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My Accomplishment Report


oFFICE OF THE sUPREME STUDENT COUNCIL Republic of the PhilippinesCEBU TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITYCTU-Argao CampusADDRESS: ED KINTANAR STREET, LAMACAN, ARGAO, CEBU, PHILIPPINESurl: e-mail: [email protected]. No. (032) 3677210 / (032) 3677504 Fax No. (032) - 36677210

A.Y. 2012 2013


In every beginning lies an opportunity to change. This has been the guiding light of student council leaders across the globe. The Supreme Student Council of CTU Argao Campus produced the ground for an effective venue where the members shared commitment to re-invent the student movement out of its continuous discipline. In line with its ultimate mission to empower the rights and represent the entire student populace, the officers have tried their utmost best to advocate as the voice of the studentry thus promotes and encourages the involvement of students in organizing school activities. The council leaders were able to identify and help solve problems encountered by students in the school and communicate its opinion to the school administration on any subject that concerns students.

In behalf of all the officers and the adviser of the Supreme Student Council, we would like to humbly present to you the fruits of their administrations labor that for one whole school year they have strived.

MICHAEL VAN D. DIVINAGRACIA MILDRED MARTINEZ Executive Secretary, SSC Deputy Executive Secretary, SSC

Report on Summer Leadership CampTeam Building Activities

CTU Grounds | April 18-20, 2012

With a theme of To Motivate. To Lead. To Excel., the 2012 LEADERSHIP SUMMER CAMP comenced with the high expectations of forging camaraderrei and bond between the student leaders of the Supreme Student Council and FSTLP. The three-day activity which was conducted last April 18-20, 2012 at the CTU-Argao Campus grounds. The activity also aim to discover unity despite diversity of character, attitude, knowledge and skills between them, as an avenue towards rediscovering efficient and effective leadership.The first day was started with an opening program in the afternoon, welcome address was given by Prof. Zandro B. Bernales, SSC Adviser, thereafter, Dr. juanita P. Pinote gave her statement of purpose of the activity. It was the followed by the acknowledgement of participants and then the inspirational message by Dr. Panfilo E. Ciriaco, the CTU-Argao campus Director. The House Rules for the activity was then presented by Hon. Rhea Lopez, SSC Vice President, it concluded the first day of the activity, the participants and facilitators was then given the rest of the time for billeting. The second day was full of workshops, games, and forums on teambuilding and leadership. It was facilitated by the BE Facilitator Inc. who made the entire day unforgettable fun, informational, and transformational. In the evening of that day, there was a sharing of reflections for the days activity with a bon fire. After it was a boodle fight dinner! In the morning of the third day was the continuation of the wokshops of the second day, however the days activity was a lot more fun and exciting, it was a treasure hunting actiity with challenges and stuffs! The hunt ended with a mosaic making activity on eac members commitment towards their organizations goals. After that, there was a closing program, there was sharing of experiences and giving of impressions by the SSC and FSTLP participants. The awarding of certifictes and token to the facilitatra and participants followed. Prof. Jima S. Bejagan the gave her message of gratituted and was followed by Hon. Troy Rizons Closing Remarks in ended the activity asa whole.All in all the participants, facilitators, and advisers were able to build an unwavering bond between them towards competent leadership and passionate service. The 2012 Leadership Summer Camp was indeed a great success!

