my education - rosny college


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Post on 16-Apr-2017




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PowerPoint Presentation

My EducationPathway Planning and the ICT tick

Good morning everyone, we hope you are feeling refreshed after a great weekend and are no doubt looking forward to Friday.

We thought we would show a light hearted clip to get things started, and since the new Star Wars movie is out this week and I am a bit of Star Wars fan I didn't really need much convincing from Coby to do a little video.

I would like to welcome John O'Rourke the Principal Leader of my education and Scott Shelton one of the managers of My Education who have joined us today.

This morning we are going to present to you and guide you through the new look for pathway Planning for 2017. Some of you are aware of what this means and have heard aspects previously but our aim is to ensure we are all on the same page.

The sessions later on today with myself Coby, Charlie and David will give you the opportunity to delve into My Education and seek clarification and support as needed.

As we begin can some tell me what this is?

Now the reason I have started with a mountain is firstly, like Ian and Sonja last week I am aiming to have less text on screen as possible

Secondly to illustrate that my education has been a bit like climbing a mountain, it is in fact this mountain that my 66 year old father is climbing on Xmas day this year.

8 Days - 70km - From 2360m to 5895mOr Starting at Mt Wellington and climbing 4 times higher

If he makes it he will have ascended over 3000 metres and covered 70km.

There are a few different options for getting to the top but he has chosen the most appropriate one.

Which is Much like what we have done with my education, we have chosen the path that will have the most success for our students.

The key thing when climbing a mountain such as this is that it requires team work to get to the top.

Now if you look closely at this picture we might just need to ignore the person celebrating on their own and person in the middle taking a selfie leaving the other 2 to do the work. We don't want that :)

My educationStudents required to engageMEOnlineLearning Sequence / Modules

So to begin with my education

What is it?

My education is a coordinated whole school approach to career and life planning. Encompasses learning resources to support the My Education framework in schools.

It includes an online tool called MEOnline that all students will access


The image behind me shows all the modules for year 11. These are based on the core skills for work.

There have been a suit of learning resources developed by the DoE to assist schools and teachers as well as a scope and sequence.

The paper versions are here, very extensive.

Module Structure

Activating and Engaging x 3 (A/E)Exploring and Discovering x 3 (E/D)Synthesising and Applying x 3 (S/A)

The structure for each module is as on the screen.

No need to delve further now as we will look more closely at this later today

Our planning for next year does not require students to complete all these activities only those which we have deemed as mandatory and have been mapped against Personal Pathway Planning and the ICT Tick standard.

We have in fact identified only a those necessary to meet our needs.

The option is available to use the other activities if required, if they help to expand on the mandatory activity. In 90% of cases we do not believe that this will be necessary but of course this depends on the students.

For us as staff knowing what the mandatory activities are will be very important. More work on this later today.


We have all had a look at MEOnline in some form for varying lengths of time.

We will be engaging with this again today from the perspective of a student.

In terms of a SG teacher, engaging with this knowing what is in there is enough.

We will be able to produce reports to show what students have completed and provide these to SH teachers.


So we had an idea last year once we knew that My Education was on the way.

We wondered could it be possible to use My Education and MEOnline to get the ICT Tick for our students.

Given that MEOnline required computer and internet use we considered if this was possible.

Cluster structure Pathway Planning

Given that we have a strong cluster structure this was the clear choice as to how to have all students engage in My Education.

So Could this be possible and how was it possible?

But before we went further we needed to consider why even explore this possibility?



So firstly, Can anyone tell what this number is?

There is a prize for the person who gets the answer correct. A couple of people I have spoken to know the answer so please keep it to yourself for a moment.



Now what is this number?

Another prize is up for grabs

This is the equivalent of a SG that didn't get their TCE!

We can prevent this through what we are proposing today

Course selection

Another key reason was the opening up of flexibility in course

As the opportunity to get the ICT Tick in subjects is not expansive and can be limiting to student became a strong driver for change.

Enhance the opportunity for TCE attainment for over 1000 students

Ultimately If all students attain the ICT Tick through an already established structure this would only increase the chances of TCE success

Why (k)not?

So the task was to try and tie ICT Tick, ppp, My Education, MEOnline and SG structure together

DOE submission to TASC

Memorandum of Understanding

I prepared a Submission to TASC from the doe early this year. Modules were created in Fronter and content added to meet our needs. I worked with tony woodwood and ken price around the resources and ICT Tick.

Full sign off from the doe. Approved by TASC

ICTYear 12 120 pointsCompleted My Education Activities

The outcome was this. (Give a moment to ponder)

The next phase was to start planning for what the future would look.

Working party

A working party was formed after expressions of interest through what's on and via email and consisted of....

BruceCharlieDavid TDavid WShelley BronwynDarrenAnthony

This team spent a day out planning around My Ed.


The planning team had a challenge before it to tie many aspects together.

Basically what the team set out to do was to explore how we combine the current pathway Planning structure, my education, access to meonline the access to computers......and make it work.

What we new was that the exists 167 desktops readily available throughout the college that would be quicker to logon and more reliable.

We knew that our wireless network will not handle 1000 connections at once.

Fronter resourcesDepartment of Education

We also knew that the DOE constructed learning resources in paper version had been converted to Fronter

We have altered as we have gone through our planning.

