n & news thoughts & views - abcopad · it told a story and hearkened back to my own...

AMERICAN BAPTIST CHURCHES OF PENNSYLVANIA AND DELAWARE PAGE 1 NOTES & NEWS, THOUGHTS & VIEWS FOR ABCOPAD CHURCHES FROM REGIONAL EXECUTIVE PASTOR REV. FRANK FRISCHKORN VOLUME 29, NUMBER 12 DECEMBER 2017 Greetings in the blessed name of Emmanuel! I’m sure you’ve all heard the phrase, “bucket list,” meant to refer to the places and experiences someone wants to have in the course of their lifeme. Just a few weeks ago, we checked one of those boxes off Carolyn’s list when we spent four days in New York City. There were a number of sights on her “to see” list in the course of our me there, and we covered most of them, and walked about 33 miles in the process! One of them was to view the Christmas windows at the various department stores located along Fiſth Avenue. As we walked from store to store, it became clear that this was a very serious compeon between the stores, with each vying to win the coveted crown of “best window display for 2017.” To be honest, some of them were far too “artsy-craſtsy” for my taste—more feathers, fluff and sequins, but hey, it’s New York, right!? The window display at Macy’s department store really struck a chord with me, though. It told a story and hearkened back to my own childhood, and in so doing brought a smile to my face on more than one occasion as we made our way through the six or seven windows. As I was lost in the wonder of the music and the movement of the animaons, one window in parcular jarred me back to reality, and God used the moment to speak powerfully to my heart. The window featured a large revolving cylinder, with one side depicng a toy workshop with all sorts of colorful giſts and gadgets that could be made in preparaon for Christmas. As the cylinder revolved, the other side featured one simple saying, “The Perfect Giſt Brings People Together.I get it—the aim of the display from the perspecve of Macy’s, was to lead you to believe that somewhere in their eight floors of merchandizing wonderfulness you could find just the right giſt to melt the heart of that special someone in your life, or bring some luster and light to the dark and troubled existence of a loved one for whom 2017 had been a year short on hope and encouragement. Honestly though, the truth of the maer is that there is no giſt purchased at a retail counter or through the online wizardry of Amazon that can truly “bring people together.” Our needs go far deeper and are more profound than what can be sasfied by a piece of jewelry or the latest tech—no maer how many bells and whistles it might contain. As I looked at the phrase on the cylinder, I couldn’t help but noce the throngs of people in the reflecon of the glass, scurrying through the streets of the city, many with bags and packages in hand. At that moment, God reminded me that the only present that could bring peace and hope was His Presence—in the form of Emmanuel, “God with us”—that in Jesus we truly can find the One who can ulmately and eternally bring people together. In the midst of a world that is fractured and faltering, this is a message that needs to be shared. As I looked into the reflecon of the window, another person that I saw reflected in the glass was me. I’m the one who needs to share the Perfect Giſt that is available this Christmas… won’t you join me in sharing the joy of this news with a world that needs it so desperately? Wrapped in Wonder at God’s Love for us, Frank

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AmericAn BAptist churches of pennsylvAniA And delAwAre pAge 1

notes & news, thoughts & viewsfor ABcopAd churches from regionAl executive pAstor rev. frAnk frischkorn

volume 29, numBer 12 decemBer 2017

Greetings in the blessed name of Emmanuel!I’m sure you’ve all heard the phrase, “bucket list,” meant to refer to the places and experiences someone wants to have in the course of their lifetime. Just a few weeks ago, we checked one of those boxes off Carolyn’s list when we spent four days in New York City. There were a number of sights on her “to see” list in the course of our time there, and we covered most of them, and walked about 33 miles in the process! One of them was to view the Christmas windows at the various department stores located along Fifth Avenue. As we walked from store to store, it became clear that this was a very serious competition between the stores, with each vying to win the coveted crown of “best window display for 2017.” To be honest, some of them were far too “artsy-craftsy” for my taste—more feathers, fluff and sequins, but hey, it’s New York, right!? The window display at Macy’s department store really struck a chord with me, though. It told a story and hearkened back to my own childhood, and in so doing brought a smile to my face on more than one occasion as we made our way through the six or seven windows. As I was lost in the wonder of the music and the movement of the animations, one window in particular jarred me back to reality, and God used the moment to speak powerfully to my heart. The window featured a large revolving cylinder, with one side depicting a toy workshop with all sorts of colorful gifts and gadgets that could be made in preparation for Christmas. As the cylinder revolved, the other side featured one simple saying, “The Perfect Gift Brings People Together.”

