naff ii partnerships - sablefish - linda hiemstra

National Aboriginal Fisheries Forum II Seize the Economic Opportunities

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Post on 19-Jul-2015




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National Aboriginal Fisheries Forum II

Seize the Economic Opportunities

Sablefish Canada

2 Sablefish Canada Inc

Hatchery, Salt Spring Island

Center Cove Farm, Kyuquot Sound

Sablefish Farming – Sablefish are not Atlantic Salmon

Sablefish Atlantic Salmon

Natural to British Columbia YES NO

Sea Lice NO YES

Killed by plankton blooms NO YES

Grow poorly in warm water NO YES

Sablefish naturally grow well in British Columbia

3 Sablefish Canada Inc

Sablefish Production - Hatchery

4 Sablefish Canada Inc

Sablefish Production - Growout to Harvest

5 Sablefish Canada Inc

Kyuquot Sound Farm Sites

• Centre Cove

• Charlies Place

• HoHoae

• Markale

6 Sablefish Canada Inc

Sablefish Markets • Fresh sablefish markets in Asia (60%) and North

America (40%)

• High value product from a pristine environment

7 Sablefish Canada Inc

Collaborative Partnership Agreement with Ka:'yu:'k't'h'/Che:k:tles7et'h' First Nation

1. Financial benefits for both partners

2. Building capacity within community

3. Economic development with existing natural resources

4. Shared responsibility for environment management

8 Sablefish Canada Inc

1. Financial Benefit

Sablefish Canada Inc 9

Long term partnership – planning for future success

Sablefish Canada Inc 10

2. Building Capacity Sablefish Canada and Ka:'yu:'k't'h'/Che:k:tles7et'h' First Nation


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12 Sablefish Canada Inc

Community Involvement

13 Sablefish Canada Inc

2. Economic Development - Existing Resources

• Marketing products through Sablefish Canada’s world wide distribution network

Halibut Ling cod Rockfish Salmon

14 Sablefish Canada Inc

Economic Development – High Value Aquaculture Businesses

• Developing high value aquaculture businesses in Kyuquot Sound – Sablefish, Red urchin, Mussels

15 Sablefish Canada Inc

3. Co-management of Environment Environmental Committee manages the use of Kyuquot Sound

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Transparent Farming Practises • Sablefish farming does not

use net treatments or pesticides

• Underwater cameras monitor feeding to ensure all food is eaten

• Under the pens are monitored to ensure no impacts to surrounding area

• Information on all farming practises is available

17 Sablefish Canada Inc

Keeping Sablefish Healthy

• Young sablefish are vaccinated to develop immunity to diseases

• Vaccinated fish need less antibiotics and other disease treatments

• Sablefish are only treated if a disease occurs - which is not often

18 Sablefish Canada Inc

Future of Sablefish Farming

Ka:'yu:'k't'h'/Che:k:tles7et'h' First Nations - full partner in this future

2012- 350,000 juveniles for growout 2014 – 1 million juveniles – triple production

Sablefish Canada

• Ka:'yu:'k't'h'/Che:k:tles7et'h' First Nations Partnership

• 100% BC company dedicated to growing Sablefish

• Sustainable farming methods minimize environmental impact on surrounding water

• Sablefish is a high value product natural to British Columbia

20 Sablefish Canada Inc

Sablefish Canada

Many thanks to Ka:'yu:'k't'h'/Che:k:tles7et'h' First Nations for use of the photos and to the conference organizers

21 Sablefish Canada Inc