my first experience of charismatic worship.docx

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  • 7/29/2019 My First Experience of Charismatic Worship.docx


    My First Experience of Charismatic Worship

    Rev. B Ware, BD, MTh.

    I first heard of the Church of Spiritual Excess from a parishioner, John. He often visited other churches in the

    town to broaden his understanding of Christian worship. He suggested I go to their evening service to see,how the other half live, as he expressed it.

    Last Sunday I had the reader conduct Evensong so I could go. The church building was plain and unadorned,

    apart from a banner over the door saying, Church of the Spiritual Excess: All Welcome. In fact the building

    turned out to be a converted abattoir, although no sign remained of its original use.

    I was greeted at the door by two young women who gave me a song book and said it would be easy to follow

    the service, but if I needed anything, absolutely anything, then I should ask either of them. They both gave me

    a card with their home address and phone number. In truth, I had never been so warmly welcomed in any

    other church I had visited!

    The interior was a rectangular room with I suppose about two hundred chairs: Two tables at the back with

    leaflets and notices and a small table at the front with one of those bulbs that imitates a candle, and a large

    bible. To the left of the table was a music group with an array of amplifiers and speakers and to the right a

    small choir of corpulent women dressed in red and white stripes, looking like a collection of barbers poles.

    Along the sides of the room were doors to cupboards and other storage.

    I had obviously only arrived just in time, for someone at the front shouted that Pastor WD Moses would soon

    be here. This produce a flurry of activity: people dropped their cigarettes to the floor and stubbed them out,

    husbands were awoken by a nudge in the ribs and young children were hurriedly put into the storage

    cupboards, which appeared to be soundproofed.

    Then, much to my surprise, there was a crash of cymbals, a drum roll and Pastor Moses slowly arose behind

    the front table, obviously having used an under-stage hoist of some description. The congregation clapped

    and cheered. The noise was phenomenal! People left their seats and hugged and kissed each other.

    Husbands exchanged a kiss with their wives and then several kisses with their neighbours wives and any single

    women within reach. I had never seen such a love-filled congregation!

    The music group started to sing the first song. I found the volume somewhat excessive and so turned down

    my hearing aid. The congregation vigorously joined in with the choruses and once again left their seats, this

    time to dance and gesticulated in the spaces between the rows of chairs. The scene reminded me of a rave I

    once went to when I was in my teens: jumping bodies, loud music, flashing lights and endless shouting and

    chanting. Everyone was clearly lifted up in the spirit.

    Then Pastor Moses held up his hand, the music slowly subsided and everyone sat down. Most people reached

    into their pockets or handbags to retrieve handkerchiefs or tissues to mop the sweat from their faces. Pastor

    Moses then opened the bible on the table and spoke to the congregation.

    I didnt understand much of what he said as he had a pronounced accent which I couldnt place. He spoke so

    animatedly and forcefully that he twice lost his dentures which, fortunately, landed on the table so he could

    retrieve them. I think the main gist was that the spirit would be rocking and rolling tonight. It would be a

    Pickfords night: people would be moved! Finally he shouted that the spirit was a-coming and the

    congregation should stand and welcome it.

    Then he held up his hand for silence and said God wanted to heal a person with an ingrown toenail. Would

    they come forward? A dozen people stood up and went to the front. He looked surprised, but then said God

  • 7/29/2019 My First Experience of Charismatic Worship.docx


    had changed his mind and wanted to heal twelve people after all. The congregation clapped, and shouted

    amens and blessings to their Pastor.

    Whilst he was attending to various feet, people stood up and then promptly fell down in the spirit. The choir

    started to sing in the spirit and then the worship group started to play in the spirit, although I thought I

    recognize several Metallica numbers. (I later asked the group if they ever played Heavy Metal but all of themsaid no.)

    The atmosphere was electric as Pastor Moses called for people to come forward for healing and blessings and

    anointing and a quiet word from God about money. All around people were speaking in tongues, barking in

    tongues and weeping in tongues. Others were interpreting the outpouring of tongues, but as most of them

    were Ukrainian, it was of little benefit to me.

    Pastor Moses then shouted for people to feel the spirit and let themselves go! People writhed on the floor,

    (in the spirit), let their bladders go, (in the spirit), and others seemed to be writhing together, (in the spirit).

    There were only a few of us who remained seated, (in the spirit).

    Slowly the congregation returned to their seats. I think two hours had passed since the service started, and

    what an intense two hours that had been!

    I was mightily impressed by the Church of Spiritual Excess. I shall be looking at my church and our style of

    worship to see what lessons can be learned. God works in mysterious ways, as they say.