my book

#1 Prologue Page 1 My name is Herbert Jesse Charfauros Fukuda. This is my book about myself and it helped me open up a bit. I usually don’t like talking about my feelings and stuff, but this project will help me do that. My hobbies include wrestling, hanging out with friends and hiking. There are a lot of things that can define me, my philosophies, and my beliefs. I’m that type of guy that doesn’t show all of his emotions to everyone. I don’t like showing them because it shows that I am in need of attention or that I’m emotionally weak. I don’t like showing anger because if I let someone know that they made me mad than it has already been proven that they had beaten me. I am not one who is meant to be taken lightly because I am a very sincere person. I would usually put off a look of me that seems happy, gangster, or funny. I am that but at times I would be feeling a bit different and I choose not to show it. Maybe doing this project, you can see a side of me that no one has ever seen before. Nash was here and I need help with my project ugh!! Sympathetic

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Adventure in my mind and discover something i found out recently


Page 1: My Book

#1 Prologue Page 1

My name is Herbert Jesse Charfauros Fukuda. This is my book about myself and it helped me

open up a bit. I usually don’t like talking about my feelings and stuff, but this project will help

me do that. My hobbies include wrestling, hanging out with friends and hiking. There are a lot

of things that can define me, my philosophies, and my beliefs. I’m that type of guy that doesn’t

show all of his emotions to everyone. I don’t like showing them because it shows that I am in

need of attention or that I’m emotionally weak. I don’t like showing anger because if I let

someone know that they made me mad than it has already been proven that they had beaten me.

I am not one who is meant to be taken lightly because I am a very sincere person. I would

usually put off a look of me that seems happy, gangster, or funny. I am that but at times I would

be feeling a bit different and I choose not to show it. Maybe doing this project, you can see a side

of me that no one has ever seen before. Nash was here and I need help with my project ugh!!


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#2 My Name page2

My name Herbert, it was my grandfather’s, my father’s and now mine. I see it as a unique name

because there is not many men with the name Herbert, so I feel special to have it. Ever since I

was in Elementary school, kids would try and use an immature rhyme to tease me, but hey, I can

tease too. My middle name Jesse, it was originally suppose to be Jesus, like my Tata, but the

church did not approve of it I guess. My other middle name Charfauros, is my mom’s last name,

my Nana’s last name, and my Tata’s last name. One day I wish to change my last name to be

Charfauros, because I only know my Charfauros side, they are the ones who has raised me, they

are the ones who took care of me, so I believe that I am a Charfauros and not a Fukuda.

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#3 Personal Alphabet page 3

H- Humble

E- Explosive

R- Respectful

B- Bold

E- Energetic

R- Reliable

T- Trustworthy

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#4 Likes/Dislikes page 4

Likes | Dislikes

1) Eating 1) People complaining

2) Driving stick shift 2) Mean people

3) Drinking booze 3) Going to church

4) Popping smoke 4) girlfriend being silly

5) Exercising 5) burn dealing

6) Winning 6) losing

7) Hanging out with friends 7) when someone is being a buzzkill

8) Wrestling 8) Fighting

9) Hanging out with my girlfriend 9) Staying home

10) Laughing 10) Disrespectful people

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#5 Sensory Experiences page 5

My birthday party. This was May 23 2013, at my house. We were Bar-Bue-Queing steak,

chicken and the aroma was intense. It was just me and my family and looking at everyone was

very heart warming. Everyone has a drink in their hands and smoke was popping up, it was just

such a fun night. Me and my cousins have a tradition where we “rush” the birthday person.

Rushing someone is basically where we all gang up on the birthday guy and we pretty much beat

him up, but not till the point where he has to go the Hospital. Well on my birthday it was me v.s

to all of my cousins, and there was about 17 of them.

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#6 Metaphorical Definitions page 6

Metaphorical Definitions Tradition is memories

Happiness is Accomplishment Sex is water

Hard work is Respect Exercise is energy

Knowledge is Power Writing is painting

Love is Fire Wrestling is Life

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#7 A quality personality page 7

Humble was his name. He never took anyone or anything lightly. He respected everyone and

hoped to be respected back. He never trash talked to anyone and he was ready to perform any

task that was given to him. May it be dreadful or may it be easy, all Humble knew was that, he

will only get what he puts in, so he gave it his all, all the time.

