mystery leftovers (dark matter big bang...

Lecture 3: Mystery Leftovers (Dark Matter Big Bang Relics) The 64 th Compton Lecture Series Unsolved Mysteries of the Universe: Looking for Clues in Surprising Places THE ENRICO FERMI INSTITUTE Brian Odom

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Lecture 3: Mystery Leftovers (Dark Matter Big Bang Relics)

The 64th Compton Lecture Series

Unsolved Mysteries of the Universe:Looking for Clues in Surprising Places


Brian Odom

10/7/2006 Brian Odom Compton Lecture 3

Answers to Previous Questions





n νe + p + e νe + n e + p

(neutrino + neutron electron + proton)

Neutrino detection (question from Lecture 2)

But, do this in a nucleus where β-decay is forbidden. Otherwise natural radioactivity is a background.

Other questions (talk with me afterwards):1. First three minutes affected by time dilation?2. Energy in interfering wavefronts3. Neutrino oscillation and energy conservation

10/7/2006 Brian Odom Compton Lecture 3

Dark Matter

Wanted: Missing matter. Must not give off light.(We will see that, actually, it can’t even interact with incoming light.)

10/7/2006 Brian Odom Compton Lecture 3

Dark Matter Candidates

• Baryonic Dark Matter(normal stuff)hiding in gas clouds ? dim stars ? black holes ?

10/7/2006 Brian Odom Compton Lecture 3

What is a Baryon?

image from

Baryons are made from three quarks

Mesons (unstable) are made from quark-antiquark pairs

For reasons not well understood, hadrons only comes in colorless composites


10/7/2006 Brian Odom Compton Lecture 3

Dark Matter Candidates

• Baryonic Dark Matter(normal stuff)hiding in gas clouds ? dim stars ? black holes ?

• Non-Baryonic Hot Dark Matter(light stuff—traveling near the speed of light)neutrinos ?

10/7/2006 Brian Odom Compton Lecture 3

Dark Matter Candidates

• Baryonic Dark Matter(normal stuff)hiding in gas clouds ? dim stars ? black holes ?

• Non-Baryonic Hot Dark Matter(light stuff—traveling near the speed of light)neutrinos ?

• Non-Baryonic Cold Dark Matter(exotic stuff)WIMPs ? axions ? heavy sterile neutrinos ? Kaluza-Klein particles ?

10/7/2006 Brian Odom Compton Lecture 3

Dark Matter Candidates

• Baryonic Dark Matter(normal stuff)hiding in gas clouds ? dim stars ? black holes ?

• Non-Baryonic Hot Dark Matter(light stuff—traveling near the speed of light)neutrinos ?

• Non-Baryonic Cold Dark Matter(exotic stuff)WIMPs ? axions ? heavy sterile neutrinos ? Kaluza-Klein particles ?

Ruled out

10/7/2006 Brian Odom Compton Lecture 3

Galaxy Rotation Curves

• Local dark matter density is ~ 0.3 GeV / cm3

• We are moving through the dark matter halo of theMilky Way at ~ 230 km / s

Exhibit A: Galaxies should spin themselves apart

10/7/2006 Brian Odom Compton Lecture 3

Galaxy Clusters

• Galaxies usually hang out in clusters, bound together by gravity

• Often there are ~100 per Mpc (~100 in distance between us and Andromeda)

• They contain 50-1000 galaxies, and span 2-10 Mpc

Galaxy Cluster Abell 1689

10/7/2006 Brian Odom Compton Lecture 3

Galaxy Clusters

• In 1936 Fritz Zwicky used redshifts to measure the “velocity dispersion” of 8 galaxies in Coma Cluster.

• We would expect “virialized velocities”, where <KE> = -1/2 <PE>.

• But, when we calculate the gravitational potential from the luminous matter, we find that it only accounts for typically 5% of the needed matter.

• Modern measurements have become much more sophisticated, but we still end up with the same problem.

Exhibit B: Galaxies should fly out of their clusters

Galaxy Cluster Abell 1689

10/7/2006 Brian Odom Compton Lecture 3

Ah, but Maybe There’s Gas…

X-ray image: NASA/CXC/UCI/A Lewis et al.; Optical image: Pal. Obs. DSS.

Chandra (left) and Optical (right) image of Abell 2029

• Indeed, there is plenty of gas, at temperatures of 107 -108 Kelvin, so it emits x-rays (very high-frequency light). • Great! Maybe this gas that didn’t emit visible light is what provides gravity to hold the galaxies together?

10/7/2006 Brian Odom Compton Lecture 3

From Bad to Worse

Hydrostatic pressure determines the temperature and spatial extent of gas held in place by a given gravitational potential. This is the same thing that gives stars finite size—thermal pressure from within.

This balance lets you find total amount of matter.

