my phonics grade 1 teacher book

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  • 7/25/2019 My Phonics Grade 1 Teacher Book


    Jenny Dooley - Virginia Evans

    i-Learn My Phonicsis a 2-level English course

    designed for young learners in Grades 1 and 2. It

    introduces young leaners to English in a fun,

    stress-free way, focusing on the sounds of

    words and the basics of reading.

    From Grade 3, students will continue with the

    -s!ills series, i-"earn #mart #tart Grades 3,

    $ %, which fully covers the &'E( curriculum.

    i-Learn My Phonics

    Grade 1

    i-Learn My Phonics

    Grade 2

    i-Learn Smart Start

    Grade 3

    i-Learn Smart Start

    Grade 4

    i-Learn Smart Start

    Grade 5


    Pupils Book

    ctivity Book

    Class CD

    My PhonicsCar!s

    "eachers Book

    D#$# M"E%#L

    cross-plat&orm application'i()* n!roi!* +in!o,s*


    I#)* +-1-1%-211-1

  • 7/25/2019 My Phonics Grade 1 Teacher Book


    "eachers Book

    Contents#ntro!uction p.II

    a p.2 J/ p.46

    B0 p.6 1k p.50

    Cc p.10 Ll p.54

    D! p.14 Mm p.5

    )tory "ime p.1 )tory "ime p.62

    %evie, 2 p.20 %evie, 3 p.64

    Ee p.22 E4tra Check p.66

    5& p.26 "he lpha0et p.6!

    $g p.30 Lets play6 p."0

    7h p.34 )ongs p."2

    )tory "ime p.3

    %evie, 8 p.40

    ctivity Book'1ey 9 #nstructions. p."3

    Photocopia0le Material p.0

    #i p.42

    Jenny Dooley - Virginia Evans

  • 7/25/2019 My Phonics Grade 1 Teacher Book


    Introductioni-Learn My Phonics $ra!e 2 is a :ve-level course ,hichintro!uces pupils to the soun!s o& the English language;#t is !esigne! to help pupils connect the soun!s'phonemes. to the letters 'graphemes. that represent

    those soun!s;

    Pupils ,ill !evelop the art o& rea!ing 0y

    un!erstan!ing the English alpha0et* associatingsoun!s ,ith letters* 0len!ing an! segmenting

    ,or!s an! !eco!ing &re

  • 7/25/2019 My Phonics Grade 1 Teacher Book


    lesson consoli!ates the letters* soun!s an! ,or!staught in the previous &our units through a variety o&

    &un activities;

    ## Port&olio ctivities

    "hese activities are at the 0ack o& the ctivity

    Book; "here is one activity &or each unit; "heseactivities aim to consoli!ate the letters an! ,or!s o&each unit through tracing an! colouring;

    "eachers Book

    "he "eachers Book provi!es step-0y-step lesson

    plans; Each lesson plan provi!es !etaile! suggestions&or presenting* practising an! consoli!ating the ne,letters an! their respective ,or!s; "here are also &urther

    e4tension activities an! games making the "eachersBook a complete an! comprehensive gui!e to

    teaching young learners; "he "eachers Book alsoinclu!es the Pupils Book pages in re!uce! &orm

    making it easier to 0e use! in the classroom;

    i-Learn My Phonics $ra!e 2 Car!s

    "he i-Learn My Phonics $ra!e 2 Car!s inclu!e allthe pictures necessary &or the presentation an!

    revision o& the ,or!s in each lesson; #n each lessonplan there are suggestions &or &urther use o& the

    phonics car!s in group or class games?activities;

    Class CD?Pupils CD

    "he Class CD inclu!es all the aural activities in thePupils Book; "he Pupils CD inclu!es the ne, ,or!s*songs an! stories an! can 0e use! 0y the pupils &or

    home stu!y* provi!ing an e4cellent opportunity toimprove their intonation an! maintain their interestin the English language;

    D#$# M"E%#L

    @sing a cross-plat&orm application 'i()* n!roi!*

    +in!o,s* Mac(). D#$# M"E%#L provi!es younglearners ,ith the !igital tools to learn English in a &un


    "he D#$# M"E%#L consists o&=)oun! presentations along ,ith letter tracingnimate! songs5un interactive activities 'colouring* tracing* etc.Learning tasks 'circle the right letters* listening

    activities* etc. ,ith automatic &ee!0ack#nteractive games 'Pelmanism* maAes* puAAles*

    letter cu0es* etc.

    Picture Dictionary ,ith au!io

    "ypical @nit 5eatures

    "he teaching o& English shoul! resem0le the natural ac

  • 7/25/2019 My Phonics Grade 1 Teacher Book


    IntroductionBook provi!es many suggestions &or using these car!s in a ,i!e variety o& !rills an! activities; ou can

    also use them to revise an! consoli!ate the letters?,or!s taught in previous lessons;

    c. Visual i!s= "he respective pictures in the Pupils Book are use! &or picture !iscussion an! &or

    &urtherpractice o& the ne, letters?,or!s;

    !. Chants?)ongs= "he letter soun!s an! the correspon!ing ,or!s are practise! through up0eat chants;#n

    the ne4t lesson* the pupils consoli!ate the letters an! the ,or!s through lively songs; ll the songs areset

    to the tune o& tra!itional songs that make them catchy an! easy to sing; Language in the &orm o&songs an! chants is more likely to 0e retaine! 0y pupils; #n a!!ition* the ne, letters?,or!s arerepeate! many times ,hile pupils have &un6

    )#$7" +(%D)

    (ne o& the most eective an! po,er&ul rea!ing tools that parents an! teachers can help chil!ren

    !evelop is sight ,or! recognition; +hen a chil! is a0le to un!erstan! an! i!enti&y sight ,or!s he?she iscertain to 0ecome an avi! rea!er; )ight ,or!s are the most &re

  • 7/25/2019 My Phonics Grade 1 Teacher Book


    )ometimes* especially at the 0eginning o& an early primary course* the use o& mother tongue in a language classroom is

    unavoi!a0le &or a num0er o& reasons; 5irst o& all* young learners &eel secure as they are given some time to a!/ust to their ne,environment* the language classroom; 5urthermore* instructions o& games an! other activities are easier an! &aster to e4plain

    in L2;

    7o, to voi! @sing Mother "ongue

    teacher can employ various means o& getting his?her message across ,ithout using L2=

    a. $estures?Miming= Pupils al,ays use 0o!y language to e4press themselves; "ake a!vantage o& this 0y

    accompanying instructions ,ith gestures* actions an! mime to sho, ,hat you ,ant them to !o an!?or the

    meaning o& a ,or!;

    0. Pictures?%ealia= nother po,er&ul ,ay o& getting the message across is 0y using pictures* realia an! othervisual ai!s; Do not &orget that a picture is ,orth a thousan! ,or!s6 (ur o0/ective here is to instil con:!ence

    in the pupils an!* thus* gra!ually ena0le them to listen to an! speak as much English as possi0le6

    )ongs in the Language Classroom

    "he importance o& songs in language learning is not to 0e un!erestimate!; "heir rich language ena0les young learners

    long-term memory to !evelop an!* thus* language is retaine! 0y pupils; +e all remem0er songs &rom our mother tongue an!,e see pupils per&orm short plays in our !aily encounter ,ith them; 7ere are some ,ays to animate the songs=

    a. "P% ctivities= 7ave pupils stan! up* in a circle pre&era0ly; Play the song once an! !emonstrate the actions;Play the song again; #nvite pupils to per&orm the actions;

    0. @sing prompts= Every lesson inclu!es a song consoli!ating the ,or!s o& the lesson; sk the pupils to takeout their picture car!s or han! out other realia; E4plain to pupils that they are to sho, their picture car!s*

    etc every time they hear the correspon!ing ,or!s in the song; Play the song; Pupils listen an! per&orm the activity;

    "hese are /ust a &e, suggestions on ho, to use songs in the language classroom; Be as inventive as you can since pupils

    love per&orming6

    $ames &or oung Learners

    "he e!ucational value o& games has alrea!y 0een e4plaine!; 7ere is a list o& the most popular games ,e have use! in thiscourse=

    ct #t (ut

    Choose a pupil to come to the &ront o& the classroom; )ho, him?her a phonics car! or ,hisper a ,or! an! have the pupil act itout; "he remaining pupils try to guess the correct ans,er; "he :rst pupil to !o so comes to the &ront o& the classroom an! the

    activity continues;

    lpha0et )cram0le

    Divi!e the class into t,o teams* an! B; +rite the alpha0et all over the 0oar!* 0ut not in or!er; sk a pupil &rom each team to come

    to the 0oar!; Call out a letter; "he pupil that :n!s an! circles the letter :rst* ,ins a point &or his?her team; "he team ,ith the most points

    ,ins the game;


    Divi!e the pupils into t,o teams; Choose a pupil &rom "eam 2; )ho, him?her a phonics car! an! elicit the name o& the item; #&

    the pupil ans,ers correctly* give him?her a so&t 0all an! have him?her take a shot at the 0asket?0in; #& the pupil gets the0all in the 0asket?0in then he?she gets a point &or his?her team; Continue the game ,ith a pupil &rom "eam 8; "he team ,ith

    the most points is the ,inner;



  • 7/25/2019 My Phonics Grade 1 Teacher Book


    IntroductionPrepare some Bingo car!s ,ith the ,or!s you ,ant to practise an! han! them out to the pupils; Each

    Bingo car! shoul! have a !ierent set o& ,or!s; Provi!e them ,ith small pieces o& paper to cover the,or!s; )ay the ,or!s or sho, pictures an! have the pupils cover the ,or!s on their Bingo car!s; "he

    ,inner is the :rst pupil ,hose car! is covere! an! ,ho shouts B#$(6

    Chinese +hispers

    +hisper a ,or! &rom the lesson to a pupil; "he pupil ,hispers the ,or! to the pupil sitting ne4t to him?her an!so on; "he last pupil says the ,or! alou!;

    Correct the "eacher

    7ol! up the phonics car!s* one at a time an! ask in!ivi!ual pupils to correct yourstatements; e.g. Teacher:'hol!ing the !og phonics car!. #t is a cat6

    Pupil 1: o6 #t is a !og6 etc

    Dra, #t

    Divi!e the class into t,o teams* an! B; sk t,o pupils* one &rom each team* to come to the 0oar!; amea voca0ulary item; "he pupils

  • 7/25/2019 My Phonics Grade 1 Teacher Book


    Memory $ame

    Put up the phonics car!s on the 0oar! an! ask the pupils to memorise the or!er in ,hich the items appear; %emove thephonics car!s an! ask in!ivi!ual pupils to name the items in the correct or!er; Change the or!er o& the phonics car!s an!

    repeat the activity;

    Memory Master

    sk the pupils to sit in a circle; Choose one pupil to 0e the Memory Master; rrange the phonics car! &ace up in themi!!le o& the circle; Each pupil chooses a phonics car! an! says the ,or!* ,ithout actually touching the phonics car!; &ter

    everyone has sai! their ,or!s* the Memory Master must han! the correct phonics car! to each pupil;

    ame #t

    rrange some chairs* 0ack to 0ack* in the mi!!le o& the room; Choose phonics car!s an! place them on the chairs; Playthe song; +hen the music stops the pupils pick up a phonics car! an!* one at a time* tell you the name o& the item

    picture! on their phonics car!; "he pupil ,ho gives an incorrect ans,er is out o& the game; Play the game as many times

    as you think is necessary;

    oughts an! Crosses

    Dra, a large 343 gri! on the 0oar!; +rite a num0er 2-H in the upper right han! corner o& each space; Choosenine phonics car!s an! stick them &ace !o,n on each space on the gri!; 'Make sure to cover the ,or!s ,ith a0lank piece o& paper;. Divi!e the pupils into t,o teams* "eam an! "eam (; Choose a pupil &rom "eam to go

    :rst; "he pupil calls out a num0er to see the phonics car!; #& he?she names the item picture! correctly* an isplace! in the space; #& not* the car! is place! &ace !o,n again an! a pupil &rom "eam ( chooses a num0er;

    "he team that succee!s in placing three respective marks in a horiAontal* vertical* or !iagonal ro, ,ins thegame;

    Pass the Phonics Car!

