myanmar jan 2011 · myanmar vbs trip from friday 21 january – monday 24 th january 2011 reported...

Myanmar VBS trip from Friday 21 January – Monday 24 th January 2011 Reported by Josephine Seow with additional inputs in italics by Victor Soh On Sunday, 5 th December 2010, Christina approached me asking whether I would be keen to go to Myanmar in January 2011 to help out in the Vacation Bible School. She was keen and excited to go and wanted me to come along too. I told her I could only go if my leave was approved. I told her I would apply for leave on Monday. On Tuesday, at 7.30 am, Christina called to ask me whether my leave had been approved. I told her, to be honest; I had completely forgotten all about the Myanmar trip and hadn't apply leave. I applied leave straightaway when I got back to work that day. My leave was not approved as there were already two other teachers who had applied leave before me on the same day. Usually, a maximum of 2 teachers are allowed to go on leave so as to give allowance for last minute urgent leave or any teachers on sick leave (MC). My supervisor would only allow me to go on leave only if I could plan the duty roster in such a way that there was enough manpower during my absence. I told her that it wouldn’t be a problem and immediately she approved my leave.Ha! Ha! She should have let me plan first before approving my leave straightaway. It is by God’s providence that I can go for the Myanmar trip. Friday 21 st January 2011 Nine of us – Paul Lim , Victor, Caroline, Wai Leng , Simon , Keng Geok, Marissa, Christina and myself assembled at Terminal 1at 10am. Elder Adrian worded a prayer and sent us off at the airport. The flight was at 12.05 pm Singapore time and we reached Yangon International Airport at 1.30 pm local time (Mynamar is 1½ hours behind Singapore time) . On arrival, we were met at the airport by Bros Philip, Beckham, Sam, Joseph, Joshua and Sister Winsome We caught up with one another and took the transport to our hotel.

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Page 1: Myanmar Jan 2011 · Myanmar VBS trip from Friday 21 January – Monday 24 th January 2011 Reported by Josephine Seow with additional inputs in italics by Victor Soh On Sunday, 5th

Myanmar VBS trip from Friday 21 January – Monday 24 th January 2011 Reported by Josephine Seow with additional inputs in italics by Victor Soh

On Sunday, 5th December 2010, Christina approached me asking whether I would

be keen to go to Myanmar in January 2011 to help out in the Vacation Bible School. She was keen and excited to go and wanted me to come along too. I told her I could only go if my leave was approved. I told her I would apply for leave on Monday.

On Tuesday, at 7.30 am, Christina called to ask me whether my leave had been approved. I told her, to be honest; I had completely forgotten all about the Myanmar trip and hadn't apply leave. I applied leave straightaway when I got back to work that day. My leave was not approved as there were already two other teachers who had applied leave before me on the same day. Usually, a maximum of 2 teachers are allowed to go on leave so as to give allowance for last minute urgent leave or any teachers on sick leave (MC). My supervisor would only allow me to go on leave only if I could plan the duty roster in such a way that there was enough manpower during my absence. I told her that it wouldn’t be a problem and immediately she approved my leave.Ha! Ha! She should have let me plan first before approving my leave straightaway. It is by God’s providence that I can go for the Myanmar trip. Friday 21 st January 2011

Nine of us – Paul Lim , Victor, Caroline, Wai Leng , Simon , Keng Geok, Marissa, Christina and myself assembled at Terminal 1at 10am. Elder Adrian worded a prayer and sent us off at the airport. The flight was at 12.05 pm Singapore time and we reached Yangon International Airport at 1.30 pm local time (Mynamar is 1½ hours behind Singapore time) . On arrival, we were met at the airport by Bros Philip, Beckham, Sam, Joseph, Joshua and Sister Winsome We caught up with one another and took the transport to our hotel.

Page 2: Myanmar Jan 2011 · Myanmar VBS trip from Friday 21 January – Monday 24 th January 2011 Reported by Josephine Seow with additional inputs in italics by Victor Soh On Sunday, 5th

As we were travelling through Yangon, it seemed as though we were transported back to the 60s through 70s era where most vehicles were old and not airconditioned, with the windows winded down to get the breeze. Shiok! Natural air con!

We reached the hotel in about half an hour- and while waiting for our keys to be

ready, we practised some songs. As soon as we got our rooms, we deposited our luggage and left for Hmaw Bi to recce the Bible College where the ladies will conduct the VBS and the guys will conduct a seminar for the adults. Upon arrival after an hour’s journey, we were greeted by Brothers Phillip and Sin Thang and family and two other brethren. The place was spacious with enough rooms for everyone.

