my adworld presentation


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Post on 12-Apr-2017




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Hello.Hello, and thank you very much for meeting us. We’re very excited about My Adworld. We’re looking for people like you, who can see the potential of this project and help us change the way brands interact with customers, forever.


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My Adworld rewards people for their creative efforts. We celebrate spontaneity, and give brands the opportunity to have a truly honest conversation with their audience.


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My Adworld is making the most of people’s keen interest in the creating and sharing nature of

the online world. We’re creating a platform for people to upload

video of their own, homemade ads, opinions, and reviews of products

and consumer brands.

My Adworld


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A place to watchMy Adworld gives our viewers an engaging, funny, grassroots look at advertising with the chance to engage by voting, sharing and supporting.

Voting.Our viewers can provide a star rating at any time throughout the video. On completion, the viewer is given an indepth 2 dimensional rating system, with 1 click, giving us, and the brand more feedback on the ad.


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We give our admakers an honest and in depth engagement with brands. A community where they’re rewarded for their thoughts, honesty and creativity.

They’re rewarded from peers in the community, from their friends on facebook and all of those views and likes, ultimately rewarding their wallets.

A place to create


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A place for brandsWe provide a space for brands to upload their own ad pitches to lead the dialog and experiment with ideas. This is a place to have an indepth conversation with the ad makers and their customers and rewards them for their ideas.


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An Online Film School not only attracts those interested in advertising and film-making, it makes our ads better. Articles and video, teaching our admakers to get the most out of their devices and phones and teaching them basic film making skills.

A place to learn


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By assigning an agenda to the format of video, and introducing real-life rewards, we open the door to people, friends, community groups, from school classrooms, to retirement homes taking part and reaping the rewards.

We have the possibility to re-invent the way brands interactwith their audiences on a level that’s previously been limited to campaigns.

A place to explore


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We’re very interested in finding ways to motivate, empower and up-skill our ad makers, and ultimately the quality of the ads being produced.

Although our goal here isn’t to create commercial grade ads, the more we can up-skill our admakers, the more they will be opened up to the world of advertising.

A place to grow

Popular, successful


Good/average ads

General fodder


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Creative, honest and unique ads, being rewarded for their performance and popularity.

ViewsApplause (likes)


Ad maker’s ad

AwardsPeer admiration

Ad success

Game play of the reward system is linked directly to success of an ad. Meaning admakers have even more incentive to share and promote their ads.


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MarketersBrand owners

General public/ Viewers

We’re looking at an audience from different worlds with very different agendas.

Providing a place where video is easy to watch, rate and find. Creators are free to express their ideas. Brand owners of all sizes free to lead the conversation. Marketers to find trends in public opinion. Primarily, we want to build a place that puts the people first. A place to experiment, engage, and create.

Our audience model and user focus has always been at the core of our thinking, and is ingrained into our brand.


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The brands who wish to use My Adworld to source large numbers of creative Video Ad concepts will pay a monthly subscription.

That subscription price will vary depending on the services they require from us.

Uploading a pitch for our Creative Community to respond to.

Review market/product/competition/trend data.

Ability to opt out from competitor review/market research

Priority placement of “feature” pitches, and video above their competitors.

Advertise a product, with a link to that product (CTR).

My AdBrands



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My Adworld allows ad makers to be rewarded for their talent. If an ad is successful it is rewarded by the brand for is popularity, or for its quality. Each of these Ad-Coin transactions are subject to a small My Adworld transaction charge

A brand can incentivize the community to respond to a pitch by adding ad-coins to an escrow account.

Funds in that escrow account are awarded to ad-maker when videos are viewed, rated or shared.

The brand can set markers, and values for certain incentive based actions. For instance 1 ad-coin for a vote, or a view or share.

The brand can award prizes for Winning or selected ads.

My AdCoins



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Advertising agencies will be able to review data, and trending information generated by our community. They will be able to create an account with a monthly subscription so that they can review creative ideas, successful pitches and responses. (And all of the associated reporting data)

My AdAnalysis



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A high traffic website such as My Adworld has valuable media real estate. We wish to limit that availability to focus the audience on the community created ad videos. That said it is still considers a valuable asset:

Sponsored video pages, e.g. Player takeover with brand view page

My Ad media placement


Media placement / Banner advertising

Film school related product, and courses advertisement / booking

My Ad premium app


A paid download which alerts our creative community to new pitches, and the rewards associated. As well as brand sponsored product deals, and the latest My Adworld news.

This app is not yet planned for production

Will also include simple ad upload / recording functionality

A My Adworld viewer


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