Report onStrength Weaknesses Opportunities Threats Analysis Seminar

Audio Visual Room | April 25, 2012

Every organization needs a firm benchmark as a basis for their plan. This so called benchmark is a crucial technique in understanding your strength and weaknesses, identifying opportunities and threats, which you and your organization may face. And so, we call this as the SWOT Analysis. Albert S. Humphrey (1960) quotes that: It is a simple icebreaker which helps people to get together to kick off strategy formulation. Further stated, it is a sophisticated way of a strategy tool for an effective and efficient action plan. The so called Strength of an organization is a foundation, or an asset towards its success. Meanwhile, Weaknesses are those that often lead to mistakes if not harnessed properly. However it is something that should be learnt from, in order to evolve beyond mediocrity. These strengths and weaknesses in an organization are the so called Internal Factors, which is embodied by attitude, personality, interrelationship, and etc. within the institution. On the other hand, there are also External Factors which an organization faces. These are phenomenal events that can never be controlled but, rather can be coped up and be used for ones own advantage. These external factors are: Opportunities, and Threats. Opportunities can be a chance, a break, or a prospect which serves as a stepping advantage toward success. However, the later is a coercion that in a broad way may shatter an organization, but also in a very narrow way, it can be a bitter advantage towards ones goal. These external factors are undeniably beyond our grasp; nonetheless it is always upon us how we manage such things, whether for our advantage, or the complete opposite.The importance of learning these things lead to a 7-hour seminar held last April 25, 2012 at the CTU-Argao Campus Audio Visual Room. The SWOT Analysis Seminar was conducted by the Supreme Student Councils Adviser and Chairman; Mr. Zandro B. Bernales. The seminar started at about 9:00 a.m., it was opened by an introductory speech by the speaker. It proceeded to a further elaboration of the topic with the aid of a power point presentation. An activity was held on the later part in the morning, the participants were divided into two, forming two groups. They were made to evaluate their selves on the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats they posses and which they may face; with the help of a couple of guide questions. The participants enthusiastically answered those questions and prepared a presentation. Until 12:00 p.m. the discussion run smoothly, incorporated with the participants dynamic participation on the activity. There was a 1-hour break for lunch. At around 1:00 p.m. the participants continued on the seminar. There was a presentation among the two groups. After each presentation, the groups were bombarded with questions from Mr. Bernales and from the other group as well. Shortly after the presentation of the works from the two groups, the seminar was ended by a closing speech by Mr. Bernales. All in all, the activity was indeed a success. Furthermore, the essentialities of learning such things lie profoundly on the ability of an individual to master the skill to harness those he or she learns prudently. Therefore it is important to, not only stop upon satisfying the mind with knowledge, rather to continue applying these in ones every endeavor.

Report onAction PlanningSeminar and Workshop

Audio Visual Room | May 7, 2012

Webster Dictionary defines a plan as a drawing; an outline; a scheme; or a method of action. It is a series of steps or actions aimed towards the realization of a certain goal, and so it is also called; an action plan. An action plan can be defined by the acronym SMARTER. In other words, a plan must always be; specific, measurable, acceptable, realistic, time-bounded, extended, and rewarding. Indeed, this is an essential tool in order to cope up with unexpected upbringings the future holds. However, a plan today might not be feasible tomorrow, in other words a plan always changes. There are a lot of factors that may, in some way or another cause tremendous amount of changes in a plan. That is why in making a plan it is important to consider the strength, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. This is in turn can ensure the efficiency and effectiveness of a plan. Meanwhile, you might notice that there are enumerable catchphrases about planning, yet all of them imply only one simple thought, that is; the essentiality of a plan in every endeavor. As a student leader, an action plan should be initiated prior to the performance of duties and responsibilities so that everyone who can provide support is involved from the beginning that in turn might help maximize the transfer of desired services. Hence, it is an utmost importance to plan your work and then work with your plan, for if you fail to plan you planned to fail. Consequently, upon seeking the knowledge in order to be equipped with the skill in planning, the Supreme Student Council student leaders undergone a 3-hour Action Planning Seminar & Workshop was held last May 7, 2012 (Thursday) at the Cebu Technological University- Argao Campus Audio Visual Room. The seminar started at about past 9:00 in the morning. The first part of the program was an invocation and then followed by the honoring of the country. Then, a welcome address by the SSC President, Hon. Troy C. Rizon preceded the statement of purpose that was delivered by Mr.Bernales. Subsequent to that, the seminar discussion then commenced. It was first discussed and elaborated the duties and responsibilities of each officer of the organization, and then the speaker continued on the traits and characteristics of a good leader. Right after that, the seminar continued to the discussion about action planning. The participants listened attentively and applied what theyve learned through the workshop on action planning. The participants were grouped into one to determine the plans for the activities and projects that might be considered for the academic year 2012-2013 first semester by the organization. The program came to an end with the finalization of the output of the action planning seminar. It was officially closed by the SSC Adviser and speaker of the said event, Mr.Zandro B. Bernales.

