mystudybar in 10 minutes

Turbo Tel 2012 MyStudyBar in 10 Minutes Who was it developed by? What is it used for? How did we promote it? Where can I download it?

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Post on 16-May-2015




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Sid Cameron


Page 1: MyStudyBar in 10 Minutes

Turbo Tel 2012MyStudyBar

in 10 MinutesWho was it developed by?

What is it used for?How did we promote it?Where can I download it?

Page 2: MyStudyBar in 10 Minutes

The idea for ‘EduApps’ came about when a small team from the JISC Regional Support Centre Scotland North & East (disbanded in July 2011) discussed the use of portable applications and how freely available ‘apps’ could be used to support learners with additional needs. The concept of using portable applications within an educational environment was not new – members of the team had used portable applications in previous teaching positions and there were commercially available examples in the marketplace.

Who was it developed by?

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How did we promote



College Public network drive

College Blackboard VLE

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The MyStudyBar toolbar offers applications for mind mapping, screen masking, word prediction, a talking dictionary, text to speech, and voice recognition.  (The voice recognition requires the built-in speech recognition that comes with Windows Vista or Windows 7.) 

My StudyBar is a floating toolbar of free open source applications that can be downloaded and then easily installed on a flash drive for use on any Windows computer. Although these applications are intended primarily for learners with “literacy difficulties”, the tools have the potential to support ALL learners. 

For more information ask at your LRC


Page 5: MyStudyBar in 10 Minutes

Click here

My study bar can be found on the memory stick that is held in your LRC, in the ‘J’ Drive in a folder called ‘Accessibility Apps’ and in the ‘N’Drive in the ‘Software’ folder.

This will open the floating ‘My Study Bar

The MyStudyBar toolbar offers applications for mind mapping, screen masking, word prediction, a talking dictionary, text to speech, and voice recognition.  (The voice recognition requires the built-in speech recognition that comes with Windows Vista or Windows 7.)  Here is a link to a ‘You Tube’ overview of My Study Bar which is very good. This tutorial is for version 2 but you will see when you watch it that it is just different in very little ways. It is mostly the same.

This very useful accessible app can be downloaded on to the student or member of staff’s memory pen or into their ‘F’ Drive. Just highlight as shown below; right click, copy and then pasteinto the memory stick or the ‘F’ Drive whichever they would like :

If you would like any further help with this I will be happy to assist either by phone or e.mail:0117 312 5839 or [email protected]

What you need to know……….Helpsheet

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My Study Bar Download in

Where can I download it?

Page 7: MyStudyBar in 10 Minutes

What it is used for

Used in all courses from HE to entry level 1

What is usedAlmost everything

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My contact details are:

[email protected]

Tele: 0117 312 5839