my diary of divine dreams and jibankrishna or diamond the holy ghost

To add from chapt 96 and to convert to first person from 404 Tales of Divine Dreams – My Diary and Jibankrishna or Diamond the Holy Ghost Chapter – 43 Attack of old prejudices and their destruction 201. 30 th November, 1976. Tuesday. Early morning dream: A very big house was seen and in one of the room of that house along with my elder brother I was staying. The windows were kept open and we were coming out of the room. Suddenly I noticed that the windows were automatically closed and opened repeatedly. It seemed that all these were the activities of Ghosts. At that moment my elder brother was not visible. At that time I became a little bit frightened, but after a while the fear went off and I determined to punish the ghosts with the name of ‘Jibankrishna’. But meanwhile I realized that the name ‘Jibankrishna’ was automatically uttered in my brain. After a while I went to a place through the Verandah and saw a tunnel going down obliquely and it was dense dark inside the tunnel, nothing was visible inside. Then I saw a little girl going downwards and she also seemed to be a ghost. As soon as I threw a piece of brick towards her, she began to come upwards, with a tendency to trap me. At the same time the name ‘Jibankrishna’ used to be uttered spontaneously within my body . It seemed to me, the moment the utterence of the name would be stopped, I would be trapped by the girl. At that moment the girl vanished, but instead, from the tunnel young and aged ones began to come upwards. All of them seemed to be ghosts and were trying to trap me but due to continuous utterance of the name ‘Jibankrishna’ from my body they couldn’t do any harm to me. On the contrary I threw them one by one into the tunnel. At this moment the dream went off. The spontaneous meaning of the dream comes thus : Ghosts represents the past prejudices—nothing of them can create any obstacles to the seer due to the grace of the Holy Ghost.

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Chapter 35Attaining the power for preaching and editing ‘Manikya’ magazine 161. 10th September, 1976. Early morning dream: The scene opened with a place alike Bagbazar area of Kolkata. After traveling in many places I reached there. I was carrying a book on Jibankrishna on my hand. I saw two boys there and being asked explained about the existence of God in human body and then narrating about Jibankrishna. The boys understood everything.Next scene: Thereafter I had gone to a devotee Raghunath Sen’s house at Taltala of Central Kolkata, although the house seemed to be a different type. There I saw the room was full of Jibankrishna’s devotees. Jibankrishna was seated on the cot with some devotees. I also sat on the floor. I had in my hand the manuscripts of the coming issue (10th year 2nd issue) of the tri-monthly magazine ‘Manikya’. One by one I handed over each topic of the magazine to Jibankrishna and after scrutinizing he returned the topics to me and I also kept the manuscripts with proper arrangements . Once when Jibankrishna was scrutinizing the topic ‘Vision and Realization’ written by Amar Bose of Bagbazar, someone from my backside told me to sit on the cot . I said, ‘If I sit on the floor. I shall see him face to face and it will be convenient for me.However, after a while, the meeting came to an end. I had in my hand the whole bunch of manuscripts corrected by Jibnakrishna. Everybody was going out . I asked Indranath Mukherjee, ‘Will you go to Makardah (one of his residence where many devotees assemble and spend nights from time to time)? He answered that he would not go there but spend the night at Raghunath Sen’s residence at Taltala.Thereafter when I came outside, a Marwari boy and his wife repeatedly request me to go to their house, but what I said could not be remembered later on. From outside I could see Jibankrishna. I thought, when to-morrow is Sunday (even in reality this was so), I shall not go to Makardah, specially when Jibankrishna is here . I can come to him to-morrow also. At last when I came on the road, I heard that Raghunath Sen was playing Jibankrishna’s voice on a tape recorder and the dream went off.The 1st scene again revealed that in future the seer might have the capacity for preaching about Jibankrishna, though the seer has no attraction on these powers.The second scene indicated that the seer has gained the power of editing the magazine ‘Manikya’ through his God-the preceptor and whoever will read this magazine spiritual power will be bestowed on him.Teaching of the Holy Ghost 162. 11th September, 1976. In reality today was Saturday. I had to go to my school before 10A.M. as the students had their examination.I had an early morning dream—I had gone to one of my friend Debasish’s quarter at Alipore where I saw the meals were being ready for me. But as it might be late, so I started for my own house. There was no Bus, so I went on walking and reached a house near a lake at Lake Town. This was slightly a distant area from our own house. Jibankrishna used to dwell at that house. So I went inside that house and observed that the room was full of devotees. I was seated near Jibankrishna. Only two were new persons, the rest were his old devotees .While Jibankrishna was saying something, one of the new person began to say something but instantly his body responded due to awakening of ‘Kundalini’ within him . But Jibankrishna did not say anything. I observed that due to shaking of his body the mat became a bit dislodged. So I wanted to rearrange it properly . Seeing this Jibankrishna also gave a hand to it. There was a pillow on my left side, I kept it beside Jibankrishna .After some time one devotee said, one nun of Sri Sarada Math came here once.Hearing this Jibankrishna got annoyed and said, ‘Who, a woman?’ I also got annoyed and angrily said. ‘What, a women in this room?’ Another devotee said. ‘She was bro


To add from chapt 96 and to convert to first person from 404Tales of Divine Dreams My Diary and Jibankrishna or Diamond the Holy Ghost Chapter 43 Attack of old prejudices and their destruction 201. 30th November, 1976. Tuesday. Early morning dream: A very big house was seen and in one of the room of that house along with my elder brother I was staying. The windows were kept open and we were coming out of the room. Suddenly I noticed that the windows were automatically closed and opened repeatedly. It seemed that all these were the activities of Ghosts. At that moment my elder brother was not visible. At that time I became a little bit frightened, but after a while the fear went off and I determined to punish the ghosts with the name of Jibankrishna. But meanwhile I realized that the name Jibankrishna was automatically uttered in my brain. After a while I went to a place through the Verandah and saw a tunnel going down obliquely and it was dense dark inside the tunnel, nothing was visible inside. Then I saw a little girl going downwards and she also seemed to be a ghost. As soon as I threw a piece of brick towards her, she began to come upwards, with a tendency to trap me. At the same time the name Jibankrishna used to be uttered spontaneously within my body . It seemed to me, the moment the utterence of the name would be stopped, I would be trapped by the girl. At that moment the girl vanished, but instead, from the tunnel young and aged ones began to come upwards. All of them seemed to be ghosts and were trying to trap me but due to continuous utterance of the name Jibankrishna from my body they couldnt do any harm to me. On the contrary I threw them one by one into the tunnel. At this moment the dream went off.The spontaneous meaning of the dream comes thus : Ghosts represents the past prejudicesnothing of them can create any obstacles to the seer due to the grace of the Holy Ghost.

Elimination of the seers doubt by the Holy Ghost 202. 3rd December, 1976. Friday. Early morning dream : Jibankrishna was seated in a room. I had gone to him and asked, why dont you meet us frequently? He only smiled but said nothing. But I did not leave him and repeatedly went on asking, Say something! Asked so many times, he said, My boy, the relation between you all and me, will it be disconnected? Moreover, you see, frequent meeting is not necessary, I shall meet according to necessity. Now listen to an incident. Saying this he narrated an incident and I also thought that immediately after waking up I would write it down, but after waking up nothing could come in my memory. However, while in the dream I was talking to Jibankrishna, noticed that his figure was looking a bit changed alike that of one of my student named Sanjeev, 14 to 15 years old, although he was Jibankrishna himself. The conversation continued for a while, but nothing could be remembered after waking up.The dream establishes in the mind of the seer that God-the-preceptor always appear in the dream of a devotee according to necessity of his body.The transformation of the body of the Holy Ghost into Sanjeev indicates that he has gained a new life in the seers body and will play a new role in future.

Clearing of the Cerebrum 203. 4th December, 1976. Saturday. Early morning dream: A boy named Parthasarathi, was seated in a very huge house. In front of him I performed the excretion work and afterwards washed my body and the place also. Then I woke up. The dream indicates the cerebrum gets cleaned for more realizations. In reality, the seer also felt relaxed.

Continuation of spiritual practices

204. 5th December, 1976. Sunday. Early morning dream: I had gone to the residence of Mr. Barendra Nath Mitra, a devotee by a bicycle driven by my elder brother Pankaj. Reaching there I heard that somebody was reading Jibankrishnas book Dharma O Anubhuti loudly. With a disliking mind I thoughtwhy they are using mike! Then I saw another room filled up with a good number of devotees who were having spiritual discussions with each other. After this the dream went off.Seeing so many spiritual people within the cerebrum in dream day after day the brain power of the seer gets increased gradually to have more powerful realizations in future. Jibankrishna said, The more you will have accompaniment with devotees either in dream or in reality, the more spiritual power you will gain and at the same time the effect Of dreams will be active in the body

Chapter 44Vision of huge Sudarsan Chakra (Luminous disc of Lord Krishna mentioned in Hindu mythology) in the sky 205. 6th December, 1976. Monday. Early morning dream: I was standing in front of the Laboratory of the Agri-Horticultural Society of India, Kolkata . Suddenly I noticed that the whole sky was covered with dense cloud through which the blue sky was peeping in some zones .Through those areas a huge disc dazzling with light and covering 1/3rd area of the sky was visible on a distant place . The disc was so much ornamental and charming, that it was beyond any description. It was very slowly whirling and coming over my head. As soon as it came over my head, heavy shower started. I ran towards the Laboratory, although I became a little bit wet. After this it rained cats and dogs, and everything was hazy. At this moment I observed that my friend Debasish was roaming in the garden with many other unknown person. Suddenly a thunderous sound was heard and it seemed that it came from the disc. I saw that except Debasish all other people dropped on the ground along with many trees. Only Debasish continued to roam in the garden without any fear. It seemed to me that under this circumstances nobody would thrive. When I woke up it seemed that something had happened in my brain.At this moment nothing strikes my brain. But after a few days it suddenly flashed in my mind that was it not the Maha Kundalini Darshan! Jibankrishna described the Sudarshan Chakra held in his hand as a very ornamental and charming one which destructs all evils and will create goodness.It was described in Purana (Hindu mythology) that Lord Krishnas Sudarshan chakra used to destruct the evil ones with roaring sound, although it was an allegorical tale. However, in the dream it was shown that only Debasish (Blessings of gods) thrived in the midst of heavy shower, which means by the grace of God the blissful shower will fall on earth for goodness in future.