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#8 Color Your World page 8

One of my favorite colors has always been red. I like red not because I’m trying to represent a

gang or something, but because red is an eye catcher, just like me. When you see the color red it

catches your attention immediately. People pay a lot of attention to it by judging it or by

commenting on it. Red is such a beautiful color that everyone has something to say about it. Its’

so vibrant and majestic, that most shoes or shoe laces today, is the color red. Red also reminds

me of the fire that is in everyone, the flame that keeps our energy and our motivation lit.

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#9 Room Sweet Room page 9

My room is not much. I have a desk, speakers that can bump, treadmill, empty alcohol bottles,

my bed and a fan. These things are simple but yet I make use of them every day. I guess you can

say that these are my personalities. Because those simple things makes my life a bit happy, I use

them every day, I rely on them for comfort. Its’ something that no one can understand but me.

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#10 Personal metaphors page 10

1. Jaguar 11. Drums

2. Mazda RX8 12. Circle

3. something red 13. Couch

4. Friday 14. “Blessed” by schoolboyQ

5. Tacos 15. Spring

6. Red 16. The count

7. Action 17. Batman

8. Colone 18. Car

9. House 19. Growing

10 Orchid 20. Love

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#11 Extended Metaphors page 11

I am a Mazda RX8 because I’m fast and a one-of-a-kind. I excite others, and I give real

competition. I am sleek and bold and I get the job done.

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#12 symbolic recipe page 12

I am made of a few simple things. I am humble, I have a sense of humor, I am a goof-ball, I am

also made up of understanding. You would mix these things to create me, take a cup of a

concentrate dose of goof-ball, sauté it with understanding, let it simmer a bit so you can get the

base flavors. Next you would chop up some humbleness and mix well with a sense of humor.

Take your understanding/goof-ball and spread it over humbleness/humor. Then I am served.

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#13 The ultimate All-Purpose Excuse page 13

Mrs. I’m sorry for being late because I seriously needed the bathroom, so I left campus so I can

use the toilet at home. Because I am not down to sit on any of these toilets here at GW. I might

catch herpes or something just by sitting on it.

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#14 page 14

My mom is usually the story teller. She will tell everyone about my childhood moments.

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#15 Unfinished sentences page 15

I usually worry about gas in my tank

I feel angry when someone talks trash about my mom.

I’m moody when I’m bored

I’m happiest when I’m with my girlfriend

I feel confident when I train

I feel frustrated when someone is being silly

I feel depressed when I think about my tata

I am comfortable when everyone is on my side

I feel nervous when I’m about to play a game\

I feel sentimental like never

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#16 Personal Symbol page 16

One thing that has the most meaning to me is pretty much absolutely nothing. I have certain

things that I hold dear, like my phone or my old man pipe and my shot glasses. Then there is my

most dearest things, like my car keys and my car of course. But nothing really is that sentimental

to me. I’m not implying that if you take one of these things from me that I would be ok and move

on with life, it would be totally obvious that if anything bad happened to one of them life would

suck and then I would be like oh man, but really I don’t hold onto material objects that close,

well not yet of course. But as of right now, no, I have no material object that is most sentimental

to me. Because I have seen how people react to when they lose things that is most dear, they go

crazy and I am tripping out how they make one little thing get the best of them. For me, I make

people and memories a sentimental object, not material things like phones or shoes or toys.

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#18 A Mysterious Place page 17

When I went to Spain 3 years ago, it was really different. The style of clothing, the eatery, the

beverages, the lifestyle and the climate is nothing like Guam. The people like to wear sandals

and wear loose clothing. The teenagers in Spain is actually pretty cool and chilled out. There is

no strict drinking age law, so kids around my age are able to drink beer or any alcohol freely.

They also have a lot of hookah sessions. They don’t care much for marijuana but when it comes

to hookahs or tobacco, then they jump on it quickly.

The aroma of the country was very clean and dry. Unlike Guam where the air is very moist and

we have a strong heat hitting on us, in Spain I was inhaling that fresh crisp air and it was very

soothing. The weather is very similar to Guam, it is hot but yet, there was never a time I

remembered that it rained. I guess it was summer, maybe that’s why. Spain has a lot of gas

eating cars, the exhaust is spitting out black smoke, that would usually make the whole city smell

like old engine oil, but the summer breeze would just blow it away up to the mountains.

