my english projects !!!

MY ENGLISH PROJECTS !!! My nine projects are about: Traditional foods, Animal Habits, Festivals, Sport and weather, The history of film, King tut, Famous homes and buildings, Famous places and Teens around the world.

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Post on 17-Jan-2017




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Page 1: My english projects !!!


My nine projects are about: Traditional foods, Animal Habits, Festivals, Sport and weather, The history of film, King tut, Famous homes and buildings, Famous places and Teens around the world.

Page 2: My english projects !!!

PATATAS A LA RIOJANAPatatas a la riojana is a very popular food in the basque countrie. Is made of : Potatoes, water, olive, onions, sausage, salt and garlic. It’s delicious. If you come here yo need to eat patatas a la riojana.

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Dogs are very tipical animals in the basque countrie. Dogs are mammal and can be of dicerent tipes. They are homnivore. They are very good friendand they are beautifull. You need to adopt one. Is going to be your best friend!!!

Page 4: My english projects !!!

GERNIKA FIESTASGernika fiestas are so funny. Teenagears have a very good esperience and we mounted on attractions. We think that they are the best 4 days of all the year. Everybody have fun this days.

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SWIMING This is a very easy sport. Everyone need to know how to swim. It can save you your live. This sport is one of the most famous sports in the world. This sport is included in the Olimiads, so, is a campion os swimig.

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THE HISTORY OF FILMPaper towns is my favourite film. Is a romance film.This film shows me that you need to be you, and no a copie of other people. Is about a girl called Margo that follow his dreams and that she doesn’t mind of thinks that other says. I really like Margo!!!

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KING TUTKing Tut was the yougest king in the history of Egipt. Start to be king at the age of 13-14 anf he die with 17-18. It was very young wen he die but his history is going tobe remember for ever.

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HOUSE OF THE KINGThe spasish kings huse is in spain. The king has a very ocupeted live, so, isn’t usually at home. But hes childs yes. There are often there. They like a lot their home and the have realy fun there.

Page 9: My english projects !!!

SPECIAL PLACESSantimamiñe caves are very important caves in history. They are on the vasque coutrie and a lot of people come over the year to visit this espectacular caves. They are beautiful. You must visit them.

Page 10: My english projects !!!

TEENAGERS IN SPAINTenageer are soo curious in our countrie. They like to do sport like: hiking, cycling…But they like too drink and meeting with their friend too. We arent so diferent to otherones...