Achievement of dispassionate condition and realization Sacchidananda Samadhi 206. 10th December, 1976. Early morning dream: Behind my residence a 16-17 years boy was singing a devotional song on goddess Kali, I dont want anything etc. Standing near the window I was hearing the song . Gradually a devotional feeling began to raise in my body and after a while I felt that Mahabayu or the life force with a great force began to rise upwards within the body and I felt as if the body would burst with intense joythe chicks became swelled by the wind pressure on both sides and I lost my control upon myself with a feeling of inexpressible delight. Even under this was a condition of Mahabhab(The great ecstasy)! Then gradually the inhalation stopped and as soon as the sleepy condition began to fade up, I felt that really I could not inhale and when I completely woke up began to fidget. Then gradually I became normal.The dream has two aspects : the first scene indicates that the seer is becoming dispassionate and in the second scene the seer had the experience of Satchidananda Samadhi.

Advancement of Austerity 207. 18th December, 1976. Saturday. Early morning dream: I had gone to the office of Arun Ghosh at Kolkata . Entering the office I observed many people stepping up . Amongst them a somewhat fatty person was also stepping up and someone said pointing him out. This is Sadhan Babu. I went on thinkingoh! Jibankrishna also saw him in one of his dream long time back when he was alive!Then he went up and after going up to the upper floor I saw a person named Haradhan sitting in the room of Arun Ghosh . After he left, I asked Mr. Ghosh, Is there any news? He then showed me a big size silver cup(For presentation to the seer) and then I woke up.Jibankrishna saw in his dream that Sadhan Babu stepped up to him . He explained this as his advancement of austerity. Here the same person was observed in the same fashion which indicates that there will be advancement of the seers austerity.Big size silver cup is kept for presentationit means that in future the seer may achieve the spiritual realizations of the second standard compared to Jibankrishna, as the first prize is awarded with gold cup and the second prize is awarded with silver cup.

Chapter 45Attainment of one phase of Austerity 208. 19th December, 1976. Sunday. Early morning dream: I was having discussions with a known Lady named Uma (the name of goddess Durga of the Hindu Purana). After a while I was offered siddhi (a drug extracted from a narcotic plant) to drink. I drank it and at the same moment I was hearing somebodys voice chanting come and have pasted siddhi as much as you cant (A song on goddess Kali) .After waking up I felt nothing about the dream. But when I was preparing to go out for my work, I felt that really my head was whirling just like the effect of drinking siddhi in reality. So I had to take bed - rest. After a long time I recovered and went out.Here not only the effect of dream came down on the seers body but also indicated that the seer has the attainment of one phase of austerity, as to drink siddhi denotes the attainment of one phase in the austerity . Here the effect became predominant in the body of the seer which means that this phase of austerity will be effective within the body of the seer in future.

Descent of Mahabayu or the great life force 209. 24th December, 1976. Friday. Early morning dream: I was staying on the rooftop room of my house. Suddenly I noticed that one of the teacher of my school from his flying condition came down to me and had some conversations with me. But nothing could be remembered after I woke up from sleep.The seer had no idea about the teachers name, but later on he came to know that his name was Ramsevak which means Hanumana of the Ramayana. Instantly the meaning flashed in the seers mindOh! Hanumana means the Mahabayu or the great life power which descened in him, that means some special realizations in Descent may occur in him in future.

Increase of spiritual power with accompaniment of devotees 210. 27th December, 1976. Monday. Early morning dream: I had gone to Raghunath Sens residence at Taltala, Kolkata , where regular spiritual discussions used to be occurred. I noticed that the room became full of devotees and spiritual discussions were going on. Here the dream went off.Seeing so many devotees at the same time within the brain increases the brain power of the seer.Repeated accompaniment with devotees 211. 1st January, 1977. Saturday. Early morning dream: A continuous announcement was heard in the market behind my residenceThe seer has been awarded a presentation. But what for and what was it, was unknown. The announcement was repeated several times. Meanwhile my mother suddenly jumped downwards from the top floor with an intention to go there. I became astonished thinking that my mother instead of using steps went downwards in such a way ! After going down I noticed that nothing serious happened except a slight injury in the waist. Then I took my mother on my lap to the top floor and thought that with a slight medicine she would recover. The dream then went off.The present condition of the seer was revealed in the dreamThe award is given by God Himself for the seers present spiritual condition. Mother symbolizes the body itself or Adyasakti. To drop down instead of using steps indicates the descent condition in austerity of the seerit is a caution, means if the descent happens without proper stepping, this will be harmful to the seer. So God gives caution to him.

Realization of Vedanta Dream and waking condition are same212. 2nd January, 1977. Sunday. Place: Makardah, Howrah. In reality in the early morning two devotees Anath Nath Mondal and Arun Mukherjee were singing spiritual songs. I was hearing the songs and gradually felt asleep. In dream I was hearing the same song and saw that another old aged devotee Phanindra Nath Samaddar was leaving the room. At that time it seemed to me that I was having a high pitched mental condition for which I could not bear the songs. At this moment I woke up.[The dream has revealed the condition of Phanindra Nath, as well as that of the seer. At the same time the realization of Vedanta was also revealed within the seer where the reality and dream become intermingled. This is possible when the brain is free from any prejudices.]

Chapter 46Accompaniment of devotees 213. 4th January, 1977. Friday. Early morning dream: Along with a devotee Dilip Ghosh I was staying in a house . We were having conversations about Sri Jibankrishna. At one time I asked him, Will you go to Alpukur with me? He agreed. I again said, But not more than one or two days. He said, Yes, of course, not more than that and after this I woke up.Recently frequently I have been seeing Dilip Ghosh in my dream. This is not only creating attraction within the seer about this particular devotee but also may indicate something more for namesake which can be realized in future. Revelation of the seers spiritual condition 214. 20th January , 1977. Thursday. Early morning dream: One unknown person, showing me a written matter asked to explain. I noticed that in that matter one part was written by ink which concluded the yogic version. While explaining the same, my head nodded left and right. Seeing this one person said, While saying about yoga, this is manifested in his body. At this moment the dream went off.The dream reveals the spiritual condition of the seer. The yogic part of the written matter although remains unknown, but it is expressed within the body of the seer which means that in future this unknown part will be manifested within the seer.

Vision of Manikin or Manusratan 215 . 23rd January, 1977, Sunday. Early morning dream: First I saw Raghunath Sen , a devotee and then I saw myself roaming at Esplanade area with a great delight in mind and again I saw Dilip Ghosh whom I used to see in dream very frequently in recent days. He got up into a private bus along with me and then he disappeared. After a while, looking back from the bus, I saw a procession of trucks on the road coming towards us. Each truck was full of bald headed Vaisnabas (Worshipper of Lord Vishnu in Hindu religion) wearing loin cloth dyed with red ochre and having a tuft of never cut hair on the back of the head. They were coming from backside and then after crossing the bus were vanishing one by one. When the last truck came, I saw on the truck about one and half feet tall Vaisnaba with a turf of never cut hair on the back of the bald head and wearing the same dress like others standing on the truck was enchanting the name of the God Hari (the highest level God of the Hindu Purana). At first I thought him to be a boy, but after noticing minutely realized that he was a dwarf man and he was the key man of the whole procession. Then I woke up and instantly it flashed in my mind, Oh ! this was the manikin ( Manusratan in Hindu mythology) ! After long years I saw a picture of the king Boli and the manikin or the incarnation of God Visnhu of Purana and recognized that I saw in my dream the manikin of the same kind.After a long time I realized that the dream seen on 24.12.76 where I saw the descent of Mahabayu was the indication of the highest level of austerity in descent when this manikin form of God incarnation is seen.

Accompaniment of devotees216 . 30th January, 1977. Sunday. Early morning dream: I again saw Dilip Ghosh in my dream at Makardah of Howrah District . There I saw another old devotee Sudhindranath Sinha along with many other devotees. All had assembled together having spiritual discussions, The dream here went off.It is noteworthy that such dream showing the accompaniment of devotees always appear either before or after any special type of vision. This means that such dream either increases the brain power to bear the force of a very special type of realization before or after.

Indication of wide circulation of Jibankrishna cult in future 217 . 4th February, 1977. Friday. Early morning dream: I met a junior ex-student named Anil of the Agricultural College at the previous hostel. He was describing many facts about Sri Jibankrishna in a very humorous way. I was listening to it and at the same time went on thinkingonce Sri Jibankrishna saw in his dream a devotee named Anil Krishna Nath and explained that Mahabayu or the Great Life Force came under his control. So I became surprised about the fact that this students name was also Anil, means Mahabayu! Then the dream went off.The dream may be a future indication when the name of Sri Jibankrishna will be widely spread through Mahabayu or Great Life Force among the human race.

