my ithaca tran

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  • 7/28/2019 My Ithaca Tran


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    Ryan Tran

    Mr. Trotter

    English 1 ACC, Period 1

    March 5 2013

    My Goal in Life

    In life, everyone has that one goal that they strive for which takes hard

    work and consists of obstacles that get in the way and also positive

    influences that support the goal. The Odyssey, an epic poem written by

    Homer, tells the story Odysseus, a heroic human being who longs to return

    home after a long and difficult war. Throughout the journey home, however,

    Odysseus encounters many setbacks and faces a lot of hardships like

    dangerous monsters and mythical creatures. On the contrary, the hero

    receives generous help, aid, and advice from gods, goddesses, and friends.

    Ultimately, Odysseus is just trying to make it back to his home and family in

    Ithaca. Similarly to Odysseuss tough trip home, my Ithaca and heartfelt

    goal is to earn a good living to provide for myself and family.

    Like all things in life, nothing is really easy and there will be hurdles

    to get over to accomplish a goal. Drugs and alcohol are powerful forces that

    would impede my progress in reaching my Ithaca. They destroy brain cells,

    cause addiction, and lead to the loss of money. These chemicals intoxicate

    ones mind and body, causing them to carry out stupid, senseless actions,

    like suicide, fighting, doing things they normally would not. In addition,

    drugs and alcohol are extremely addictive and hard to stop doing, which

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    causes the person using them to spend extensive amounts of money. In

    reference to The Odyssey, Odysseus and his men are caught [chewing] their

    lotus (Homer 102). Similarly, to drugs, the lotus flowers brainwash the men

    into not wanting to return home and only wanting to continue eating more

    flowers. They are not conscious of their priorities and tasks, and waste time

    when the men consume the lotus flowers. Gambling is another major

    setback, in which one risks losing a lot of their money, and possibly even

    their own life. Furthermore, it is also addicting, like many bad influences.

    During a meeting among the council in Ithaca, an old man says that

    Odysseus will have many troubles and lose all his companions (Homer 26).

    Odysseus gambles with his crews and his own life by going through a

    treacherous way back home. Not only is it risky for himself, Odysseus is

    putting other lives in stake as well. Lastly, laziness prevents one from

    getting things done. Numerous people are guilty of being lazy,

    procrastinating, not wanting to work or do anything. Laziness is a killer when

    it comes to set goals, slowing one down more and more, which can lead to

    unsuccessful results. When the suitors are told about the bow contest,

    Antinos tells them [they] cant see to-morrow from to-day (Homer 236).

    The men are being told to act with laziness, which would stop them from

    accomplishing the task they set out for. At this rate, the suitors will take a

    long time to string the bow and win the contest.

    Although there are several impediments on ones progress for reaching

    their Ithaca, there are also countless forces that could provide assistance. A

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    significant supporter for almost all people would be their family and friends,

    especially their parents. Parents and family are always there to help,

    keeping a loved one on the right track, giving advice, and providing financial

    support. If I am headed down the wrong path to reaching my goal, my

    parents will always aid me to lead me in the right direction. Family will talk

    something out and try to help in any way. This is similar to some of the gods

    and goddesses Odysseus comes across on his travels. When Odysseus

    returns home, Athena [sweeps] the flaxen crop from his head [and makes]

    the skin of every limb like the skin of an old man (Homer 157). Athena

    helps Odysseus by disguising him as a beggar so no one at home will

    recognize him. Odysseus receives help from the gods and goddesses, which

    make situations less severe and conflicts easier to resolve. Another

    encouragement would be education and school. With lots of resources and

    information, going to school and getting a decent education will support

    ones progress immensely. It delivers powerful knowledge which is often

    useful. Arriving at Oceanos, Odysseus seeks for knowledge and wants to

    [ask his] questions of Tiresias (Homer 125). In The Odyssey, Odysseuss

    education comes from the prophets and friendly advisors he meets along the

    way. They inform him on what is to come and what to watch out for. Tiresias

    warns Odysseus to keep at peace with the sun cattle, or his ship and crew

    will be destroyed. Finally, the third assistance is nonetheless but motivation.

    Without the drive, desire, yearning, one will very sluggishly, painfully, or

    maybe even never complete the goal. The wanting to do it gives me a

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    reason to get it done, and keeps me focused on what to do. Likewise,

    Odysseus is motivated too. When talking to Calypso, Odysseus states that

    he [longs] for the day of [his] home-coming (Homer 66). Odysseus wants

    to finally get to see his family and be home at last after being away for a

    long period of time. This factor gives him a reason to finish his journey home

    and return to his Ithaca.

    Like Odysseuss trip back to his lovely wife, son, and home sweet

    home, my goal in life will have objects and forces that will obstruct my

    progress, but also include people and influences that will positively affect me

    in terms of reaching my Ithaca. Drugs, alcohol and gambling will impede me

    providing for myself and family by getting me addicted, leaving me with no

    money. Laziness prevents me from getting things finished and causes

    procrastination. On the other hand, parents, family, and education will

    provide lots of resources and useful information, keeping me on the right

    track and away from negative influences. Motivation is the drive that will

    make me want to reach my goal, giving me a reasonable purpose for

    everything. I strive for this similarly to why Odysseus and many others do, in

    which it produces happiness for me and my family, which I believe is a

    significant factor of my life. Therefore, my profound, whole-hearted goal in

    life, and in other words, my Ithaca, is to earn a good living to provide for my

    family and myself.