names with meaning

Aafiya عافیهGood health; Bin Ayyub had this name; he was a narrator of Hadith Aali عالیHigh, tall. Aalim عالمScholar Plural is ulama normally used for religious scholors Aamil عملDoer, Work man. Aaqil عاقلIntelligent. Aashir عاشرLiving; spending a life. Aatiq عاتقFree; liberated; independent; name: Aatiq Ali; Muhammad Aatiq Aazim عازمIntending; determining, resolved on, applying the mnind to an undertaking. Abadiya عبادیهIbn al Abadiyah was an author known for his eloquent literary style. Abahh عباحAl-Abahh was the nickname of al Hasan Ibn Ibrahim, an astrologer of Al Mamun Aban بان اOld Arabic name. Abbad عبادA great worshipper of Allah, several men have passed bearing this name among them Abu Abbad Jabir Ibn Zayd of the court of al Mamun Abbas عباسA furious lion. Abbood عبودDevoted worshipper of Allah. Abd عبدServant, devotee, slave. Abd Al-Ala علی عبدالSlave of the High. Abd Khayr عبدخیرKhayr is all kinds of goodness and happiness. This was the name of Ibn-Yazid Al-Khaywani who fought with Sayyidina Ali RA. Abdah عبدهNick name of Abdur - Rehman bin Sulayman the father of Muhammad Ibn Abdur Rahman, the genealogist. Abdan عبدانIs derived from abd; a man, ibn Abi Harb had this name and al-jahiz wrote letters to him

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Page 1: Names With Meaning

Aafiya Good health; Bin Ayyub had this عافیهname; he was a narrator of Hadith

Aali .High, tall عالی

Aalim Scholar Plural is ulama normally عالمused for religious scholors

Aamil .Doer, Work man عمل

Aaqil .Intelligent عاقل

Aashir .Living; spending a life عاشر

Aatiq ;Free; liberated; independent عاتقname: Aatiq Ali; Muhammad Aatiq

Aazim عازمIntending; determining, resolved on, applying the mnind to an undertaking.

Abadiya عبادیهIbn al Abadiyah was an author known for his eloquent literary style.

Abahh عباحAl-Abahh was the nickname of al Hasan Ibn Ibrahim, an astrologer of Al Mamun

Aban .Old Arabic name ابان

Abbad عبادA great worshipper of Allah, several men have passed bearing this name among them Abu Abbad Jabir Ibn Zayd of the court of al Mamun

Abbas .A furious lion عباس

Abbood .Devoted worshipper of Allah عبود

Abd .Servant, devotee, slave عبد

Abd Al-Ala .Slave of the High عبدالعلی

Abd Khayr عبدخیرKhayr is all kinds of goodness and happiness. This was the name of Ibn-Yazid Al-Khaywani who fought with Sayyidina Ali RA.

Abdah عبدهNick name of Abdur - Rehman bin Sulayman the father of Muhammad Ibn Abdur Rahman, the genealogist.

Abdan عبدانIs derived from abd; a man, ibn Abi Harb had this name and al-jahiz wrote letters to him

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Abdud Daar Servant of the Depriver عبدالضار

Abdul Aakhir Servant of the Last عبدالخر

Abdul Adal Servant of the Just عبدالعدل

Abdul Adl .Slave of the just عبدالعدل

Abdul Afuw Servant of the Forgiver عبدالعفو

Abdul Afuw - Slave of the One who pardons عبدالعفو(The pardoner)

Abdul Ahad .Servant of the only One (Allah) عبدالحد

Abdul Aleem .Servant of the All-knowing (Allah) عبدالعلیم

Abdul Ali .Servant of the most High عبدالعلی

Abdul Awwal Servant of the First عبدالول

Abdul Awwal .Slave of the First One عبدالول

Abdul Azim .Servant of the Mighty (Allah) عبدالعظیم

Abdul Aziz .Servant of the Almighty عبدالعزیز

Abdul Baari .Servant of the Creator عبدالباری

Abdul Badee Servant of the Inventor عبدالبدیع

Abdul Badee Slave of the originator عبدالبدیع

Abdul Bais Servant of the Resurrector عبدالباعث

Abdul Bais Slave of the one who raises from عبدالباعثdeath.

Abdul Baqi .Servant of the Everlasting (Allah) عبدالباقی

Abdul Bari Slave of the Creator عبدالباری

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Abdul Barr .Servant of the All-benign عبدالبر

Abdul Baseer .Servant of All-sagacious (Allah) عبدالبصیر

Abdul Baseer .Slave of the All-seeing عبدالبصیر

Abdul Basit .Servant of the Expander (Allah) عبدالباسط

Abdul Batin .Servant of the Inward عبدالباطن

Abdul Fattah .Servant of the conqueror (Allah) عبدالفتاح

Abdul Ghaffar .Servant of the All-forgiving (Allah) عبدالغفار

Abdul Ghafur .Servant of the All-forgiving عبدالغفور

Abdul Ghani .Servant of the All-sufficient عبدالغنی

Abdul Haafiz .Servant of the Guardian (Allah) عبدالحافظ

Abdul Hadi ادیھعبدال Servant of the Guide (Allah).