The one thing I remember about Spain, is the exotic scent of their freshly baked pastries and

freshly brewed coffee. When I went to one coffee shop, I sat down with my group and we were

waiting for our coffee and croissants to be made. As I was sitting there, I can smell the croissants

be baked and it just smelled really good, there is no bakery here on Guam that can compare to

the one in Spain.

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#19 Synectics. page 18

Which is wiser? A pen or pencil? A pencil

Which is easier to forgive? A street or a sidewalk? A street

Which is smarter? A clock or a calendar? A clock

Which is easier to teach? A question or an answer? A question

Which is like a contest? A cloud or a sunset?A sunset

Which is more fearful? New or old? New

Which is like a promise? Mathematics or science? Mathematics

Which is more difficult? A dream or a nightmare? A dream

Which is braver? An hour or a year? An hour

Which has more pride? An entrance or an exit? An entrance

Which is easier to close? A road or a map? A road

Which is like a legend? A mirror or a glass? A mirror

Which is more suspenseful? Rain or snow? Rain

Which has less charm? A signature or an autograph? A signature

Which is more trustworthy? History or literature? Literature

Which is more useful? A friend or an enemy? A friend

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Which is sadder? Seek or find? Find page 19

Which costs more? A home or a house? A house

Which is happier? Music or art? Music

Which is like a valentine? The truth or a lie? The truth

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#20 A Day in the Life page 20

As he awakes from his sleep, the first thing he hears is the complete silence. The stillness of his

solemn room, the pitch blackness taking over his sight. He doesn’t lay around his bed to wait for

his energy and drive to kick in, he automatically gets up, reaches over to his phone to check the

time. Its only 2:30, the perfect timing to start his day. He goes down stairs to grab a drink to

quench his cotton mouth from extreme thirst. He checks the time again, he puts on his shorts,

workout t-shirt, hops onto his bike, and he goes cycling, and it is at the most perfect time, 3:00.

As he goes through the villages of Agana, MongMong ToTo Maite, Barrigada, Mangilao and

back to his home in ChalanPago, he built up a sweat and then he does more workouts. He does a

variety of push-ups and as he feels his muscles tensing up, he strains him-self to bang out one

more. When he is finished, he makes himself a cup of coffee and cools off outside. As he pounds

his coffee, he goes inside and gets ready for school, and its only 5 o’clock

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#21 These words belong to me page 21

1. Adventurous: Always on the go, always doing something

2. Un-Complicated: I am someone who is straight forward and gets to the point

3. Explosive: one moment I can be all chill and stuff then the next moment I am hyped up

4. Unbelievable: I always seem to impress people

5. Stunning: I always leave a good impression

6. Funny: I have a nice sense of humor

7. Sociable: I am able to meet new people and talk with them

8. Buff: I like to exercise

9. Swift: I am able to pick up quick

10. Tolerable: I am able to endure some things

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#22 In other Words page 221. “Be the change that you seek to be”

2. “I am the greatest”

3. “We are wiser than we know”

4. “Life is like a trumpet. You don’t put anything into it, you’ll get nothing out of it.”

5. “You get what you put in”

6. “Suffer now, live a better tomorrow.”

7. “Genius with education is like silver in the mine”

8. “The reason why people don’t recognize opportunity, is because its usually around

wearing overalls and hard work.”

9. “Nigga why you babysitting only two or three shots? Imma show you how to turn it up a


10. “The only limit there is, is the one you set yourself.”

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#23 Flashback page 23

I would relive the time where my Tata was still alive. I would always wake up early to go see

him in the morning and he will be waiting for me. I would amen him and he would over react to

my grip so dramatically that it always made me laugh.

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#24 Remembrance of things present page 24

In 20 years from now, I bet I will still remember how I use to train for wrestling and to stay fit. I

will want to remember how I wake up early to exercise because in 20 years from now, I don’t

think I will be able to do most of the things that I’m able to do now. I will like to remember how

I was always try to make a bad situation into something better than it is. I will like to remember

all the chill hangouts that I go to with friends, just hanging out and not being strangers. I will

want to remember my trophy collection of alcohol bottles that I bought and finished, because I

will see how I started out and to remember the good times that I had.

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#25 As time goes bye-bye page 25

I would like to work on getting my motorcycle license. I had thing about riding motorcycles

because it takes a lot of skill to operate and when you had mastered it, you can really go fast and

packing chicks at the back looks cool. Riding a motorcycle looks fun and I love feeling the gears

shift and experiencing the speed increase is just one of the most glorious feeling.