I get it—the aim of the display from the perspective of Macy’s, was to lead you to believe that somewhere in their eight floors of merchandizing wonderfulness you could find just the right gift to melt the heart of that special someone in your life, or bring some luster and light to the dark and troubled existence of a loved one for whom 2017 had been a year short on hope and encouragement. Honestly though, the truth of the matter is that there is no gift purchased at a retail counter or through the online wizardry of Amazon that can truly “bring people together.” Our needs go far deeper and are more profound than what can be satisfied by a piece of jewelry or the latest tech—no matter how many bells and whistles it might contain. As I looked at the phrase on the cylinder, I couldn’t help but notice the throngs of people in the reflection of the glass, scurrying through the streets of the city, many with bags and packages in hand. At that moment, God reminded me that the only present that could bring peace and hope was His Presence—in the form of Emmanuel, “God with us”—that in Jesus we truly can find the One who can ultimately and eternally bring people together.

In the midst of a world that is fractured and faltering, this is a message that needs to be shared. As I looked into the reflection of the window, another person that I saw reflected in the glass was me. I’m the one who needs to share the Perfect Gift that is available this Christmas…won’t you join me in sharing the joy of this news with a world that needs it so desperately?

Wrapped in Wonder at God’s Love for us, Frank

Rev. Dr. Jeffrey Johnson Regional Pastor with Congregations 888-687-0883 [email protected]

By the time you read my article for this month, I will have performed a one man show for a gathering of retired ABC pastors in the greater Lancaster area. My performance was based on Charles Dickens’ A Christmas Carol and its parallel to the bible’s Christmas story.

Here are some facts about A Christmas Carol (ACC):

• Written in just six weeks, it has never been out of print since FIRST published in December 1843

• Sold, door-to-door, by chapters, which Dickens called staves, for one

shilling per week for 20 weeks, thus the first novella (serial novel)

• repurchased the sold chapters, binding them together and THEN RESOLD them with front and back plain paper covers thus the first paperback book

• The words and phrases, “Scrooge” “Bah HUMBUG!” and “Merry Christmas” were first used in the English language IN ACC

• It was an indictment on the inequity of life in Victorian England, the haves and have nots. Dickens himself had to leave school before the age of 11 and go to work to help support his family financially.

Isn’t the transformation seen in Ebenezer scrooge what God desires in all of us? There are many life lessons that Bob Welch parallels from the Dickens’ book with passages in God’s Book. Here are just a few:

Learning begins with listening. Initially, Scrooge wants nothing to do with the spirits. But once he realizes they have his best interests at heart, he willingly lets them lead. “Spirit,” he tells the Ghost of Christmas Present, “conduct me where you will.”

When we listen, we learn. When we learn, we have the potential to grow to our potential in ways that will not only benefit us, but those around us. Proverbs 1:5 says, “A wise person will hear and increase in learning.”

It is never too late to change. “I will honor Christmas in my heart, and try to keep it all the year,” Scrooge vows near the end of the story. “I will live in the Past, the Present, and the Future. The Spirits of all Three shall strive within me. I will not shut out the lessons that they teach!” Scrooge realizes it is not too late to radically change. “Behold today is the day of transformation.” (1 Corinthians 6:2)

Repentance leads to renewal. Humility and regret are always means to a greater, God-breathed end. “Godly sorrow brings repentance that leads to salvation,” says 2 Corinthians 7:10. Because of God’s grace, we are released from the eternal consequences of sin. Scrooge comes to terms with his own morality and mortality. Scrooge cries out to the Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come, “I am not the man I once was!” (2 Corinthians 5:17)