Abdul Hafeez .Servant of the Guardian (Allah) عبدالحفیظ

Abdul Hakam .Servant of the Arbitrator عبدالحکم

Abdul Hakeem .Servant of the All-wise (Allah) عبدالحکیم

Abdul Hakim .Servant of the Judge (Allah) عبدالحاکم

Abdul Halim .Servant of the All-element (Allah) عبدالحلیم

Abdul Hameed .Servant of the All-laudable (Allah) عبدالحمید

Abdul Hannan .Slave of the Merciful Forgiving عبدالحنان

Abdul Haq .Servant of the Truth (Allah) عبدالحق

Abdul Haseeb .Servant of the Reckoner عبدالحسیب

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Abdul Hayy Servant of the Living (Allah) عبدالحی

Abdul Jabbar Servant of the All-compeller/the عبدالجبارOmnipotent (Allah).

Abdul Jalil .Servant of the Exalted (Allah) عبدالجلیل

Abdul Jame Servant of the Gatherer عبدالجامع

Abdul Jamil .Servant of the Beautiful (Allah) عبدالجمیل

Abdul Jawwad .Slave of the most Bountiful عبدالجواد

Abdul Kabir Servant of the Great عبدالکبیر

Abdul Kabir Slave of the Gracious. Abdul Karim عبدالکبیرal-Jazari was a narrator of hadith.

Abdul Kafi .Servant of the All-sufficient (Allah) عبدالکافی

Abdul Karim Servant of the most generous عبدالکریم(Allah).

Abdul Khabir .Slave of the one who is aware عبدالخبیر

Abdul Khafiz Servant of the Descender ابدالخافض

Abdul Khaliq .Servant of the Creator (Allah) عبدالخالق

Abdul Lateef .Slave of the Gracious عبدالطیف

Abdul Latif .Servant of the All-gentle (Allah) عبدالطیف

Abdul Maalik .Servant of the Owner (Allah) عبدالمالک

Abdul Maane Servant of the Withholder عبدالمانع

Abdul Majeed .Servant of the All-glorious (Allah) عبدالمجید

Abdul Majid .Servant of the All-glorious (Allah) عبدالماجد

Abdul Malek Servant of the Sovereign عبدالملک

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Abdul Malik .Servant of the King (Allah) عبدالملک

Abdul Mani .Slave of one who prevents عبدالمانع

Abdul Mannan .Slave of the Benefactor عبدالمنان

Abdul Matin .Servant of the Strong (Allah) عبدالمتین

Abdul Matin Servant of the Firm عبدالمتین

Abdul Moakhir خرٶعبدالم Servant of the Retarder

Abdul Moez Servant of the Honourer عبدالمعز

Abdul Mohsi Servant of the Surrounder عبدالمحصی

Abdul Momit Servant of the Death-giver عبدالممیت

Abdul Moqit Servant of the Energizer عبدالمقیت

Abdul Mubdi Servant of the Originator عبدالمبدی

Abdul Mueed Slave of the Restorer, the عبدالمعیدReplroducer.

Abdul Mughni Servant of the Enricher عبدالمغنی

Abdul Mughni .Slave of the Enricher عبدالمغنی

Abdul Muhaimin یمنھعبدالم Servant of the All-preserver (Allah).

Abdul Muhsin عبدالمحسنSlave of the Benefactor; Among the known people was ibn-Ghalbun Al-Suri.

Abdul Muhyee Slave of the One Who gives life and عبدالمحییsustains it.

Abdul Muid .Servant of the Restorer (Allah) عبدالمعید

Abdul Muiz .Slave of the Honourer, the Exalter عبدالمعز

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Abdul Mujib .Servant of the Answerer (Allah) عبدالمجیب

Abdul Mumin عبدالمومن Servant of the All-faithful (Allah).

Abdul Munim .Servant of the Benefactor (Allah) عبدالمنعم

Abdul Muntaqim Servant of the Revenger عبدالمنتقم

Abdul Muntaqim Slave of Him Who punishes عبدالمنتقم

wrongdoes and seizes retribution.

Abdul Muqaddim Servant of the Promoter عبدالمقدم

Abdul Muqeet .Slave of the Sustainer عبدالمقیت

Abdul Muqsit Servant of the Equitable عبدالمقسط

Abdul Muqsit .Slave of the Just عبدالمقسط

Abdul Muqtadir .Servant of the Omnipotent (Allah) عبدالمقتدر

Abdul Musawwir .Servant of the Fashioner (Allah) عبدالمصور

Abdul Mutakabbir Servant of the Superb عبدالمتکبر

Abdul Mutali .Servant of the most High (Allah) عبدالمتعالی

Abdul Muti .Servant of the Donor (Allah) عبدالمعطی

Abdul Muttalib This was the name of the grand عبدالمطلبfather of the Prophet PBUH

Abdul Muzanni .He was a narrator of Hadith عبدالمزنی

Abdul Nafi .Slave of the Propitious عبدالنافع

Abdul Qabiz Servant of the Withholder عبدالقابض

Abdul Qadeer .Servant of the Powerful (Allah) عبدالقدیر

Abdul Qadir .Servant of the Powerful (Allah) عبدالقادر

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Abdul Qahhar ارھعبدالق Servant of the Subduer

Abdul Qahhar ارھعبدالق Slave of the Dominant

Abdul Qahir رھعبدالقا Servant of the Subduer (Allah).

