Lot on Emma Street.2 House and Lot on Liliha Street.

For further particulars, apply toJ. M. MONSARBAT,"

Caitxvripbt's Block, Merchant Street.3429-- tf


Wines, Spirits and Beers

IIOTKL STRKET,Between Fort and Niiuann.

S4.r7-t- f


neat Cottage of not less than fourrooms within the bonndricn of

Beretania, Punchbowl and Fort Streets.Kent must be moderate. Address ".I.J.," this office. ratRtine rent. .43fMf

Heal Estate for Sale.

7 V ALU API. K PIFCFSof improved Property, lrn-at-- cd

in different part of thethe city of Honolulu ; nil bar-pain- s.

Apply for full particular fo

BRFCK A A. J. CAKTWKKtllT.3302-t- f


OX THK 2D OF AUGUSTw,YiI a Mnnil Hay .laro imm myresi-,- M

,jL denep. l"r. Hvde place, onPeref an ia Street ; ban fnllblark points,long tail, licM foretop, mano parflvcbaffi d off, white pj'otK back, of earh

r ; was all round at tirr.o ofrunning away. A mifnMe reward will

paid for her relnrn fotlie undersigned.34.'l-t- f WALTKK O. WKKPoN.


7ANTFn A FI AY siikitsVermillion and PJe. mmivo Sf amp ;

plain or sun liarf' d Provisional Joverntnnt. Plonwe plafo jric1 fur earhvari'-t- ; al'-- 4c. ftanij'cd 1"nv"lops.

Hawniim S'tr-p"- and newiDH", b.ilh nrve'li'd arjd nnifoil boughtfnra"h. Yi i pat 1 ivnlars a1 to prieeand fo A. IIK")MPA,

L'22 Paffery Stref .

3ir.t-1- l 1'n.n Fran. iP.-o- , t'a!.

For lease.

'1 liosr; PFS1K M'.J.F PliF-itiipo-

'V i.'ij.ikjto thf MakiVi v -

f ' t . r 'f fiy oi l upK 'i iiv .M r.'a ( 'ri'iRlilcn. Tbo t'i'jmi'ln nr

atvl wi-t- l 'dia'b'd w it h '.'niamon-fa- !

and 1 ru't Troi-- ; only a mitint 's wn!lTi i'p'a.ii f 'l"he Imildint"' w ill b pit

1 1 i viyh H'j air to rti:t tb' tk.b" f aIO'hI tenant. Fr blither p irt','"Uit ,

fpply to PPUCK CAUTWTtPi.lT,Trnocf f r Mrp. Marv M. T.vv.

Ar(iti' pnntii) nt the Oajtfttr:OfTic.

iumLer for Mesers. Lewers A.

Cooke.The bark . C. Allen goes on the

marine railway yesterday after-noon.

The Americai thite-masle- d

fc'chooner Jfalcyon. Captain P.Hice, arrived yesterday afternooijafter a smart passage of eighteendays from Kureka, with 335,Mfeet of redvvoo! lumber for Messrs.Lewers A: Cooke. Experiencedgood weather all the way. Ex-pects to return to Kureka in bal-last. She will unload her cargonear the w. r?. ro. 's wJjart Uusmorning.

The clipper barkentiue M. N.Castle, Captain Hubbard, sails at11 o clock this morning with asugar cargo tor San Francisco. Aiar?s


iof passengers ere

gln& y "e'- -

The eteamer Kinau will arriveearly this morning,

Several thousand tons of coal forthe Kwa plantation are now on theway from Australia

The eteamer Pele brought on1 hureuay night o$ bags of damaged eugr from the schooner Liholiho's cargo.

The eteamer Waialeale arrivedlast evening from Waialua and

: . 1 1UlUllttO VVJIIJ U, CafJ'O OI UaUUV

.,1 nrme tiieamer va mana n is nnwhying on her beam ends, and Cap- -

. .t ' il .1.1! At A -lain omyme neneves mai u is notto late to tow olf the Waimanalo.1,16 uaimanaio was Jyjng in aniaof nliniit (hron rr fnii .fwater, and the eea was perfectly

bark ElizabethGraham is expected to get awayttlls morning in ballast for Koyal"oaue, Vancouver isianu. ne60es there for orders.

Orders for the bark Ladstockfrom her owners at Liverpool areexpected by the Monowai nextlhursuay. The vessel s futuremovements will not be known un--til then.

The following veseela arP dnnext weex from San Prannkcn- -

R. m. S. S. Monowai, on Aug. 24 ;barkentines Discoverv and S. G.Wilder: bark Harvester and brig--antine Lurline for H o. and hxrzAlden Besse and hrifrontinfi J. D.Spreckels for Kahului. The C. A.S. S. Miowera is alao due Aug. 23,from ancouver, and R. M. S. S.Alameda from the Colonies Aug. 24.

Not the Smuggler Halcyon.When the news was telephoned

from Diamond Head yesterdaymorning, at about 10:30 o'clock,that the schooner Halcyon wasthen 20 miles northeast, the beliefwas general that the vessel was noother than the notorious smugglerwhich was reported to be in thesewaters during July of last year.I he vessel reported proved to be

M11"1 "Ayon, 2.9 tons register,!?adci! Wl h lumber for this port.Captain Rice, oi the Halcyon,pUte8 that hig ye8Bel haBoften mistaken for the smugglingschooner of the same name, whichis said to bo engaged at this timein sealing along the Asiatic coast.

Special "oticra.




13'ic. a, G lass !

tl Tpy IUw

Toi io up n now ocuuriKi)

by Clin". Ilerrick, V.p , pit' No. 81 I'Trt'inii Htrpot ; po- -

to be piron Si'tpmbpr 1. lIoncont.ilni .'5 I'el ltonrrtff, Parlor, DiningIfrjfim, Kitchen, rantry nnl h.

pp!y f o:jj;.-- i j. i . juokuan.

NotifM.1 f,K MKMnKim or CAT TAIN

1Y (V.ok bo-Ire- , No. rv,, Hon? of Ht.Oooree, nre to nUn l at tlinext r'j'ar ni une, "IONJ)., An'.

trani'te!. UfCtlAlU) PAY,nt'.l-I- t S'pi-rpUrv- .

BiMrtsiiM;ii, All(;nt Ion!I ACCORDANT'!; WITH A PKS'O- -i I'iM'JT J.ieo"f ot !1 TT)f-rfi- ,,f Sporfr- -

mr n h';1'! on th? It'h in--f.- .t all .iifjrciStitnrr.afo'1 !n f'1TII'!: JIM noanr-- i i Hun fnr

tre?rr vathn of yini'' mo Jnvil?-- to. :l J,.,,, , J

o'ftor k nt the ro tv of t h" ;jn!n'm f

Cm-- t !iu"n e. A . b C A I KINHON. (

::';! Ictnj' Por-l;nv- .

'' nl Hi (Ml Ol' nl0l'l1

A J !'A?JFi;i; I'r! )f)(? ;

blai k spfv? a")i?) J one AP'litabH rnvTT-'-l for ita ret'itn

Anrrnn-iK- R ofH"". No I'jestioniailred. y61-3- t


U li A 1

A.M. f.M. r.M. .

Luaw llyuol-ilu- . . .S:45 1 ;45 .3o 5:10Leivo IVitl City.. lJ:o0 2 ..iO 5:10 5 :5d

IHItU IiHit .1.1.1 . . i.JI .i .... w

TO U0N.Ll IL'.

O li ii A

A.U. AM.

Uu.o Kv.. Mill..t..'Jl 10: Vi 3:41 5:1 JLcivo Jii Citv..0.o" 11 :. 4:1S 6:10Ariivo liaoiulu. .7 :10 U 1:55 6:15

SitarJvs only.Li liiy.

Sundays excepted.L d eiAeptcd.

H.t.lON Mill. StUl( K.

; t'f;r

h!e:u,'a'Vi ill K e tor t.ul ar i ive Uou.ou thtj date-.- . Ml

..5.4. IK'M'LILV ll"i: At HuSoLCLCS vN - RANv. liW. Fh. San h ran, lei o.

AUuicd.t.. Au. ..'4 Miuwcr. f torn Van-couverS art luioo, (tr rr Aug. -- I

.... Au4. M Monowiii ..Auk...U-tr..ll.4- . . .5Vpt. IS AuilrAli.t Sept. 6

I'lllllA tC-t- . ISM-- i .M-p- -- I

O cuii.o . . . ort-t- . 2 Vsrriiiao,(roiuVm- -

.Mwer.i, for Vuii- - ivuvcf ISept. 21

euuvi-- r Oct. - AUmrdA . . Set. -- 1

. . Oct. 11 Ausirali:v Oct. 4

Moi!lAi. ... t. li Occami; Oct. Ui

W.tTiuiLK. tr Vasi-ivavi- -r MArivo-- a . . Oct. 19Nov. I M lew era, (rem Van-

couver.'.': !i.i SuV. H ct. 21Au-.l- t a; '.a- Nov. S Au-.lrati- Nov. IA'AS-.trtt.- . . Nov. ! Moitowat Nov. lt

for Van-c"u- tr Warrnn.H..f roiii VaniVc. 2 couvtr. . ..Nov. -- I

iVtM.iie IVo. 4 fbiiii NovV'MTklii ... Pee U AUsirsluU.mIi le 11 1.4!Ucd l'ec. 1

U'.itimilv, lor V;ri- - Miowera. from Van- -

c.f.ivT Jan. 1 cemver i'tv. 'it'--v IVii '. Jiii.2 Oceanic . . ..l'ec-- 5

Ati-ttra- . Veo. 2WdrruiM'O.irvMU Van

c uver . . .Jan. 21

h rat e.t.sjiiesr vuxx.

2 35

r i 5 I 9

X 3 si?Hoo - li 'r: .vj; 3 KMX

Xrx ' 50. L- - AX CO; 61 i 3; JE f

Tii :o m). it si jj "3 ..Melfn. U M 11 JU 06: to: .. 1 4i jf 5) si ,

r?. i; o r i :" " ?' sal 1 rs '

! . Sat nl 3Ton.

! : 3

S' a1' '

p.ra. .ai. .m. p rn. !

U 5 1 T. - 0. 0. 05. ."A 9.4Jj IV 5.3.. T.i.5 1.15 1. e .CO 9.23

.:a. p m. I

- - 3-- : ,3 1. 13 2. (V 5..TJ 6. 9 i3

r i . i.4 5.:o .2S 13.2ais is i.5..' . 5 20 6..C !l. T

!J i.". J.- - 5 10 5 2"'i 5 40 27 11.43- II S 3.5 C.Zi. 5.4! 6.26'

First --.rie: .l in00 3 oa tie lth, a.t II U.

j ra. p. 3- -

Tima Ttit: v.'.o t Ih. Im. W. M. ofrfoool ila tica.. --rlloii l tie giae a 12i. Oni. C.


r.nir.iM.F2TDAT. Anjr. 1'.

A:n trn Haleon. 20 dav? fron Eureka.jar Kala. iihan. from Kahtika.strnr Moioiii. Mcire?or. from Molokai.

ijk pa rvrcuK.Kit: day. Ang. H.

