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Semester 1 Exam REVIEW 2014 Name: __________________________ Date: _____________ 1. Well-being refers to A) stress adaptation. B) empathy. C) relative deprivation. D) self-perceived happiness. E) physiological arousal. 2. Sleep researchers who are interested in brain wave activity are likely to use which kind of brain scan? A) CT B) fMRI C) PET D) MRI E) EEG 3. The refractory period is the A) time span after orgasm during which a male cannot be aroused to another orgasm. B) span of the monthly female reproductive cycle during which ovulation occurs. C) moment before orgasm during which sexual arousal is maintained at a fairly high level. D) short time before the plateau stage during which orgasm is delayed. E) stage of the sexual response cycle during which sexual excitation reaches its climax. 4. Noam Chomsky argues that children's readiness to learn language is a(n) A) universal grammar. B) example of operant conditioning. C) heuristic. D) algorithm. E) biological predisposition. Page 1

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Page 1: Name: Date: - St. Johns County School · Name: _____ Date: _____ ... 14.A subliminal message is one that is

Semester 1 Exam REVIEW 2014

Name: __________________________ Date: _____________

1. Well-being refers to

A) stress adaptation.

B) empathy.

C) relative deprivation.

D) self-perceived happiness.

E) physiological arousal.

2. Sleep researchers who are interested in brain wave activity are likely to use which kind

of brain scan?






3. The refractory period is the

A) time span after orgasm during which a male cannot be aroused to another orgasm.

B) span of the monthly female reproductive cycle during which ovulation occurs.

C) moment before orgasm during which sexual arousal is maintained at a fairly high


D) short time before the plateau stage during which orgasm is delayed.

E) stage of the sexual response cycle during which sexual excitation reaches its


4. Noam Chomsky argues that children's readiness to learn language is a(n)

A) universal grammar.

B) example of operant conditioning.

C) heuristic.

D) algorithm.

E) biological predisposition.

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Semester 1 Exam REVIEW 2014

5. Which of the following scatterplots represents the weakest relationship?

(Drawings 1-4 taken from

A) 5

B) 3

C) 4

D) 1

E) 2

6. According to the two-factor theory, the two basic components of emotions are ________

and ________.

A) physical arousal; overt behavior

B) a cognitive label; physical arousal

C) emotion-arousing events; physical arousal

D) conscious experience; unconscious experience

E) facial expressions; a cognitive label

7. According to the Cannon-Bard theory, the experience of an emotion

A) precedes physiological arousal.

B) occurs simultaneously with physiological arousal.

C) is intensified or lessened by physiological arousal.

D) can occur only after physiological arousal.

E) depends on the intensity of physiological arousal.

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Semester 1 Exam REVIEW 2014

8. Fill-in-the-blank test questions measure ________; matching concepts with their

definitions measures ________.

A) recall; recognition

B) recognition; rehearsal

C) relearning; recall

D) recognition; relearning

E) recall; relearning

9. Hypnosis involves a state of

A) low-amplitude and high-frequency brain waves.

B) elevated autonomic arousal.

C) heightened openness to suggestion.

D) increased physical stamina.

E) improved perceptual skills.

10. Telegraphic speech is most closely associated with the ________ stage of language


A) two-word

B) one-word

C) semantic

D) phonetic

E) babbling

11. The specific body weight maintained automatically by most adults over long periods of

time is known as the

A) refractory period.

B) homeostatic weight.

C) set point.

D) hypothalamic plateau.

E) basal metabolic rate.

12. Political officials who have no doubt that their own economic and military predictions

will come true most clearly demonstrate

A) operational definition.

B) overconfidence.

C) illusory correlation.

D) random sampling.

E) the placebo effect.

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13. Dissociation refers to

A) a state of paradoxical sleep.

B) conscious enactment of a hypnotic role.

C) nonconformity to social pressure.

D) manifest content, which is separate from latent content.

E) a state of divided consciousness.

14. A subliminal message is one that is presented

A) with very soft background music.

B) repetitiously.

C) below one's absolute threshold for awareness.

D) in a manner that is unconsciously persuasive.

E) while an individual is under hypnosis.

15. Reuptake refers to the

A) the ending of the refractory period.

B) inflow of positively charged ions through an axon membrane.

C) movement of neurotransmitter molecules across a synaptic gap.

D) release of hormones into the bloodstream.

E) reabsorption of excess neurotransmitter molecules by a sending neuron.