Give back to your community. When Scrooge is visited by two gentlemen collecting for the poor, Scrooge asks, “Are there no prisons?” and “Are there no workhouses?” and explains that it would be better to decrease the “surplus population” than to help the needy. By the end of the story, Scrooge cannot contain his excitement at giving away his money to others. When you give back, it not only blesses others, but it blesses you as well. Money that once controlled Scrooge, he now controlled. We are blest to be a blessing. If you sacrifice everything for money, that’s all you end up with. Mark 8:36, “What shall it profit a person if they gain the whole world, but lose their soul?” and “The poor you shall always have with you.” (Matthew 26:11) doesn’t mean we just accept their presence as “Oh, well.” The poor are not the problem, their present circumstances are. Taking care of the marginalized/compromised is the trademark of true Christianity. (James 1:27)

This is not just good stuff, this is God stuff! And so, as Tiny Tim proclaimed, “God bless us, every one,” this CHRISTmas and always!

AmericAn BAptist churches of pennsylvAniA And delAwAre pAge 2

Rev. Mark Mahserjian-Smith Regional Pastor for Mission and Communication 570-435-2001 [email protected]

With the Advent and Christmas season now upon us, there are so many things I appreciate about this time of year. While daylight is brief and nights are long, driving through communities with Christmas lights adorning their homes and yards never fails to bring a smile to my face. When I am at a shopping center or restaurant and hear familiar Christmas Carols, my heart is warmed by the music filling the air. Throughout the season, there are so many reminders of the amazing gift God gave us when he sent Jesus into our world.

Although there are many aspects of the season I truly love, there are a few things that are challenging. One of those challenges is finding the “perfect gift” for family members and friends. The truth is, I am horrible when it comes to purchasing the perfect gift. My wife Susan is amazing when it comes to this task. I am forever grateful for her gift-discovery skills. I will often be just as surprised as the person opening a gift from Susan and I, knowing my incredible wife found the perfect gift. They will thank me for the present they received and I will quickly tell them they need to thank Susan. If I had been shopping, it would have been merely a gift card or maybe even something less personal like cash. We are truly blessed to have a God who found the perfect present for us, sending a Savior who would change our lives from the inside out.

Over the past few months, I have thought more and more about what do you give to someone who already has everything they need and much of what they want. So many of us have been blessed beyond measure while others over the past year have experienced catastrophic loss or live in constant poverty. More and more, for people in my life who have so much, I am starting to focus on giving a charitable gift in their name, and telling them about how they have now helped someone in need. I will also explain to them how I look forward to taking them to these places to see how their gift made a difference in another person’s life.

As you do your Christmas shopping this year, maybe you will consider giving a gift in someone’s name that will help a person in need. Right now, there is an opportunity to give a shoebox gift to a child in Puerto Rico who lost everything due to the destruction of Hurricane Maria. You can go on our ABCOPAD website to learn more about this ministry. In Puerto Rico, children receive gifts on Three Kings Day (the celebration of Epiphany) taking place on January 6; but for many, there will be no presents to open. It is not too late to fill a few shoeboxes with toys and send them to Valley Forge for a child in Puerto Rico or to contribute to this effort (send Contribution to ABCOPAD for ABCOPAD Disaster Relief Fund).

ABCOPAD is using a portion of the disaster relief funds we received to provide shoebox gifts for these kids in need (hopefully around 100 shoeboxes).

In this newsletter you will can read an article by Sally Perry from FBC, Lancaster. The 2018 Mission Project to Nicaragua includes an opportunity to provide books for children in Nejapa, Nicaragua. A small gift to this mission project could make a huge difference in the life of a child and their family. (Details for giving are on the ABCOPAD website.)

These are only two ways you could give a gift that makes a difference. I am sure there are other opportunities in your community, in our country and around the world. I pray you have a wonderful Christmas season. Thank you for your continued generosity and support of mission.