2i;Ahi:. Char."7, for Maui and


Am Vst N Ci'!, Habbar.l. for San' .it 11 a m.Br r. ..izi!-- h fjalam. AnI-ron- . for-- val itoi.-l-. V I.

rOKEIOt rfctKM KIPFCTri).V4'' A'V.t froni. Iran.

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Much tncourageriient had alreadyreceived in this direction fioia

. lllinwr ljf .a,TiifmA .i0 ,iilV4,

been siioken to in regard to the mat- -

e-- I.acro.--e i the national name of1 1 i.,,:

conciderablo extent throughout theUnited States, and is proving to boa very popular form of athletic recreation.

r3t:eifciary orneii lniorms meAnvta-risfc- that about 100 willbe required to eiuip the playerswith btickrf, etc.. and that he intends making a canvass among thebusiness men of the city and asktheir

.toward this end.

Tho kuiu of 75 has already beencollected, and it is to be hoped thatthe remaining portion of the desired sum will bo forthcoming at


an early date. Mr. Corbett hasconsented to instruct thoso who I

may desire to learn the game oflacrosse free of charge.

- - -


At the Ojteru House Last JJvfw- -

a Dismal Failure.The audience which attended the

grand entertainment given by aI

1.,.,. lf.,1ivmi . iiiiflir at tlift nupr.i hmif I

ilast night, wns comiosed of just

.A - - I 1 1 I

sixty-on- e maie.j, iemaies ana ua--

hies, nine whites and three Ila- -.vo;; .a a To,,,,, ncn,i,rt1 ' I

" "H """

of contract laborers in the city out I

of employment at the present time.lie t ec ared the show to be a ilia- -mal failure, and, as far as thegeneral appearance of it was con- - J

cerned, the reporter came to thesame conclusion. It would requireseveral columns of space to de- -scribe the different characters repre- -

sented and other incidents in con- -

nection with the "play, but spacetoo valuable and life too short to

entertain the idea. Lessee Leveywas very much pleased with him- -self, and is to be congratulated onreceiving me amount or me reni 01the theatre in advance. Whetheranother performance will be giventhis evening remains to be seen.


Hey. Wm. ltader, who has beenfilling the pulpit in the CentralUnion church during the fewweeds' vacancy ol Rev. Dr. Beck- -

with, will return to his home inOakland, California, by the steamerAlameda next Thursday. The reverend gentleman preaches at theCentral Union church tomorrow forthe la at time.

Ilftrry Armitage, the popularbookkeeper at Morgan s auction

,rns, is able to be around again,r PP.vprnl d.iv nPnt in bnd I

Lmlmf n Pevftro Jnso of miiiburn.'.

Marshal Hitchcock is expectedarrive home todav from his ex

lended visit to Hilo.t t:.. .e ii ...iipiUIH I . JUCf, Ol Uie

rr.i t.:i. : luajcyuij, wjien ariiveu erdav,was formerly mate of tlto barkForest (iucen. He is acco".ij)anied

his present voyage by his wifeand family, who come to see a lit

of Hawaii.W. II. Sims ami family spent a

pleasant day's outing at Pearl Cityyesterday.

F,cttcr From Mr. Von Topaz.Mit. KniTOu : The article which

appeared in the Bulletin of Augustsigned ' A True Russian,"

shows that the person knows noth-ing about Russia. The writer of

article should inquire at theRussian consulate if wi-di- s tolearn whether 1 run a Russian ornot.

I wa born in St. Petersburg, andinformation on the Russian

calvary shows that he must havehis information from pome per-

son who knew ns little of the sub-ject as h evidently does himself. A

to nny titles I or my familybar. that none of Ids busineoqand is not a mat erjfor public dis-cussion.

I am not Peking n better posi-tion, but nrn working for 110 amonth to ?ocnrf', if possible, annex-ation to the United State?. This Ibolieve to be a popular, ju t andworthy object.

Sr.'.rov vov Tor az.Honolulu, .A "ku n 17,

Concert Tnnlght.ft i to l e horied that the con- - t!i

f"-I- t to be rrrTI Ill the ?.

srrrMfl hfo chur'-- rrill b HbTnllypatron iz-'l-

. An "reliantzrnrnui? bi3 b'ri n rrn tj Tb"l'T'Cr,c'i ? fl'ifO'l Ore rc lr rxjt"fjM- -

4 jn T,b'-ifi- )v)xv u tb"'lifi-

Th Drily Anrrr.Trr.rr: i 'Idi ver- -

by enrn-r?- ? for ovconts p. rnorr-b- .

fiins: rjp H8. How IB totirno to BnbPirib.i

Page 4: Mutual Life Ins....promptly paia ror on presentation IN THE UNITED STATES. of the bill, will be stopped without LKWIS & CO., Real Estate Broker & General Agent, List op Ofickus: erj

10DAU PACIFIC COMMI3ii01A.L jlL V iiiiTliiii, AUGUST

BT AUTHORITY. 1,6525 oft

795,050 S

i5 001,740 363,916 93

745 Kt


ENDING JUNE 30th, zSgj.

Section 2.Volcano roadHilo water worksNew kerosene warehousesDredging Honolulu harborDredgimr Honolulu harbor barRoad damagesPurchase of electric light plant, palacePay of prison luua?, volcano road

SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS.Roads and bridges, HonoluluExpenses placing loan of January 11, lfc93General expenses Provisional government

SUNDRIES.Hospital tax fund to special depositRoad tax, IJ93 to special depositRoad tax, 1S92 to special depositSchool tax, 1S93 to special depositTreasury note act redeemedHawaiian postal savines bank withdrawn

subject by tho provisions of thin Act.Sec. 51. Courrmartial appointed

under the provisions of this Act aro or-

ganized in like manner, and subject tothe rules and regulations covering theCourts-marti- al in the United Statesarmy, mo far ah tho same may be appli-cable and not inconsistent with thelawn of this government and tho rulesand regulations and forms established bythe Commander-in-Chi- ef.

They have the same power to compelthe attendance of witnesses when sum-moned by them, to preserve order in andabout the conrt-roo- rn during session,and to punifh for contempt, as theJudges of the District Courts have underthe laws of this government.

Sec. 52. For the purpose of collectingfines or penalties impose! by courts-martia- l,

the president of any such courtmust make out a list of all such finesand penalties, and of the personsagainst whom they have been imposed, and must, within fifteen daysafter tho fines and penalties havebeen imposed, issue a warrant under hishand, directed to tho Marshal or hisdeputy, or the Sherilf of any island orhis deputy, or tho paymaster of the regi-

ment or battalion, commanding him tolevy an ' collect such fines, together withcosts, upon and out of any property oftho person against whom fho line orpenalty was imposed; and such wairantmay be executed anil renewed in thesame manner as executions issued fromdistrict courts aro executed and re-

newed.Sec. 53. In time of peace, every com-

missioned officer, for disobedience oforders, neglect or ignorance of duty, ke

conduct or disrespect to asuperior offijer, or fcr neglect to complywith any of the requirements of this Act,

The treasury balance, April 1st, 1S93, was.. .


From interior department receiptsCustoms receiptsFines, penalties and costs. . .

Revenue stampsSi an Francisco consul feesChinese passportsWater receiptsFish market receiptsPost ollice receiptsPrison receiptsRegistry ollice receiptsBrandsGovernment realizationsElectric light receiptsIIilo water receiptsKuloa water receiptsInternal taxes

Loan act, August loth, 18S8Loan art, .September 7th, 18- 9-

JLoan act, January 11th, 1S93Crown land revenue

S 70, 239 93

$59,77") 09133, 3J0 34

12,12G 055,144 204,359 40

200 003,903 15

2G,301 791,479 SO

2,307 To753 (K

3,210 3tj1,053 05

71 35100 0

3,234 252iG,594 93

22,000 003.300 00

56,000 0021,115 87 102,415 ST

$439,250 78

Treasury balance, April I, 1893Receipts to June 30, 1893

Expenditures to June 30, 1S93.Treasury balance, July 1, 1893

G. E. Smithies, Registrar of Public Accounts.Treasur3 Department, July 1. 1893.


CIVIL LIST.Salaries and expenditures i

JUDICIARY DEPARTMENT.Salaries of chief justice and associates S 5,251 33Salaries of clerks and shorthand reporter 1,000 00Salaries of circuit judges and clerks 6,975 56Salaries of police and district judges 5,435 39Salaries of interpreters and messengers 3,044 40Expenses of supreme and circuit courts 3,283 43Purchase of law books 85 30SJreof la-hiiD- for circuit courts

that soldiers may be enlisted as requiredin companies on active service.

Siic 37. The Commander-in-Chi- ef

shall have authority to appoint and com-

mission efficera of companies on activeservice in case of vacancy. The commis-

sion of any officer called into active ser-

vice continues until he is discbargrd byorder of the Commander-in-Chie- f. Anyofficer while on active service shall besubj-- ct to removal by order of the Com-- m

an d e: -- i n-- C h ief .

Sec 33. 1. No soldier shall wear oruse, except when on military duty, or byspecial permission of his commandingoffic3r, any uniform or other article ofmilitary property belonging to the gov-

ernment or to the company of which heis a member.

2. No officer iu charge of public prop-

erty for military use, shall transfer anyportion thereof, either as a loan or per-

manently, without the authority of thenext superior commander.

Sec. 39. No parade or voluntary ser-

vice shall be performed by a regiment,battalion or company, under arms or inuniform, without the approval of thenext superior authority.

Sec 4'J. A regiment of the NationalGuard consists of not less than six, andnet mere than twelve companies. Anyless number cf companies than six con-

stitute a battalion.Sec 41. The field officers of the

National Guard are one Colonel, oneLieutenant-Colone- l and one Major.

Sec 42. Such field officers are electedby the commissioned officers of the regi-

ment or battalion, excepting statf oificers,and hold office for the term of two years,and until their successors are duly qual-ified.

Upon the application of such oificersentitled to elect, the Commander-in-Chie- f

must appoint an officer to presideat the election, who must give notice ofhis appointment, of the time and placeof holding such election, and of theoffice to be filled, which notice must bepublished at least five days previous tothe election in some newspaper pub-

lished in Honolulu, or by posters forsuch term. The Commander-in-Chi- ef

may order an election cf field or lineoificers if an application is not made foran order for election within thirty darsafter the vacancy occurs, or after thoexpiration of the term for which theofficer was last elected.

Sec 43. Such presiding officer mustmake a report, of the election held to theCommander-in-Chie- f, who, if he ap-

proves, shall iesue the commission. Inall elections for commissioned officers amajority of the votes of those presentshall be necessary to a choice. In orderto the validity of such election theremust be present at least a majority innumber of the officers entitled to vote.

Sec 44. The present field and linoofficers of the b ittalion shall hold officefor the term of two years, and one yearrespectively from the dates of their pres-ent commission, and thereafter untiltheir successors are commissioned.

