nailing an mcq question

QUESTION 7 – LISTENING MCQ The question 7 in your listening paper is a multiple choice question. For each question you hear (most of the time) in the recording a question will be seen on the question paper. This question uses a lot of synonyms, your ability to identify these synonyms is the key to getting it right. All three answers given in the question will be mentioned in the recording. You need to be very careful.

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Question 7 Listening MCQ

Question 7 Listening MCQThe question 7 in your listening paper is a multiple choice question. For each question you hear (most of the time) in the recording a question will be seen on the question paper. This question uses a lot of synonyms, your ability to identify these synonyms is the key to getting it right. All three answers given in the question will be mentioned in the recording. You need to be very careful.

Question 7 Listening MCQThe main skill being tested is the ability to select the most appropriate answer from the three offered. A feature of MCQs is that for each question (the stem) the three answers look very similar to elements of the content. Students should be made aware, however, of the subtle differences between the source text and the answers.It is not possible to provide model answers for MCQs, so instead students can explore why each of the incorrect answers is wrong.Another approach to answering MCQs might be to go through a process of elimination. This means running through all three options and striking out the ones that are definitely not correct. The one that remains must be the right answer. This process of deduction probably works better than a process of induction.

Question 7 Listening MCQ From the time that you hear speaker 6 for the second time in question 6 until the end of the introduction of question 7 you will have approximately 1 minute and 25 seconds. Before students sit in the exam they will be well aware of the general instructions to questions. Therefore, students can utilise this time to skim through question 7 and underline all keywords which they might hear in the recording.

This question is from June 2016 variant 31/41 paper.(a) Aysha said she was particularly pleased to win in a recent competition because

A the other swimmers were so good. B she was feeling unwell on the day. C it was her last chance to take part. The words in bold are the keywords which have been predicted. Below is the audio transcript to the related part.Aysha, lets start with your recent success at the European junior championships. How did it feel to come first in both your races?Aysha: It was great! I was actually a bit tired that day because of travelling the day before. Also I knew the other competitors would be hard to beat one of them won the championships last year. But what made it special for me is that Ill be too old to enter next year, so I knew I wouldnt have the opportunity to win again.- The most important keyword here is made it special which leads us to the correct answer C

Question 7 Listening MCQ - Sample

Student has underlined all the keywords. Took the maximum advantage of the gaps.

Question 7 Listening MCQ - Sample

Question 7 Listening MCQ - Sample

Question 7 Listening MCQ - Sample

Question 7 Listening MCQ Now take a look at the Question 7. Dont forget to identify the keywords. You will hear the recording twice.

(b) Who suggested that Aysha should join a local swimming club?A her sports teacher B her parents C her friend

Why did you take up swimming in the first place? ( The question asked in the recording)Well, my mum and dad are both keen swimmers, so its what we did at weekends. They were members of a local club, and when I was ten, the club started training kids my age. My best mate joined, but I didnt think about going until my swimming instructor at school encouraged me to try it out. So I became a member when I was eleven.

Answer : A

(c) What made Aysha realise that she was a good swimmer?A She was put in the top group of the club. B She was selected for a regional club. C She raced against another club.

Question : And when did you realise you had a talent for swimming?Aysha: Well, Id only been at the club for a month when I took part in a sports day, racing against some other local clubs. I didnt think I had a chance of winning, but actually came second. Then I got a call from the club for the region, inviting me to train with them at a higher level. I hadnt even joined the top group in my own club by then! But thats when I really knew I must be quite good.

Answer : B

(d) Aysha says that her training sessions A are too long. B make her very tired. C could be more varied.

Youve got your own coach now, havent you? ( Question is not direct) Aysha: Yes. I do five training sessions with her each week, for up to three hours a day. Its a lot, but Ive got used to it when I started, I found it exhausting! Sometimes we practise different techniques and exercises Id like to do more of that but mostly we follow a familiar routine.Answer : C

(e) What does Aysha find challenging about her training? A finding time for her school work B getting up so early each day C missing out on social activities

Question: You must find it tricky to fit in other things, with so much swimming?Aysha: Well, I do a lot of training first thing in the morning. Im not sure Ill ever get used to the 5 a.m. starts, if Im honest but it means Im usually free in the evenings. By the time Ive eaten and done my homework, Im ready for bed, so I dont often manage to go out with my friends during the week. I see them at weekends though so its ok.Answer : B

(f) Where does Aysha most enjoy swimming when shes not training? A in the sea B in an outdoor pool C in a lake near her house

Do you ever just swim for pleasure?Aysha: Oh yes I love swimming, and I always will. I often go to a lake near here with friends in the summer, which is fun, and theres an open-air pool in the park too thats great when its sunny. But if I had to choose one place itd be the sea you cant beat that as far as Im concerned.Answer : A

(g) What advice does Aysha give to young swimmers? A Always aim to win. B Do other activities as well. C Make sure you enjoy yourself.

Aysha, I know you sometimes talk to young swimmers at your old club. What advice do you give them?Aysha: Oh, I love talking to them it reminds me of when I started at the club. Some of them are so competitive though I always tell them they must learn to accept they cant come first all the time. What I say is if youre not enjoying yourself, theres no point find something else to do that gives you pleasure.

Answer : C

(h) Aysha says that in the future, shed really like to A design sportswear. B become a sports teacher. C present sports programmes.

One final question what are your future plans?Aysha: Obviously I want to swim more at a national level and maybe even try for the next Olympics but I realise I wont be able to swim competitively forever. When sports people retire, some go into teaching, and of course another thing that lots do is work on TV sports shows. But what I wouldnt mind doing is creating clothes for different sports I like the sound of that

Answer : A

Question 7 Listening MCQFor each an every question asked in the recording, there is a question on the paper which corresponds to that question.Therefore your understanding of keywords and synonyms is the key to getting it right.

Question 7 - Young SwimmerCambridge International ExamsCambridge International ExamsJune 2016 41ESL2016Sound Studio