16. According to Maslow, our need for

A) self-actualization must be met before we are preoccupied with satisfying our need

for friendship.

B) religious fulfillment must be met before we are preoccupied with satisfying our

need for adequate housing.

C) love must be met before we are preoccupied with satisfying our need for food.

D) political freedom must be met before we are preoccupied with satisfying our need

for economic security.

E) adequate clothing must be met before we are preoccupied with satisfying our need

for self-esteem.

17. Framing refers to

A) judging the likelihood of an event based on how well it matches a prototype.

B) the grouping of similar objects, events, or people into a category.

C) a simple thinking strategy for solving problems efficiently.

D) a methodical step-by-step procedure for solving problems.

E) the way in which a problem or issue is phrased or worded.

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18. An exhausted forest ranger may notice the faintest scent of a forest fire, whereas much

stronger but less important odors fail to catch her attention. This fact would be of

greatest relevance to

A) place theory.

B) signal detection theory.

C) the Young-Helmholtz theory.

D) opponent-process theory.

E) frequency theory.

19. An instinctive behavior is one that is

A) unlearned.

B) designed to reduce drives.

C) internally motivated.

D) similar in all living organisms.

E) triggered by an incentive.

20. The “little brain” attached to the rear of the brainstem is called the

A) corpus callosum.

B) reticular formation.

C) limbic system.

D) thalamus.

E) cerebellum.

21. Lillian will be taking an entrance exam for law school this afternoon. She is likely to

A) do well on the exam if her physiological arousal is very low.

B) do poorly on the exam if her physiological arousal is low.

C) do well on the exam if her physiological arousal is moderate.

D) do well on the exam if her physiological arousal is very high.

E) do poorly on the exam if her physiological arousal is moderate.

22. A prototype is a

A) best example of a particular category.

B) simple thinking strategy for solving problems efficiently.

C) step-by-step procedure for solving problems.

D) new, novel item fitting an existing mental category.

E) mental grouping of similar objects, events, or people.

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23. Rods are

A) more frequency sensitive and less amplitude sensitive.

B) less light-sensitive and more color-sensitive than are cones.

C) less light-sensitive and less color-sensitive than are cones.

D) more light-sensitive and more color-sensitive than are cones.

E) more light-sensitive and less color-sensitive than are cones.

24. Kinesthesis refers to the

A) process by which stimulus energies are changed into neural signals.

B) process of organizing and interpreting sensory information.

C) quivering eye movements that enable the retina to detect continuous stimulation.

D) diminished sensitivity to an unchanging stimulus.

E) system for sensing the position and movement of individual body parts.

25. Conditioning is the process of

A) generalization.

B) discrimination.

C) spontaneous recovery.

D) learning associations.

E) observational learning.

26. The occipital lobes are to ________ as the temporal lobes are to ________.

A) seeing; sensing touch

B) seeing; hearing

C) hearing; sensing movement

D) speaking; hearing

E) sensing pleasure; sensing pain

27. Alcohol is considered a(n)

A) both a depressant and a hallucinogen.

B) depressant.

C) stimulant.

D) hallucinogen.

E) opiate.

28. The term catharsis refers to emotional

A) adaptation.

B) stress.

C) disturbance.

D) inhibition.

E) release.

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29. An axon is

A) an antagonist molecule that blocks neurotransmitter receptor sites.

B) a cell that serves as the basic building block of the nervous system.

C) a junction between a sending and receiving neuron.

D) a layer of fatty tissue that encases the fibers of many neurons.

E) the extension of a neuron that carries messages away from the cell body.

30. Chunking refers to

A) the unconscious encoding of incidental information.

B) the tendency to recall best the first item in a list.

C) the organization of information into meaningful units.

D) the combined use of automatic and effortful processing to ensure the retention of

unfamiliar information.

E) getting information into memory through the use of visual imagery.

31. Which division of the nervous system arouses the body and mobilizes its energy in

emotionally stressful situations?

A) central

B) somatic

C) parasympathetic

D) autonomic

E) sympathetic

32. Circadian rhythm refers to

A) the experience of sleep apnea following an extensive transoceanic flight.

B) a pattern of brain waves that occur during sleep.

C) the cycle of five distinct stages that we experience during a normal night's sleep.

D) a pattern of biological functioning that occurs on a roughly 24-hour cycle.

E) the pattern of emotional ups and downs we routinely experience.