Sec 45. The statf of the Colonel,Lieutenant-Colon- el or Major, com-manding the regiment or battalion, con-

sists of one Adjutant, one Quartermas-ter, one Ordnance Officer, and one Sur-geon, each with the rank of Captain, whoare appointed by the commanding offi-

cer, and hold office at his pleasure, oruntil their successors are appointed andqualified.

Tho non-comissio- ned staff consists ofone Sergeant-Majo- r, one Quartermaster-Sergean- t,

one Ordnance-Sergea- nt, oneHospital Steward, two Color-Sergea- nts

and one Drum-Maj- or, with tho rank ofSergeant-M- a jor.

Sec 46. The Colonel may concen-trate the Musicians of the different com-panies and organize the same as a drum-cor- ps

under charge of the Drum-Maj- or.

Stationery and incid'eit&Ij!Printing and binding 8th volume of Hawaiian reports.. . 500 Of)

DEPARTMENT OF t'OREIGX AFFAIRS.Salaries of ministers, secretary, clerks andjegseiuftr. ''. .$ 3,451 0i

Salaries of envoy at Washington 2,000 00Salary of consul general at San Francisco and expenses. 1,625 00Relief and return of indigent Hawaiians 3 00Education of Hawaiian youths abroad 104 26Diplomatic and consular services . 1,075 50Expenses of foreign agents. 730 50Incidentals, foreign ollice 146 05Rami, ll gs and salutes 5,792 49

ber cf person?, subject to mnitary auty,subscribe a call for the organization 01 acompany, the Commander-in-Chie- f , uponthe application oi sm-i- i persons, ami byand with the consent of the Executiveand Advisory Council?, must appoint atime anil place of meeting, for the pur-

pose cf organization, and detail an officerto preside over the same.

EC 26. ..e detailed m

preside at the meeting and organize thesame, sup?rintend the ejection of com-

missioned officers ci the company, whichmust be by oa'do : after the election hemust make out a "Ut oi the persons or-

ganized, a cerfili-T.t'- cf each officerelected, ana transmit the same to theCommanaer in-C- ! '.

Sec 27. If sn. .rnpany has beenorganized and the officers elected in ac-

cordance with the provisions of law,orders and recti ations, the companymust be lifted as a ccmpany oi the Na-

tional Guard, an? he elected officer.3, ifcommissioned, hui-- ffice for the term ofone year, or until their successors ateduly commissioned.

Sec 28. All coninii.-ione- officers oithe National Guard shall be commis-sioned bT the Commander-in-Chief- , buthe may refuse to issue a commission toany officer elected or appointed, if, in hisopinion, the person elected or appointedis in any way unqualified or unworthy tobe an officer in the National Guard.

Sec 29. All companyofficers cf the National Guard

must be nominated by the commandersof their respective companies, subject tothe approval of the commander of theregiment or battalion ; and such non-

commissioned officers cannot thereafterbe removed or reduced in rank, except asherein provided, or by the commander ofthe regiment or battalion, for neglect ofduty or other sufficient cause.

Sec CO. The companies oi the Nation-al Guard are armed and equipped in thesame manner as similar corps in theUnited States Army.

Sec. 31. Companies of the NationalGuard shall consist of not less than fiftynor more than one hundred and threeofficers and privates. They shall be or-

ganized as follows : one Captain, one FirstLieutenant, one Second Lieutenant, oneFirst Sergeant, five Sergeants, eight Cor-

porals, two Musicians, one Marker, andnot less than thirty nor more than eighty-thre- e

privates.Sec 32. All arms, equipments, and

military stores, books, accounts and rec-

ords of all kinds are subject to examina-tion by any officer authorized by theCommander-in-Chie- f, cr other com-manding officer, to insppct the same.

Sec. 33. There must be an annual in-

spection and muster of all the troops of

the National Guard in the month of Juneof each year, by regiment, battalion, orcompanj', as may be deemed advisableby the Commander-in-Chie- f, and thecommanding officer of each companymust make out and certify duplicatemuster rolls, showing the names andnumber of the members of the company,the officers in the order of their rank,and the privates in alphabetical order ;

and he must also attach to each roil alist of the ordnance, ordnance stores, ac-

coutrements, clothing and other propertyof the government in possession cf thecompany; a statement cf the manner inwhich ail moneys received from the gov-

ernment for the previous year have beenexpended, together with such other in-

formation as the Commander-in-Chi- ef

may require. These list3 are to be deliv-

ered by the company commander to theinspecting officer, one copy to be for-

warded by him to the Adjutant of theGeneral Staff, and one copy to regimentalor battalion headquarters.

Sec. 34. 1. Even' elected officer of theNational Guard must, upon his electionto any office in the National Guard, ap-

pear before an Examining Eoard for ex-

amination ns to bis qualifications for theoffice to which he has been elected.

2. Such Board of officers shall consistof three commissioned officers, to bedesignated by the Commander-in-Chie- f,

any of whom may be remove 1 at hispleasure.

3. The officer duly appointed to presideat any election shall, immediately afterdeclaring the result cf such election,notify the efficer or officers elected thatthey must appear before the ExaminingBoard for examination when notified bythat Board.

4. If the officer elected and duly noti-fied does not appear before the said Ex-amining Board when summoned bythem, he shall, unless satisfactory causebe shown for such non-appeara- nce, bedeemed to have declined hiscammissicn,and there shall be another election or-

dered. The fiiing cf a proper certillcafeof said Eoard with the Adjutant cf theGeneral Staff that the officer has failedto pas3 an examination, cr declined toappear beicre the Eoard when notified,shall be deemed sufficient cause for ordering a new election.

Sec 35. The Board shall notify thecandidate for a commission t j appear forexamination within seven days from thedate of his election, they shall thorough-ly examine him as to his military andgeneral qualifications, and, if, in theopinion of the majority of the Board, heis duly qualified, the fact shall be dulycertified to the Commander-in-Chie- f.

The Beard shad examine the candidateas to h:3 knowle-ig- in the following:

1. The prescribed taction.2. The laws and regulations governing

the National Guard.3. Forms of military or lers, corres-

pondence, records, and also ag to generalqualifications .

Sec 36. Applications for membershipin any company of the National Guardshall only be made at a rc'iiar weeklyassemblage ot such ccmpany ; and thename ci such applicant shall he posted ina conspicuous place in the companyquarters or armory, until the next suc-ceeding regular weekly assemblage ofsuch ccmpany, at which time and netbeicre, such applicants may be ballotedfcr by the company. Provide-!- , however.

13,2-- 4

13,34.3 3176 00

51.371 6:

1,531 v,3

001,376 00

So" "

10,000 HO

3 300 0022,767 S3

397,021 34

. .$ 70,239 9S. . 369,010 SO

439.250 78...$397,024 34

. . 42,226 44439,250 78

shall within three days following theelection report the result of said electionto the Commander-in-Chie- f.

Sec 13. Any commissioned officerwho removes from the Island, or whoabsents himself from the Hawaiian Isl-

ands for more than thirty days, withoutpermission oi the Commander-i- n Chief,is deemed to have resigned, and suchregulations shall be announced in ordersfrom the office of the Adjutant of theGeneral StafT immediately after the factof such absence becomes officiallyknown.

Sec. 14. Any enlisted man may bedischarged before the expiration of histerm of service, by order of the command-ing officer of the battalion or regiment,or the recommendation of his companycommander, and for any of the followingreasons: To accept promotion by com-mission, upon removal of residence outof the bounds of the command to whichhe belongs, to so great a distance that,in the opinion of such commanding off-

icer, he cannot properly perform his mili-tary duty ; upon disability, establishedby certificate of a medical officer. Orhe may be dishonorably discharged foreither of the following reasons : Uponconviction of felony in a civil court ; bysentence of a court-martia- l.

Sec. 15. Any officer,officer or soldier who disobeys the

order of hi3 superior, or misbehas'es ordemeans himself in an unsoldier-lik- e

manner whilst under militarj' orders,must be immediately arrested. If a

ed officer or soldier onmilitary duty, he must be disarmed andput under guard, and tried and punishedby a court-martia- l, according to law andmilitary usage.

Sec. 16. Regimental, battalion andcompany rules of government, ami by-

laws regularly adoptod by a majority ofthe elected officers of such regiment orbattalion, or members of companies, andapprove! by the Commander-in-Chie- f,

may be adopted and enforced iu suchregiment, battalion cr companies if theyaro not in conflict with the laws and reg-

ulations of the Provisional Government.Sec 17. All fines and penalties for

non-attendan- ce upon drills, parades andinspections, legally determined and im-

posed under the provisions ot such rulesand by-law- s, may be collected by actionin the District Court, in the name of theProvisional Government; and the booksand records of the regiment, battalion orcompanies, and the proceedings underwhich delinquents are fined, are primafacie evidence of the facts therein stated.

Sec. 18. All officers and soldiers ofthe National Guard who comply with allmilitary duties as provided in this Actare entitled to exemption from the pay-ment of poll-ta- x, school tax and roadtax ; and all officers and soldiersin active service shall be exemptfrom jury service.

Sec. 19. The Adjutant of the GeneralStatf must make out, on or before the15th day of July of each year, a completeroll of the military forces of each taxa-tion district, as they appeared on therecords of his office July 1st, and furnisha copy of the same, duly sworn to, to theAssessors of the districts wherein suchforce is located.

Sec. 20. The Commander-i- n Chiefmay at any time, by and with the con-sent of the Executive and AdvisoryCouncils, for good and sufficient reasons,disband any portion of the NationalGuard.

Sec 21. The rules and regulations oithe Army of the United States, so far asthe same may be applied and not incon-

sistent with the laws of this government,and the rules and regulations prescribedfrom time to time, by the Commander-in-Chie- f,

shall constitute the rules andregulations for the government of theNational Guard.

Sec 22. No officer is entitled tocharge or receive any fee or compensa-tion for administering or certifying anyoaths administered or certified under theprovisions of this Act.

Sec. 23. The Commander-in-Chie- f isauthorized and has power to establish ;

and prescribe such rules and regulations,forms and precedents not inconsistentwith the provisions oi the law3, as hemay deem proper for the use, govern-ment and instruction of the NationalGuard, and to carry into full eifect theprovisions of the Iaw3 relative thereto.Such rules, regulations, forms and prece-dents shall, from time to time, be re-

vised, as may be deemed necessary, andshall be promulgated in crder3 and com-piled in such form as may be deemedadvisable for the information of the Na-

tional Guard.Sec 2i. No military organization

provided for in this Act shall, either forceremony or duty, carry any dag of anyState or nation except that of the Provis-ional Government cf the HawaiianIslands.

Sec 25. Whenever a sufficient num


An Aft to Establish nl Ketrulate theNational Guard of Hawaii, ami Re-j-alii- isr

all Inconsistent Le i;l.Iat Ion.

