mycorrhizae in a wastewater-irrigated

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  • 8/11/2019 Mycorrhizae in a Wastewater-irrigated


    Plant and Soil 121, 187-196 (1990).

    ~) Kluwer Academic Publishers. Printed in the Netherlands'. PLSO 8243

    Vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizae in a wastewater-irrigated oldfield

    ecosystem in Michigan

    G .R. S A FIR , J .O . SIQ U EI RA ~ an d T .M. BU RT O N

    Department o f Botany and Plant Pathology and the Department o f Zoology Michigan State University

    East Lansing M I 48824 USA . IOn sabbatical leave.from ES A L Lavras -MG Brazil

    Received 16 May 1989. Revised Augus t 1989

    Key words: Glomu s, i rrigat ion, mycorrhizal fungi, soi l microorganisms, wastew ater disposal


    The incidence of vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizae (VAM ) in wastewater i rrigated and non-irrigated

    oldfield soils in Michigan was studied. Soil and root samples were taken monthly from field plots on the

    second and third years o f consecutive irrigation w ith municipal wastew ater at rates of 0, 5 and 10 cm wk J.

    The oldfield ecosystem contained a high V AM fungal spore pop ulat ion density, but low species diversity.

    The most co mm on V AM fungal species were

    Glomus mosseae


    G. fasciculatum.

    Both spore density and

    roo t coloniza tion were higher in irrigated than in non-irrigated plots. Irrigation effects were largest early in

    the growing season. In addit ion to increasing VAM incidence, wastewater i rrigat ion shifted VAM fungal

    species composit ion. Irrigat ion favored G. mosseae over G. fasciculatum. Bioassays using either Sorghum


    o r

    Daucus carota

    an oldfield native species, indicated that the VAM systems were still functioning

    after the third year o f consecutive wastewater i rrigat ion. The da ta f rom experiments using nutrient solutions

    at was tewater concentrat ions suggest that the effects of wastewater i rrigation on VA M are due to the effects

    of both water and nutrients. Since VA M are a very importan t com ponen t of the plant s w ater and nutrient

    uptake system and equally importan t in structuring plant com munit ies under l imit ing growth condit ions, i t

    is suggested that the st imulatory effect of wastewater i rrigat ion on VA M in an oldfield ecosystem enhances

    the ecos ystem s ability to fun ction as a living filter for w astew ater clean up.


    Soil and its vegetation act as a wastewater filter

    and can provide a desirable al ternative for disposal

    of secondary treated wastewater (Bower and

    Chaney, 1974). Applicat ion of was tew ater to ei ther

    natural or agricultural eco systems often increases

    plant biomass production (see overview by Brock-


    et al.

    and other individual papers in D Itri ,

    1982). Howev er, this increased biom ass prod uction

    has to be balanced against possible contamination

    of aquatic and groundwater systems, especial ly

    with ni trate and chloride (Burton, 1978; Burton

    and King, 1981), possible problems with increased

    Michigan Agricultural Experimental Station Journal Article

    No 13137.


    spread of human pathogens (Kowal et al. 1981;

    Kristensen and Bonde , 197 7; Shuval, 1977), and

    possible deleterious effects on the plant com-

    munities within natural e cosystem s including

    changes in species comp osit ion (Burton a nd H ook ,

    1982) and injury and vegetation decline if

    wastewater is applied in excess (Burton, 1982).

    Other adverse effects of wastewater applicat ion on

    vegetat ion may result from over fert il izat ion (Baier

    and F ryer, 1973; Nea ry et al. 1975), increased

    disease incidence (Epstein and Safir, 1982 ) and

    depression of biological nitrogen fixation in

    legumes (Tesar et al. 1982). Despite these pote ntial

    problems, reuse of wastewater is a widespread

    pheno men on worldwide (Heaton, 1981) and offers

    substantial advantages o ver discharge into aquatic

    ecosystems, especially in low precipitation areas of

  • 8/11/2019 Mycorrhizae in a Wastewater-irrigated


    188 Safir et al.

    the world . An a rea of concern to us tha t has been

    la rge ly over looked i s the potent ia l impac t of

    was tewate r nut r ients , toxins , pa thogens and ant i -

    mic robia l agents , such as chlor ine , on the des i rable

    mic robiologica l processes in the so i l ecosys tems. Of

    par t icula r in te res t i s the impac t on ves icula r-

    a rbusc u l a r myc or rh i z a e (VAM).