I would also like to fix up my car. I want to fix everything. I want to get a new paint job and

make my car candy apple red. I want to put subs and better sounds so my music can bump really

loud. I would also want to flush out my engine so it can run better and go faster. Then one of the

last things to do to my car will be to change it to Stick-Shift and put in a Super-Charge motor.

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#26 My own Lists of Lists page 26

1. People who have influenced me is my grandparents, my parents and my good friends

2. Places that make me happy is Oka point and Tairyo Sushi

3. Places that I would like to go is to Atlantis Resort

4. Things in people that I like is a good sense of humor, awesome personality, and who

always stays positive

5. Things in people that which I dislike is when they are competitive, when they get butt

hurt and when they are an a@#hole

6. Things that worry me is the things I can’t be able to cover or handle on my own, mostly

financial matters

7. Things that I would like to know how to do is make Mrs.Griffin like 3rd period more than

her 5th period

8. Things that have moved me is seeing bad grades

9. Ideas that intrigue me is making plans with my girlfriend and turn up with friends

10. My personal favorite of alcohol is R


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#27 Cheer yourself up page 27 Drink alcohol

Workout till you’re too sore to think about your problem

Take a nice long bike ride

Keep on thinking about what is bothering you then analyze your situation and to re-think

your options

Do priorities like Writing Prompts!!!

Day dream of your fantasies

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#28 Metamorphosis page 28

Past/younger self

Duncan Doughnuts

Lord of the Rings

Avatar the Last Air bender

Town House

Batman The Animated series

The Beach




Taking shots


Buying my own things

Batman all the way



I used to be that kid who would always get picked up by his nana after school, then we would go

to Duncan Doughnuts,

I would always watch movies like Lord of the Rings, inspiring my creativity

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Going to Town House was the place to be

Now, I’m that guy who drinks constantly, takes shots, drives, tries to handle his own, still on that

Batman grind, always with his girlfriend, and likes to turn up at parties.

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#29 Picture this

Slam or be slammed

I think this artwork speaks a lot about wrestling. That it is not easy performing a takedown. It

implies the struggle to do a takedown. I like it how it also demonstrates how to do a takedown.

Even the contrast between black and white, is very bold and stands out a lot.

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#30 Look who I look up to

The three people who I look up has to be Kendrick Lamar, Henry Ford, and Dan Gable.

Each of these people influenced me and show great dedication, commitment and pride with the

talents they possess.

I look up to Kendrick Lamar because unlike most rap artist, Kendrick Lamar is not into

smoking pot or drinking a lot of alcohol. He is one of the most well respected rapper because his

skills attracts many artistes and all the big name rappers like The Game, Snoop Dogg and Dr.Dre

acknowledge him and made him well known into the rapping industry. That proves that

Kendrick Lamar has the skills he needs to become the next big name in the rap industry. What I

admire the most about Kendrick Lamar is that Kendrick started from the bottom and he had no

studio to record most of his music. His early career has a rapper, he was in a group called, Black

Hippy, and all he had to become a big shot, was his group, and his love for making rap music. He

took what he had and then he rose to the top very quickly because he did his work with so much

passion. It’s the quality work that you put in to get the outcome that you desire. It is simple as

that. You get what you put In.

I look up to Henry Ford because not only is he the founder of Ford car company that

produces that American muscle that the world loves, but the way he looked at things, then fixed

them to improve the way the world works or the way he started a new process to build up his

company and many others. Henry Ford created the assembling line where the process of putting

parts of a product in a fast pace. Henry Ford sold the most cars than any other car company

during the early 1900’s because the assembling line made the distribution of cars to the world

faster and more cars were being made.

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I look up to Dan Gable because he was he held the All American wrestler for 6 years. He

was also a 2 time Olympian wrestler. The struggle and heart he had in order to train and

compete internationally against other wrestlers, it shows a lot of dedication. To win that many

times to hold the title that long, he endured a lot of discipline. In my opinion, he is the best free-

style and folktale wrester there is so far.

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#31 Remembering the child

For this writing prompt, I had to refer to my mom about this. She had many stories to tell, but it

was too much to comprehend. So the story that I wrote about, is when I first learned how to


When I first learned how to walk, I would always fall back down. I would start by

holding onto something, like a leg of a table or chair. I would pull myself up and find my

balance. Then I will walk a little bit while holding onto the table still, then I let go and take off. I

would take a few steps then I fall back down.