    Line up the pupils into t,o teams; $ive the :rst pupil o& each team a phonics car!; )ay= $o6 "he pupils say the

    correspon!ing ,or!s an! pass the phonics car! over their hea!s to the pupils 0ehin! them* ,ho say the ,or! an!pass the phonics car! 0et,een their legs to the pupils 0ehin! them; "he pupils continue to pass the phonics car!

    over their hea!s an! 0et,een their legs; "he last pupil in each line races to han! their phonics car! to the teacheran! says the ,or!; "he :rst team to !o so ,ins a point; Continue the game as many times as you think necessary;

    %un an! "ouch

    Divi!e the class into t,o teams* an! B; Put up the phonics car!s on the 0oar!; )ay one o& the ,or!s; ",o pupils* one &romeach team* call out the ,or! as they race to touch its correspon!ing phonics car!; "he :rst pupil to touch the phonics car!,ins a point &or his?her team; "he team ,ith the most points ,ins;

    )oun! an! +or!

    Divi!e the class into t,o teams* an! B; Put one o& the phonics car!s on the 0oar!; sk a pupil &rom "eam to i!enti &y thesoun! 'one point.* the picture 'one point. or 0oth 't,o points.; Continue ,ith a pupil &rom "eam B; +rite the points &or each

    team on the 0oar!; "he team ,ith the most points ,ins the game;)pee! %ace

    Put three chairs in &ront o& the 0oar!; Divi!e the class into three teams* * B an! C; 7ave a pupil &rom each team stan! up; Puta phonics car! on each chair; Call out one o& the phonics car!s; "he pupils stan!ing try to 0e the :rst to sit on the chair ,ith

    the correspon!ing phonics car!; "he :rst pupil to sit on the chair ,ins a point &or his?her team; "he team ,ith the most points,ins;

    )pin the Bottle

    sk the pupils to sit in a circle ,ith a 0ottle in the mi!!le; )pin the 0ottle; +hen it stops* sho, the pupil it is pointing to the

    phonics car! an! elicit its name; #& the ans,er is correct then that pupil can spin the 0ottle; %epeat ,ith other phonicscar!s;

    )tan! an! )it


  • 7/25/2019 My Phonics Grade 1 Teacher Book


    Introduction"ell the pupils to listen &or ,or!s that 0egin ,ith a speci:c soun!* e;g; the ?n? soun!; sk the pupils to stan! ,henthey hear ,or!s 0eginning ,ith the ?n? soun! an! sit ,hen they hear ,or!s 0eginning ,ith another soun!;

    )lo,ly say key ,or!s= e;g; olive*

  • 7/25/2019 My Phonics Grade 1 Teacher Book


  • 7/25/2019 My Phonics Grade 1 Teacher Book


    Unit 1Lesson 1


    to learn the letter a ?eI? an! its soun!

    ?%? to learn three a ,or!s


    ant* apple* alligator

    )ight +or!s

    a* an

    E4tra materials i-Learn My Phonics car!s '2-3.

    photocopies o& pages &rom

    story 0ooks

    BE$##$ "7E LE))(

    $reet the pupils; )ay= 7ello* #m 'Mrs

    %ich.; #nvite them to respon! 0y


    2Listen* point an! repeat;Colour; '"rack K8.

    Pupils 0ooks close!; )ho, the pupilsthe ant phonics car!; Point to it an!say= ?%?; "he pupils repeat a&ter you;

    "hen say= ?%? - ant; "he pupils repeat

    a&ter you; Put the phonics car! up onthe 0oar!; +iggle your :ngersa0ovethe el0o, as i& ants are cra,ling on

    you an! say= ?%?* ant6 Encourage thepupils to !o the same; )ay the letter;

    "he pupils per&orm the action an!say the letter an! the ,or! i& they

    can; 5ollo, the same proce!ure ,ith

    the ,or!s apple 'mime! alligator 'use your han!s to

    make the opening o& an alligators


    +rite the letter a on the 0oar!ne4t to the phonics car!s; Point to it

    an! say= "his is the letter ?eI?; "heletter ?eI? makes the ?%? soun!; "hepupils repeat 0oth soun!s;

    $ame '(ptional.

    +heres the LetterI"he pupils ,ork on their o,n or in

    pairs?groups; 7an! out photocopies

    o& pages &rom some story 0ooks;"he

    pupils search &or an! circle theletter


    a on these pages; ou c an s et a

    time limit an! the ,inner is the pupil?

    pair ?group that has circ le! the mostas ; "his game can help the pup il sun!erstan! the link 0et,een the

    letter soun!s an! ,or!s in 0ooks;

    Pupils 0ooks open; Point to an!elicit the soun! o& the letter an! the,or!s; Play the CD; "he pupils listen*

    po int to an! repeat the ,or!s ; "hepupils then colour in the letters;

    E4plain to them that they can useany colour they like; During this

    process* go aroun! the classroom

    an! e li ci t the let ter an! the ,or!s&rom in!ivi!ual pupils;










    le?%? - alligator

    "his is the letter ?eI?;

    "he letter ?eI?

    makes the ?%?soun!;

    8 Listen an!point; Colour;

    '"rack K3.

    Point to the ant an!

    say= n ant6 "hepupils repeat a&ter

    you; 5ol lo, thesame proce!ure &or

    the apple an!

    the alligator; Play theCD; "he pupilslisten an! point to

    the ant* apple

    an! alligator;

    )ay= an apple; sk

    the pupils to point tothe correspon!ing

    item in the picture;%epeat ,ith the rest

    o& the items inran!om or!er;

    sk the pupils to colour thusing any colour they

    aroun! the classroom* askingname the item they are colouTeacher: 'pointing to the

    apple. +hatsPupil 1: n apple; etc

    3Chant an! sho,6 '"rac

    Put up the ant* apple an! phonics car!s on the 0oar!;

    the ant an! say= ?%?* ant6 "hrepeat a&ter you; 5ollo, th

    proce!ure an! present thethe verses an! the ,or!s apalligator; Play the CD; "he pup

    &ollo, in their 0ooks an! chan

  • 7/25/2019 My Phonics Grade 1 Teacher Book


    sk the pupils to take out their o,nant* apple* alligator picture car!s

    an! place them on their !esks; Playthe CD again; "he pupils listen an!

    hol! up the correspon!ing picture


    "ime permitting* repeat the chant

    ,ithout the CD this time; 1eep the

    rhythm 0y clapping your han!s or

    snapping your :ngers; Pause 0e&orethe ,or!s 'ant* apple* alligator. an!

    encourage the pupils to name the

    items &or you;

    e.g. Teacher: ?%?Pupils: ant

    Teacher: ?%?* ?%?* ?%?Pupils: ant6 etc


    ?%?* ant*?%?* ?%?* ?%?* ant6nt* ?%?* ?%?* ?%?6

    ?%?* apple*

    ?%?* ?%?* ?%?* apple6pple* ?%?* ?%?* ?%?6

    ?%?* alligator*

    ?%?* ?%?* ?%?* alligator6lligator* ?%?* ?%?* ?%?6

    E4tension '(ptional.

    2 Divi!e the pupils in three groups'ant* apple* alligator.; Each

    group says the appropriatechant ,hile the rest o& the

    class claps; sk the groups tosho, their correspon!ing

    picture car!s ,hile they chant;

    8 Divi!e the pupils in three groups'ant* apple* alligator.; Play thechant again; Each group mimes

    the correspon!ing actions;

    ED#$ "7E LE))(

    My )oun! Booksk the pupils to take out their soun!

    0ooks 'see the #ntro!uction on ho,

    to make a soun! 0ook.; @se aletterstamp or photocopy the letter a

    &rom the photocopia0le sectionan!

    stamp?glue it on a clean page;

    E4plain to the pupils that they ,illtake the soun! 0ook home an! their

    home,ork is to practise saying

    thesoun! ,ith their parents;


  • 7/25/2019 My Phonics Grade 1 Teacher Book


    Unit 1Lesson 2


    to practise the soun! o& the letter

    a an! the correspon!ing ,or!s to

    learn an! practise rea!ing skills to

    sing a song


    ant* apple* alligator

    )ight +or!s

    an* &or* an!

    E4tra materials

    i-Learn My Phonics car!s '2-3.

    BE$##$ "7E LE))(

    sk the pupils to open their soun!0ooks* name the letter an! say

    the soun! o& the letter;

    Put up the phonics car!s on the

    0oar!; ame the items* one at atime;"he pupils mime the correspon!ing

    actions an! say the soun! o& the letter;

    e.g. Teacher:'pointing to the ant.

    antClass: ',iggling their :ngers

    a0ove the el0o,s as

    i& ants are cra,ling

    on them. ?%? etc

    Listen; %ea! along;'"rack KF.

    sk= Can you see the ?%? - antI Pointto it; Encourage the pupils to point to

    the picture o& the ant; %epeat ,ithapple an! alligator;

    Play the CD; 7ave the pupils listen tothe story once; Play the CD again;

    "he pupils listen an! point to the

    pictures o& the key ,or!s ,hen theyhear them in the story;

    %ea! the story; "he pupils &ollo, in their

    0ooks; "hen they ,ork in pairs; (ne

    rea!s ,hile the other one checks

    an!then they s,ap roles; $o aroun! the

    c lass room provi!ing any


    Point to an! say the sight ,or!s; "he


    pupils repeat a&ter you; "ime permitting* have somepupils rea! them alou!;

    F)ong '"rack K.

    'to the tune o& Pop $oes the +easel.

    Put up the ant* apple an! alligator phonics car!s

    on the 0oar!; Point to the ant an! say= &or ant6"he pupils repeat a&ter you; 5ollo, the sameproce!ure an! present the rest o& the song; Play

    the CD; "he pupils listen an! sing along;

    sk the pupils to take out their o,nant* apple* alligator picture car!s an!

    place them on their !esks; P lay theCD again; "he pupi ls l isten an! hol!up the correspon!ing picture car!s;

    ')ee p; N8 &or the "apescript;.

    ED#$ "7E LE))(

    +hich (ne is MissingI

    )catter the phonicscar!s &ace up on

    the ta0le; $ive thepupils a minute to

    look at them* thenhave them close

    their eyes an! takea,ay one phonicscar!; "ell the pupils to

    open their eyesan! nam e the

    phonics car! that ismissing;

    Lesson 3


    to practise the letter a ? eI? an! its

    soun! ?%? an! the correspon!ing

    ,or!s to learn an e4tra ,or!


    ant* apple* alligator* acro0at

    E4tra materials

    i-Learn My Phonics car!s '2-.

    car! stock paper

    BE$##$ "7E LE))(

    sk the pupils to open their note0ooks;

    E4plain the game; #n t,o minutes* the

    pupils ,rite as many as as they can;

    "he ,inner is the pupil ,ho has ,ritten

    the most;

    Play the song '"rack K. &rom the

    previous lesson; "he pupils lsing along;

    Colour the apples thave ain them;

    7ave the pupils colour the

    that have a in them; E4pthey can use any colour they

    N Listen* point an! reColour the pictures o& ,or!s that start ,ith tsoun!; )ay the a,or!'"rack KN.