Be it Enacted by the Executive andAdvisory Councils of the Provision-al Government of the HawaiianIslands:

Section 1. The organized and uni-

formed militarj force of the ProvisionalGovernment of the Hawaiian Islands isknown as the National Guard of Hawaii.This force shall not exceed twelve com-

panies, and must be located throughouttbi-Island-

s with reference to the militarywants thereof, means of concentrationand other military requirements. Pro-

vided, however, that the Commander-in-Chie- f

may, with the approval of theExecutive Council, organize bodies of.sharpshooters, which shall, upon beingorganized, be a part of (ho NationalGuard of Hawaii, and subject to its regu-

lations and entitled to its immunities',except that such bodies of sharpshootersshall not be uniformed nor subject todrill duties unless called out on activeservice, and shall not necessarily be apirt of any battalion or regimental form-

ation.Sec. 2. All of the cornpmiea of the

National Gaar l, except companies ofsharpshooter?, must be joined togetherin a battalion or regiment.

Sec. 3. The President is Commander-in-Chie- f

of tha National Guard.Sec. 4. The statT of the Commander-in-Chi- ef

may consist of one Adjutant,with the rank of Lieutenant-Colone- l,

one Quartermaster, one Ordinanca OlS-ce- r,

each with the rank of Major, twoAides-xle-Cam- each with the rank ofCaptain, appointed by and holding officeat the pleasure of the Commander-in-Chie- f,

or until their successors arc ap-

pointed and qualified.Sec 5. Every officer of a regiment,

battalion or company accepting any staffappointment is held t3 have resigned hiscommission in such regiment, battalionor company.

Sec. 6. All officers and soldiers 01" theNational Guard, on becoming membersand before performing duty, and at eachsubsequent must take andsubscribe to the following oath, whichall commissioned officers thereof are em-

powered to administer: "I do solemnlyswear that I will support the ProvisionalGovernment of the Hawaiian Islands,and will maintain and defend the lawsand all officers employed in administer-ing the same, and that I will serve inthe National Guard of Hawaii as

for the term ofone year, provided that the Governmentshould so long require my services'Which oath, certified by the officer ad-

ministering the same, must be returnedto the regimental or battalion Adjutantand be preserved with the rolls of com-

panies ; oaths of shall showon the margin the number of

Sec. 7. The uniform of the NationalGuard is the same as that adopted andin use by similar troop3 in the Army of

the United States.Sec. S. The systems of instruction

prescribed for the different arms cf theUnited States Army must be followed inthe military drills and instruction by theNational Guard.

Sec. 9. All commissioned officers ofthe National Guard must take rank ac-

cording to the date assigned them bytheir commissions ; and when two of thesame grade are of the same dale, theirrank must be determined by length ofprevious military service in the Govern-ment, and it cf equal service, then bylot.

Sec 10. When an officer is ed

no new commission issues, but a certifi-

cate of such election must be issued tohim by the Commander-in-Chief- .

Sec. 11 Any efficer resigning hiscommission must do so in writing, ad-

dressing the Adjutant cf the GeneralStalf, giving his reasons therefor, andtransmit the same through his immedi-ate commanding officer, who will makehis endorsement therecn ; and the re-

signation takes etfect when accepted bythe Commander-in-Chie- f and announcedin orders.

Sec. 12. Vacancies in elective officesof the National Guard, not in active ser-

vice, are filled by election. When vacan-cies occur at any election through thepromotion cf any officer, such vacanciesmay then and there be filled withoutfurther order. Elections of companyofficers shall be presided over by an offi-

cer appointed for that purpose by theCommander-in-Chief- and such presidingofficer shall give at least. seven daysnotice of his appointment to all partiesinterested, by causing the order appoint-ing bim to be posted in the companyarmory and read to the company. He

744 16

448 41

26,7 A 07

14,953 40

95,938 40

.,rttj, ,2

26,831 66

$$,015 61

shall be arrested and brought to trialbefore a general court-martia- l, whichmay, on conviction, sentence him vo becashiered, incapacitated from holdingany military commission, lined to anamount not exceeding one hundred dol-

lars, or reprimanded, or may Fentenrehim to all or either of such lines orpenalties in their diecretion.

Sec. 54. Every-noncommission- ed off-

icer shall, on due conviction by a regi-

mental or battalion court-marti- al, besubject to the following penalties : Re-

duction to ranks, dishonorable discharge,reprimand, fine not exceeding ono hun-

dred dollars.Musicians and privates shall, on duo

conviction by a regimental or battalionccurt-marti- al, be subject to the follow-ing penalties: Reprimand, dihhonorablodischarge, rtuo not exceeding fifty dol-

lars.General courts-mart- ial for tho trial of

commissioned officers shall consist of notless than five nor more than ssven off-

icers, all of whom, if possible, must besenior in rank to tho accused.

Regimental or battalion courts-marti- al

tthall consibt of not less than ono normore than three commissioned officers.If consisting of one officer, he shall notbe o; lower rank than that of

Sec 55. Any and all fines under judg-ment of courts-ma- rt ial mu.t br collectedby the paymaster, who at the ramo thou13 authorized, for the recovery f any lineor fines from any officer or soldier todeduct the amount then owing from anymoneys due such officer or soldier; allfines collected shall be paid into thepublic treasury as a government realiza-tion.

Sec. 56. In case of war, inturrectionrebellion, or of resistance to tho execu-tion the laws of this government, theNational Guard, or any part thereof, maybe called into active service upon thocall or requsition of tho President of thoProvisional Government of tho Hawai-ian Islands.

Sec 57. Any member of tho NationalGuard who neglects or refuses to rendez-vous, when ordered out by tho President ,

is guilty of disobedience of orders, andmay be tried and punished by a court-marti- al.

Sec 53. All laws or parts of laws in-

consistent with the provisions of this Actare hereby repealed.

Sec 59. This Act shall take eiledfrom the date of its publication.

Approved this 18th day of Am;ut(t,A. D. 1893.

Signed. SANFORD B. DOLE,President of the Provisional Government

of the Hawaiian Islands.Signed. 1

J. A. Kino,Minister of tho Interior.


r17allH ol Contnt lor Auuil,

Hawaiian Postal Savings Bank.A trricnltnrnl Ernprimnnt. StalinnH.Domestic Exports of the Hawaiian

Islands.Electricity in Agriculture.About Coifee Plantations near Mount

Orizaba Mexico.The Cultivation of the Orange.The Silver Question.Instruction in tho Cultivation of the

Grape Vine.Nitrogen in Relation to Agriculture.Cocoa Curing in Ceylon.Shun Worry and KiciU-mcnt- .

Remarkable Operation on a Horse.Trepaning the Skull with Success.

Beautify the Home.Cocoanut Trees.Thousand Doilurs an Acre.An Awful Waste.A Perfumery Farm.Mteorotj;i td Summary.


A Stockholders of tho Hawaiian trimA Taro Company will be held at the of-

fice of W. O Smith, Fort Street,Honolulu, on TUESDAY. Angust 29th.1893, at 9 o'clock a. m. All StJckholdeMare requested to bo present.

E. II. BAILEY,President.

Wailuku, August 5th. 1S93.3451-t- f -

All kinds of artistic printing atthe Gazette Office.

DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE.Salaries of minister, auditor-genera- l, registrar of public

accounts, clerk and messenger $ 4,273 19

Salaries of tax assessors and clerk to assessor, Oahu 2,085 04Deputy assessors and collectors 2,209 03Incidentals, finance department . 464 60Incidentals, tax office 314 53Incidentals, auditor-general- 's office 53 91Interest on national debt 52,S60 95To pay any judgments, etc., G. Dillingham 1,051 50Return of election fees 50 00Salaries last period not paid 506 05Salaries of postmaster-genera-l and clerks 6,340 00Salaries of postmasters and mail carriers 8,543 74Subsidy, Oceanic S. S. Co. subsidy 2,500 00Incidentals, postal bureau 669 85Salaries, bureau of customs 12,189 71Custom house boat 225 70Expenses pilot boats 392 00Incidentals custom house 598 50

ATTOBXET-- U EX EllAt'3 DEPARTMENT.Salaries attorney-genera- l and deputy 2,175 25Salaries marshal, deputy, clerk and jailer 2,650 00Salaries sherill's and clerks 2,200 00Salaries deputy sheritTs Hawaii, Maui, Kauai and Oahu . 57 50Pay of police, Hawaii, Maui, Kauai and Oahu 27,103 93Salaries two clerk.s receiving station and physician 8S0 00Salaries sup. court officer, hack inspector and clerk 1,160 00Incidentals civil ami criminal expenses (old) 2,216 36Incidentals civil and criminal expenses (new) 2,261 51Coroner's inquest3 25 00Coroner's immests debt 22 75Support of prisoners 9,422 92

BCBKAC OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION.Salaries Inapectnr-genera- l, clerk, assist, and messenger.. 1,937 62Support of English, Hawaiian ant! com. schools 6,545 36Industrial and reform school .331 18Aid to schools 7,000 00Scholarships 1,250 50Expense normal instruction 50 00Professor of chemistry 167 00Building of school houses 9,050 00


Salaries minister, chief clerk, clerks and messengers 5,967 00Incidentals Interior department 92 30Salaries bureau of survey 3,991 50Expenses field parties 690 05Incidental office expenses 97 20Salaries registry office 2,413 50Incidentals bureau of conveyances 22 60Salaries Japanese inspector and secretary 1,400 00Incidentals board of immigration 30 00Salaries superintendent water work3 and clerks 1,733 20Running expenses water work3 2,073 25General repairs, water work3 731 82Repairs to reservoirs 252 45Koloa water works 30 29Hilo water works. 150 00Salaries superintendent public works and assistants 2,C00 00Incidentals public works 37 20Repairs to government buildings 1,259 64Landings and buoys, Hawaiian department 3 00Landings and buoys, Maui 30 00Wharf at Maalaea 326 40Wharf mooring, etc., Labaina. 20 25Repaira to landing at Makeua 8 00Landings and buoys, Honolulu 1,253 20Landings and buoys, Kauai 55 75Lighthouses. 11,01 65Steam tug 1,946 62Salary road supervisor, Honolulu 800 00Euads and bridges, North Hilo 75 00Roads and bridges, Honolulu 33 73Roads and bridges, Honolulu, claim J. R. Robertson 2S6 00Roads and bridges, Waialua,;claim J. R. Robertson 72 68Roads and bridges, general 1,250 SO

Road damages 98 25

BOARX OF HEALTH.Secretary 600 00General expenses board of health 2,055 43Building etc. of hospitals 2,038 28Maintenance of quarantine 1,115 20Segregation of lepers 16,523 91Support of non-lepe- rs 298 34Government phj'sicians 5,495 00Expenses underact to mitigate 300 00Medicines 223 17Frte system removing garbage 1,332 73Honolulu tire department S,521 14Hoso cart for engine company No. 1 ... 772 53Repairs to insane asylum 6,050 94Reiuirs to electric light 3,011 SIReiairs to markets 201 00Subsidv to sttnr betw Honolulu, Molokai & Lanai 450 00Aid to Paradise of Pacific 100 00

.Aid to Kapiolanl maternity home, 200 00Aid to Kapiolani Park Association 1,000 00Public grounds 1,354 90Lighting streets of towns, etc 9 60Printing 963 55'l'i'g f faded record 175 00He-codifyi- and printing Penal Code 4 00

and mn aerie.- - 1,970 50Guards Aliiolani buildings ' 166 66Guutd royal mausoleum 50 00l.xpenstra f election lf155 3tLxi ent..-- t f general election, ls92 363 35

Jovt-riimeit- t (MHiiids 50 00Incidentals uiuk--r homestead act! . ... . . "."".."." 97 92Pay of veterinary surgeon .... . . ... 150 UOiuurantine tlistased animals. 31 90Jiiuioiid Heud fcignal fetation '. 300 0U

Clilt?m house ,ot Kahului 1 .' .' 150 00AU to Hilo tire department 395 00

Sec 47. Each company of theNational Guard must assemble at leastonce a week for drill and military in-

struction .