33. Which brain area is primarily involved with controlling speech?

A) hypothalamus

B) Broca's area

C) sensory cortex

D) association areas

E) angular gyrus

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34. Fast and jerky movements of the eyes are especially likely to be associated with

A) dissociation.

B) REM sleep.

C) NREM sleep.

D) sleep spindles.

E) sleep apnea.

35. Which measure of variation is most affected by extreme scores?

A) median

B) range

C) mean

D) standard deviation

E) mode

36. Spontaneous recovery refers to the

A) return of a response after punishment has been terminated.

B) reappearance, after a pause, of an extinguished conditioned response.

C) tendency of organisms to generalize conditioned responses.

D) expression of learning that had occurred earlier but had not been expressed because

of lack of incentive.

E) organism's tendency to respond spontaneously to stimuli similar to the CS as

though they were the CS.

37. Split-brain patients have had their ________ surgically cut.

A) sensory cortex

B) reticular formation

C) limbic system

D) corpus callosum

E) hippocampus

38. Schizophrenia is most closely linked with excess receptor activity for the



B) acetylcholine.

C) serotonin.

D) dopamine.

E) epinephrine.

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39. Molecules that are similar enough to a neurotransmitter to bind to its receptor sites on a

dendrite and block that neurotransmitter's effects are called what?

A) antagonists

B) endocrines

C) agonists

D) action potentials

E) endorphins

40. A mnemonic device is a

A) test or measure of memory.

B) word, event, or place that triggers a memory of the past.

C) memory aid.

D) sensory memory.

E) technique for automatic processing.

41. During a hearing test, many sounds were presented at such a low level of intensity that

Mr. Antall could hardly detect them. These sounds were below Mr. Antall's

A) auditory threshold.

B) subliminal threshold.

C) absolute threshold.

D) adaptation threshold.

E) difference threshold.

42. Evolutionary psychologists emphasize that environmentally adaptive behaviors are those

that have promoted

A) cultural diversity.

B) reproductive success.

C) heritability.

D) behavior genetics.

E) personal happiness.

43. Which basic taste attracts us to protein-rich foods?

A) salty

B) sour

C) umami

D) bitter

E) sweet

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44. John B. Watson considered himself to be a(n)

A) cognitive psychologist.

B) psychoanalyst.

C) operant conditioner.

D) behaviorist.

E) physiological psychologist.

45. Consciousness is

A) brain waves that indicate we are not reacting to a stimulus.

B) effortless encoding of incidental information into memory.

C) our awareness of ourselves and our environment.

D) the ability to solve problems, reason, and remember.

E) the process of organizing and interpreting sensory information.

46. The feel-good, do-good phenomenon refers to the fact that when people feel happy they

A) make decisions more effectively.

B) are more willing to help others.

C) experience a more positive self-image.

D) report greater satisfaction with their lives.

E) perceive the world as a safer place.

47. A variable-interval schedule of reinforcement is one in which a response is reinforced

only after a(n)

A) unpredictable time period has elapsed.

B) specified time period has elapsed.

C) number of responses is performed in a specific time period.

D) specified number of responses has been made.

E) unpredictable number of responses has been made.

48. Semantic encoding refers to the processing of

A) visual images.

B) unfamiliar units.

C) meanings.

D) touch sensations.

E) sounds.

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49. In Pavlov's experiments, the taste of food triggered salivation in a dog. The food in the

dog's mouth was the

A) UR.

B) SR.

C) CR.

D) US.

E) CS.

50. Trying to see a hidden representational image in a piece of abstract art by looking

carefully at each element in the picture and trying to form an image employs which kind

of perceptual process?

A) retinal disparity

B) selective attention

C) interposition

D) perceptual adaptation

E) bottom-up processing

51. A correlation coefficient is a measure of the

A) frequency of scores at each level of some measure.

B) statistical significance of a difference between two sample means.

C) average squared deviation of scores from a sample mean.

D) difference between the highest and lowest scores in a distribution.

E) direction and strength of the relationship between two variables.

52. Experiencing a green afterimage of a red object is most easily explained by

A) the gate-control theory.

B) frequency theory.

C) the opponent-process theory.

D) place theory.

E) the Young-Helmholtz theory.

53. Research on the sexual response cycle indicates that

A) women undergo a decrease in physiological arousal more slowly if they have

experienced orgasm than if they have not.

B) during the resolution phase, sexual excitement increases in females but decreases in


C) males and females experience an equally long refractory period following orgasm.

D) the sexual response and interest cycle decreases rapidly in middle age.

