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ISO/IEC JTC 1 N 13189 ISO/IEC JTC 1 Information technology Secretariat: ANSI (United States) Document type: Business Plan Title: BUSINESS PLAN FOR JTC 1/SC 7, Software and Systems Engineering for the PERIOD COVERED: June 2015 – May 2016 Status: This document is circulated for review and consideration at the November 2016 JTC 1 meeting in Norway. Date of document: 2016-10-07 Source: SC 7 Chair Expected action: ACT Action due date: 2016-11-07 Email of secretary: [email protected] Committee URL: http://isotc.iso.org/livelink/livelink/open/jtc1

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ISO/IEC JTC 1 N 13189

ISO/IEC JTC 1Information technology

Secretariat: ANSI (United States)

Document type: Business Plan

Title: BUSINESS PLAN FOR JTC 1/SC 7, Software and Systems Engineering for the PERIODCOVERED: June 2015 – May 2016

Status: This document is circulated for review and consideration at the November 2016 JTC 1 meeting inNorway.

Date of document: 2016-10-07

Source: SC 7 Chair

Expected action: ACT

Action due date: 2016-11-07

Email of secretary: [email protected]

Committee URL: http://isotc.iso.org/livelink/livelink/open/jtc1




1 ExecutiveSummary


2 Chairman'sRemarks

2 .1 Market Requi rements , Innovat ion

Systems engineering, whose origin is traceable to industrial engineering, is defined as aninterdisciplinaryapproachgoverningthetotaltechnicalandmanagerialeffortrequiredtotransformaset of customer needs, expectations, and constraints into a solution and to support that solutionthroughoutitslife(ISO/IEC24765,SystemsandSoftwareEngineeringVocabulary).SC7, whose scope is Software and Systems Engineering, can thus be described as a horizontalcommittee who produce generic standards that are technology agnostics and independent of theapplication domain. These standards are principally focused on processmodels and good practices(Methodsandtechniques).Noteworthyin2016is,aftertherecommendationofaStudyGroup,thesuccessfulballotofthreeNWIPintheareaofSystemsofSystemsEngineering.AsuccinctviewofthestrategicdirectionsofSC7isinannextothisdocument.

2 .2 Accompl i shments




2 .3 Resources


2 .4 Compet i t ion and Cooperat ion

ThefullSC7MembershiplistcanbefoundatSC7MemberListing.SC7hasmadeaconsciousefforttoincreaseco-operationwithotherstandardsgroupsbyestablishinganextensivenetworkofliaisonsbothinternalandexternaltoJTC1.AlistofliaisonscanbefoundatJTC 1/SC 7 Liaisons .Noteworthyare:

• TheJointWorkingGroup(WG28)withISO/TC54onCIFUsability

• Theveryproductive liaisonswith the IEEEComputerSocietyand the InternationalCouncilofSystemsEngineers(INCOSE)

3 WorkProgram

3 .1 St ructure

SC7WorkProgramisdoneintwelveworkinggroups,asillustratedinFigure2.Theseworking groupsoperate under a governance structure that, in addition to the usual AdvisoryGroup(AG),includethefollowingSpecialWorkingGroups:

• SWG1BusinessPlanning• SWG5StandardsManagement• SWG6OperationsManagement

• SWG22VocabularyManagementGroup



3 .2 SWG5 – Standards Management

Atthe2016plenarymeeting,SWG5performedthefollowingactivities:• UseofTechnicalReports- Discussed use of Technical Reports (TR) with various conveners. The use of TRs ranged

fromnotusedatalltousedregularly.- ThechangeinthedefinitionofTechnicalReporthasbroughtabouta lackofclarity in its

use.- WGsconvertedTRstoTechnicalSpecification(TS)whereitmadesense.- RecommendthatWGscontinueusingTRsinthecontextofthecurrentdefinition.

• RecommendedthefollowingStudyGroups- DevOpsandAgile- InvestigateSC7FutureArchitecture-SystemandSoftwareLifeCycleProcessStandards


3 .3 WG2– Systems , Sof tware and I T Serv i ces Documentat ion


3 .4 WG4– Too ls and Methods


3 .5 WG6 – Sof tware Product Qua l i ty and Eva luat ion

WG6 has seven active projects and is responsible for the management (for SC7) of three PASpotentialPASsubmissionsfromNESMA,IFPUGandtheOMG).TheWG6workprogramandfutureplansareillustratedinfigure3.



3 .6 WG7 – L i fe Cyc le Management

WG7hascurrentlyfouractiveprojects(24748parts2and3,12207revision,and29148revision).FourprojectsareeitherinfinalpublicationorFDIS(24748parts1,5and6and15959).Tenotherprojectsandpotentialprojectsareunderconsideration.Thisdoesnot includethethreerecentlyapprovedNWIPsonSystemsofSystemsEngineering.ThelatestversionoftheWG7businessplanisavailableathttp://isotc.iso.org/livelink/livelink?func=ll&objId=15487138&objAction=browse&viewType=1

3 .7 WG10 – Process Assessment

WG10hassixactiveprojects(33030,33053,33073,33010,33015and29155parts4and5). NWIP33015isunderpreparation.33030isunderpublication.Also:

• AdocumentonTransitionfromISO/IEC15504toISO/IEC330xxiscurrentlyindevelopment,andwillbepublishedasaStandingDocument.