God Bless, Mark

AmericAn BAptist churches of pennsylvAniA And delAwAre pAge 3

Rev. Dr. Kevin Walden Regional Pastor with Pastoral Leaders 610-575-0320 [email protected]

This is the genealogy of Jesus the Messiah the son of David, the son of Abraham:

2 Abraham was the father of Isaac,

Isaac the father of Jacob,

Jacob the father of Judah and his brothers,

3 Judah the father of Perez and Zerah, whose mother was Tamar... Matthew 1:1-2

I always loved preparing messages for Advent. Typically, I desired to start with Zachariah and Elizabeth and their story (parents of John the Baptist). And every year, I found it fascinating that we need all the Gospels to get the whole story. NOTE: Don’t forget about the Gospel of John. That’s where we learn about the divinity of Christ.

But I must admit that I struggled with Matthew 1:1-17, the genealogy of Jesus. I don’t think I ever preached on it… until I met a man for which Matthew 1 was a key part of his testimony.

I listened as I heard the story of a Jewish boy coming to accept Jesus as his Messiah on Christmas Eve in Brooklyn, New York. It’s a powerful testimony—as is every testimony of coming to Jesus! That boy turned man, became a pastor and we served together in Nebraska encouraging pastors. That man is our new General Secretary of ABCUSA, Lee B. Spitzer.

While I am greatly humbled to be joining Lee’s staff come the first of the year, it is with some feelings of sadness in leaving the wonderful staff, congregations and pastors I have served here in ABCOPAD. And while I will still be serving you, the day-to-day relationships will be different. I will miss that. I love you all.

It is my prayer that each congregation works hard to support and encourage the men and women of God that you have called to serve among you. It is a difficult calling. They aren’t just a name on a door or church sign. They are a fellow traveler on a journey of faith. We need each other.

Churches are hurting in 2017. Pastors are hurting in 2017. Denominations are hurting in 2017. I covet your prayers as I join the denominational staff. But please always know this…

You remain in my thoughts and prayers,



AmericAn BAptist churches of pennsylvAniA And delAwAre pAge 4

AmericAn BAptist churches of pennsylvAniA And delAwAre pAge 5

Ms. Caryl J. Casey Treasurer 800-932-9442 [email protected]

End of Year Mission Close

As we come to the end of 2017, please note that we will be closing December missions on Wednesday, Jan. 10, 2018. To have your church’s giving count towards 2017, please be sure to have your remittance mailed in time to reach the post office box by Monday, Jan. 8, 2018, to allow for coding and entering.

If you use our online giving option at www.abcopad.org for your church’s giving or personal giving you will need to enter those gifts by Sunday, Dec. 31, 2017 to have them included in the December close.

It is very important that you check the receipts that have been returned for your gifts during 2017, if you have not done this throughout the year. This is the last chance to make any corrections for this year. If you have any questions, please contact us so that we can process your gifts correctly. Thank you for all that you do to support the ministries of ABCOPAD and the entire ABC family.

1-800-932-9442 [email protected][email protected]


Spring Term 2018 Beginning Saturday, Feb. 3, 2018

Biblical Interpretation—Pastor Tim Munson The course is designed to provide skills in understanding the Bible and applying it in a way that brings about personal formation and congregational transformation which is relevant to our world today. The nature of communication will be considered, and a systematic review of the various parts of the Bible and the ways we interpret those parts will be made. We will also consider how the bible was written and assembled, how it has been interpreted through the course of time, and the theological issues involved in interpretation.

New Testament—Pastor Rob Rice This course covers, in overview fashion, the New Testament, including its historical and geographical background. Each book will be analyzed as to its historical setting, author, recipients, purpose, genre and theology. The concept and consolidation of the New Testament books and the development of our modern text will also be discussed. There will be an emphasis on using the New Testament to bring about spiritual formation and congregational transformation.

For questions and registration forms, email Rev. Ruth Moore at [email protected] or call 717-805-4901.

AmericAn BAptist churches of pennsylvAniA And delAwAre pAge 6

AmericAn BAptist churches of pennsylvAniA And delAwAre pAge 7

AmericAn BAptist churches of pennsylvAniA And delAwAre pAge 8

News From our Associations

BeaverFBC, Beaver Falls has been offering the Alpha Course on Sunday evenings. “A Life Worth Living” is a nine-week course based on the Book of Philippians, explaining how it is possible to live the Christian life positively, practically and joyfully. A light supper is also provided.

