my proposal


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Page 1: My Proposal






Language is a set of rules used by human as tool of their

communication. The use of the language is governed by the conventional rules

shared by the speakers of the language. Each of them must obey the rule.

Otherwise, they cannot use it effectively for the sake of their communication well.

Even worst, they cannot understand each other. Therefore, in order to be

successful to join a communicative interaction, the members of a speech

community must use their language according to the conventional rules they share

among themselves. (Siahaan Sanggam : 2008)

One of the international languages is English beside Arabic, Chinese,

France, Russian, and Spains(

bahasa-resmi-pbb.html). Because that fact, many people around the word learn

English. The advantages of mastering English are, (1) we can understand many

english text books mostly used in education; (2) it is the medium we use to share

our thoughts with the world; (3) it implies education, good taste, and refinement,

and it will certainly make you standout against the competition; and (4) this will

set you apart and gain you immediate respect and credibility in business. etc.

The English distinguish to oral achievement and written achievement.

The oral achievements consist of speaking and listening, written achievements

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consist of reading and writing. The learners have to study all of the forth skills

(speaking, listening, reading, and writing) to master in English. However, many

students are difficult in writing skill. Mastering another skill is necessary in

writing. For example, to start writing a writer must master in grammar and the

concept of writing itself.

Based on the explanation above, the researcher will take the writing

skill in this study. Because, writing is very important skill in English especially

and there are so many student / learner difficult to master in English. Beside that,

writing is useful when we want to applied a job.

This study counts heavily on senior high school student because the

student in this stage had studied the basic of writing such as grammar. Writing is a

productive language skill (Siahaan Sangham : 2008 ) that is important to the

senior high school student to master in writing.

Teaching writing skills in the classroom gives the learners / students

new experience. The experience means that the student can count / realize how far

their ability in writing. The researcher also can guide them to reach the higher

level of writing interest to the student. Beside that, the researcher can help how to

make a good writing work and make an efficient writing work.

The one of writing’s work component is paragraph. Paragraph is a

piece of written text. It contains several sentences. It can be classified into three

parts; they are the beginning, body and ending. As a text, a paragraph contains

several sentences which can be classified into three parts. The first part of a

paragraph is called beginning. Commonly it only has one sentence. It is the most

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important sentence in the paragraph. It functions as an introduction or topic

sentence. The second part is called the body. It contains several supporting

sentence. Each of these sentences elaborates the topic sentence. The third part is

called the ending. It is a complete sentence. It concludes the development of the

paragraph. It closes the paragraph. As the ending, it is always at the end of the

paragraph. Technically, it is also called the concluding sentence. It can be defined

then that a paragraph is the piece of writing which contains topic sentence, some

supporting sentence and concluding sentence.

This study discuss about paragraph, especially procedure paragraph.

Procedure paragraph is studied by the tenth grade of senior high school. The

researcher will release what is the result of the study in this thesis.


In this part, the writer will describe the limitation of the problem and

the formulation of the problem. They are as the illustration follow:

a. The Limitation of the Problem.

1. Writing paragraph will be limited on the procedure paragraph

2. The teaching method will be used is demonstration method

3. The students that will be subject the study is the tenth grade

students of SMA Negeri Tugumulyo in the academic year of


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b. Formulation of the Problem

Based on the limitation problem above the formulation of the

problem of this study as follow: “is it significantly effective teaching

procedure paragraph by using demonstration method to the tenth

grade students of SMA Negeri Tugumulyo in academic year



The objective of this study is to know whether or not it is significantly

effective teaching procedure paragraph by using demonstration method to the

tenth grade students of SMA Negeri Tugumulyo in academic year 2012/2013.


The result of this study is useful not only to the researcher, but also to

the English teacher and the student. From this study, the researcher expects that

the agility of the student in writing paragraph will increase. The significant of the

study illustrated below:

a. The students

This researcher will bring the students a new experience of

learning English. A new experience will increase the students’

interest of learning English, especially learn writing skill.