We have been looking at these closely and based on feedback Charlie has been able to amend the tasks to suit our needs as we have our own local copy of the resources.

Recommendations Teacher manual to be developedStudent resource to be developedAll student activities completed via Fronter 2017 All Year 11 and 12 students complete the set of compulsory activities A year 12 program is developed ready to implement in 2018 Online PPP activities prepared Staff PL and Working PartySupport Group 45 minutes / 15 minutes alternating weeksCollege split between Monday and Wednesday Support group

So after the work with the team a suite of recommendations were established. (I'll give you some time to look through these).

The key here is the move to online format of Pathway Planning and a change in support group time and allocation.

Senior staff

The recommendations were put to the senior staff team for consultation and feedback.

The initial recommendation was for a longer SG twice a work but from valuable feedback through the SS team this was altered.

The rest remained.

We realise and acknowledge that this is going to be a big shift in how PPP and SG is delivered

Some people may be in a different gear or going at different speeds or even in reverse and want to run away as fast as possible in the opposite direction.

And we know, there will be mixed feelings about this.

I for one am feeling a little anxious at how this will pan out next year.

However we believe we have the solutions and support to alleviate these feelings.

Rosny College (RC) - It's ok so are weThe Support Group Booklet

To give you all chance to have a chat to each other and as a supporting document we have prepared a support group booklet for you, based upon the previous version developed by Penny in 2014.

Inside this package you will find the list of activities students need to complete, checklists for staff, assessment sheets and recording sheets, an explanation of my education and a frequently asked question section.

The sequence of activities is also included as a scope and sequence. As you will see some activities and sections are longer than others.

At the back there is an exit pass for today, if there are any burning questions that we don't cover and are not in the FAQ in the support group booklet please write them down.

Now inside this document there are 5 "little monkeys" if you find these "little monkeys" there is a prize for you, only 1 per person

The ICT tickEveryday adult use of computers and the internet

In terms of the ICT Tick. In the booklet we have mapped the everyday adult use of computers and the internet standard to the My Education activities. Not the ICT Course that gives the 5 points.

As you will see by students completing the activities they will well and truly meet the requirements of the ICT Tick standard.

If you look through the standard for those that are not familiar with it, it is not that difficult to meet the standard.

We have tried to cover all bases,

However this is a big college and the playing field is large

BUT with more fielders on the pitch there is less chance that balls will get through.

There will always be those balls or home runs that will happen no matter what you do or how many players are on the field. They will just go and sail right on over the top of you.

And we might have a few of those today

MondayWednesdayWeek A (15 minutes)Week A (45 minutes)Week A (15 minutes)Week A (45 minutes)Cluster 1 Cluster 2Cluster 3Cluster 4Cluster 5Cluster 6Cluster 7Cluster 8Week B (45 minutes)Week B (15 minutes)Week B (45 minutes)Week B (15 minutes)Cluster 1 Cluster 2Cluster 3Cluster 4Cluster 5Cluster 6Cluster 7Cluster 8

2017 SG structure Support Team - Coby, Charlie, Anthony, David , Darren, Sarah

So the big Shift next year outside of the Fronter resources and activities is the Support group structure.

Next year the SG structure looks like this. As to when a cluster is allocated to a day has yet to be determined,

Being split into 15 minutes one week and 45 the next means that on the 45 week the My ed activities are undertaken. In the SG booklet the sequence and list of activities is outlined.

Please turn to page..........

Bulletin on Friday emailed on on Monday

Now we all (i know I do) sort of feel like this, but I have every confidence that we will make this work

Lots of these activitiesare in the new modules

In terms of the actual activities many of the ones that are in the current booklet will be among the activities undertaken next year.

Fronter And Meonline

All of the activities that students will complete next year will be accessed via Fronter. Some of these will require students to upload a document to Fronter others will relate directly to MEOnline or to interact with a website.

As mentioned Charlie has been working tirelessly in the world of Fronter to tweak the tasks and activities that the students will complete. We can refine these further as we go.

Students will upload work they do on Fronter but will need to keep a copy of any files themselves. In terms of anytime anywhere learning this means students could complete activities ahead of the proposed schedule.

You will be able to view all work and if you choose, you can assess work on Fronter.

We will guide you through this today

Support group

As part of supporting SG teachers next year myself, Coby and Charlie will be available on Monday and Wednesday to assist students and staff through Fronter and MEOnline.

What's on

We will also be producing videos that will go in what's on guiding staff through the activities for the week or fortnight that will be housed on our college YouTube channel.

We are also planning on a facebook group for teachers to share experiences and tips with my education.

The address on the screen is currently open and available if you would like to add yourself in. I have never used facebook as a collaborative space for staff so will be interesting to see if and how this evolves.

Hands up if you have a FB account

Recognition of Prior Learning

Students who complete activities in other subject areas (such as a resume) will be able to use this for My Education rather than completing tasks twice.

What would Jonesy Ask?

In the back of your SG booklet Charlie has put together a lot of frequently asked questions.

If there are any burning questions you have that are not in the FAQ let's here them now.

We will catch you if things don't go quite right,

the support structures we have with access to ITresources online support group teamResources readily accessibleThe YouTube channel

This picture might sum up how we are feeling this time next year. (And hopefully my dad on New Years Day).

Thank you and we will see you soon in room 447/448 this afternoon.

Please bring your laptop fully charged with you.