Central UnionFBC, Norristown presented, “Oh, no! Not Another Christmas Play!” Many of the most hilarious and meaningful moments happen while practicing the annual Christmas play. It’s all about one director’s struggle to organize another Christmas play, and everyone learns the importance and awesomeness of Jesus’ birth. Cookies and cocoa were served. (Admission: one canned good!)

Let there be light! At Upper Merion Baptist, there’s a bright new look in the Fellowship Hall. New LED lights were installed. The power consumption for lighting changed from 10,000 watts/hour with the old lights, to 1,200 watts/hour with the new lights. This will save on the electric bill! It will also reduce the heat load on the A/C system, thus saving costs in that area as well. Great stewardship!

Parkesburg Baptist hosted a Celtic musical group as part of the “Christmas in Parkesburg Holiday Tour.” Also, several people shared the Christmas story and talked about the joy of Christmas.

French CreekFBC, Cambridge Springs partnered with several other community congregations to host a series of noontime Advent lunches. Participants came together with people of the community for an Advent Devotional and soup lunch.

HarrisburgAt Colonial Park Community, everyone in the church and community were invited to a time of celebration. A pot luck dinner was followed by a Christmas carol sing-along and a Christmas movie entitled “Christmas with a Capital C.”

A holiday classic! West Shore, Camp Hill presented, “The Best Christmas Pageant Ever!” Great fun for everyone!

LaurelNew Beginnings Baptist offers Journey Jerusalem, a unique, one-of-a-kind ministry that takes children back in time to the days when Jesus lived in Jerusalem. Each classroom is designed to look and feel like old Jerusalem. Children dress up in Biblical robes and experience their lesson plan on scrolls in the “Scribe’s Room,” sing their songs in the “Bedouin Tent” and work on crafts in the “Carpenter’s Shop.” Infants and toddlers are cared for in the “Little Lambs Pen.” Journey Jerusalem focuses on employing our children’s imaginations so the Bible literally comes alive.

MonongahelaOlive Branch, Belle Vernon, is making plans for a trip to Millersburg, Ohio, to hear noted author and renowned Bible lands tour guide, Ray VanderLaan, speak.

NorthumberlandFBC, Lewisburg invited members to participate in “Blanket Sunday.” Loose offerings and checks designated for Blanket Sunday were given to support the shelter ministry of Church World Service.

Oil CreekOn Nov. 4,2017 the Delaware Avenue and Wayne Park churches came together and hosted a spaghetti dinner and Chinese auction which raised $350 to benefit the region’s

disaster recovery efforts in Lake Charles, LA. Each church has a small congregation and knew a general offering would yield low results. By combining talents and resources from both, the gift is much larger than either would have done on their own.

The money is designated for two purposes: scholarships for anyone from the northwestern part of ABCOPAD who wants to serve on a mission team, or to help restock the Disaster Relief Trailer.

Also take note that the Oil Creek Association has set aside $900 in scholarship aid for anyone from that association who wishes to serve on a recovery team.

PittsburghThe Fine Arts and Worship Department at Mount Ararat Baptist presented its Christmas Cantata, The Miracles of Christmas … a spectacular production that celebrates Jesus Christ!

FBC, Monroeville invited the community to “Breakfast with Santa.” The morning included pictures with Santa, crafts, carols and story time. It was a free event for kids 12 and under.

Franklin Park Baptist hosted a Christmas concert by “One Voice,” a vocal ensemble from the Pittsburgh area. Their music represents a wide variety of styles from classical to contemporary, and the concert was presented with Scripture passages and dramatic narration, interspersed throughout the musical presentation.

Sunday, Dec. 10, Rev. Robert Walker preached his final sermon as pastor of FBC, Tarentum. After 31 years, he will retire and begin a new era in his faithful walk with the Lord. The church will hold a retirement celebration in January. Pastor Bob has had many health issues in the past year, but is doing much better now, and is looking forward to having

AmericAn BAptist churches of pennsylvAniA And delAwAre pAge 9

time for volunteer work, as well as spending time with his family.