E) enough sperm may be released prior to male orgasm to enable conception.

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54. The James-Lange theory of emotion states that

A) the expression of emotion reduces our level of physiological arousal.

B) to experience emotion we must be physically aroused and able to cognitively label

the emotion.

C) cognitive experiences of emotion determine the extent of our physiological arousal.

D) an emotion-arousing stimulus simultaneously triggers both physiological arousal

and the subjective experience of emotion.

E) to experience emotion is to be aware of our physiological responses to an emotion-

arousing event.

55. Which theory most clearly emphasizes the importance of homeostasis in motivation?

A) arousal theory

B) hierarchy of needs theory

C) evolutionary theory

D) instinct theory

E) drive-reduction theory

56. A cochlear implant would be most helpful for those who suffer

A) loss of position.

B) sensorineural hearing loss.

C) conduction hearing loss.

D) loss of movement.

E) loss of balance.

57. For purposes of lie detection, investigators have most commonly made use of a(n)

A) electroencephalograph.

B) polygraph.

C) electrocardiograph.

D) myograph.

E) tomograph.

58. In English, adjectives precede nouns. This is a rule of syntax, which is the

A) impact of words in context and their relationship to one another.

B) logical, comparative relationship between subjects and action verbs.

C) derivation of meaning from morphemes, words, and sentences.

D) systematic description of nouns, as modified by verbs or adjectives.

E) orderly arrangement of words into grammatically sensible sentences.

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59. Intrinsic motivation is thought to be an important component of

A) the availability heuristic.

B) functional fixedness.

C) belief perseverance.

D) insight.

E) creativity.

60. The reticular formation is located in the

A) cerebellum.

B) motor cortex.

C) limbic system.

D) brainstem.

E) sensory cortex.

61. In an effort to remember how to spell “rhinoceros,” Samantha spells the word aloud 30

times. She is using a technique known as

A) rehearsal.

B) chunking.

C) priming.

D) the serial position effect.

E) the peg-word system.

62. The arithmetic average of a distribution of scores is the

A) standard deviation.

B) mode.

C) range.

D) median.

E) mean.

63. Which procedure helps to ensure that the participants in a survey are representative of a

larger population?

A) replication

B) random sampling

C) random assignment

D) correlation

E) naturalistic observation

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64. Anorexia nervosa is typically characterized by

A) frequent migraine headaches.

B) an obsessive fear of becoming obese.

C) binge-eating episodes.

D) an unusually high rate of metabolism.

E) cyclical fluctuations between extreme thinness and obesity.

65. Alcohol, marijuana, cocaine, and a wide variety of other chemical agents that alter

perceptions and moods are called

A) hallucinogens.

B) stimulants.

C) physiological dependents.

D) psychoactive drugs.

E) narcotic agents.

66. During the course of a day, people may unconsciously encode the sequence of the day's

events. This best illustrates

A) automatic processing.

B) echoic memory.

C) the spacing effect.

D) short-term memory.

E) rosy retrospection.

67. The facial expressions associated with particular emotions are

A) more similar in adults than they are in children or adolescents.

B) learned in early childhood.

C) different in Eastern and Western cultures.

D) more similar in women than in men.

E) the same throughout the world.

68. Color constancy refers to the fact that

A) objects are perceived to be the same color even if the light they reflect changes.

B) colors remain the same hue even when the tint changes under our difference


C) the frequency of light waves is directly proportional to the light's wavelength.

D) light waves reflected by an object remain constant despite changes in lighting.

E) the perceived color of an object has a constant relation to its brightness.

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69. In addition to producing orexin, the ________ monitors levels of the body's other

appetite hormones.

A) cerebellum

B) hippocampus

C) medulla

D) amygdala

E) hypothalamus

70. In trying to solve a potentially complicated problem quickly, we are most likely to rely


A) algorithms.

B) prototypes.

C) heuristics.

D) framing.

E) phonemes.

71. The process of retrieval refers to

A) the organization of information into manageable units.

B) the identification of information previously learned.

C) the persistence of learning over time.

D) getting information out of memory storage.

E) conscious repetition of information to be remembered.

72. The area of the retina where the optic nerve leaves the eye is called the

A) cornea.

B) visual cortex.

C) lens.

D) pupil.

E) blind spot.

73. Which approach is most directly concerned with assessing the relative impact of both

nature and nurture on our psychological traits?