Abdul Qawi .Servant of the Mighty (Allah) عبدالقوی

Abdul Qayyum .Servant of the Eternal (Allah) عبدالقیوم

Abdul Quddus .Servant of the All-Holy (Allah) عبدالقدوس

Abdul Shakoor .Servant of the All-thankful (Allah) عبدالشکور

Abdul Vajed Servant of the Finder عبدالواجد

Abdul Vakil Servant of the Implementor عبدالوکیل

Abdul Waali Servant of the Inheritor عبدالوالی

Abdul Waase Servant of the Vast عبدالواسع

Abdul Wadood .Servant of the All-loving (Allah) عبدالودود

Abdul Wahhab ابھعبدالو Servant of the All-give (Allah).

Abdul Wahid .Servant of the One (Allah) عبدالواحد

Abdul Wali Servant of the Comrade عبدالولی

Abdul Waris Servant of the Survivor عبدالوارث

Abdullah عبدالServant of Allah, slave of Allah; name of Prophet Muhammad's Father.

Abdun Naafe Servant of the Giver of Gains عبدالنافع

Abdun Nasir .Servant of the Helper (Allah) عبدالناصر

Abdun Noor .Servant of the Light عبدالنور

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Abdur Rab .Servant of the Lord (Allah) عبدالرب

Abdur Rafi .Servant of the Exalted (Allah) عبدالرفیع

Abdur Rahim Servant of the most Merciful عبدالرحیم(Allah).

Abdur Rahim Servant of the Compassionate عبدالرحیم

Abdur Rahman نعبدالرحم Servant of the most Gracious (Allah).

Abdur Rahman نعبدالرحم Servant of the Beneficent

Abdur Raoof فٶعبدالر Servant of the Compassionate

Abdur Raqib .Servant of the Observer (Allah) عبدالرقیب

Abdur Rasheed Servant of the Right-minded عبدالرشید(Allah).

Abdur Rauf عبدالرووف Servant of the most Kind (Allah).

Abdur Razzaq .Servant of the All-provider (Allah) عبدالرزاق

Abdus Ibn Khallad was so named; he was عبدوسa narrator of Hadith.

Abdus Saboor .Servant of the Patient (Allah) عبدالصبور

Abdus Salam .Servant of the All-peaceable عبدالسلم

Abdus Samad .Servant of the Eternal (Allah) عبدالصمد

Abdus Sami .Servant of the All-hearing (Allah) عبدالسمیع

Abdus Sattar .Servant of the Veiler of sin (Allah) عبدالستار

Abdus Subhan .Servant of the Glory (Allah) عبدالسبحان

Abdus Subooh .Slave of the Extremely pure عبدالسبوح

Abdush Shafi .Slave of the Healer عبدالشافع

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Abdush Shaheed یدھعبدالش Servant of the Witness

Abdush Shahid دھعبدالشا Slave of the witness.

Abdut Tawwab Servant of the most forgiving عبدالتواب(Allah).

Abduz Zahir رھعبدالظا Servant of the Overt

Abduz Zahir رھعبدالظا Slave of the Manifest.

Abid .Worshipper, adorer, devout عابد

Abidin Pl. of Abid. i.e. worshippers, A عابدینpopular name among Muslims.

Abidullah .Worshipper of Allah عابدال

Abrad Hail, Mail, Ibn Ashras a Narrator of ابردHadith had this name.

Abrar .Pl. of Birr, obedience, gift ابرار

Abrash ابرشSpotted, speckled; A master of penmanship during the early Abbasid period had this name.

Absar .Pl. of Basar, vision, sight ابصار

Absi عبسیProbably from Abasa to frown; this was the name of Abdullah Ibn-Musa, a scholar and reciter of the Quran, died 828/829

Abt'hi One who lives in Abtah, a place ابطحیnear Makkah.

Abu Ayyub ابو ایوبA well-known Sahabi who had received the honour of offering hospitality to the Prophet Muhammad when he migrated to Madinah.

Abu Bakr Father of the young camel. The first ابوبکرCaliph of Islam.

Abu Darda Famous Sahabi of Rasoolullah ابودردآءPBUH.

Abu Dawud ابوداود Author of one of the Sahih Hadith (d. 875).

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Abu Hanifa Founder of the Hanafi school of ابو حنیفهthought/ Islamic Law.

Abu Hurairah ریرهھابو A great Sahabi who is the narrator of many Ahadith (Traditions).

Abu Huzaifah A famous Sahabi of Rasoolullah ابوحذیفهPBUH.

Abu Isa ابو عیسی Father of Isa.

Abu Juhafa .A Sahabi of the Holy Prophet PBUH ابو جحیفه

Abu Mahzoorah Name of one companion of the ابو محذوره

Prophet of Allah.

