mysql vs. monetdb

MySQL vs. MonetDB A benchmark comparison between in-memory and out-of- memory databases Derek Aikins Advisor: Dr. Feng Yu

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Page 1: MySQL vs. MonetDB

MySQL vs. MonetDBA benchmark comparison between in-memory and out-of-memory databases

Derek AikinsAdvisor: Dr. Feng Yu

Page 2: MySQL vs. MonetDB

Overview• History of MySql.• What is a relational database.• History of Monetdb.• What is a column-store database.• Relational vs. Column-Store databases operations• Goal of Project• TPC-H• Installing and compiling TPC-H• Generating data using TPC-H• Generating queries using TPC-H• Queries• Results of Tests• Problems Encountered• Conclusion

Page 3: MySQL vs. MonetDB

History of MySQL• The world’s most popular open source relational database.• Leading database choice for web-based applications and used by high

profile web properties including Facebook, Twitter, and Youtube.• Created by a Swedish company, MySQL AB, originally developed by

David Axmark and Micheal Widenius in 1994.• First Version release on May 23, 1995.• MySQL AB was acquired by Sun Microsystems in 2008• Oracle acquired Sun Microsystems on January 27, 2010

Page 4: MySQL vs. MonetDB

What is a Relational Database?• MySql is a relational database• A relational database is a digital database that organizes data into one

or more tables of columns and rows.• Tables are known as relations• Each table represents one “entity type” such as customer or product• Rows (records) represent instances of that type of entity such as

“Lee” or “chair”• Columns represent values to that instance such as address or price.

Page 5: MySQL vs. MonetDB

Examples of a databaseRegion Table


0 AFRICAlar deposits. blithely final packages cajole. regular waters are final requests. regular accounts are

1 AMERICA hs use ironic, even requests. s

2 ASIA ges. thinly even pinto beans ca

3 EUROPE ly final courts cajole furiously final excuse

4 MIDDLE EASTuickly special accounts cajole carefully blithely close requests. carefully final asymptotes

Nation Table




0 ALGERIA 0 haggle. carefully final

1 ARGINTINA 1 al foxes promise slyly

2 BRAZIL 1 y alongside of the pending

3 CANADA 1 eas hang ironic,

4 EGYPT 4 y above the carefully

Page 6: MySQL vs. MonetDB

History of Monetdb• An open source column-store database • Developed in the Netherlands at the Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica (CWI)• Data mining project in the 1990s required improved database support which resulted in

a CWI spin-off called Data Distilleries, which used early implementations in its analytical suite • Data Distilleries became a subsidiary of SPSS in 2003, which was later acquired by IBM

in 2009• MonetDB in its current form was first created by Peter A. Boncz and Martin L. Kerstein

at the University of Amsterdam• Please refer to Dr. Boncz’s thesis for more details

Monet: a next-Generation DBMS Kernel For Query-Intensive Applications

• The first version was released on September 30, 2004

Page 7: MySQL vs. MonetDB

What is a Column-Store Database• Column-store databases store data as columns rather than rows• By storing data in columns rather than rows, the database can access

the data it needs to answer a query rather than scanning and discarding unwanted data in rows• Query performance is often increased as a result, particularly in very

large data sets• In most cases Column-Store databases store data in-memory (RAM)

unlike most row based databases that store their data on the harddrive

Page 8: MySQL vs. MonetDB

Relational vs. Column-Store database operation

Cust_ID Name Address City State Zip code Area Code

Phone # Rent/Own Annual Income

1 Jack 12 A St. Howland OH 44481 330 369-3597 Rent 74,000

2 Brian 13 B St. Howland OH 44481 330 856-1534 Rent 58,000

3 Mike 8 K St Warren OH 44483 330 373-1215 Own 92,000

4 Anna 62 Main St. Sharon PA 16101 724 654-0893 Own 110,000

5 Tasha 546 1st St. Stow OH 44752 216 849-5775 Rent 52,000

6 Sidney 84 Third St. Gilbert AZ 76534 480 758-6549 Own 90,000

7 Tyler 846 Wick Rd. Las Vegas NV 65487 231 654-5473 Own 60,000

8 Aaron 213 Maple St. Daytona FL 32547 519 159-3425 Rent 66,000

9 Beth 8749 Trump St. Detriot MI 87945 375 325-1849 Own 50,000

Page 9: MySQL vs. MonetDB

Goal of this Project• Take a standard dataset and a standard set of queries and run the test

on two different databases, MySQL and Monetdb. • By doing so, I intend to demonstrate the efficiency and speed that a

column-store database has over a traditional relational database. • To do this I will be using a data generator, TPC-H, for benchmarking

databases which can also generate the queries for the data. • Then push all data generated by TPC-H into both databases and run

each queries multiple times to get average times on both databases.• After all runs are complete, I will gather all results generated and

compare how the two databases performed.

