#mwc15health rick valencia qualcommlife

//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Wearables Across the Spectrum of Care: From Prevention to Intervention © 2015 Qualcomm Life. All rights reserved. Rick Valencia, SVP & GM, Qualcomm Life, Inc. Mobile World Congress, March 4, 2015

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Wearables Across the Spectrum of Care: From Prevention to Intervention

© 2015 Qualcomm Life. All rights reserved.

Rick Valencia, SVP & GM, Qualcomm Life, Inc.Mobile World Congress, March 4, 2015


////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////Global Health Care Changes➡ Moving general population

to wellness & self care➡ Caring for the sick & aging

efficiently & cost effectivey

© 2015 Qualcomm Life. All rights reserved.



1. World Health Organization, Global recommendation for Physical Activity for Health, 2010

Combatting the Sedentary Lifestyle

60 to 80%of all adults are

sedentary (developed countries)1

6%of deaths globally are attributed to

sedentary lifestyles1

Inactivityis fourth leading

risk factor for global mortality


monitoring devices are a critical

component in preventive medicine

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IHS, The World Market for Sport and Fitness Monitors, July 2013IMS Health analysis of widely available consumer targeted healthcare apps, October 2013

$1.9BFitness tracker market 20131

Leaning into Prevention

84 Million DevicesIn the market 20131

8,786 appsHealthy living, diet & exercise apps

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////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////Prevention to Intervention Patient Journey

Prevention / Healthy Lifestyle

Self Diagnosis

Locate a HCP or HC Service

Diagnosis / Education

Post Acute Care Recovery

Medication Adherence

Acute Care

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////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////Proliferation of Prevention

Prevention / Healthy Lifestyle

Self Diagnosis

Locate a HCP or HC Service

Diagnosis / Education

Post Acute Care Recovery

Medication Adherence

Acute Care

8,786 apps*118 Fitness Wearables

304 apps*Smartphone diagnostics

931 apps*

562 apps*Smartphone diagnostics

* IMS Health analysis of widely available consumer targeted healthcare apps

© 2015 Qualcomm Life. All rights reserved.


////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////Attacking the Health Care Challenge from Both Ends

Prevention / Healthy Lifestyle

Self Diagnosis

Locate a HCP or HC Service

Diagnosis / Education

Post Acute Care Recovery

Medication Adherence

Acute Care

8,786 apps*118 Fitness Wearables

304 apps*Smartphone diagnostics

931 apps*

562 apps*Smartphone diagnostics

* IMS Health analysis of widely available consumer targeted healthcare apps

© 2015 Qualcomm Life. All rights reserved.



© 2015 Qualcomm Life. All rights reserved. 8

“Developers continue flocking to a saturated market that gather reams of largely superficial information for young

people whose health isn’t in question, or at risk”

“The people who could most benefit from this technology—the old, the chronically ill, are being ignored”

J.C. HertzWired Magazine, 11.06.14



> 50%Of Health Plan spending

concentrated on 5% of patients

The Opportunity for Mobile Intervention

© 2015 Qualcomm Life. All rights reserved. 9

Source: IMS Lifelink Health Plan Claims Database, Dec 2010

25.6% 50.6% 65.2% 74.3% 80.7% 85.4% 96.9% 3.1%

Top 1%> $44,957

Top 5%> $14,947

Top 10%> $8,528

Top 15%> $5,773

Top 20%> $4,169

Top 25%> $3,130

Top 50%> $874

Bottom 50%> $874

Percent of health plan members, ranked by health care spending ($)



Post Acute Care Opportunity

© 2015 Qualcomm Life. All rights reserved. 10

1. Heidenriech PA, Trogdon JG, Khavjou OA, Butler J, Dracup K, Ezekowitz MD, et al. Forecasting the future of cardiovascular disease in the United States: a policy statement from the American Heart Association. Circulation. 2011;123(8):933–44.

2. Ross JS, Chen J, Lin Z, Bueno H, Curtis JP, Keenan PS, Normand SL, Schreiner G, Spertus JA, Vidan MT, Wang Y, Wang Y, Krumholz HM. Recent national trends in readmission rates after heart failure hospitalization. Circ Heart Fail.2010;3:97

3. Michalsen A, Konig G, Thimme W. Preventable causative factors leading to hospital admission with decompensated heart failure. Heart. 1998;80:437–441.

$108Bcost of

coronary heart disease

annually (US)1

24%of heart failure

patients are readmitted

within 30 days2

54%of heart failure

readmissions are preventable3



“Poor adherence translates into increased use of expensive components of health care, such as hospitalizations”3

Medication Adherence Opportunity

© 2015 Qualcomm Life. All rights reserved. 11

1 Capgemini estimates 2 AHA, http://www.heart.org/HEARTORG/Conditions/More/ConsumerHealthCare/Medication-Adherence---Taking-Your-Meds-as-Directed_UCM_453329_Article.jsp#. 3 The Role of Medication Adherence in the U.S. Healthcare System . Avalere Health, June 2013

$564BAnnual (global)

pharmaceutical revenue loss due to non-adherence1

$300BCost of medication non

adherence annually due to avoidable hospitalizations, nursing home admissions,

and premature deaths (US)2



Interoperability, proprietary status quo

Security & privacy standards

High cost of entry

Mobile Intervention Lagging Behind

Highly regulated market

We have Social responsibility to converge wireless & health

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Health Care Digital 6th Sense

© 2015 Qualcomm Life. All rights reserved. 13

To From

HospitalFee for service

Bulky, lagging, Non-actionable, Episodic

Labs Claims


HomeOutcome based

Personal, Real-time, Actionable, Continuous

Diagnostics Behavioral




Post-Acute Care Mobile Intervention

© 2015 Qualcomm Life. All rights reserved. 14

End –to-end integration

Exception-based data

Informed timely interventions

Wireless remote patient monitoring

Frictionless in-home mobile experienceCloud-based Integration

Care Coordination PlatformMobile

Patient PortalOpen, InteroperableRemote Monitoring

Informed Patient Interventions


2net and HealthyCircles are products of Qualcomm Life, Inc.



Connected Therapy Management

© 2015 Qualcomm Life. All rights reserved. 15

Adherence + engagement + outcomes

Beyond the pill: drug, device, programs, care team

Aligned incentives: pay and reward for outcomes

Combined therapeutic with diagnostic

Patient & Care Team




2net is a product of Qualcomm Life, Inc.



The human body is the next

digital frontier




Affordable, Easy-to-Use Mobile Health Solutions

© 2015 Qualcomm Life. All rights reserved. 17

Medication Adherence Simplified

- 20%Drop in Readmission Rates

2net is a product of Qualcomm Life, Inc.



© 2015 Qualcomm Life. All rights reserved. 18

Shift to medical-grade systems

Unobtrusive and self-sufficient

Task-specific for real-time vitals

Fully integrated and normalized

Beyond the Watch - The Future of Wearables


////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////Wearables – Caring for the Sick & Aging


• Concerted effort & investment required- Interoperable & integrated- Private & secure- Normalized & interpreted- Frictionless & affordable

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Thank you.

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