    )ho, the pupils the acro0at

    car!; Point to it an! say= ?%? -"he pupils repeat a&ter you;

    trying to keep your 0alance ?%?* acro0at6 Encourage the !o the same; )ay the letter; "he

  • 7/25/2019 My Phonics Grade 1 Teacher Book


  • 7/25/2019 My Phonics Grade 1 Teacher Book


    Unit 2Lesson 1


    to learn the letter B0 ?*i+? an! its

    soun! ?*? to learn three B0 ,or!s


    0all* 0e!* 0ee

    )ight +or!s

    look* a

    E4tra materials i-Learn My Phonics car!s


    photocopies o& pages &rom

    story 0ooks

    BE$##$ "7E LE))(

    )ay= ?%?; sk in!ivi!ual pupils to say

    a ,or! 0eginning ,ith the ?%? soun!&rom the previous unit;

    2Listen* point an! repeat;Colour; '"rack KO.

    Pupils 0ooks close!; )ho, the pupils

    the 0all phonics car!; Point to it an!

    say= ?*?; "he pupils repeat a&ter you;"hen say= ?*? - 0all; "he pupils repeata&ter you; Put the phonics car! up on

    the 0oar!; #mitate 0ouncing a 0allan! say= ?*?* 0all6 Encourage thepupils to !o the same; )ay the letter;

    "he pupils per&orm the action an!say the letter an! the ,or! i& they

    can; 5ollo, the same proce!ure ,ith

    the ,or!s 0e! 'mime sleeping. an!

    0ee 'use your arms to imitate 0ee

    ,ings ,hile 0uAAing.;

    +rite the letter B0 on the 0oar!

    ne4t to the phonics car!s; Point to it

    an! say= "his is the letter ?*i+?; "heletter ?*i+? makes the ?*? soun!; "he

    pupils repeat 0oth soun!s;

    $ame '(ptional.

    +heres the LetterI

    "he pupils ,ork on their o,n or inpairs?groups; 7an! out photocopies

    o& pages &rom some story 0ooks;"he

    pupils search &or an! circle the letter

    B0 on these pages; ou can set a

    time limit an! the ,inner is thepupil?


    pair ?group that has circ le! the mostB0s ; "h is game can help the pupi ls

    un!erstan! the link 0et,een theletter soun!s an! ,or!s in 0ooks;

    Pupils 0ooks open; Point to an!elicit the soun! o& the letter an! the

    ,or!s; Play the CD; "he pupils listen*po int to an! repeat the ,or!s ; "hepupils then colour in the letters;

    E4plain to them that they can useany colour they like; During this

    process* go aroun! the classroom

    an! e li ci t the let ter an! the ,or!s

    &rom in!ivi!ual pupils;




















    "his is the letter ?*i+?;

    "he letter ?*i+?

    makes the ?*?


    8 Listen an!point; Match;

    '"rack KH.

    Point to the 0all an!

    say= Look6

    0all6 "he pupilsrepeat a&ter you;5ollo, the same

    proce!ure &or the

    0e! an! the 0ee;

    Play the CD; "he

    pupils listen an!

    point to the 0all*0e! an! 0ee;

    )ay= a 0all; sk the

    pupils to point to thecorrespon!ing item inthe picture; %epeat,ith the rest o& the

    items in ran!omor!er;

    sk the pupils to look at thepuAAle pieces an! match the

    pictures; $o aroun! the casking pupils to name the itare matching;

    e.g. Teacher:'pointing to thpuAAle piece. L

    Pupil 1: 0e!6 etc

    3Chant an! sho,6 '"rac

    Put up the 0all* 0e! an! 0ee

    car!s on the 0oar!; Point toan! say= ?*?* 0all6 "he pupil

    a&ter you; 5ollo, the same pan! present the rest o& the vethe ,or!s 0e! an! 0ee; Play

    "he pupils listen* &ollo, in thean! chant;

    sk the pupils to take out the

  • 7/25/2019 My Phonics Grade 1 Teacher Book


    0all* 0e!* 0ee picture car!s an!place them on their !esks; Play the

    CD again; "he pupils listen an! hol!up the correspon!ing picture car!s;

    "ime permitting* repeat the chant

    ,ithout the CD this time; 1eep the

    rhythm 0y clapping your han!s or

    snapping your :ngers; Pause 0e&orethe ,or!s '0all* 0e!* 0ee. an!encourage the pupils to name the

    items &or you;

    e.g. Teacher: ?*?Pupils: 0all

    Teacher: ?*?* ?*?* ?*?Pupils: 0all6 etc


    ?*?* 0all*?*?* ?*?* ?*?* 0all6Ball* ?*?* ?*?* ?*?6

    ?*?* 0e!*

    ?*?* ?*?* ?*?* 0e!6Be!* ?*?* ?*?* ?*?6

    ?*?* 0ee*

    ?*?* ?*?* ?*?* 0ee6Bee* ?*?* ?*?* ?*?6

    E4tension '(ptional.

    2 Divi!e the pupils in three groups'0all* 0e!* 0ee.; Each group

    says the appropriate chant,hile the rest o& the class

    claps; sk the groups to sho,

    their correspon!ing picture

    car!s ,hile they chant;

    8 Divi!e the pupils in three groups'0all* 0e!* 0ee.; Play the chant

    again; Each group mimes the

    correspon!ing actions;

    ED#$ "7E LE))(

    My )oun! Booksk the pupils to take out their soun!

    0ooks 'see the #ntro!uction on ho,

    to make a soun! 0ook.; @se aletterstamp or photocopy the letter B0

    &rom the photocopia0le sectionan!

    stamp?glue it on a clean page;

    E4plain to the pupils that they ,ill

    take the soun! 0ook home an! their

    home,ork is to practise sayingthesoun! ,ith their parents;


  • 7/25/2019 My Phonics Grade 1 Teacher Book


    Lesson 2


    to practise the soun! o& the letter B0

    an! the correspon!ing ,or!s to

    learn an! practise rea!ing skills to

    sing a song


    0all* 0e!* 0ee

    )ight +or!s

    look* at* the* ,ith* on

    E4tra materials

    i-Learn My Phonics car!s 'F-N.

    BE$##$ "7E LE))(

    sk the pupils to open their soun!

    0ooks* name the letter an! saythe soun! o& the letter;

    Put up the phonics car!s on the

    0oar!; ame the items* one at a

    time;"he pupils mime the correspon!ing

    actions an! say the soun! o& the


    e.g. Teacher: 'pointing to the0all.

    0allClass: 'imitating 0ouncing a

    0all. ?*? etc

    Listen; %ea! along;'"rack 22.

    sk= Can you see the ?*? - 0allI Point

    to it; Encourage the pupils to point tothe picture o& the 0all; %epeat ,ith0e! an! 0ee;

    Play the CD; 7ave the pupils listen tothe story once; Play the CD again;

    "he pupils listen an! point to the

    pictures o& the key ,or!s ,hen they

    hear them in the story;%ea! the story; "he pupils &ollo, in

    their 0ooks; "hen they ,ork in pairs;(ne rea!s ,hile the other one

    checks an! then they s,ap roles;

    $o aroun! the classroom provi!ing

    any necessary help;

    Point to an! say the sight ,or!s; "hepupils repeat a&ter you; "ime permitting*

    have some pupils rea! them alou!;

    F)ong '"rack 28.

    'to the tune o& "he +heels on theBus.

    Put up the 0al l* 0e! an! 0ee phonicscar!s on the 0oar!; Point to the 0eean! say= "he 0ee on th e 0 e! goes

    0uAA* 0uAA* 0uAA6 "he pupils repeat a&ter

    you; 5ollo, the same proce!ure an!

    present the rest o& the song; Play the

    CD; "he pupils listen an! sing along;

    sk the pupils to take out their o,n0a ll * 0e!* 0ee p ictu re c ar!s a n!

    place them on the ir !esks; Play theCD again; "he pupi ls l isten an! hol!

    up the correspon!ing picture car!s;

    ')ee p; N8 &or the "apescript;.

    ED#$ "7E LE))(

    7ot Car!s

    7ave the pupils sitin a c ircle; $ive

    the phonics car!s to

    three pupils;

    P lay the song;+hile the song is

    playing* the pupilspass the phonicscar!s aroun!; +hen

    the song stops*the pupils hol!ing

    the phonics car!smust name them;

    Lesson 3


    to practise the letter B0 ?*i+? an! its

    soun! ?*? an! the correspon!ing

    ,or!s to learn an e4tra B ,or!


    0all* 0e!* 0ee* 0ear

    E4tra materials

    i-Learn My Phonics car!s 'F-O.

    car! stock paper

    BE$##$ "7E LE))(

    sk a pupil to come to the 0oar!;

    )ho, him?her a phonics car! &romthe previous lesson ,ithout allo,ing

    the other pupils to see it; "he pupilsilently mimes an action relate! to

    the phonics car! &or the other pupils

    to guess the ,or!; %epeat theactivity,ith other pupils;

    Play the song '"rack 28.

    previous lesson; "he pupils l

    sing along;

    Circle the pictures o,or!s that start ,ith th0soun!;

    Elicit the pictures; "he pupthe pictures that start ,ith


    N Listen* point an! rColour the pictures o&

    ,or!s that start ,ith tsoun!; )ay the 0,or!'"rack 23.

    )ho, the pupils the 0ear

    car!; Point to it an! say= ?*

    "he pupils repeat a&ter yogro,ling like a 0ear an! s

    0ear6 Encourage the pupils

  • 7/25/2019 My Phonics Grade 1 Teacher Book


  • 7/25/2019 My Phonics Grade 1 Teacher Book


    Unit 3Lesson 1


    to learn the letter Cc ?si+? an! its

    soun! ?)? to learn three Cc ,or!s


    cat* carrot* clock

    )ight +or!s

    #* am* a

    E4tra materials i-Learn My Phonics car!s 'H-22.

    photocopies o& pages &rom

    story 0ooks

    BE$##$ "7E LE))(

    +rite the ,or!s &rom the previous unit

    on the 0oar! '0all* 0e!* 0ee*0ear.;sk a pupil to come to the 0oar!;

    Point to the :rst ,or! an! ask thepupil to say it; sk the rest o& the class

    &or veri:cation; %epeat the activity

    ,ith other pupils;

    2Listen* point an! repeat;Colour; '"rack 2.

    Pupils 0ooks close!; )ho, the pupils

    the cat phonics car!; Point to it an!say= ?)?; "he pupils repeat a&ter you;

    "hen say= ?)? - cat; "he pupils repeata&ter you; Put the phonics car! up onthe 0oar!; #mitate meo,ing like a

    cat*making cla,s ,ith your han!s an!

    say= ?)?* cat6 Encourage the pupils to!o the same; )ay the letter; "he pupils

    per&orm the action an! say the letter

    an! the ,or! i& they can; 5ollo, the

    same proce!ure ,ith the ,or!s

    carrot 'mime eating one. an! clock

    'use your arms to imitate moving

    han!s o& a clock ,hile making a ticktock soun!.;

    +rite the letter Cc on the 0oar!

    ne4t to the phonics car!s; Point to itan! say= "his is the letter ?si+?; "heletter ?si+? makes the ?)? soun!; "he

    pupils repeat 0oth soun!s;


    $ame '(ptional.