    VA M a re wi del y r ec ogn i z e d as c omp one n t s o f a ll

    t e r res t r ia l ecosys tems (Saf i r , 1987) , and known to

    be essentia l to above- (Allen and Allen, 1984) and

    be low-ground processes in o ldf ie ld ecosys tems

    (Crowel l and Boerner , 1988) . S ince VA M for-

    mat ion and func t ion a re sens i t ive to so i l mois ture

    (Nelso n, 1987) and fert i l i ty (H ay ma n, 1982), the

    e ffect of was tewate r i r r iga t ion on na tura l ly occur-

    ing VA M is of in teres t . In th i s paper , we repor t the

    e ffec t s of three consecut ive yea rs of was tewate r

    i r r iga t ion on the incidence of VAM fungi and

    VA M infec t iv i ty in an o ldf ield ecosys tem in


    aterial and methods

    Field studies

    Thi s s t udy wa s c onduc t e d a t t he wa t e r qua l i t y

    man agem ent fac i l i ty a t Michiga n S ta te Univers i ty ,

    on a n a ba ndo ne d fa rm f i el d s it e t ha t ha d no t be e n

    cul t iva ted for approximate ly 10 yea rs . S i te veg-

    e t a t ion wa s dom i na t e d b y a mi x t u re o f qua c kgra s s

    Agropyron repens) a nd go l de n rod Solidago

    graminifolia a nd Solidago canadensis) with a

    diverse mixture of other oldfie ld species. This fie ld

    was divided into 24 x 27 m plots that received 0, 5,

    a nd 10 c m wk - 1 o f c h l o r i na t e d mun i c i pa l

    Table 1. Mean annual conc entration (mg L -~) of w astewater

    applied to the oldfield site (from Hook and Burton , 1978)

    Constituent Second year Third year

    Nitrate -nitrogen 10.5 9.1

    Ammonium-nitrogen 1.4 1.2

    Total nitrogen 13.7 13.6

    Total phosphorus 2.7 2.7

    Potassium 10.0 10.5

    Calcium 69.9 57.9

    Magnesium 24.4 25.6

    Sodium 86.5 97.1

    Chloride I 12.0 120.0

    pH = 7.5; alkalinity - equivalent

    CaC O 3 =


    Table 2.

    Average soil analyses/~g g d ry so il ~, for the top 30 cm

    of soil of the oldfieldsite after two years of w astewater irrigation

    (after Hook and Burton, 1978)

    Constituent 0 cm wk -t 5 cm wk -~ 10 cm wk -~

    Phosphorus (Bray) 18.1 11.0 17.5

    Potassium (NH 4OA c) 135.8 75.1 73.6

    Calcium (NH4O Ac) 806.8 932.4 944.8

    Magnesium (NH4OA c) 89.3 130.6 160.4

    Sodium (NH4OAc) 27.9 87.0 99.7


    K2 SO4)

    9.6 32.2 32.7

    NO3-nitrogen 1.3 1.9 2.3


    was tewate r i r r iga t ion by spray . The was tewate r

    or ig ina ted f rom the Eas t Lans ing, Michigan sewage

    t rea tme nt fac i li ty f rom the f i rst of four lakes used to

    s tore th i s was tewate r pr ior to i r r iga t ion (see Table

    1 for chemica l ana lys i s of th i s was tewate r) . Spray

    i r r i ga t i on c on t i nue d f rom Apr i l t o Oc t obe r e a c h


    Soi l chemis t ry for these p lo t s de te rmined a f te r

    the f i rs t and second yea rs of i r r iga t ion , indica ted

    tha t was tewate r i r r iga t ion inc reased ca lc ium, mag-

    nes ium, sodium, and chlor ide in these so i l s (Table

    2) . Mass ba lance budge ts f or the s i te a l so indica ted

    tha t subs tant ia l am oun ts of N an d P were be ing

    re ta ined by the vege ta t ion and soi l s (Burton and

    Hook, 1982; Hook and Burton , 1978) .

