n & e yorkshire county newsletter

North & East Yorkshire County “SERVICE NOT SELF” “SERVICE NOT SELF” “SERVICE NOT SELF” “SERVICE NOT SELF” From the County Chairman Hi everybody, This County Newsleer is a way for you and your Branches views to be aired, your Branch acvies to be adversed and your events displayed. So please use the Newsleer and let other Branches know what you are doing. We are trying to improve communicaons between County and Branches, but it is proving to be an uphill climb. We communicate, but there is very lile feed back to the County office, consequently trying to find arcles for this edion of the County Newsleer has been hard work for Kimberley. I am hoping you are all doing something for the Royal Brish Legion in your own way, which will create greater awareness, strengthen the membership, raise the income of the Poppy Appeal and recruit addional supporters. PLEASE……. let us have details of any events so we can publicise them and display your achievements. The Pathway for Growth plan is transioning the Legion to a new structure, designed to enable delivery of welfare, representaon, Remembrance and comradeship at a more local level. See the Area Manager, Chris Cunningham’s report. Congratulaon to all those working as Poppy Appeal Organisers and Collectors. As of 29th August 2012, the North & East Yorkshire County Poppy Appeal total stands at £1,105,596.35, which is a 9.67% increase over last years final total. Colin Colin Northridge MBE North & East Yorkshire County Chairman CONTENTS Page 1—2 Membership Page 3—4 Branches & Informaon Page 6—8 Welfare Page 9—11 Pathway For Growth Page 12 Who’s Who Page 13—14 County Events Diary Page 16—In Memorium News August 2012. Issue 1

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Information to our members anfd the general public on the work that we do and who we support


Page 1: N & E Yorkshire County Newsletter

North & East Yorkshire County





























From the County Chairman Hi everybody,

This County Newsle�er is a way for you and your Branches views to be aired, your

Branch ac�vi�es to be adver�sed and your events displayed. So please use the

Newsle�er and let other Branches know what you are doing. We are trying to improve

communica�ons between County and Branches, but it is proving to be an uphill climb.

We communicate, but there is very li�le feed back to the County office, consequently

trying to find ar�cles for this edi�on of the County Newsle�er has been hard work for

Kimberley. I am hoping you are all doing something for the Royal Bri�sh Legion in your

own way, which will create greater awareness, strengthen the membership, raise the

income of the Poppy Appeal and recruit addi�onal supporters. PLEASE……. let us have

details of any events so we can publicise them and display your achievements.

The Pathway for Growth plan is transi�oning the Legion to a new structure, designed to

enable delivery of welfare, representa�on, Remembrance and comradeship at a more

local level. See the Area Manager, Chris Cunningham’s report.

Congratula�on to all those working as Poppy Appeal Organisers and Collectors. As of

29th August 2012, the North & East Yorkshire County Poppy Appeal total stands at

£1,105,596.35, which is a 9.67% increase over last years final total.





Page 1—2 Membership

Page 3—4 Branches & Informa&on

Page 6—8 Welfare

Page 9—11 Pathway For Growth

Page 12 Who’s Who

Page 13—14 County Events Diary

Page 16—In Memorium

NewsAugust 2012. Issue 1

Page 2: N & E Yorkshire County Newsletter

MEMBERSHIP Youth Membership New youth members joining from 1 July 2012

There will be a one off membership fee of £5

An annual membership card will NOT be issued, in the

interim new youth members will receive a one off proof of membership style le�er. Longer term this will

hopefully be replaced by an e-card or mobile phone app but this will take me a li�le bit of �me to research and

develop along side the experts. (FYI - it was decided at the last membership council mee�ng not to issue annual

membership cards to our youth members)

Current youth members from 2012/13 annual renewal

No further membership fees need to be paid un�l they become a full


They will receive a proof of membership style le�er direct to their home address prior to the 1 October 2012

renewal date explaining the new arrangement. I will forward a copy of the le�er to you for your reference once the proof

has been signed off.

Membership Applica&on Forms—MS4

Please be aware that MS4/2010 or earlier will no longer be accepted at County or CDI aIer 31st December 2012 due to HMRC

changes to the GiI Aid declara�on that must be Implemented as of 1st January 2013. To order new copies of the MS4/12 please

contact the following, and provide the relevant informa�on:

Nicola Wren. nwren@bri�shlegion.org.uk

01622 794273 or

Phyl Summers. psummers@bri�shlegion.org.uk

Branch Name

Branch Number

Name & Address the literature needs to be sent to.