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TPC-H• A decision support benchmark• Consists of a suite of business oriented ad-hoc queries and concurrent

data modifications• The queries and the data populating the database have been chosen

to have broad industry-wide relevance• This benchmark illustrates decision support systems that examine

large volumes of data, execute queries with a high degree of complexity, and give answers to critical business questions

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Installing and Compiling TPC-H• The program used to generate the data from TPC-H is called dbgen.• To install dbgen first I need to download the file from the TPC-H site using the

following command cd Downloads/tpch_2_16_0/tpch_2_15_0/dbgen/ • Then I had to create a makefile and go in and change the lines to CC = gcc

DATABASE=SQLSERVER Machine=LINUXWorkload=TPCH• Next in the dbgen folder I had to find the tpcd.h file and edit the lines define START_TRAN "BEGIN WORK;“ define END_TRAN "COMMIT WORK;“• Then I ran the make command.

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Generating the data- 100 Mb• After installing and setup TPC-H, I generated the data using dbgen• Using the command ./dbgen -s 0.1 to generate the data where the 0.1 in the

command dictates the amount of data to be generated in this case I use 100 Mb• Once the data was generated I created the database in MySQL using the CREATE

DATABASE tpch; command and then chose the database to load the data in the tables.• I then created each table with the CREATE TABLE command and set all the

descriptions for each column• Once the tables were created it was time to load the data into each table using

the LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE 'customer.tbl' INTO TABLE CUSTOMER FIELDS TERMINATED BY '|‘ and changing the table name to each table

Page 13: MySQL vs. MonetDB

Query 1mysql> select s_acctbal, s_name, n_name, p_partkey, where p_mfgr, p_partkey = ps_partkey s_address, and s_suppkey = ps_suppkey s_phone, and s_nationkey = n_nationkey s_comment and n_regionkey = r_regionkey from and r_name = 'ASIA' part, order by supplier, s_acctbal desc, partsupp, n_name, nation, s_name region p_partkey: where p_partkey = ps_partkey and s_suppkey = ps_suppkey and p_size = 19 and p_type like 'PROMO ANODIZED BRASS' and s_nationkey = n_nationkey and n_regionkey = r_regionkey and r_name = 'ASIA' and ps_supplycost = ( select min(ps_supplycost) from partsupp, supplier, nation, region


Page 14: MySQL vs. MonetDB

Query 2 select -> l_orderkey, -> sum(l_extendedprice * (1 - l_discount)) as revenue, -> o_orderdate, -> o_shippriority -> from -> customer, -> orders, -> lineitem -> where -> c_mktsegment = 'AUTOMOBILE' -> and c_custkey = o_custkey -> and l_orderkey = o_orderkey -> and o_orderdate < date '1995-08-15' -> and l_shipdate > date '1995-08-27' -> group by -> l_orderkey, -> o_orderdate, -> o_shippriority -> order by -> revenue desc, -> o_orderdate;

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Query 3select o_orderpriority, count(*) as order_count from orders where o_orderdate >= date '1996-10-29' and o_orderdate < date '1996-10-29' + interval '3' month and exists ( select * from lineitem where where l_orderkey = o_orderkey and l_commitdate < l_receiptdate ) ) group by o_orderpriority order by o_orderpriority;

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Query 4select sum(l_extendedprice * l_discount) as revenuefrom lineitemwhere l_shipdate >= date '1993-03-05' and l_shipdate < date '1993-03-06' + interval '1' year and l_discount between .03 and .06 and l_quantity < 3;

Page 17: MySQL vs. MonetDB

Query 5

select sum(l_extendedprice) / 7.0 as avg_yearlyfrom lineitem, partwhere p_partkey = l_partkeyt and p_brand = 'Brand#11' and p_container = 'MED JAR' and l_quantity < ( select 0.2 * avg(l_quantity) from lineitem where l_partkey = p_partkey );

Page 18: MySQL vs. MonetDB

Results for Queries 1 & 2

Query 1 Results

Query 10






3026.156667 25.97666667


Chart Title

MySQL (InnoDB) MySQL (MyISAM) Monetdb






Query 2 Results

Query 20







700 645.31667 652.2966667


Chart Title

MySQL (InnoDB) MySQL (MyISAM) Monetdb






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Results for Query 3 & 4

Query 30










MySQL (InnoDB) MySQL (MyISAM) Monetdb






Query 40











MySQL (InnoDB) MySQL (MyISAM) Monetdb






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Result for Query 5

Query 50













MySQL (InnoDB) MySQL (MyISAM) Monetdb






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Total Numerical ResultsMySQL (InnoDB) MySQL (MyISAM) Monetdb

QUERY TIME TIME (in seconds) QUERY TIME TIME (in seconds) Query TIME TIME (in seconds)

