my beautiful question


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My beautiful Question. By: chelsea namias. Question. Traditional Medicine vs. Western Medicine What are the effects of holistic remedies vs. modern drugstore products? What makes a person happier?. Why I chose this question. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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B Y : CH E L S E A N


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QUESTIONTraditional Medicine vs. Western MedicineWhat are the effects of holistic remedies vs. modern

drugstore products?What makes a person happier?

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WHY I CHOSE THIS QUESTIONI chose this question because it pertained to my major. I am a

Pharmacy major learning about all different types of drugs and how they react inside the human body. I have always wondered where in nature these chemicals come from, and if these chemicals were taken right from their source instead of being compounded and mixed with other chemicals, could that be better for you? I also always thought about the long lasting side effects powerful drugs have, and if people would look into alternative methods to avoid those side consequences.

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PROS & CONS TO MODERN MEDICINEProsMore consistent method of careDirectly targets diseaseIncorporates modern technology

& equipmentImmediate reliefRecognized by government

ConsLong term side effectsCan cause dependencyCan cause adverse effectsPlacing chemicals into bodyExpensive medical treatments

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PROS & CONS TO ALTERNATIVE MEDICINEProsIncludes small lifestyle

changes that promotes healing

No side effectsBetter quality of life

ConsNot covered by most insurance companiesUsually involved multiple visitsNot scientifically approved

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A study was conducted at Milligan College, and the results came back that the problem with western medicine it that in order for the healing of a patient to occur, the person must be into the healing with their mind and body. Western doctors are more likely to look at the body in general and treat the issue, not based on the needs of the person. The less time spent with the doctor, the less time healing is received.

Overall, western medicine focuses on pathology and curing disease while alternative medicine focuses on the health and healing of the person.

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TEST 1A sample test was conducted on a student who lives on campus at the

University of Rhode Island. Lauren LoPresti has seasonal allergies and usually takes Claritin D. or Benadryl for her allergy problems. With spring approaching, she agreed to be a test subject and not take her regular allergy medicines for a week (March 23rd-March 29th) and try some known holistic remedies.

Method 1 Every day for a week Lauren would get rid of her stuffy nose by flushing

her nostrils out with warm water, baking soda, and salt. Method 2She was able reduce sneezing and itching from pollen by showering

everyday. She also wore a surgical mask outside to reduce pollen intake

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TEST 1Method 3. For Lauren’s irritated mucous membranes she drank Peppermint tea.

Peppermint tea was prepared by taking dried peppermint leaves and straining them through boiling water. Peppermint is a known anti-inflammatory and decongestant.

Method 4Periodically as needed, Lauren would take a facecloth and run it under

hot water. The steaming cloth was then placed over her face, but making sure that the cloth was not too hot. This opened and soothed Lauren’s sinuses and kept them from flaring up.

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TEST 1Method 5Whenever Lauren had a severe stuffy nose, or sinus headache

she would get the feeling that her face felt congested and full of tension. To relieve this, Lauren ate wasabi peas to trigger her tear ducts to open and release tension. This also caused her sinuses to open and drip and relieve the feeling of fullness in her face. Horseradish was also used as a substitute and the same results appeared.

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RESULTS OF TEST 1After a week of using at home holistic remedies, Lauren felt like

she had a better quality of life. She enjoyed having the experience of putting something into her body that she knew exactly what it was. She is uncertain sometimes about what chemicals she is putting into her body when she takes her allergy medication, because she it is unknown if she is being cured or having her symptoms just masked until the medication wears off. On the other hand, Lauren did not enjoy having to stop her daily routine and perform odd tasks in public if she wasn’t home such as putting a cloth over her face if she was in public. She felt a little uneasy having to walk around campus wearing a surgical mask, although she has not been the first one to do so. Her last thoughts about this experiment were enjoyment that the alternative remedies did not leave her drowsy after doing them.

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MY ANALYSISAlthough these viewpoints go back and forth, my research helped me

come to a clear answer. There are numerous reasons why people choose western medicine, and mostly because it is not by choice. Western medicine is more accepted by the government and insurance companies. However, alternative methods leave a person with a better quality of life.

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YOUTUBE VIDEODr. Hoban, creator of the Awareness Therapy Program and

member of the following organizations:- American Neuropathic Medical Association- International & American Association of Clinical Nutritionists - American Holistic Medical Association

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YOUTUBE VIDEOWhat makes you happy?

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BIBLIOGRAPHYShackle, Blair. "Western vs. Alternative Medicine." MedCity

News The Great Debate Between Western And Alternative Medicine Comments. N.p., 28 Nov. 2012. Web. 10 Apr. 2014

"Is Modern Medicine Better than Traditional Medicine?" The Premier Online Debate Website. N.p., n.d. Web. 11 Apr. 2014.

"HowStuffWorks "10 Home Remedies for Allergies"" HowStuffWorks. Editors of the Consumer Guide, n.d. Web. 31 Mar. 2014.

"Pharrell Williams - Happy (Official Music Video)." YouTube. YouTube, 21 Nov. 2013. Web. 15 Apr. 2014.

"Dr. Hoban - Western Medicine vs. Holistic Medicine." YouTube. YouTube, 15 July 2013. Web. 14 Apr. 2014.

LoPresti, Lauren.Personal Interview.23-29 March.2014.