Report on the16th FSCL Annual Assembly & 1st Student Leaders and Advisers Summit

May 9-11, 2012

It has been an annual tradition of the Federation of Student Councils and Leaders of the Cebu Technological University system to celebrate the opening of new administration for every student council of the university and the job well done by the outgoing leaders of each council. That is through the 16th Annual General Assembly & 1st Student Leaders and Advisers Summit with a theme of Soaring to New Heights in Leadership: Service with Integrity, a three day endeavor filled with leadership seminars, workshops, teambuilding activities, extension programs and etc. it was conducted last May 9-11, 2012 at CTU Moalboal Campus, Costa de Leticia, Beach Resort and Spa, and Malabuyoc Cebu.The assembly on its first day was held at the CTU-Moalboal campus. It was started with the opening program; Dr. Romeo G. Pableo the campus director of CTU -Moaboal warmly welcomed the participants of the assembly. Hon. Vanessa Oberes, FSCL president gave her statement of purpose of the activity. It was followed by Dr. Vicente Igot, Diretor of SAO who presented the delegates, Dr. Bonifacio Villanueva the SUC President and Hon. Agnes Magpale, the vice-governor of Cebu gave their Inspirational message and speech for the student leaders and adviser, respectively. Later, there was a seminar on Developing a Campus Leadership Culture by Dr. Cecilio S. Baga CTU Vice President for Research and Development. A sumptuous lunch was then served after the seminar. After the lunch, another set of seminar-workshop was simultaneously done. The campus advisers had seminars on Student Organization and Leadership: Advising with a heart by Dr. Cecilio Baga, then a short session on Empowering Student Organizations by Dr. Vicente Igot, and lastly a seminar on Engaging Yourself to student Leaders by Dr. Joseph Pepito. On the other hand the student leaders had an orientation and Forum: Pilipinas Natin given by Mr. Invictus Buenaventura, coordinator of Pilipinas Natin it was followed by a fun and exciting activity the BAYANI CHALLENGE facilitated by him and others. At about 5:00 pm everyone participated in a festive boodle fight dinner. At seven in the evening a seminar entitled ANONG TAYA MO SA PILIPINAS NATIN? was conducted by Mr. June Joson, Chief of Staff of Pilipinas Natin and Mr. Invictus Buenaventura. A short evaluation of the days various activities was conducted afterwards and marked as the end of the first day of the assembly.On May 10, 2012, the second day of the assembly was started with a travel towards the Costa de Letecia Beach Resort, the second venue of the activity; a short hour was given to the participants for checking-in and billeting. At around 10:00 in the morning, a seminar was conducted by the Municipal Councilor of LibanaBukidnon, Councilor Ernei Al o Meter Edralin, on Leaderhip and the Importance of Good Student Governance. It was followed by a short lunch break, and an orientation was conducted after, the Presentation of Constitution & By-Laws 2012 of the FSCL and the New University Official Uniform. Hon WilfredoCaminero gave his inspirational message for the activity. Rightafter was the election of the FSCL Executive Board 2012, participated by the SSC presidents; it was then followed by their orientation of new officers by Dr. Joseph Pepito, Adviser of the FSCL. Later on, there was a solidarity night after the dinner, every campus gave various performances, there was an awarding of certificates and privilege talk by the FSCL Board Director, this party ended the second day.An extension service was conducted on the entire half day of the third day. There was a feeding program and giving of educational supplies for the children of Montaeza Malabuyoc Cebu. The delegates served as facilitators for the program. And at ten in the morning back at costa de Letecia resort, the closing program of the activity was conducted. An opening remark was done by the newly elected FSCL President Sacchia Mendoza, followed thereafter by a message from the Dr. Joseph Pepito. The awarding of certificates for the participants was initiated as well as the giving of projects from the FSCL to the student councils. The program was ended by Dr. Vicente Igot with his closing remarks. After lunch the entire afternoon of the third day was given as free time for the delegates to enjoy the resort before going home.The three-day assembly served as a remarkable experience and catalyst that will drive the student leaders of the university into new heights in leadership and service.