    +heres the LetterI

    "he pupils ,ork on their o,n or inpairs?groups; 7an! out photocopies

    o& pages &rom some story 0ooks; "hepupils search &or an! circle the letterCc on these p ag es; ou c an se t a

    time limit an! the ,inner is thepupi l?pair?group that has circle! the

    most Ccs; "his game can he lp thepupi ls un!ers tan! the link 0et,een

    the letter soun!s an! ,or!s in 0ooks;

    Pupils 0ooks open; Point to an! elicit

    the soun! o& the letter an! the ,or!s;Play the CD; "he pupi ls listen* point to

    an! repeat the ,or!s; "he pupils thencolour in the letters; E4plain to them

    that they can use any colour they like;During this process* go aroun! theclassroom an! el ic it the let ter an!

    the ,or!s &rom in!ivi!ual pupils;
















    "his is the letter ?si+?;"he letter ?si+?

    makes the ?)?soun!;

    8 Listen an!point; Choose;

    '"rack 2F.

    Point to the cat an!say= # am a cat6 "he

    pupils repeat a&teryou; 5ollo, the

    same proce!ure &or

    the carrot an! the

    clock; Play the CD;"he pupils listen

    an! point to thecat* carrot an!clock;

    )ay= # am a cat; sk

    the pupils to point

    to the correspon!ing

    item in the picture;

    %epeat ,ith the resto& the items in

    ran!om or!er;

    sk the pupils to look at thepictures on the si!e an! ch

    correct one &or each corresitem; $o aroun! the claasking pupils to name the it

    are matching;e.g. Teacher:'pointing to t

    # am

    Pupil 1: a cat6 etc

    3Chant an! sho,6 '"rac

    Put up the cat* carrot anphonics car!s on the 0oar!;

    the cat an! say= ?)?* cat6 "hrepeat a&ter you; 5ollo, th

    proce!ure an! present the

    the verses an! the ,or!s caclock; Play the CD; "he pup

    &ollo, in their 0ooks an! cha

  • 7/25/2019 My Phonics Grade 1 Teacher Book


    sk the pupils to take out their o,ncat* carrot an! clock picture car!s

    an! place them on their !esks; Playthe CD again; "he pupils listen an!

    hol! up the correspon!ing picture


    "ime permitting* repeat the chant

    ,ithout the CD this time; 1eep the

    rhythm 0y clapping your han!s or

    snapping your :ngers; Pause 0e&orethe ,or!s 'cat* carrot* clock. an!

    encourage the pupils to name the

    items &or you;

    e.g. Teacher: ?)?Pupils: cat

    Teacher: ?)?* ?)?* ?)?Pupils: cat6 etc


    ?)?* cat*?)?* ?)?* ?)?* cat6

    Cat* ?)?* ?)?* ?)?6

    ?)?* carrot*

    ?)?* ?)?* ?)?* carrot6Carrot* ?)?* ?)?* ?)?6

    ?)?* clock*

    ?)?* ?)?* ?)?* clock6Clock* ?)?* ?)?* ?)?6

    E4tension '(ptional.

    2 Divi!e the pupils in three groups'cat* carrot* clock.; Each group

    says the appropriate chant,hile the rest o& the class

    claps; sk the groups to sho,

    their correspon!ing picture

    car!s ,hile they chant;

    8 Divi!e the pupils in three groups'cat* carrot* clock.; Play the

    chant again; Each groupmimes the correspon!ingactions;

    ED#$ "7E LE))(

    My )oun! Book

    sk the pupils to take out their soun!

    0ooks 'see the #ntro!uction onho,to make a soun! 0ook.; @se a

    letterstamp or photocopy the letter Cc

    &rom the photocopia0le section

    an!stamp?glue it on a clean page;

    E4plain to the pupils that they ,ill

    take the soun! 0ook home an!their

    home,ork is to practise sayingthe

    soun! ,ith their parents;


  • 7/25/2019 My Phonics Grade 1 Teacher Book


    Unit 3Lesson 2


    to practise the soun! o& the letter

    Cc an! the correspon!ing ,or!s to

    learn an! practise rea!ing skills to

    sing a song


    cat* carrot* clock

    )ight +or!s

    a* ,ith* #* am* on

    E4tra materials

    i-Learn My Phonics car!s 'H-22.

    BE$##$ "7E LE))(

    sk the pupils to open their soun!0ooks* name the letter an! say

    the soun! o& the letter;

    Put up the phonics car!s on the

    0oar!; ame the items* one at atime;

    "he pupils mime the correspon!ing

    actions an! say the soun! o& the letter;

    e.g. Teacher:'pointing to the cat.

    catClass: 'imitating meo,ing.

    ?)? etc

    Listen; %ea! along;'"rack 2N.

    sk= Can you see the ?)? - catI Pointto it; Encourage the pupils to point to

    the picture o& the cat; %epeat,ith carrot an! clock;

    Play the CD; 7ave the pupils listen tothe story once; Play the CD again;

    "he pupils listen an! point to the

    pictures o& the key ,or!s ,hen theyhear them in the story;

    %ea! the story; "he pupils &ollo, in

    their 0ooks; "hen they ,ork in pairs;(ne rea!s ,hile the other onechecks an! then they s,ap roles;

    $o aroun! the classroom provi!ingany necessary help;

    Point to an! say the sight ,or!s; "hepupils repeat a&ter you; "ime permitting*

    have some pupils rea! them alou!;


    F )ong '"rack 2O.

    'to the tune o& 7ickory DickoryDock.

    Put up the cat* carrot an! clockphonics car!s on the 0oar!; Point tothe clock an! say= "ickety* tickety*

    tock6 "he pupils repeat a&ter you;

    5ollo, the same proce!ure an!

    present the rest o& the song; Playthe

    CD; "he pupils listen an! sing along;

    sk the pupils to take out their o,n

    cat* carrot an! clock picture car!san! place them on their !esks; Play

    the CD again; "he pupils listen an!

    hol! up the correspon!ing picture


    ')ee p; N8 &or the "apescript;.

    ED#$ "7E LE))(

    sk the pupils to &orm pairs; (ne pupil

    mimes an action correspon!ing to

    one o& the ,or!s &rom the lesson

    an! the other one says the ,or!;"hen they s,ap roles;

    Lesson 3


    to practise the letter Cc ?si+? an! its

    soun! ?)? an! the correspon!ing

    ,or!s to learn an e4tra C ,or!


    ca t* carrot* clock* car

    E4tra materials

    i-Learn My Phonics car!s 'H-22.

    car! stock paper

    BE$##$ "7E LE))(

    sk three pupils to come to the

    0oar!;$ive each pupil one o& the phonics

    car!s &rom the previous lesson; )ay=clock* cat* carrot; "he pupils line up at

    the &ront o& the class in the or!er youcalle!; Each pupil then hol!s up their

    correspon!ing phonics car! an!

    says the ,or! alou!; %epeat theactivity ,ith other pupils;

    Play the song '"rack 2O. &rom the

    previous lesson; "he pupils listen an!

    sing along;


    Elicit the letters an! the pictures; "he

    pupils match the upper case letters

    to their correspon!ing picture an!

    lo,er case letters; Check aroun!


    N Listen* point an! repeat;Colour the pictures o& the,or!s that start ,ith the csoun!; )ay the c,or!s;'"rack 2H.

    )ho, the pupils the car phonics car!;

    Point to it an! say= ?)? - car; "he pupils

    repeat a&ter you; Mime !risoun!ing like a car 'e;g; Vroo

    say= ?)?* car6 Encourage the !o the same; )ay the letter; "per&orm the action an! say t

    an! the ,or! i& they can; Play"he pupils listen* point to an

    the ,or!;

    Point to the pictures an! ha

    name them; llo, the pup

    time to colour in the pictur,or!s that start ,ith the ?$o aroun! the classroom

    any necessary help;


    Provi!e the pupils ,ith so

    stock paper; lternatively* ask

    0ring some &rom the previousk the pupils to choose on

    ,or!s; 7ave them !ra, the lethe paper; "ell them to !eco

    letter so that it represents tthey have chosen; +hen the

    they present their letters to tDisplay their ,ork in the classr

    ED#$ "7E LE))(

    )oun! an! +or!Divi!e the class into t,o team

    B; Put one o& the phonics the 0oar!; sk a pupil &rom "

    i!enti&y the soun! 'one poinpicture 'one point. or 0o

    points.; Continue ,ith a pu"eam B; +rite the points team on the 0oar!; "he team

    most points ,ins the game;

    Lesson 4 - &cti'ity (oo)

    'see page N3.

  • 7/25/2019 My Phonics Grade 1 Teacher Book


  • 7/25/2019 My Phonics Grade 1 Teacher Book


    sk the pupils to take out their o,n

    !og* !rum an! !ragon picture car!san! place them on their !esks; Playthe CD again; "he pupils listen an!

    hol! up the correspon!ing picture


    "ime permitting* repeat the chant

    ,ithout the CD this time; 1eep the

    rhythm 0y clapping your han!s or

    snapping your :ngers; Pause 0e&orethe ,or!s '!og* !rum* !ragon. an!

    encourage the pupils to name the

    items &or you;

    e.g. Teacher: ?d?Pupils: !og

    Teacher: ?d?* ?d?* ?d?Pupils: !og6 etc


    ?d?* !og*?d?* ?d?* ?d?* !og6

    Dog* ?d?* ?d?* ?d?6

    ?d?* !rum*?d?* ?d?* ?d?* !rum6

    Drum* ?d?* ?d?* ?d?6

    ?d?* !ragon*

    ?d?* ?d?* ?d?* !ragon6Dragon* ?d?* ?d?* ?d?6

    E4tension '(ptional.

    2 Divi!e the pupils in three groups'!og* !rum* !ragon.; Each

    group says theappropriate chant ,hile the

    rest o& the class claps; sk thegroups to sho, their

    correspon!ing picture car!s,hile they chant;

    8 Divi!e the pupils in three groups'!og* !rum* !ragon.; Play the

    chant again; Each groupmimes the correspon!ing


    ED#$ "7E LE))(

    My )oun! Book

    sk the pupils to take out theirsoun!0ooks 'see the #ntro!uction onho,

    to make a soun! 0ook.; @se aletterstamp or photocopy the letter D!

    &rom the photocopia0le sectionan!

    stamp?glue it on a clean page;

    E4plain to the pupils that they ,ill

    take the soun! 0ook home an!

    theirhome,ork is to practise saying


    soun! ,ith their parents;


    U i 4

  • 7/25/2019 My Phonics Grade 1 Teacher Book


    Unit 4Lesson 2


    to practise the soun! o& the letter D!

    an! the correspon!ing ,or!s to


    an! practise rea!ing skills to sing a



    !og* !rum* !ragon

    )ight +or!s it* is* a* ,ith* on

    E4tra materials

    i-Learn My Phonics car!s '23-2F.

    BE$##$ "7E LE))(sk the pupils to open their soun!0ooks* name the letter an! saythe soun! o& the letter;

    Put up the phonics car!s on the

    0oar!; ame the items* one at atime;

    "he pupils mime the correspon!ing

    actions an! say the soun! o& the letter;

    e.g. Teacher:'pointing to the !og.

    !ogClass: 'imitating 0arking.