From Bad: The intergalaxy gas typically only provides 10% of the mass needed to hold the clusters together.To Worse:

Exhibit C: The hot gas in clusters should spread out

10/7/2006 Brian Odom Compton Lecture 3

The Same Story for Gas in Galaxies

Chandra Observation of NGC 4555

• Hot gas cloud diameter = 400,000 light years• … about twice that of the visible galaxy• An enormous halo of dark matter is needed to confine the hot cloud• The halo must have a mass 10x the stars and 300x the gas

Exhibit D: Gas in individual galaxies should spread more

10/7/2006 Brian Odom Compton Lecture 3

Strong Lensing

Gravitational bending of light creates arcs or multiple images of more distant galaxies

10/7/2006 Brian Odom Compton Lecture 3

More Strong Lensing Pictures

10/7/2006 Brian Odom Compton Lecture 3

Strong Lensing

Elliptical Einstein rings are clearly observed in this Hubble image (left)

Exhibit E: Working backwards from strong lensing shows that bulk of cluster mass is dark

10/7/2006 Brian Odom Compton Lecture 3

Weak Lensing

(Colors indicate the dark matter density in this computer simulation. The white stick indicate the average shape of the galaxies lensed by this mass distribution. The tangential pattern around the massive clumps is easily seen. )

• Usually the lens is too weak to create rings and arcs

• But, the background galaxies are still distorted

• This distortion can shows up in statistical analysis when many galaxies are observed—weak lensing

10/7/2006 Brian Odom Compton Lecture 3

Weak Lensing

Can you see the shear direction of the weak lensing?

10/7/2006 Brian Odom Compton Lecture 3

Weak LensingStrong lensing near cluster center can be seen in the left image. The sticks in the blowup region (right) show the direction of the weak lensing shear—in the direction expected, given the cluster center.

Exhibit F: Weak lensing also requires dark matter

10/7/2006 Brian Odom Compton Lecture 3

The Power of Lensing

• Lensing experiments do not require understanding of any galactic or intergalactic dynamics. Only general relativity is required to get the gravity right.

• Strong and weak lensing analyses lead to the same conclusions about the dark matter composition of galaxy clusters

• This agreement persuaded many astrophysicists of the reality of dark matter

• Microlensing observations also rule out MACHOs(massively compact halo objects), such as small black holes or brown dwarfs, as being a dominant dark matter component

10/7/2006 Brian Odom Compton Lecture 3

Bullet Cluster Collision

Stars (seen by Hubble images) and dark matter (seen by weak lensing) pass through collision mostly uninhibited. Hot gas (seen by Chandra images of x-rays) is very disrupted. All as expected for dark matter.

10/7/2006 Brian Odom Compton Lecture 3

Bullet Cluster Collision

Exhibit G: Dark matter shows up in collision dynamics

10/7/2006 Brian Odom Compton Lecture 3

CMB Structure

• Ripples in the CMB are from sound waves•The wavelength of this sound is calculable•So the location of the first peak in the power spectrum tells us the geometry of the universe!

10/7/2006 Brian Odom Compton Lecture 3

CMB Structure

(Wayne Hu, Ann. Phys. 303 203, 2003)

The ratio of first to second peak heights gives a sensitive probe of baryon density

Exhibit H: The CMB shows that the baryon content of the universe is too small to account for all the dark matter

10/7/2006 Brian Odom Compton Lecture 3

Big Bang Nucleosynthesis

Burles, Nollett, Turner 2001

Big Bang Nucleosynthesis (BBN) stops when the temperature and density get too low to support further fusion reactions

10/7/2006 Brian Odom Compton Lecture 3

Big Bang Nucleosynthesis

Burles, Nollett, Turner 2001

• If all the mass of the universe is in the form of cold baryonic matter, big bang nucleosynthesis predicts abundances of light isotopes much different from those observed.

• This actually led to an effort in the 1970s to find alternate production methods for deuterium.

• Non-baryonic cold dark matter solves this problem.

• The baryon density predicted from BBN agrees with that from other measurements.

Exhibit I: Big Bang Nucleosynthesis only predicts the right abundances if there is non-participating cold dark matter.

10/7/2006 Brian Odom Compton Lecture 3

What about Standard Model HDM?

Wavelength λ [h-1 Mpc]

Solid line: standard cosmology, with neutrino mass = 0.

Dashed line: what would happen if the 7% of the dark matter mass was from neutrinos. The data strongly disfavor this.

Too many neutrinos wash out structure and prevent galaxies and galaxy clusters from forming. Hot Dark Matter (HDM) also causes problems for BBN.

M. Tegmark, Physica Scripta. Vol. T121, 153–155, 2005

At first glance, neutrinos sound great. Standard model particlewhich doesn’t couple electromagnetically. But…

10/7/2006 Brian Odom Compton Lecture 3

Standard Model Warm Dark Matter?