Abu Masood ابو مسعود A great Sahabi who participated in the battle of Badr.

Abu Moosa A well-known Sahabi; his full name ابو موسیwas Abu Moosa Al-Ashari

Abu Saeed Father of dignified, name of a ابو سعیدSahabi (RA).

Abu Talha A great Sahabi who participated in ابوطلحهthe battle of Badr.

Abu Talib Father of seeker; name of the ابو طالبProphet Muhammad's uncle.

Abu Turab ابوترابAn attributive of Caliph Ali, the fourth of the 'rightly guided' Caliphs. The Prophet Muhammad gave him this epithet.

Abu Ubaidah ابو عبیدهA great Sahabi of the Prophet PBUH; one of the ten companions whom the Holy Prophet PBUH has declared as the people of Jannah.

Abu Yousuf Name of a great jurist and pupil of ابو یوسفImam Abu Hanifah RA.

Abu Zar A great Sahabi of the Prohet of ابوذرAllah.

Abul Alaa ابو العلی Father of glory.

Abul Barakat .Father of blessings, blissful ابو البرکات

Abul Bashar ابو البشرFather of mankind. An epithet of Adam who was also the first Prophet.

Abul Farah .Father of joy i.e. happy, glad ابو الفرح

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Abul Faraj Possessor of comfort, father of ابو الفرجcomfort, comfortable.

Abul Fath .Father of victory, victorious ابو الفتح

Abul Fazl .Endowed with bounty, grace ابو الفضل

Abul Haisam یثمھابوال A Sahabi; also a great scholar of history.

Abul Hasan .Father of Hasan ابو الحسن

Abul Husain .Father of Husain: Caliph Ali ابو الحسین

Abul Kalam .Father of speech, eloquent ابو الکلم

Abul Khair .Father of good work, virtuous ابو الخیر

Abul Mahasin .Father of virtues, merits ابو المحاسن

Abul Qasim Father of Qasim, an attributive ابو القاسمname of the Prophet Muhammad.

Abul Yumn .Father of happiness, happy ابو الیمن

Abul Yusr A great Sahabi who participated in ابوالیسرthe battle of Badr.

Abyan .Clearer, more distinct ابین

Abyaz .White, bright, brilliant ابیض

Abzari ابزاریSeeds, spice, seedsman, one who sows; the Persian scribe and memoriser of tradition, Abu-Ishaq Ibrahim had this name

Adam Name of the first man and Prophet آدمof Allah; father of mankind.

Adawi عدویA grandson of Sayyidina Umer RA, famous for hsi piety and knowledge.

Adeel .Coeval, match عدیل

Adham مھاد Black.

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Adi عدیA Sahabi of the Prophet of Allah PBUH. And a son of Haatim Taai, a person famous for his in generosity; his full name was Adiyy ibn Haatim.

Adib ,Well-mannered, courteous ادیبpolished, man of letters.

Adil .Just, upright, righteous عادل

Adiy عدیA companion of the Prophet PBUH; also the name of the son of Hatim Taiy known for his generosity; also the son of Thabit had this name.

Adl .Justice عدل

Adli .Pertaining to justice عدلی

Adnan عدنانA descendant of Ismail and traditional ancestor of the North Arabian tribes.. who called themselves 'the sons of Adnan'.

Affan .Modest; Father of Caliph Usman عفان

Afif ,Chaste, modest, virtuous, honest عفیفrighteous, upright, decent.

Afif-ud-Din .Virtuous of the religion (Islam) عفیف الدین

Aflah افلحGaining success-but the Prophet PBUH has discouraged us from giving such names to our children.

Afsar .Crown افسر

Afsar-ud-Din .Adorning the religion افسرالدین

Aftab .Sun آفتاب

Aftab-ud-Din .Sun of the religion (Islam) آفتاب الدین

Afuww عفوThe Pardoner; He who pardons all who repent sincerely as if they had no previous sin.

Afzaal .Kindness, grace, favours, virtues افضال

Afzal .Better, superior, prominent افضل

Agharr ,Handome, beautiful, distinguished اغرillustrious, noble, Magnanimous.

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Aghlab .Superior, supreme اغلب

Ahad One, unique, without partner; one احدof the names of Allah.

Ahdaf دافھا Pl. of Hadaf, aim, goal, target.

Ahmadullah .I praise Allah احمدال

Ahmar .Red Coloured احمر

Ahmed احمدThe most praised; one of the names of the Prophet Muhammad; I praise (First person present imperfect verb).

Ahnaf احنفBin Qays bin Muwiyah bin Husayn at Tamimi had this name; he was a narrator of Hadith

Ahsab Nobler, more respected, of higher احسبnobility.

Ahsan .Better, superior احسن

Ahwas وصھا Having narrow, contracted or squinting eyes.

Ahzab Confederate Bin Aseed had this احزابname; he was a narrator of Hadith.

Aiz عیضThis was the name of a reciter of the Quran who followed the recital of Hamzah.

Ajawid ,Pl. of Jawwad, open-handed اجاویدgenerous, noble.