Soon it was getting dark as night fall around 630 pm. We took the opportunity to

visit Sam’s place which was about 10 minutes drive away. This guy really know how to do business – he owns a ‘mama’ shop, an egg-laying chicken farm, some cows and goats and an ‘Internet Cafe’ God has really taken care of Sam so that he can provide for his big family. His children, some of whom we met, were friendly - smiling and all eager to shake our hands.

On our way to Winsome’s place, as we were travelling on a narrow dirt path, a lorry

approached us from the opposite direction (is this a 2 way lane? It seemed too narrow). By God’s protection, we drove on without any mishap. Wonder how we could squeeze 2 vehicles (in opposite directions) moving on that narrow path! God has been watching and keeping us safe!

After 45 minutes travel, we reached “8 Mile” where Winsome welcomed us to her

house. We chit chat over a dinner of ‘Ohn no Khauk Swe (pronounced as “Oh no cows sway” which essentially consists of noodles with coconut gravy filled with pieces of hard boiled eggs and eaten with garnishes including chilli powder, coriander, some lime juice and onions - a Myanmar local dish – similar to our local ‘mee rebus) and tea leaves pickles

Page 3: Myanmar Jan 2011 · Myanmar VBS trip from Friday 21 January – Monday 24 th January 2011 Reported by Josephine Seow with additional inputs in italics by Victor Soh On Sunday, 5th

as dessert. Winsome and her mother really fed us well with lots of second helpings. We stayed for some time enjoying the fellowship before we departed to our hotel to prepare for the VBS the next day. Saturday 22 nd January 2011

We woke up early at 6 am, filled with anticipation for the big day. At breakfast, we had devotion on Psalms 100 led by the guys (devotion – Simon; scripture reading- Paul and prayers by Victor) - A good way to start the day!.

Leaving at 8am, we picked up Winsome en- route to the Bible college at Hmaw Bi.

When we arrived at 9am we could see that the children had already assembled and we could hear them singing. We quickly set up the place and soon the room was filled with the children. There were about 61 children and they were divided into groups of 4. A team leader was assigned to each group and the members were encouraged to take care of the younger ones. The children were obedient, cooperative and helpful. Whenever a team member was in doubt, or lack some materials, they would approach any of us. Though we can’t understand each other, we used gestures to communicate.

Caroline gave the 1st lesson on God’s creation with Winsome as the translator. The

children were excited and listened attentively to the story, and can’t wait to use the props to do a presentation on God’s creation. We sang along with them. Keng Geok gave the 2nd lesson on the ‘First‘s sin ‘and I gave the 3rd and final lesson on ‘Noah‘s Ark’. In between, we had lunch and tea breaks, played games like finding the hidden pictures, newspapers’ game.

Page 4: Myanmar Jan 2011 · Myanmar VBS trip from Friday 21 January – Monday 24 th January 2011 Reported by Josephine Seow with additional inputs in italics by Victor Soh On Sunday, 5th

After the afternoon tea break we played the last game –whereby the children competed with one another in a relay game. The children were paired up and had to place a marker on their cheeks and move from one end to the other end. It was hilarious and fun.

After the games, Caroline and Wei Leng rewarded the winning team participants with prizes. Additionally, all the children received their goodies like lollipops, biscuits, sweets, balloons from us. They were so happy, One of the Myanmar brother got all the children to thank us for teaching them. They were so grateful.

When everything was over, the children kept all their goodies in the plastic bags

and packed up to go. We were at the door, and the children shook our hands and thanked us.

Some of these children can’t wait to go home to show/ share their goodies with their families.

We left one set each of our teaching materials to Winsome so that they can use our materials to continue the work.

While the ladies were conducting the VBS, Simon taught the adults lessons from

the “Walking with God” series prepared by our minister, Henry Kong. Brother Phillip was the translator. There were around 12 adults, including those from Than HHlyin, Hmaw Bi, and North Okkalapa church of Christ. They received the lessons with much enthusiasm, especially during the afternoon activity in which they were asked to cut a circle that is big enough to envelope their body, just from a piece of A4 paper. When Simon draw the lesson from the activity to demonstrate that the Bible is the source from which we can know the steps to direct our lives according to God’s will, the brethren could appreciate the learning points much better.