Chapter 47Spiritual Practices through accompaniment of devotees 218 . 5th February, 1977. Saturday. Early morning dream: I again saw Dilip Ghosh but nothing else could be remembered later on.Seeing Dilip so frequently in dream may indicate something which may be understood in future. Realization of Oneness 219 . 13th February. 1977. Sunday. Early morning dream: Someone was saying about some sayings of Jibankrishna, this will not stand ; A devotee named Anath Nath Mondal was seated in front . He was quoting a saying of Jibankrishna Women-folks see me in dream by merely sitting at their homes. I was surprised to hear the voice of brother Anath when instead of his voice, I heard the voice of Jibankrishna . Then I went on thinking with great surpriseOh! Once this fact happened in one my dream when I was talking about some spiritual aspects to some persons, my voice was changed to Jibankrishnas voice! Then I woke up.This dream indicates that in future everything will seem Jibankrishnas entity to the seer and a great sense of Oneness will grow in him . Jibnakrishna used to say, You have achieved oneness but the sense still has not grown in you.The Future of Russia220 . 15th February, 1977. Tuesday. Early morning dream: Someone had sent a letter in an envelope to me and another unknown person said, It seems, it has come from Germany. After opening the envelope I saw that one ex-prince of a state of Russia had sent on order on five volumes of Sri Ramkrishna Kathamrita and other books on Sri Ramkrishna for the people of Russia. At that moment I was thinking, The base of Russia is very strong to receive such thing. At this moment my mother said, then you have to send this order. Just then I was awakened.The dream is an indication of a future when Russia will be enlightened with Sri Ramkrishna and Jibankrishnas cult.

Indication of achieving controlling power throughausterity of earth in future221. 17th February, 1977. Thursday. Early morning dream: A huge building was seen and I saw myself getting down stepwise through wooden steps on one side of that building . After stepping down a few steps I saw one of my student named Dharani who was requesting me to step down on the base. I saw a narrow river flowing underneath and then getting down a few steps I noticed that 2 to 3 steps at the lowest level were broken. I thought that I could get down by merely jumping on the floor when these steps were broken! At that moment Dharani said, It would serve the purpose as those steps would be repaired. Then I thought, Well, when these will be repaired I shell get down. So I again went to the roof top and there I saw many people having their meals and at the same time saw a known lady Kalpana by name with whom I had some conversations , But nothing could be remembered later on and then I woke up.The meaning of the dream flashed thus in the brain immediately after the dream is that there is a possibility of a special type of realization of the descent in future, but in a proper time, as some cells of the descent state are not yet suitable for such realization.Secondly Dharani means earth. He was saying that the steps would be repaired. It means the seer may have the austerity of the last step i.e., austerity of earth which means that the controlling power may be bestowed on the seer in future in spiritual world.Thirdly, Kalpana means imagination and she was seen on the top floorit means all the individualistic realizations are imaginative which was surprisingly corroborated and noted in the diary of Binay Mukhopadhyaya where on 19.8.58, Jibankrishna was sayingAll the individualistic realizations are nothing but imagination. I would gradually realize that when this sense would grow in me, I would lose all my attractions for these individualistic realizations which will be of no use.

Chapter 48Revelation of a devotees condition222 . 20th February, 1977. Sunday, Early morning dream: I was spending my days with many devotees at Makardah, Howrah, where in reality I used to do the same thing as in dream. Among the devotees Debkumar Chowdhury was also seen. He was discussing with somebody about some of his problems. I went outside and when again entered the room saw no trace of Jibankrishnas photo and here the dream went off.After some days I heard that brother Chowdhury decided to leave his service from the bank due to some problems and was mentally upset. I realized that there was the indication in the dream about brother Chowdhurys condition.

Revelation of a devotees condition 223 . 22nd February, 1977. Tuesday, Early morning dream: I was spending days at Makardah. At one time I saw Abala Kanta Dutta, a devotee coming inside a room was lying on bed. He seemed to be very much depressed and tired. I went to him and then the dream went off.In reality I came to know that brother Abala was really passing through such condition.

Indication of achievement of spiritual power transmission 224. 24th February, 1977. Saturday. Early morning dream: First I saw our school building at Kolkata where I was teaching many young students. Then another ex-student named Ganga of my one ex-institution came there. Somebody said, He entered the body of another person. Ganga also said, Yes I can show it by performing. Then many students told him to perform that practice. When he wanted to perform it on me, I said, Dont do it on my body, otherwise it will do harm to you. So he wanted to perform it on another senior student of his institution named Abhay. I was waiting to see how did he perform it. He then tried to enter the body of Abhay but failed. So by sitting beside Abhay he began to perform some other practices which made Abhays body shaking . I clearly understood that all these were bogus. Then addressing to the other younger students I began to say, This is nothing but a type of hypnotism. This is only possible through the evolution of life power in the body. When I was saying this, the school Librarian named Lakshmi while passing by, challenged me. So I answered with a great force, Yes, this occurs in the body and I have experienced it. She kept quite. Then I began to tell the students about the awakening of Kundalini or Life force within the body. When saying, There is a type where the man jumps like a frogthen I noticed that one of the students Kundalini was awakened and began to jump like a frog. When I said, Here is a type where the body shakes like a serpent, then and there another boys body swarmed due to awakening of his Kundalini. While saying all these, I noticed that everybody was listening to me very attentively. After this I began to say, Now I will say about the evolution of life power in the body. You all know about the lowest part of the vertebra. Here the life power concentrates and step by step goes to the cerebrum. There it becomes God. At this moment I woke up.The dream indicates that the seer has the power of transmitting spiritual power to others only by uttering spiritual words. Although mentally he does not intend to accept this. This has the reference in Jibankrishnas Bengali book, Dharma-O-Anubhuti like thisSpiritual Conciousness appears in the body of a human being. He, in whose body it appears, experiences the dalliance (Lila) of the consciousness in his body and it awakens the same of others This is the real form of Sambhabi (power of spiritual transmission)[ Dharma-O-Anubhuti929] .

Achievement of Sri Chaitanya Devas entity and experience of identical state of dream and reality 225. 11th March, 1977. Friday , Noon time dream : Chanting of God Srikrishna with khol and kartal (country musical instruments played by Vaisnabas, Devotees of Lord Krishna) was heard from all over the places while I was seated. After hearing this I fell into ecstasy, and gradually noticed that my body was transformed into Sri Chaitanya Deva (Founder of Devotional cult worshipping Lord Krishna in fifteenth century), with long curled hairs on head and cloth wrapped on the body as seen in the picture. Then I watched that two other persons - handsome with long curled hairs on head and wearing the cloth in the same fashion sitting on both sides of Sri Chaitanya were moving their bodies with great spiritual emotion. Sometimes they were vanishing and sometimes the chanting of Srikrishna Chaitanya was heard and I was feeling a great divine joy as was experienced in a previous dream. When I was half sleepy with a slight outer sense, I was hearing the same chanting outside everywhere. Again when I was falling asleep, the same chanting was heard from everywhere.When I really woke up, I was surprised having full senseOh no chanting was there! This was a dream only! Only one word flashed in my brain and that was Bhakta( Devotee).This dream is related to the previous dream where there was an indication of the descending of spiritual consciousness within the seers body and which showed the power of transmitting the spiritual power to others.Sri Chaitanya is the incarnation of Lord Krishna with devotional cult (Bhakti or Great spiritual devotion). Here the dream indicates that the seer has achieved the same condition. Another significant fact is that the seer experienced the realization of Vedanta where they are saying that reality and dream are identical. Chapter 49Opening of new cell in the cerebrum 226. 14th March, 1977. Monday. Early morning dream: I saw in front of me a machine like a heater. I fixed the plug in it and switched on. As soon as I did it a bursting sound was heard as if a fuse had exploded. While I was waking up and it seemed as if the sound happened within the brain. ---As Jibankrishna used to explain, It means that a new cell opened within the brain to start a new phase of austerity.

Indication of austerity of descent in future 227. 16th March, 1977. Wednesday. Early morning dream: I had gone to Baraset for my own work. After finishing the work, I was returning home by a bicycle. But at that moment it seemed to me as if I was returning from Jamshedpur. I noticed that it had no paddle. I was only seated on it and it was running in its own way. From where I got it had also no idea. It was running on a very wide flyover with a full speed. Sometimes it was automatically reducing the speed whenever any vehicle came on its way. Then I came at the crossing of Maniktala area of Kolkata and suddenly noticed that the tire became loosened. So I entered a lane for its repair and noticed that it was a lane of prostitutes. My breathing began to collapse and the body became irritated. However ultimately I crossed the lane and reached the main road and also noticed that I was on the verge of starting for my home and at that moment I woke up. The meaning of the dream instantly appears thusthe advancement of the seers austerity is going on automatically. The bicycle without paddle and it moment with full force indicates that the austere of the seer is advancing with full force and spontaneously. But there might be a little bit obstacles which will also be eliminated automatically. Returning from Jamshedpur i.e., Brahmapur in the cerebrum as depicted by Jibankrishna indicates that the austere of descent will be bestowed on the seer in future.

