my best friend yeshua


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Page 1: My Best Friend Yeshua
Page 2: My Best Friend Yeshua


Copyright 2015 Dianna Marie

Smashwords Edition

Smashwords Edition, License Notes

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PrefaceWelcome, readers! This ebook tells the story of how Jesus saved a young woman's life in the most sweetest way. Fiction,

of course but this will sure put a smile on your face. The reason I created this fiction was because I want to touch your hearts. If you suffer from depression (like me), then

don't give up, because there's always a way out. Suicide isn't one of them! I hope you like my book and please kindly leave some reviews as it will stimulate me to create more inspirational stories.

Thank you! And happy reading, everyone!

Chapter One I am standing at the edge of a building. My destination is clear, I wanted to commit suicide. The man I loved has left me

for another girl, and I have no other reason to live.

Tears started rolling down my cheek. I don't deserve being treated like this. I have given him all the love within my heart, yet he treated me like I don't exist.

And so, I move closer and closer to the very edge, while I close my eyes to prepare. I inhale what may be the last breath, and exhale it slowly.

Then something miraculous happens as I open my eyes. I see a man floating in front of me. He's wearing a snowy cloth, and appears like he's not from around here.

Who is this mysterious man? And why is he floating?

For a few minutes, I couldn't say anything, and just looked at him.

But, before I can take a step forward, he asks in a sympathetic tone,

" Why are you here, child? "

I stupidly respond, " What's it to you? "

" Because I'm really sad to see you want to throw your life away.. "

He's really sad? Does he even know me at all? How does he know I want to die?

" Who are you? "

" I'm just a Jewish man passing by after visiting a family in Jerusalem. "

" Jewish? Oh, no wonder you look different. "

" Yes, I live far away from here.. " He smiles.

" But why are you floating in the air? "

" Because I can be anywhere.. "

" Anywhere? And on the water too? "

" Especially on the water.. " He smiles once more.

I have begun to have a calm feeling just by talking to him. He's very handsome, I must admit. His golden hair is down to his shoulder.

" What is your name? "

" Miranda Andrianne. And you? "

" Yeshua Hamashiach.. "

Page 3: My Best Friend Yeshua

" That is a very cool name! Although sounds kinda old.. "

" It's a Hebrew name. "

" I see.. Well, I'm sure glad you're here.. Finally, I have someone to talk to.. "

" Do you mind telling me what's going on? "

" I don't mind at all. Will you be listening, Yeshua? "

" Of course, Miranda. But, will you step off of the edge? You're making me extremely nervous.. "

" Oh, alright.. Is this secure enough? "

" Yes, although I would prefer if we sit along the bench over there and talk.. I can't allow you to jump now that I'm here.. "

And then he and I begin to talk about everything. Well, me mostly, while he patiently listens..

He looks like a very sweet man. And his Jewish accent sounds like he's from hundreds or maybe a thousand years ago.

I liked talking to him, he's very educated and smart. Oh, did I mention gentle?

He then said that my life is worth a lot, and if I had jumped earlier and died, the demons will take my spirit away, as they already waited for me on the ground.

And I will have no chance of entering heaven.

I got scared. I don't want the demons to take me away! Then I thanked him for saving me.

Suddenly, he looks up to the sky for a few seconds and says, " I have to go now, Miranda. My Father is calling me. "

" Your father? I don't hear anything. " As I looked up to the sky.

He smiles, " Only I can hear Him. "

" Oh, I see.. Okay.. But will I see you again, Yeshua? "

" In time.. Do not worry, child.. You will see me again.. And if you can't see me, I will always be watching you to make sure you're alright.. "

" Okay, then.. Thank you, Yeshua.. "

" You're most welcome.. Now go, and don't ever come back up here.. "

I smiled to him and said okay. And before I started to go back down to my apartment; he closed his eyes and placed his hands on my head, and says something in a language I do not understand.

" Maybe it's in the Hebrew language, " I thought to myself. But, whatever it is, it makes me feel calm and relieved.

After that, I hurried to the stairs, turn, and wave goodbye to him. He waves back.

That night I slept peacefully and felt secure, as if someone was watching me.

And the next morning when I tell my roommate about the man named Yeshua that I met last night, she chokes on her cereal.

" Yeshua??? Oh my God! You met Jesus!!!! "###

About AuthorDianna is a creative writer. Writing is her passion. The purpose is to touch people's souls and inspire them. She is a

gentle and caring person. And an animal lover. Should you have enquiries, you may contact her directly to any of her personal sites.

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