A) social-cultural

B) humanistic

C) psychodynamic

D) cognitive

E) biopsychosocial

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74. According to Freud, the latent content of a dream refers to

A) the story line of our dreams.

B) its accompanying brain-wave pattern.

C) its underlying but censored meaning.

D) the previous day's events that prompted the dream.

E) the sensory stimuli in the sleeping environment that are incorporated into the


75. Genital arousal is most likely to be associated with

A) sleep spindles.

B) sleep apnea.

C) hypnagogic sleep.

D) Stage 4 sleep.

E) REM sleep.

76. Parapsychology refers to the

A) study of perceptual illusions.

B) direct transduction of energy into neural impulses.

C) study of phenomena such as ESP and psychokinesis.

D) study of the phi phenomenon.

E) direct transmission of thoughts from one mind to another.

77. The World Health Organization defines ________ as a BMI of 30 or more.

A) high cholesterol

B) hypertension

C) bulimia

D) obesity

E) anorexia

78. According to Abraham Maslow, our need for belongingness must be met before our

need for

A) safety.

B) homeostasis.

C) esteem.

D) food and water.

E) arousal.

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79. According to B. F. Skinner, human behavior is controlled primarily by

A) conscious thoughts.

B) emotions.

C) unconscious motives.

D) biological predispositions.

E) external influences.

80. Which neural center in the limbic system plays a central role in emotions such as

aggression and fear?

A) dendrite

B) cerebellum

C) amygdala

D) thalamus

E) medulla

81. Identical twins originate from the fertilization of

A) two egg cells by two sperm cells.

B) a single egg cell by a single sperm cell.

C) two egg cells by a single sperm cell.

D) either two egg cells or two sperm cells.

E) a single egg cell by two sperm cells.

82. The longest part of a motor neuron is likely to be the

A) synapse.

B) dendrite.

C) neurotransmitter

D) cell body.

E) axon.

83. An undersupply of serotonin is most closely linked to

A) Parkinson's disease.

B) Alzheimer's disease.

C) euphoria.

D) schizophrenia.

E) depression.

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84. Drug tolerance refers to the

A) belief that drug use should be legalized.

B) discomfort and distress that follow the discontinued use of a drug.

C) reduced effect of a drug resulting from its regular usage.

D) absence of pain or anxiety following the use of a drug.

E) loss of social inhibitions following drug use.

85. When people discuss the “nature vs. nurture” controversy, Nature refers to ________

and Nurture refers to ________.

A) chromosomes; genetics

B) thinking; behavior

C) genes; heredity

D) biology; environment

E) DNA; hormones

86. Sensation is to ________ as perception is to ________.

A) interpretation; organization

B) threshold; transduction

C) organization; accommodation

D) detection; interpretation

E) encoding; detection

87. As Maria and her little brother looked up at the clouds, he exclaimed, “That one looks

like a giant dinosaur!” Maria thought it looked more like a giant duck. Which of the

following concepts best explains their different interpretations of the same ambiguous


A) context effects

B) difference thresholds

C) selective attention

D) shape constancy

E) perceptual set

88. Cognitive psychologists are most directly concerned with the study of

A) brain chemistry.

B) emotion.

C) thinking.

D) the unconscious.

E) genetics.

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89. Critical thinkers can best be described as

A) overconfident.

B) pessimistic.

C) cynical.

D) impatient.

E) questioning.

90. A flashbulb memory would typically be stored in ________ memory.

A) short-term

B) long-term

C) iconic

D) echoic

E) implicit

91. Which theory would be most helpful for explaining why people are motivated to watch

horror movies?

A) arousal theory

B) homeostasis

C) instinct theory

D) drive-reduction theory

E) hierarchy of needs theory

92. The infant Albert developed a fear of rats after a white rat was associated with a loud

noise. In this example, fear of the white rat was the

A) CS.

B) CR.

C) UR.

D) SA.

E) US.

93. The confirmation bias refers to the tendency to

A) overestimate the accuracy of our beliefs and judgments.

B) use heuristics instead of algorithms to solve problems.

C) judge the likelihood of events on the basis of how easily we can remember

examples of them.

D) search for information that supports our preconceptions.

E) overestimate the degree to which other people share our beliefs.

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94. Most homosexuals report becoming aware of their same-sex attraction during

A) late adolescence.

B) emerging adulthood.

C) late childhood.

D) early adolescence.

E) early childhood.

95. Feature detectors

A) cause the lens to change its curvature in response to incoming light waves.

B) are retinal cells that allow you to see in dim light and are located in the periphery of

the eye.