I constantly did that routine for a few months. Then one day, out of know where, I got up

without any help, I walked across the room. I attempted to climb my crib. As I was climbing it, I

was almost inside my crib, then I fell down on a bunch of towels. I laughed and did it again.

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#32 one medium suitcase

I would pack the biggest compartment of the suitcase with stacks of $100. I would use the money

for food, water and a place of my own. I would use it to help my bills and gas up my car. I would

use the smaller compartments to hold my chargers for my phone, camera and Ipod. I would bring

some pictures of my family, so I can have a visual memory of them. I will also bring my

Beginning Cooking notebook, because I plan to do a lot of cooking in my new home.

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#33 The perfect present.

The perfect present will be to have great wisdom and extraordinary social skills. I believe

that if you have great wisdom, you would know societies weaknesses, its flaws and the stress that

follows in its wake. You will not fluke or fall in a pit of despair. Wisdom can lead you on the

right path of life.

I believe extraordinary social skills can be a perfect gift because you can be able to hold

down a conversation and be able to start a new one very easy. You can go up to a person in a

party and communicate very easy. It can build great self-confidence, character and be a person

that is very understanding.

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#34 Memorable event

I remember my All-Island wrestling match, where I won my first gold medal. I was

winning all my matches then it was for certain that I was going to the finals to match up against

my cousin (who I hate). The day was very long and tiring. The finals was scheduled for 7 at

night that day. As I prepare myself for my match, to get pumped up, my team is cheering me on,

my family, my best friend (who is now my girlfriend) her cousin, and the other wrestlers from

the different schools. The gym was split up into two. One side had FD, GW, Guam High,

Southern High, Okkudo, cheering me on. The other side was JFK and Simon Sanchez cheering

me on my cousin. The match was intense, I was scoring a lot of points on him, I kept on shooting

in, I made him work, I did double legs, and a lot of slams. He was tired and I was tired, then

when it came to the last round, I looked out in the crowd, it was hard to see the crowd because I

don’t have my glasses on. I look at my coaches for some advice, I look at my family cheering me

on, then I saw (who is now my girlfriend) best friend and when I saw her, a burst of tenacity,

adrenaline and aggression came out and I had 5 times the energy to move. Me and my cousin

both fought to the very end, and when the match was over, I was the one whose hand was raised.

As I was driving home, I was very happy, because I just one my first Gold Medal.

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#35 How to..

How to turn up

Prime up with 3 beers

Everyone take aa double shot of Patron

Have another beer

Make a mix drink

Make another mix

Pop smoke

Play beer pong

Pop smoke again

Make another mix drink

Take 3 more shots

Cook some good food

Finish all the alcohol on your own pace, just don’t pass your limits

#36 Always say never

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Never read the bible

Never read Goose bumps

Never go to my sister’s house

Never go to the reef while the waters is rough

#37 Are you hungry?

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My most favorite meal is when I eat homemade tacos at my dad’s house. Mexican dishes is one

of my favorite foods. Whenever we have taco nights, I go all out on splurging. I eat like 11 tacos

and 4 soft tacos. But to prepare everything, is quite simple. We cook 2lbs. of ground beef, we

season it till its spicy. We put the copped lettuice, tomatoes, shredded cheese, and sour cream in

different bowls. Then when we want to eat, we just make it ourselves, it’s our little taco station.

#38 where I’m from

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I am from the ground

Where everybody steps on

From soil that helps grow

to provide nutrients

to nourish

I’m from the chopped wood

from blades cutting and ripping

I’m from the sweat that drips

from puddles of hard work

then move around to make mud

I’m from the trees that dance

from the whispers of secrets

I’m from the meditation of thought

from patience that never retires

I’m from the hot heads

from the big mouths

from aggressive manors

from horse playing

from little beginnings

to greatness

#39 Deck of 52 (T.V shows)