    ?d? etc

    Listen; %ea! along;'"rack 83.

    sk= Can you see the ?d? - !ogIPoint to it; Encourage the pupils to

    point to the picture o& the !og;%epeat ,ith !rum an! !ragon;

    Play the CD; 7ave the pupils listen tothe story once; Play the CD again;

    "he pupils listen an! point to the

    pictures o& the key ,or!s ,hen theyhear them in the story;

    %ea! the story; "he pupils &ollo, in

    their 0ooks; "hen they ,ork in pairs;(ne rea!s ,hile the other one

    checks an! then they s,ap roles;

    $o aroun! the classroom provi!ingany necessary help;

    Point to an! say the sight ,or!s; "hepupils repeat a&ter you; "ime permitting*

    have some pupils rea! them alou!;


    F )ong '"rack 8.

    'to the tune o& iken Drum.

    Pu t up the !og* !rum an! !ragon

    phonics car!s on the 0oar!; Point tothe !ragon an! say= # t i s a !ragon

    ,ith a !ru m* Boom* 0oom* 0oom6

    "he pupils repeat a&ter you; 5ollo,

    the same proce!ure an! presentthe rest o& the song; Play the CD; "hepupils listen an! sing along;

    sk the pupils to take out their o,n!og* !rum an! !ragon picture

    car!s an! place them on their

    !esks; P lay the CD again; "he pupilslisten an! hol! up thecorrespon!ing picture car!s;

    ')ee p; N8 &or the "apescript;.

    ED#$ "7E LE))(

    Correct the "eacher

    7ol! up the phonicscar!s* one at a timean! ask in!ivi!ual

    pupils to correct

    your statements;

    e.g. Teacher:

    'hol!ing the !og

    phonics car!. #t isa



    Pupil 1: o6#t is a !og6


    Lesson 3


    to practise the letter D! ?di+?

    an! its soun! ?d? an! the

    correspon!ing ,or!s to learn an

    e4tra D ,or!


    !og* !rum* !ragon* !oll

    E4tra materials

    i-Learn My Phonics car!s '23-2.

    car! stock paper

    BE$##$ "7E LE))(Put the !og* !rum an! !ragon

    phonics car!s on the 0oar!; +rite the

    ,or!s &or each on separate pieceso&

    paper; 7an! out the pieces o&paperto three pupils an! ask them to stan!

    ne4t to the correspon!ing

    car!; %epeat ,ith other pupils

    Play the song '"rack 8.

    previous lesson; "he pupils

    sing along;

    Circle the pictures o,or!s that 0egin ,ithsame soun!;

    Elicit the pictures; "he pu

    the pictures o& the ,or!s t,ith the same soun!; Chethe classroom;

    N Listen* point an! rColour the pictures o& ,or!s that start ,ith thsoun!; )ay the !,or!8F.

    )ho, the pupils the !oll phonics

    ! P i i ! ?d? ! ll

  • 7/25/2019 My Phonics Grade 1 Teacher Book


    car!; Point to it an! say= ?d? - !oll;

    "he pupils repeat a&ter you; Mime

    hol!ing a small !oll an! say= ?d?*

    !oll6 Encourage the pupils to !o thesame; )ay the letter; "he pupils

    per&orm the action an! say the letteran! the ,or! i& they can; Play the

    CD; "he pupils listen* point to an!

    repeat the ,or!;

    Point to the pictures an! have pupilsname them; llo, the pupils sometime to colour in the pictures o& the

    ,or!s that start ,ith the ?d? soun!;$o aroun! the classroom provi!ing

    any necessary help;


    Provi!e the pupils ,ith some car!

    stock paper; lternatively* ask them to0ring some &rom the previous lesson;

    sk the pupils to choose one o& the,or!s; 7ave them !ra, the letter D onthe paper; "ell them to !ecorate the

    letter so that it represents the ,or!they have chosen; +hen they :nish*

    they present their letters to the class;Display their ,ork in the classroom;

    ED#$ "7E LE))(

    +hat is itI7ol! up the phonics car!s* one at a

    time* partly hi!!en 0y a sheet o&paper; )lo,ly reveal the phonics

    car!; "he pupils try to guess ,hat

    the phonics car! is;

    Lesson 4 - &cti'ity (oo)

    'see page N.


  • 7/25/2019 My Phonics Grade 1 Teacher Book


    2 sk pupils to change parts or allo& the story an! present it to the

  • 7/25/2019 My Phonics Grade 1 Teacher Book


    o& the story an! present it to theclass;

    e.g.Look at the 6 #t is onthe

    8 Photocopy the story an! the

    speech 0u00les &rom thephotocopia0le section* one setper pair; Make sure they are not in

    the right or!er; "he pupils= 2. putthe &rames o& the story in the right

    or!er 0e&ore they listen to checkan!?or 8. match the &rames to

    the speech 0u00les an! listen tocheck their ans,ers;

    3 Pupils choose their &avourite

    animal or o0/ect &rom the storyan! they !ra, it;


    Review 1

  • 7/25/2019 My Phonics Grade 1 Teacher Book


    Review 1(Aa, B, !c, "d#

    BE$##$ "7E LE))(

    "he %ea!ing "ree

    Make a simple outline o& a tree trunkan! 0ranches like the one 0elo,=

    "he tree shoul! 0e large enough to0e rea! clearly on the ,all; #t shoul!

    have 23 0ranches an! each 0ranchshoul! represent a !ierent letter;

    Prepare some simple car!s ,ith the,or!s the pupils have learnt so &ar

    'a - D!.; #& you ,ish* you canlaminate them so that you can usethem again an! again;

    7an! out the car!s to various pupils; 2sk the pupils to say the initial soun!

    Match an! colour; )ay theletter an! the soun!;

    8 Look an! tick 'Q.;

    E4plain the activity; "he pupils tick the

    3 )ay the ,or!s; Dra, lines "apescriptto match;


    (ptional %evie, ctivities

    2 Bingo= +rite the ,or!s th

    have learnt in the units 0oar!; sk the pupils toany :ve an! copy them

    note0ooks; Make surhavent all chosen the sa

    ,or!s; Call out one ,o

    another as you point topupil ,ho has the ,o

    cross it o; "he ,inner ispupil ,hose car! is c

    an! ,ho shouts B#$(6

    8 7o,s your memoryI= +

    ,or!s the pupils have lethe units on the 0oar!;

    game 0y choosing on,or!s* e;g; apple; )ay

    "hen ask a pupil 0esi!ea!! to the list* e;g; p

    "his continues aroun! tan! the list gets longlonger;

    3 $et in line= sk three pu

    come to the &ront o

    classroom; 7an! ou

    phonics car!s o& the ,

    pupils have learnt; aitems; "he pupils get in the rest o& the cla

    veri:cation; %epeat ,it

    more groups o& pup

    !ierent sets o& phonics

    an!?or the ,or! 0e&ore they comean! stick it on the correspon!ing0ranch; sk the rest o& the class &or

    veri:cation; n optional e4tensiontothis activity is to select pupils* oneata time* to remove the car!s; "he

    pupils say the soun! an!?or the,or!s 0e&ore they remove thecar!s;


    E4plain the activity; "he pupils matchthe upper case letters to the lo,ercase ones ; "hen they say the let teran! the soun!; E4plain to them thatthey can use any colour they like; $oaroun! the classroom provi!ing anynecessary help;

    letters thatcorrespon! to thepictures; $o aroun!the class roomprovi!ing anynecessary help;

    E4plain the activity; "he pupils say

    ,or!s &or each picture; "hen match the pictures that 0egin ,the same letter; 5inally they match

    pictures to the correspon!ing lette$o over the e4ample an! allo, pupils some time to complete t

    activity; $o aroun! the classrprovi!ing any necessary help;

    Listen an! circle; '"rack 8N.

    E4plain the activity; Elicit the pictures; "he pupils listen an! circle tpicture; $o aroun! the classroom provi!ing any necessary help;





  • 7/25/2019 My Phonics Grade 1 Teacher Book






































































    Unit $

  • 7/25/2019 My Phonics Grade 1 Teacher Book


    Unit $Lesson 1 snapping your :ngers; Paus


    to learn the letter Ee ? i+? an! its soun!

    ?e? to learn three Ee ,or!s


    egg* el&* elephant

    )ight +or!s


    E4tra materials

    i-Learn My Phonics car!s '2N-2H.

    photocopies o& pages &rom story


    BE$##$ "7E LE))(

    %evise the ,or!s &rom @nits 2-; Make

    t,o columns on the 0oar!; +rite

    letters a* 0* c an! ! in one column

    an! all* pple* ragon an! arrot in a

    secon! column; sk the pupils tomatch the letters in column one to

    those in the column t,o an! make

    &our ,or!s; 7ave the pupils ,rite the

    ,or!s in their note0ooks; "henchoose

    in!ivi!ual pupils to come to the0oar!* !ra, lines an! say the ,or!s;

    2Listen* point an! repeat;Colour; '"rack 8O.

    Pupils 0ooks close!; )ho, the

    pupils the egg phonics car!; Point toit an! say= ?e?; "he pupils repeat

    a&ter you; "hen say= ?e? - egg; "hepupils repeat a&ter you; Put the

    phonics car! up on the 0oar!;Mime cracking open an egg an!say= ?e?* egg6 Encourage the pupils

    to !o the same; )ay the letter; "he

    pupils per&orm the action an! saythe letter an! the ,or! i& they can;

    5ollo, the same proce!ure ,ith the

    ,or!s el& 's

  • 7/25/2019 My Phonics Grade 1 Teacher Book


    3 Chant an! sho,6 '"rack 3K.

    Put up the egg* el& an! elephantphonics car!s on the 0oar!; Point to

    the egg an! say= ?e? - egg6 "hepupils repeat a&ter you; 5ollo, the

    same proce!ure an! present the

    rest o& the verses an! the ,or!s* el&an! elephant; Play the CD; "he

    pupils listen* &ollo, in their 0ooks an!


    sk the pupils to take out their o,negg* el& an! elephant picture car!san! place them on their !esks; Play

    the CD again; "he pupils listen an!hol! up the correspon!ing picture


    "ime permitting* repeat the chant

    ,ithout the CD this time; 1eep therhythm 0y clapping your han!s or

    name the items &or you;e.g. Teacher:?e?*



    Teacher: ?e?* ?e?* ?e?Pupils: egg6 etc


    ?e?* egg*?e?* ?e?* ?e?* egg6

    Egg* ?e?* ?e?* ?e?6

    ?e?* el&*

    ?e?* ?e?* ?e?* el&6

    El&* ?e?* ?e?* ?e?6?e?* elephant*

    ?e?* ?e?* ?e?* elephant6Elephant* ?e?* ?e?* ?e?6

    E4tension '(ptional.

    2 Divi!e the pupils in three groups

    'egg* el&* elephant.; Eachgroup

    says the appropriatechant ,hile the rest o& theclass claps; sk the groups tosho, their correspon!ingpicture car!s ,hile they


    8 Divi!e the pupils in three groups

    'egg* el&* elephant.; Play thechant again; Each group

    mimes the correspon!ingactions;

    ED#$ "7E LE))(

    My )oun! Book

    sk the pupils to take out theirsoun!0ooks 'see the #ntro!uction on

    ho,to make a soun! 0ook.; @se a

    letterstamp or photocopy the letter


    &rom the photocopia0le sectionan!

    stamp?glue it on a clean page;

    E4plain to the pupils that they,ill

    take the soun! 0ook home an!theirhome,ork is to practise saying

    thesoun! ,ith their parents;


    Unit $

  • 7/25/2019 My Phonics Grade 1 Teacher Book


    Unit $Lesson 2


    to practise the soun! o& the letter Ee

    an! the correspon!ing ,or!s to


    an! practise rea!ing skills to sing a



    egg* el&* elephant

    )ight +or!s

    an* hello

    E4tra materials

    i-Learn My Phonics car!s '2N-2H.