Left: A 4 Mpc region showing simulated structure development in ΛCDM at z=1(about 8 billion years ago). Right: the same simulation run for ΛWDM. Again, warm dark matter (which would allow standard model stuff to be the dark matter) gives very different results, inconsistent with observations.

From Rob Thacker

10/7/2006 Brian Odom Compton Lecture 3

Down to Desperate Alternatives?

• We have a vast body of evidence for dark matter

• Neither HDM nor baryonic CDM match the data

• The most likely alternative seems to be a new type of particle—non-baryonic cold dark matter

• One other alternative is MOND (Modified Newtonian Dynamics)—different gravity on large length scales. This is not the favored solution, however, especially since it has trouble with BBN.

• But really, how desperate is non-baryonic CDM? We expected there to be new particles for other reasons…

10/7/2006 Brian Odom Compton Lecture 3

The Higgs Mechanism

Slide from Ambreesh Gupta, 60th Compton Lecture Series

10/7/2006 Brian Odom Compton Lecture 3

The Higgs Mechanism

• The Higgs particle works wonders:1. It gives W and Z bosons mass

2. This breaks electroweak symmetry (they are distinguished from the photon)

3. So, electromagnetism looks different from the weak interaction at low energies, like we observe

4. Incidentally, it gives ALL fundamental particles masses. This is nice.

• But there is a (horrible?) cost—more new particles for the whole thing to make sense…NOT AGAIN!

10/7/2006 Brian Odom Compton Lecture 3


• In quantum field theories, real particles interact with virtual particles

• Upon initial inspection, these give infinite contributions to measurable quantities like mass and charge!

• Usually, we know how to subtract off a different infinity and end up with a finite quantity. This is called renormalization

• Although suspicious, renormalization always gives the right answers, so far as we have been able to tell

10/7/2006 Brian Odom Compton Lecture 3

The Curse of the Higgs

• But, the Higgs is a special case. Unlike all other fundamentalparticles, it must be a scalar, i.e. a spin-zero particle.

• This property leads to a nastier type of divergence (a quadratic divergence), that cannot be renormalized.• The Higgs can do wonderful things like provide a mechanism for all particles to get mass, but the cost is that its own mass approaches infinity, or at least the Planck mass (1019 GeV). This is called the hierarchy problem.

• Unless new physics comes along to fix the problem…

10/7/2006 Brian Odom Compton Lecture 3


Each particle gets a “sparticle” counterpart. Bosons get fermions and vice versa. These have not yet been discovered, but if supersymmetry is right, their discovery is right around the corner at the LHC.

10/7/2006 Brian Odom Compton Lecture 3

Supersymmetry Saves the Higgs

• Particles and sparticles contribute terms to the Higgs mass with opposite signs, so they mostly cancel.

• There is some portion left over, because particles and their sparticles do not have the same mass. This leaves the Higgs with a finite, workable, mass.

10/7/2006 Brian Odom Compton Lecture 3

Another Benefit of Supersymmetry

from Dennis Silverman

We want this:

Renormalization causes the coupling constants of the four forces to “run”. At higher energies, where symmetries are unbroken, you might expect a unified theory should have a single coupling constant

10/7/2006 Brian Odom Compton Lecture 3

Supersymmetry and Running Coupling

Normally, we’d get this: But with Supersymmetry:

figures from Dennis Silverman

Unification of the strong force is not a solved problem, but joining of the running coupling constants provides an important ingredient

10/7/2006 Brian Odom Compton Lecture 3

Traditional Road to Finding Particles

Because of E=mc2, going to higher energies in collisions lets you look for new, heavier particles

The LHC—The next collider, to open soon

10/7/2006 Brian Odom Compton Lecture 3

The Biggest Accelerator Ever…

Looking back earlier in time is looking into physics at higher energies

10/7/2006 Brian Odom Compton Lecture 3

… Makes LHC Look Wimpy

10/7/2006 Brian Odom Compton Lecture 3

Freezeout Leads to Relics

from Rocky Kolb

Suddenly, non-baryonic cold dark matter does not sound so strange. Particle physicists want yet more heavy particles to solve big problems. If they are right, there must be big bang relics.

10/7/2006 Brian Odom Compton Lecture 3

About to Break Tradition?1

2 ann37 210 cmxh

σ −

⎛ ⎞Ω ⎜ ⎟⎝ ⎠

• If supersymmetric particles exist, we know their approximate annihilation cross-section.

• Big bang physics then predicts a relic abundance…

• Which is just right to explain the dark matter density!

• If we find dark matter left over from the big bang accelerator, we would reverse the recent tradition of finding new particles in earth-bound accelerators

• (But, for as long as we can build accelerators these approaches to discovery will be complementary)

• Next week: Dark Matter Direct and Indirect Detection