ReadingFBC, Bethlehem (the Christmas City!), came together for a sumptuous feast—a time of fellowship, food and music, as they gathered to celebrate the beginning of the Christmas Season.

RiversideNew Hope Christian held their annual outdoor live nativity to prepare and celebrate the birth of Christ. The event featured live animals, actors in a narration depicting the birth of Jesus, along with favorite Christmas music. Following the event, people were invited inside to see various Manger/Nativity displays. There were over 50 displays depicting different mangers from around the world. Because of being blessed with great weather, it was one of their most well-attended community events.

Ten MileJefferson Baptist promoted several mission opportunities during the Advent season including: Star Gifts (gifts for local families in need); Mitten Tree (hats, scarves and gloves for the Salvation Army); and Operation Christmas Child (for toys and gifts in shoeboxes through Samaritan’s Purse).

Other Items of InterestDon’t forget to check out our website often at www.abcopad.org!

Nicaragua Cyberbox ProjectAMOS – A Ministry of Sharing Health and Hope – just celebrated 10 years of service to the people of Nicaragua. Their ministry of sharing health has made a remarkable difference in the lives of those in rural areas of the country. They have trained local citizens to become Community-Based Healthcare-Providers who provide basic health care services that save lives; services that would be hours away and certain death if not for their presence. AMOS also initiated the Waters of Blessing project, filters made from two five-gallon buckets and a ceramic filter that makes dirty stream water 99% pure. The use of water filters reduced infant mortality to under 1%. Health is improved in Nicaragua because of the efforts of AMOS and your support. Praise God!

The second AMOS goal is hope. Jeremiah 29:11 says, “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”

What will bring “hope and a future” to the people of Nicaragua? Before we look this question, please consider this: What did you read today? Where did you read it? What are you using to read this? When was the last time you bought a book or borrowed one from the library or a friend? Do you have your own computer or do you use one at the library?

Now imagine your home without books and your community without a library. Perhaps you want to teach your child to read but the only book you have doesn’t relate to anything you child has ever seen or can imagine. There are no book stores to visit or funds available to purchase a book. There is no computer to order a book you want delivered within a

few days, no ability to read a book on the computer or a device. On top of that, you don’t know how to use a computer or possess the opportunity to learn how to use one!

“Hope and a future” can be made possible through access to books and computers. Now that the young children are healthier, statistics show they are not developing mentally as quickly as they should. They lack stimulation that stories and play provide. They need books!

Many of the jobs available to the youth are computer related but they need to be educated in computing. They need access to computers and training opportunities.

In April 2018, ABCOPAD is partnering with ABCNYS on a very ambitious mission project to build a “cyber box” (computer lab) / library for the community of Nejapa. AMOS is partnering with ConTextos to provide a core library collection and training for teachers to improve the literacy of the community and their access to books. (Literacy rate for Nicaragua is 82.8% – people over 15 who can read and write) Funding is necessary for all of this to happen. The core collection of 500 books makes the average book price $8.

Please be in prayer for this project and the beautiful people of Nicaragua. If your heart is so moved, please donate; “buy” a library book, help to nourish hope and a future.

Send donations to ABCOPAD P.O. Box 421, Hatboro, PA 19040, designated Nicaragua CyberBox Project or make an online contribution via our website, and in the notes add Nicaragua Cyberbox Project. If you have questions, please contact the Regional Office for addition instructions.

Thank you for your generosity and prayers. Blessings, Sally Perry

AmericAn BAptist churches of pennsylvAniA And delAwAre pAge 10

January 2018 Deadline | Items to be included in the Jan. issue of Notes & News need to arrive by 5 p.m., Thursday, Jan. 11.Please send all material to Denise Veselicky. Mail: ABCOPAD | 159 N. Bellefield Ave. Pittsburgh, PA 15213-2609 Email: [email protected] | Phone: 888-687-0883 Fax: 412-687-3941

Thank you! Donna L. Schneff, Designer | [email protected]

He Shall Live AgainWords and Music by Betsy McCully

Why does that star shine there so bright? Who knows of angel’s voices?