    BE$##$ "7E LE))(

    sk the pupils to open their soun!

    0ooks* name the letter an! saythe soun! o& the letter;

    Put up the phonics car!s on the

    0oar!; ame the items* one at a

    time;"he pupils mime the correspon!ing

    actions an! say the soun! o& the


    e.g. Teacher:'pointing to the egg.

    eggClass: 'miming cracking

    open an egg. ?e?etc

    Listen; %ea! along;'"rack 32.

    sk= Can you see the ?e? - eggIPoint to it; Encourage the pupils topoint to the picture o& the egg;

    %epeat ,ith el& an! elephant;

    Play the CD; 7ave the pupils listen tothe story once; Play the CD again;

    "he pupils listen an! point to the

    pictures o& the key ,or!s ,hen theyhear them in the story;

    %ea! the story; "he pupils &ollo, intheir 0ooks; "hen the pupils ,ork in

    pairs; (ne rea!s ,hile the other onechecks an! then they s,ap roles;

    $o aroun! the classroom provi!ingany necessary help;


    Point to an! say the sight ,or!s; "hepupils repeat a&ter you; "ime permitting*

    have some pupils rea! them alou!;

    F)ong '"rack 38.

    'to the tune Mary 7a! a Little Lam0.

    Put up the egg* e l& an! elep hantphonics car!s on the 0oar!; Point tothe e l& an! s ay= "h e e l& is ,ith an

    el eph ant ; "he pu pils repeat a&te r

    you; 5ollo, the same proce!ure an!

    present the rest o& the song; Play theCD; "he pupils listen an! sing along;

    sk the pupils to take out their o,negg* e l& an! e lephant p ic ture car!s

    an! place them on their !esks; P laythe CD again; "he pup il s li sten an!

    hol! up the correspon!ing picture


    ')ee p; N8 &or the "apescript;.

    ED#$ "7E LE))(

    5orm a Line

    Put up the phonicscar!s on the

    0oar!; +rite therespective ,or!s onseparate pieces o&

    paper; 7an! outthe pieces o& paper

    to the ch il!ren

    an! ask them to line

    up in &ront o& the0oar! in the same

    or!er as thephonics car!s;%epeat the

    proce!ure,ith another group

    o& pupils;

    Lesson 3


    to practise the letter Ee ?i+? an! its

    soun! ?e? an! the correspon!ing

    ,or!s to learn an e4tra E ,or!


    egg* el&* elephant* el0o,

    E4tra materials

    i-Learn My Phonics car!s '2N-8K.

    car! stock paper

    BE$##$ "7E LE))(

    Put up the egg* el& an! elephantphonics car!s on the 0oar!; +ritethe :rst an! last letter o& each ,or!*

    e;g; e R g 0elo, each phonics car!;

    sk the pupils to :n! the letters an!,rite the ,or!s in their note0ooks;

    "hen ask in!ivi!ual pupils to cometo the 0oar!* :ll in the missing letters

    an! say the ,or!s;

    Play the song '"rack 38. previous lesson; "he pupils

    sing along;

    Listen an! tick 'Q.; '"rack

    Point to the letters an! r

    soun!s; E4plain the activity

    CD; "he pupils listen an!

    correct letter soun!;


    !ne Three "i#e

    ?e? ?)? ?e?

    Two "our Si$

    ?d? ?%? ?*?

    N Listen* point an! rColour the pictures o& ,or!s that start ,ith tsoun!; )ay the e,or!3.

    )ho, the pupils the el0o, phonicscar!; Point to it an! say= ?e? - el0o,;

    "he pupils repeat a&ter you Point to

  • 7/25/2019 My Phonics Grade 1 Teacher Book


    "he pupils repeat a&ter you; Point toyour el0o, an! say= ?e? - el0o,6

    Encourage the pupils to !o the same;)ay the letter; "he pupils per&orm the

    action an! say the letter an! the ,or!i& they can; Play the CD; "he pupils listen*

    point to an! repeat the ,or!;

    Point to the pictures an! have pupils

    name them; llo, the pupils sometime to colour in the pictures o& the,or!s that start ,ith the ?e? soun!;

    $o aroun! the classroom provi!ingany necessary help;


    Provi!e the pupils ,ith some car!

    stock paper; lternatively* ask them to

    0ring some &rom the previous lesson;sk the pupils to choose one o& the

    ,or!s; 7ave them !ra, the letter E onthe paper; "ell them to !ecorate theletter so that it represents the ,or!

    they have chosen; +hen they :nish*they present their letters to the class;

    Display their ,ork in the classroom;

    ED#$ "7E LE))(


    %evise the voca0ulary o& @nits 2-F; Puta line o& masking tape on the Goor an!

    !esignate one si!e "rue an! the other5alse; 7ol! up a phonics car!* e;g;

    egg an! say= egg; "he pupils /ump onthe "rue si!e; 7ol! up another phonics

    car!* e;g; ant an! say= !rum; "he

    pupils /ump on the 5alse si!e; Pupils,ho en! up on the ,rong si!e sit out

    until the ne4t game;

    Lesson 4 - &cti'ity (oo)

    'see page N.


    Unit %

  • 7/25/2019 My Phonics Grade 1 Teacher Book


    Unit %Lesson 1


    to learn the letter 5& ?e,? an! its soun!

    ?,? to learn three 5& ,or!s


    &o4* :sh* &rog

    )ight +or!s

    my* &unny

    E4tra materials

    i-Learn My Phonics car!s '2N-83. photocopies o& pages &rom story


    BE$##$ "7E LE))(

    %evise the ,or!s &rom the previous

    unit; Put up the egg* el&* elephant* an!

    el0o, phonics car!s on the 0oar!;

    +rite the letters o& each ,or! in

    /um0le! or!er aroun! the phonics

    car!s; sk the pupils to ,rite the ,or!s

    in their note0ooks; sk in!ivi!ual

    pupils to come to the 0oar! an! ,rite

    the ,or!s;

    2Listen* point an! repeat;Colour; '"rack 3F.

    Pupils 0ooks close!; )ho, the pupils

    the &o4 phonics car!; Point to it an!say= ?,?; "he pupils repeat a&ter you;"hen say= ?,? - &o4; "he pupils repeata&ter you; Put the phonics car! up on

    the 0oar!; Mime a long pointy snoutan! a 0ushy tail an! say= ?,?* &o46Encourage the pupils to !o the same;

    )ay the letter; "he pupils per&orm the

    action an! say the letter an! the

    ,or! i& they can; 5ollo, the same

    proce!ure ,ith the ,or!s $sh'preten! to catch a :sh ,ith a :shingro!. an! &rog 'say= croak* croak.;

    +rite the letter 5& on the 0oar! ne4t

    to the phonics car!s; Point to it an!say= "his is the letter 5& ? e,?; "he letter5& ?e,? makes the ?,? soun!; "he

    pupils repeat 0oth soun!s;


    $ame '(ptional.

    +heres the LetterI

    "he pupils ,ork on their o,n or inpairs?groups; 7an! out photocopies

    o& pages &rom some story 0ooks; "hepupils search &or an! circle the letter

    5& on these pages; ou can set a timel imit an! the ,inner is the pupil ?pair?

    group that has circ le! the most 5&s;"his game can help the pupils

    un!er stan! the link 0e t,een the

    letter soun!s an! ,or!s in 0ooks;

    Pupils 0ooks open; Point to an! elicit

    the soun! o& the letter an! the ,or!s;

    Play the CD; "he pupils listen an!repeat; "he pupi ls then colour in theletters; E4plain to them that they can

    use any colour they like; Provi!e anynecessary help; During this process* go

    aroun! the classroom an! elicit theletter an! the ,or!s &rom in!ivi!ual



    ?,? - &o4?











    "his is the letter 5&?e,?; "he letter

    5& ?e,? makes

    the ?,? soun!;

    8 Listen an!point; Choose;

    '"rack 3.

    Point to the &o4 an!say= My &unny*&o46 "he pupils

    repeat a&ter you;5ollo, the same

    proce!ure &or the

    :sh an! the &rog;Play the CD; "hepupils listen an! pointto the &o4* $sh*

    an! &rog;

    )ay= My &unny* &o46sk the pupils topoint to the

    correspon!inganimal in

    the picture; %epeat,ith the rest o&

    the animals inran!om or!er; "henin!ivi!ual pupils

    rea! the ,or!s

    ,hile pointing to the corrpicture;

    sk the pupils to look at thpictures on the si!e an! ch

    correct one &or each correanimal; $o aroun! the cl

    asking pupils to name thee.g. Teacher:'pointing to th

    My &unny* ;;;

    Pupil 1: &o46 etc

    3Chant an! sho,6 '"rac

    Put up the &o4* $sh an! &ro

    car!s on the 0oar!; Point t

    an! say= ?,? - &o46 "he pupia&ter you; 5ollo, the same an! present the rest o& th

    an! the ,or!s $sh an! &rog

    CD; "he pupils listen* &ollo0ooks an! chant;


  • 7/25/2019 My Phonics Grade 1 Teacher Book


    sk the pupils to take out their o,n

    &o4* $sh an! &rog picture car!s an!place them on their !esks; Play theCD again; "he pupils listen an! hol!

    up the correspon!ing picture car!s;

    "ime permitting* repeat the chant

    ,ithout the CD this time; 1eep therhythm 0y clapping your han!s or

    snapping your :ngers; Pause 0e&ore

    the ,or!s '&o4* $sh* &rog. an!encourage the pupils to name the

    animals &or you;e.g. Teacher: ?,?

    Pupils: &o4Teacher: ?,?* ?,?* ?,?

    Pupils: &o46 etc

    ?,?* &o4*?,?* ?,?* ?&?* &o46

    5o4* ?,?* ?,?* ?,?6

    ?,?* $sh*

    ?,?* ?,?* ?,?* $sh6

    5ish* ?,?* ?,?* ?,?6

    ?,?* &rog*

    ?,?* ?,?* ? ,?* &rog65rog* ?,?* ?,?* ?,?6

    E4tension '(ptional.

    2 Divi!e the pupils in three groups'&o4* $sh* &rog.; Each group says the

    appropriate chant ,hile the resto& the class claps; sk the

    groups to sho, theircorrespon!ing picture car!s

    ,hile they chant;

    8 Divi!e the pupils in three groups'&o4* $sh* &rog.; Play the chantagain; Each group mimes the

    correspon!ing actions;

    ED#$ "7E LE))(

    My )oun! Booksk the pupils to take out their

    soun!0ooks 'see the #ntro!uction on

    ho,to make a soun! 0ook.; @se aletter

    stamp or photocopy the letter5&

    &rom the photocopia0le sectionan!

    stamp?glue it on a clean page;

    E4plain to the pupils that they ,ill

    take the soun! 0ook home an!

    theirhome,ork is to practise saying

    thesoun! ,ith their parents;


    Unit %

  • 7/25/2019 My Phonics Grade 1 Teacher Book


    Unit %Lesson 2


    to practise the soun! o& the letter 5&

    an! the correspon!ing ,or!s to learn

    an! practise rea!ing skills to sing a



    &o4* :sh* &rog

    )ight +or!s

    my* &unny* an!* are* ,ith

    E4tra materials

    i-Learn My Phonics car!s '82-83.

