my short and funny speech in som and mari's wedding :-)

08.08.2008 Good Evening Ladies and gentlemen Today’s king and queen: bride and groom. First of all, I would like to thank all of you for coming tonight and sharing this special moment with Som and Mari. For those of you who don't know me, I'm Manoj, Som’s friend, classmate, ex-roommate and forever a brother. Som and I were sharing an apartment, and to tell you frankly, I was little bit angry, sad and jealous when Mari took this wonderful guy away. But I’m very happy today to see that they have decided to share not only an apartment, but the whole life together. I’ve known Som for few years and am very happy to see my good friend get married to such a great girl. It is a great privilege to be asked by Som to be his best man. But I will tell you little more about it. Of course, there are several reasons as to why he chose me to be his best man, but probably one important factor is that, I was the first person to know that they fell in love. At least from Som’s side, there is no doubt, I was the first. Apart from this, I used to make a lot of coffee and supply it with cookies when they were dating. I think they appreciated this job of mine. I met Som few years ago at a time when both of us were struggling to get a good education, and make a career in the field we wanted. I know about his history too. There is no doubt that all those struggles, hardships, experiences- both good and bad- have made him a perfect and mature man. He is honest and trustworthy as well. In short, Som is a great guy and he has found a great girl in Mari. I came to know Mari through Som, and I am absolutely sure that she was specially made for him. Her openness, sense of humor and wider acceptance is remarkable. There are three particular things I know about her- she loves the Nepalese food, orange is her best color and she enjoys playing with her gecko, though not so much like with Som. I suppose.

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I was his 'best man' so I had to make this worst speech! Actually, best men do not make speeches in my society, but I had to do here....


Page 1: My short and funny speech in Som And Mari's Wedding :-)


Good Evening Ladies and gentlemenToday’s king and queen: bride and groom.

First of all, I would like to thank all of you for coming tonight and sharing this special moment with Som and Mari. For those of you who don't know me, I'm Manoj, Som’s friend, classmate, ex-roommate and forever a brother.

Som and I were sharing an apartment, and to tell you frankly, I was little bit angry, sad and jealous when Mari took this wonderful guy away. But I’m very happy today to see that they have decided to share not only an apartment, but the whole life together.

I’ve known Som for few years and am very happy to see my good friend get married to such a great girl. It is a great privilege to be asked by Som to be his best man. But I will tell you little more about it. Of course, there are several reasons as to why he chose me to be his best man, but probably one important factor is that, I was the first person to know that they fell in love. At least from Som’s side, there is no doubt, I was the first. Apart from this, I used to make a lot of coffee and supply it with cookies when they were dating. I think they appreciated this job of mine.

I met Som few years ago at a time when both of us were struggling to get a good education, and make a career in the field we wanted. I know about his history too. There is no doubt that all those struggles, hardships, experiences- both good and bad- have made him a perfect and mature man. He is honest and trustworthy as well. In short, Som is a great guy and he has found a great girl in Mari.

I came to know Mari through Som, and I am absolutely sure that she was specially made for him. Her openness, sense of humor and wider acceptance is remarkable. There are three particular things I know about her- she loves the Nepalese food, orange is her best color and she enjoys playing with her gecko, though not so much like with Som. I suppose.

We all know that their relationship is not an ordinary one. They do not come from the same country, culture and the belief system; so obviously, it was a huge challenge for both of them. But today, finally, they have set an example and once again proved that love crosses the human-made boundaries of nationality, culture, language, and belief systems. They do not understand each other’s native language either, but we should really be proud and congratulate them for they have understood and appreciated the language of love, the message of heart.

I think I should not be too idealistic, so it is important to say something about the difficulties that you may face due to your differences. For instance, when Som and Mari decided to get married, everyone in Finland was surprised because they thought it was too fast, but can you imagine, I was wondering why they decided it so late. You see, both opinions are not stupid. It is all because of that very special thing what we call culture. So if you find any difficulties due to your differences, start speaking the language of love, you will find the solution.

Once someone said, every man needs a wife because things sometimes go wrong that you can't blame on the government! I think this is a wise statement. Separately you two are

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remarkable and special persons, but together you are complete. I am not a married man, but I think a lack of friendship makes marriages unhappy, so I hope both of you regard each other as a best friend, a lover, a playmate and a true partner for life.

Today this weeding ends and a new life begins from tomorrow. The way of life is not always smooth. Your qualifications, your CV are not your life. It is much more than that. There are challenges and failures in life. So it is very important that you travel your journey of life together, sitting side by side, enjoying every twists and turns, yelling from the peaks and holding hand through the dips.

And, it is my very personal request to both of you; never forget to respect and trust each other, support and care each other, and love and smile at each other. You have to prove that marriage can be bliss. There is only one happiness in life, to love and be loved. It is equally important to understand that the goal in marriage is not to think alike, but to think together.

I will wrap up my speech after a small statement that I feel to mention here. Last month I was reading an article by a renowned American author. Describing her marital life she wrote, my husband and I never considered divorce... murder sometimes, but never divorce. I think this level of commitment is essential to perpetuate a relationship, especially in this age where everything is transient and uncertain.

Finally, once again I congratulate the blushing bride and proud groom. I would also like to thank them for inviting everyone to share the big day today. A massive thank you to everyone who has contributed and made Som and Mari’s day so wonderful.

Ladies and gentlemen, Please could you all stand and raise your glasses, and join me in wishing them both all the love and happiness a couple can possibly have.

…finally to Som and Mari