mystery jets analysis

Mystery jets-Half in love with Elizabeth This song was released on the 30 th of June 2008. The song can be interpreted in many ways for example the video follows a couple with the man being sneaky and having an obsession with queen Elizabeth. This could be a symbol for another woman that he is in love with, or could mean he likes money as Elizabeth's face is on money. Any of the two will cause the relationship to be in jepardy, and maybe cause some arguments between the couple and may cause it too break, which would upset the woman in the relationship. And the band are in the video almost as if they are talking to the woman trying to tell her that her boyfriend is in love with another woman and it will end soon.

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Post on 03-Jul-2015




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Page 1: Mystery jets analysis

Mystery jets-Half in love with Elizabeth

This song was released on the 30th of June 2008. The song can be interpreted in many ways for example the video follows a couple with the man being sneaky and having an obsession with queen Elizabeth. This could be a symbol for another woman that he is in love with, or could mean he likes money as Elizabeth's face is on money. Any of the two will cause the relationship to be in jepardy, and maybe cause some arguments between the couple and may cause it too break, which would upset the woman in the relationship. And the band are in the video almost as if they are talking to the woman trying to tell her that her boyfriend is in love with another woman and it will end soon.

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In the first two shots it shows the band name and the song title, this is star image as it lets people know the song name and band name if it comes on tv and they enjoy the song they can easily find it again.

We can see that the video is in back and white this is typical of an ‘indie pop’ video as it is considered different as not many mainstream videos are in back and white.

There is then a 360 degree shot of the sky this is also a typical indie shot, and it also makes the sky look miserable so could suggest that the song is going to be of an upsetting nature.

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In this shot we see what we are lead to believe as the two main characters the couple sat eating breakfast, with the band in the background with the lead singer singing. The band have an Omni presence and its as if they are talking to the woman warning her that her boyfriend is in love with not only her but another thing. The band being there is also star image, we can see all the band as equal, and we can tell which is the lead singer as he is singing. They have done this so that people recognise them.

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In this shot we can see a woman's feet walking, we can tell it is a woman by the shoes she is wearing.

Then we see a shot of another person walking, we assume it is a man because of the footwear.

This low angle shot can be used to show someone being followed as we don’t actually see the peoples faces so we don’t know who the people are, or why they are being followed/chaced.

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These shots are stereotypically normal conventions of a relationship, so from these shots we are lead to believe that the two are a couple. They are in a house/flat so this suggests they live together with means they are in a stable relationship

In the shot they are playing a card game this could reflect that the man in the relationship is also playing a game almost by being in love with something else other than his girlfriend.

This shot links to the lyrics as the lyrics say ‘some things are too painful to say out loud’ and in the shot the man is on the phone. So could be texting about something because the issue is too hard to say to someone's face.

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Then there are shots with reference to queen Elizabeth, one where he is drawing a picture of Elizabeth and a man, most likely himself. We see close ups of the drawings, and the drawings themselves show a kind of obsession, especially because references and scenes of the Queen occur repetitively, for example, not only do we see drawings, but we see the man rubbing a stamp (which obviously is an image of the Queen). Another shot that falls in with this sequence of obsession is also shown, an angle shows the man holding a ten pound note, covering half the woman’s face with the Queen’s brow, (This also links directly to the lyrics ‘half in love with Elizabeth, and he’s half in love with you’), the over the shoulder shot makes it clear that the man is intentionally doing this, and that it equates to him, while we see that the woman is quite unaware of it all.

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Another scene directly in sync with the lyrics is shown here, ‘How can you put trust in a man who always sleeps in his clothes’ implies that there is something not right about someone who might do that, and we can clearly see, that one of those people, is this man; the band are sat around the bed that the two characters are laid on as this is done, making it even more direct to the situation, by using a long shot to bring both the band (music) and characters (image) together.In this shot, we see that the man is sat up, while the woman is asleep, perhaps showing that, yet again, this ‘obsession’ is on his mind, while the woman is still unaware.

Even in this shot, where this time the man is laid, his eyes are open, staring upwards, much like a person who is deep in thought, (while the woman yet again, is oblivious).The man has clearly been awake a lot earlier than necessary, we’ve been shown on several occasions now, that something is on his mind.

We see here that the man is dressed formally in shirt and tie, perhaps for work, this could suggest that the term ‘Elizabeth’, implies that the man is half in love with money and this is what is on his mind on a regular basis, especially as we see him anxiously waiting to get up and go after a nights sleep.

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In this scene, we see the band again; as the man walks by the band have an omnipresence, in which they are looking at the camera, playing a perhaps, narrative role.