    Prec ip i ta t ion averaged 77c m year -~ wi th an

    a ve ra ge snowfa l l o f 124c m ye a r -~ . Te mpe ra t u re

    a ve ra ge d 8 .2 C wi t h a me a n mon t h l y l ow o f

    - 5 . 5 C i n J a n u a r y a n d a m e a n m o n t h l y h i g h o f

    27.6C in Ju ly . The average grow ing season in th is

    pa r t o f Mi c h i ga n e x t e nds f rom Ma y 7 t o Oc t obe r 8

    (154 days).

    To eva lua te VAM inc idence , 20 so i l and root

    s a mpl e s we re r e move d mon t h l y f rom Ma y t o

    Oc t obe r , fo r a t wo ye a r pe r i od f rom e a c h o f si x

    rand om ly ass igned 24 x 27 m plo ts tha t rece ived

    0, 5 o r 10 cm wk - a of w as tewate r . Was tewate r i r -

    r iga t ion had been appl ied in the yea r be fore sam-

    pl ing and was appl ied a t the same ra te dur ing the

    two years of sampl ing . They a re re fe rred to a s the

    second and th i rd yea rs of consecut ive was tewate r

    i r r iga t ion . P lo ts were not h a rves ted dur in g the sam-

    pl ing pe r iod . Samples were taken to a depth of

    25c m a nd 5c m se c t i ons we re s e pa ra t e d a nd

    a na l yz e d fo r VAM spore numbe rs . F i f t e e n g ra m

    samples f rom each 5 cm sec t ion were thoro ugh ly

    mixed in 100 mL of d i s t il l ed wa te r and we t -s ieved

    t h rough 40 a nd 325 -me sh s c re e ns (Ge rd e ma nn a nd

  • 8/11/2019 Mycorrhizae in a Wastewater-irrigated


    VA mycorrhizae in a waste-water irrigated oldfield 189

    Nicolson, 1963) and the spores separated by

    sucrose (density = 1.18gcm 3) centrifugation.

    Spores were grouped by appearance and counted

    under a dissecting microscope. These groups were

    later classified to the species level as described in

    Gerdemann and Trappe (1974) and Trappe (1977).

    In the third year of consecutive application, root

    samples were taken from 20 plants, separated by

    species, in three 2 2m random sections from

    each plot. Quackgrass

    Agropyron repens)


    predominant species, was sampled on a monthly

    basis, while other species were sampled only in

    September. Roots were separated from soil,

    washed, cleared, and stained according to Phillips

    and Hayman (1970). For colonization assessment

    stained segments were mounted on microscope

    slides, scanned for VAM fungal structures, and

    rated as 3, 2 and 1 according to the intensity of

    fungal structures in the root as follows. Rating 3

    when fungal structures were present in at least

    130 mm/200 mm of root; 2 if they were present in

    60-129mm/200mm and 1 if present in 1-59mm/

    200 mm of root. The data were subjected to a one

    way ANOVA and the means for each sampling

    time separated by the Student-Newman-Keuls'

    multiple range test at the 0.05 level.

    Greenhouse experiments

    To evaluate the effects of wastewater application

    on VAM infectivity and effectiveness of oldfield

    ecosystems, VAM formation potential and effects

    on plant growth were assessed using sorghum

    Sorghum vulgare) (routinely used for infection

    studies) and Queen Anne's lace Daucus carota), a

    mycorrhizal oldfield species, as test plants. Both o f

    these species are easily produced from seeds.