PhotosDay 1

Day 2

Day 3

Report on Parliamentary ProcedureSeminar and Workshop

Audio Visual Room | May 22, 2012

A parliamentary body is a group organized to conduct business, and which is supposed to be deliberative and democratic (English 1963). The Supreme Student Council of the Cebu Technological University-Argao Campus, adhering to the tenets of democracy provided for by its Constitution and By-laws is such an institution. Being an organized body that it is, the office holds and conducts transactions in the most systematic way possible. Hence, a parliamentary body employs a system, a set of techniques, customs, rules, and regulations that governs the entire Student Council itself, that which is the Parliamentary Procedure.Being at the threshold of a newly instituted system, the Supreme Student Council of CTU-Argao, A.Y. 2012-2013, saw the cause to equip all its council members with knowledge on the very machinery of a democratic entity--parliamentary procedures. In this effect, a seminar workshop on the said matter with a theme, Equipping Leaders towards Effective Student Governance was conducted on the 22nd day of May, 2012, at the CTU Argao Audio Visual Room.The program formally started at 8:30 in the morning with an Invocation led by Hon. Kevin Donaire (SSC CoED House Rep.) and followed by the Philippine National Anthem conducted by Hon. Rhea Lopez (SSC Vice-President). A Welcome Address was delivered by Hon. Troy Rizon (SSC President) and then followed by the Statement of Purpose given by the adviser of the SSC, Mr. Zandro B. Bernales. Thereafter, the Keynote Speaker was introduced by Hon. Gera Micah Egos (SSC BSHM House Rep.). Shortly after the introduction of the speaker, the seminar proper began. Hon. Vip Semilla (Argao Municipal Tourism Officer) presented a powerpoint on the Basic Parliamentary Rules and Procedures. In the middle of his presentation, we had a break for 15 minutes to take our snacks. After that, we resumed immediately and listened for the continuation of his presentation. For the workshop, we had a mock session facilitated by the speaker. The program was formally closed by the SSC Executive Secretary, Mr. Michael Van Divinagracia at exactly 11:57 in the morning.The program provided a venue for the student council members not just to be familiarized with the procedures per se, but it has also provided the student leaders a wider spectrum on matters concerning governance, and politicking within the context of student management in a democratic organization. The expertise of the speaker contributed a lot in making us more knowledgeable and equipped of the fundamentals and basic rules of the parliamentary procedure. We had an open discussion and sharing of thoughts. Right after, we were able to raise questions on how to execute a formal meeting. If not all, most of our doubts and wrong notions during meetings have been corrected. We have also learned from him that the uncorrected wrong becomes right with which usually happens during our meeting sessions. The seminar workshop was helmed under the tutelage of Hon. Vip F. Semilla, Municipal Tourism Officer of Argao. The program lasted a day with Miss Mildred Martinez, CoEd Representative, emceeing the event.

Work CitedEnglish, Robert W.. 1963. Meaning and Importance of Parliamentary Procedure. American Institute of Parliamentarians, Chicago.Vol 1: (1).

Report on the General Orientation Program

BERKS Activity Center | June 19, 2012

Cebu Technological University has once again opened its doors for freshmen students and transferees. Unfamiliar faces are roaming inside the premises of the university with so much excitement for their first day in school.The Office of the Student Services with the support of the Supreme Student Council conducted a general orientation program last June 19, 2012 at the Berks Activity Center for the purpose of orienting the freshmen students of the rules and regulation promulgated, services rendered and other important concerns.Early in the morning, the SSC officers gathered to make final preparations for the said event. Not long before the speakers had arrived, the freshmen students had registered and had fully occupied the seats provided for them. As soon as the invited faculty, staff and employees had arrived, the activity was immediately initiated. The opening program was formally started by the invocation then followed by the singing of the Philippine National Anthem. The participants were warmly welcomed and informed of the purpose of the activity by the Director of Student Affairs, Dr. Juanita P. Pinote. The participants were introduced to the members of the faculty of the university as they were presented separately. The directors from their respective colleges introduced the faculty and staff working with them. Dr. Panfilo E. Ciriaco gave his welcoming inspirational message to the students. Thereafter, The presentation of SSC Adviser and Officers was conducted by Dr. Juanita P. Pinote, Director of Student Affairs. A song number was performed to the students by the active and dynamic president of the SSC, Troy C. Rizon.The second part of the activity was followed in the afternoon. It covered the discussion of the General Guidelines, Policies and Services of the different offices of the institution.The closing remarks of Mr. Zandro B. Bernales, SSC Adviser ended the activity in the late afternoon.There was also another orientation program conducted on the night of the same day for the the same purpose of orienting the first freshmen students.


