my green 2013 book 2

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Volume 2

The Next Big Thing & Other Gist

By Ifeoma Akobi (Iddiva)

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MY GREEN 2013The Next Big Thing and Other GistThe Second Collection of 13 NotesFrom a Series of 52 Lush & Inspiring Notes in 4 VolumesBy Ifeoma Akobi (Iddiva)

Published by Iddiva Impressions

An Iddiva Company

All rights reserved in accordance with international copyright laws.Reproduction in any form without the permission of the publisher isstrictly prohibited.

Ifeoma Akobi reserves the moral right to be identified as the author of thiswork.

©2013 Ifeoma C. Akobi

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More Reasons Why I Wrote This Book Pg 5

The Next Big Thing Pg 7

Risen To A New Season Pg 9

The Way I See It Pg 11

In Green Pastures Pg 13

The Best Revenge 1 Pg 15

The Best Revenge 2 Pg 17

The Luxury of Time Pg 19

The Story of the Seed Pg 21

The Lesson of the Fig Tree Pg 24

Of Fields, Farmers, Fulness and Fulfillment Pg 26

If And Then Pg 29

The Divine Partnership Pg 31

Wealth Begins With You Pg 33

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Embrace the Call Pg 35

Also By Ifeoma Akobi Pg 36

About the Author Pg 37

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Happy Green 2013!

It has been an amazing journey so far and I am glad to have you as a dearreader, active companion and member of the Green Family. I see pasturesof evergreen possibilities and greater things in store as we go through ourGreen 2013. The dark days are over and our light has come. We havelearnt from the old and created the new and now we are trulyunstoppable!

This is a season of consolidation. It is a season of greater growth, increaseand establishment. In the first Volume of My Green 2013 we coveredsome ground and gained new territories. In this season we would reachout for more while establishing what we already have. In the note titledThe Next Big Thing I will share a secret key that is absolutely necessaryfor establishing an achievement. I will also share more insights andinspiration that will help uncover more of the graces necessary for thisfruitful season and the next phase of our journey.

Life is primarily a journey in purpose. This is because our primary purposein life is not hidden; Scriptures like Genesis 1:26- 28 and Matthew 6:33are very clear on what it is. Our primary purpose is to fulfill theassignment of being fruitful, multiplying, filling the earth, subduing(controlling or taming) it and having dominion over all the non- humancreatures in it. The process of fulfilling this primary assignment or purpose(also known as seeking first the kingdom of God in Matthew 6:33) assures

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us of the provision of every other thing we need in life. Thus inherent inthe mandate is a blessing and every resource required for its fulfillment.

Let me quickly add that ‘being fruitful and multiplying’ includes but is notlimited to the birth of physical children. It is also about fruitfulness inideas, fruitfulness in work, innovation, improvement, prosperity, design,proliferation of goods and services, overall excellence, abundance andproductivity. In essence, it is about being fresh, flourishing and Green.

I trust you will enjoy the second lush and inspiring installment of the MyGreen 2013 series.

Happy reading and of course,

Happy Green 2013!


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If you have been reading each note weekly, you will realize that we are inthe second quarter of the year 2013. Wow! Feels like yesterday right? Aswe move through the second quarter, I want you to know that the nextbig thing is here!

The next big thing is a revealed secret; a key insight you will need tounlock the door to a higher dimension in living the abundant life in thesecond quarter of the year and beyond. It is relevant wisdom needed forthe next steps in your Green 2013 and it is in this Volume of My Green2013!

Drum roll please… this secret key is humility. Yes, humility and pleasedon’t roll your eyes until you are done reading (thank you). Humility cansometimes feel uncomfortable because we often associate it withhumiliating feelings like inferiority, inadequacy, “being a doormat” or“letting people walk all over you”. This is an erroneous view of humilityas some of the most capable people I know are models in meekness orhumility. So what is humility? I like the definition of humility ascontrolled strength. It speaks of someone who knows exactly what he orshe is capable of and carefully deploys this power in the service of God andpurpose as well as the support of others.

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Humility means having an accurate view of oneself. A humble persondoes not have an inflated idea of their self- importance neither do theysuffer from low self -esteem. To be humble is to think of yourself as yourCreator thinks of you, in His image (personality) and likeness (character).He defines you as a person of intrinsic worth. To be humble is tounderstand this truth and live your life with it in mind. This knowledgemakes it easy to understand that your life is not dependent on your looks,your education, your possessions, your skills, family connections, socialstatus, intelligence or whatever other gifts you have been blessed with.