Page 5: Myanmar Jan 2011 · Myanmar VBS trip from Friday 21 January – Monday 24 th January 2011 Reported by Josephine Seow with additional inputs in italics by Victor Soh On Sunday, 5th

After lunch, the older children from ages 13 to 14 separated from the VBS so that

Victor could share the good news of salvation by our Lord Jesus Christ with them. There were nine of them - two boys and seven girls, from Than HHlyin. Winsome was the translator. They were all ears and even took down notes on the Bible steps to receive Christ salvation. It was indeed an occasion of great joy to plant the seed.

Sunday 23 rd January 2011 As usual, we had our devotion during breakfast before we set off to 8 Miles Church of Christ at Winsome‘s place. Paul preached a sermon on - The church as the Bride of Christ’. Philip was the translator. Singing was led by one of the local brethren- bro Ba Htay – though we were singing in our languages yet our hearts were united in singing praises to God, our heavenly Father. After worship, Winsome offered us ‘ sticky rice’ ( similar to our local ‘ ba chang’ except they were not wrapped) . These Myanmar brethren really fed us well that we skipped our lunch .as we were so full.

Page 6: Myanmar Jan 2011 · Myanmar VBS trip from Friday 21 January – Monday 24 th January 2011 Reported by Josephine Seow with additional inputs in italics by Victor Soh On Sunday, 5th

After worship, Winsome presented us with some local souvenirs as token of appreciation for our work. On our way back to the hotel we stopped for a short while at the nearby market before we proceeded to Than Hlyin church of Christ where Brother Hnin Maung is the minister. It took us about 40 minutes of travel to this part of Yangon where we had to cross a bridge that spanned a river as wide as the Straits of Johor!

Upon arrival, we were greeted at the gate by brother Hnin Maung and his wife together with a few of the other brethren, while the rest were in the house singing. The worship place which is living hall of Hnin Maung’s home, was filled with more than fifty people. Simon shared a lesson – ‘Good news in Colours’ with Philip as the translator.

Victor seated between Simon and Paul during the worship comments:-

It is amazing how God fulfils his own will through his people, imperfect as they are. Paul was only told he was supposed to share a message when we were inside. He still had his sermon notes with him – the one regarding the church as the bride of Jesus Christ. When brother Philip later remarked that there were many visitors in the audience that day, Paul immediately started to edit his notes to tailor it to the audience. Simon then asked me whether I brought along his notes on “Good News in colours”. There was no reason for me to bring along the notes that day, but lo and behold, they were in my backpack, including all the coloured papers. Before the Myanmar trip, Simon had suggested that I bring them knowing I was to share the gospel with the older children during VBS. But the VBS was yesterday – so no reason to bring them along that Sunday. Realising that it would be more appropriate to share the gospel with so many visitors, Simon shared the message. Now that’s what I call “being ever ready to tell the gospel” at every opportunity.

Even though we couldn’t join the brethren in singing as they do not have hymns books in English, it was a delightful to be in their midst as they worship God. After worship, before we could stand up, the local brethren crowded around us, shaking hands and thanking us for coming their way. As usual, these brethren presented us with their local fare- biscuits, homemade agar agar and fruits. Simple meal yet enough to fill our stomachs as by then some of our stomachs were rumbling already.

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We also met some of the children who were present at the VBS yesterday. They sang the ‘Creation‘s song with some promptings from us. It is an encouragement to us that they can still remember some of the lyrics.

Winsome later invited us to visit Chinatown and acted as our guide. After that, we proceeded to another location by cabs for dinner. The cab driver that took us (Victor, Keng Geok and me) lost sight of the other 2 cab drivers ( who were in front) and followed the wrong cab and we were lost. Victor said a prayer and before I would get panicky, we managed to find the others. Another of God’s protection for us. You can tell you’re lost when the otherwise quiet cab driver suddenly start muttering a few words to himself, cranes his neck out of the window to look for the other cab he was supposed to follow, and then muttering even more when he knows he’s on his own. Who are we kidding? It’s dark, the traffic is heavy and you expect him to follow the other driver closely? As he consult his GPS (General People in the Street) by asking another cab driver and finally stopping his cab and getting out to seek directions from a street vendor, I decided to consult my own GPS (God - Personal Saviour) through prayer. Josephine and Keng Giok were sitting at the back- I must commend them that they did not panic. After a few U- turns, detours and going through some dark streets, we finally came to the light – and to the rest of the group who were standing together waiting for us eagerly - the lost sheep who finally came home. Praise the Lord. Monday 24 th January 2011 All too soon, we have come to the end of our trip. We woke up at 4.30 am as weAs we had to be at the airport at 6am to take the morning flight. The hotel staff packed some food (muffin, a cheese sandwiches, a tuna sandwich, 2 hard boiled eggs, pastries, apples