    BE$##$ "7E LE))(

    sk the pupils to open their soun!0ooks* name the letter an! say

    the soun! o& the letter;

    Put up the phonics car!s on the

    0oar!; ame the items* one at atime;

    "he pupils mime the correspon!ing

    actions an! say the soun! o& the

    letter;e;g; Teacher= 'pointing to the


    Class: 'miming a longpointy snout an! a

    0ushy tail. ?&? etc

    Listen; %ea! along;'"rack 3O.

    sk= Can you see the ?,? - &o4I Point

    to it; Encourage the pupils to point tothe picture o& the &o4; %epeat ,ith

    $sh an! &rog;

    Play the CD; 7ave the pupils listen to

    the story once; Play the CD again;"he pupils listen an! point to the

    pictures o& the key ,or!s ,hen they

    hear them in the story;

    %ea! the story; "he pupils &ollo, in

    their 0ooks; "hen they ,ork in pairs;(ne rea!s ,hile the other one

    checks an! then they s,ap roles;

    $o aroun! the classroom provi!ing

    any necessary help;

    Point to an! say the sight ,or!s; "he


    pupils repeat a&ter you; "ime permitting* have somepupils rea! them alou!;

    F)ong '"rack 3H.

    'to the tune o& 5ive Little )peckle! 5rogs.

    Put up the &o4* $sh an! &rog phonics car!s on the

    0oar!; Point to the &rog an! say= 5rank is a &unny&rog; "he pupils repeat a&ter you; 5ollo, the same

    proce!ure an! present the rest o& the song;

    Play the CD; "he pupils listen an! sing along;

    sk the pupils to take out their o,n&o4* $sh an! &rog picture car!s an!

    place them on the ir !esks; Play the

    CD again; "he pupi ls l isten an! hol!up the correspon!ing picture car!s;

    ')ee p; N8 &or the "apescript;.

    ED#$ "7E LE))(

    )pin the Bottle

    sk the pupils to sitin a circle ,ith a

    0ottle in the mi!!le;)pin the 0ottle;

    +hen it stops* sho,

    the pupil it is

    pointing to a phonicscar! an! elicit itsname; #& the ans,er is

    correct then thatpupil can spin the

    0ottle; %epeat ,ith

    other phonics car!s;

    Lesson 3


    to practise the letter 5& ?e,? an! its

    soun! ?,? an! the correspon!ing

    ,or!s to learn an e4tra 5 ,or!


    &o4* :sh* &rog* &ork

    E4tra materials

    i-Learn My Phonics car!s '2-8.

    car! stock paper

    BE$##$ "7E LE))(

    Put up the &o4* $sh an! &rog phonicscar!s on the 0oar!; +rite the ,or!sin a column in ran!om or!er; sk

    in!ivi!ual pupils to come to the0oar! an! match the phonics car!s

    to the ,or!s 0y !ra,ing lines;

    Play the song '"rack 3H. &rom the

    previous lesson; "he pupils sing along;

    Circle the right letters;

    Point to the pictures an!

    names o& the items; Point to an! revise the soun!s; E4

    activity; "he pupils look at than! circle the correspon!ing

    N Listen* point an! rColour the pictures o& ,or!s that start ,ith thesoun!; )ay the &,or!s


    )ho, the pupils the &ork pho

    Point to it an! say= ?,? - &ork;

    repeat a&ter you; Preten! to u

    an! eat; )ay= ?,? - &ork6 Ethe pupils to !o the same;

    letter; "he pupils per&orm the

    an! say the letter an! the ,or! i& theycan; Play the CD; "he pupils listen*

    point to an! repeat the ,or!;

  • 7/25/2019 My Phonics Grade 1 Teacher Book


    Point to the pictures an! have pupilsname them; llo, the pupils sometime to colour in the pictures o& the

    ,or!s that start ,ith the ?,? soun!;$o aroun! the classroom provi!ing

    any necessary help;


    Provi!e the pupils ,ith some car!

    stock paper; lternatively* ask them to0ring some &rom the previous lesson;

    sk the pupils to choose one o& the

    ,or!s; 7ave them !ra, the letter 5 onthe paper; "ell them to !ecorate the

    letter so that it represents the ,or!they have chosen; +hen they :nish*

    they present their letters to the class;Display their ,ork in the classroom;

    ED#$ "7E LE))(

    oughts an! CrossesDra, a large 343 gri! on the 0oar!;

    +rite a num0er 2-H in the upper righthan! corner o& each space; Choosenine phonics car!s an! stick them&ace !o,n on each space on the gri!;

    'Make sure to cover the ,or!s ,ith a0lank piece o& paper;. Divi!e the pupilsinto t,o teams* "eam an! "eam (;Choose a pupil &rom "eam to go :rst;

    "he pupil calls out a num0er to see the

    phonics car!; #& he?she names thepicture! item correctly* an is place!in the space; #& not* the car! is place!&ace !o,n again an! a pupil &rom

    "eam ( chooses a num0er; "he teamthat succee!s in placing threerespective marks in a horiAontal* vertical*

    or !iagonal ro, ,ins the game;

    Lesson 4 - &cti'ity (oo)

    'see page NF.


    Unit &

  • 7/25/2019 My Phonics Grade 1 Teacher Book


    Lesson 1


    to learn the letter $g ? di+? an! its

    soun! ?? to learn three $g ,or!s


    gl ass* goat* gar!en

    )ight +or!s

    look* at* the* my

    E4tra materials

    i-Learn My Phonics car!s '82-8N. photocopies o& pages &rom story


    BE$##$ "7E LE))(

    %evise the ,or!s &rom the previous unit;

    Put up the &o4* $sh* &rog an! &orkphonics car!s on the 0oar!; +rite the:rst an! last letters o& each ,or! 0elo,

    each phonics car!; sk the pupils to :ll

    in the missing letters an! ,rite the

    ,or!s in their note0ooks; "hen ask

    in!ivi!ual pupils to come to the 0oar!

    an! ,rite the missing letters;

    2Listen* point an! repeat;Colour; '"rack 2.

    Pupils 0ooks close!; )ho, the pupils

    the glass phonics car!; Point to it an!say= ??; "he pupils repeat a&ter you;

    "hen say= ?? - glass; "he pupils repeat

    a&ter you; Put the phonics car! up on

    the 0oar!; Mime !rinking &rom a glass

    an! say= ??* glass6 Encourage thepupils to !o the same; )ay the letter;

    "he pupils per&orm the action an! say

    the letter an! the ,or! i& they can;

    5ollo, the same proce!ure ,ith the

    ,or!s goat 'say= Meh-eh-eh6 Meh-eh-

    eh6. an! gar!en 'preten! picking

    an! smelling Go,ers.;

    +rite the letter $g on the 0oar! ne4tto the phonics car!s; Point to it an!

    say= "his is the letter $g ?di+?; "heletter $g ?di+? makes the ?? soun!;

    "he pupils repeat 0oth soun!s;


    $ame '(ptional.

    +heres the LetterI

    "he pupils ,ork on their o,n or inpairs?groups; 7an! out photocopies

    o& pages &rom some story 0ooks; "hepupils search &or an! circle the letter$g on these pages; ou can s et a

    time limit an! the ,inner is thepupi l?pair?group that has circ le! the

    most $gs; "his game can help the

    pupi ls un!ers tan! the link 0et,een

    the letter soun!s an! ,or!s in 0ooks;

    Pupils 0ooks open; Point to an!

    elicit the soun! o& the letter an! the

    ,or!s; P lay the CD; "he pupils l istenan! repeat; "he pupils then colour inthe letters; E4plain to them that they

    can use any colour they l ike; Provi!eany necessary help; During thisprocess* go aroun ! the classroom

    an! el ici t the letter an! the ,or!s

    &rom in!ivi!ual pupils;



















    "his is the letter

    $g ?di+?; "he letter

    $g ?di+? makes

    the ?? soun!;

    8 Listen an!point; Colour;

    '"rack 8.

    Point to the glassan! say= Look at theglass6 "he pupils

    repeat a&ter you;

    5ollo, the sameproce!ure &or thegoat an! the

    gar!en; Play theCD; "he pupils listen

    an! point to theglass* goat an!


    )ay= Look at the

    glass6 sk the pupilsto po int to the

    correspon!ing iteminthe picture; %epeat

    ,ith the rest o&the items in

    ran!om or!er; "hen

    in!ivi!ual pupils rea! th,hile pointing to the corre


    sk the pupils to colour t

    an! the goat* using any colike; $o aroun! the classroompupils to name the items

    colouring;e.g. Teacher: 'pointing to t

    Look at the ;;;

    Pupil 1: glass6 etc

    3Chant an! sho,6 '"rac

    Put up the glass* goat an

    phonics car!s on the 0oar!the glass an! say= ?? - glpupils repeat a&ter you; 5same proce!ure an! present

    o& the verses an! the ,or!s gar!en; Play the CD; "he pup

    &ollo, in their 0ooks an! chan


    ?? glass

  • 7/25/2019 My Phonics Grade 1 Teacher Book


    sk the pupils to take out their o,n

    glass* goat an! gar!en picture car!san! place them on their !esks; Playthe CD again; "he pupils listen an!

    hol! up the correspon!ing picture


    "ime permitting* repeat the chant

    ,ithout the CD this time; 1eep the

    rhythm 0y clapping your han!s or

    snapping your :ngers; Pause 0e&orethe ,or!s 'glass* goat* gar!en. an!

    encourage the pupils to name the

    items &or you;

    e.g. Teacher:??Pupils: glass

    Teacher: ??* ??* ??Pupils: glass6 etc

    ??* glass*??* ??* ??* glass6$lass* ??* ??* ??6

    ??* goat*

    ??* ??* ??* goat6$oat* ??* ??* ??6

    ??* gar!en*

    ??* ??* ??* gar!en6$ar!en* ??* ??* ??6

    E4tension '(ptional.

    2 Divi!e the pupils in three groups'glass* goat* gar!en.; Each

    group says theappropriate chant ,hile the

    rest o& the class claps; sk thegroups to sho, their

    correspon!ing picture car!s,hile they chant;

    8 Divi!e the pupils in three groups'glass* goat* gar!en.; Play the

    chant again; Each groupmimes the correspon!ing


    ED#$ "7E LE))(

    My )oun! Booksk the pupils to take out their

    soun!0ooks 'see the #ntro!uction onho,

    to make a soun! 0ook.; @se aletterstamp or photocopy the letter $g

    &rom the photocopia0le sectionan!

    stamp?glue it on a clean page;

    E4plain to the pupils that they ,ill

    take the soun! 0ook home an!

    theirhome,ork is to practise saying

    thesoun! ,ith their parents;


    Unit &

  • 7/25/2019 My Phonics Grade 1 Teacher Book


    Lesson 2


    to practise the soun! o& the letter


    an! the correspon!ing ,or!s to learn

    an! practise rea!ing skills to sing a



    gl ass* goat* gar!en

    )ight +or!s

    look* at* the* ,ith* in my

    E4tra materials

    i-Learn My Phonics car!s '8F-8N.