The band appear on several occasions, and not only is it star imagery, but again, it shows that they are well aware of the situation, always being nearby the man and seeing what he does, (in this case, they start off with him getting out of bed, and are now near him while he is travelling)

We also see a close up shot of the singer, most likely to put focus on him as the lyrics are being sung, perhaps to bring attention to the words.

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Here we see a panoramic camera shot, where we can see both the man, and a very recognisable location, Buckingham Palace, once more, this is a blatant reference to Queen Elizabeth. As we can see in the 360 degree shot, the man is dressed formally, but now the viewer knows that he has dressed like this for when he arrives here; not only this, as we can also see he is baring flowers, stereotypically a romantic gesture or gift, which definitely relates to being in love, and defines his passion for Elizabeth, which from previous scenes, is starting to seem a metaphor for work/career.

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Here, we see good use of the rule of thirds, as the man and woman are positioned looking out towards the centre of the scene.

The two shots flick fast between one another, most likely showing realism (man and woman stood together) and fictional, or metaphorical (man stood with the Queen), not only this, but when swapping between scenes, everything stays exactly the same, apart from that the Queen takes the woman’s position, and the woman is no longer there, and then vice versa, this definitely relates to the half and half situation, as he is with one, but most likely thinking about the other.Another thing we see which is highly noticeable, is that when the man is stood by the Queen, he has his arm around her, while he does not when stood next to the woman, this could indicate that being half in love with Elizabeth and this whole obsession is getting in the way of the man and the woman’s relationship, especially as the Queen is taking her place.

The fact that these shots are quickly flicked from one to the other back and forth, most likely show that it is happening at the same time, rather than showing two different time periods.

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These shots are shots which you would see in a movie between people having a conversation. There are subtitles on the shot so we can see what they are discussing, because the music video is in black and white and has subtitles with no talking it is representing a silent movie, which is quite vintage and oldish, which would typically interest a person who is into ‘indie’ things. If you read the subtitles in the music video it carry's on with the shady character being secretive towards his partner, and his partner is starting to become suspicious.

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This carry's on with the idea with the man being all creepy and having an obsession with the Queen Elizabeth as he is cutting out his face and putting it next to hers. This clip doesn’t stay on long so we don’t have time to see what he is actually doing but we can guess which leaves us to question the character more.

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This scene obviously relates directly to the lyrics, that go ‘the bubble will burst’, as we see a bubble blown out of chewing gum that pops; The fact that it is the man who is blowing it could also mean that he has brought it upon himself, or that he has caused this. We can see him directly in the centre of the shot, looking straight into the camera, as if to show a slightly rebellious and uncaring opinion on the matter.The appearance of the actual man himself seems rather laid back, as he is unshaved, showing perhaps a disregard for formality and how he might come across.

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The scene we see here consists of star imagery, perhaps a bit of band recognition.As the camera pans left (getting a clear shot of each band member) you could suggest that it is showing them as equals, they are all together, as a third party to the story, they see both the woman, and the man on different occasions, in this case, they are merely sat watching the man. This could show that they see what happens and are aware of the situation.

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This is a panning shot which shows us inside the cupboard which the man didn’t want his partner to open. There are many objects and pictures with the queen on or which involve the queen . The panning shot lets us see all the items in the cupboard and makes it seem that there is a lot. This then shows the audience that his obsession is bad as he has created a shrine of the queen.

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These shots have a comedic value to them as it shows the Queen playing basketball with the man who has the obsession. Because when the man first sees her he doesn’t seem very excited which you would think someone who has seen who they are obsessed with would act , it makes it seem like it is a natural thing and this isn't the first time it has happened. So he could be doing activities with Elizabeth or what Elizabeth represents on a regular basis.

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This shot is of a low angle it shows a plate with Elizabeth's face on smashing on the floor , the fact that we see the woman's feet in the shot jumping out the way could show that she is the one in danger and the plate representing her partners obsession is the object/issue causing it.

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In this shot we see the same shot we saw in the beginning of the music video , but this time with writing saying ‘I'm sorry’ carrying on with the silent movie effect. But this time we have see and can now understand why he has chased her and is now hugging her . The reason for playing this shot in the beginning and then at the end with more detail is to maybe show that it keeps happening over and over again therefore showing it twice, showing that his obsession will never stop and he will keep saying he's sorry, but he does it again.Because he says ‘its you I love’ we can now understand that he did love something other than his physical partner.

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In this shot we see a close up shot, and all focus is on the man. This is the shot after the one we see at the beginning but we do not see this part it skips to other shots. But we see the man smiling, at first we may think that he is smiling because he has once again got his partner back and is happy .

But then in this shot we see he is actually smiling at Elizabeth who is stood there waving. This is the ending shot , and shows that this obsession hasn’t ended although he has told his partner it has. Because the focus in on the couple hugging and Elizabeth is in the background blurred out it shows that Elizabeth will always be in the back ground of their relationship.