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and a bottle of orange juice) for each of us for breakfast. While waiting for our transport, we had our breakfast at the lobby. Again, we had no lack of food. Winsome came to say goodbye as we passed her house on the way to the airport. It’s amazing – she must have waited outside her house in the early morning for some time just to bid us farewell. Beckham sent us off at the airport. He travelled more than an hour just to meet us for less than 10 minutes – I was touched by his gesture. We did some shopping at the airport and reached Singapore at 2.30pm.

Lessons that I learnt: From the children - they took care of one another, never complain nor compare, willing to learn and want to know more. They were grateful and some of them even took the initiative to come and thank us without promptings from the adults. Language barriers are not a problem to them as gestures were used as a way of communication. They were easily contented – just looking at their faces in the cameras were enough to bring a smile on their faces! From the Myanmar brethren - they give what they have and more- always fed us well, making sure we have enough to eat. Their hospitality, generosity, friendliness, gratitude really encourage me a lot. Really need to emulate their attitudes. From Philip & Winsome- our wonderful translators who work tirelessly for us throughout Wonder how we can do without them ! From Caroline and Wai Leng - their passion for God and wanting to teach the gospel through conducting VBS for the children in many countries for so many years. Their abilities to ‘play by ear’ and think fast on their feet is something that I need to learn and apply in my life. Being an ‘organiser freak; I like things to be organised and done on schedule and playing by ear is not what I like as I don’t know what to expect or do next. When doing VBS, playing by ear is the best solution! Need to master this skill!

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From Simon - though he didn’t know that he had to preach a sermon until we were in the second worship, he was ‘ever ready’ to do so! He had a sermon delivered, nevertheless. What an attitude! From Marissa - always cheerful and helpful in so many ways – big or small tasks and not a word of complaint from her throughout. Wow! From Christina - though she always say she can’t teach the children, but her generosity and love for the locals and the children make up for what she is lacking! From Paul- work the hardest – getting everything done/ ready for this trip – don’t know how many times he has to go to the embassy to get our visas done, etc and while we are in Myanmar , he always make sure our needs are meet. From Keng Geok- it seems that she cannot go anywhere without her camera – she was the photographer for the VBS, always shooting some nice pictures/video whenever she could. I always forget that I had my camera in my bag so didn’t take any pictures except for a few when I remember! What a waste! From Victor- Victor take good care of us gals, making sure that there is always a guy around in the van/car whenever we travel; no one is left behind/ missing when we are on the move etc. Such concern for us! From Ivy Lee- though she was not with us for this trip- she sponsors the gifts for the children- appreciate her generosity! Reflections from Josephine: I thank God for the opportunity to be in this Myanmar VBS trip, for His protection and providence, for the many valuable lessons that I‘ve learnt that I did not learnt during my courses, for the many examples shown to me! I was reminded of the song that Daniel taught us – There is a balm in Gilead – If you can’t sing like angels , if you can’t preach like Paul, then tell the love of Jesus , And say He died for all’- How true this stanza is to me because I can’t sing like angels, I can’t preach like Paul but I can tell the story of Jesus to others

Reflections from Christina Sim:

I came to know about the Myanmar trip from Elder Adrian when we bumped into each other on the MRT last December 2010. He told me about the VBS and asked me whether I was keen to go. On Sunday, I told Josephine about it and she said she would go if her leave was approved. I was happy that she could go with me.

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What have I learnt? From the children: They never complain or compare with one another over what they have or have not when they received anything from us. They share with one another especially in one incident, when I gave a banana to one child; she didn’t eat it, but passed to her mother to keep in her bag so as to share with her family later. I notice also that the children enjoyed the lessons and took care of one another especially in playing the games and they have great team work too. From the Myanmar brethren: They serve and gave us the best and give of what they have- for example, at the second worship, we were serve better biscuits and drinks like Coke and mineral water . They serve us first before they eat as it was their custom to serve the guests first. They were hospitable, grateful and appreciate us for coming their way. Winsome and her mum also gave us a lot of food too. What about me? I worry about tomorrow especially when things don’t turn out well. What about these people? It seems that they have no worries, always smiling and cheerful! I feel that we know each other for so long though we only met for the first time- we are united as one family by the love of God.