Sec 48. The commanders of com-panies must keep a book in which mustbe entered the names and number oiofficers, non-commissi- officers,musicians and privates respective!',present at each drill, and must there-from make monthly returns to the com-manding efficer of the regi-ment or battalion. These booksmust be carefully preserved andwhen filed returned to the Adjutant.

Sec 49. Officers and soldiers whileon active service of the Government re-

ceive such pay as may be determined bythe Executive and Advisory Councils.

Sec 50. The following officers mayappoint Courts-marti- al :

1. The Commander-in-Chie- f, for thetrial of all officers.

2. The regimental or battalion com-

mander, for the tnal of all enlisted mencf his command.

3. The officer ordering the saidCourt shall fix the day on which it shallcon vene, and when convened the Courtmay adjourn from time to time as shall1 ecoma necessary for the transaction ofbusiness, but the whole session of thoCourt, from the day on which it shallconvene until ils dissolution, shall notexceed three weeks; and in case anyvacancy shall happen in the Court, or anew Court shall be required, the officerordering the Court, cr hia successor incommand may fill sach vacancy ororder a new Court.

4. The officer cr officers constitutingsuch Court shall, before entering on hisor their duties as such, take the follow-ing oath: "I doswear that I will well and truly try anddetermine according to evidence all mat-tersetwe- en

the Provisional Governmentand any person or persons who maycome before the Court-mart- ial to whichI have been appointed.'

5. The Court when organized shallhave the trial of all ctfenses, delinquen-cies and deficiencies that occur in theregiment or battalion for which it shallhave been appointed ; and the said Courtshall have power to impose and direct tobe levied all the fines or penalties towhich enlisted men are declared to be

-- - If

Page 5: Mutual Life Ins....promptly paia ror on presentation IN THE UNITED STATES. of the bill, will be stopped without LKWIS & CO., Real Estate Broker & General Agent, List op Ofickus: erj

OAlhV PACIFIC COMMUUCIAL A1VKKTJSKU, AUGUST 1. 18i3.Y AUTHORITY lighter went ashore; I went ashore In dorrrtijinr.r jXrro !TlDrritisn:tfiti5.



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pure linen, extra large size,

White Turkish liath Towels, 111x41 indies for $2.15 perdoz.White Turkish Bath Towels, extra sizes, 23x51 inches

for S2.90 per doz.

Linen Damask Towels, fancy border, size 20x41 inches.for S3 per doz.

White Damask Towels,21ix45 inches for 33.25 per dozen.

Children's Leghorn Hats, very

week only.

Also some new finereasonble.

tSlPThe prices are for this


eiimant Sale

Ribbons, Laces, Embroidery,Ginghams, Swisses, Lawns,

Wool Dress Goods,

Plain and Figured SilkCOMMENCES ON


MSN ITT Hi v iv...-- -J1U HAVE MVV.tS Tilt. If I.'


7 . v a

Down by the Latins.


The case of libel brought lyapiam rerguson against the

4ui uiB .VlVr KT l!?KH C:tU0 Upyesterday morning in th' DistrictCourt.

T...I I 1 . iuugu lioocrison reaa a uccisionoverruling tho motion for tho discharge of the defendant.

r. . .jik. joiist().e sworn: nave iiolwer to stop ttie publication of thertuvKKiistu; nave no control overits publication; nobody interfereswith me in discharging my editorialduties; had a conversation with Ferg-uson; told him that as I consideredail such articles mirlit be untrue, hadlusisted that it should be inserted overthe name of tho writer; after talkingwith Cioys, had decided he was a responsible ierson; Captain Ferguson,in repeating the conversation, hadleft out tho auxiliary verb "might.-- '

Cross-examinatio-n: Have chargeof the newspaper department: orderin or out all matter for publication;nobody has ever interfered with me;I generally revise articles ami readthe proof; sometimes these latter areread by the reporter or foreman.

Ite-dire- ct examination: Mr. Whit-ney is the ultimate authority; whenever 1 have uourts 1 consult withhim; he has ultimate authority as tothe publication of the paper.

Antone Cloys, sworn: Have beenstaying at the St. Louis lodging-hous- e.

When I returned, on August12th, heard Paul Neumann andCharles Creighton had made inquiryfor me as a Portuguese. I had beenout bicycle riding. I am an American, bom in Ltah; went to Guatemala in 1SS8; peddled goods there;have traveled over the country; wasin the country three years; found lotsof swamps and fever there; have hadthe fever myself; the fever Is calledthe moria fever, the Guatemalaplanters have the fever.

judge ItOBERTSOX ordered witnessto testify to any facts he had heardconcerning the country from theplanters.

Cloys, (continuing): AH Europeans are subject to the fever and do notstand it as, well as the natives; I sawtheir houses on one plantation; usedcorrugated iron roofs; it rains heavilythere; some houses are wooden belowthe roof; the wind can blow throughthem; the laborers sleep on mats;eat beans and dried salt meat; thereare lunas or captains; they go armedas all in authority do; was in SanJose when South Sea islanders arrived; they looked a curious lot; anyone who can afford it carries a revolver; it is the custom; there arefew Chinese in Guatemala city; theIndians work but will not work undercontract; plantation hands eat cakes,beans and dried beef; have riddenthrough the swamps, my mule wouldsink to the girth; the money there ispoco tempo dollars and other foreigncoins are in circulation; dollars wereworth 50 to oo cents when I was there;native Indians do not like to contract;contract laborers are scarce but desired; sometimes violence and forceis used in making them work, theyare threatened they will bo shot ifthey dont work; I have heard suchthreats made when I was peddlingamong them; they hate GringosAmericans!; had seen natives threat

ened to be shot; contract laborer toldme the fellow who threatened to shoothim would do so witnout much provocation if he didn't go to work; haveno personal malice in making mystatements; it was the common remark in San Jose "there goes tho fellow who traffics in human fle3h."

Cross examination: Arrived herein middle of May; was here the yearbefore, in June; was here threemonths; had no occupation, but paidfor all I got; worked three days onDiscovery for a sailor; resided atFowler's Yard; left on the Hriti-- h

ship Pal mas for Port Townsend; wentfrom there to Portland, Oregon;thence to San Francisco; returned toGuatemala in latter part of 180J; cameup on the steamer Colima; was boundfor San Francisco; spent Christmasday at sea; this was after we left Pan-ama; was ashore two or three hoursat San Joe; had lived there beforefrom 1SS7 to l.SW or thereabouts; wasat San Johc when learner Monserratarrived.

To Judge Robertson: Made trip inColima in lsfrj; if I said San Juan Imeant the steamer Colima.

Cross-examinati- on continued: Con-versed with people who were dis-charging the south sea inlanders;never saw them on the plantations;Indians sign for a month only; theonly one whom I talked to about itwas the contract laborer who told methe luna would shoot him; the plan-tations were twenty to thirty milesinland; I slept"on a mat with thirtylaborers; I never saw anybody shot byluna; the climate is warmer thanhere; 1iave eaten beans and beef withthe lalorers; do not know if the plan-tations gave out rations; the Monser-rat was at anchor when thelanding wna made; the Aus-trian dock laborers told methe blackbirds were looking out fortho boss who brought them into trou-ble; don't know if Ferguson sawthem; he told me they were lookingfor the boss an J that it would go hardwith him if they found him; manyothers thought the same; have workedat the Chinese theatre; was on Maui;attempted to run a roulette gamethere; was arrested but not fined; hada similar game in Guatemala: two na-tive policemen arrested me; I did nothave enough money to offer the kana-ka; nobody asked me to write theletter to the Advekti.sek.

To Judge Kobertson: I made twotrips to San Jose In Palmas and

A, J. A N III I'VIV iir... II.'it'll In Guatemala; th. Vo at ilil- -

"itiii mm-- ; an, nnptiii ut.d with thet'; wm. in Kouthuallo and Gna- -emaia lit lant Man li; urn u inui hin nl;

v i..w m iountry; there uie low andiii laml-- ; theie U plenty of van.yiruvrieii tluou-- h Mwaini-- s for

'"'"J"'" loujMit took mo nix teenlay.--; the guide .said the road would

H'i neiier, hut it eit worse; mueh"ever tlu r.--: hav hml it: vet th.-inl:-.

'HI to g-- t out alive; have visited planiHtioiis; home houses are but fourKsta with fctruw roof?; some are

aaohe; home uru corrugated Iron; someore , Jeet long; one building hadl"o men sleeping on a iloor; therewere no bunk nor partitions; corrugated iron Is ujed all over the countryaoino nave wooden bunks; some partsji me country are all right; otherpan are not two feet over the sealevel; have seen the food; bare

I BBft rcorn canes una tinea meat; i naveeaten the beans and dried beef, andwas glad to get them ; they havenothing else to eat In that countrythe rule Is for lunas and others in authority to carry revolvers in thatcountry ; thev carry alao belts ofammunition; have seen revolvers usedin disturbances; have seen lunasshoot laborers in the legs to stop arow; they generally carry a revolverana n long knife ; nil carry knives toprotect themselves; poco tempo dol

other coins are used, and paper also:have seen gold ; the customary coin issilver and paper.

Cross-examine- d : I do not know thealtitude of Santa Anna plantation,but can give the latitude; 1 think itis JOOO feet high ; I left there in lastMarch; was there two months ; wasthere before in 1S8--; do not know ifall the laborers are contracted; thereare Chinese laborers at Guatemala.

Hen Mason sworn: Have been inGuatemala; have been there twicewas there seven months ago last; thetlrst time I had shaggers fever; Iworked on a railway; have been inHonolulu oft' and on thirteen years,and eight different times; was inGuatemala from May to October lasttime; have traveled there; was therewhen the Monserratt arrived atSan Jose; eoIee grows from about200 to 'SiO feet elevation ; therewere some 400 blackbirds on theMonserratt; 1 ritted out the enginethat took them away; last October Illtted out a coffee mill at an elevationof less than lr00 feet; the laborersare mostly Indians; the plantationsare owned mostly by foreigners; thelunas are a murderous, scoundrelhlot; have read the statements of Cloys;some of tiie laborers are hired by theday and some, are shipped; their rations are corn and beef; the houses areof corrugated iron and adobe and iron,lumber and iron, and adobe with grassroofs; the sleepy act vas where theluna pretended to be asleep; sometimes he would drop his face in hislands and watch the laborers throughlis fingers; if they tried to escape theuna would raise his gun and fire upon

them; the nation of the country was ablootthirsty race; he described thesavage howiiugs of the people at amil right; the more the blood spurted

the more they howled; swamps aremostly on the Atlantic side.