    Quackgrass was not used for these studies because

    of the difficulty n obtaining uniform plant material

    for propagation. The first experiment was conduc-

    ted for 10 weeks in waxed cups containing 800 g of

    soil collected from each irrigation treatment (0, 5

    and 10cmwk-I), by the end of the third consecu-

    tive year of irrigation. In addition soil from the

    highest irrigation level (10cmwk -t ) and a sandy

    loam soil (with pH = 7.7 and 8 ppm of P) were

    autoclaved and included as treatments. Each treat-

    ment had 8 replications. In the second experiment,

    sorghum remained untreated or was inoculated

    with VAM fungi and planted in either 10 cm wk -I

    irrigated or greenhouse autoclaved soil. Highly in-

    fective VAM fungus inoculum (a mixture of

    Glomus mosseae and Glomus asciculatum) originat-

    ing from sudangrass greenhouse pot cultures, was

    applied at a rate of 200 g of soil inoculum per 800 g

    of either field or greenhouse soil. Each treatment

    had 6 replications and the experiment was conduc-

    ted for 10 weeks. A third set of experiments was

    conducted using the same treatments as the second

    experiment, except that the oldfield native plant

    Queen Anne's lace

    D. carota)

    was used as a test

    plant. At the end of each experiment plants were

    harvested and shoot dry weights were determined.

    Roots were separated from the soil for assessment

    of VAM colonization as previously described.

    In additional greenhouse experiments, nutrient

    solutions were adjusted to simulate wastewater (ac-

    cording to Table 1) using the following salts:

    (NH4)2NO3, KNO3, NaH2PO4, NaC1, CaC12

    2H20, Ca(NO3) '4H20, MgSO4 7H20, CaSO4,

    CaCO3, MnSO4.4H2 and FeSOa'7H20. Pre-

    germinated seeds of

    D. carota

    were planted in

    waxed cups containing 800 g of oldfield soil, to

    which the following treatments were applied: 1)

    water-stressed control (100mL of distilled water);

    2) water irrigated (190mL of distilled water); 3)

    simulated wastewater (100 mL of nutrient solution)

    and; 4) water and nutrient (190mL of nutrient

    solution). These treatments were applied in the pres-

    ence and absence of VAM inoculum

    G. mosseae


    G. fasciculatum)

    as previously described.

    Simulation treatments had 8 replications and were

    applied 5 times per week to approximate the 5 cm

    irrigation rates. After 12 weeks growth, plants were

    harvested and dry weight and root colonization

    assessed as previously described. Every experiment

    was repeated once. All the data were subjected to

    statistical analysis and significant effects separated

    by the Student Newman-Keuls multiple range test

    at the .05 probability level.


    Incidence of VAM

    The oldfield site from Michigan had spore

    population densities as high as 25 spores/g soil

    (Table 3, 4). The predominant fungal species

  • 8/11/2019 Mycorrhizae in a Wastewater-irrigated




    et al.

    Table 3

    Effect of waste water irrigati on on soil spore density for the three predo min ant VAM fungal species in a oldfield ec osystem

    in Michigan. Data (number of spores/15 g soil) for the second consecutive year of irrigation in the 0- -1 0c m top soil layer

    Sampling G fasc icu latum G mosseae G constr ic tum


    0 5 cm wk -~ 10 cm wk ~ 0 5 cm wk -~ 10 cm wk -t 0 5 cm wk -~ 10 cm wk -~

    Ma y 109 be 331 a 392 a 41 cd 154 b 111 b 29 d 84 c 57 cd

    June 134 b 203 ab 282 a 49 cd 188 ab 170 ab 47 c 22 c 38 c

    July 167 b 161 b 417 a 53 cd 127 b 411 a 43 b 21b 54 b

    August 132 c 169 b 163 b 60 cd 170 b 282 a 40 cd 47 cd 50 cd

    Septemb er 98 cde 160 bcd 207 b 105 ode 270 b 353 a 56 de 32 de 58 de

    October 107 c 151 b 164 b 66 cd 223 a 281 a 57 cd 57 cd 55 cd

    Means in the same line (month) followed by the same letters are not statistically different by the Student-N ewman-Keuls multiple range

    test at .05 level.