Indication of seers spiritual condition by the Holy Ghost and achievement of highly developed brain faculty 228 . 18th March, 1977. Friday. Early morning dream: I noticed that many photos of a number of traditional saints and monks were hanging on the wall of a room. One of them was alike Aunkul Thakur of Deoghar. Somebody said, he resembles almost Sri Jibnakrishna. Hearing this I became irritated and thought that in future many might play frauds on Jibnakrishna. With these thoughts I went on noticing whether there was any photo of Jibankrishna on the wall. Suddenly I noticed that a very big size hand sketched picture was hanging on the wall. The picture was sketched up to neck and it had beard. Seeing this it flashed in my mindOh! It has no match among these photos! This is a picture of Jibankrishnawhy among these photo! So I put down the picture from the wall. Then and there instead of bowing down to the photo, with a great affection I held it firmly on my cheek and while placing it on a table I was surprised to notice that the face of the picture became alive. In whichever direction I was trying to place the picture, the eyes also were moving and looking at me like a doll. At that moment I saw my mother inside the room. At the same time Jibnakrishna in flesh and blood came out of the picture and sat on a cot. But I took this incident as a very natural case and it seemed to me that Jibankrishna was not wanting to talk to me in front of my mother. But then looking at my eyes said, Bring the matter to me on Thakur (Sri Ramkrishna Deva) which you were discussing at Taltala(Kolkata, where many devotees assemble at Raghunath Sens residence thrice a week for spiritual discussion). It seemed to me that Jibankrishna addressed it to my mother . She also got puzzled and went out. Then sitting beside Jibankrishna I asked, Well, why many other people are not seeing you in dreams etc ?(I meant to say about my known persons).He kept his one hand on my knees and pointing out to my body said, See my boy, your body is made in one way and their bodies in another way (meaning not suitable for spiritual manifestation). I said, But before your demise you always used to say that it was for all, then why it would not manifest in all? (He said so in reality).But before his answering to me the dream went off. In the dream first scene indicates that even the action of the picture of God is the same as in reality.Another meaning came after 28 years (Oct. 2005) on the remark of Jibankrishna in reality (21st May, 1962) .He said to the devotees, The Paravidya or the Supreme cult will now be manifested through brain power(instead of the body). This has been revealed in my dream and his fixed eyes on me indicated that his grace will always be fallen on the seer. Not only that, my spiritual manifestation will also be held through brain power.The third indication of the dream is also that my brain power is also increased to a large extent as the incidents in reality are narrated by the Holy Ghost in dream also. As because only in a very strong and non-prejudiced brain the dream and the reality becomes identical.

Chapter 50Achievement of 69% Lord Shivas entity 229 . 21st March, 1977. Monday. Early morning dream: I suffered from loose motion and then washed myself with water. Then I saw myself spending days at Makardah, Howrah with Anath Mondal, a devotee.Then in another scene I saw some numbers written on a paper. The sum of them were 69 out of 100. Seeing this I remarked, I have also got this number yesterdayI have achieved this percentage on the entity of Lord Shiva and the dream went off.The dream indicates the spiritual condition of the seer which is self-explanatory. Lord Shiva means Oneness.

The new era of Jibankrishna and the future of the seer 230 . 24th March, 1977. Thursday. Early morning dream: I got a long flute with 4 holes. Very beautiful musical sound and talks were coming out of it. I exclaimed, saying Oh, it is so nice! Then I took it and while playing it, charming melodious sound was coming out of it. Then I woke up. Four holes means four Koshas and Anandamaya kosha(Sheath). The seers mind is existing on these four Koshas . Moreover, it sounded automatically which means that the spiritual manifestation occurs in the body automatically. Not only that, the flute talked which means that the spiritualism will occur in a new way in the new era of Sri Jibankrishna.Then the seer played the flute means symbolizes Kundalini. It is said that Kundalini awakens through music. [This new meaning revealed after 28 years in October, 2005].

Achievement of preaching power and increase of spiritual wealth 231. 26th March. 1977. Saturday. Noon time dream: I was narrating step by step the manifestation of Atma in a human body to some of the ex-students of my Ex-Agricultural College and they were listening very attentively to me.In a next scene I saw another senior ex-student named Kanchan of the same college. In reality he had thinly built body, but in dream he was looking very healthy and Joyous. The dream indicates that in future the seer may have the power of preaching, although he has no interest in it.The second scene reveals that the seer is having increased wealth in the spiritual world as Kanchan means wealth i.e. the spiritual wealth in yoga.The dream also reveals that the manifestation of spiritualism is taking place step by step within the body of the seer.

Achievement of human religion 232. 28th March, 1977. Monday. Early morning dream: I was explaining to quite a number of people that Man is everything. But nothing could be remembered later on.That the concept of human religion has been established within the body of the seer is revealed in this dream. Moreover, this is the repetition of the previous dream in another way.

The after-effect of the previous dreams 233. 3rd April, 1977. Sunday. At the noon time: My nephew lied beside me. His age was seven years. He was trying to sleep but failed. So I casually told him, Count from number one and then you will fall asleep. He did that but again failed. Then suddenly I told him, Well, then closing your eyes you repeatedly utter the name of Thakur (Sri Ramkrishna Deva), you may even see him in dream. He asked, If only I call him, will he come? I said, Yes. He then closed his eyes and within a minute he slept and then I also slept.Then I dreamt---My nephew (Sanjay) was seeing Thakur in his dream and singing Ramkrishna charana saroje etc.Both of us woke up, I told my nephew, See, what a fun! As soon as you recited the name of Thakur you fell asleep! He then said, But I have dreamt Thakur.I asked, What have you seen? He said, I saw in my dream that I was traveling in a roundish glass boat underneath the sea and saw Thakur. He talked to me and asked where I was going. Then I couldnt remember anything.This dream indicates that in reality, whenever the seer will say anything about God to anybody, he will have spiritual realization provided he or she will have suitable body for spiritualism, or even merely coming in contact with the seer they may see jibankrishna in dream.[It really happened with my nephew and a lady who without knowing anything about Jibankrishna saw him in dreams and reality after coming in contact with the seer. This is the case with many companions of Jibankrishna. Innumerable people either coming in contact with them or hearing from them about Jibankrishna saw him in dreams and reality and still are seeing.]

Chapter 51Accompaniment with devotees and spiritual practices 234. 5th April, 1977, Tuesday. Early morning dream: Khagendra Nath Ghosh of Sainthia, Birbhum District (A companion of jibankrishna) was saying something about the spiritual manifestation in a human body through a loudspeaker. I was listening to it and thinking that when yoga is manifested within a man, his vocal sound becomes like this. Then I noticed that Mr. Ghosh was preparing himself for saying something more about God. I also noticed Dhiren Mondal, another companion was staying with him. Then the dream went off.The spiritual condition of Mr. Ghosh is revealed. This becomes effective also in the seer . Besides, more realizations will occur in the seer in future, as Mr. Ghosh was preparing himself for mentioning more spiritual realizations.

Confirmation of previous dream and increase of brain power 235. 7th April, 1977. Thursday. Early morning dream: I was narrating one of my previous dreams to Jibankrishna and on hearing it he fell in Samadhi state. After this I saw many devotees. Then the dream went off .The dream seen previously is confirmed and will be effective within the seer as Jibankrishna has fallen into Samadhi after hearing this. Moreover to see many devotees in the dream means the brain power is increased for further superior realizations in future.

Increase of introvert condition and the blessings of God 236. 10th April, 1977. Sunday. Noon time dream: Along with a person I was going somewhere through Amherst street of Kolkata. It seemed that there was a riot sometimes back. But he went forward and so I also followed him. After going to a certain distance a tunnel was found. We went down through it and found a floor. Then we saw another tunnel and went down through it and saw the same thing. While crossing down through 5th or 6th floor we reached the ground floor and there also a tunnel was observed. We again went down through it and ultimately found ourselves in the ground floor of a devotee, named Indranath Mukherjee at Makardah of Howrah District, where many devotees often used to assemble and stay for some days. There we saw two caretakers of the house sitting inside a room. While I was going to come outside the house opening the doors, they said, Some notorious boys are coming to attack, dont go outside. I saw through the window a field where many boys were playing. Along with my companion I started going upwards. We realized that the notorious boys were coming to attack us by trying to find passages. I was closing all the passages and windows. Each floor was found to be of different types .Fifth floor was found to be for books only, thereafter the 6th floor and then the roof top. At last reaching there we found ourselves safe. The roof top also was open leading to the road and then we realized that nobody was after us. Here the dream went off.The dream indicates that during austerity the seers mind cannot be extrovert by the grace of God. Here the unknown companion is God himself who was always accompanying the seer.The dream has revealed another meaning to the seer after 28 years (October, 2005) thusThe seer reached the ground floor and then crossed down that, which may indicate that in future the seer may have realizations of the 1st, 2nd,3rd plane, but at this moment his body is not prepared for this . So he was prevented by the caretakers. When he will be suitable, this will occur in his life with realizations of the lowest plane.Here every plane of the body was shown from 1st to 7th plane. The 5th floor was shown for keeping books, means when the mind stays in the 5th plane, the devotee will only speak and hear about God as said by Sri Ramkrishna Deva.

The own self of Brahma is Ananda or Divine joy 237. 12th April, 1977. Tuesday. Just before waking up from sleep early in the morning I was hearing, The own self of Brahma is Ananda, the own self of Brahma is Ananda(Bliss). Twice this sentence was heard and then I came out of this trance and got back my full sense.The dream indicates that the seer has achieved this condition.

Chapter 52Vision of a devotees physical condition238. 14th April, 1977. Thursday. In reality a devotee Dilip Ghosh had an accident with fracture of one of his legs. On hearing this the whole day his figure used to appear before my eyes.At night I went asleep and had a dream: An open big space was seen where many devotees of Jibankrishna had assembled. Mr. Ghosh was also seated with a plaster on his fractured leg. I asked him, Are you released from the hospital ? He answered, Yes. I noticed that he was recovering very fast. Seeing this my mind became calm and then I woke up.In reality also Mr. Ghosh was recovered before scheduled time giving great surprise to the doctors. It meant that through spiritual power he became recovered quickly, through it happened automatically. Moreover, the future of the devotee was also revealed in the seers brain.