Cross-examinatio- n: Ihe last timewas there I worked four and one-lal- f

months; I fitted up engine Xo. 5to carry the Monserratt blackbirds in--and; it was supposed they were to go

to work at Livingstone, on the rail-way being constructed by the govern-ment; I saw them; have seen the con-tract laborers after they had been shotby the lunas, ami have seen the deadbodies when still warm; have seenfive that were killed wituin sevenmonths; I saw them at Iieathuallo.twenty-fiv- e miles inland; saw three ofthem that were killed in one day;these men were killed at different)Iantations near Iteathuallo in last

September; Henry Hart is the mana-ger of a plantation, and was one of themen who employs contract laborers; Iput up a mill at Iteathuallo; the plantations surround the town; it was saidthe blackbirds were to go to work at

livingstone; I don't know that theywere employed at an; contract la-borers are such as are hired from thegovernment, others were Indians;they are generally contracted for threeor four months; there are thirty ormore plantations within live miles ofKcathuallo; 1 know where the Unionsaloon i; I have been there; (to Mr..Neumann) you have been there; welave all been there; I know Mr.tobert French; I was thereon Augustoth; did not tell French that it was a

matter of dollars and cents with me tohush me up on this matter.

He - direct examination: J).d not:now I was to be a witness; waspoken to by a German; his name was

Von something; do not remember itnow; met him on the street; saw Mr.Johnstone afterwards; he asked me tobe interviewed for the Advertiser.

II. Clarkson Cloud, sworn for theprosecution in rebuttal; was at Guate-mala frm 1SS1 to IStil; have beenthrough all the country; am a codecspecialist; was employed on threedantations ; was in tho banana busi

ness previously ; coiiee lor exportgrows at feet elevation ; coffeegrows at a lower level for home con-sumption ; perhaps there are notmore than r00 bags raised on tholower levels; swampy lands lie onthecoat; have visited at least fiftyplantations ; there are 150 to 200 plan-tations; the swampy lands are nearthe coast ; a lagoon bac"ks up near SanJose; there are twenty-fiv- e miles offorest back of it; the fruit of thecountry is shipped to New Orleans ;there is no coffee on the Atlantic side;Indian labor is used on the planta-tions; do not think they are contractlaborers; there is no depending onthe labor there; the best people eatthe food of the country, but the bestleoplo do not live in the country ;

they are educated abroad ; have neverseen anybody armed there ; revolverscost too much for them to buy; a re-volver costs $50; there is a heavypenalty for carrying arms; neverheard of anybody being killed exceptin one case, where a woman was tthe bottom of the trouble ; the nativeswould bo a dangerous people to dealwith ; I was not allowed to takea gun into the country; I never sawany corrugated iron houses for labor-ers; I understand they are treatedbetter than in Hawaii, where they dolive in barracks and are whipped withblack snake whips; I have been initeathuallo; there are no large planta-tions there; it is a plantation depotfor the district above; there is gold inGuatemala, but it is scarce and isworth li5 to 17') preminm; fevers arecalled under a general name, but areconfined to the coat.

Cross-examinatio- n : arrived inHonolulu on July 2.'.; Hoogs of theAdvertiser told" rue they used blacksnakes in Hawaii on the laborerslaughter); a gringo is an American;

firearms ore prohibited; did not knowProf. W. T. Krighani, hut knew hisson; I am not engaged in businesshere; am here for my health; I amnot Infatuated with this country.

Caitai.v Ferguson, recalled: Haveheard Cloys' testimony; I was on thesteamer Monserratt when tho first

the l:it lighter; met the governmentoMleeis a the wharf; the families ofthe South Sea islanders were notm parated; I went with them to theplantations; saw them afterwards;never heard of any trouble. Producedhis credentials from tho Guatemalagovernment to act as labor agent.

Mr. Hartwell submitted no malice had been shown. That the editorof tho Advertiser had used theusual precautions in accepting andpublishing the article complained cf.He held there was nothing libelous inthe article per se. The testimony as tothe conditions existing in uuatemaiawas affirmative, the testimony of theprosecution was negative. The carrying of revolvers and knives nad beenproved, together with the shooting oflaborers. The rest of the article wasmatter of opinion, if Captain Ferguson was teuder on these points, liewas exceedingly sensitive. , CaptainFerguson had not refuted Cioy's state-ments nor those of witnesses. Head thelaw of libel, and pointed out thatthere was no direct tendency of the alleged article to libel.

Mr. Creiuiiton held that the question to be decided was whether therewas sufficient probable cause to holdMr. Johnstone for a jury trial. Hesubmitted there was more than pro-bable cause. Read and commentedon tho article published in the Advertiser. Held that Cloys' testi-mony was unreliable.

Judge Hohertson held that untilthe allegations of the article wereproved to be true, there was cause fora libel, and therefore held tne defendant for trial before the circuit court.


Here is an incident from the SouthMississippi, written in April, 1800,

just after the Grippe had visited thatcountry. I am a farmer, one ofthose who have to rise early andwork late. At the beginning of lastWinter I was on a trip to the Cityof Vicksburg, Miss, .where I got welldrenched in a shower of rain. Iwent home and was soon after seizedwith a dry, hacking cough. Thisgrew worse every day, until I hadto seek relief. I consulted Dr. Dixonwho has since died, and he told meto get a bottle of Boschee's GermanSyrup. Meantime my cough grewworse and worse and then the Grippecame along and I caught that alsovery severely. My condition thencompelled me to do something. Igot two bottles of German Syrup. Ibegan using them, and before takingmuch of the second bottle, I wasentirely clear of the Cough that hadhung to me so long, the Grippe, andall its bad effects. I felt tip-to- p andhave felt that way ever since."PCTERj.I3RiArs,Jr.,Cayuga, IlinesCo.. Miss. Q

IN THE SWIM!We have just received


Hay and GrainPer Hawaiian Bark Mauna Ala

consisting of1C00 Bales Large and K Wheat Hay,2000 Bare Surprise, Ho. 1, White and

Black Oats.2000 Bags Whole Barley,1000 Bags Rolled Barley,3o00 Bags Coarse and tine Bran.600 Bags Middlings,300 Bags Mixed Feed,200 Bags Choice Wheat,200 Bags Cracked Corn,100 Bags Small Yellow Corn,100 Bags Kolled Oats and70 Bags Oil Cake Meal.

vVe selected these Goods duringour last trip to the Coast ; they are first- -

ciass, ana cost no more man poorerqualities now on the market.

Give Us a Trial !

Bedrock Prices !

JjfijOrders promptly attended.frfiPTclephones No. 121,

California Feed Co.,KING A WRIGHT,

3143 1 491-- 1 m Proprietors.

Real Estate AgencyNO. 519 FORT STREET.

To Lot.m

2 Houses on Beretania Street.2 Houses on Fort Stref-.t- .

1 House. Alakca Street, next PacificClub; rent $25 p?r month.

1 I louse, Beretania MreeT, near l'nkoi :6 roome, hath, etc.; $20 per month.

1 House, Km ma Square.1 Store, Nnuanu Street.

For Sale.

Sevt-ia- l desirable Residences in rirst- -clas.i locations.

Homo and Jot on lWetania Street,near l'enpacola; Ix)t 200 ft. frontago and140 feet deep.

Also, a Valuable Block of Brick Build-ings in tho liea't. of th Citv.

(J. K. LJUAKIMIAiN,3.H2 t f Agpnt.

Hern'ce Pdinlii Bishop Museum.

UK MUSEUM WILL BE OPENT to the Publicon Fridays from 9 to 12and on Saturdays from 2 to ' until furth-er notice. By order of (lie Trustees.

WA!. T. BRIG HAM,.14"i7 lw Curator.


full power of a'tornv to actfor rne in all my business and personalalTiirs.

HieneJ.J H. 8. TREGLOAN,34?-- 3t

NOTlfvt cajd5 01 th Provisional Govern- -

umT i mi- - . . : . .x -- '"j, ui toonale at the I'cstoce. on or about Au-u- st

Sealed Tenvlvr will be received at thenterior Office until MONDAY. AugustIsr, IS at 12 o'clock noon, to f.,rn?,o the Bureau of Water Works a trieunjp wun lU-ia- ch Krasa Cylinder, to--; V 1UIU "j io-inc- n Meamnii:? and irg complete, with allteam and water connections to pumproai the artesian w ell at the Makiki ir;

the same to be elected andncIosrd with a crrnaua iron shed,aid shed to cover the pumping plant.oplete, and als j t furnish a ladderor well. The work to be completed

And approve 1 within six weeks from dateA Ipin contract. All details of f eci-Syatio- ns

will bj furnished upon applica-tion to th oaieecf the SUjerintendentzi l'nblie Works.

The Minister of the Interior doea notfctaj, himself to accept the lowest or anyrid.

J. A. KINO,Minister of the Interior.

Interior Oiice, August 17, 1SU3.

In with Section 1, ChapterXXXV . f the Session Laws of 1SSS, Ihav- - thrs day ch.mged the location ofrKp I . ...... l i t- -- - - ' ' - " - uuuu at ntrauat', IVOO- -Un, Mini, to a piece of land situate onth? niikai side of the Government Iiead


l. W. NAPi.lI A A ha this day beenappointed Poandmaster for the above

, Pound in place of II. B. Kalilimoku,; reoi 'ced.

J. A. KING,Minister of the Interior.

Interior Otiice, August 1G, 1S33.34tJ 14c3-- 3t

Provisional Government of theHawaiian Islands.

Cccncil Chamber, ILIoxoLCLC, August 17, 1S93.J

At a meeting of the Executive and Ad-

visory Councils held this day, Hon.FRANCIS 21. HATCH was electedVice-Preside- nt of the Provisional Gov-

ernment in place of Hon. William C.Wilder, resigned.

CUARLtS. T. RODGERS,Secretary Executive and Advisory

Council?. 34t.) 1493-3- t


Executive Bcildlsg,IIosolcxc, June 30, 1893.J

I: is hereby ordered that until further

notice, tne right cf the writ of HabeasCorpus is hereby suspended and Martial

Law is hereby declared to exist in and

throughout the Districts of Hanalei and

Wainea, oa the island of Kauai.(Signed), SANFORD B. DOLE.

President of the Provisional Government

cf the Hawaiian Islands and Minis-o-fFcrtizn Affairs.

Appro veil :

J. A. Kixo,Minister of the Interior.

W. O. Smith,A ttor ney-Gene- ral .

3i20 14SG-t- f

AVater ZS'otic.QRtotha drought an 1 scarcity of

water, the resident i above .In Id Street

are requested to collect what water they

may retire for household purposes be-

fore 3 o'clx--k a. M.

ANDREW BROWN,Snpt. Honolnli Water Works.