C) are nerve cells in the brain's visual cortex that fire in response to specific edges,

lines, and angles.

D) combine to form the optic nerve, which sends visual information to the brain.

E) are primarily located in the fovea.

96. Premarital sexual activity is higher among American teens who

A) consume rather than abstain from alcohol.

B) earn high rather than low grades in school.

C) have college-educated rather than high school-educated parents.

D) underestimate rather than overestimate their peers' sexual activity.

E) frequently rather than seldom attend religious services.

97. A gestalt is best described as a(n)

A) perceptual set.

B) organized whole.

C) illusion.

D) binocular cue.

E) perceptual adaptation.

98. “The magical number seven, plus or minus two” refers to the storage capacity of

________ memory.

A) sensory

B) short-term

C) explicit

D) flashbulb

E) implicit

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99. According to the text, learning involves

A) the development of prosocial behavior.

B) the ability to think abstractly.

C) acquiring knowledge that can be recalled explicitly or implicitly.

D) a relatively permanent change in behavior due to experience.

E) a reduction in extrinsic motivation.

100. The master gland of the endocrine system is the

A) hypothalamus.

B) pituitary gland.

C) pancreas.

D) thyroid gland.

E) adrenal gland.

101. In a study of the effects of alcohol consumption, some participants drank a nonalcoholic

beverage that actually smelled and tasted like alcohol. This nonalcoholic drink was a

A) random sample.

B) double blind.

C) replication.

D) placebo.

E) dependent variable.

102. The earliest stage of speech development is called the ________ stage.

A) grammatical

B) babbling

C) telegraphic speech

D) semantic

E) one-word

103. Any stimulus that, when removed after a response, strengthens the response is called


A) positive reinforcer.

B) positive punishment.

C) negative reinforcer.

D) unconditioned stimulus.

E) conditioned stimulus.

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104. Replication involves

A) repeating an earlier research study.

B) rejecting ideas that cannot be scientifically tested.

C) perceiving order in random events.

D) overestimating the extent to which others share our views.

E) the selection of random samples.

105. Which of the following are located exclusively within the brain and spinal cord?

A) interneurons

B) axons

C) sensory neurons

D) motor neurons

E) myelin sheath

106. Automatic processing and effortful processing involve two types of

A) storage.

B) repression.

C) encoding.

D) retrieval.

E) interference.

107. The spatial junctions where impulses are chemically transmitted from one neuron to

another are called

A) axons.

B) thresholds.

C) neurotransmitters.

D) neural networks.

E) synapses.

108. The pituitary gland releases a growth hormone during

A) Stage 1 sleep.

B) circadian sleep.

C) Stage 2 sleep.

D) slow-wave sleep.

E) paradoxical sleep.

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109. Why is transduction important to sensation?

A) It causes the lens to focus light waves on the retina by changing its curvature.

B) It explains our diminishing sensitivity to an unchanging stimulus.

C) It converts physical stimuli, such as light, into neural messages.

D) It illustrates how much of information processing occurs automatically.

E) It demonstrates how our experiences and expectations affect whether we perceive a


110. Hormones are the chemical messengers of the

A) autonomic nervous system.

B) central nervous system.

C) action potential.

D) endocrine system.

E) peripheral nervous system.

111. After receiving a painful shot from a female nurse in a white uniform, 3-year-old Vaclav

experiences fear of any woman wearing a white dress. Vaclav's reaction best illustrates

A) generalization.

B) latent learning.

C) spontaneous recovery.

D) shaping.

E) extinction.

112. Some information in our fleeting ________ is encoded into short-term memory.

A) sensory memory

B) flashbulb memory

C) semantic memory

D) repressed memory

E) long-term memory

113. Logical, methodical step-by-step procedures for solving problems are called

A) algorithms.

B) fixations.

C) semantics.

D) prototypes.

E) heuristics.

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114. The emotions of anger and fear involve similar

A) cultural expectations.

B) patterns of brain activity.

C) subjective thoughts and experiences.

D) facial expressions.

E) patterns of autonomic arousal.

115. Which brain structure has been found to be especially important in learning to fear

specific objects?

A) hippocampus

B) corpus callosum

C) thalamus

D) amygdala

E) hypothalamus

116. Hunger controls are located within the brain's

A) temporal lobe.

B) hippocampus.

C) amygdala.

D) medulla.

E) hypothalamus.

