name plate movements - 365 science page

Name Plate Movements Version 1 1) convergent 2) divergent 3) transform 4) complex or uncertain 1. Which type of tectonic plate boundary is found between the South American Plate and the Scotia Plate? 1) rigid mantle 2) crust 3) asthenosphere 4) stiffer mantle 2. The convection currents responsible for moving tectonic plates occur in which Earth layer? 1) transform fault 2) divergent boundary 3) mantle hot spot 4) subduction zone 3. The formation of the Canary Islands was primarily caused by their location near a Base your answers to questions 4 and 5 on the map below and on your knowledge of Earth science. The map shows the coast of the northwestern United States. The Explorer and Gorda ridges and plates are parts of the Juan de Fuca tectonic system. 1) Gorda Plate 2) Pacific Plate 3) North American Plate 4) Juan de Fuca Plate 4. The Explorer Ridge is the boundary between the Explorer Plate and the

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Name Plate Movements

Version 1

1) convergent2) divergent3) transform4) complex or uncertain

1. Which type of tectonic plate boundary is foundbetween the South American Plate and the ScotiaPlate?

1) rigid mantle 2) crust3) asthenosphere 4) stiffer mantle

2. The convection currents responsible for movingtectonic plates occur in which Earth layer?

1) transform fault 2) divergent boundary3) mantle hot spot 4) subduction zone

3. The formation of the Canary Islands was primarilycaused by their location near a

Base your answers to questions 4 and 5 on the map below and on your knowledge of Earth science.The map shows the coast of the northwestern United States. The Explorer and Gorda ridges and platesare parts of the Juan de Fuca tectonic system.

1) Gorda Plate 2) Pacific Plate3) North American Plate 4) Juan de Fuca Plate

4. The Explorer Ridge is the boundary between the Explorer Plate and the

Version 1

1) 2)

3) 4)

5. The arrow on which map best shows the direction of movement of the Juan de Fuca Plate in relation tothe Juan de Fuca Ridge?

Base your answers to questions 6 and 7 on the block diagram below, which shows a tectonic plate boundary.

1) less dense and more mafic 2) more dense and more felsic3) more dense and more mafic 4) less dense and more felsic

6. Compared to the oceanic crust, the continental crust is

Version 1

1) Nazca Plate and Pacific Plate boundary2) Scotia Plate and South American Plate boundary3) Antarctic Plate and Indian-Australian Plate boundary4) Juan de Fuca Plate and North American Plate boundary

7. Which tectonic plate boundary is best represented by this diagram?

1) Nazca Plate and Pacific Plate2) Pacific Plate and Indian-Australian Plate3) Nazca Plate and Antarctic Plate4) Indian-Australian Plate and Antarctic Plate

8. At which plate boundary is one lithospheric platesliding under another?

1) northwest 2) southwest3) south 4) east

9. The block diagram below shows the bedrock age asmeasured by radioactive dating and the presentlocation of part of the Hawaiian Island chain. Thesevolcanic islands may have formed as the Pacific Platemoved over a mantle hot spot.

This diagram provides evidence that the PacificCrustal Plate was moving toward the

Version 1





10. The cross section below represents a pattern of magnetic field reversals preserved in the igneousbedrock of the oceanic crust east of the Mid-Atlantic ridge.

Which cross section best represents the magnetic field pattern west of the Mid-Atlantic ridge?

Base your answers to questions 11 through 13 on the passage below.

Crustal Activity at Mid-Ocean Ridges

Mid-ocean ridges are found at one type of tectonic plate boundary. These ridges consist ofextensive underwater mountain ranges split by rift valleys. The rift valleys mark places where twocrustal plates are pulling apart, widening the ocean basins, and allowing magma from theasthenosphere to move upward. In some cases, mid-ocean ridges have migrated toward nearbymantle hot spots. This explains why mid-ocean ridges and mantle hot spots are found together atseveral locations.

1) convergent 2) complex 3) divergent 4) transform

11. Which type of tectonic plate boundary is located at mid-ocean ridges?

1) Hawaii 2) Canary Islands 3) Easter Island 4) Tasman

12. Which mantle hot spot is located closest to a mid-ocean ridge?

Version 1

1) A 2) B 3) C 4) D

13. The map below shows a part of Earth’s surface. Points A through D are locations on the ocean floor.

At which location is the temperature of the ocean floor bedrock most likely highest?

Version 1

1) 2)

3) 4)

14. The map below shows a portion of Earth's surface. Points X and Y are locations on the lithosphere.

Which cross section shows the inferred movement of material in the asthenosphere beneath points X and Y?

Version 1

15. Base your answer to the following question on "cross section below, which shows an underwatermountain range in the Atlantic Ocean. The oceanic bedrock is composed mainly of basalt. Points X and Y are locations in the bedrock that have been diverging at the same rate. The movement of theNorth American Plate and Eurasian Plate is shown by the two arrows.


1) The basalt at location X is younger than the basalt at location Y. Both locations have the samemagnetic orientation.

2) The basalts at locations X and Y are the same age. Location X has normal magnetic orientationand location Y has reversed magnetic orientation.

3) The basalts at locations X and Yare the same age. Both locations have the same magneticorientation.

4) The basalt at location X is older than the basalt at location Y. Location X has reversed magneticorientation and location Y has normal magnetic orientation.

Which statements best describe the age and magnetic orientation of the basalts found at locations X and Y?

Version 1

16. Base your answer to the following question on "the map below. The map shows the continents ofAfrica and South America, the ocean between them, and the ocean ridge and transform faults.Locations A and D are on the continents. Locations B and C are on the ocean floor.


1) 2)

3) 4)

Which table best shows the relative densities of the crustal bedrock at locations A, B, C, and D?

Version 1





17. Which block diagram best represents the relative direction of plate motion at the San Andreas Fault?

1) 23.5° N and 23.5° S parallels of latitude2) eastern coastline of continents3) edges of tectonic plates4) equatorial ocean floor

18. Active volcanoes are most abundant along the

Version 1

1) subduction 2) transform3) convergent 4) divergent

19. The map below shows the northern section of theboundary between the Arabian Plate and the AfricanPlate. Arrows show the relative direction of platemotion.

Which type of plate boundary is located at theJordan Fault?

1) complex 2) transform 3) convergent 4) divergent

20. The block diagram below shows the boundary between two tectonic plates.

Which type of plate boundary is shown?