Query 1 Query 1 Query 1

run 1 26.14 sec 26.14 run 1 25.83 sec 25.83 run 1 12.854 ms 0.012854

run 2 26.20 sec 26.2 run 2 26.06 sec 26.06 run 2 12.141 ms 0.012141

run 3 26.13 sec 26.13 run 3 26.04 sec 26.04 run 3 11.199 ms 0.011199

Average Time 26.15666667 Average Time 25.977 Average Time 0.012064667

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Total Numerical ResultsMySQL (InnoDB) MySQL (MyISAM) Monetdb

Query 2 TIME TIME (in seconds) Query 2 TIME TIME (in seconds) Query 2 TIME TIME (in seconds)

run 1 10 min 42.03 sec 642.03 run 1 10 min 52.36 sec 652.36 run 1 23.548 ms 0.023548

run 2 10 min 46.84 sec 646.84 run 2 10 min 51.56 sec 652.56 run 2 16.765 ms 0.016765

run 3 10 min 47.08 sec 647.08 run 3 10 min 51.97 sec 651.97 run 3 24.834 ms 0.024834

Average time 645.3166667 Average time 652.2966667 Average time 0.0201565

Query 3 Query 3 Query 3

run 1 14 min 0.65 sec 840.65 run 1 35 min 53.17 sec 2153.17 run 1 15.332 ms 0.015332

run 2 14 min 12.67 sec 852.67 run 2 34 min 11.52 sec 2051.52 run 2 15.168 ms 0.015168

run 3 14 min 26.43 sec 866.43 run 3 34 min 13.34 sec 2053.34 run 3 13.698 ms 0.013698

Average time 853.25 Average time 2086.01 Average time 0.014732667

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Total Numerical ResultsMySQL (InnoDB) MySQL (MyISAM) Monetdb

QUERY TIME TIME (in seconds) QUERY TIME TIME (in seconds) Query TIME TIME (in seconds)

Query 4 Query 4 Query 4

run 1 .48 sec 0.48 run 1 0.29 sec 0.29 run 1 12.992 ms 0.012992

run 2 .49 sec 0.49 run 2 0.30 sec 0.30 run 2 10.641 ms 0.010641

run 3 .48 sec 0.48 run 3 0.29 sec 0.29 run 3 10.308 ms 0.010308

Average time 0.483333333 Average time 0.293333333 Average time 0.011313667

Query 5 Query 5 Query 5

run 1 2 min 18.08 sec 138.08 run 1 5 min 36.59 sec 336.59 run 1 18.776 ms 0.018776

run 2 2 min 19.34 sec 139.34 run 2 5 min 39.10 sec 339.1 run 2 21.746 ms 0.021746

run 3 2 min 14.04 sec 134.04 run 3 5 min 36.14 sec 336.14 run 3 15.775 ms 0.015775

Average time 137.1533333 Average time 337.2766667 Average time 0.018765667

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Comparison ResultsQueries MySQL


(MyISAM)Monetdb InnoDB/

MyISAMInnoDB/ Monetdb

MyISAM/ Monetdb

Average time Average time Average time

Query 1 26.157 25.977 0.0121 0.0069 times faster than InnoDB

2,168 times faster than InnoDB

2,153 times faster than MyISAM

Query 2 645.317 652.297 0.0201 0.0108 times slower than InnoDB

32,015 times faster than InnoDB

32,361 times faster than MyISAM

Query 3 853.25 2086.01 0.0147 2.445 times slower than InnoDB

57,915 times faster than InnoDB

141,591 times faster than MyISAM

Query 4 0.0483 0.293 0.0113 1.648 times faster than InnoDB

43 times faster than InnoDB

26 times faster than MyISAM

Query 5 137.153 337.277 0.0188 2.459 times slower than InnoDB

7309 times faster than InnoDB

17,973 times faster than MyISAM

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Challenges Encountered• Throughout this project I encountered several challenges:• The first difficulty encountered was the installation of the several programs

used for this project• Once all programs were installed the next challenge was the uploading of the

data to the databases• After all data was loaded into the database tables, one of the largest

challenges was to examine each query and fill in areas that needed exact information from the tables for the query to even run• The largest challenge I faced through this entire project was learning to use

the command line to do everything as I have not had much experience with this.

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Summary• A relational database is a digital database that organizes data into one

or more tables of columns and rows.• Column-store databases store data as columns rather than rows• TPC-H is a decision support benchmark that examine large volumes of

data, execute queries with a high degree of complexity, and give answers to critical business questions• As the data shows from the tests conducted on the two different

databases, column-store databases such as Monetdb are considerably faster in run time compared to traditional relational databases such as MySQL.

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ALL Results and Test Queries can be found at:

By searching djaikins on Github