name:______________________________________€¦  · web viewthe onee’ denaayeł heneehaayh camp...

Onee’ Denaayeł Heneehaayh. Come and talk to us. Camps: Denaakk’e June 13-17, 2015 Benhti Kenaga’ June 22-26, 2015 Thank you for your interest in attending the Onee’ Denaayeł Heneehaayh camp. Denaakk’e is our name for the Koyukon Athabascan language and Benhti Kenaga’ is the name for the Lower Tanana language. The goal of this camp is for students (adults and children) to learn the language that can be spoken in a kitchen setting through weekly meetings and two summer language camps. The objectives of this program will be to teach our languages through language gatherings, hold two summer camps and to develop a language curriculum that can be used in the kitchen setting. The camp is open to everyone, but preference will be given to participants who have prior experience in learning the two languages. The camp will be open to 10 adults and 15 minors. An application process will be used to select the participants. There are no travel funds available to attend, but applicants are free to apply to their villages councils, corporations, or fundraise. The fee to attend the camp is $50 for minors and $100 for adults. This fee will cover the language specialists, cost of food, gas, and camp rental. Portions of the fee may be waived if you share traditional foods, (i.e. moose meat; fish; berries etc). Yukon-Koyukuk School District Susan Paskvan, Native Language Coordinator 4762 Old Airport Way Fairbanks, AK 99709 907-374-9405 or s p as kv a n @ yk s d .c o m

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Page 1: Name:______________________________________€¦  · Web viewThe Onee’ Denaayeł Heneehaayh camp was made possible through funding by the Doyon, Limited Language Revitalization

Onee’ Denaayeł Heneehaayh.Come and talk to us.

Camps: Denaakk’e June 13-17, 2015Benhti Kenaga’ June 22-26, 2015

Thank you for your interest in attending the Onee’ Denaayeł Heneehaayh camp. Denaakk’e is our name for the Koyukon Athabascan language and Benhti Kenaga’ is the name for the Lower Tanana language. The goal of this camp is for students (adults and children) to learn the language that can be spoken in a kitchen setting through weekly meetings and two summer language camps. The objectives of this program will be to teach our languages through language gatherings, hold two summer camps and to develop a language curriculum that can be used in the kitchen setting.

The camp is open to everyone, but preference will be given to participants who have prior experience in learning the two languages. The camp will be open to 10 adults and 15 minors. An application process will be used to select the participants. There are no travel funds available to attend, but applicants are free to apply to their villages councils, corporations, or fundraise.

The fee to attend the camp is $50 for minors and $100 for adults. This fee will cover the language specialists, cost of food, gas, and camp rental. Portions of the fee may be waived if you share traditional foods, (i.e. moose meat; fish; berries etc).

Attached is the camp application. Please fill it out completely. The camp will be held at Howard Luke Gaaleeya Camp, located across the Tanana River below Fairbanks. Participants will be required to spend the entire time at the camp – no traveling home in the evening.

If you have any questions or comments, please contact Susan Paskvan, [email protected].

Yukon-Koyukuk School DistrictSusan Paskvan, Native Language Coordinator4762 Old Airport Way Fairbanks, AK 99709 907-374-9405 or s p as kv a n @ yk s d .c o m

The Onee’ Denaayeł Heneehaayh camp was made possible through funding by the Doyon, Limited Language Revitalization Program. The Onee’ Denaayeł Heneehaayh camp was made possible with funding by Rasmuson Foundation through the Youth Cultural Heritage Fund, and is administered, under contract, by the Alaska State Council on the Arts.

Page 2: Name:______________________________________€¦  · Web viewThe Onee’ Denaayeł Heneehaayh camp was made possible through funding by the Doyon, Limited Language Revitalization

Yukon-Koyukuk School District 2015 Onee’ Denaayeł Heneehaayh Camp

Adult Application

Name:______________________________________ Male Female (circle one). T-Shirt Size: ____

Home Mailing Address:

Home Phone:_____________________ Work Phone:____________________

Did the camper participate in any language activities or classes this year? _____yes _____no

I understand that the camp is to last for 1 week in June. The camp will focus on Denaakk’e or Benhti Kenaga’ phrases for cooking, preparing traditional foods, proper cooking techniques and safety in the kitchen. The fee is $50 for minors and $100 for adults. Portions of the fee may be waived if you share traditional foods, (i.e. two chunks of moose meat; two fish; a gallon of berries). Will you be able to donate any foods? Please list:

I will abide by the rules and regulations as established by the school, the CSC, and the chaperones.

