myths presentation

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Post on 23-Jun-2015




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  • 1. Teaching Real ScienceUsing Assessment to Target Student Myths and Misconceptions

2. What DO We Know About Student Misconceptions?Children develop non-scientific explanations prior to instructionChildren can express scientifically accurate statements while also holding misconceptionsStudents can recite correct definitions with little understandingAddressing student prior understanding is necessary for effective instruction.Quality instruction focuses on accurate descriptions and explanations 3. Problems specific to scienceinstructionAbstractHierarchical, sequential conceptsJargon/vocabularyIntimidationOur own content knowledgeModel limitationsShallow understanding 4. Interlude: Richard Feynman 5. Questions for Forces and Gravity 6. Questions for Forces and GravityQuestion 1:Here on planet Earth, you holdan apple and a feather. Youdrop them at the same timefrom the same height. Willthe objects hit the ground atthe same time? If not, whichobject will hit the groundfirst? Draw a picture thatshows what will happen andexplain your reasoning. 7. Questions for Forces and GravityQuestion 2:On the Moon, you wear aspacesuit and hold an appleand a feather. You dropthem at the same time fromthe same time from the sameheight. Will the objects hit theground at the same time? Ifnot, which object will hit theground first? Draw a picturethat show what will happenand explain your reasoning. 8. Questions for Forces and GravityQuestion 3:Back on Earth from your Moon adventure, youthrow an apple so that it leaves your handtraveling parallel to the ground. Draw a picturethat shows the path of the apple. Why does theapples path have that shape? 9. Questions for Forces and GravityQuestion 4:You throw another apple, but this time, you throwit harder. Add the second path to the illustrationyou made. What is similar and different about thepaths the apples take? 10. Questions for Forces and GravityQuestion 5:Is it possible to throw the apple so hardhorizontally that it never lands on Earth? Draw apicture that shows how this could or could nothappen. 11. Lets Do an Experiment? 12. How can we promote more inquiry? 13. Questions? 14. Bye!