Report on Acquaintance Party & Oath-Taking Ceremony

CTU Oval | July 6, 2012

A new school year cant be complete without the annual activity of the CTU- Argao Campus which gives way towards forging acquaintances into real frienship between students, fculty, and employees in the unversity, that is the annual Acquaintance Party of the campus! This further aims to build a healthy and aconducive social atmosphere towards fruitful learning for the students of the university. Meanwhile, this acvitity also includes the Oath-Taking Ceremony of the newly elected organizational officers of the university.And so, in celebration of a new school year; 2012-2013, the Supreme Student Council in cooperation with the departmental presidents,the 2012 Acquaintance Party & Oath-Talking Ceremony had launched with a theme of: Wer na U? Hir na Mi! Ari sa CTU, Kita Magparti-parti! last July 6, 2012 at the CTU-Argao Oval. Part 1 of the event was the Holy Mass conducted at around nineoclock in the morning. Part 2 was at 1:00 in the afternoon until 3:00 P.M. which was the registration of students in their respective departments. At around 3:00 P.M. Hon. Rizon initiated the crowd to participate in the fun games and activities facilitated by the SSC officers, students willingly particiated in the activities and had a lot of fun and friends! The program proper was started at around 6:30 in the evening. A warm welcome was given by Dr. Juanita P. Pinote, SAO Director, wo also acknowledge various guests of the activity. It was followed by an amazing opening number by the CTU Dance Troupe. Dr. Panfilo E. Ciriaco then gave his words of inspiration to everyone, then Mr. Anecito F. Carillo Administrative officer IV introduced Administrative staffs and Non-Teaching Staff of the university. Dr. Catalino S. Higida asst Campus Director introduced the CAFITE. Dr. Lynette Matea S. Camello, COE/CAS Director introduced the COE/ AS Faculty and Employees. Right after, selected Faculty and employees gave a bombastic intermission number! Dr. Pinote then presented the different Organizational Officers, being assisted by Prof. Bernales for the Oath-Taking Ceremony, Hon. Edsel Galeos then inagurated the officers. After the long hours of the program, the students, faculty and employess enjoyed their festive dinner! And at about 7:30, each department gave amaziing performences that made the crowd wild! Later on, its ILa-Ila Time! There was a disco open to all until 12:00 midnight.Undeniably, it was a night worth remmembering!

Report on Leadership Seminar & Departmental Action-Planning

BERKS Activity Center | July 20, 2012

In the pursuit of equipping the new set of student leaders with the leadership knowledge, skills, and values and to further hone their leadership potentials to become an edge towards competent, efficient and effective student leaders of their organization and the university as a whole;the Student affairs Office in cooperation of the Supreme Student Council conducts an annualLeadership Seminar and Departmental Action Planning. It involves the universitys recognized student organizations, both Curricular and Coo-Curricular organizations officers to partake in a Student Leadership and Action Planning symposium and workshop.This years Leadership Seminar and Departmental Action Planning activity was held last July 20, 2012 at Berks Activity Center. The whole day activity was warmly opened by Hon. Troy Rizon, SSC President. It was subsequently followed by Dr. Panfilo E. Ciriaco, CTU-Argao campus directors inspirational message. Before long it was followed by the seminar proper on the Essence of Leadership by Engr. Randy Villaflor, the keynote speaker of the day. Afterward a continuation of the seminar was given by Dr. Juanita P. Pinote SAO Director. And at about ten and until 12:00 in the afternoon, Prof. Zandro B. Bernales, SSC Adviser, gave a seminar on Action Planning. After an hour of lunch break, the participants of the event undergone a workshop on Action Plan Making, and at about three in the afternoon, each organizations presented their outputs to the body. The distribution of Certificates was done right after and was followed by the closing remark of Hon. Rhea Lopez, SSC Vice-President, who officially ended the program.And thus, with the ideals and virtues of competent student leaders, the organizational officers are then expected to show enthusiasm, dedication, and excellence in their service and leadership for the entire school year.

Report on 1st FSCL Leadership Summit

CTU Carmen Campus | October 23-26, 2012

An activity designed as an avenue to hone leadership potentials, forge lasting camaraderie, develop each unique character, and most importantly, build and deepen commitment towards leadership and service, which is the1ST FSCL LEADERSHIP SUMMIT. With the theme of Embrace Biodiversity; Unleash Your Inner Potentials in Building Camaraderie: Bring Out The Leader in You!,this four-day activity was spearheaded by the Federation of Student Councils and Leaders Inc. held at CTU- Carmen campus last Octoer 23-26, 2012.The first day was spent on the registration and billeting of the delegates and fun activities and workshops were done before lights-off.An opening program marked the second day of the summit; Dr. Venerando Cunado, Campus Director of CTU- Carmen gave his welcome address, Hon Sacchia Mendza, FSCL president gave the purpose of the activity, Prof. Luzviminda Patindol, FSCL Associative Adviser presented the delegates of the summit, and lastly, an inspirational message was given by Dr. Bonifacio Villanueva, the university president. At ten, there was an Orientation of SCAP & Basura Eskwela by the SCAP-Cebu President, Mr. Guian Godofredo. Afterwards, it was a festive lunch. For four hours, there was a seminar Role Orientation of a Leader by Mr. PorferioAlmerino. At about five, Mr. Jose Mari Oquenena gave a seminar on Developing True Leadership. The dinner was done in form of a Monks Meal. In the evening, there was a fun workshop facilitated by Hon. Rizonan Hon. Arcenal, SC Presidents of Argao & Daanbantayan Campus, respectively.The third day of the summit was started by a seminar on Psychology of Physical attraction &Its Legal Impediments by Ms. Ratchilisa Tecson, CTU-Danao Guidance Counselor and Dr. Jerlito Letrondo, FSCL Adviser. There was a tour to Our Lady of Manawag and to Uragay Spring. The seminar on: What is a Transformational Leader? by the WAY Regional Director, Ms. Christine Villagowas then conducted right after the lunch break. Later, there was a three-hour Team Building Activities, followed by the dinner. In the evening, was the grandiose Mr. & Ms. FSL 2012-2013, and here the result:

The fourth day was spent on a half day Extension Service after that, there was a mass dance for a new and fresh leadership, everyone including the children, delegates and facilitators enjoy dancing Oppa Gangnam Style. And in the afternoon, was the closing program to mark the end of the Leadership Summit. After that the delegates embarked for their trip home!This activity helped each one to acknowledge their individual uniqueness, appreciate their diversity in talents and their extraordinary gifts, it lead towards unleashing the inner potentials in building camaraderie towards efficient and effective leadership and service. The 1st FSCL Leadership Summit had been a fruitful endeavor!


Report on FEA Day

BERKS Activity Center | December 6, 2012

Teachers are known for their dedication, their hard work, for going the extra mile, for sacrificial giving, for caring and loving the students entrusted to them and for those people behind to curtains who made learning here in the CTU-Argao campus interesting, fun and exciting. That is why; it has been a tradition of the Supreme Student council to hold an annual Faculty and Employees Association Day.

With a theme of FEA Day: A Giveback for Service and Love, last December 6, 2012, a fun and unforgettable experience had taken place at the BERKS Activity Center. A short program was given to the faculty and employees present during the activity. Dr. Pinote graced everyone with a warm and subtle welcome to open the program. The CTU Dance Troupe then presented an astounding performance for the crowd. A stunning statement of purpose was then delivered by Dr. Camello and was followed subsequently by the words of inspiration by the campus director, Dr. Ciriaco. Another special dance number was again presented by the CTU-Dance Troupe, which left the whole crowd in awe. Mrs. Agbay then introduced all of the faculty and employees of the university. Afterwards various departments gave their heartwarming presentations for the faculty and employees. The teachers and employees were very happy and grateful for each performances and messages given to them. The SSC then distributed their token of gratitude to everyone in the activity. Before the festive lunch break sponsored by the Supreme Student Council, every faculty and employees are group randomly and made to participate in various games facilitated by Hon. Rizon and the SSC officers. Undoubtedly, they had a lot of fun playing those games like PinoyHenyo, charade and many more!

The exciting amazing race then followed several minutes after the lunch break of the faculty and employees. Although some faculty and employees refused to take part in the game, because of some health issues, they also had some fun as audience of the activity. The participating teacher and employees were grouped in to six teams each one comprising of faculty, employees and selected students. All of them are competing against each other to complete the mission of the game. They faced many challenges and tasks in each stations of the game in order to obtain puzzle pieces, in which will en sure their victory if completed. And so, the winning team was Team A, the group of Ms. Marjorie de Joya, they were given a sack of chips and some token. The non-winning teams were also given consolation prizes for their effort during the game. Everyone were thrilled and laughed hard during and after the game, they shared their experiences to everyone!

Indeed, this is a very unforgettable event that will serve as our give back for their years of dedication to the teaching profession and as well as those staffs, and employees who made our stay here in the CTU-Argao Campus worth remembering.


Report on General Christmas Program

BERKS Activity Center | December 12, 2012

Christmas is the most festive time of the year, a time of merry-making, joyful gatherings, exchanging of gift and radiating love and laughter to everyone. And in the pursuit of sharing the joy and magic the Christmas air brings us, the Supreme Student Council annually celebrates Christmas with a BOOM!

Hence, as stated earlier, the SSC held a grandiose GENERAL CHRISTMAS PROGRAM with a theme of Ding-A-Ling-A-Ling: Celebrate The Yuletide Season Through Giving And Sharing, that was held last December 12, 2012, Wednesday, 8:00 am-12:00 in the afternoon at the BERKS ACTIVITY CENTER. However several days before the General Christmas program the SSC facilitated several contests like: Gift Wrapping Contest, Christmas Card Making Contest, Christmas Lantern Making Contest, Christmas Room Decoration Contest, and Christmas Tree Making Contest. A number a student actively participated in these contests showing their skills and talents in different fields of art. The contests outputs were displayed during the general Christmas program and the winners were awarded during the said event.