Please do not order large numbers

Na&onal Cup & Trophies Compe&&ons 2013

The procedure for distribu�ng the applica�on forms for the Haig Cup, Lister Cup, Maurice Cup, Ian

Hamilton Cup and the Lewis Shield has changed. In the past, applica�ons were forwarded to the

Branches with the Legion Magazine. Historically, only a small number of Branches have entered these

compe��ons and this procedure has become prohibi�vely expensive. Branches should contact their

County/District Secretary for the forms if they wish to enter these compe��ons. The Criteria for each

award is at the rear of this newsle�er.

Mailing Error

It appears that Head Office has used the mailing list for Branch Membership Secretaries for the distribu�on of the Royal Charter

and the Na�onal Officers Nomina�on Papers to the Branches instead of the Branch Secretary mailing list. I would ask that you

make contact with your membership secretary to retrieve these document.

Page 3: N & E Yorkshire County Newsletter

County Annual Conference 2013

Please remember to complete the Conference Paperwork that has been distributed to Branch

Secretaries for nomina�ons for the following:

• County Execu�ve Commi�ee

• Na�onal Conference Commi�ee

• County Conference Commi�ee

Submission deadline for the above and a�endance 9th November 2012

Legion Financial Year

Charter Mo�on 1. Change of date for branch accounts—MOTION CARRIED

The following Mo�on presented by the Board of Trustees to amend the membership year

to give the Accounts department more �me to assemble the Charity Accounts. This was

carried at Na�onal Conference and therefore will have the following impact :

The effect for the legion year 2012/13 is to reduce the Membership Financial year to 9

months. The 2012/13 year will be from 1st October 2012 �ll 30th June 2013. This means

that R&Ps must be returned prior to having been adopted by the AGM, as the AGM and

Conference dates will not change but remain in line with the corporate Financial Year

Membership Fees 2012/13

The Mo�on to raise the membership fees was LOST

at Na�onal Conference, therefore the Membership

Fee from 1st October 2012 will be £13.00

Social Media

North & East Yorkshire have their own Facebook page and County

Website with a fast growing supporter base. We provide up to date

informa�on through linked, related friends and events in our area. Why

not become a friend of The Royal Bri�sh Legion in North & East

Yorkshire from the following link




We current have 90% of branches within the

County contactable on email. Could I ask that

should your branch have an email

address as a point of contact, you provide this

to the County Secretary. This method of

communica�on is proving to save the County

and Branches valuable funds.

Royal Charter

All Branch Secretaries will have received a copy of the

new Version 7 of the Royal Charter. I would ask that

the Summary of Changes be read very carefully, and

discussed with your branch. Should

the branch like any further copies,

these may be purchased from The

Poppy Shop, or alterna�vely in the

membership sec�on of the TRBL

Website www.bri�shlegion.org.uk

Page 4: N & E Yorkshire County Newsletter



Redcar & Cleveland Borough Councils

Champion of the Armed Forces

THE BANNER for the armed forces in Redcar and Cleveland Council is to be carried

by Liberal Democrat councillor Eric Howden. (Redcar Branch Secretary).

He has been chosen by the council's cabinet to be the authority's armed forces

champion. The council see the role as "increasing the awareness and visibility of

the needs of the ex-services community and it is likely to have an overall posi�ve

impact on this group of ci�zens". Council leader Councillor George Dunning, said:

"Anyone who is prepared to put their life on the line for their country deserves

100% support."

He said the Government was planning to cut the armed forces by 20,000.

"It is too much of an ask when we s�ll have a troubled world and when we call on

the armed forces to bale us out of situa�ons such as that which occurred at the




The photo below shows those who were signatories of the East Riding of Yorkshire Armed Forces Community

Covenant at a public ceremony held in tandem with Armed Forces Day in Beverley on Sunday 1st

July. Major (Retd)

Chris Cunningham, County Manager for North and East Yorkshire, signed on behalf of The Royal Bri�sh Legion.

The East Riding of Yorkshire Council really means to deliver on its intent for the Armed Forces and veteran

community. Hull City Council also have an even more impressive ac�on plan which the East Riding council have

drawn on.