344 J tf

Joseph Hub ygca ct Harry V.nhj, of Columbia, Pa

Suffered From BirthWiti a Severe Form of

Scrofula HumorCr.UI my boy W35 sit yearn cf aje ha waa

from ttirUi a KmMr sufferer from scrofa-Uv- it

haor. &-t-h vriwM on him aaderrca! ur.:II as tar;f E::r arul thendlsfcar?'?. t Alo-xe- by others so that the larger

nrt"l "t.i bo!y was one a of mmwrm ll

c' r.iVo ,'r r.n'hU Tia huraor had atery cr-.r-- iiva xlor, .ui-- caus 1

Intense ItchingW'fvm: t!l ho-a- r that poor boy suffered la

thos yeari. PhysioUM d:d not effect acre. At I dci'Ied In civa Man Hood'sSanapanila, a? my dri?? rocomtnended

P In about tTo weeic th SarjaparUla beganto have efT.ot.. The sor coTrimnre d to healr.p - th fih bezr.n to look more nataraj and

Thn th 1 ram off and allhnUlyri"! sr.rt hertUhv anl kin formed.Wln he lial Uitfo two botti" he a entirelyfrw from sore.harjnjonly thi sears to 'nowwhre they had been. Tha have all disap-peared. Ve. are n&a!le to express our thanlor tiie-- good

Hood's Sarsaparillahas dona our Ltt'.e toy." IIahkt K. Bcbt,Box Columbia, Pennsylyanla.

HOOD'S PILLS car Const! patWr by restta U 9rUtaItte action of th aiasaUry cuU

H0BR0N, NEWilAN A CO.,3313 Whoihals Aocrrs.

--More Bicycles Arrive.,!

Boys and Girls

1(1I Hearing Lhrycles


40, $50, 00, 70


U7"Don't wait ami Jr-ft-.' Theare bargains.

GEO. II. PAH I..3451-- 5t AfiENT.

BodoIqIu Cyclciy!


Woottea h Bromley, - Proprietors


Cushion Tire Siftties and Tandems

FOR RENTBy the day or I ur. Riding lessons

jtiven day or evening.


American KamMcr Safeties

Fitted with Eileplio pproctet and G. AJ. corrupated air tuba tires. tirescan be fitted to any pneumatic safety,they are practically puncture proof, donot 6iip oa wet roaas, and are very fast.Any desired pear can be furnished withtheso wheels from No. 56 to SO.

While on my Rambler wheel I'm seated.And up the street, 1 swiftly glide,

They say discussion, prows quite heatedTo know what wheel that man doth ride;

And when ray wheel I let them try.They exclaim with look intent

This is the wheel we ll surely buyIf we don't lay up a cent.

All Kinds cf Bicycle Repairing Done

at Ehort notice and at reasonableprices. All work puaranlecd. Work fromthe other inlands attended to and returned promptly.

A n'1,1. LINK Or

Columbia Bicycle FartsON HAND !

Alo. Lamps. IVr.. Wliit!s.'eCarrier?., Lubricating Oil, IlluminatingOil, lucyelo Lnatnel, 1 io,icr Guard ai drubber cement for mendir. leaky tirrf

Bicycles KiiaineledAnd Fmall parto Nikle p!ated.

ORarvainn in New and d

hafetiea for Lndiep, Gentlemen andBovb.

Call and examin tl.em.

Criterion SaloonI'K.U AUSTUALIA

Another Invoice of the relehtaledJOHN WIEUND EXTRA PALE

Lasrer BeerAleo, a frei-l- i lnxoiceof

OA. I 1 FOKN X V O V fT Mli M

1 n


L. 11. HKK, - Proprietor.MM


Onk copy i:cn or tukii- -

for th following voari forwhich the publisher's price will be paid1S91.

HAWAIIAN GAZET1T. CO.3423 149 2t

AUGUST 5thO- -






F. EHLERS & CO.,511 - - Fort Street.


Ladies' and Children's Jackets and Caps.Irish Point, Antiquo and Madras Curtains.Chenille Portieres with fringes from G.50a pair upwards.Smyrna Rugs in all sizes from $2 upwards.Knotted Swiss, Silkaline and Dimity in great variety.Cashmere Sublimes at 20 cents a yard; ono of tho hand

somest wash material this season, entirely now and for thoprice has no equal.

White Lawn in plain, striped and checked.Dressmaking Under tho 3Iaimireinent oi Mrs. Homier


Having Placed OurIjines Goods Shortly to Arrive,

Must Make Koom for Same.


PRICES.Orders for Largo

we-- o-

in Stapleaw lollowt:


for 23 cent; Letter Tablet?, gool quality,K) FRA M EH, cabinet sizes, new, 50 centu,

ol pi iltty, 50 cents a dozen ; NOTElino. !:. Cyrils; l;c r-- , nhilP, kxxiPEN HOLDERS RmUbWor fcIiooI ujp,

thin for Whit and Euchre Pmes ; guaran

bets, Schools and Clergymen. Send or

HAWAII," 20 numbers, the onlv choice

i AC M N TH.

Ribbons, etc., for all makes of Machines.

Co., L'd., Honolulu.

Wo Oiler Some StartlintrStationeryOOOD OUALITY PENCILS rubber tiimp.l, at V oonts a tl.wen ; notorize. VE

NETIAN LINEN Tablets, 15 crntn. -15 rents, former price 2 cents ; l'JIO.1 for $1 ; Composition l?o ks, niz'? 7xS',1'ArLU, 4 ream pacUayes ppfrcilquality, per box 5'H, o-i- l v 7o"it;1) cents a dozen.

NOTICE In consequotuM f rutting prices, we cannot allow any difcount to tbetrniloi above linns.

We are just in receipt 'if n f s 1 line M AUUUM WARDS tine linen Tapers, ruled andunruled; Envelopes l i niateb.

ALUM INI DM NOVELTI'S .lu-- t thteed not to tarnish ; a lri; variety of theso goods in Playing Card Cases ; pricesrensonrible.

MUSIC DFjI'AIITM VZ N T.Evervlhinsr to found in n tirst-r'as- Mumc Store; over 25,' pieces pbeet Music

to select from (Inr prie s will be found the lowest and goods the bft.SPFUI L DISCOUNT allowed to Teat

write for catalonus nnd discount".PUBLISHERS of prof. "MELE

selection of Hawaiian Music in print.C 3 K N ir. It. A !

J. V C Hscher, Evrritt k Sc'iiHer PI NOS: story and Clark and ChicAro ColtagOUOANS; YOST 1 YPK-WbHE- DENS MORI', TYPE-WRITE- R, the twor st writing .Maehinea in tbe world.

TYPK-WUlTK- It HUIMMA' UKPAItTMF.NT.We will foon Is u a catalomi" of lrpQrs,

Parti"' denrioi? n copy, ran Iiavh Finn mailed to their nddres by leavingtiime Mt our ull'i e I bis catalogue will found very useful to Type-Trtite- rs


Tho Hawaiian News

Page 6: Mutual Life Ins....promptly paia ror on presentation IN THE UNITED STATES. of the bill, will be stopped without LKWIS & CO., Real Estate Broker & General Agent, List op Ofickus: erj

JJALL.Y JAOIJblC COMMERCIAL ADVEKTISELt, AUGUST 19, 1893.G3wrral litirrtiermcnts.

&tto Uu)trttscmruts. Xcw 'wlbncrtiscii'cnts. (General ttwertiscmcnts.THE PALMETTO PLAN.



a Fine Assortment. JOHN NOTT. At McKinley Prioon


Steel and Iron .Ranges, Stoves and FixturesHOUSEKEEPING GOODS 1KD KITCHEN UTENSILS.


White, Gray and


Plumbers Stock, Water and Soil Pipes.


STOVE COALAt $12 a ton !

Delivered to noy jnrt of 1 1 ono- -


BUST ACE & OkKin up No. 4N on ttotfi 1r!f



1392. li$92.


I L,LUSTltJ'l hCli


Through the Hawaiian Islands

H. M. WHITNEY, Kditob.

Price in Honolulu, 60 Cents per Cop;

Tne Book has 176 pages of text, with

20 Fall Ptge lllnstriticcB cf kited Eceteij

and a description of the i'earl HarborRailway enterprise, and nurroundingcountry.

it Las also FOUR MAPS of thr largrrIslands, prepared expressly for it.

The GUIDE give a full descriptioneach of the principal Islands and bettlements in this Group, and will prove aninvaluable hand-boo- k for tourists, and forresidents to send to their friends abroad.

Borne of the illustrations in the utwbook are very fine specimens of the J'hototint process of engraving, and accuratiKrepresent the scenes portrayed. . ..---

For sale at Hawaiian News Coinfany's, anil at T. G. Thrum's tJp-to- ii

store. (Ud

The Guide will be mailed to any artthie islands for C4 Cents per Copy.

Or, to any foreign country for 70 Ont

Published by the



40 Merchant Ht..


r.: fcVuSii'i-- -,,




and Sheet Iron Work,



between Fort and Nuuanu.


making,o- -




-- o-


Plumbing, Tin, Copper



Robiii33u Block, Hotel Street,


A U7 nj . nfill v I



September 2ndCOMMENCING AT

1:30 O'Clock Sharp.

1st RACE QUEEN'S CUr Purse $50.

Running Race ; 2 mile dash for Ha- -wanan-br- ed horses.


Trotting and Pacing; mile heats;best 2 in 3 to harness. Hawaiianbred horses.

3d RACE MATCH RACE.Running Race; 1 mile dash be-tween Duke Spencer and Lord Brock.


Trotting and Pacing; mile heats; best 3in 5, to harness, .tree for all.


Running Race; mile dash for Haw-

aiian-bred horses owned by themembers of the Club. Cup to be-come the property of the one win-ning it twice.


Trotting and Pacing; mile heats;3 minute class ; best 2 in 3 to har-ness. Free for all.

7th RACE OCEANIC STEAMSHIPCO.'S CUP.Running Race; mile dash. Freefor all.

All entries to close on WEDNESDAY,August 29th, at 2 o'clock p. m., at theoffice of the Secretary, and all Entry Fees10 per cent, of the Purse; all Cups $10

All Races to be Run or Trotted underthe Rules of the Hawaiian Jockey Club

All Horses not withdrawn by Friday,September 1st, at 2 o'clock r. m., areexpected to start.

All Horses are expected to appear onthe Track at the tap of the bell from theJudge's Stand, otherwise they will benneu.

Admission 50 CentsGrand Stand (extra) 50 Cents and $1Carriage (inside of course) $2.50Quarterstretch Badges $5

C. O. BERGER,Secretary Hawaiian Jockey Club.

3441-t- d


Two Soleil-Scheibl- er



Tubes, Larcps, Cylinders.

Scales, Weights, Etc., Etc.


Beiison, Smith & Co.3441 1490-3-W


The Skin needs food. If the Complexion is sallow, rongh, scaly, pimply,it is because it is not fed withLOLA MONTEZ CREME

The Skin Food and Tissue Builder,positively the only safe andnELiABi article lor the Uomplexion. Absolutelyharmless, opens the pores, increases thenatural and necessary secretions of theskin. Restores the flesh to firm healthystate of youth. Prevents wrinkles.Good for burns, chapped lips and hands

JpffPot lasts three months.PRICE 75 CENTS.0Ask your druggist for it.