It’s said that one is born tonight, and all the world rejoices.

He was born long ago and died for all men; Let Him live in you and He shall live again.

A little Babe is hailed, but why? He is the Son of Man. Born to live and born to die, to do the Lord’s command.

He was born long ago and died for all men; Let Him live in you and He shall live again.

Oh man, awaken to His birth! The Lord is calling you, to spread His joy o’er all the earth, ‘til love be born anew.

He was born long ago and died for all men; Let Him live in you and He shall live again...again...again.

©1967, Broadman Press. All Rights Reserved. International copyright secured.

OGHS Totals for November

American Baptist Churches of Pennsylvania and Delaware

Hurricane Harvey Relief Effort Houston, Texas – March 10 – 17, 2018

Team Leaders:

Rev. Kelly Legg, Pastor, Norristown, First Baptist Church Rev. Tim Schwartz, Disaster Relief Coordinator, Houston

More than likely, this team will be working on “mud-outs” - tearing out damaged drywall, removing flooring, tarping roofs, and clearing debris. In addition to helping to provide care and comfort to those so desperately in need of it.

Disaster Relief Trailer: Working in partnership with the

ABMen USA one of the ABCOPAD ABMen’s Disaster Relief

Trailers (housed at First Baptist Church of Bentley Creek) has

been deployed to be on site to support the team and to help

serve the people of Houston.

Flights: The team will depart from Philadelphia and fly into

the George Bush Intercontinental Airport, Houston, Texas.

Please make checks payable to ABCOPAD 159 N Bellefield Avenue; Pittsburgh, PA 15213

For more information call 1-888-687-0883 Or visit ABCOPAD Serves www.abcopad.org

Fulfilling Christ’s Mission in the World

2017 ABCOPAD Partners in Ministry

Regional Offering Goal: $210,000

100% of Your Gifts to Partners in Ministry Supports the Mission and Ministry of the

American Baptist Churches of Pennsylvania and Delaware

Partners in Ministry

Supports ABCOPAD’s Vision

To Build Healthy Partnerships with Churches,

Pastoral Leaders and the Wider ABC Family

to Fulfill Christ’s Mission in Our World

At its heart, ABCOPAD’s Regional Ministry depends upon you — the churches and the pastoral and lay leaders of ABCOPAD. God gifts and gives vision for ministry to His people, and it is through God’s people that the Kingdom is built. To that end, together we are seeking to hear God’s voice for mission and ministry through the passion and vision of people and groups throughout our Regional family. As God speaks and inspires, our heart’s desire is to come alongside those with a passion for ministry to support and encourage that effort to extend the Kingdom.

How to Support ABCOPAD Partners in Ministry Gifts may be sent through your Monthly Report of Mission Support form and listed on the ABCOPAD - Partners in Ministry line. Make your check payable to ABC/USA and mail it to ABCOPAD; PO Box 421; Hatboro, PA 19040. You can also give online through the ABCOPAD website www.abcopad.org or on your mobile device at www.abcopad.mobile.

American Baptist Churches of Pennsylvania and Delaware

Pittsburgh Baptist Association 159 N. Bellefield Avenue Pittsburgh, PA 15213



Dates: Evangelism: January 5-6, 2018 ..................... Instructor, Rev. Dr. Jeff Johnson

Dates: Missions: January 19-20, 2018 ........ Instructor, Rev. Mark Mahserjian-Smith

Methods for evangelization and growth in the local church will be

introduced. An overview of international missions support will be

presented. Different ways of reaching non-believers, church members

who have become inactive, and borderline attendees will be discussed.

Plans for organizing growth and a broad vision will be encouraged.

Ways of establishing missions support and encouraging missionary

interest in the local church will also be covered. Click on the link below

to download the registration form



Email Rev. Ruth Moore: [email protected] or call: (717) 805-4901 for questions.

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