As well as a Covenant, Hull City Council have also

created an Armed Forces and Veterans' Charter,

under which is a structure of 4 discrete pathways:

1. Housing and related support.

2. Health & wellbeing.

3. Money ma�ers.

4. Employment, educa�on & training.

Page 5: N & E Yorkshire County Newsletter

Willerby, Kirkella & Anlaby Branch

How the Royal Bri�sh Legion is hoping to a�ract younger supporters

The youthful face of the Royal Bri�sh Legion – and why more like her are needed

IT HAS helped improve the lives of thousands of soldiers and counts the Duchess of Cambridge and Prince William among

its most ardent supporters.

Now, Royal Bri�sh Legion’s Willerby, Kirk Ella and

Anlaby branch is tackling preconceived no�ons that the

organisa�on is only for older people.

Boer War Memorial – Hull

The Boer War Memorial in Paragon Square to be rededicated.

The rededica�on is to be part of the Remembrance Day ceremony on Sunday

11th November . The Boer War memorial will be rededicated to honour those

people of Hull who have served, fought and died for their country since the

end of the Second World War. The rededica�on will be recorded on

commemora�ve plaques a�ached to the war memorial.

County Handbook 2012

The County Directory is now being produced locally by the County Secretary. Updates

are made throughout the year on the informa�on that is provided from the branches.

Enclosed within this newsle�ers is the Revised edi�on for 2012.

The Directory is to be updated every 6 months, with the branches being

provided one copy each. Should any branch require further copies then please make

contact with the County Secretary . Remember please do not order large numbers.

This directory is only as good as the informa�on that is provided. Should you have any

ideas for further informa�on to be included, then please do inform us.

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BeAer mental health support for Armed Forces Families required

The Centre for Mental Health has released a report, Unsung Heroes, highligh�ng that while progress is being made to address the

psychological needs of Service personnel and veterans themselves, the prac�cal and emo�onal impact on their partners and children

must also be provided for.

They call for Armed Forces families to receive be�er support to enable them to cope with the emo�onal

and psychological impact of deployment. They also recommend further research into alcohol misuse,

domes�c violence and the impact of mental health problems on the partners and children of Service

personnel and veterans. The work was supported by both the Legion and the veteran's mental health

charity Combat Stress.

Benefits and military compensa&on payments

There has been very welcome news regarding how War Pensions and Armed Forced Compensa�on

Scheme payments will be treated under the new Universal Credit benefit. Universal Credit, to be

Introduced early next year, will combine a number of exis�ng benefits including housing benefit,

income related employment and support allowance and working tax credit, into one system.

The Legion had been worried that only £10.00 of the military compensa�on payments would be

disregarded, leaving recipients worse off. However aIer we highlighted this to the Government they

announced that these payments will not be considered income and will be fully disregarded. This

should mean that many of those injured in Service will not lose out and in some cases may find

themselves be�er off.

Keeping the disregard for council tax support

Unfortunately the posi�on with the new localised form of council tax benefit in England is not quite so sa�sfactory and

pressure may need to be applied to local authori�es to con�nue providing the full disregard. The Legion had also called for

the new council tax benefit system to fully disregard War Pensions and AFCS payments. However the Government has

decided to allow local authori�es to choose how they treat these payments.

As of April 2013 local authori�es will have their own locally designed support schemes. These will have to factor in a 10%

reduc�on in funding. We are concerned that local authori�es, looking for savings, may choose to remove the full disregard of

compensa�on payments that is, currently, almost universally awarded.

On a more posi�ve note the Government, in its guidance to local authori�es, reminds them that the principles of the Armed

Forces Covenant should be considered when deciding how to treat military compensa�on pay-

ments. Local authori�es will be consul�ng on their new schemes ahead of April 2013 and the Le-

gion will be wri�ng to each one to advise of the importance of providing a full

disregard. We hope that other individuals and organisa�ons will do the same.

Council homes for heroes

The Government has published a new version of its housing alloca�ons guidance for local authori�es in England. This version

introduces measures that will ensure councils cannot bar certain members of the Armed Forces community from wai�ng lists due to a

lack of local connec�on. Addi�onal preference must also be given to others who have urgent housing needs.

The guidance also ‘strongly encourages’ councils to consider how they can award appropriate priority to all serving or former Service

personnel and their families. The Legion believes that this is a step in the right direc�on and our Director General, Chris Simpkins, has

wri�en to every local authority in England to highlight the new measures and encourage them to assist the Armed Forces community

to access social housing.