I consent to emergency medical treatment, hospitalization or other medical treatment as may be necessary by a physician, qualified nurse, and/or hospital, in the event of injury or illness during all periods of time in which I am away from my legal residence, as a member of this summer camp, and hereby waive on behalf of myself any liability of the Yukon-Koyukuk School District/ 2015 Summer Camp, any of its agents or employees, arising out of such medical treatment.

I/We understand the local Board of Education or ASAA does not carry field trip, sports or activity insurance and will not assume responsibility for injuries sustained in this school activity or field trip. I/We also understand that accident insurance coverage is my responsibility.Insurance Coverage: Native Services Military

Great-West Life Family None: I/We will assume financial responsibility for injuries.

To the fullest extent permitted by law, I/we (parent/guardian) agrees to defend, indemnify and hold harmless the Yukon-Koyukuk School District, their elected and appointed officials, employees, and volunteers against any and all liabilities, claims, demands, lawsuits, or losses, including costs and attorney fees incurred in defense thereof, arising out of or in any way connected or associated with this activity.

_____________________ ___________________________________Date signed Signature of Parent or Guardian

Checklist: _ Application, _Personal Narrative, __ Letter of Recommendation__ Parent & Student Contract/Permission to Publish/Request for Administration of MedicationPayment: $50.00 <18 years of age; $100.00 > 18 years of age. Pay to YKSD.

Page 3: Name:______________________________________€¦  · Web viewThe Onee’ Denaayeł Heneehaayh camp was made possible through funding by the Doyon, Limited Language Revitalization

Adult Contract

Program Rules and Regulations:

1. The camp will be five days, four nights at Howard Luke Camp across the Tanana River outside of Fairbanks. I understand that there I will camp the entire time at the Howard Luke camp.

2. I will follow the rules and regulations of the YKSD school district and the lodging facility.

3. I will keep regular attendance at the Summer Camp classes and activities.4. I will follow curfew regulations for the program.5. I will not possess or use any drugs, alcohol, tobacco, or weapons while participating in

the Summer Camp program.6. I understand that violation of any state, federal, or municipal laws; such as stealing,

shoplifting, etc., will result in my immediate removal from the Summer Camp program at my expense.

7. I will show respect, honesty, courtesy, and cooperation toward my fellow students, and Summer Camp coordinators.

8. I will practice good health and hygiene habits, including limiting sugary snacks.9. I will use appropriate language at all times.


Permission to PublishI understand that students, volunteers, and employees of Yukon-Koyukuk School District and Doyon, Limited may interview, photograph, take video-tape or make audio-recordings of me during the 2015 Summer Camp. I also understand that no personal compensation can be given for the photograph, video-tape or audio-tape.

I give YKSD and Doyon, Limited permission to use the interviews, photographs, video-tapes and audio-tapes in reports, multi-media presentations (computer programs like Powerpoint, MS Word, iMovie, and iTunes) for educational purposes or other curriculum.

I give YKSD and Doyon, Limited permission to use photographs, video-tapes and audio-tapes for publication on the Internet.

_____________________ ___________________________________Date signed Signature of Camp Participant

Page 4: Name:______________________________________€¦  · Web viewThe Onee’ Denaayeł Heneehaayh camp was made possible through funding by the Doyon, Limited Language Revitalization

Request for Administration of Medication

If this form is properly completed and returned to the Summer Camp Coordinator, the Yukon-Koyukuk School District may assist dispensing prescribed medication if the camper is unable. The medication will only be given if it is delivered to the Summer Camp Coordinator in the original bottle marked with the participant’s name, dosage, time of administration, physician, pharmacy, and date of purchase.

Name of Participant: Birth date:

1. List any activity that should be restricted:________________________________________________________________________________________________2. List any allergies the camper has:________________________________________________________________________________________________3. List all medications the camper must bring, with instructions and dosage instructions:__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________4. List medications to which the camper is allergic:________________________________________________________________________________________________5. Give the name and number of a friend or relative who may be contacted in case you are unavailable________________________________________________________________________________________________6. List date of last tetanus immunization:______________________(must be current).1. Do you give permission for over-the-counter medicine to be administered:

a. Tylenol ___yes ___nob. Benadryl ___yes ___noc. Baccitracin ___yes ___no

HEALTH STATEMENT.* To the best of my knowledge, _______________________ is in good health and is able to participate in all camp activities, within limitations as listed

Statement of Participant

I do hereby request the school district to give medication to me if I am unable to dispense it. I understand that the school district is not legally obligated to administer medication to the participant, and in the absence of the school nurse, other school personnel will administer the medication. I agree not to institute suit against the school district for administration of non-administration of the medication, to defend and hold the school district harmless from any liability resulting from the administration or non-administration of the medication, and to defend and indemnify the school district an its employees from any liability arising out of this agreement. I will notify the camp coordinator if the medication is changed.

