names of allah sunday 1st may 2016 ver0 - sistersnotes · in arabic language a date palm tree is...

AL JABBAR 01/05/2016 Glimpse of the Names of Allah – Sunday Class

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01/05/2016 Glimpse of the Names of Allah – Sunday Class

Al Jabbar

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Al Jabbar G L I M P S E O F T H E N A M E S O F A L L A H – S U N D AY C L A S S


Allah created us to worship Him i.e. we need to be a slave of Allah. To be a slave of any creation is humiliation. And it is an honor to be a slave of Allah. When someone is not worshiping Allah and is not slave of Allah then such a person will be slave of something else e.g. money , power or any object. When we are slave of anyone other than Allah, it breaks us and humiliates us.

When we know the names of Allah, it helps us to be a slave of the One who is worthy. When we know the names of Allah it makes us Abd Allah. A slave of Allah will always want the pleasure of Allah and he will not do anything except what Allah permits. His goal is only Allah’s pleasure. He is humble to Allah in life and is not a tyrant in life. He is kind and devoted and had good manners as he is a slave of Allah. A sol



Jabbar means someone who forces e.g. a tyrant like Firoun who forced his believes on people. Jabbar is a dispraised character for a human being forces. It does not suit a human being to be Jabbar.

Al Jabbar

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Allah told the messenger Prophet SAW that he is not Jabbar over the people. The truth and false is clear and it is upto each person to submit or not.

Though Allah is Al Jabbar and He can do everything but He is not forcing anyone to believe. Everyone has to make their own choice regarding their faith.

When we force someone to do anything then they will not do anything from the heart. The moment we are not there they will go back to what they used to do. It does not suit humans to be Jabbar as it does not suit him and it is dis-praised character. The people going through oppression are of two types. One who is weak and who will accept, the second category is those who react and become oppressive as well. The weak ones who submit and accept the oppression increase the rebelliousness of the Jabber. As no one is saying the word of the truth.

In Arabic language a date palm tree is also called Naklah tu Jabbar. i.e. a tall tree whose fruit cannot be affected by harm. Jabbar for the tree is good as it is not effected by anything.

Also in Arabic language the lighter form of Jabber is Jabir. A Jabir is a good quality for the humans. Jabir means a human who is like a plaster i.e. a person who is always consoling others. The other name for the plaster is Jabeerah e.g the bandage used to keep the joints firm in order to fix broken bones. A bandage enables fast recovery. A Jabir is someone who is fixing the broken things.


There is no one like Allah in His names and attributes. We need to run to Allah Al Jabbar to fix our broken lives.

Cause of broken hear t?

We go through different decree in our life and in times of calamity we run to Allah. The two causes of broken hearts are love and fear/hate.

1. Our heart is broken when we love something and we do not get it. We love someone but that person is missing. In this case we need to run to Allah Al Jabber for console. Allah will give us console by giving us something better. When Allah takes away something from us, he gives us 10 things in place of that. What Allah gives us is better for us as He knows what is good for us.

2. Sometimes our heart is broken when we love someone and the person is there with us but it is as if he is not there. Allah wants us to run Him for console.

There are three meaning of Allah Al Jabber. All these three meanings are interconnected.

Al Jabbar

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First Meaning: Dominator/ The one who is forcing

Allah forces us on Decree: Whatever Allah gives will happen. Allah makes us to go through various decrees in life. This is because that decree is the best for us. Allah is the One to force us through the situations because those situations are meant to reform us and they are good for us.

Allah is not forcing us to believe: There is no compulsion in religion. Therefore we should not force people in what they do. We should not force people to become muslims. Our job is to only tell them the right from wrong.

Second Meaning: The one who reforms

Allah is fixing us when we break. Allah will fix anything that is broken in our life by either fixing the broken thing or giving us a better thing in replacement. He will give us what will reform us. The believer asks Allah to fix him.

Third Meaning: The one who is out of reach.

Allah’s Jabr is out of reach. None can interfere, impact or reject it. When Allah fixes us, Then no one can impact or harm us.


1. We should not break the heart of anyone. We should not make zulm to the others. Injustice is done by the people having the upper hand to those lower.

2. If we are being oppressed we should not elevate the Zalim by talking about him or being scared of him.

3. When our heart is broken we need to turn to Allah and seek console only from Him. 4. We need to give console to the people.