This proper self concept and understanding helps you see the best inyourself and others. It attracts favor and divine help to you. It helps youforgive others because you know that you make mistakes and needforgiveness too. It helps you live with eternity in view because you knowthat you were purposefully created and your existence is not an accidentor a random result of a chance process. It brings grace into your life so youcan excel even more. It also infuses your spirit with an attitude thatgratefully acknowledges its gifts and graciously accepts its responsibilities.And we know what an attitude of gratitude does from Volume 1 of MyGreen 2013 right?

So in this season and going forward let us embrace humility. It is the nextbig thing and is one of our greatest assets in our Green 2013.


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The Easter season went by in a flourish of activity. Nevertheless thelessons and the reactions set in motion by the events of the Holy Weekwill forever remain indelible in my memory.

Every event surrounding His passion holds deep meaning. His trial wascrucial to establishing His innocence, His crucifixion was crucial for oursalvation, and His resurrection and ascension established His dominion.Through all these events we were with Him in spirit while He paid theprice of our sin with His body.

He died to set us free but He did not stay dead. On the third day He aroseagain and that for me is the peak event of the season. He arose. Heresurrected. He rose again. Say it how you will, and rejoice in the truththat He did!

In His resurrection is our resurrection. In His life lies our life. Hisresurrection gives us hope for the future and the certainty that we willalways triumph no matter what.

And the beautiful thing about resurrection is that nothing remains thesame when it resurfaces.

Take a seed for instance. It goes into the earth alone and grows to becomea fruit bearing plant or tree with many seeds.

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Resurrection is a promise of better things.

Resurrection heralds a new season.

His resurrection assures us of all this and the gift of eternal salvation Healone brings.

I pray for a restoration wherever you have suffered a loss. I pray for you tohave the required resources and right relationships to live your dreams.Most of all I pray that you experience the love, joy and peace that theresurrection of Jesus Christ brings.

Happy Resurrection!

And Welcome to a New Season in Your Green 2013!


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I was riding back home from church with some friends when we startedtalking about life and some of the different situations that can make onecompromise on the path to his or her dreams. We talked about situationsthat could make someone deny core values that he or she once held dear.We discussed poverty, betrayal, insecurity, and a number of other factorsthat are major causes of compromise.

Later in the day I tweeted on my handle @IfeomaAkobi and that tweetwas the inspiration for this note. Let me share:

“The way I see it: Once you get past the point of your greatesttemptation, you are unstoppable. #Stand”

Did you know that the best way to ‘compromise-proof’ your life is tomentally confront and conquer your worst fear or fears? Let me usepoverty as an example. Many people deny their values because of the fearof poverty (which in my opinion is even worse than the actual state ofbeing poor). This fear makes them do things they would never even haveconsidered doing before. Sometimes it helps to ask oneself ‘What’s theworst that could happen?’ Most often than not you will discover thatsomeone else has experienced a situation far more precarious than yours

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and he or she not only survived but also came out successful andsignificant.

So what’s the moral of this tale? HIT. An acronym I coined from thethree words: HANG IN THERE. When you hang in there you willeventually succeed on your own terms and become a mentor andmotivator to many people. And that, dear friend, is the best kind ofsuccess.

I will end this note with the tweet that inspired it.

“The way I see it: Once you get past the point of your greatesttemptation, you are unstoppable. #Stand”

Happy Green 2013,


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As a young shepherd boy, David knew what it meant to make his sheeplie in green pastures. It was a place that assured his flock of the freshestgrass, coolest water and shade from sturdy trees. There were differentkinds of pastures with a varying mix of sand, grass, thorns and stones.While some other shepherds chatted as their sheep searched for grass inless favorable locations, David went further in search of oases and stillwaters that could guarantee green grass. He didn’t mind the difficulty ofthe journey or the risk of being attacked by wild animals because for hisbeloved sheep, only the best was good enough.

Wouldn’t you just love David if you were a sheep or a little lamb? Hewrote Psalm 23 and in reading these verses you could see how he sawhimself as one of God‘s sheep. Let’s begin with verses 1 and 2.

The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want (I shall not want means there isnothing I lack).

He makes me to lie down in green pastures; He leads me beside the stillwaters.

This is so beautiful. I have to go on with verse 3 and beyond:

He restores my soul; He leads me in the paths of righteousness For Hisname’s sake.

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Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will nofear no evil; for You are with me, Your rod and Your staff, they comfortme.

