my vision for astronomy in south africa' presentation by deputy ceo: astronomy at the national...

My vision for Astronomy in South Africa Nithaya Chetty DCEO: Astronomy What would I like to achieve in the mid- to long-term future? see ^ d

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‘My Vision for Astronomy in South Africa’ public talk presentation at the South African Astronomical Observatory on Tuesday, 21 October 2014.


Page 1: My Vision for Astronomy in South Africa' presentation by Deputy CEO: Astronomy at the National Research Foundation, Professor Nithaya Chetty

My vision for Astronomy in South AfricaNithaya Chetty

DCEO: Astronomy

What would I like to achievein the mid- to long-term future?



Page 2: My Vision for Astronomy in South Africa' presentation by Deputy CEO: Astronomy at the National Research Foundation, Professor Nithaya Chetty


• My vision for astronomy in South Africa• The role and function of the Astronomy sub-



Page 3: My Vision for Astronomy in South Africa' presentation by Deputy CEO: Astronomy at the National Research Foundation, Professor Nithaya Chetty

EXCELLENCE(world class)

Research, Teaching, HCD pipeline, OutreachInfrastructure, Engineering, MaintenanceGovernance, Management and Administration

Socio-economic-political sphere


Public understanding of Science

STEM education


African Leadership

Intra-African collaborations

Human capacity development



Science engagement

Skills transfer

International Corporation


Page 4: My Vision for Astronomy in South Africa' presentation by Deputy CEO: Astronomy at the National Research Foundation, Professor Nithaya Chetty

Quantifiable Excellence

What is South Africa’s international standing in Astronomy, in all its facets?•Research niche areas critical mass at universities and NF’s•Quality research publications across the entire system•Number of graduates per year•NRF rated researchers in universities and national laboratories•Optimal use of RSA and international facilities•Optimal return on investments•Develop astronomy broadly in RSA and in Africa

• Astronomy Advisory Council• Long-term Strategic Plan for Astronomy

Reward excellence!


Page 5: My Vision for Astronomy in South Africa' presentation by Deputy CEO: Astronomy at the National Research Foundation, Professor Nithaya Chetty

Multi-wavelength astronomy

Over and above single wavelength astronomyWhole greater than sum of individual partsOptical, Radio and Gamma collaborations


Page 6: My Vision for Astronomy in South Africa' presentation by Deputy CEO: Astronomy at the National Research Foundation, Professor Nithaya Chetty

Pillars for multi-wavelength astronomy





International open time

International archives


Investments in international telescopes

Buckets of photons



Page 7: My Vision for Astronomy in South Africa' presentation by Deputy CEO: Astronomy at the National Research Foundation, Professor Nithaya Chetty

“Glue” for Multi-wavelength astronomy

Focus on the science first, instrumentation secondSub-AgencyConsolidated HCDConsolidated Science EngagementUnified international engagementsVirtual ObservatoryTheoretical & Computational AstrophysicsTools for discoveryExa-scale computing, Big data

Spectroscopy is worth 106 words


Page 8: My Vision for Astronomy in South Africa' presentation by Deputy CEO: Astronomy at the National Research Foundation, Professor Nithaya Chetty

Optical Astronomy

Need a range of small, mid-sized and large telescopes at Sutherland4m class telescope to fill the gapSpectroscopic follow-up for radio and gamma sourcesStill great science with modern small telescopesOff-load jobs from SALT

SAAO sets a high standard for research at a national facility•HCD•science engagement

More sustainably financial footing for SAAO


Page 9: My Vision for Astronomy in South Africa' presentation by Deputy CEO: Astronomy at the National Research Foundation, Professor Nithaya Chetty

Optical Astronomy

New fully steerable SALT-type (spherical) telescopeRSA has the expertise1000 fiber spectrograph, square degree fov

SALTProduce excellent scienceMaintain the telescope in peak operational conditionSecure financial sustainability •Stronger commitment by SALT partners to SALT•Need a new major investor in SALT


Page 10: My Vision for Astronomy in South Africa' presentation by Deputy CEO: Astronomy at the National Research Foundation, Professor Nithaya Chetty

MeerKAT will be built and commissioned, on schedule and without hiccupsMeerKAT projects will be ground-breaking and transformationalMeerKAT will be maximally utilised for RSA scienceLast 64 SKA dishes rather than first 64 SKA dishes

SKA will be fully funded, built and commissionedNobel prize quality science, discoveries not yet anticipatedInternational SKA governance model will be finalisedDST continues to have a strong hand in managing the SKA Project