    Table 4 Effect of wastewa ter irrigation on soil spore density for the three predo min ant VAM fungal species in an oldfield e cosystem

    in Michigan. Data (number of spores/15 g soil) for the third year o f consecutive irrigation in the 0- -1 0 cm t op soil layer


    G fasc ic ula tum G mosse ae G c ons t ri c tum


    0 5 cm wk t 10 cm wk -t 0 5 cm wk -~ 10 cm wk -~ 0 5 cm wk -~ i0 cm wk t

    May 31 b 33 b 18 c 22 c 81 a 28 b 2 d 5 d 10 d

    June 13c 44a 23b 7c 75a 29b 4c 4c 7c

    Jyl y 8 c 19 b 15 b 8 c 35 a 23 a 6 c 2 c 4 c

    August 17 c 34 a 20 bc 14 c 38 a 17 c 6 c 18 c 7 d

    September 19 c 30 b 20 d 22 cd 60 a 28 bc 6 f 16 de 11 e

    October 11 c 28 a 20 a 10 c 87 a 23 a 2 d 12 b 6 c

    Means in the same line (month ) followed by the same letters are not statistically different by the Stude nt-Newman-Ke uls multiple range

    test at .05 level.

    recovered were identified as

    Glomus mosseae

    Glomus fasc iculatum


    Glomus constric tum. A

    fourth species

    Sclerocyst is rubiformis

    was found in

    low numbers and for th is reason was not con-

    s idered fur ther . Spore nu mbers were higher in the

    second Table 3) than in the th ird year of consecu-

    tive wastew ater irrigation Table 4), even in non-

    irrigated plots .

    In the second year of consecut ive i r r igat ion

    Table 3) , the numbers of

    G. mosseae

    and G.

    fasc iculatum

    spores were higher in i r r igated than in

    non- ir r igated plots .

    G. constric tum

    was only sig-

    nif icant ly af fected by i r r igat ion in May of the

    second year . In non- ir r igated plots ,

    G. fasciculatu m

    had higher spore numbers in June and July , while

    in i r r igated plots , a t bo th 5 and 10 cm wk -t , spore

    numbe rs were higher ear l ier in the growing season

    and decreased toward the end o f the season. G.


    d id no t change th ro ughou t the s eason in

    non- ir r igated plots , but increased la te in the season

    in irrigated plots .

    G. constric tum

    had a lower spore

    dens i ty than the other VAM fungus species and

    was less affected by either sampling time or irri-

    gat ion t reatment .

    In the th ird year of consecut ive i r r igat ion Table

    4), 5 cm wk - ~p lo ts had m ore o f

    G. mosseae

    and G.

    fasc iculatum spores than the 10c mw k -~ plots a t

    most sampling t imes . G. constric tum spore numbers

    were s ignif icant ly dif ferent in Au gust and Septem-

    ber whe n 5 cm wk -~ plots had more spores tha n

    ei ther non- ir r igated or 10 cm wk-~ t reatments .

    Despi te the monthly var ia t ion, i r r igated plots

    had h igher num bers o f

    G. mosseae

    and G.

    fasc iculatum

    populat ion dens i t ies than non-

    ir r igated ones for both

    G. mosseae

    and G.

    fasc iculatum

    dur ing both sampling years but to a

    lesser extent in the third yea r Fig. 1).

    G. constric-


    however responded very l i t t le to i r r igat ion.

    Spore numbers were also affected by soil depth.

    Spores were concentrated in the upper 15 cm o f soi l

    and their distribution in the soil profile was dif-

    ferent ial ly af fected by i r r igat ion an d sampling t ime

    Figure 2). In Ma y, i r r igated plots had an average

    of 4 .6 t imes more spores th an non- ir r igated ones in

  • 8/11/2019 Mycorrhizae in a Wastewater-irrigated


    VA mycorrhizae in a waste-water irrigated oldfield 191

    4 0 0

    0 G f s c i c u l t u m

    6 oo

    0 )


    iI~ 2OO


    0 5 10

    G. m o s s e e

    0 5 10

    I ] Second year


    Third year

    G. c o n s r r i c t u m

    o 5 lO

    I r r i g a t i on T r e a t m e n t s c m / w k

    Fig. 1.

    Overal l e ffec ts of wastew ater i r r iga t io n levels on the sp ore

    de ns i t i e s of

    G. fascicu latum, G. mosseae

    a n d

    G. constrictum

    in a n

    oldf ie ld so i l dur in g the s e c ond a nd th i rd ye a r s of c onse c ut ive

    irr iga t ion.



    t~ 4.0

    I f :


    ~ 3.0



    ~ 2.0



    , h , L 115 0 ,

    5 10 2 25

    S o i l Dep t h cm

    Fig. 2.