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b. The English teacher

The result of this study is useful to the English teacher. The

teacher can use the result of study as the benchmarks of

effectiveness from the previous method. The English teacher also

can develop the method or technique that suitable to their students.

c. The Researcher

The researcher will acquire much experiences and knowledge by

do the study. It is expected to be able to help the researcher as the

prospective English teacher in the future time.


a. Teaching Writing Paragraph

This study focused in the writing skill of student. The writing skill

is very necessary for students, and there are some parts of writing

component such as text, paragraph and essay. This study is

limited by paragraph. Paragraph is a distinct section of a piece of

writing, usually dealing with a single theme and indicated by a

new line, indentation, or numbering.

b. Procedure Paragraph

Paragraph has some kinds. This study only focuses on one kind of

paragraph. The paragraph that means is procedure paragraph. This

material is studied by the tenth grade of senior high school’s


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c. Demonstration Method

These studies present the demonstration method to reach the

purpose. Demonstration method means learning by doing. The

students also practice what they have learned by act directly.


a. The Concept of Teaching

Teaching; activities that impart knowledge or skill; "he received no  f

ormal education"; "our instruction was carefully programmed"; "goo

d teaching is seldom rewarded.

Teaching is a contract between a student and a teacher. This implies

that teachers and students have an agreement and some distinct

obligations to each other. There is also an agreement to give the

teaching obligation your best shot, and to expect the same from all

the learners. Good teaching is hard work and every class meeting is a

performance. The good teacher truly likes what he or she does and

takes up the task at hand with vigor. If this contract meets your

career goals, you may be on the way to becoming an outstanding

teacher! In the typical setting, the student gathers information from

the teacher; in a broader context, the wise teacher is also a student.

The teacher-student relationship is dynamic. Teaching is

bidirectional and challenging. This is the case with a highly

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enthusiastic teacher - student relationship. The common goal of

teaching is always the same



b. The Concept of Writing

Writing is a process of expressing ideas or thoughts in words should

be done at our leisure. There are three basic principles of writing

namely, content, register and topic, which need to be consider in a

piece of academic writing. Referring to content, it should be made

clear, specific and relevant. However, register should be formal, to

the point and concise. Topic on the other hand, should be from

offences and should avoid sensitive issues in most cases.

c. The Concept of Procedure Paragraph

Procedure is the set of steps which should be completed in the right

sequence to get the goal. In our daily life, we often have to perform

some steps to make or get something done. For example, early in the

morning, you help your mother prepare cups of tea for all members

of your family. In making cups of tea, you have to follow certain

procedure in order to get a nice drink. Most of our daily activities are

related with procedures. That is why, you should understand what a

procedure text is, how to make and use it. The generic structure

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of procedure has three principal components namely (1) the goal, (2)

materials and (3) steps.

(a). Generic Structure of procedure :

1. Goal : Title of the text (especially for a recipe)

2. Materials : Optional, not for all procedural texts

3. Steps : a series steps oriented to achieving the Goal

(b). Generic Features

(1). The use of Simple Present Tense, often in an imperative form

e.g. Add some sugar, prepare it,.

(2). The use mainly of temporal conjunction (or numbering to

indicate sequence especially in written text)

As the sentence introducers (sequencers) especially in spoken text:

First … Firstly …

Second … Secondly …

Then … Thirdly …

After that … Afterwards …

Finally … Lastly …

e.g. Firstly, prepare some water!

b. As time introducers, especially in written text

… before …

After …

When …

While …

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… until …

During …

e.g. While you are boiling the water, grind the chilies, onions and salt

d. The Concept of Demonstration Method

A teaching method comprises the principles and methods used

for instruction. Commonly used teaching methods may include class

participation, demonstration, recitation, memorization, or

combinations of these. The choice of teaching method or methods to

be used depends largely on the information or skill that is being

taught, and it may also be influenced by the aptitude and enthusiasm

of the students.(

Demonstration Method Use the demonstration or “doing” method to

teach skills. Demonstrate, step-by-step, the procedures in a job task,

using the exact physical procedures if possible. While demonstrating,

explain the reason for and the significance of each step. To be

effective, plan the demonstration in advance so that you will be sure to

show the steps in the proper sequence and to include all steps. If you

must give the demonstration before a large group or if the trainees

might have trouble seeing because of the size of the equipment

involved, use enlarged devices or training aids. When practical, allow

trainees to repeat the procedure in a “hands on” practice session to

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reinforce the learning process. By immediately correcting the trainees'