You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; Youanoint my head with oil; my cup runs over.

Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life; and Iwill dwell in the house of the Lord Forever.

All I can say is a loud, “Amen!!!”

This is the message for this year and more years to come.

Enter into green pastures.

This year is unlike any other you have seen or experienced before and asyou go forward in faith you will find grace to weather the storms and restin green pastures.

Happy Green 2013!


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It is impossible to go through life without hurts, offences,misunderstandings, challenges or problems. We are human beings andregardless of our desires to do right all the time, there will be times whenwe just don’t measure up to our perceptions of perfection. We failourselves, we fail others and other people fail us too. When theseexperiences occur, we can react in a number of ways. We can choose tobe afraid; to live in fear of people, fear of repeat situations, fear of thefuture etc. Such fears can paralyze you and render you immobile andincapable of progress in life. Another possible reaction is desperation orextreme anxiety. Being anxious does not improve the situation, it onlyincreases stress and leads to greater problems including medical issues.What about revenge? Does taking back your pound of flesh really havethe desired effect? Is revenge bitter? Is it sweet?

This is my thought on this; revenge is what you make it to be. Revengedone to another person destroys you. It limits you and forces you to focusyour energies on ways of bringing the offending person(s) down. This sapsyou of strength needed for more constructive activities. Furthermore,even after the person responsible for hurting you or breaking your hearthas been crushed, there is still a lingering sense of emptiness because theirdownfall does not guarantee the restoration of what was lost.

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So what then, is the best revenge? It is revenge that focuses on you. It isnot dependent on what happens or does not happen to someone else. It isnot done to another person, it is revenge done for you and you alone.The best revenge begins with an understanding of how life on earthworks. Jesus Christ said, ‘No one can serve two masters’ in Matthew16:24 and Luke 16:13. This truth remains unchanged to this day. Youcannot move in two directions at the same time. Revenge that is aimed atdestroying someone else will keep you focused on the past. And yousimply cannot focus on the past and make progress in the future at thesame time.

There is still more on this so I will continue this subject in the next note.Till then remain fresh and flourishing…

In your Green 2013!


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In continuing from our previous note, we established that one cannotmake progress in two directions at the same time. Since we in the Greenfamily are conscious of nothing but progress, let us continue to explorehow to make that experience more and more of a reality.

The best revenge is to live your best life. To do this you must focus moreon your reaction to the offensive issue and less on the issue itself. And aswe discussed previously violent anger, despair and fear are not acceptable.So the first piece of advice I have for those that want revenge (includingmyself) is Go Ahead.

That’s right- go ahead and get your revenge on whoever hurt,disappointed, mistreated and abused you.

But I have only one condition for you: Get your revenge by lookingahead, not looking back. Get your revenge by looking to the future, notby looking at the past. Do you really want to spend the rest of your liferuining someone’s life? Or would you rather live a happy, fantastic,fabulous life filled with good things and fulfilled dreams?

The goal of the best revenge is to live a life full of love, passion, positivepower, forgiveness and gratitude. By focusing on your best life, you give

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the people who have hurt you something to watch out for: your progressand your success.

There’s nothing more vengeful than this. As for the offending party,Divine laws have a way of taking care of these things. There’s a table ofabundance prepared for you when you believe and apply the principles offorgiveness and focus on your own desired future (Psalm 23:5). Thisattitude elevates you to the realm of divinity and attracts progress andprosperity to your life. And that is the best revenge.

Happy Green 2013!


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There are many ways to determine worth or value. Some of these includesource or origin, design, skill or ability, availability and time. We live in aworld where everything moves so fast- production, consumption, events,news… in this context, time is synonymous with luxury: time forexpertise, for design, for creations forged according to the rules of thetrade, for learning and ultimately for an object which can last a lifetime. Aluxury object is not just expensive: it is costly, because it needs time.

An onion plant is old at nine weeks while the olive tree reaches maturityand full production at 35 to 150 years. The art of patience is thereforenecessary to accomplishing the best things in life. However the truth istime is a luxury very few can afford. It is therefore of utmost importanceto lean the art of maximizing time and the fruits of time like experience,knowledge, leverage, relationships and resources.

One way to do this is by imbibing time tested lessons or principles gleanedfrom the experiences of others. Experiences are like grapes hanging on thevine. Principles are like fine wine that only gets better with time. Whileexperiences like grapes could be sweet or sour, the wine of principles onlyappreciates in flavor and value.