117. Freud called the remembered story line of a dream its ________ content.

A) delusional

B) manifest

C) latent

D) dissociated

E) paradoxical

118. B. F. Skinner emphasized the importance of ________ in language acquisition.

A) reinforcement

B) cognition

C) algorithms

D) heuristics

E) universal grammar

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119. Increasing excitatory signals above the threshold for neural activation will not affect the

intensity of an action potential. This indicates that a neuron's reaction is

A) an all-or-none response.

B) primarily electrical rather than chemical.

C) dependent on neurotransmitter molecules.

D) delayed by the refractory period.

E) inhibited by the myelin sheath.

120. In University of Utah driving-simulation experiments, students conversing on cell

phones were slower to detect and respond to traffic signals. This best illustrates

A) place theory.

B) selective attention.

C) retinal disparity.

D) the phi phenomenon.

E) gate-control theory.

121. The hindsight bias refers to people's tendency to

A) assume that correlation proves causation.

B) dismiss the value of replication.

C) overestimate the extent to which others share their opinions.

D) exaggerate their ability to have foreseen the outcome of past events.

E) reject any ideas that cannot be scientifically tested.

122. Depth perception that uses information transmitted to only one eye depends on

A) lightness constancy.

B) monocular cues.

C) stroboscopic movement.

D) perceptual adaptation.

E) relative luminance.

123. Accommodation refers to the

A) quivering eye movements that enable the retina to detect continuous stimulation.

B) process by which the lens changes shape to focus images on the retina.

C) system for sensing the position and movement of muscles, tendons, and joints.

D) diminishing sensitivity to an unchanging stimulus.

E) process by which stimulus energies are changed into neural messages.

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124. In Pavlov's experiments, the dog's salivation triggered by the taste of food was a(n)

A) unconditioned response.

B) unconditioned stimulus.

C) conditioned stimulus.

D) neutral stimulus.

E) conditioned response.

125. Which philosopher is most well known for theorizing that the mind at birth is tabula

rasa or a “blank slate”?

A) Aristotle

B) René Descartes

C) Plato

D) Immanuel Kant

E) John Locke

126. The retina is to the eye as the ________ is to the ear.

A) eardrum

B) auditory nerve

C) eustachian tube

D) auditory canal

E) cochlea

127. The first psychological laboratory was established by

A) Jean Piaget.

B) William James.

C) Sigmund Freud.

D) John Watson.

E) Wilhelm Wundt.

128. Shaping is a(n) ________ procedure.

A) observational learning

B) classical conditioning

C) cognitive mapping

D) operant conditioning

E) latent learning

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129. Which of the following is true of melatonin?

A) It is a sleep hormone released by the pineal gland into the bloodstream.

B) It is produced by the brain during the hypnagogic stage in NREM sleep.

C) It alters metabolic and hormonal functioning in ways that mimic aging.

D) It helps restore and repair brain tissue by increasing the production of free radicals.

E) Production of melatonin during sleep boosts our immune system, which helps us

fight off viral infections.

130. The semicircular canals are most directly relevant to

A) kinesthesis.

B) parallel processing.

C) hearing.

D) accommodation.

E) the vestibular sense.

131. Voluntary behaviors that produce rewarding or punishing consequences are called

A) prosocial behaviors.

B) conditioned responses.

C) respondent behaviors.

D) unconditioned responses.

E) operant behaviors.

132. Which research method is typically used to examine one participant in depth, usually

because the individual's situation/behavior is rare or unusual?

A) case study

B) scientific method

C) correlation

D) experiment

E) survey

133. Motor neurons are to the ________ nervous system as interneurons are to the ________

nervous system.

A) peripheral; central

B) sympathetic; parasympathetic

C) parasympathetic; sympathetic

D) central; peripheral

E) autonomic; somatic

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134. The difference between the highest and lowest scores in a distribution is the

A) correlation coefficient.

B) median.

C) mean.

D) range.

E) standard deviation.

135. The principle that two stimuli must differ by a constant proportion for their difference to

be perceived is known as

A) Weber's law.

B) the difference threshold.

C) the opponent-process theory.

D) feature detection.

E) sensory interaction.

136. After one chimpanzee sees a second chimp open a box that contains a food reward, the

first animal opens a similar box with great speed. This best illustrates

A) spontaneous recovery.

B) respondent behavior.

C) positive reinforcement.

D) shaping.

E) observational learning.

137. The function of dendrites is to

A) transmit signals to other neurons.

B) receive incoming signals from other neurons.