The South African Radio Astronomy Observatory will be established A delocalised system for SARAOMerger of SKA with HartRAOStrong collaborations with RSA universities, and international institutions

Radio astronomy


Page 11: My Vision for Astronomy in South Africa' presentation by Deputy CEO: Astronomy at the National Research Foundation, Professor Nithaya Chetty

KAT7 will be utilised for science, multi-wavelength collaborationsPAPER, CBASS will involve RSA science collaborationsHERA will hopefully be built in RSAThe Astronomy Reserve becomes a net attractor for global radio astronomy projects

HartRAO will continue to develop its own niche in post-MeerKAT eraStrengthen its engagements with universities in the NorthLead VLBI science and technology in AfricaSpace GeodesyAfrican Radio Astronomy TrainingStrong cooperation with SANSA

Radio astronomy

Need for high-profile Radio Astronomy Science Director11

Page 12: My Vision for Astronomy in South Africa' presentation by Deputy CEO: Astronomy at the National Research Foundation, Professor Nithaya Chetty

South African Gamma Ray Astronomy Programme will grow appropriatelyStrengthen Astronomy in the NorthSupport development of gamma ray astronomy in NamibiaThe CTA will hopefully come to Namibia

Gamma ray astronomy


Page 13: My Vision for Astronomy in South Africa' presentation by Deputy CEO: Astronomy at the National Research Foundation, Professor Nithaya Chetty

Theoretical and Computational

Theoretical astrophysics, CosmologyGravitational Wave Astronomy Computational Astrophysics, simulationsComputational discoveryExa-scale computing, Big data, tools


Page 14: My Vision for Astronomy in South Africa' presentation by Deputy CEO: Astronomy at the National Research Foundation, Professor Nithaya Chetty

Engineering and Technical disciplines

Develop astronomy-related engineering and technical disciplinesNF’s workshops, Engineering faculties and UoT’sTraining of engineers, technicians, artisans


Page 15: My Vision for Astronomy in South Africa' presentation by Deputy CEO: Astronomy at the National Research Foundation, Professor Nithaya Chetty



ity e






Human Capacity Development and Transformation

Poorly prepared maths and science learners

Excellent graduates

Broad range of skillsVersatile


TechniciansSoftware developers


Problem solversVerbal and writing skills



SupportHard workDiscipline 15

Page 16: My Vision for Astronomy in South Africa' presentation by Deputy CEO: Astronomy at the National Research Foundation, Professor Nithaya Chetty

NASSP + Post Graduate Bridging ProgrammeMulti-nodal NASSP programme in RSA and elsewhere in AfricaAstronomy science, engineering and technical training

Need for a holistic, consolidated HCD programme for Astronomy•Currently very fragmented (long term strategic plan?)


Page 17: My Vision for Astronomy in South Africa' presentation by Deputy CEO: Astronomy at the National Research Foundation, Professor Nithaya Chetty

He is an astrophysicist …..….. I am sure he can make

good beer


Page 18: My Vision for Astronomy in South Africa' presentation by Deputy CEO: Astronomy at the National Research Foundation, Professor Nithaya Chetty

Human Capacity Development and Transformation

People developmentPeople supportInstitutional developmentBroaden astronomy throughout South Africa Succession planningRecruitment strategies, e.g. associate directors at NF’sHead hunting

Creating future leaders for South Africa


Page 19: My Vision for Astronomy in South Africa' presentation by Deputy CEO: Astronomy at the National Research Foundation, Professor Nithaya Chetty

African Astronomy Developments

Will SKA2 be a reality? A R100b question. AVN is a precursor for African development + science

• Expanded NASSP system increase foreign African intake, European funding • NASSP African node• JEDI• Twinning programme• IAU OAD• Science engagement

government government





Focus on people development


Page 20: My Vision for Astronomy in South Africa' presentation by Deputy CEO: Astronomy at the National Research Foundation, Professor Nithaya Chetty

International Astronomy Engagements

INTERNATIONAL PARTNERSHIPSWe cannot be everywhere at the same time, COUNTRY-TO-COUNTRYChoose international partnerships strategicallyChoose projects, modalities strategicallyFew excellent international partners rather than many mediocre international partnershipsLeverage international sources of funding, e.g. bilateral agreementsIAU

PARTNERSHIP IN INTERNATIONAL PROJECTSRSA can only build and maintain a small number of excellent facilitiesJudicious choice of international projects, e.g. LSST

INTERNATIONAL MOBILITYContinuous exchange of researchers and students with excellent international institutionsObservational, theoretical, computational, engineering and technical collaborationsIncrease our supervisory capacity, and development of people 20

Page 21: My Vision for Astronomy in South Africa' presentation by Deputy CEO: Astronomy at the National Research Foundation, Professor Nithaya Chetty

Foregoing: What I would like to see achieved in the mid- to long-term future

What are the challenges, hurdles?How will I accomplish this? Goals, Actions, ….How would I approach the job of DCEO?My thoughts on the structure of the sub-Agency?