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Now where does one get these principles? They are revealed througheducation, conversation, observation, and inspiration. They are notsubject to location so they hold true everywhere. They are not subject tosituation so they can be applied in different conditions. They have noexceptions. Principles are laws that break you and not the other way.They are like the Biblical stone which the builders rejected and whicheventually becomes the cornerstone.

Part of the reason why I wrote this book series was to bring some of theseprinciples to your attention in a rather subtle and gentle way. This isbecause some things are better learnt than taught and questions canuncover what instructions may not touch.

Drink deeply from the wells of principles and make uncommon progress.

Happy Green 2013!


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The seed lay alone, shielded from the piercing eyes of the sun by layers ofdirt. It knew that for it to become all that it was destined to be it wouldhave to go through a process. Let me borrow a leaf from my firstpublished poetry collection, Scent of Water to better tell the story of theseed.


First Part

The seed fell to the ground

It lay breathless on the earth

Trying to understand why it had gotten there.

It remembered the fleshy confines of its mother fruit,

The sweet juices in which it had grown

And suddenly felt lonely and afraid.

“I’ll return if I could”, the seed wistfully whispered,

“Even so I’ll take some time to wait and rest.

Hopefully understanding will come.”

Second Part

The sweltering heat of the sun- baked land

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Woke the seed from its fitful sleep

“What does this mean?” it asked in panic

As it longed for the coolness of the early morning,

A gentle breeze wafted through the reeds

And the seed felt a moment of relief

Then suddenly it felt a drop, then another

And another and another, pushing it deeper into the soil

“Somebody help!” the seed screamed as it began swelling with water.

Third part

The seed was now embedded in the womb of the earth

It stared in silence at its new figure

And thought ruefully of the times when it had complained

About the sun, rain and wind

“At least I was thinner,” it thought.

“But wait a minute, what’s happening?”

The seed stared in surprise at its side,

As something started growing from an open wound

How wonderful- it now had roots!

Fourth Part

Within a cycle of seasons things changed rapidly for the seed

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It grew a shoot which burst through the earth

To the surface above,

And gave the seed boundless joy as it explored and enjoyed the best of allworlds;

The gifts of heaven, the nutrients of the field and the vast resources

Accessible to its long roots,

The seed now had fruits with more seeds than it could count

“Now I understand why I had to go through this process,”

It mused, “It is the way of growth”

“I am indeed the world’s happiest seed,” It whispered with a smile.

“I respectfully beg to differ” a bird in flight said before perching on a sturdybranch

“What I see before me looks nothing like a seed;

You are a strong and very special tree.”

An Excerpt from SCENT OF WATER; Poetry in Reflections,Revelations and Relationships. Copyright © 2013 Ifeoma C. Akobi.

From Seeds to Trees; that’s the way it is meant to be in your Green 2013.

Grow. Learn. Improve in your Green 2013.


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Once upon a time a young Rabbi was walking along a dusty road with hisdisciples. In the distance he saw a fig tree filled with leaves. He decided tocheck it out; hoping to get some luscious fruit to eat even though it wasn’tthe season of figs.

A closer examination confirmed the status quo. The tree had no fruit.“May no one eat fruit from you again”, He said then briskly resumed hiswalk.

The next morning, one of his disciples pointed out the tree as they wentalong the way. “Master, the tree you cursed has withered” he said as hestared in amazement at the lifeless tree.

“Have faith in God… was the Rabbi’s reply.

You can read it all in Mark 11: 12- 14 and 20-26.

For years this story had a puzzling side to it. I often wondered why theRabbi cursed the fig tree especially when he knew that it wasn’t theseason of figs. I knew that having faith was a key lesson because He spokeabout the importance of having faith to move mountains and to requestthings from God. But nonetheless I still wondered about the fig tree.

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One fine Sunday morning while studying my Bible, Jeremiah Chapter 17and verses 7 and 8 became the bridge to greater understanding.

Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord, and whose hope is the Lord.For he shall be like a tree planted by the waters, which spreads out itsroots by the river, and will not fear when heat comes; but its leaf will begreen, and will not be anxious in the year of drought, nor will ceasefrom yielding fruit.

It became clear that one of the lessons of the fig tree is a lesson ofproducing fruits of faith. Fruits of faith are the result of doing things inseason and out of season. What Jesus cursed was a natural, normalmindset. He was cursing the level of fruitfulness that only comes in season.An important lesson of the fig tree is one of all year round fruitfulness andfaithfulness. Anyone can produce fruit in season but it takes faith in Godto be fruitful in and out season. The fig tree is a reminder to us that thereis always more in store; that there is a place for above average levels offruitfulness and fulfillment.