C) control pain through the release of opiate-like chemicals into the brain.

D) release neurotransmitters into the spatial junctions between neurons.

E) coordinate the activation of the parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous systems.

138. The quick succession of briefly flashed images in a motion picture produces

A) frequency theory.

B) stroboscopic movement.

C) linear perspective.

D) retinal disparity.

E) the Ponzo illusion.

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139. An incentive is a

A) positive or negative environmental stimulus that motivates behavior.

B) rigidly patterned behavior characteristic of an entire species.

C) basic need listed on the lower levels of Maslow's hierarchy.

D) state of deprivation that triggers arousal.

E) state of arousal triggered by deprivation.

140. Surgical destruction of brain tissue is called a(n)

A) lesion.

B) synapse.



E) endorphin.

141. For a moment after hearing his dog's high-pitched bark, Mr. Silvers has a vivid auditory

impression of the dog's yelp. His experience most clearly illustrates ________ memory.

A) echoic

B) implicit

C) iconic

D) short-term

E) mood-congruent

142. Our tendency to believe we know more than we do illustrates

A) overconfidence.

B) naturalistic observation.

C) placebo.

D) illusory correlation.

E) the standard deviation.

143. Taste and smell are both what kind of senses?

A) chemical

B) perceptual

C) vestibular

D) kinesthetic

E) energy

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144. The amplitude of electromagnetic waves determines the ________ of light.

A) difference threshold

B) wavelength

C) absolute threshold

D) brightness

E) hue

145. The brain's release of endorphins reduces

A) tinnitus.

B) sensation.

C) retinal disparity.

D) pain.

E) prosopagnosia.

146. Any stimulus that, when presented after a response, strengthens the response is called


A) unconditioned stimulus.

B) positive reinforcer.

C) negative reinforcer.

D) positive punishment.

E) conditioned stimulus.

147. Homeostasis, which is the goal of drive reduction, is defined as

A) the body's tendency to maintain a constant internal state.

B) a desire to perform behavior in return for rewards.

C) a rigidly patterned behavior characteristic of an entire species.

D) a physical need that usually triggers motivational arousal.

E) an aroused or activated state that is often triggered by a physiological need.

148. Long-term potentiation refers to

A) an automatic tendency to recall emotionally significant events.

B) the process of learning something without any conscious memory of having learned


C) the relatively permanent and limitless storehouse of the memory system.

D) an increase in a neuron's firing potential.

E) the impact of overlearning on retention.

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149. A sudden realization of the solution to a problem is called

A) an algorithm.

B) belief perseverance.

C) insight.

D) framing.

E) a heuristic.

150. A mental set is a

A) group of conclusions derived from certain assumptions or general principles.

B) tendency to approach a problem in a way that has been successful in the past.

C) specific way an issue is described that can significantly alter decisions.

D) mental grouping of similar objects, events, or people.

E) methodical step-by-step procedure for solving problems.

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Answer Key

1. D

2. E

3. A

4. E

5. C

6. B

7. B

8. A

9. C

10. A

11. C

12. B

13. E

14. C

15. E

16. E

17. E

18. B

19. A

20. E

21. C

22. A

23. E

24. E

25. D

26. B

27. B

28. E

29. E

30. C

31. E

32. D

33. B

34. B

35. B

36. B

37. D

38. D

39. A

40. C

41. C

42. B

43. C

44. D

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45. C

46. B

47. A

48. C

49. D

50. E

51. E

52. C

53. E

54. E

55. E

56. B

57. B

58. E

59. E

60. D

61. A

62. E

63. B

64. B

65. D

66. A

67. E

68. A

69. E

70. C

71. D

72. E

73. E

74. C

75. E

76. C

77. D

78. C

79. E

80. C

81. B

82. E

83. E

84. C

85. D

86. D

87. E

88. C

89. E

90. B

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91. A

92. B

93. D

94. D

95. C

96. A

97. B

98. B

99. D

100. B

101. D

102. B

103. C

104. A

105. A

106. C

107. E

108. D

109. C

110. D

111. A

112. A

113. A

114. E

115. D

116. E

117. B

118. A

119. A

120. B

121. D

122. B

123. B

124. A

125. E

126. E

127. E

128. D

129. A

130. E

131. E

132. A

133. A

134. D

135. A

136. E

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137. B

138. B

139. A

140. A

141. A

142. A

143. A

144. D

145. D

146. B

147. A

148. D

149. C

150. B

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