naahp (audio) technology in letters

Where Innovation Is Tradition LORs: Use of Technology session Networking questions while we wait (5 minutes) How many evaluation letters do you compose? How many evaluation letters (others writing letters) do you manage? By attending this session, what are the specific issues you would like to see covered?

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Post on 15-Dec-2014




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"Letters the Easy Way (Technically Speaking)" June 19, 2010 NAAHP meeting Download the presentation with a recorded audio track! (In Powerpoint 2007, play this presentation in full-screen mode from the beginning). Advance the slides manually to completely listen to the presentation. Opinions are solely those of the participants, and all information should be considered "draft". Copyright 2010. Emil Chuck/George Mason University Health Professions Advising. All rights reserved.


  • 1. LORs: Use of Technology session
    Networking questions while we wait (5 minutes)
    • How many evaluation letters do you compose?
  • 2. How many evaluation letters (others writing letters) do you manage?

3. By attending this session, what are the specific issues you would like to see covered?