The key to this kind of fruitfulness is found in Jeremiah 17:7. The key isto trust God. When you trust God and have faith in Him you are assuredof being fruitful all year round. Faith in God births consistent fruitfulness.Faith in God births faithfulness. This is the experience in store for you in2013 and beyond as you keep believing and acting out on your beliefs. Begrateful for past successes but do not rest on them. Be grateful for pastfailures, learn from them and keep moving on. Do not get stuck in the

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past. Do not bury your dreams. Press on. Press in. Push forward. There ismore in store for you in this season and beyond.

Welcome to accelerated increase, uncommon productivity, and miraclesthat continuously exceed natural expectations in your Green 2013!


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Oats and beans and barley grow

Oats and beans and barley grow

Do you or I or anyone know

How oats and beans and barley grow

First the farmer sows the seed

Then he stands and takes his ease

Stamps his feet and claps his hands

Then turns around to view the land…

Nice nursery rhyme, don’t you think? It is interesting to note that afterthe seed is sown, the next thing that follows is that the farmer takes hisease. Beyond planting the seed and tending the field, there is nothingmore the farmer can do. Accordingly, you can plant your seeds and waterthem but you cannot guarantee the fullness of harvest.

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The best you can do is your own part but then, even doing your part isstill a learned art.

Let’s dig deeper into the farmer’s part:

Listen to me now. Give me your closest attention. Do farmers plow andplow and do nothing but plow? Or harrow and harrow and do nothingbut harrow? After they’ve prepared the ground, don’t they plant? Don’tthey scatter dill and spread cumin, plant wheat and barley in the fieldsand raspberries along the borders? They know exactly what to do andwhen to do it. Their God is their teacher.

And at the harvest, the delicate herbs and spices, the dill and cumin, aretreated delicately. On the other hand, wheat is threshed and milled, butstill not endlessly. The farmer knows how to treat each kind of grain.He’s learned it all from God-of-the-Angel-Armies, who knows everythingabout when and how and where.

This beautiful piece is found in Isaiah 28:23 – 29 (The Message).

I can therefore break the farming process into three parts:

1. Plowing (Preparing the ground)2. Planting (Sowing the seed)3. Harvesting (Reaping the crop).

And this is just the beginning. In this passage we see the organizationalskill that goes into the location of each seed group on the field and theway each crop is harvested. We see how one field can yield a variety ofcrops when each plant is properly positioned in its place. We also see the

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different ways each crop is harvested. Most importantly we see wisdomand guidance evident in everything the farmer does. Indeed, the LORDof Heaven’s Armies is a wonderful Teacher, and He gives the farmer greatwisdom.

As we go through 2013 let us do all we do with understanding; theunderstanding that all our abilities are from a Divine Source who is not apassive onlooker or critical spectator, but a Source of Divine love, powerand sound judgment who partners with us in achieving His purpose andpleasure on the earth.

So plant your seeds with confidence and water them with patiencebecause there is a harvest. And when the harvest comes, you will be wellpositioned and instructed to make the most of it.

Who says you cannot do more with less or maximize potential withoutbeing frazzled? Why feel frustrated because you are multitalented? Thereis a place for your ‘dill’, ‘cumin’, ‘wheat’, ‘berries’ and everything else youhave to offer. Find it in Him. He is willing to give you wisdom if you askHim and believe. Be fruitful and multiply…

In your Green 2013,


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When you wake up is your morning. - Ibo Proverb

When a man says ‘Yes’ his Chi says ‘Yes’ also. – Ibo Proverb

If and Then


If your morning is dependent on your rising

And you learn that one who believes has everything

Then what you celebrate is definitely your portion

And the good you see in others becomes your blessing.


If tears come to your eyes in joy or in sorrow

And you learn to embrace today while preparing for tomorrow

Then you will hold the things you own like something borrowed

Because life begins when you realize that anything can happen.


If you can make hope your happiness

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And turn accomplishment into fulfillment

Then you will learn confidence and contentment

And to those who have, even more will be added.

© 2013 Ifeoma C. Akobi

Hope you enjoyed this piece…

Happy Green 2013,


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It was Albert Einstein that said that success is 1% inspiration and 99%perspiration. While I cannot vouch for these figures, there is no doubt thatsuccess is a result of combined effort.