Ajlah Bald, hairless, Ibn Abdullah, a اجلحnarrator of Hadith, had this name.

Ajmal .More beautiful, extremely beautiful اجمل

Ajwad .Better, more generous اجود

Akbar Greater, bigger, greatest, most اکبرpious, honourable.

Akfash اخفاشThere have been several men of this name; there were three grammarians of this name in the 8th / 9th century.

Akhas اخس Bin Khalfah was so named; he was a narrator of Hadith.

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Akhlaq .Good manners, morals اخلق

Akhtar .Star, good luck اختر

Akhund Honorific title of someone learned in اخوندreligious matters.

Akhund Zada Son of a person learned in religious اخوندزادهmatters.

Akif عاکفDevoted to, dedicated to, persevering in, busily engaged, attached, intent.

Akmal .More complete, more perfect اکمل

Akram .More generous, nobler, bountiful اکرم

Al Amin المین An epithet of the Prophet Muhammad.

Al Burhan انھالبر The proof.

Al Faiz .Name of a Fatimid Caliph الفائز

Al Mamoon .Seventh Abbasid Caliph (813-33) المامون

Al Rafi .One of the names of Allah الرفیع

Al Siddiq The truthful, title of Abu Bakr the الصدیقfirst righteous Caliph.

Al Tahir رھالطا Nickname of Abdullah, son of Muhammad who died in infancy.

Al Tayyib Nickname of Abdullah, son of الطیبMuhammad who died in infancy.

Ala-ud-Din Glory of religion, excellence of علءالدینreligion (Islam).

Alaa .Height, elevation علء

Alam .The world, the universe عالم

Alamgir .World conqueror عالمگیر

Aleem علیمLearned, expert, scholar, omniscient; one of the names of Allah.

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Aleem-ul-Huda دیھعلم ال Banner of guidance.

Aleemuddin .A learned person in religion علیم الدین

Ali علیHigh, lofty, sublime, eminent, excellence, noble, honourable; one of the names of Allah; fourth Caliph of Islam.

Ali Asghar علی اصغرInfant son of Imam Husayn who attained martyrdom in the Karbala when he was a suckling baby.

Allah Bakhsh .Gift of Allah ال بخش

Allal .Comforter علل

Almas .Diamond الماس

Altaf .Pl. of Lutf, kindness, grace, favour الطاف

Altaf Hussain .Kindness of Husain الطاف حسین

Alyasaa Elisha - a Prophet الیسع

Amad .Pillar, post, support عماد

Aman امانTrust, safety, security, protection, tranquility, peace of mind, calmness.

Amani ,Pl. of Umniya, wish, aspiration امانیhope.

Amanuddin .Trust of religion (Islam) امان الدین

Amanullah Trust, care of Allah, protection of امان الAllah.

Ameer ,Chieftain, ruler, prince, commander امیرlord, leader, master.

Amid .Pillar, support, head عمید

Amiduddawlah Support of the state, (It is used عمید الدولهboth as name & title).

Amin ,Trustworthy, faithful, reliable امینcustodian, honest.

Aminuddin .Trustworthy in religion (Islam) امین الدین

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Amir Prosperous, populous, civilized, full عامرof life, large.

Amjaad .Pl. of majd, glory, honour امجاد

Amjad امجدMost glorious, most distinguished, more illustrious, most venerable, most noble.

Ammar ,Virtuous, pious, devout, religious عمارtolerant.

Amr .Old Arabic name عمرو

Anan .Clouds عنان

Anas .Friend انس

Anasah The Freed slave of the Prophet PBUH had انسهthis name.

Aniq .Neat, elegant, smart انیق

Anis ,Friend, close companion, sociable انیسintimate friend, companion.

Anjum .Plural of Najm, stars انجم

Ansar ,Pl. of Nasir, friend, patron انصارsupporter.

Ansari انصاریRelation through ancestry to an Ansar; the people who helped the Prophet when he migrated to Madinah.

Antar .Hero in a story of chivalry عنتر

Anwaar ,Pl. of noor, meaning light, glow انوارgleam.

Anwar More bright, more brilliant, more انورradiant, more luminous.

Anwarulkarim .Lights of the Beneficent (Allah) انوارالکریم

Anwerus Sadat .The most brilliant of the Sayyids انوار السادات

Aqdas .Most holy, more or most sacred اقدس

Aqeel ,Insight, mind, intellect عقیلjudiciousness, wise, sensible man.

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Aqib Successor, an epithet of the Prophet عاقبMuhammad.

Aqmar .Bright, brilliant, luminous, moonlit اقمر

Aqqad .Maker of trimmings, haberdasher عقاد

Arafat عرفاتA plain twelve miles south west of Makkah where pilgrims spend a day performing special worship of Allah during the Hajj.

Arbab Friends ارباب

Areeb ,Wise, intelligent, bright, brilliant اریبclever.

Areef .Learned, expert, authority عریف

Areej .Fragrant, sweet-smelling اریج

Arfaa Very high ارفع

Arif عارفLearned, expert, authority, saint, the highest position a mystic can attain.