    Effe ct of wa s te wa te r i r riga t ion on V AM spore de ns i ty a t

    inc re a s ing so i l de pth a t the be ginning a nd a t the e nd of the

    g r o w i n g s e a s o n d u r i n g t h e s e c o n d y e a r o f c o n s e c u t i v e

    wa s te wa te r a ppl ic a t ion . Each data point r e pre se nt s the r a t io of

    m e a n spore de ns i ty for i r r iga ted 5 a nd 10 c m w k - t p lo t s ) ove r

    non- i r r iga te d p lo t s .

    the 0-5 cm soil layer. This rat io dropped to less

    than 2.0 at higher depth 20-25 cm). By September

    this trend reversed, i .e . irrigation favored fungal

    spore production at deeper layers in the profile.

    In addition to effects on total spore number,

    irrigation altered VAM fungal community struc-

    ture in the oldfield soil Fig. 3). The calculated ratio

    between numbers of G. mosseae/G fascicula tum

    spores indicated very little effect of sampling time



    t 2




    a irrigated -0 - Non-irrigated

    qr i ..Q I O O 8

    Second Year Third Year

    I i I I J L I I I I I

    J u l Sept May Jul Sept

    S a m p l i n g T i m e

    Fig. 3.

    R a t i o o f m e a n s p o r e n u m b e r s f o r

    G. mosseae

    M O S )

    ve r sus


    FAS) in i r r igate d a nd n on- i r r iga te d p lo t s

    t h r o u g h o u t t h e g r o w i n g s e a s o n i n t h e s ec o n d a n d t h i rd y e a r o f

    c onse c ut ive wa s te wa te r i r r iga t ion .

    in non-irrigated plots, but a considerable effect in

    irrigated plots. In the second year of wastewater

    application, the G. mosseae/G fasciculatum spore

    number ratio increased from 0.36 early in the

    season May) to 2.0-2.5, late in the season Septem-

    ber and October). In the third year, however, this

    ratio was not as high as was found in the second

    year, but was much less affected by the sampling


    Since plant species composition differs in ir-

    rigated and non-irrigated plots, individual species

    can not be compared, except for quackgrass, which




    e -








    2 0

    1 5

    1 . 0

    o . o f

    A I r r i g a t e d , ~

    - - - 0 - - - N o n - i r r i g a t e d / /

    / /

    / / /

    I I

    May June July

    S a m p l i n g T i m e

    Au;ust I


    Fig. 4. V A M r o o t c o l o n i z at i o n r a t i n g o f q u a c k g r a s s Agropyron


    a f te r the th i rd ye a r o f c onse c ut ive wa s te wa te r i r r iga t ion

    a nd f rom non- i r r iga te d p lo t s in a n o ldfie ld e c osys te m dur ing the

    growing se a son.

  • 8/11/2019 Mycorrhizae in a Wastewater-irrigated




    et al.

    was present in both situations. The overall species

    root colonization means for non-irrigated and ir-

    rig ate d plots we re 1.6 + 0.4 and 2.5 +__ 6, respec -

    tively. T he m onthly colonization rating, for qu ack-

    grass from non-irrigated and irrigated plots are

    given in Figu re 4. Irrigated plots were mo re heavily

    colonized from May to July, but no differences

    were evident late in the growing season. Althou gh

    non-irrigated plots reached the same colonization

    levels as irrigated ones late in the season, higher

    VAM formation earlier in the season may be of

    great advantage for plant nutrient uptake and


    Effects on V A M formation and funct ion

    The greenhouse assays using sorghum

    demonstrated that three years of consecutive

    wastewater irrigation had no significant effect on

    either VAM formation or plant growth (Table 5).

    However, when 10c mw k -~ irrigated soil was

    autoclaved to eliminate VAM propagules, plant

    growth was significantly reduced. Re-infestation of

    the same soil with mixed VAM inoculum, restored

    its infectivity and greatly increased sorghum and D.

    carota growth. This suggests that wastewater ir-

    rigation for three consecutive years at rates as high

    as 10c mw k -~ had no adverse effects on VAM

    formation and function.