On the other hand the program itself was remarkably fun and enjoying! The program started with a zestful welcome address by the SSC President Hon. Troy Rizon, it was then followed by an inspirational Christmas message by Dr. Lynnette Matea Camello. The CTU Dance Troupe then presented an intermission number for everyone. Hon. Rubia LAHCAS house representative introduced the judges for the events contests. An amazing melodic number was then given by a BSIT-CT 2E student after it. It was the Christmas Jingle and Christmas Singing Idol which was started, everyone in the audience was in awe with every performance presented by the contestants! While waiting for the results and the winner of the contests, Hon. Rizon initiated a Christmas Pop-Quiz the audience enthusiastically participated and was given prizes if they got it correctly! After the awarding of certificates and prizes to the winning contestants, a closing remark was given by Hon. Martinez, SSC house representative to officially mark the end of the general Christmas program.

Truly, this years general Christmas program for everyone was a blast!

Report on Christmas Outreach Program

Banahaw Talaga, Argao | January 2, 2013

It is an annual tradition of the Supreme Student Council with its allied organizations, to share the true essence of Christmas through sharing love and happiness to other people, especially to those who are in need.

In this pursuit the Supreme Student Council together with the universitys Curricular and Co-Curricular Organizations conducted a Christmas Outreach Program with a theme of CTU Aniana, Sa Takna Sa Pasko, KaninyoNaay I-Gasa, which was held in Sitio Banahaw Talaga Argao Cebu, on January 2, 2013, Monday 9:00 am-12:00 pm.

And so the SSC officers together with some departmental presidents and representatives, ROTC officers and the SSC Adviser embarked on an hour travel to the venue. Upon arriving in Sitio Banahaw, everyone made the necessary arrangements and preparation for the activity. Some officers gathered the residents of the Sitio Banahaw to partake in the program. And with a reasonable number of participants, the program commenced with a prayer, and a national anthem, which was followed after by the Christmas message of the SSC Adviser Prof. Bernales. Later on the crowd enjoyed the games facilitated by the SSC officers, departmental presidents, and ROTC officers, it was hosted by the SSC Vice-President Hon. Lopez. Parents, elders, children and teens participated actively in various games! The audience cheered for the participants and so they worked hard to win the games. The game winners were very happy upon receiving their prizes and undeniably enjoyed the game itself! After the fun and exciting games, the SSC officer distributed the goods and bundles of joy to the people of Banahaw, everyone was grateful for the little gifts given to them a representative from the barangay Captains office gave a message of thanks to the facilitators of the event. And then, a closing remark from the SSC President Hon. Rizon ended the activity.

Indeed it was a very heartwarming sight to behold, as the people smiled from the bottom of their hearts and said; Thank you!Thus, the SSC Christmas Outreach Program was a huge success!


Report on the Honoring of LET Passers 2013

Diosdado Macapagal Sports Complex | January 13, 2013

On January 13, 2013, the honoring of the 2012 CTU- Argao LET Passers was successfully held at the Diosdado Macapagal Sports Complex, attended by all 2012 LET passers from CTU- Argao, all members of the CTU faculty, education students, Argaos government officials, teachers coming from the Department of Education, and prominent visitors coming from different branches of Cebu Technological University. The Sports Complex was filled with finely- dressed and gorgeously fixed educators, a sign that this ceremony is indeed made special and excellent for honoring the LET Passers. The former Campus Director of CTU-Argao (formerly known as CSCST), Dr. Pedrito Pontillas, received a heart-warming welcome and audible applause from the audience. The ceremony started with a holy mass for the LET passers at about 1:15 in the afternoon, and it was followed by the motorcade or caravan from Guiwanon to Argao proper to Casay, Dalaguete, and back to the sports complex. The ceremony flowed spontaneously with Mr. Fitzgerald Kintanar and Mrs. Janeth Amarillo as the masters of ceremony. A meaningful doxology or prayer was offered by Mrs. Laura Alcazar, a ground breaking performance was portrayed by the CTU-Argao Dance Troupe headed by Madame Jorelyn Concepcion, and a much inspiring message was given by Dr. Panfilo E. Ciriaco, our ever principled Campus Director.It was really the perfect time when the LET Passers recalled all their struggles in the past for the goal of passing the licensure exam because it was the key for them to improve their career as aspiring educators. And at last, the goal has come into reality! CTU- Argao Campus ranked 3rd in the 2012 Licensure Examination for Teachers in all public and private universities and colleges in the whole Philippines, with 96.30% as the passing percentage- this was the greatest achievement that these humble educators had brought in our beloved university. The spotlight of the wondrous and grand ceremony was geared on Mr. Jerome Abregana, who ranked 10th in the licensure exam for the elementary division. The program has done the individual awarding ceremony of all the LET Passers, and Mr. Jerome Abregana was filled with lots of awards, most specifically, cash awards.For most of the LET Passers, their achievements are not that easy to commit. They have made lots of sacrifices and struggles- they had performed sweat- dropping efforts just to bring the name of our university at its desired peak. Consequently, all those drops of sweats are later replaced with showers of cheers from the CTU Family, from Argaoanon citizens, and many others.The program lasted at about 5:00 in the afternoon and all of the attendants had brought a special kind of inspiration in their hearts, which they have gotten out from the messages of the programs speakers, especially the message from Mr. Jerome Abregana. They have really proven to themselves that if we would not stop praying and trusting God, accompanied by our act of pursuing our careers with an indestructible sense of diligence and responsibility, then success would not be a distant star for us to reach.