Arkan .Pl. of Rukn, support, prop, pillar ارکان

Arqam ارقمWriter, the best recorder; companion of the Prophet Muhammad.

Arsalan .Lion ارسلن

Arshad Most rightly guided, most ارشدreasonable.

Arshaq Handsome, more elegant, more ارشقgraceful.

Artah Bin-Ashath was a narrator of Hadith ارطاهwho had this name.

Arwah .More delicate, more gracious اروح

Arzu .Wish, hope, love آرزو

As'ad .Virtuous, pious, happier, luckier اسعد

Asad .Lion اسد

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Asadullah .Lion of Allah. Title of Ali (R.A.) اسدال

Asbagh .Coloured animal, huge flood, dyer اصبغ

Asbat Bin Muhammad al-Qurashi a اسباطnarrator of Hadith had this name.

Aseed Ibn Yazid, a narrator of Hadith had اسیدthis name.

Aseer .Preferred, noble, exquisite اثیر

Asfa اسفعTanned sun burned, Bin Asla had this name; he was a narrator of Hadith.

Asghar .Younger, smaller, minute اصغر

Ash'ab .Lion, Diffcult, Strict اشعب

Asha'as اشعث Scattered, Spread about, humble.

Ashab بھاص Reddish, blond, fair.

Ashaj Abu ad-Dunya al-Maghrabi, had this اشجname; he was a narrator of Hadith.

Ashfaq اشفاقPl. of Shafaqa, kindness, compassion, sympathy, pity, mercy, favours.

Ashhal لھاش Having bluish-black eyes; Bin Hatim had this name; he was a narrator of Hadith.

Ashiq .Adorer, lover, suitor عاشق

Ashiq Ali .Adorer of Ali عاشق علی

Ashiq Muhammad .Adorer of the Prophet Muhammad عاشق محمد

Ashja .More courageous, braver اشجع

Ashraf More honourable, most اشرفdistinguished, eminent more nobler.

Ashrafus Sadat اشرف

السادات Most noble of the Sayyids.

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Ashras Abu al-Hasan az-Ziyat a narrator of اشرسHadith was so named.

Asif آصفName of courtier in the kingdom of Prophet Sulaiman who is noted for his intelligence.

Asil ,Of noble origin, highborn, pure اصیلpristine.

Asim .Protector, guardian, chaste, safe عاصم

Asir .Captivating, fascinating آسر

Askar Troop عسکر

Askari .Soldier عسکری

Asla This name was the name of Asfa اسلعthe narrator of Hadith.

Aslam ,Very safe, safeguarded, better, more perfect اسلمmore complete.

Asma .He was Ibn Harithah Al-Aslami اسماء

Asra اسری Travel by night.

Asrar ,Secrets, mysteries, pl. of Sirr اسرارsecret.

Ata ,Gift, present, favour, bounty عطاءgenerosity.

Ataullah .Gift of Allah عطاءال

Ataur Rahman نعطاءالرحم Gift of the merciful (Allah).

Athar رھاط Purer, more virtuous, most pious, meticulously neat and clean.

Atif ,Compassionate, affectionate عاطفsympathetic, kind-hearted, loving.

Atiq .Ancient, noble, antiquated عتیق

Atir .Fragrant, aromatic عاطر

Attar .Perfumer, perfume vendor عطار

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Atuf ,Affectionate, kind-hearted عطوفcompassionate, loving.

Atyab Scrupulously clean, refined, most اطیبnoble, excellent.

Aurangzeb Ornament of the throne, a person اورنگزیبbefitting the throne.

Aus اوسMyrtle; ace (in cards); Name of a number of Sahaba, e.g. Aus ibn Sabit, Aus ibn Saamit, Aus ibn Kholy.

Awad .Reward, compensation عوض

Awais Naim of a saint اویس

Awanah عوانهMiddle-aged, fierce. Abu Awanah Al-Waddah was a scholar of Hadith and a reciter of Quran.

Awf ;Guest, fragrance, lion عوف

Awn .Support, help عون

Awwab .Sincere repentant, supplicant اواب

Awwal First. Al-Awwal, the first: one of the اولnames of Allah.

Ayaat Pl. of Ayat, sign, verse of the آیاتQuran.

Ayat Sign, revelation, verse of the آیهQuran.

Ayatullah .Sign of Allah آیهال

Aybak .Ibn-Aybak was a leading historian ایبک

Ayman Lucky blessed, right-hand, right, on ایمنthe right, fortunate.

Ayn .Source عین

Aynul Hasan عین الحسنHasan like. Hasan was the name of the Prophet Muhammad's grandson from his daughter Fatima.

Aynul Hayat .Fountain of Life عین الحیات

Aynun Naim .Fountain of blessing عین النعیم

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Ayyash ;Bread-seller عیاش

Ayyub .A Prophet, the biblical Job ایوب

Azad .Free, liberated آزاد

Azam اعظمGreater, greatest, more important, most important, most pious, most exalted.

Azfar .Most victorious, winner اظفر

Azhaar رھازا Pl. of Zahra, flower, blossom.