Revelation of the seers spiritual condition and the future of Sikhs239. 15th April, 1977. Friday. Every morning dream: The first scene opened with a very wide and empty road without any public or vehicles. Only I was walking very freely along with some devotees named Khitish Roychoudhury, Sudhindranath Sinha, and Arun Ghosh. Everybody was in a joyous mood. Mr. Sinha asked me with a smile, You write the matters about JIbankrishna in your school, does anybody know? (In reality the seer, by the grace of the Holy Ghost left the topmost post of a 150 years old Institution of National importance and joined an English medium school in Kolkata of great reputation for finding more time to write about the matters on Jibankrishna for the quarterly magazine Manikya)I answered, Not at all, I dont let anybody know about this. He said, Very good.After this Mr. Ghosh said about his dream. Then Mr. Roychoudhury also said, I had a dream where somebody was sayingHe has reached the stage of Brahma-hood . So I said, Two days before (12-4-77) I also had a dream about Brahma, where somebody was announcing that the own self of Brahma is Ananda or Divine joy.In the next scene I saw that our school building became much bigger and I went up to the top floor. There I saw Dwijendra Nath Roy of Ghatshila and an old aged devotee with a very joyous mood. I was more surprised to see Khitish Roy Choudhury, Sudhindra Nath Sinha and Dhiren Mondal with Mr. Roy.I had a long conversation with Mr. Roy but nothing could be remembered later on. Then after getting down to the ground floor I again went up to the top floor and still saw only Mr. Roy sitting there. I had more conversations on spiritual aspects with Mr. Roy. I also saw a Sikh gentleman along with his wife and then the dream went off.The first scene reveals that the Brahmahood (Supreme state)has become established in the seer which had been confirmed by others.The second scene indicates that the seer has availed the power of getting up and down freely in different planes within his body during austerity. By showing Mr. Roy it indicates that the seer is going to have the collective realizations in future as Jibankrishna used to remark, Mr. Roy has a great capacity for collective austerity.By showing Sikh couple it reveals that in the long run Jibankrishnas cult will spread among their sects .

Revelation of the future of the Asamese and thecry of the human race for Jibankrishna 240 . 26th April, 1977. Tuesday. Early morning dream: At first I saw my elder brother who was telling me that he saw Jibankrishna in dream. After this I saw one Asamese gentleman who had taken the Bengali book Dharma-O-Anubhuti in his hand. I was thinking that perhaps he could not understand it . When asked he answered, No, I can read it. Then I saw many other unknown persons crying for seeing Sri Jibankrishna. Here the dream went off and after waking up my mind became heavy with sorrow for their cry.The first part of the dream indicates the future of both the elder brother and the Asamese. In future the elder brother as well as the Asamese may see Jibankrishna in the dreams.The second part is the concluding part of the dream seen on 18-3-77 where the seer himself was crying for the human race for not seeing Jibankrishna in their realizations till now. Here it is vice versa. The future will prove it. It is noteworthy that Jibankrishna himself also urged and cried for the human race for not seeing him.

Chapter 53Changes in the spiritual body 241 . 29th April, 1977. Friday. Early morning dream: I was living on the top floor of a huge building. Sitting there I was detaching the coir from the coconut. I went on detaching and it was becoming smaller and smaller. I was keeping the coir beside as these would be burnt later on. Then I found a soft kernel and again was detaching it and finally found a very soft thing just like the soft kernel of a coconut. I went on observing it and finally woke up from sleep.For a long time after awakening I felt that same changes inside my body had occurred and was passing through a divine joy. It means that my body has become more receptive for new and powerful realizations in future.

Confirmation of the spiritual realizations andausterity within the body 242. 1st June, 1977. Wednesday. Early morning dream: I saw some gentleman, and it seemed as if they were my students. Amongst them there were some old people. I was explaining to them, who is Preceptor and defined it at the same time. Then I asked themWhat is God? I myself answered and then narrated how God is visible. Everything I narrated with great confidence. Then they went away.While narrating these, it was felt that all these happened in my body, thats why I could explain these phenomena. After this I woke up from sleep.The dream reveals that the seer has gained the power of transmitting the spiritualism in others, though his mind is not accepting this and moreover nothing is giving any impression to his mind. He wants only loneliness.

Revelation of a huge brain capacity and indication of attainment of Brahmahood or Godhood243 . 7th June, 1977. Tuesday. Early morning dream: A huge Hall was visible where many devotees of Jibankrishna were present. Only Arun Ghosh and Dhiren Mondal were remembered.Then I saw that a huge size green coconut cut on the top was offered to me. I noticed that its size was bigger 2-3 times more than an average. I felt that it was exceptionally sweet to taste as if it was mixed with sugar and a plenty of water. After drinking while I entered the Hall, saw that Mr. Ghosh paid Rs. One and forty paise on account of its cost, although ultimately I paid it from my pocket to Mr. Ghosh and here the dream went off.The dream reveals thus: The huge green coconut indicates the braincapacity of the seer which is 2-3 times more powerful than the average people, though in the spiritual world . Drinking the green coconuts water means the permanent fixation of Brahmagyan or Supreme cult within the seer . The cost is Rupees one and forty paise means attainment of spiritual power by 140 percent, while Jibankrishna used to say, I have attained the spiritual power by 200 per cent. Revelation of the spiritual condition of a devotee244. 13th, June. 1977. Monday. In trance I saw Dhiren Mondal, a devotee with a very young appearance and wearing new clothes .The trance revealed that the spiritual condition of Mr. Mondal has become very powerful and new realizations may occur in him with a new spiritual body. Attainment of condition with non-attachment of physical body 245 . 20th June. 1977. Monday. Early morning dream: A huge building was seen in a big field. Rows of rooms were arranged on the top floors and one room was allotted for me where the cots and beds were ready for me. It seemed that some other persons also used to stay in that room, while those rooms were also allocated for a number of persons . I went out for a walk and when returned found that my bed was missing. Then I cried saying Debasish ! Debasish! Then I was awakened. The dream first reveals that the bed of the seer was missing. Bed signifies the body, this means he is in such a condition, when he has no attachment for his physical body. This is a very higher spiritual stage. Debasish means blessings of God. It means by the blessings of God he has attained such condition. Attainment of new spiritual body 246. 24th, June. 1977. Friday. Early morning dream: I was having a supper in one of my student Kanai by name . After finishing the supper it seemed to me that the dress I was wearing belonged to another person. While searching for my own dress I could not find it. On the other hand somebody gave me an olive green loose trouser and I wore it. Then that unknown person gave me a gown type velvety dress. Wearing it I found that it reached below the knee level and with that dress my dream went off.The dream again reveals that the seers spiritual body does not belong to him but to God only and he is having a new spiritual body.[After 28 years (Oct, 2005) the real meaning revealed in his mind that this was an indication that in future the seer will have realizations up to foot level, that means to the extreme lowest plane as mentioned in Tantra and by attaining this condition he may have spiritual controlling power. The realizations in the long run have proved the fact that he has experienced all these in his body. But the effects will be told by the Future].

Chapter 54Establishment of the realizations noted in Bengali book Dharma O Anubhuti247. 9th July, 1977. Saturday. Early morning dream: I was having a dream within a dream that I was narrating to some people about the phenomenon of visualization of God. Then my dream went off within my actual dream. Somebody of my house then said to me, While sleeping, why do you reciteDharma-O-Anubhuti, Dharma O Anubhuti(Jibankrishnas Bengali book based on his personal spiritual realizations)? I answered something.Then when I actually woke up I exclaimed, Oh! I was dreaming so long!The dream reveals that the essence of the book Dharma O Anubhuti, i.e., the realizations of Jibankrishna will be revealed to a great extent within the seer as this was forecasted by Jibankrishna in the first dream after his comeback from his long detachment from Jibankrishna in his life time.

Austerity of the Holy Ghost in his new body 248 . 11th July, 1977. Monday. Early morning dream: I heard that Jibankrishna had come to a certain place and within the dream it seemed to me that he was coming with a new body after his demise in the year 1967. Hearing this I was overwhelmed with joy, as if nothing was there to me except Jibankrishna. Thereafter I saw myself going to him with a heavenly joy leaving all worldly attractions. While going, on the way I saw Dhrien Mondal, a devotee was standing, as if he would also go to Jibankrishna. Being asked he answered, he would go the next day. But I did not wait and went forward thinking, oh! To-morrow he would have come and what he would be doing at this moment! With these thoughts I was becoming thrilled with joy and with this sensation the dream went off. Instantly it appeared in my mind that once Jibankrishna said, If Thakur (Sri Ramkrishna) comes now at Dakshineswar, what I shall do, you know? I shall run to him, hug his waist and shall not leave any more . The similar sensation also existed within my mind for a long time. Besides this another indication appeared in my mind that a new phase of austerity will occur in Jibnakrishna through me.

Destruction of allurement and prejudice 249) In between 11th July and 3rd August, 1977 . The scene opened with a village road. I was walking on the road and saw a huge building. There was an automatic recitation of Ramkrishna and Jibankrishna within me. Then after crossing that building I reached near a pond. When I was returning and came near that same building , somebody said , A new floor was constructed in that building where a she-evil spirit stays. Hearing this I said with a challenging mood, Where, let me see her! But at the same time an automatic recitation of the name Jibankrishna was going on within me. After quite a number of shouting that evil spirit came near the window. It seemed to me that as soon as I would look at her eye to eye, she would bring me under her control. So I fixed my eyes on her covering my eyes with a net and noticed that her eyes were glazing. At this moment the dream went off.The dream reveals that during the austerity of a devotee so many allurements come to him but by the grace of God all are removed. These allurements may come in my life but with the grace of God I would overcome all hazards.[In the long run so many hazards came in my life, but by the grace of God-the-Preceptor I was able to overcome.]

Indication of attainment of Universal austerity250) 30th July,1977. Sunday. Early morning dream: I saw a student named Janadeva. I had some conversations with him but could not be remembered later on. After he went away, it appeared in my mind that during my austerity in ascent ultimately I met Janadeva and here the dream went off. Janadeva is another name of Ganesh the god in Hindu mythology who is known as donator in the attainment of austerity of the highest degree, and also god of mass population . Here the dream indicates that the seer will have attainment of Universal austerity in future.