    Simulation experiments using

    D carota


    significant plant growth responses (Figure 5). R oot

    colonization was at the same level as those o f D.


    inoculated plants in E xperiment 3 (Table 5)

    and was no t affected by any of the treatments. Plant

    dry weight was lower when nutrients alone (N UT )

    were applied in the absence of VAM, but was im-

    proved by joint application of nutrients and water

    (DW + NUT). VAM fungus inocula tion im-

    proved plant growth in comparison to non-m ycorr-

    hizal plants in every treatment. Its effects were

    more pronounced when either distilled water

    (DW), nutr ien ts (NUT) or both (DW + NUT)

    were applied. Plant grow th in these treatments was

    equally high and significantly greater tha n every

    non-inoculated treatment. Simulated wastewater

    (DW + NUT) improved p lant growth in com-

    parison to the control (CON) plants whether they

    Table 5.

    I n f e c t i v i t y a n d p l a n t g r o w t h p r o m o t i o n o f w a s t e w a t e r - i r r i g a t e d a n d n o n - i r r i g a t e d o l d f i e l d s o i l s f r o m M i c h i g a n u n d e r

    g r e e n h o u s e c o n d i t i o n s

    S o il o r i g in T r e a t m e n t P l a n t d r y w t R o o t

    c oloniz a t ion

    Experiment t - sorghum -

    Non-irr iga ted f ie ld soi l

    5 cm wk -~ ir r iga ted f ie ld soi l

    10 cm w k -~ ir r iga ted f ie ld soi l

    10 cm wk- t i r r iga ted f ie ld soi l

    G r e e n h o u s e V A M c o n d u c t i v e s o i l

    Experiment 2- sorghum -

    10 cm wk - t i r r iga ted f ie ld soi l

    10 cm wk -1 ir r ig a ted f ie ld soi l

    G r e e n h o u s e s o il

    G r e e n h o u s e s o i l

    Experiment 3 - Daucus carota -

    10 cm wk -I i r r iga ted f ie ld soi l

    10 cm wk- i i r r iga ted f ie ld soi l

    10 cm wk -1 ir r iga ted f ie ld soi l

    G r e e n h o u s e

    No ne 7.0 a b 1.6 a b

    No ne 6.6 a 1.2 a

    No ne 6.5 a 1.7 a

    Auto c la ve d 4 .0 b 0 .0 b

    Auto c la ve d 3 .2 b 0 .0 b

    Au tocl ave d 5.1 b 0.0 b

    VA M inocu la ted a 10.5 a 1.8 a

    Auto c la ve d 5 .7 b 0 .0 b

    VA M inoc ula te d a 11 .9 a 2 .0 a

    No ne 0.87 b 1.5 a

    Autoc la ve d 0 .45 c 0 .0 c

    Aut ocla ved an d 1.33 a 1.0 b

    V A M i n o c u l a t e d a

    Autoc la ve d a nd 1 .05 b 1 .0 b

    V A M i n o c u l a t e d

    a Inoc ula te d w i th h ighly infe c t ive so i l inoc u lum f rom po t c u l ture c onta in in g a m ixtu re of Glomus mosseae a n d Glomusfasciculatum.

    b Me a ns fo l lowe d by the s a m e le t t er s a re not s t a t i s ti c a l ly d i f f e re n t w i th in e xpe r im e nts by the S tude n t -Ke uls ' m ul t ip le r a nge t e s t a t . 05


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    Saf ir

    et al.

    numbers for the predominate species. Irrigat ion


    G. mosseae


    G. fasc i cu la tum.


    September of the second year of consecutive irri-

    gation the relative density of

    G. mosseae

    was twice

    as high as that of

    G. fasc i cu la tum.

    This trend con-

    t inued during the third year, however, the numbers

    of spores were reduced. Populat ion shifts between

    these two fungi have been reported to occur in

    other systems (Visser et al. 1984; W acker , 1988),

    and is probably due to changes in the edaphic

    environment. Hayman and Mosse (1979) reported

    that l ime and phosphate amendments induced a

    greater reduction in the populat ion of indigenous

    fungi than of introduced G. mosseae and G.

    f a s c i c u l a t u m in grassland soils in Wales. VAM

    fungi do not exhibit habitat specificity, but may

    have a narrow range of tolerance to environmental

    conditions. G. mosseae is well known for its prefer-

    ence for neutral to alkaline soils (Siqueira

    et al.