Azhar رھاز More glittering, blooming, shining, bright, brilliant, luminous, radiant.

Azhar رھاظ More evident, most apparent, most illuminated.

Azim عظیمMight, magnificent, glorious, great, dignified, exalted, determined; one of the names of Allah.

Aziz عزیزMight, strong, illustrious, highly esteemed, dearly loved, one of the names of Allah.

Azizullah .Dear to Allah عزیزال

Azmat ھعظم Majesty, pride, grandeur, greatness.

Azmi .One who fulfils his promise عزمی

Azraf More elegant, more graceful; more اظرفhumorous.

Azraq Blue; name of a companion of the ازرقProphet PBUH, bin Qays.

Azraqi He was an authority on the history ازرقیand geography of Makkah.

Azud ,Upper arm, strength, power عضدsupport.

Azududdin .Support of religion (Islam) عضدالدین

Azzam Very determined, resolved, resolute عزام

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Baadi .Distinct, evident, plain, clear البادی

Baahi یھالبا Glorious, magnificent.

Baahir رھبا Prevailing.

Baaligh .Major بالغ

Baar .Just, Pious بار

Baare .Brilliant, superior, outstanding بارع

Baari .Originator, creator باری

Baariq ,Shining, lightning, bright بارقilluminating.

Babar .Tiger ببر

Badi ,Wonderful, marvelous, unique بدیعamazing.

Badiul Alam .Unique in the world بدیع العالم

Badiuz Zaman ںبدیع الزما Genius of the time.

Badr .Full moon بدر

Badr-e-Alam .Full moon of the world بدر عالم

Badrud Duja یبدرالدج Full moon of the dark.

Badruddin .Full moon of religion (Islam) بدرالدین

Baghawi Resident of Bagh or Baghshur in بغویKhurasan.

Baha اءھب Beauty, glow, splendor magnificence.

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Bahauddin اءالدینھب Glow of the religion (Islam).

Bahhas بحاثExaminar; Scholar of research; a companion of the Prophet PBUH had this name.

Bahi یھب Splendid, brilliant, shining.

Bahili لیھبا Name of famous people, including; Abu Al-Husayn Muhammad, a student of Al-Ashari and Abu Umer Muhammad.

Bahir رھبا Dazzling, brilliant.

Bahir رھبا prevailing.

Bahiyud Din ی الدینھب Radiant, brilliant of the religion (Islam).

Bahjat جاتھب Splendours, pl. of Bahjah, delight, joy.

Bahlawan لوانھب Acrobat.

Bahz زھب

Name of bin Hakeem; he has related many ahadith from his father, including the saying of the Prophet PBUH "Anger spoils faith as aloes spoil honey."

Bajala .Honoured, venerated بجال

Bakhit .Lucky, fortunate بخیت

Bakhsh .Gift, fortunate, give, forgive بخش

Bakht .Luck, fortune بخت

Bakhtari Ibn Al-Mukhtar, a narrator of بختریHadith, had this name.

Bakhtiyar .Fortunate, lucky بختیار

Bakkar He was Ibn Ahmad, Abu Isa a بکارreciter of the Quran and Author

Bakur .Precocious, early coming بکور

Baleegh Eloquent, learned, one who is بلیغqualified in the art of speech.

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Baleel Moisture; One of the Prophet PBUH بلیلcompaions had this name.

Balj Delighted; Al-Mahriyy had this بلجname; he was a narrator of Hadith.

Baqa .Survival, immortality, eternity بقا

Baqi .Permanent, everlasting, eternal باقی

Baqir Fierce lion, abounding in باقرknowledge, erudite, learned.

Bara .Free. Name of a Sahabi RA برآء

Barakat Blessings, good fortunes برکاتprosperities; pl. of Barakah.

Barakatullah .Blessing of Allah برکات ال

Bareeq ,Glitter, flash, luster, brightness بریقbrilliance, radiance.

Bari .Free, Free from hell بری

Barr .Pious, upright, just; sing. of Abraar بر

Barraq .Flashing, bright, brilliant, glittering براق

Baseem .Smiling بسیم

Baseer .Sagacious بصیر

Bashar .Man, mankind بشر

Basharat .Good news, glad tidings بشارت

Bashir .Harbinger, bringer of good news بشیر

Bashshar .Herald, bringer of glad tidings بشار

Basil .Brave, bold, valiant باسل

Basim .Smiling باسم

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Basit .One who stretches, enlarges باسط

Basrah .Name of a Sahabiyah; dry land بصره

Bassam .Smiling بسام

Batal .Brave, champion, hero بطل

Batin ;Inward, within, secret, esoteric باطنone of the names of Allah.

Bayazid Name of a saint بایزید

Baz .Falcon باز

Bazam It was the name of the Tabiee, Abu باذامSalih.

Bazlur Rahman نبزل الرحم Generosity of the All-merciful.

Bedar .Wakeful, attentive, enlightened بیدار

Bedaruddin .Attentive to the religion (Islam) بیدار الدین

Beg .Honorific title i.e. Lord بک

Bilal بللWater, moisture, freshness, river, sea. A Sahabi i.e. the companion of Prophet Muhammad.