Page 8: N & E Yorkshire County Newsletter

Useful websites

Care for Mental Health: www.centreformentalhealth.org.uk

Combat Stress: www.combatstress.org.uk

War Pensions: www.veterans-uk.info/pensions/wdp_new_index.html

Armed Forces Compensa�on Scheme: www.veterans-uk.info/pensions/afcs_new.html

Universal Credit: www.dwp.gov.uk/policy/welfare-reform/universal-credit

Localising Council Tax Support: www.communi�es.gov.uk/localgovernment/localgovernmenVinance/counciltax

Guidance to Local Authori�es: www.communi�es.gov.uk/documents/localgovernment/pdf/2148567.pdf

Armed Forces Covenant: www.mod.uk/NR/rdonlyres/4E9E2014-5CE6-43F2-AE28-B6C5FA90B68F/0/Armed_Forces_Covenant.pdf

Housing Alloca�on Guidelines: www.communi�es.gov.uk/documents/housing/pdf/2171391.pdf

Benefits & Money Advice

good news story. As you’re aware, TRBL has been funding a Benefits & Money Advice service through Ci�zens Advice since 2007.

In Yorkshire we have 4 RBL-funded bureaux:

CAB Richmondshire & Hambleton (Richmond) – since Oct 2007

CAB Sheffield Debt Support Unit – since Oct 2007

CAB Scarborough & District – since Dec 2008

CAB Kirklees (Huddersfield) – since Nov 2009

The Area Manger con�nually monitors both the output and performance of all four bureaux and it is clear that all are adding a tre-

mendous amount of value to my opera�onal welfare effort in the county. To date the service has met the needs of 3,250 RBL ben-

eficiaries, with a financial gain (in terms of welfare benefits gained or debts wri�en off) of £8.8 million. This averages out at some-

thing in the order of £2,700 per case. To my mind, this means that the service more than repays the investment the Legion has

made and our beneficiaries are considerably be�er off as a result.



OCTOBER 2011 – 30TH















Page 9: N & E Yorkshire County Newsletter


The Pathway for Growth plan for change is designed to put the Legion in the strongest possible posi�on to

achieve our mission – to be the organisa�on which is, and is recognised as, the No1 provider of Welfare,

Comradeship, Representa�on and Remembrance for the Armed Forces community. The Pathway for Growth

plan will enable us to put our Beneficiaries at the very heart of everything we do. It will enable us to focus on

delivering four key ac�vi�es – Health & Welfare, Representa�on, Remembrance and Comradeship more

effec�vely at a local level.

Head Office have started to make changes to the way we operate. The new structure of 3 Regions and 16 Areas

is now in place and 14 Area Managers have been appointed (11 of which are former County Managers). A Head

of Armed Services Engagement has also been appointed, whose job it will be to Increase the understanding of

the Legion’s work amongst the Armed Forces community.

Area Managers recruited internally have now taken up their posts, Chris Cunningham is the Area Manager for

the Yorkshire Area. The Area Managers are now developing their plans for how we should deliver the Four Pillars

of the Legion’s mission locally across their Areas. We, the Coun�es and Branches, need to work together with

Chris to ensure that our beneficiaries are geWng the very best support to meet their needs.

In developing his Yorkshire Area plan, Chris will also be looking for appropriate proper�es for new Legion

offices in the Yorkshire Area. This is no small task and the Legion has engaged architects to assist with the

designing of what will be an important part of the public face of the Legion. The roll out of these new offices

will be phased over the next 18 months to 2 years. Chris is currently in the process of recrui�ng two new staff

members to support him and in early 2013 the Legion will also be recrui�ng the remaining frontline welfare

roles. Head office staff are currently working with exis�ng staff in the field to help them understand the new

ways of working, developing the skills required for these roles and try out new working pa�erns.

These are rapidly changing but exci�ng �mes for the Legion, which remains a vibrant, powerful and highly

effec�ve charity. We will con�nue to keep you informed as these new plans progress and ask for your support

as the Legion re-posi�ons itself more regionally and locally to offer the best support possible to the Armed

Forces community.