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1. Top Gear

2. Swamp People

3. Pawn stars

4. Counting cars

5. Family Guy

6. The Cleaveland show

7. Futurama

8. Vh1+music

9. Jumpstart

10. Mtv music feed

11. Looney Toons

12. Samurai Jack

13. Batman: The animated series

14. Superman: The animates series

15. Justice league

16. Young Justice

17. Adventure time

18. Regular Show

19. Ancient Aliens

20. Monk

21. SpongeBob SquarePants

22. Walking Dead

23. WWE: Monday night Raw

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24. Supernatural

25. Misadventures of FlapJack

26. Rugrats

27. Wild thornburries

28. Hey Arnold

29. CatDog

30. Dexter’s Labortory

31. That’s so Raven

32. Keenan And Kel

33. Rocket Power

34. Blue’s Clues

35. Inspector Gadget

36. Drake and Josh

37. Icarly

38. Victorious

39. Big time rush

40. Chalk Zone

41. Dora the explorer

42. Power Rangers

43. Amanda Show

44. All Grown Up

45. Danny Phantom

46. Back to the Barnyard

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47. Ned’s declassified

48. Zoey 101

49. Yogi Bear

50. Flintstone

51. Jetsons

Ed, Edd and Eddy52.

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#40 The examined life Loyal Disobedient

Respectful negative at times

Compassionate anxious

I go all in over thinking a situation too much

Great observer to demanding

Active expect too much

Thinks differently acts too quick

Humorous try to handle everything on my own

Out going selfish at times

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#41 Annual Report

Last year, I was that kid who did what he wanted. I was on top of my game, I had good grades

coming in, then I would go out a lot. I got a bit chubby too. I had everything I wanted, but I was

lonely, there was no amount of alcohol or weed that can make me happy as I am now. My grades

weren’t as good as they were last year. I am way buffer than I was last year. I go out more but

what I think what makes this year better, is my new friends, the relationship and bonds gotten

stronger with some people. And I have a girlfriend haha. This year, I had proven a lot of my

qualities, before I would always keep to myself and not do much for meeting new people. This

year, I met up with familiar faces and became closer friends that we were before to what we are

now. Bottom line, I’m better off how I am now, than how I was last year.

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#42 Ekphrasis

She brightens up my day

she is the only reason why I would want to stay

its becoming dawn

but she never disappoints, she will never make me yawn

the day is about to retire

but she still is shining

she radiates the whole sky

just with her smile

make me want to stay up just for a while

until she sleeps

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#43 Visually speaking

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#44 Lessons I learned after it was too late

I learned that ditching class for some “fun-time” isn’t always worth it. The moment was

fun and all, but there is a time and place to do certain things. It should always be business before

pleasure. Because after having a lot of fun, responsibility comes right after. Then when it comes,

it comes hard and smacks you across the face. Then you realize that you are in deep trouble.

To catch up with the class is very difficult. You have to do a lot of make-up work. You

would have to give up your precious time to do make-up tests and quizzes. It makes it seem like

that it was not worth it to begin with.

Missing one day seems like missing the whole school year. And no one likes the feeling

of being left behind. Not only are given new assignments, but you have to do your make-up

work. Don’t let me tell you about the feeling of coming to class for the next meeting, then it

turns out that you missed a lot and you are so confused to what you have to do. Like I said, the

feeling sucks. So next time you want to ditch class to have “fun” just ask yourself, “Is it worth


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#45 The door.

When I walk out that door, I want to go hang out with my girlfriend. I want to make the

best memories and moments with her. When I’m driving and she is in the passenger, there is

never a dull moment. I also want to go eat out at Pochon’s, because I love their very spicy

chicken and I really get hungry after class. I would also want to turn up and pop smoke. To kick

back and enjoy a beer or something.

When I walk out that door, I do not want to waste gas. Gas is expensive and I am the only

one paying for it, so I don’t want to be gallivanting everywhere. I also don’t want to spend a lot

of money. Things these days is becoming very expensive, and I am not the richest guy out there.

I also don’t want to be caught doing something very stupid.

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#46 Advice to the young

I will tell the next generation to do your best. Because the potential that you can do, is beyond

your imagination, it just depends where you place it. Do you put your imagination, your

possibilities and your dreams, right in front of you? Or do you place it somewhere higher?

Above your head? Up in the sky, beyond the rainbow or out of this world? That is entirely up to

you. But where ever you choose to place it, that is your limit. And the only limit there is, is the

one that you set yourself with. So set the bars high, because the things you can do, can contribute

to many things.

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#47 Who I am


I am the youngest child of my mom’s kids and I am the youngest grandchild. I am the

product that is expected to be better than them-selves.