Report on CTU Argao Foundation Week

February 12-15, 2013

CTU-Argao Campus had spent four days of celebration for its founding anniversary. Every department has its own booth, relevant to their desired fields. The CAS Department, which is in collaboration with the COED Department, had sold out bookmarks with inspirational quotes and sayings, and had displayed important books and readable materials. The COED Department itself had their sales of affordable but nutritious foods. The I.E department highlighted their Split lap; the Lahcas Department had their karaoke and shooting activities; the I.T Department had their display and sales of discs and other technological materials; the Forestry Department had their display of pictures with descriptions below them and blind dating activity, and the HM and Agriculture Departments had their own creative styles relative to their respective course. The blessed winner for this booth competition was the COED Department. For the CTU Love Duet: Last Couple Standing Season 4, which was held on February 14, 2013 during the search for Mr. and Ms. Campus Face, Christian Mamac and Jennifer Tolero of BEED 2A garnered the 3rd place; 2nd place was triumphed by Marneh John Lucenara and Princess Canedo of A.B English 1, and the 1st place was conquered by Jhered Mark Luna and Chastily Nebria from CTU Oslob Extension.For the search for Mr. and Ms. Campus Face, the HM Department conquered all the triumph when Ms. Cheska Blair Ybaez and Reggie Venz Esmero brought home the crown for the said pageant. This was successfully done at the Diosdado Macapagal Sports Complex, from approximately 9:00-12:00 pm.The celebration of the 2013 founding anniversary was indeed a peaceful and successful event done here in CTU-Argao Campus, through the cooperation of all the student organizations, faculty and staff, and of all the CTUnians to all the activities being done.

Report on the Supreme Student Council Election 2013

March 8, 2013

The CTUnians once again casted their votes in the annual campus-wide Supreme Student CouncilElections last March 8, 2013,Friday.The newly-elected SSC Officials for school year 2013 were the following:

PRESIDENT:Marcelina B. SarteVICE PRESIDENT:Mildred G. MartinezFINANCE SECRETARY:Cristelle May SandovalSECRETARY on AUDIT:Shiela Mae dela PenaHOUSE REPRESENTATIVES:Education:Francis T. DurensJohn Peter ManejaHM:Crystal Jane G. RotollosCheska Blair C. YbanezForestry:Ryan C. AlbisoEmely NatividadAgriculture:Angelie A. CanurosRoger Rogue E. BustamanteIT:Cristelle May M. SandovalShiela Mae dela PenaThe 2013 SSC Elections was preceded by the COMELEC under Mr. Zandro B. Bernales advisory.


At the outset, it is my duty to acknowledge with utmost gratitude the unwavering support that I received from the SSC Officers of A.Y. 2012-2013 and to our ever active and dynamic adviser, Mr. Zandro B. Bernales. Allow me to mention some of them:

Hon. Mildred Martinez, for her generous help as the outgoing Deputy Secretary of the SSC where she in fact contributed much of the write-ups above. Ms. Irish Torres, for her unconditional support in letting me use her articles as benchmark for some of the events and activities during the second semester.Mr. Troy Rizon, for his undying love and support. Dr. Juanita P. Pinote, for her motherly advices and genuine trust.

Above all, I am so grateful to be able to work with those people mentioned above. Thank You, Thank YouThank You!