name: alfred tennyson occupation: poet birth date: august 06,1809 death date: october 06,1892 place...


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Page 1: Name: Alfred Tennyson Occupation: Poet Birth Date: August 06,1809 Death Date: October 06,1892 Place Of Birth : Somersby, united kingdom Place Of Death:
Page 2: Name: Alfred Tennyson Occupation: Poet Birth Date: August 06,1809 Death Date: October 06,1892 Place Of Birth : Somersby, united kingdom Place Of Death:

Name: Alfred TennysonOccupation: PoetBirth Date: August 06,1809Death Date: October 06,1892Place Of Birth : Somersby, united kingdomPlace Of Death: Aldworth , united kingdomFull Name: Alfred Tennyson , 1st Baron TennysonNick Name: The lord Tennyson

Page 3: Name: Alfred Tennyson Occupation: Poet Birth Date: August 06,1809 Death Date: October 06,1892 Place Of Birth : Somersby, united kingdom Place Of Death:


Page 4: Name: Alfred Tennyson Occupation: Poet Birth Date: August 06,1809 Death Date: October 06,1892 Place Of Birth : Somersby, united kingdom Place Of Death:


Page 5: Name: Alfred Tennyson Occupation: Poet Birth Date: August 06,1809 Death Date: October 06,1892 Place Of Birth : Somersby, united kingdom Place Of Death:

Arthur Hallam1830-1832

Page 6: Name: Alfred Tennyson Occupation: Poet Birth Date: August 06,1809 Death Date: October 06,1892 Place Of Birth : Somersby, united kingdom Place Of Death:

Emily Sellwood1850

Page 7: Name: Alfred Tennyson Occupation: Poet Birth Date: August 06,1809 Death Date: October 06,1892 Place Of Birth : Somersby, united kingdom Place Of Death:

:His Woks

-Chiefly Lyrical-Poems

-I dylls of the Kings -Ulysses

Page 8: Name: Alfred Tennyson Occupation: Poet Birth Date: August 06,1809 Death Date: October 06,1892 Place Of Birth : Somersby, united kingdom Place Of Death:

The Characteristics Of Tennyson’s


Page 9: Name: Alfred Tennyson Occupation: Poet Birth Date: August 06,1809 Death Date: October 06,1892 Place Of Birth : Somersby, united kingdom Place Of Death:

-Music of the verse : Tennyson had an extraordinary ear for cadence and rhythm.

-Tennyson was distressed by the shaking of traditional religious beliefs by scientists like

Darwin .

-In his mental and emotional outlook , he is very representative of his age.

Page 10: Name: Alfred Tennyson Occupation: Poet Birth Date: August 06,1809 Death Date: October 06,1892 Place Of Birth : Somersby, united kingdom Place Of Death:

-His idiom was that of the Romantics.

to the notice of his age the old romance which it was ready to accept

-His poetry is pure , , tender and ennobling-His portraits and ideas of women are very


Tennyson has sometimes been accused of deficiency in his power of thought

Page 11: Name: Alfred Tennyson Occupation: Poet Birth Date: August 06,1809 Death Date: October 06,1892 Place Of Birth : Somersby, united kingdom Place Of Death:


Page 12: Name: Alfred Tennyson Occupation: Poet Birth Date: August 06,1809 Death Date: October 06,1892 Place Of Birth : Somersby, united kingdom Place Of Death:

Strong Son of God, immortal Love,Whom we, that have not seen thy face,By faith, and faith alone, embrace,Believing where we cannot prove;

Thine are these orbs of light and shade;Thou madest Life in man and brute;Thou madest Death; and lo, thy footIs on the skull which thou hast made.

Page 13: Name: Alfred Tennyson Occupation: Poet Birth Date: August 06,1809 Death Date: October 06,1892 Place Of Birth : Somersby, united kingdom Place Of Death:

Thou wilt not leave us in the dust:Thou madest man, he knows not why,He thinks he was not made to die;And thou hast made him: thou art just.

Thou seemest human and divine,The highest, holiest manhood, thou.Our wills are ours, we know not how;Our wills are ours, to make them thine.

Page 14: Name: Alfred Tennyson Occupation: Poet Birth Date: August 06,1809 Death Date: October 06,1892 Place Of Birth : Somersby, united kingdom Place Of Death:

Our little systems have their day;They have their day and cease to be:They are but broken lights of thee,And thou, O Lord, art more than they.

We have but faith: we cannot know;For knowledge is of things we seeAnd yet we trust it comes from thee,A beam in darkness: let it grow.

Page 15: Name: Alfred Tennyson Occupation: Poet Birth Date: August 06,1809 Death Date: October 06,1892 Place Of Birth : Somersby, united kingdom Place Of Death:

•Let knowledge grow from more to more,But more of reverence in us dwell;That mind and soul, according well,May make one music as before,

But vaster. We are fools and slight;We mock thee when we do not fear:But help thy foolish ones to bear;Help thy vain worlds to bear thy light

Page 16: Name: Alfred Tennyson Occupation: Poet Birth Date: August 06,1809 Death Date: October 06,1892 Place Of Birth : Somersby, united kingdom Place Of Death:

Forgive what seem'd my sin in me;What seem'd my worth since I began;For merit lives from man to man,And not from man, O Lord, to thee.

Forgive my grief for one removed,Thy creature, whom I found so fair.I trust he lives in thee, and thereI find him worthier to be loved.

Page 17: Name: Alfred Tennyson Occupation: Poet Birth Date: August 06,1809 Death Date: October 06,1892 Place Of Birth : Somersby, united kingdom Place Of Death:

Forgive these wild and wandering cries,Confusions of a wasted youth;Forgive them where they fail in truth,And in thy wisdom make me wise.

Page 18: Name: Alfred Tennyson Occupation: Poet Birth Date: August 06,1809 Death Date: October 06,1892 Place Of Birth : Somersby, united kingdom Place Of Death:


Poet’s information :Al-Bandrey &MudyCharacteristics of tennnyson’s potry:Bayan

Analysis and explaining the poem : Setaa ,Ahood ,muneraa , taghred

Figure of speech: EidaaDesigner: Wadha

Page 19: Name: Alfred Tennyson Occupation: Poet Birth Date: August 06,1809 Death Date: October 06,1892 Place Of Birth : Somersby, united kingdom Place Of Death:


These lines are taken from Alfred Tennyson ‘s “ In Memoriam”. It was written in the nineteenth century Victorian era. He was

best known for being Qeen Victori ‘s poet laureate.

This poem represents a Victorian era in many ways. First, there isan enormous use of skepticism, for example,”Forgive these

wild and wandering cries,/Confusions of a wasted youth”(41-42).Second, there is a sense of realism, for example, “Thine are theseorbs of light and shade,/Thou madest life in man and brute”(5-8).

Third, there is a growing of consciousness, for example, “And in thywisdom make me wise”(44).