Signature of Parent/Guardian Date Home Phone Work Phone

Page 5: Name:______________________________________€¦  · Web viewThe Onee’ Denaayeł Heneehaayh camp was made possible through funding by the Doyon, Limited Language Revitalization

Personal NarrativeWrite about why you are interested in learning your heritage language. Maximum of two typed pages.

Give a brief history about your life – who you are, your family, and what your interests are. Are you a leader in your school or community? If so, state what type of activities you’ve participated in.

This camp will be language intensive. Why are you interested in learning to speak your traditional language? Have you taken any classes or have had lessons in your language? What would you like to be able to say in your language? This camp will focus on Denaakk’e and Benhti Kenaga’ phrases that focus on cooking, eating, and working in the kitchen. Do you have a special recipe you would like to share?

Summarize your narrative by telling us why you would be a good candidate for this camp.

Tips for Writing a Personal Narrative * Because this writing is about one of your experiences, write from the first-person point of view, using words like I and me. * Tell the story as if you are experiencing it, including sensory details to draw your readers into the story and make them feel a part of it. Use interesting adjectives and descriptive words. * Your story will be easier to understand if you write the events in order from beginning to end. Using words like first, second, then, next, and finally will help readers keep track of what happens. * The last sentence or two of your narrative should provide some conclusion, such as what you learned from going to this place. Be careful not to leave your readers "hanging," wondering what the end of the story is.

Page 6: Name:______________________________________€¦  · Web viewThe Onee’ Denaayeł Heneehaayh camp was made possible through funding by the Doyon, Limited Language Revitalization

2015 Summer Camp Letter of Recommendationfrom Community Member or Teacher

Applicant’s Name

Recommendation Instructions: This recommendation for participation in the Yukon-Koyukuk School District Summer Camp. Only fifteen students will be selected to attend the camp, which will focus on learning Denaakk’e or Benhti Kenaga’ language through hands-on learning methods. The camp will be held outside of Fairbanks for five days.

In the space provided, please check the appropriate spaces and in the lined area write explanations to support the areas you have checked. Please give your best recommendation of the applicant using the following criteria.

1. Leadership capabilities Excellent Good Fair Poor Unknown

2. Ability to successfully stay in a remote camp for five days Excellent Good Fair Poor Unknown

3. Work Habits and Study Skills Excellent Good Fair Poor Unknown

4. Behavior and Attitude Excellent Good Fair Poor Unknown

5. Other Remarks:

Signature Date

Page 7: Name:______________________________________€¦  · Web viewThe Onee’ Denaayeł Heneehaayh camp was made possible through funding by the Doyon, Limited Language Revitalization

What to Bring to Summer CampCLOTHING (mark with name) GROOMING ITEMS

_ Changes of clothes for 5 days of camping

_ Toothbrush and toothpaste, orthodontal dental floss

_ Extra jeans _ Soap in plastic bag, shampoo_ Extra shirts (long-sleeved shirts or sweaters) _ 1 Bath towels + washcloth

_ Change of socks each day (more if wet weather) _Comb or brush

_ Change of underwear _ Emergency toilet paper_ Jacket _ Mosquito repellant_ Hat and gloves PERSONAL ITEMS

ADDITIONAL CLOTHING _ Sense of Humor_ Rain gear _ Song, skit, cheer, or story for campfire_ Two pairs of shoes _ Notebook and pen/pencil

(Hiking boots and sturdy tennis shoes) _ Canteen or water bottle_ Drinking cup with handle

MISCELLANEOUS _ Plate, bowl and silverware_ Medicines in original container _ Camera_ Fishing rod + tackle (optional) _ Compass_ Zip Lock bags, 2 trash bags _ Pocketknife (must be turned in to teacher)_ Mosquito netting (optional) _ Flashlight, extra batteries + bulbs_ Cards, dominos, book to read _ Sunglasses_ Ear plugs _ Sewing kit

_ Work gloves

**PERMISSION SLIP** (if not previously turned in) TENTING/SLEEPING GEAR

_ Tent + Ground clothDO NOT BRING THESE ITEMS _ Sleeping bag

Valuables of any kind _ Mosquito NettingElectronic games _ PillowWeapons of any kind _ Life vestRadios/CD players _ Chair (optional)Fireworks