Reflections from Wai Leng: Thanks, everyone for a great trip. Even before the trip, things were looking good as I assigned various tasks to the VBS team Previously, Caroline and I had to take care of most of the VBS preparation and teaching aids Next, it was a relief to have assistants who could understand English instructions. For previous VBS we depended on the locals for assistance and had to work through an interpreter for each instruction so much time was wasted.

Page 11: Myanmar Jan 2011 · Myanmar VBS trip from Friday 21 January – Monday 24 th January 2011 Reported by Josephine Seow with additional inputs in italics by Victor Soh On Sunday, 5th

As a result of the Team B teachers, Josephine and Keng Geok, I could concentrate on logistics and things went much more smoothly. Also, we did not have to deal with children who were too young and crying for mummy. Moreover the students were well-behaved so we managed to tell 3 Bible stories. Overall, the male-female ratio of the team was good as there was one male to "protect" two females wherever we went. We also enjoyed the warm hospitality of Winsome and the other Myanmese. We were especially touched by the ThanHlyin church who offered us their best food and coca cola.

Reflections from Keng Geok: 1. I have lots lots....... to learn from Team A 2. must be physically fit 3. lessons learnt at the "Tanglin"church no polished pews, air-con, pretty handbags/ shoes or dress and matching accessories they only have the bare necessitites; but the brethren sing with such gusto and listened to Simon's lesson with such rapt attention. Some were even taking down notes. Matt 5:6 they are so hospitable, offering the luxurous drink(coke) to us as refreshments and they even provided refreshments for our 2 taxi drivers even though they had so little. children at Than Hlyin are just lovely and well mannered, sitting quietly throughout the worship hour.

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Reflections from Caroline: Thank our Almighty for this opportunity and thank Team A for laboring in His kingdom. Wherever I go to conduct VBS lessons, I find the local people gracious and humble. The Myanmese are no different. They welcomed us with open arms, tried to make us as comfortable as possible and ensured our needs were taken care of, whenever possible. We even had a young Myanmese girl who stood by our table to fan away the pesky flies while we were having lunch. They gave us of their best and we were all touched and grateful. The children were quiet and a little apprehensive at first but after the first half, they were as boisterous and enthusiastic as any other children all over the world as they participated in all the activities. They enjoyed themselves as much as we enjoyed teaching them.

Page 13: Myanmar Jan 2011 · Myanmar VBS trip from Friday 21 January – Monday 24 th January 2011 Reported by Josephine Seow with additional inputs in italics by Victor Soh On Sunday, 5th

Reflections from Marissa:

Always keep an open mind.

My immediate thought when Wai Leng asked me to go for VBS was “VBS? Teaching?” “No way”. I was not exactly the ‘ teaching’ type, but then she said “ then, assist”, which sounded more ‘do-able’, so there I was at the airport on January 21.

We went to Myanmar, the capital of which is neither Rangoon nor Mandalay, but something unpronounceable. It is a former British colony hence the majority understood basic, rudimentary English. The official language is also Myanmar, which, when spoken, sounds so much like Thai.

After checking into the hotel and freshening up, we were brought to the Bible School, slightly more than and hour away, to familiarize ourselves with the place. It was a big wooden house, within a compound, with a couple of smaller houses behind. The area was “kampong-like”. After that we dropped by Sam’s place. He’s quite an enterprising guy! Not only does he run an orphanage i.e. take care of some orphans, he also runs an internet shop, an extremely small convenience store, an extremely small vegetable plantation, plus a chicken farm filled with well-fed egg-laying chickens. Quite impressive!

Dinner was at Winsome’s house, some 45 minutes away. By then it was dark and we were extremely hungry. We did not expect a spread, and we did not get one ☺ What she served was an extremely delicious Burmese noodle dish that was so yummy we all had at least two servings, topped off with a tea salad, a combination of marinated tea leaves, garlic, nuts and sesame seeds. Mere descriptions cannot do justice to the two dishes. I hope you will get to try them one day. – A great end to a long day!

VBS day dawned bright and sunny with a crisp cool breeze. The children were already there when we arrived, singing songs. I braced myself, took a deep breath and was ready to start the day!