Appearance of devotees figures before eyes 251) 16th August, 1977. Tuesday. At noon, in trance sometimes the figures of some devotees like Ramchandra Das, Binay Roy were appearing before my eyes. Again many unknown figures of human beings were appearing. After some time I got back my full sense.This type of vision used to be experienced by Jibankrishna and was explained by him thus : So long you have been seeing me within you, and now it is coming back in me, i.e., I am seeing you within me, which means the cycle is going to be complete now and I may have the controlling power in the spiritual world.

Chapter 55 Realization on the identical state of life and death 252) 20th, August, 1977, Saturday. Early morning dream: My father (Amrita by name) had expired . But I remained calm. He was taken to the burning place without any ritualism. After a while I saw a room full of devotees of Jibankrishna having discussions on spiritualism and my father was also present there listening to the discussions with full concentration . I went on thinkingOh! He is not dead at all, because there is no difference between life and death! Here the dream went off.The dream indicates the spiritual state of the seer thus : (1) Ultimately the feeling of non-difference of life and death will be eliminated from the mind of the seer; (2) Again quite a number of devotees are seen in dream which had been explained by Jibankrishna that this increases the brain power . But this is not reacting at all in the mind of the seer. He wants to be always observer and nothing else .Moreover, the brain also comes in equilibrium condition with this type of realization for further development.

Awaiting Holy Ghost 253) Between 20th August and 27th August, 1977. In one early morning I had a dream thusI had gone to Jibankrishnas residence at Kedar Deuti Lane, Howrah. But he was not there, so I went on waiting for him and at this moment the dream went off.The dream indicates one thing that the seer may have to spend his whole life with the Holy Ghost. Obtaining Chapras(Badge)254) 27th August, 1977, Saturday. In reality I was returning from Ranchi by train and had this dream in the train: A long paper with margins was seen before me. Nothing was written on the above portion. At the lowest part a sentence was writtenOnce if it is said that God is within the body, then and there it will act. Then I noticed that all the passengers were changed into devotees of Jibankrishna. Gopal Chandra Roy and Anath Mondal along with Arun Mukherjee were singing the song Brahmanandang.etc. (Great divine joy of Brahmahood or Supreme Self) and beside them Dhiren Mondal was having spiritual talks with somebody near my ears. Then I woke up.This dream shows the same realization noted in Bengali book Dharma o Anubhutiby Jibankrishna, where he has writtenThis chapras or badge is obtained and is shown on paper in writing. It means the seer will have the power of preaching. But the seer does not want it.

Revelation of the spiritual condition of the seer 255) 1st September, 1977, Friday. Early morning dream: A well known person, named Sudhangshu (Expired two months back) had come to meet me. After some conversations, I asked him, Have you dreamt anything? He answered, I have dreamt Lord Shiva has come to the head shedding tears from his eyes. Hearing this I said, Good dream. It means that a man is transformed into Shiva (One) and shedding tears means shower of Gods grace.Then I began to describe how Atma or Soul is seen in the cerebrum; how the whole universe is seen in the cerebrum, etc, etc. When I was narrating these, I was feeling very confident.Afterwards Sudhangshu went out for having food and I waited.Meanwhile a devotee, Arun Ghosh came there with a smiling face and said,You are saying all these! You will get addicted if you continue to say all these. But I took it very casually and ignored the comments. The dream went off.[Sudhangshu means Moon which illuminates like honey .The truth is illuminated like honey. Truth means the spontaneous revelation of Self in a human body which was narrated by the seer to Sudhangshu.][After 28 years in October, 2005, a new meaning flashed in the mind of the seer thus : All the works i.e., compilations, publications on Jibankrishna may one day will be realized and illuminated among human race establishing peace in their minds.]

Revelation of dispassionate condition of the seer256) 3rd September, 1977, Saturday, Place : Makardah . Early morning dream: A spiritual discussion was going on in a house among the devotees of Jibankrishna. Late night it was finished. While on the way of returning home, I saw no vehicles on the road and waiting for the transport it was 12 oclock at night . I was tensed thinking how I could return home. So I again came back to the same house and saw some devotees like Indranath Mukherjee, Barendra Nath Mitra and many others. Mr. Mitra asked me, When you fell in such a tensed situation, did you call God? I exclaimed, So what! Falling in danger why should I call God? I never did in my life, not even now, though what will happen in future, I dont know. Will you call God only when you fall in distress? The dream then was off.The dream here reveals that the seer is dispassionate about everything showing his mental makeup at the same time.

Chapter 56Revelation of future compilation of Sri Jibankrishnassayings and its English translation 257) 4th September, 1977, Sunday. Place : Makardah, Howrah. Early morning dream: I noticed that my compilation of Jibankrishnas sayings in Bengali was being read by someone and I was also listening. After a while its English translation would also be read. Thereafter I woke up.After a while I again fell asleep and dreamt that my eldest sister Baruna at home said something which raised my anger and with a single dress I went out of my house. I told my mother, I do not know when I shall return. After going out of home, I thought where to go. So many names came in my mind. Lastly the name of Dhiren Mondal appeared in my mind. Then and there it was noticed that he himself came to take me to his house and I followed him towards his house. Then I woke up. The first scene reveals the future when this compilation would be read by many people and also there will be a translation into English. [I started compilation work from August, 1976 and it was completed in the year 1992. Thirteen Bengali books are published on the basis of this compilation and are being translated into English for sending to different parts of the world through different websites. The second scene in microcosm reveals that the seer should be calm as Dhiren depicts calmness. This incident happened in reality in the same fashion after 27 years except that instead of eldest sister, it happened due to eldest brother.]

Extreme eagerness for the Holy Ghost 258) 6th September, 1977, Tuesday. Early morning dream: I had gone searching for Jibankrishna at his residence of Kedar Deuti Lane, Howrah but failing to find him there, I was crying with great agony. At this moment I woke up.The dream is also similar to that seen in between 20/8/77 and 27/8/77 and at the same time indicates the great dedication of the seer to Jibankrishna.

Repetition of dispassionate condition of the seer 9th September, 1977.259) Three days after the previous dream I had an early morning dreamI had become sick and medicine was given to me. My mother said, This medicine is given in the name of God. I said, Then I shall not do any treatment . Saying this I had my treatment in another place.The same indication as was shown in the previous dream dated 3/9/77 was revealed in to-days dream. This type of repeated dreams means these conditions are well established within the body of the seer.

Austerity of descent through the body of the Holy Ghost and future revelation of the seer 260) 15th September, 1977, Thursday. Early morning dream: I was preparing myself for going to Makardah, Howrha where the devotees used to assemble for get together off and on. I saw that Jibankrishna would also accompany me. Along with me there were other devotees. After a while all of them went to Makardah. Next I saw that Jibankrishna had lied resting his head on my lap and I was passing my hand lightly on Jibankrishnas head. Sometimes I was properly arranging his head pillow. It was felt as if I was looking after him. After a while Jibankrishna went for bath in the nearer pond. I was always accompanying him. But at the same time I was thinking that Raghunath Sen would have been better for this purpose, why I was kept for looking after him! However, Jibankrishna went down in the pond for bath, but it was noticed that he was taking bath in a very peculiar mannerHe was floating inside the glass- like transparent water and frequently fell into Samadhi. He was taking bath in different ways. I was thinking that perhaps the Yogis used to take bath in such ways! Thereafter I woke up.Here the meaning instantly flashed thusTo plunge in the water means to have realizations in decent (Ref: Dharma O AnubhutiNo 714). Here the austerity of the seer takes place through the body of the Holy Ghost.To take care of the Holy Ghost indicates the future of the seer when he will maintain the philosophy of the Holy Ghost in a proper manner and devote himself to restore the works of the Holy Ghost.[For the next 35 years the seer is deeply engaged in compiling all the sayings of Jibankrishna, divine dreams of innumerable people through magazine and his books.]

Chapter 57Indication of the vastness of the cerebrum andfulfilment of austerity in Descent 261) 21st September, 1977, Wednesday. Early morning dream: I was seeing the lower inside part of my brain with large capacity. Afterwards I noticed that a mouse jumped and pushed against the portion of the cerebrum where visualization of Atma took place in case of Jibankrishna. The thrush was so intense that my head was shaken even during the sleep and as a result I woke up.The dream reveals the huge brain capacity in the spiritual world. The thrush by the mouse in the lower region of the cerebrum indicates that the passage in descent became clear. The same indication about the seers austere in descent was revealed in the previous dream.

Attainment of Brahmananda or divine bliss262) 25th September, 1977, Sunday . Place : Ghatsila . Early morning dream: I saw Ananda Mohan Ghosh singing with the words Ananda.Ananda(Joy,Joy). Thereafter I began to sing Brahmananda etc. (Divine bliss) and then I woke up.The dream shows the existence of the seer within divine joy(Ref: Dharma O Anubhuti, page 4 - great joy - Attainment of Satchidananda condition).