    1984), while

    G. fasc i cu la tum

    seems to tolerate a

    broad er pH range. In fact, ei ther l ime or Ca 2

    applicat ion has been shown to increase root

    colonization by G. mosseae (Hepper and O shea ,

    1984; Siqueira et al. 1984). Wastewater has a high

    pH and base content and i ts applicat ion to the

    oldfield ecosy stem increases Ca 2 an d Mg 2 levels

    in the soil (Table 2), thus favoring G. mosseae over

    G. fasc i cu la tum.

    Greenhouse experiments indicated that both ir-

    rigated an d no n-irrigated field soils were very infec-

    t ive and had an effective VA M native populat ion,

    because plant growth dropped significantly when

    VAM was el iminated by autoclaving soil . Growth

    prom otion effects were restored b y the reinfestat ion

    of autoclaved soil with a mixed inoculum of G.

    mosseae and G. fasc i cu la tum. This suggests that

    after three years of consecutive wastewater i rri-

    gation no anti-VAM fungal factor had buil t up in

    the soil and that the native VAM fungi were func-

    tioning. It also suggests that application of

    chlorinated wastew ater by spray irrigat ion does not

    lead to reduction in VAM populat ions, due to

    chlorination effects. Although

    D. caro ta

    is not the

    predominant species in our oldfield irrigated plots,

    the fact that i t showed a high degree of mycorrhizal

    dependency indicates the importance of VA M in

    this system. The experiment with simulated

    wastewater suggests that the wastewa ter i rrigat ion

    effects on VA M formation as reported here, and

    biomass product ion (Burton and Hoo k, 1982) are

    due to both nutrients and the water supply. The

    3.5-fold increase in D. carota growth due to

    inoculat ion with G. rnosseae and G. fasc i cu la tum

    when water and nutrients were applied (Fig. 5), is

    evidence of the importance of VAM in oldfield

    irrigated ecosystems.

    Urban and industrial disposal on land has been

    of majo r concern among environm ental ists because

    of their potential to harm the ecosystem. For in-

    stance, the percent of VAM colonization in barley

    was reduced by 6-fold due to land sludge appli-

    cat ion (Boyle and Paul , 1988). Because formation

    and function o f VAM are greatly affected by soil

    nutrient status, especially P and N availability

    (Hayman, 198 2), and because considerab le

    amounts of these nutrients were applied in the

    wastewater, between 150-270 kg ha- ~y r - 1 of N and

    30-7 0kg ha - l y r - l o f P (Burton and Hoo k, 1982),

    i t was expected that wastewater i rrigat ion would

    reduce VAM in the oldfield ecosystem. Instead, it

    favored root colonization and increased VAM

    spore popula t ion densities in the top soil layer and

    also deeper in the soil profile. S uch effects were also

    found in a 50 year old beech-maple stand in north-

    western Michigan with effluent irrigation up to

    7.6 cm wk-~ (O tto, 1980). Below-gr ound activity, is

    of importance to any system acting potential ly as a

    living filter fo r wastew ater disposal. Since VAM are

    crucial comp onents of such a system in terms o f i ts

    nutrient and water uptake capacity, and equally

    important in structuring plant communit ies under

    l imit ing condit ions for ad equate growth (Allen and

    Allen, 1984), the st imulatory act ion o f wastewater

    on V AM in oldfield ecosystems ma y enhance the

    efficiency of these sites as living filters for

    wastewater clean up. This suggests a need for ad-

    ditional long term studies.


    Here we would l ike to thank Ms Barbara Car-

    penter for technical assistance on this project, and

    CNPq-Brazil for the scholarship to J O S.


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