mistakes and reinforcing proper procedures, you can help them learn

the task more quickly. The direct demonstration approach is a very

effective method of instruction, especially when trainees have the

opportunity to repeat the procedures. The basic method of instruction

for teaching skill-type subject matter is the demonstration-

performance method of instruction. This method is recommended for

teaching a skill because it covers all the necessary steps in an effective

learning order. The    demonstration    step    gives    trainees    the

opportunity to see and hear the details related to the skill being

taught.  Those  details  include  the  necessary background knowledge,

the steps or procedure, then nomenclatures, and the safety precautions.

The repetition step helps the average and slow learners and gives the

trainees an additional opportunity to see and hear the skill  being

taught.  The  performance  step  gives  all trainees the opportunity to

become proficient. In short, this method is recommended because it

leaves nothing to chance .For convenience, the techniques for

imparting skill sire presented in steps, rather than activities. When

setting up an instructional plan, understand that you don't have to

follow these steps in the sequence presented; instead choose the steps

in the sequence best suited to the needs of the trainees. Although you

will always include a demonstration step and a performance step, you

must use judgment in selecting techniques to make the various steps

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effective. General Hints.—Make every effort to get trainees to observe

correct procedures the first time they try a new task. The most

effective learning results when trainees use a skill immediately after

you have taught it. So as soon as you teach trainees to do a job, have

them practice the skill .


According to Hornby (1985:419), the hypotheses are an idea that is

suggested as a possible explanation of facts. In relation to the objective of the

research above, the researcher formulates the following hypotheses named

null hypotheses (Ho) and alternative hypotheses (Ha). The hypotheses are as


1. The null hypotheses (Ho) is stated that is not effective teaching writing

procedure paragraph by using demonstration to the tenth grade

students of SMA Negeri Tugumulyo in academic year 2012/2013

2. The alternative hypotheses (Ha) is stated it is effective teaching writing

procedure paragraph by using demonstration to the tenth grade

students of SMA Negeri Tugumulyo in academic year 2012/2013

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a. Research Design

In the study, the researcher will apply a quasi-experimental method.

Isaac and Michael (1980:14) describe this method as follows: “A

quasi-experimental method is approximate the condition of true-

experiment in a setting which does not allow the control, and or

manipulation of all relevant variables.” It is because in this study, the

researcher gave special treatment to the group of the students; that is

why would be spontaneity speaking skill in conversation, the sample

will be given a pre-test before being taught and in the end of the

lesson, the researcher will give them post-test with exactly the same

material as the pre-test.

According to Hatch and Farhady (1982:24), by using the quasi-

experimental design, we control as many variables as we can and also

limit the kinds of interpretations we make about cause-effect

relationship and hedge the power of our generalization statements. In

this design, a pre-test will be given before instruction (or treatment)

begins and posttest will be given treatment begins.

Quasi-Experimental Design

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T1 → X →T2

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In which:

T1 : Pre-test

X : Treatment

T2 : Post-test

Based on this method, the study is conducted through three

stages, namely: (1) pre-test, (2) treatment, (3) post-test. This method

used one group of the students.

b. Research Variable

Variable defined as characteristic that tend to differ from individual to

individual, thought any two or more individuals may have the same

variable trait or measure. (Charles, C.M. 1995:29 )

There are two variable in this research; they are independent variable

and dependent variable. According to Hatach and Farhady (1985:15),

independent variable is the major one to investigate.