Conglomeration of life and deathFuture possibility of attaining the same sense263) 26th September, 1977, Monday. Place : Ghatsila . Early morning dream: I was continuously uttering. Life and death are the same, there is no difference between life and death. While saying these I woke up .The feeling is the repetition of the dream seen on 20/8/77 which indicates that in future the seer will have this feeling permanently. Shower of grace by the Holy Ghost 264) 30th September, 1977, Friday. Early morning dream: I was seated on the floor of Jibankrishnas residence at Kadamtala, Howrah. He was seated on his cot. One devotee named Promod was seated just below the picture of Sri Ramkrishna Deva hung on the wall. Jibankrishna handed over the book Sudha Kumbha written by a devotee named Dilip Ghosh. I said to him, I shall read it. But he then handed over another thick book to me to read. It seemed that he gave it to me for ready reference.After a while Jibankrishna began to apply Saakti (transmitting spiritual power to others by touch of hand or hug) to Promode and he then fell into half consciousness due to ecstasy with shedding tears from eyes. I realized that Jibankrishna showered grace upon that devotee. After this incident I began to read. At this moment my dream was off.By giving the books to the seer for reading the Holy Ghost showered his grace upon the seer. The dream also reveals the spiritual condition of Promode, although it is not so superior in quality. Blessings of the Holy Ghost upon the devotee 265) 4th October, 1977, Tuesday. Early morning dream: Mr. Deb Kumar Choudhury, a devotee of Jibankrishna, was telling me very cheerfully, I have a dream on Sri Jibankrishna. Saying this he was narrating the dream and then the dream went off.

The meaning of the dream is the same as the previous one, that means the blessings of the Holy ghost were pouring upon the devotees along with the seer also because everybody is One as because the Self or Atma or Soul is one.

Achievement of fearlessness and accompanimentwith devotees 266) 7th October, 1977, Friday. Early morning dream: I saw an ox roaming on the street. I was standing there wearing a maroon color trouser. Somebody said, The ox is coming to push with horns. It seemed to me that as if it was coming to push me and its motive also seemed to be like that. I told the unknown person, I wear a red trouser and for that reason it may push me. But he said, This is not red, but maroon. At that moment I noticed a house and from the back side of that house I went upstairs and became relieved. Just at that moment I saw the Ex-Maharaj kumar of Burdwan named Abhaychand who was familiar to me in reality. I saw Abhaychand in my previous dreams two three times. Then I went on discussing with him on spiritual aspects. Gradually many devotees of Jibankrishna came to join the discussion and here the dream went off .The after effect of this dream was thus: A feeling of leaving the body became very intense within me intending to live alone without the accompaniment of anybody. Even I could not tolerate any spiritual discussion. My mind was intending to enter the death region which I experienced in some of my previous dreams and meditations. To divert this attitude I was keeping myself busy with other activities. It was not known when this feeling would be eliminatedAbhay means without fear.

Chapter 58Blessing of the Holy Ghost upon the seer awarding Ph. D. Degree on spiritual knowledge267) 21st October, 1977, Friday , Place: Makardah (Howrah). Early morning dream: Dhirendra Nath Mondal had come to me and announced, Jibankrishna has told me that you have been awarded the Ph. D. Degree on Paravidya (Supreme knowledge). Then the scene changed. In the next scene I saw again, brother Dhiren telling me, Jibankrishna has told that he, (means the seer) has eaten much. The dream then went off.[The dream indicates two aspects: There will be further spiritual development of the seer. Jibankrishna used to say that seeing of Atma within the body meant passing of matriculation examination. And to eat too much means to gain more spiritual realizations in future.]

Both dream and reality are identical268) 27th October, 1977. Thursday. Place: Makardah, Howrah.In reality, on 26th October, in the residence of Indranath mukherjee a companion of Jibankrishna I was preparing myself for night sleep. Brother Asim was also supposed to sleep with me. On both sides of the big cot there were two head pillows leaving the middle portion vacant. I was jokingly telling brother Asim, We shall comfortably lie on both sides of the cot, and if Jibankrishna lies between us, it will be very nice. Then we slept.In the early morning I dreamed; I was seated on one side of the cot, on the right side someone was seated and in front Jibankrishna along with Vinay Mukherjee were seated. Jibankrishna was discussing on certain spiritual topics in a very simple manner, although nothing was kept in the memory afterwards.Mr Mukherjee was saying, We explain the topics so elaborately but you explain in so simple manner! Then Mr Mukherji was going to say something more, but Jibankrishna without paying any attention to him, continued with his explanation.After this, I noticed that on the same cot and with the same arrangements as in reality where both tbrother Asim and I were lying, Jibankrishna lied down in between us and began to narrate his previous lifes incidents in a funny way with open hearted laughing. Once he mentioned one incident about Kesto Maharaj (His old companion). All his talking, behavior seemed so easy and charming which is beyond any description.At this moment, I was turning to my right side, and in my half-conscious state I felt that as if Jibankrishna was still lying between us. Thereafter I got back my full sense and woke up. It was then 3 A.M [the dream indicates that at one stage there is no difference between reality and dream. This stage is of very high ranking in the spiritual world.]

Increase of brain power and destruction ofanimal passion by the grace of Adyasakti or Holy Mother 269) 28th October, 1977, Friday. Place: Makardah, Howrah. Early morning dream: For a long time had been seeing many devotees of Jibankrishna, specially Raghunath Sen. Sometimes Iwas waking up. At last I saw that some big monkeys were frisking on the top shoots of trees.After this, I saw a Robot who broke the head of a bear into pieces, as it was coming to attack me. I had another beast as companion and my mother ordered the Robot to kill that beast also. The Robot broke the head of that beast and threw inside a dustbin. Then I woke up.The dream indicates two aspects: i) Seeing so many devotees within the dream the brain power of the seer was increasing and (ii) By the grace of the body or Adyasakti, the animal passion of the seer was going to be destroyed.

Indication of a new phase of austerity 270) 5th November, 1977, Saturday. Early morning dream: I was preparing boiled rice. After a long time one of my uncle (Joytilal) told me, The rice was being over boiled? I answered, Then I shall eat that and after this the dream went off.The dream means that the brain cells have become very soft for further new realization. Rice means brain cells and to eat means to have realizations.

Chapter - 59Achievement of power to cross Samadhi 271) 10th November, 1977, Friday. Place: Makardah (Howrah). Early morning dream: I had a vision of many Jibankrishna devotees.After a while I felt that my Mahabayu (Great Life Force) was pushing upwards inside my body with a great force and I realized that I was going to fall in Samadhi (Profound meditation merging in God). But with a greater force I was checking the Mahabayu preventing the Samadhi and then I sat quietly as if I became another man. After a while I noticed that my body was shivering mildly for this tremendous labor. Then I woke up.Even up to 3 days this exhaustive feeling retained and then I became normal. It indicates that I have gained power to cross the region of Samadhi which was considered to be of the highest rank in the spiritual history of Hindu religion which shows that I am entitled to march forward to the world of new and more powerful spiritual realizations in austerity.Even once Sri Ramkrishna deva said to Swami Vivekananda, You cross Samadhi, but he couldnt do ultimately.After this I became very restless and it used to happen whenever any new phase of austerity was to come.

Indication of new realizations and indication of spiritualism in youngsters in future 13th November, 1977, Saturday.272) Early morning dream : I was seated on the 1st floor of Indranath Mukherjees residence at Makardah and with him was Dhiren Mondal. After a while I noticed that many young boys were coming upwards and went outside through the Cornish. I was surprisingly thinking that were they thieves! With curiosity I looked outside and noticed that on the ground floor a picnic was arranged and many devotees e.g., Dilip Ghosh, Sourendra Nath Bhattacharya and many others were present. I then woke up.The dream reveals two aspects: Firstly, there will be more and more realizations within the seer and Diamond will appear in younger generations in future.[This proved true after some years. The seer is having numerous divine realizations and younger generations are now seeing Diamond within them.]

Indication of new phase273) 15th November, 1977, Tuesday. Early morning dream: I had a vision of Arun Ghosh, a devotee of Jibankrishna and here ended the dream.[Arun means rising sun which means that the seer is approaching new phase of austerity. ]

Preparation of universal austerityannihilation of nature and achievement of 75% Shivatwa or divinity by the grace of Adyasakti or Holy Mother274) 16th November, 1977, Wednesday . Early morning dream: I had gone to Jibankrishna, but the place was not Kadamtala, Howrah, but somewhere else. However, I saw that Jibankrishna was preparing himself for cleaning the floor with a broom because many devotees would come to him alike Kadamtala. But I did not allow him to broom, and I cleaned the floor well collecting all the dusts.Meanwhile the maidservant came and I told her to remove the rest of dusts. After a while I noticed that another devotee Dhiren Mondal had come there. Jibankrishna seemed to be very joyous and easy. In another scene I saw that we were going to a river-side. Sitting at the bank, while talking, we noticed an iguana roaming and in another moment a rabbit killed that iguana. Jibankrishna and everybody watched this scene. Then I noticed that many kids were playing there. One of them took the dead iguana and while approaching to Jibankrishna, I prevented him to do so by signaling. Of course he was on a playing mood to do this. After sitting for a while I moved my head towards the back side and noticed that Jibankrishna along with Sudhindra Nath Sinha and Mrityunjoy Roy were going towards the house. Along with many other including Ashim Biswas I was approaching with Jibankrishna. Suddenly it flashed in my mindOh! It was long time back when Jibankrishna had left the place! So how Jibankrishna was with us!How was it possible ! Then and there I realizedOh! I was seeing a young boy as Jibankrishna !I thought that after going back to the house I would ask Jibankrishna about this matter and after returning I saw the room was fully packed with devotees. When I was in, Raghunath Sen called me to sit beside him.But I sat beside Dilip Ghosh. I told Mr. Ghosh, I have seen you in my dream 2-3 days before. Saying this I narrated only the last part of the dream seen on 13th November 77, where I saw Mr. ghosh, Mr, Ghosh said, These spiritual aspects would also be manifested in the youngsters in future. Then and there I exclaimed, Oh! Before seeing you in the dream, I saw many youngsters coming up towards us! After this I woke up.Again I fell asleep and dreamt that I e was playing touch and hide game (Where one becomes the touchable object whom after touching anybody can continue the game) with young boys, at though here it was a bit different from the traditional one where everybody was carrying sticks and whoever would be touched by the stick his game would be over.So in the game I hid in a room and a young boy was pushing the door. I kept on pressing the door but that boy with a greater force opened the door and touched me ending his game.At this moment I noticed an old lady who seemed to me to be Adyasakti in the dream. So long she had been watching the game. Now looking at me she told some body, I have given him Rupees seventy five. Hearing this somebody protested, but the old lady said, That is my wish, as I like him; So I have given him that money. Although I also felt uneasy due to her such favoritism. Here the dream went off and I woke up.The first scene indicates that the room was cleaned for accommodation of many peopleit means that space is going to be ready in the cerebrum for mass austerity. Rabbit symbolizes Narayanuniversalism. Iguana symbolizes Nature or Prakriti. It was killed by the rabbitit means the Prakriti cannot be destroyed in individualism, but is destroyed in mass austerity. Showing the youngsters coming up indicates the future when they will have mass austerity only. Moreover, describing the previous dream to Dilip Ghosh and also confirmation by him indicates that the effect will be seen in future.That second scene indicates that some untraditional austerity and realization will be experienced by the seer in future as the game was quite different from that as described by Sri Ramkrishna Deva but this type of untraditional game was said by Jibankrishna. Here stick means Kundalini, which means Mukti or liberation of Atma from the body. In Thakurs time one had touch the stick, meaning to achive liberation of Atma by effort or exertion. Here it is opposite. Where a boy symbolizing God touches by stick, meaning by the grace of God the liberation of Atma will take place without any effort . The real mukti occurs in mass austerity and not in individualism. Then Adyasakti by her grace donated seventy five percent divinity as the rest twenty five percent is only to lead a simple life as Sri Ramkrishna Deva used to say to give 12 annas mind for God and four annas for livelihood out of 16 annas or one rupee.In a previous dream seen on 21.3.77, the seer had achieved the divinity by 69% as written on a paper and here it has become increased to 75% .