They came in – wide-eyed, apprehensive looking, some scared, all not understanding a word of English, which was not that much of a problem as we had interpreters and most everyone understood hand gestures. By lunch they had already warmed up to us. I could hear “thank you’s”, see their willingness to help and eagerness to learn. Children are the

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same all over the world ☺ The children had fun, I had fun, and it was so touching to see the joy in their faces when they received their little prizes and take-home goodies. It was another great day!

Morning worship was at Winsome’s house at 1030am, attended by around 10 excluding our group. After a quick snack of sticky rice after the worship, we were off to the famous Bogyoke Market for a quick look-see-buy before we had to head off to another house 30minutes away to attend an afternoon service at 2pm. In the evening, Winsome brought us to have a quick look-see of Chinatown. Dinner was at a famous restaurant, “Junior Duck”, where we thought we would be having Peking Duck, It turned out the duck was not at all from Peking! ☺

All in all, the trip was good. It is always exciting to visit a new country- to experience the people and their culture. Myanmar, according to the men, is like Singapore in the 60’s to70’s. I was too young then ☺ To me, it is like the Philippines in the 80’s – non- air conditioned, ready to fall apart taxis, wooden houses, filled to the max lorries ( one of their mode of transportation), making u-turns anywhere they want and can, street lamp-less towns outside the city, making it exciting to drive at night. It was no wonder we saw two traffic accidents on our first night there!

In terms of hospitality, the people of Myanmar are up there with the Filipinos and Thais. Strangers were ready with genuine smiles and handshakes, offering what little they can give. They seemed quite happy with life despite not having much. It was delightful seeing children running around, playing and having fun.

Teaching is still not exactly my kind of thing ☺ yet. I am glad that there’s VBS, though, because somehow, it will make an impact in someone’s life … somehow.

Always keep an open mind ☺

Page 15: Myanmar Jan 2011 · Myanmar VBS trip from Friday 21 January – Monday 24 th January 2011 Reported by Josephine Seow with additional inputs in italics by Victor Soh On Sunday, 5th

Reflections from Victor: This is my second trip to Myanmar. It is by God’s grace that we could be there and I feel truly bless by His love through our Myanmese brethren. Brother Philip and Sister Winsome were truly excellent as our interpreters. And even though brother Ba Htay, Hning Maung could not speak any English, they spoke through their hearts and their actions. They, together with Beckham, Joseph and all the others made us so welcomed; their example in labouring for the Lord so inspiring. Sharing the gospel and planting the seed in the hearts of eager children is so heartwarming. I remember vividly the sight of a 3 year old girl, too young to join the VBS but standing on the windlow ledge enraptured as she watched the VBS class, her small arm around her mother holding her for support.

Though we speak different languages, though our customs and background are miles apart, God’s love connects us and our faith in Jesus Christ unites us. “No one has seen God at any time. If we love one another, God remains in us, and his love has been perfected in us.” 1 John 4.12

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Reflections from Simon: The four congregations that we visited during this trip have been blessed by the Lord with various talents. Sam continues to impress me with his entrepreneur spirit. He showed us his new project- a chicken eggs farm which may turn out to be a profitable business. He looks at all possibilities to provide for his children. There is promise that they may be self supporting in the near future. Winsome from the 8 mile church, is proud that her parents and grandparents have a long, long history with the church of Christ. Philip, stays at the great facility - the Hmaw Bi Bible school which has a10 -year history. Beside the regular two session of bible courses, there are opportunity to make better use of the facility. Church at Than Hlyin, young-2 to 3 years old, many children, many visitors, is vibrant and growing. Be prepared is key in any tent - making trip, there are always small changes that we must adapt ASAP. Victor teaching a youth class on salvation, Simon preaching at Than Hlyin. Depending on the number and maturity of the students teachers have to adjust the level that he is teaching very quickly. Without the benefit of modern equipment that we are used to, it is back to basics - sharing straight from the word and sharing of our faith and lives. VBS is PPCOC first export, A team is very experienced. Thank God for the preparation and formation of a new B team. “Walking with God “ is well received and many have asked for more copies. Bible class lessons prepared by PPCOC has the same opportunity to become our next export. The team spirit is fantastic , giving generously often time over and above, always ready to share and to know the Myanmar’s brethren. Of course, they too gave even more in comparison. The work is plentiful and much more need to done.