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Upload: sridhar-haritasa

Post on 14-Apr-2018




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  • 7/30/2019 my mail


    If one were to rank a list of civilization's greatest and most elusive intellectual

    challenges, the problem of "decoding" ourselves -- understanding the inner

    workings of our minds and our brains, and how the architecture of these

    elements is encoded in our genome -- would surely be at the top. Yet the diversefields that took on this challenge, from philosophy and psychology to computer

    science and neuroscience, have been fraught with disagreement about the right


    In 1956, the computer scientist John McCarthy coined the term "Artificial

    Intelligence" (AI) to describe the study of intelligence by implementing its

    essential features on a computer. Instantiating an intelligent system using man-

    made hardware, rather than our own "biological hardware" of cells and tissues,would show ultimate understanding, and have obvious practical applications in

    the creation of intelligent devices or even robots.

    Some of McCarthy's colleagues in neighboring departments, however, were

    more interested in how intelligence is implemented in humans (and other

    animals) first. Noam Chomsky and others worked on what became cognitive

    science, a field aimed at uncovering the mental representations and rules that

    underlie our perceptual and cognitive abilities. Chomsky and his colleagues hadto overthrow the then-dominant paradigm of behaviorism, championed by

    Harvard psychologist B.F. Skinner, where animal behavior was reduced to a

    simple set of associations between an action and its subsequent reward or

    punishment. The undoing of Skinner's grip on psychology is commonly marked

    by Chomsky's1967 critical review of Skinner's bookVerbal Behavior, a book

    in which Skinner attempted to explain linguistic ability using behaviorist


    Skinner's approach stressed the historical associations between a stimulus and

    the animal's response -- an approach easily framed as a kind of empirical

    statistical analysis, predicting the future as a function of the past. Chomsky's

    conception of language, on the other hand, stressed the complexity of internal

    representations, encoded in the genome, and their maturation in light of the right

    data into a sophisticated computational system, one that cannot be usefully

    broken down into a set of associations. Behaviorist principles of associations

    could not explain the richness of linguistic knowledge, our endlessly creative
  • 7/30/2019 my mail


  • 7/30/2019 my mail


    though Chomsky himself rejects this term. While this may be a relatively

    accurate depiction in cognitive science and psychology, behaviorist thinking is

    far from dead in related disciplines. Behaviorist experimental paradigms and

    associationist explanations for animal behavior are used routinely by

    neuroscientists who aim to study the neurobiology of behavior in laboratory

    animals such as rodents, where the systematic three-level framework advocated

    by Marr is not applied.

    1.According to Marr, a complex biological system can be understood at three

    distinct levels. The third level being

    a) describes how ones own biological hardware of cells implements theprocedure described by the algorithmic level.

    b) the third level ("implementation level") the input might be the image

    projected on our retina and the output might our brain's identification of the

    objects present in the image we had observed

    C) Initiating an intelligent system using man-made hardware.

    d) with input received from the algorithmic level our brain give rise to our

    cognitive abilities.

    Ans is (a) clearly stated in third last paragraph.

    2. The authorsets offthe word "cognitive revolution" with quotation marks in

    order to

    a) Emphasize its departure from behaviourism.

    b) ) show his support for behaviourist thinking.

    c) Assert that there are historical associations between a stimulus and the

    animal's response.

    d) indicate that the term was one of Chomskys favorites.

    Ans a) 2nd last paragraph states that the approach taken by Chomsky and Marr

    toward understanding how our minds achieve what they do is as different as can

    be from behaviorism.

  • 7/30/2019 my mail


    3. It can be inferred from the passage that Chomskys ideas about the language

    a) a simple set of associations between an action and its subsequent reward orpunishment

    b) The historical associations between a stimulus and the animal's response.

    c) Encoded in the genome, and their maturation in light of the right data into a

    sophisticated computational system.

    d) The systematic three-level framework advocated by Marr is not applied.

    Ans c) stated in the passage.

    4. The primary purpose of the passage is to

    a)Where Artificial Intelligence Went Wrong.

    b) Chomsky's conception of language

    c) Skinner's approach towards verbal behaviourism.

    d) Compare animal behaviour and human behavoiur

    ans a)naom Chomsky and other scientists have different views and disagree

    about the right approach towards decoding ourselves---creating a.i

    5.If a child is born to Indian parents in France ,what can you comment on

    childs linguistic capabilities

    a) according to Chomsky The "language faculty," was part of the organism's

    genetic endowment hence the child will acquire his mother tongue easily with

    only minimal and imperfect exposure to language presented by environment.

    b) according to marx the child can learn anything with a simple set of

    associations between an action and its subsequent reward or punishment.

    c)the child will not be able to acquire the language skills.

    d)he will find difficulty at the implementation level

    ans a)Chomsky described language as encoded in the genome.