Chapter - 60Increase of spiritual power 275) 21st November, 1977, Monday. Early morning dream: One of my class mate Debasish said to me, Dipak, I saw you in a dream with a very healthy figure. Saying this he gave an explanation which could not be remembered later on. Then I told him, See, you have not seen me. Your divine consciousness has taken my figureHe is God.After saying this, I stood silently making comments to myself with a great grief and sorrow, Hang it, why he has seen me instead of Jibankrishna in his dream! Ah! He could have seen him! I went on uttering these to myself and shed tears with great sorrow. Here the dream went off.The robust health of the seer indicates the high spiritual power and the dream also indicates that the seer is not accepting such condition that anyone sees him instead of Jibankrishna in the dream. This means that the seer has become devoid of egoism. Confirmation of Shivatwa or Oneness276) 22nd November, 1977, Tuesday. Early morning dream: I saw a serpent with two heads on both-the ends. Somebody said, This serpent is like this type. Then and there I saw myself walking with that serpent encircling my neck with hoods erected, just like Lord Shivas picture. Then the dream went off.[The dream indicates the achievement of Lord Shivas entity or in other words the Oneness.]

Establishment of the realizations of Dharma O Anubhutiwithin the body 277) 22nd November, 1977. After the first dream I woke up and again fell asleep and had this dream: I was seated in a room where many devotees of Jibankrishna were also seated. A discussion was raised about one of my dream which I saw long time back The dream was thus: Jibankrishna was reading Dharma O Anubhuti( Bengali book written by Jibankrishna himself) and along with Arun Ghosh, another devotee I was hearing with a very reluctant position. Then I thought that I should not listen in such a way and so I was about to sit straight in a meditation posture. But someone said, There is no need of sitting in such a way; You go on listening in your previous posture.Hearing this dream Indranath Mukherjee and Raghunath Sen said This is indicating also the higher stage of Arun Ghosh. I said, Besides this there are other meanings - one is, it shows that when one gets God-the-Preceptor within him, he gets pillow to lean (saying of Sri Ramkrishna); Secondly, the realizations of Dharma-o-Anubhuti are being established in me. Hearing this Khitish Roy Choudhury said, How is it possible? I r said, Although it is not at par Jibankrishna, but of the next stage . Moreover, Jibankrishna said in my first dream (Feb. 1972 and confirmed on 7.7.74)You will write the 2nd and 3rd part of Dharma-O-Anubhuti .This also means that the realizations of the 2nd and 3rd part will be established within the body.After hearing this everybody said, Yes, it is correct. Then I woke up.[The first dream is a confirmation of the previous two dreams seen on 21.3.77 and 16.11.77 which indicated that the seer had the 75% divinity and this dream is the proof by showing the seer with the same entity of Lord Shiva.] The indication of future publicity of Diamond and new phase of austerity of the seer278) 25th November, 1977, Friday.17) Early morning dream : Ragunath Sen, a companion of Diamond was telling somebody about the latest spiritual condition of mine explaining that my condition was such that I became incapable of scrutinizing the examination papers of the students and some other persons should do it. Hearing this I was going somewhere with a bunch of examination papers. Meanwhile I noticed that in some very young boys some of Diamonds sayings were manifested. Seeing this I said to a young boy, see, each saying of Diamond is a seed and that seed is fallen in each human being; wherever it gets favorable condition, it will be manifested. It is just like seeds which are carried by birds and germinate in favorable conditions. Next I noticed a building which belonged to me. On the back side there was a lot of open space. Big holes were seen in rows for planting of fruit plants and these were nine in numbers. Meanwhile I saw that my next brother Asit was going to transplant some vegetable seedlings beside those holes. I told him, The saplings of fruit plants will be planted here, you better transplant the vegetable seedlings in that area. Saying this pointed out that particular place which was ready for transplantation. So he went there for transplanting. So he went there for transplanting and the dream went off.The first scene indicates the superior spiritual condition of the seer. The second part of the first scene indicates the future when Diamond will be manifested in innumerable young generations.After some years the manifestation of Diamond was observed in many young generations in many places.The second scene indicates that new realizations will occur in the seer in both long term and short term basis, as fruit plants give fruit after long years and vegetables are short term crops. [This came true in the long run when the seer was having innumerable divine realizations within him.]

Chapter - 61The indication of future coverage of Jibankrishna and new phase of austerity of the seer crossing the regions of knowledge and ignorance and indication of new realizations 279) 26th November, 1977, Saturday. Early morning dream: I saw some pins pricked below my two feet while walking on road, yet I had no pain. With ease I was uprooting those pins. Some of the pins were new. While uprooting all those pins from the right feet, I started uprooting the pins from the left feet. Many of them were old and while uprooting those, pass used to ooze out and these were also taken out. But I felt no pain.In the next scene I saw a colored fire work stick on the hand of a person which started sparkling of fire in plenty from one side. While observing this scene I woke up.[The first scene corroborates the sayings of Sri Ramkrishna Removal of spines of knowledge and ignorance, i.e. the seer is crossing the regions of both knowledge and ignorance.The next scene indicates that the seer is going to have more and more realizations of various types in the long run, as this was also experienced by Jibankrishna during his austerity and gave such explanation.

End of individualistic austerity and beginning of universal austerity280) 3rd December, 1977, Saturday. Early morning dream: I saw a huge river in front of me and I was standing on the side of the river. The other side was invisible. I also noticed a young girl standing nearby. I was preparing myself to cross the river. Both sides of the river were peculiarly connected by a very wide earthen bridge. When I was about to cross the bridge, I noticed that a very familiar friend of mine Biswabaran by name crossed the river before me and reached the other bank. While I was crossing, I felt it very difficult to cross. I also felt that the girl was still standing on the bank. The bridge was very rough, although I was crossing. While reaching at the end, I saw that the end was fenced with bamboo sticks in such a way that it would be very difficult to cross that fence. But with a little effort when I was about to reach the other side of the fence, I saw a house in front of me where many devotees of Jibankrishna were present among whom only Raghunath Sen was remembered. i also noticed that a bed was kept ready specially for me. While removing the fence I was about to reach the other side, the dream went off.The dream has a link with the two dreams seen on 25th and 26th November, 1977. Which indicated that the seer would have new realizations in the long run.Here crossing the bridge means crossing one phase to another in the austerity. Biswabaran means reception by the universe. Here he was guiding the seer to reach the house on the other side of the river where the bed was ready for the seer. The girl is Adyasakti or Holy Mother. This means that by the grace of her the seer was able to cross the phase of individualism and reach the zone of universalism.

Accompaniment of devotees and achievementof spiritual wealth 281) 7th December, 1977, Sunday. Place : Makardah, Howhah. Early morning dream: I was at the Makardah (Howrah) residence of Indranath Mukherjee, a devotee of Jibankrishna where a large number of devotees had assembled. Somebody was engaged in cooking, some in spiritual discussions. They were all staying there as used to be happened in reality. There I saw Sm. Indira Gandhi, the then prime minister of India who was staying in a very simplest manner. Sometimes she used to cut vegetables for cooking. At this moment the dream went off.Indira means Lakshmi Devi, Hindu goddess who represents spiritual wealth and peace. The seer will achieve these characteristics and at the same time will have increased brain power as to see so many devotees within means increasing brain power.

Gift of power by the Holy Ghost to continuepublishing Manikya magazine 282) 9th December, 1977, Friday. Early morning dream: Jibankrishna was seen on a roof top room of a house busy with correction of a manuscript. It seemed it was for Manikya magazine. Then he began to correct a writing of mine. I said, It was written in hurry, so there were some mistakes.Meanwhile two women were seen outside listening to me. At this moment Jibankrishna felt thirsty and I was about to bring water from outside . He said, You sit beside me, you need not bring water and so Gopal Roy, a devotee went outside and brought water for him. It seemed to me within the dream that Jibankrishna did not allow me to go outside due to the presence of the ladi