HOW CAN YOU TOLERATEFreckles. Pimples, Blackheadsyellow or muddy Skin, mouthWrinkles or anyform of facial disfigurement whenMrs. Nettie Harrison guaranteesto cure you. Den'consider yourcase a hopeiess

' one.

Mrs. Harrison treats ladies for all der , rtf foA orirl finiim. The nermanent removal of superfluous hairguaranteed.TvIRS. 'NETTIE HARRISON

America's Beauty Doctor.26 Geary Street, San Francisco, Cal

gJ&For sale by HOLLISTER & CO.Druggists, 109 Fort St., Honolulu.

340G-t- f

Letterheads, billheads, receipbooks, shipping receipts and commercial printing at the Gazette


of the


Are you going to keep upwith the times and have yourHouse lit up by Electricity,or are you going to keepright on in the same old rutand burn oil simply becauseyou have grown use to the uncomfortable heat, the strongodor, to say nothing of thedanger from explosions, and

bother of cleaning and fillingyour lamps, ordering your oil,etc.? Which is the easiest, tohave a switch at the head ofyour bed and turn on a lCc.p.lamp when the baby begins to

talk politics at 1 a. m., or toget up, fall over three chairsand pull off half the wall ornaments feeling for the matchsafe and then be told, just as

the lamp is well lighted, to" please put out the light,

tbaby is alright now V

In a few short months the




will he able to furnish all theLight and Power the City of

Honolulu will require, and, as

we now have some six largewiring contracts to begin on,

as soon as the Australia getsin with a big lot of assortedwire, we would call the atten-

tion of those wanting ElectricLights in their Houses at an

early date to the advisabiltyofhaving the wiring done soon.

As only a limited number of

good house wire men are to

be had, contracts for wiringwill have to be taken up in

turn in the order received.After the Australia gets in

we will have a complete line

of everything needed to wire

any buildinir, including Elec-

troliers, Brackets, etc., and a

large assortment of plain andfancy Shades.

Leave your order ear

ly and have the satisfaction of

having your House ready for

the lights when the current is

turned on from the New Sta-

tion now under way.

i 0. HALL & SI

The World Will Watch With Interest theOperation of the 'cw Iipcn3ry Lawhy Which the State Expects to Make aMillion a Year.

The so called dispensary law, underwhich the state of South Carolina takesexclusive control of the sale of intoxi-cating liquors within her borders, oesinto operation July 1. Although it Ucalculated that the state will probablymake a profit of 1 ,000,000 on the 1,500,-00- 0

gallons of liquor annually consumedby ita inhabitants, the primary object ofthe law was the regulation of the liquortraffic and not the raising of revenue.Still South Carolina" is not now awealthy state, and if the profits of herstate bar are anywhere near what thyhave been estimated her taxpayers willprobably appreciate the ensuing relieftrom their onerous burdens.

Under thy new hv no person can pur-chase less than half a pint or more thanlive gallons of any intoxicating liquor,and ic is only procurable in sealed pack-ages, which must not bo opened onthe premises whoro they are purchased.Every purchaser has to fill out a blankapplication stating his age and residenceand for whom and for what the liquor isrequired. These applications will befurnished by tho county auditor to thedispensers, and all unused or mutilatedblanks must be accounted for. Tho dis- -



penser is to refuse the applica-tion of any person whom he knows to boa minor or an habitual drunkard andmay even refuse to sell to persons whowant the liquor merely for convivialpurposes. Fie is not permitted to sellanybody more than ono supply ou theeame day. Clubs are prohibited fromkeeping liquors on hand for their mem-bers, and there are stringent provisior.3against the violation of the law by drug-gists.

"The State Dispensary" is the legaltitle of tho legal headquarters of theliquor traffic, and it is located in tho oldAgricultural hall at Columbia. It isunder the direct supervision of Commis-sioner D. II. Trailer, who was, up to thetime of his appointment by GovernorTillman, a successful merchant. He isa thorough business man and a memberof tho Baptist church. Uis wife i3 prom-inent in the W. C. T. U. The commis-sioner's salary is $l,S00ayear and histerm of office two years. He will fur-nish all local dispensaries with their sup-plies and is allowed by the law to chargea profit of 50 per cent on the cost price,which profit, of course, goes into thostate treasury.

At present local dispensaries will berestricted entirely to county towns andcan only bo established on the petitionof a majority of the freeholders.

No person is eligible for the position ofcounty dispenser who kee"ps a hotel, res-

taurant, saloon or place oE amusement,nor any licensed druggist or person whohas been convicted of violating tho ex-

cise laws. The county dispenser is per-

mitted to add an additional 50 per centprofit to that paid tho state commission-er; and this is to be equally divided be-

tween the county and the town whereinthe dispensary is located. Charlestonand Columbia are the only places in thestate permitted to have moro than onedispensary. The former city has 10 andthe latter 3. Six of the counties willhave none at all, as the new lav,-- is notintended to supersede the existing localoption law.

Ono of the peculiarities of the newcondition of things will be observed inthe sale of beer. Six or eight braudsare to be used, but they will 1h? desig--

1W 3l


nated by numbers and not by their com-mercial names. They will be sold atthe uniform price of 13 cents a bottle.Whisky will probably cost $3 a gallon,a rather steex price for ordinary goods,but the consumer will have the benefitof the certificate of the state chemist asto its purity.

There is a probability of the constitu-tionality of the law being contested inthe federal courts on the ground of someof its provisions conflicting with thein-terat- at

commerce act, but the advocatesof the dispensary expect it to receive afair" trial.

The Illustrated Tourists' GuideThat popular work, "Thb Tourists

Guide Through tub IIawaiiah Islands," is meeting with a steady ealeboth at home and abroad. Tourists andothers visiting these islands should bela possession of a copy of it. It is a perfeet mine of information relating to thescenes and attractions to be met withhere. Copies in wrappers can bo had atthe publication office, 4Q Merchantstreet, and at the News Dealers. Trice



TILES FOR FLOORAn. J for Decorating Purines;

Matting op all Krxns,

Manila Cigar.Chinese Fire Crackers, Rockets riij

bombs, Japanese Provision and Soy.

Eind-paint- ed Porcelain Dinner Set,

A few of those due hand enbroirferri


Assorted colors aud patterns of CrepeSilk Shawls. Elegant Tete-- a te Cup?

ami Saucer a. A fine lot cf

BOTS AND ACCESSORIESA tew of those bandy Mosquito Urns.

Also, an nesortnieut of new styles of

Rattan Ohair3 and TablesAlso, a small selection of JAPANESE



No. fifi Nuuanu B treat.2661-- 0.

Hawaiian Stamps

IWILL PAY CASH, FOR EITHERlarge or small quantities of used Ha-

waiian Postage Stamps, as follows :(These offers are per hundred and any

quantity will be accepted, no matter howsmall, at the same rates.)1 cent, violet ..$ 751 cent, blue 751 cent, green 402 cent, vermilion 1502 cent, brown 752 cent, rose 302 cent, violet, 1891 issue 505 cent, dark blue 1505 cent, ultramarine blue 1 006' cent, green 2 5010 cent, black 4 0010 cent, vermilion 5 0010 cent, brown : 2 5012 cent, black ... 6 0012 cent, mauve 6 0015 cent, brown 5 0018 cent, red .. 10 0025 cent, purple 10 0050 cent, red . 25 00$1, carmine 25 001 cent envelope 502 cent envelope 754 cent envelope 2 005 cent envelope 2 0010 cent envelope 5 00

gUSfNo torn stamps wanted at anyprice. Address :

GEO. E. WASHBURN,P. O. Box 2083. San Francisco, Cal.

3021 1418-t- f

The Hawaiian Newspips


tUOKOAWith a combined Circulation of

4,800 COPIESFurnish the best medium foradvertising in the Hawaiianlanguage, and are the onlyrecognized leading Journals.

tT' Advertisements anasubscriptions received at theoffice ot the

Hawaiian Gazette Co.,

46 Merchant Street,Honolulu.

The Planters Monflily


JULY 1893.

Notes.Advance in the Price of Sugar.Cocoanuts and other Palms.Commissioner Marsden's Report.Hmraiian Pmwn Tanda Estate.The Watsonville (Cal.) Beet Sugar

Factorv.Report of the Hawaiian Forestry

Commission.Palms.Green Manuring.Potatoes as a Crop.The Cultivation of Rape.The Banana Its Description, "Varie-

ties and Manner of Cultivation.California Fie Trees.The Chicago Stock Yards.Sandwiches.The care cf Tools.


Dressmaking Rooms9 HOTEL STREET.

Prices lower than elsewhere in Hono-lulu. Latest styles as worn in Londonand Paris. A specialty of Washing Dress-es. All work neatly and promptlyfinished. 3340

Any kind of printing at the Ga-

zette Office equal to work doneabroad.



SSlTMatting laying a specialty. All orders attended to.


HAW A LAW.a a l a ? f

ABSOLUTELY PURE!One Hundred Pounds Worth Two Hundred of Any Other.

M. W. McChesney & Sons3301-l- y


Fertilizing . CompanyWhile thankful to the Planters for

their generous support durinjrthe paet year, do now

offer a few tons of

Various Grades of FertilizersStill remaining on hand, and ready

immediate delivery :

Complete High Grade Fertiliwre,

FISH GrUJLNORotted Stable Manure and Land Planter,

Sulphate Potash and Muriate PoUsh,

Wtrate of Soda and Dried Blood,Dissolved Laysen Island Goano,

Pure Raw Bono MealGround Coral Lime Stone,Etc., Etc., Ete.

Having disposed of Large Quantities o

Manures and High Grade JerUlixeduring the year lb92, we are now pre--

ared to receive orders lor 1893, fle

ivery in quantities to suit.fiTWe will give tenders for wy

Quantity and of any Grades desired.Fertilizers made to order, and W7

analysis guaranteed.AOTWhile making your orders jot

1893, give us a call, or seed 7oVorders to

A. F. OOOKE,Manager Hawaiian Fertilizing Cg,


Pork Packing Cft

The above Company is prepaiedto buy '


In any quantitvat Higbest Market

Price.WPiga for Koasting, Dressed or

Foot.Manufacturers of

Extra Leaf Lard.Guaranteed pure, and a'ade nnder

inspection of the Board of W1!0 ,

ESTPoM Office Box 314; Mutnal i66. Tilel

CT-Slaug-htcr Yards and Peni. ,

CO-Offi-ce, West cor. Matmake

King Sts.


BABY CARRIAGES of all styles,CARPETS, RUGS, and MATS in tho latest patterns,

" HouLselrolcl 99 Sevirio: IVTacliiiiesHand Seving Machines, all with the latest improvements.

Also on handWesterniayer's Celebrated Cottage Pianos !

Parlor Organs, Guitars and other Musical Instruments.t3F"For sale by

ED. HOFFSCHLAEGER & CO.,King Street, opposite Castle & Cooke.


SATUEDAY, JTTI5T 29.Canadian Tweeds Only 50 Cents a Yard !

JESeven and a half yds. makes a full Suit. Other goods proportionally reduced.

fiSECall and see our bargains .

GOO KIM, Nuuanu Street,Cor. Fort and Kisg Sts.Office.60 cents.