Independent Variable Dependent Variable

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c. Population and Sample

1. Population

Population is the entire members of a real or hypothetical set of

people, events, or subject to which educational researches whish to

generalize the result of the research.(Latif Muhammad

Adnan,2012:146). Related to this, Arikunto (1998:156) states that a

population is as set of element possessing one or more attributes of


The populations in this study are seven classes of tenth grade

student of SMA Negeri Tugumulyo in academic year 2012/2013.

The amount of all populations is 230 students. The description of

populations in following table.


No Classes Number of students






















Total 230

( Source :SMA Negeri Tugumulyo 2012)

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2. Sample

The writer will use cluster random sampling. The utility of this technique

is done by taking samples from the tenth grade students of SMA Negeri

Tugumulyo. According to Frankel and Wallen (1993:548), dealing with

the cluster random sampling used in this study, it is done by selecting

group of individuals rather than single individual.

The cluster will be properly selected randomly from the large population

cluster. It is done by writing the name of seven classes on seven paper

and then put them in a glass and after that took one of them randomly.

The result was classX.4 to be treated as the sample of this study which

consists 33 students.

d. Technique for Collecting Data

In this study the collecting data will use written test. The test consists

of 20 items of multiple choices. The students will be given 45 minutes

to do the test / examination. To get the best data, the test has to be

evaluated by validity and reliability.

1. Validity

Validity traditionally has been regarded as the test characteristic,

generally the most important quality of a test. But the current

thinking of measurement experts is that validity should be

associated with the use to be made of the scores from a test. In

particular, validity refers to the appropriateness of making specific

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inferences or of making certain decision on the basis of scores

from a test. (Latief Mohammad Adnan,2012 :140)

Arikunto states that validity is a measure that showing the levels of

particularly instrument (Arikunto, 1999:160) bases on the states; the

researcher will divides the test in accordance with the target of the test

that is used to know the measurement of the tenth grade year students’

improving writting skill at SMA Negeri Tugumulyo in academic Year


2. Reliability

Arikunto states that reliable is trustable (2010: 221) reliability is

extent to which a test produces consistent result when under similar

condition reliability meanest the stability of the test score, a test

cannot measure anything well unless in measuring consistently.

The reliability of the test materials would be evaluated through the

internal consistency of reliability. It is measure of degree to the

items on a test are homogenous or consistent with each other

(Richards,, 1985:146).

In this study, the researcher will do the test to the tenth grade

student of SMA Negeri 1 Tugumulyo. In this research, to find out

the reliability of the test, the researcher will use Split Half

Technique formula. This is done by asking the English teacher here

to give the score beside the researcher herself. The result will be

calculated formula below:

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KR -21 =

KK−1 [1−M ( K−M )

K (SD )2 ]

In which:

R = Reliability Coefficient

K = Number of Item in the Test

M = Mean Score on the Test

SD = Standard deviation

To know the SD the writer uses the formula as follows :

SD = √∑ ( x i−¿ x r )2


In which :

SD = The standard deviation of all the testers’ score


xi = Students´ Total Score

xr = Mean Score

N = Number of the students

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e. Technique for Analyzing data

1. Individual Score

The formula to find out individual students score:

IS =

RN x 100

In which:

Is : Students’ Individual Score

R : The Students’ Score Obtained

N : Total Score

2. Conversion of Score Range

The researcher applies the conversion of score range,

they are as follows:

Score Ranges Qualification

91 – 100

81 – 90

71 – 80

61 – 70

51 – 60

41 – 50

31 – 40

≤ 30 =


Very Good






Very Poor

(Source: Students’ Report Book of SMA Negeri Tugumulyo)

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3. Matched T-test

The formula is presented below:




tobt = t obtained__X1 = the Students’ Mean Score in the Pre-test__X2 = the Students’ Mean Score in the Post-test__SD = the Standard Error of Differences between two Means

Where the formula of SD is:

SD =



In which:

SD = Standard Errors of the Difference

n = Number of Pair Students

To find the calculation of standard deviation( SD ) , the

writer will calculate SD before. The formula is presented below:

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SD=√∑ D2−( 1n ) (∑ D )2


SD = Standard Deviation

N = Number of Students

D = Differences of Students’ Score

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