• Further development work is planned on Maturity Models to reflect new concepts ofOrganizationalMaturity.


3 .8 WG19 - Techn iques for spec i f y ing IT Systems


3 .9 WG20– Sof tware and Systems Body o f Knowledge and Profess iona l i zat ion

WG20hasfouractiveprojects(revisionsofparts1to4of24773).It is championing an approved SC7 Study Group on Competency frameworks and models forsoftwareandsystemsengineeringprofessionals.ThelatestversionoftheWG20businessplanisavailableathttp://isotc.iso.org/livelink/livelink?func=ll&objId=16426345&objAction=Open&viewType=1

3 .10 WG21– In format ion Techno logy Asset Management

WG21hascompletedthreeprojects in2015(19770parts2,3and5)andiscurrentlyworkingontwo(19770partsoneand4)thatarenowatDISstage.WG21haspublishedabusinessplanthatisavailableat:http://standards.iso.org/iso/19770/StratPlan


3 .11 WG24– SLC Prof i les and Gu ide l ines for VSE

WG24 mandate is to elaborate profiles for Very Small Enterprises from SC7 ‘base processstandards’.WG24hascurrentlyeightactiveprojects.ThreewillmovetoDISstage,threetoPDTR,onetoCDandonetoPTR.TheWG24businessplanningdocumentsareavailableathttp://isotc.iso.org/livelink/livelink?func=ll&objId=17833272&objAction=browse&viewType=1

3 .12 WG26– Sof tware Test ing

WG26hassevenactiveprojects. Itsstatusasoftheendofthe2016Plenaryis illustratedinthefollowingfigure4:



3 .13 WG28 – CIF Usab i l i ty The joint JTC 1/SC7 ISO/TC54 WG 28 on Common Industry Formats (CIF) for usability reports continue to work on projects identified in ISO/IEC 25060.TheyappearinthelowerrightcornerofFigure3.AnewprojectonCIFuserrequirementshasbeeninitiated.

3 .14 WG42 – Arch i tec ture


3 .15 SWG22 – Vocabu lary

SWG22 is responsible for the maintenance of ISO/IEC/IEEE 24765 Systems and SoftwareEngineeringandalsoofitselectronicversionthatishostedbytheIEEEEComputerSocietyandiscontinuously updated. The vocabulary, as of the last SC7 plenary, had 4676 terms and 5751definitions.Theelectronicversionisat:https://pascal.computer.org/sev_display/index.action


ht tps:/ / en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ ISO/ IEC_JTC_1/SC_7




Emerging areas



- Life cycle processes- Process assessment- Software engineering body of

knowledge- Measurement- Software assurance- Very Small Entit ies (VSE) support- Usability

SC Governance

- Life cycle processes- Process assessment- Architecture- Product l ine engineering- Management of IT assets- Open Distributed Processing (ODP)

Software Engineering

- Complex systems- Systems of Systems - Autonomous systems

Systems Engineering

- Standards management- Business planning- Future watch


A coherent and universal set of software and systems engineering standards def ine the body of knowledge in these areas.

Standards in software and systems engineering are fully integrated and compatible.

SC7 standards are scalable to large complex systems as well as to large and very small organizations.

SC7 standards are keep relevant to emerging areas such as Systems of Systems and autonomous sytems.

Standardizat ion of processes, support ing tools and support ing technologies for the engineering of sof tware products and systems.

A unif ied set of sof tware and systems engineering standards widely accepted by the intended class of users

- Consensus- Market relevance- Commitment to

qual ity

Version 0.2 2016-09-30

JTC 1/SC7 DashboardYear of SR ballots closure

Number of  Deliverables concerned [having had an SR ballot]

Number of systematic review returned in  time after SR ballot Closure

2014 14 2

2015 20 15

% of systematic reviews returned in time [Global % in 2015 =87 %]

Year of ISO Standards publication

Number of Standards concerned

Average time to develop Standards (in months)

[Global AVT=33.4 months in 2015]

Number of Standards meeting agreed timeframes

% of Standards meeting agreed timeframes

[Global %=60% in 2015]

14.2 2014 6 18.1 5 83.3

75 2015 22 29.4 13 59

NWIs St udy groups


- Competency frameworks and models for software and systems engineering professionals

- DevOps and Agile Practices - Investigation of issues and opportunities to

the evolution of Standards for VSEs. - Investigate the future architecture of the

suite of System and Software Life Cycle process standards

- Autonomous Systems and Ambient Intelligence Environment Engineering

- ISO/IEC NP 25044 Systems and software engineering - Systems and software Quality Requirements and Evaluation (SQuaRE)

- ISO/IEC NP TS 33053 Information technology - Process assessment -- Process reference model for quality management

- ISO/IEC NP TR 24748-2 Systems and software engineering -- Life cycle management -- Part 2: Guidelines to the application of ISO/IEC 15288 (System life cycle processes)

- ISO/IEC/IEEE NP 26511 Systems and software engineering -- Requirements for managers of user documentation

- ISO/IEC/IEEE NP 26515 Systems and software engineering -- Developing user documentation in an agile environment

Meet ings At t endanceProduct ion