Page 22: My Vision for Astronomy in South Africa' presentation by Deputy CEO: Astronomy at the National Research Foundation, Professor Nithaya Chetty

The Role and Function of the Astronomy sub-Agency


Page 23: My Vision for Astronomy in South Africa' presentation by Deputy CEO: Astronomy at the National Research Foundation, Professor Nithaya Chetty

Office of DCEO

Astronomy Advisory Council

Putative sub-Agency

Astronomy National Facilities & ProjectsTargeted Astronomy Programmes

Shared Corporate Services

e.g. HR, Finances, Legal, Governance, Communications

NRF Board



Page 24: My Vision for Astronomy in South Africa' presentation by Deputy CEO: Astronomy at the National Research Foundation, Professor Nithaya Chetty

Astronomy Advisory Council

• Prof Renee Kraan-Korteweg (UCT) - Chair• Prof David Davidson (US)• Prof Romeel Dave (UWC)• Prof Thebe Medupe (NWU)• Prof Sergio Colafrancesco (Wits)• Prof Kavilan Moodley (UKZN)• Prof Frikkie van Niekerk (NWU)• Prof Mamokgethi Phakeng (UNISA)• Prof Bo Peng (National Astronomical Observatory, China)• Prof George Miley (Univ Leiden, Netherlands)• Prof Ted Williams (SAAO)• Prof Bernie Fanaroff (SKA)• Prof Ludwig Combrinck (HartRAO)• Dr Val Munsami (DST)• Prof Nithaya Chetty (NRF)


Page 25: My Vision for Astronomy in South Africa' presentation by Deputy CEO: Astronomy at the National Research Foundation, Professor Nithaya Chetty

• Top-thin• Skeleton staff• Maximally use NRF systems, RISA systems


Office of DCEO

• Grow from here, an evolving situation

Page 26: My Vision for Astronomy in South Africa' presentation by Deputy CEO: Astronomy at the National Research Foundation, Professor Nithaya Chetty

Research, Innovation, Support and Advancement


University Research Community

Service/Operational interface

NF Research Community












Page 27: My Vision for Astronomy in South Africa' presentation by Deputy CEO: Astronomy at the National Research Foundation, Professor Nithaya Chetty

• Matrix structure• Long-term strategic plan

Targeted astronomy programmes• Open calls including astronomy

Standing Astronomy Grants Panel

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Culture & Ethos

NRF Corporate

National Facilities



CorporatisationPerceptions of over-regulationPoor service and unnecessary bureaucracy

AccountabilityPFMAKing III

Treasury requirementsDST requirements

NRF Policies and ProceduresSCM

Our primary purpose is to createa supportive environment for researchand HCD

Circulation of people

Page 29: My Vision for Astronomy in South Africa' presentation by Deputy CEO: Astronomy at the National Research Foundation, Professor Nithaya Chetty


1. Strategic management by Astronomy sub-Agency

2. Management by RISA Executive Directors

3. Administration by RISA Support Services

Page 30: My Vision for Astronomy in South Africa' presentation by Deputy CEO: Astronomy at the National Research Foundation, Professor Nithaya Chetty


• Strategic leadership for SAAO, SALT, HartRAO, HESS and CTA. • Support of SKA-SA including AVN • Strategic management of targeted astronomy programmes, SA-Gamma, NASSP• Interface with RISA • Support strong research ethos for astronomy• Quality human capacity• Transformation• Strengthen Astronomy in the “North”• Development of Astronomy broadly within Africa


Page 31: My Vision for Astronomy in South Africa' presentation by Deputy CEO: Astronomy at the National Research Foundation, Professor Nithaya Chetty


• Engineering and technical training• Enhance stability, corporation and good relations in the Astronomy

environment• Become more familiar with the international Astronomy terrain• Employ international best practice in the management and

administration • Speak on behalf of Astronomy in South Africa, represent the

astronomy community in deliberations within NRF, in government and internationally.


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Consultative, communicativePrincipled, consistentTransparentServiceBest interests for Astronomy


Page 33: My Vision for Astronomy in South Africa' presentation by Deputy CEO: Astronomy at the National Research Foundation, Professor Nithaya Chetty


1. Solid governance system that works for Astronomy2. A sustainable funding system for Astronomy

The end

When I leave the scene ….