    BE$##$ "7E LE))(

    sk the pupils to open their soun!0ooks* name the letter an! say

    the soun! o& the letter;

    Put up the phonics car!s on the

    0oar!; ame the items* one at atime;

    "he pupils mime the correspon!ing

    actions an! say the soun! o& the letter;e.g. Teacher: 'pointing to theglass.=

    glassClass: 'miming !rinking &rom

    a glass. ?? etc

    Listen; %ea! along;'"rack .

    sk= Can you see the ?.? - glassI

    Point to it; Encourage the pupils topoint to the picture o& the glass;

    %epeat ,ith goat an! gar!en;

    Play the CD; 7ave the pupils listen to

    the story once; Play the CD again;"he pupils listen an! point to the

    pictures o& the key ,or!s ,hen theyhear them in the story;

    %ea! the story; "he pupils &ollo, in their

    0ooks; "hen they ,ork in pairs; (ne

    rea!s ,hile the other one checksan!

    then they s,ap roles; $o aroun! the

    c lass room provi!ing anynecessaryhelp;

    Point to an! say the sight ,or!s;"he

    pupils repeat a&ter you; "ime


    have some pupils rea! themalou!;


    F )ong '"rack F.

    'to the tune o& Do,n in the Valley.

    Put up the gla ss* goat an! gar!enphonics car!s on the 0oar!; Point to

    the gar!en an! say= Look at mygar!en6 "he pupi ls repeat a&ter you;

    5ollo, the same proce!ure an!present the rest o& the song; Play the

    CD; "he pupils listen an! sing along;

    sk the pupils to take out their o,n

    glass* goat an! gar!en picture car!san! place them on their !esks; P lay

    the CD again; "he pup il s li sten an!hol! up the correspon!ing picture


    ')ee p; N8 &or the "apescript;.

    ED#$ "7E LE))(


    Divi!e the class into t,o teams* an!

    B; sk a pupil tocome to the 0oar!;

    +hisper one o& thetarget voca0ulary,or!s to him?her;

    +ithout speaking*the pupil !ra,s a

    picture o& the ,or!on the 0oar!; "he

    :rst team to guessthe ,or! ,ins apoint; %epeat the

    activity ,ith asmany pupils as you

    think is necessary;"he team ,ith the

    most points ,ins thegame;

    Lesson 3


    to practise the letter $g ?di+? an! its

    soun! ?? an! the correspon!ing

    ,or!s to learn an e4tra $ ,or!


    gl ass* goat* gar!en* gorilla

    E4tra materials

    i-Learn My Phonics car!s '8F-8O.

    c ar! stock paper

    BE$##$ "7E LE))(

    Put the glass* goat an! gar!en

    phonics car!s on your !esk; sk apupil to come to your !esk* give

    him?her 0lu-tack an! tell him?her toattach the phonics car!s to the

    0oar! in the or!er you call them out;%epeat the activity ,ith other pupils;

    Play the song '"rack F.

    previous lesson; "he pupils

    sing along;

    Circle the letters $gthe gsoun!;

    Point to the letters an! re

    soun!s; E4plain the activity; "

    look at the picture an! c

    letters $g;

    N Listen* point an! rColour the pictures o& ,or!s that start ,ith t

    soun!; )ay the g,or!.

    )ho, the pupils the gorilla

    car!; Point to it an! say= ??"he pupils repeat a&ter yo

    poun!ing your :sts on yo)ay= ?.? - gorilla6 Encourage

    pupils to !o the same; )ay the letter;

    "he pupils per&orm the action an!

    say the letter an! the ,or! i& they

    can; Play the CD; "he pupils listen*

  • 7/25/2019 My Phonics Grade 1 Teacher Book


    y p p

    point to an! repeat the ,or!;

    Point to the pictures an! have pupils

    name them; llo, the pupils sometime to colour in the pictures o& the

    ,or!s that start ,ith the ?? soun!;$o aroun! the classroom provi!ing

    any necessary help;


    Provi!e the pupils ,ith some car!

    stock paper; lternatively* ask them

    to 0ring some &rom the previouslesson; sk the pupils to choose one

    o& the ,or!s; 7ave them !ra, the

    letter $ on the paper; "ell them to

    !ecorate the letter so that it

    represents the ,or! they have

    chosen; +hen they :nish* theypresent their letters to the class;Display their ,ork in the classroom;

    ED#$ "7E LE))(BingoPrepare some Bingo car!s ,ith the,or!s you ,ant to practise an!

    han! them out to the pupils; Provi!e

    them ,ith small pieces o& paper to

    cover the ,or!s; )ay the ,or!s or

    sho, pictures an! have the pupils

    cover the ,or!s on their Bingo car!s;"he ,inner is the :rst pupil ,hosecar! is covere! an! ,ho shouts


    Lesson 4 - &cti'ity (oo)

    'see page NF.


    Unit '

  • 7/25/2019 My Phonics Grade 1 Teacher Book


    Lesson 1 snapping your :ngers; Pause


    to learn the letter 7h ?heitS? an! its

    soun! ?h? to learn three 7h ,or!s


    hat* hen* hippo

    )ight +or!s

    a* ,ith

    E4tra materials

    i-Learn My Phonics car!s '8F-32. photocopies o& pages &rom story


    BE$##$ "7E LE))(

    %evise the ,or!s &rom the previous

    unit; )ho, the pupils phonics car!s8F-8O* one at a time* an! ask &or


    e.g. Teacher:'sho,ing the glassphonics car!. #s it a

    glassIPupil 1: es;Teacher:'sho,ing the gar!en

    phonics car!. #s it a

    goatIPupil : o; etc

    2Listen* point an! repeat;Colour; '"rack N.

    Pupils 0ooks close!; )ho, the pupils

    the hat phonics car!; Point to it an!say= ?h?; "he pupils repeat a&ter you;

    "hen say= ?h? - hat; "he pupils repeata&ter you; Put the phonics car! up onthe 0oar!; Mime putting on a hat an!

    say= ?h?* hat6 Encourage the pupils to!o the same; )ay the letter; "he pupils

    per&orm the action an! say the letter

    an! the ,or! i& they can; 5ollo, the

    same proce!ure ,ith the ,or!s hen

    'say= Cluck* cluck6. an! hippo 'act

    like a hippo* e;g; mime 0einglarge

    an! opening your mouth;.;

    +rite the letter 7h on the 0oar!

    ne4tto the phonics car!s; Point to it an!

    say= "his is the letter 7h ?heitS?; "he


    letter 7h ?heitS? makes the ?h? soun!;"he pupils repeat0oth soun!s;

    $ame '(ptional.

    +heres the LetterI"he pupils ,ork on their o,n or in

    pairs?groups; 7an! out photocopieso& pages &rom some story 0ooks; "he

    pupils search &or an! circle the letter7h on these pages; ou can s et a

    time limit an! the ,inner is thepupi l?pair?group that has circ le! themost 7hs; "his game can he lp the

    pupi ls un!ers tan! the link 0et,een

    the letter soun!s an! ,or!s in 0ooks;Pupils 0ooks open; Point to an!elicit the soun! o& the letter an! the

    ,or!s; P lay the CD; "he pupils l istenan! repeat; "he pupils then colour in

    the letters; E4plain to

    them that they canuse any colour they

    l ike; Provi!e anynecessary help;

    During thisprocess* go aroun!

    the classroom an!

    elicit the letter an!

    the ,or!s &rom

    in!ivi!ual pupils;


    ?h? - hat?










    "his is the letter7h ?heitS?; "he letter

    7h ?heitS? makesthe ?h?soun!;

    8 Listen an!point; Colour;

    '"rack O.

    Point to the hen

    ,ith the hat an!

    say= hen ,ith a

    hat6 "he pupils

    repeat a&ter you; 5ollo, th

    proce!ure &or the hippo ,ithPlay the CD; "he pupils li

    point to the glass* goat an! g

    )ay= hen ,ith a hat6 sk th

    point to the correspon!ing itpicture; %epeat ,ith the rest oin ran!om or!er; "hen in!ivi!

    rea! the ,or!s ,hile point

    correspon!ing picture;

    sk the pupils to colour

    using any colour they like; $o classroom* asking pupils to

    items they are colouring;

    e.g. Teacher:'pointing to th hen ,ith a

    Pupil 1: hat6 etc

    the ,or!s 'hat* hen*! encourage the pupils toname the items &or you;e.g. Teacher:? h?*


  • 7/25/2019 My Phonics Grade 1 Teacher Book


    3 Chant an! sho,6 '"rack H.

    Put up the hat* hen an! hippophonics car!s on the 0oar!; Point to

    the hat an! say= ?h? - hat6 "he pupilsrepeat a&ter you; 5ollo, the same

    proce!ure an! present the rest o&

    the verses an! the ,or!s hen an!hippo; Play the CD; "he pupils listen*

    &ollo, in their 0ooks an! chant;

    sk the pupils to take out their o,nhat* hen an! hippo picture car!s

    an! place them on their !esks; Play

    the CD again; "he pupils listen an!hol! up the correspon!ing picture


    "ime permitting* repeat the chant

    ,ithout the CD this time; 1eep therhythm 0y clapping your han!s or



    Teacher: ?h?* ?h?* ?h?Pupils: hat6 etc


    ?h?* hat*?h?* ? h?* ?h?* hat6

    7at* ?h?* ?h?* ?h?6

    ?h?* hen*?h?* ?h?* ?h?* hen6

    7en* ?h?* ?h?* ?h?6

    ?h?* hippo*?h?* ?h?* ?h?* hippo67ippo* ?h?* ?h?* ?h?6

    E4tension '(ptional.

    2 Divi!e the pupils in three groups'hat* hen* hippo.; Each group

    says the appropriate chant

    ,hile the rest o& the classclaps; sk the groups to

    sho, their correspon!ing

    picture car!s ,hile theychant;

    8 Divi!e the pupils in three groups

    'hat* hen* hippo.; Play the chantagain; Each group mimes the

    correspon!ing actions;

    ED#$ "7E LE))(

    My )oun! Book

    sk the pupils to take out theirsoun!

    0ooks 'see the #ntro!uction onho,

    to make a soun! 0ook.; @se aletterstamp or photocopy the letter 7h

    &rom the photocopia0le section

    an!stamp?glue it on a clean page;

    E4plain to the pupils that they ,ill

    take the soun! 0ook home an!their

    home,ork is to practise sayingthe

    soun! ,ith their parents;

  • 7/25/2019 My Phonics Grade 1 Teacher Book


  • 7/25/2019 My Phonics Grade 1 Teacher Book


    Story Time

  • 7/25/2019 My Phonics Grade 1 Teacher Book


    (ptional )tory "ime ctivitie


    to consoli!ate the soun! o& the

    letters Ee* 5&* $g an! 7h an! the

    correspon!ing ,or!s to learn an!

    practise rea!ing skills



    E4tra materials

    i-Learn My Phonics car!s '2N-38.

    BE$##$ "7E LE))(

    )pee! %ace

    Put three chairs in &ront o& the 0oar!;

    Divi!e the class into three teams* *

    B an! C; 7ave a pupil &rom each

    team stan! up; Put a phonics car!on each chair; Call out one o& the

    phonics car!s; "he pupils stan!ingtry to 0e the :rst to sit on the chair

    ,ith the correspon!ing phonics

    car!; "he :rst pupil to sit on the chair,ins a point &or his?her team; "he

    team ,ith the most points ,ins;

    2Listen; %ea! along;'"rack F3.

    "ell the pupils that its story time; skthem* in L2 i& necessary* i& they

    remem0er the previous story; #& not*

    you can spen! some time going

    through it; +rite the &ollo,ing ,or!son the 0oar! or prepare some slips

    o& paper ,ith the ,or!s on them; oucan laminate them &or &uture use;

    hippo el& gar!en

    :sh &rog

    sk pupils to rea! out the ,or!s;

    #nvite guesses* in L2 i& necessary*

    a0out ,hat they think the story isa0out; Do not !ismiss any i!eas;


    sk the pupils to look at the 0ook; )et the scene

    0y asking