mw2014 art-in-the-clouds

Ar t i n th e Cloud s Creating an Archival for Museum Assets using Cloud Storage and Open Source Repositor y Jane Alexander & Niki Krause Cleveland Museum of Art

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Art in the CloudsCreating an Archivalfor Museum Assets using Cloud Storage and Open Source


Jane Alexander & Niki KrauseCleveland Museum of Art

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Looking at the Big Picture


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Archival Repositoryin Collection-informationand Scholarship Backbone

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Bruce buried by DVDs


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Photo Studio’s artwork photography


uncropped, high-res mastersthree sets of 3800 archival DVDs

manual lookup / pull to use

long-term viability of DVDs

gold DVDs = $$$$$$

= 11,400


ditch the DVDs, move to onlinebut, it’s archival in nature


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Interdepartmental Team

CIO + Applications Services Manager (leader)


Museum Archivist + Digital ArchivistIT network+infrastructure+storage duoLibrary Applications Analyst / developerPhoto Studio Assistant Manager


PhotographersCollections Management / RegistrarConservation staffPerforming Arts, Music, and Film staff

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inventory digital materials

identify appropriate standards

storage platform+management

map metadata

define workflows




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Inventory & Projections


artwork photographyconservation photography editorial photography business documentsAV of institutional historyAV of lectures, performances artwork in time-based media

= 20TB now, 35TB

by 2018

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OAIS reference model

preservation file formats


descriptive & technical metadata


• schemas••

Dublin Core (DCMI)IPTC mapped to DCMI

local metadata needs = local schema

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Storage Platform Options


onsite hardware/storage + AMSSaaS/hosted solution

cloud-based hardware/storage,with in-house AMS administration

…but there were concerns!

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Virtual Data Center on same ISP trunk

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5 years = $500,000+

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Archival Management

Options considered:



DSpace (open source/SaaS, MIT)CONTENTdm (SaaS, OCLC)

Fedora Commons (open source, Cornell)

Archivematica (open source)

Invenio (open source, CERN)

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Ingest Progress @ 9 Months


editorial photography — ⅔ ingestedartwork photography — ½ staged, mapped conservation photography —file name review+de-duping underway

business documents — scripting xformations AV — detailed inventory, analog to digital artwork in time-based media– 10 works accessioned so far

– team working on in-house standards


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• developer is leavingTOMORROW

staff time– Digital Archivist

the museum

– Conservation and PAMF staff availability


network storage running highdemand for more DSpace installs