I am the head captain of the wrestling team and I teach the upcoming wrestlers and help

out with other wrestlers.


I drive all day every day. I pick up my girlfriend every morning and after night school

every day. I do all the store runs, all the errands and I drive my Nana to her appointments.

I am a student

I go to school still and even though I’m about to graduate. I still have a lot to learn.

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#48 Rewarding experiences

1) 6/5/13

this is the day my Tata died. It helped me become stronger and face my life with the skills

and tools he taught me.

2) 1/22/14

this is the day where me and my girlfriend started dating.

3) First Holy communion

this is the day where I received my First Holy Communion. This is when Christians takes a

step to living a Christian life

4) Conformation

this is the day where I got confirmed. This is when a Christian takes one of the biggest steps

to their Christian life. It initials us to be a follower of Christ and we can get married in


5) A day at the beach

this is when me and my friends had a near death experience. It brought us closer and made us

realize that life is very precious and we shouldn’t take it for granted and live life to the


6) On a pilgrimage

this is when I left the island for the first time. I went back-packing through Spain and France.

I saw the Pope in person with 6.7 million people from different nations

7) All-Island match

This is when I won my first All-island match and Gold. The crowd and myself was very


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8) Driving test

This is when I got my driver’s license so I can go gallivanting now.

9) Boat trip

I went on a boat cruise and I saw dolphins and sharks

10) Rugby championship.

I won my first team sport championship game.

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#49 Valuable lessons

1) I learned how to be a good friend

This is one of my greatest skills, I treat my friends right. I listen to them and help them out

when they need me most because without them, I am nothing

2) I learned how to walk

this was important because as soon as I learned how to walk, I started to learn how to run

3) I learned how to do multiplication

Math is an important skill to know. It is basic and can help you do some simple math at the


4) I learned how to drive

this was important because it take me to school and back and around the island

5) I learned how to drive stick-shift

This is important to me because it is a skill that is dying out in the world and it is very fun to


6) I learned how to wrestle

I use what I learned from wrestling to my everyday life to help some my problems and it

inspires me not to stop

7) I learned how to cook

it is important to me because it is a skill and knowledge that not many people have and it is

cool to learn more

8) I learned how to get buff

it is important to me because it helps me stay in shape and getting in shape will help me get

into the fire department

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9) I learned how to write

it is important because I learned how to write with a lot of details and emotion as you read.

And it is what I need to succeed in life

10) I learned how to speak

this is important because I can talk when I need something or when I want something. It is

my main way to communicate and to pass time

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#50 Futures- Fantasy and Fact

I am living it up. I got my Mazda RX-7 ready to race and reach 8 seconds with its big-

twin-turbo engine and I just put in a new tank of n02. I got beer in my refrigerator. I got my wife

with me, in my dream house. Coffee just the way I like it, dark. I am in the fire department

making a lot of money and I am about to get promoted, again. And all my cars is Mazda.

I am trying to move out of my house and get on my own. I am exhausted from work and I

seriously need a beer. But the beer is too expensive and I would rather save my money for my

car, kids and bills. I am trying to make my way to the top of the fire department. And I am

getting fat.

The difference between these two paragraphs is simple. The first paragraph is something

that I want to happen and hope to have one day. The second paragraph is about what I see

happening if I stay like this. I’m not saying I will never reach my dreams like my first paragraph,

I just got to put in the work to get there. It won’t be easy, but it will be totally worth it. When I

roll up in the track with my RX-7.

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When the stranger picked up my writing portfolio, he realized that he wasted 15 minutes of his

life. He realizes that I am like every other guy. There’s not much special but yet, the stranger will

know that I was probably holding back. I am a person who doesn’t really talk about feelings and

who doesn’t get really deep into his writing. I keep is sweet and simple. The stranger would

probably be amazed on how far I traveled and how I am a nice guy. But like I said, he would

realize that he wasted his time


I can imagine the stranger picking up my writing portfolio and realizes

that what he read was a school assignment. He would probably like the

writing prompt #34. The person will probably feel the intensity that was

going on during that day. How hard I worked to get that gold medal and the

thoughts that was going through my head. It would probably give the person

some goose bumps.

But in the end, he would probably realize that he wasted 30 minutes

of his time. The person will come to conclusion that I am not that special. I

am just a regular kid who has almost the same interest as any other high

school student. It would probably bring the person who read it some

memories when the person was going themselves.