In studying the elements of success, we cannot isolate the divine fromhuman effort. Both inputs are necessary because God often works divineacts through human vessels. I remember a piece of advice that helped mein pharmacy school; ‘Pray like it depends on God and study like itdepends on you’.

I can modify this and say, ‘Worship like it depends on God and work likeit depends on you.’ We are encouraged to have faith but we should not belazy. This marriage of faith and action is what I call the DivinePartnership. This partnership must be in place before anything positivecan happen on this earth. This partnership brings out the best in us. Itgives us an opportunity to express our deepest dreams, abilities, talents andgifts.

Wealth is not the result of pursuit rather it is the result of power. Let uslook at two texts to support this point.

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And you shall remember the Lord your God, for it is He who gives youpower to get wealth, that He may establish His covenant…Deuteronomy 8:18

I returned and saw under the sun that- The race is not to the swift, northe battle to the strong, nor bread to the wise, nor riches to men ofunderstanding, nor favor to men of skill; but time and chance happen tothem all. Ecclesiastes 9:11

From these two texts (and there are many more) it becomes clear thatwealth in any form does not come by pursuing it. Here is another text thattalks about riches:

Will you set your eyes on what is not? For riches certainly makethemselves wings; they fly away like an eagle toward heaven. Proverbs23:5

So it is only reasonable to conclude that if riches fly towards heaven thenwe should have access to heaven to enjoy them. This is where the divinepartnership comes in and assures you of recurring success in your green2013.

Would you like to discuss this in detail? Then just send an email [email protected].

Make God your partner and friend in your Green 2013,


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Money, money, money… money!

That’s the first thing that comes to most minds when the word ‘Wealth’ ismentioned even though wealth also includes physical health, richrelationships, inner peace and fulfillment.

They say ‘Money cannot buy happiness’ but then neither can poverty betraded by barter for it. LOL Money is a vehicle. It is a means of gettingthings done and the more of it one has, the more things one can do. Nowthese things could be good or bad. This then means that money is like amirror that reflects the character and nature of whoever owns it.

In my new book titled Wealth Begins with You, I explore the subject ofhow to create wealth using proven systems. These principles apply to anyand everyone regardless of their economy, age, education, gender, raceand geographical location.

Let me share one of these systems with you. Imagine you were a lit candlein a very dark room. You would definitely provide light to the best ofyour ability. Now imagine if there were twelve other candles in that roomand you lit each one up. Can you imagine how bright that room wouldbe? The best part is you were used as an instrument of light and lightingup the others did not diminish you in any way

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This principle is also called the principle of replication. It involvesteaching and training others to be able to do what you do. This processadds to you rather than deplete you. It gives you an opportunity toexpand your skill set and financial base. When carried out properly, thisprocess raises people who become valuable assets to you and vice versa.

Find out all you need to know about these strategies, systems and more inmy new book, Wealth Begins with You, which would be available inMay this year (I.e. our Green 2013).

I look forward to getting your book orders via [email protected]. Alsovisit and watch out for a book excerpt.

Let’s get ready to work our wealth.

Happy Green 2013!


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The next dimension beckons, the next half calls. It’s a transition from thefirst half to the next half of the game. And even a casual observer offootball knows that the second half of play is a very crucial factor indeciding who wins or loses the game.

Get ready.

Something Green is about to happen.

Good news is coming your way.

You are transiting to harvest season.

Forgive those that hurt you.

Forgive yourself too.

Move on. Move up. Move in.

Embrace the call.

Make that shift.

Get ready for Volume 3.

See you in the next season of your Green 2013!


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My Green 2013 Volume 1

Scent of Water: The Trilogy (Reflections, Revelations and Relationships)

Wealth Begins With You! (Coming Soon)

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Ifeoma Akobi (Iddiva) is the maven at Iddiva Group. She is a beautiful,stylish woman of industrious spirit, intelligent mind and incredible heart.She is a pharmacist by training and a poet by talent. She is a professionaland creative business woman with interests in wealth creation, health,beauty and wellness products and services. She is also a businessconsultant, published author, speaker and singer-songwriter. She possessesa great work ethic, a delightful sense of humor and a rich store of wit. Sheis passionate about life, economic empowerment, and building healthyfamilies and societies.

Get more information on her resources, events, training and speakingschedule from [email protected] as well as information on IddivaGroup from [email protected]

Also connect on Facebook at

And Twitter @IfeomaAkobi

Published by Iddiva Impressions

An Iddiva Company