“Pathway to Growth” is the Royal British Legion’s strategy for the future

Page 10: N & E Yorkshire County Newsletter

Regional & Area

Our area will become:

North Yorkshire, East Yorkshire, West Yorkshire & South

Yorkshire. Cleveland branches to remain within North Yorkshire

The Area Structure under an Area Manager will look like this:

Advice & Informa�on


Page 11: N & E Yorkshire County Newsletter

Membership Areas, i.e. North & East Yorkshire and South & West

Yorkshire will retain individual County Committees with Officers and

each will retain a County Secretary. Future change will

depend on membership numbers and the results of a Membership

Our Regional Structure, led by an Assistant Director Operations will

look like this:

Page 12: N & E Yorkshire County Newsletter

Who’s Who

President Maj Gen Michael Charlton-Weedy CBE DL

County Chairman Colin Northridge MBE 01845 526654

County Vice-Chairman Alan Higbee MBE 01482 631884

County Treasurer Mark Hogan MSM 07977555619

Area Manager Chris Cunningham BEM 0113 2180143

County Secretary Kimberley Thornton 01904 550577

Community Fund Raiser Elizabeth Hughes 01904 550576

County Poppy Appeal Co-ordinator Ernie Oldfield (East) 01964 623138

Paul Darley (North) 01423 867793

County Chaplain The Rev. David Porter OStJ BA 01904 769823

County Managers Assistant Louise Beilby 01904 550750

County Welfare Officers: Beverley Davies 01904 550572

Ian Poole 01904 550571

County Standard Bearer Mr Barry Moody MBE 01262 676622

County Parade Marshal Mr Barry Moody MBE 01262 676622

(Deputy) Miss Marie Taylor 01904 425751

Mr Gordon Lane 01482 899953

County Recruiting Officer Mr Harold Milner 01482 634191

County Youth Officer Mr Alan Higbee MBE 01482 631884

County Training Officer Mr Fergus Osborne (branch) 01287 281786

Mr Elwyn Pickering (national) 01423 874360

Registered Address:

The Royal British Legion,

North & East Yorkshire County

Unit 4, Triune Court,

Monks Cross Drive



North Yorkshire

YO32 9GZ

Telephone: 01904 550570/7

Email: [email protected]

Website: www.britishlegion.org.uk/counties/north-east-yorkshire


Page 13: N & E Yorkshire County Newsletter

Lister House Carol Concert

Annual Carol Concert on Friday 7th December starting at 7.30 p.m. Tickets costing £5 each will be available at the

AGM or from Lister House. There will be a raffle with prizes of £100, £50 and £25 and tickets cost £1 each.

Please encourage your members to purchase some of these tickets as all profits help to boost the Lister House

Amenities Fund.

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“We Will Remember Them” “We Will Remember Them” “We Will Remember Them” “We Will Remember Them”

Beverley Branch - Mr Jack Conway

Bilton Branch - Mr J Gibbin, Mr L Cole, Mr P Martin

Bridlington Branch - Mr H Jones, Mr R Kneeshaw, Mr R Snowden

Carlton in Coverdale Branch - Mr R Handey

Danby & District Branch - Miss B Thompson

Driffield Branch - Mr C May, Mr Fred Robson, Mr J Brandham, Mr R Jones, Mr T Medforth

Guisborough Branch - Mrs M Armstrong

Harrogate Victory Branch - Mr C Allan, Mr J Shearer

Hedon & District Branch - Mr K Gray, Mr S Hoffman

Hull Branch - Mr C Harvey, Mr S Davies

Leyburn Branch - Mr A Metcalf

Nidderdale Branch - Mr F Spence, Mr J Hardcastle

North Ferriby Branch - Mr B Robert, Mr G Hopper, Mr G Tyson, Mr I Palfreyman, Mr J Wilson, Mr T Harland

Northallerton Branch - Mrs S Sneddon

Osmotherley Branch - Mr P Moon

Pickering & Thornton-le-Dale Branch - Mr F Matthew, Mr H Metcalf, Mr R Harrison, Rev R Baker

Pocklington Branch - Mr A. Moir, Mrs J Wyatt

Richmond Branch - Mr G Muckle, Mr J Bourne, Mr M Evans

Scarborough Branch - Mr J Leefe, Mrs J Lord

Skipton Branch- Mr A Riddlough, Mr D Crawford, Mr J Hartley

Stamford Bridge Branch - Mr Colin Jones

Sutton on Hull Branch - Mr P Scott

Tadcaster Branch - Mr P Hall

Thirsk Branch Mr A Heath, Mr B Dunn, Mr C Goldsmith, Mr E Abbott, Mr K Wood, Mr R Minican, Mr R Rowsell, Mr T Swales

Whitby Branch - Dr A Cross

Willerby Kirkella & Anlaby Branch - Mr B Harrison, Mr G McMahon, Mr K Clappison, Mrs B Eaton, Mrs J Young

York Branch- Mr C Dowson, Mr G Awty, Mr J Steel, Mr P Taylor, Mr V Murray, Mrs Franziska Gaze