Binyamin Name of the brother of Prophet بن یامینYusuf.

Bishr .Joy, happiness, cheerfulness بشر

Bujair بجیرName of Sahabi RA who known as Bujair ibn Bujair was present in the battle of Badr.

Bukhari بخاریMuhammad ibn Ismail Al-Bukhari (810-870). author of one of the Sahih Hadith i.e. collection of the Prophet Muhammad's traditions.

Bulbul .Nightingale بلبل

Bulhut طھبل Bin Abbat a narrator of Hadith had this name.

Burayd Cold, Mild; A companion of the بریدProphet PBUH had this name.

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Buraydah بریدهIt is the name of a place in Saudi-Arabia; name of a companion of the Prophet PBUH bin al-Haseedb RA who has narrated many Ahadiths.

Burhan انھبر Proof, evidence.

Burhan-ud-Din ان الدینھبر Proof of the religion (Islam).

Busr بسرUnripe dates; It was the name of a companion ibn-Sufyan who was sent to scout Makkah from Zu-al-Hulayfah when they had intended to perform Umrah

Daanish .Wisdom, Learning, Science دانش

Dabir .Root, origin, ultimate, bygone دابر

Daghfal Ibn-Hanzalah had this name and he دغفلwas the first genealogist of Islam.

Dahbal بلھد This ws the name of Wahb Ibn Zamai; who was a very noble, generous man.

Dahhak .One who laughs much ضحاک

Daiyan ,A mighty ruler, judge, guard دیانprotector.

Dakhil .Foreigner, stranger دخیل

Dalaj دعلجA mufti of Baghdad, Ibn Ahmad al-Sajazi, had this name, he was a very generous person.

Dalil .Guide, model, leader, example دلیل

Dana .Wise, learned دانا

Daniyal .A Prophet of Allah دانیال

Dara .Possessor, sovereign دارا

Darim This was the name of a narrator of دارمHadith.

Darvesh .Holy man درویش

Dastgir .Protector, saint دستگیر

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Dawlah Riches, happiness دوله

Dawud دٶدا A Prophet and father of Prophet Sulaiman. In Bible, he is known as David.

Daylam Name of a companion of the دیلمProphet PBUH

Dayyan .A mighty Ruler دیان

Didar .Vision, sight دیدار

Dihyah .Commander of troops دحیه

Dil .Heart, mind دل

Dil Nawaz .Soothing heart, mind دلنواز

Dilawar .Bold, brave دلور

Dildar .Charming, beloved دلدار

Din .Religion, faith, belief دین

Dina It was the name of the grandfater دیناof Abu Bin Thabit.

Diwan .Royal court, tribunal of justice دیوان

Diwan Muhammad .Court of the Prophet Muhammad دیوان محمد

Dost .Friend دوست

Dost Muhammad .Friend of the Prophet Muhammad دوست محمد

Duha ضحیForenoon, (This name is generally pronounced as Zohya in non-Arabic speaking countries like Pakistan/India).

Ehsaan .Favour, good احسان

Ehtisham .Modesty, decency احتشام

Ejaz .Miracle, wondrous nature اعجاز

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Ekhlaq Character اخلق

Elias .Name of one Prophet الیاس

Faaiz .Victorious, triumphant, successful فائز

Faateh Conqueror فاتح

Fadi .Redeemer فادی

Fahd دھف Leopard, lynx.

Faheem یمھف Intelligent, judicious, learned, erudite.

Fahmi میھف Intelligent, intellectual.

Faid ,Benefit, advantage, gain, worth فائد فایدwelfare.

Faiq ,Excellent, outstanding فائقdistinguished, superior.

Faisal ,Umpire, arbitrator, decisive, sword فیصلa judge.

Faiz ,Super abundance, effluence, plenty فیضgenerosity, grace, favour, bounty.

Faiz-e-Rabbani .Possessing divine surplus فیض ربانی

Faizan Benefactor فیضان

Faizi .Endowed with superabundance فیضی

Faizul Anwar .Abundance of light or graces فیض النوار

Faizullah .Abundance from Allah فیض ال

Fajr .Dawn, rise, beginning, start فجر

Fakeeh .Cheerful فکیه

Fakhir ,Excellent, superior, magnificent فاخرhonourable, precious, proud.

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Fakhr .Glory, pride, honour فخر

Fakhr-ud-Dawlah .Glory of kingdom/state فخرالدوله

Fakhr-ud-Din .Pride of the religion (Islam) فخرالدین

Fakhri .Proud (for noble cause), honorary فخری

Fakih .Humorous فاکه

Falah .Success, prosperity فلح

Falih ,Fortunate, lucky, successful فالحprosperous.

Faqih Jurist, scholar in fight (Islamic فقیهjurisprudence).

Faqir Poor, needy, one renounces the فقیرworld i.e. Sufi mendicant.

Farafisa Name of a companion, bin Umayr فرافصهAl-Hanafi.

Farah .Happiness, delight فرح

Farahat .Joys, delights فرحات

Faraj .Comfort, relief, ease, repose فرج

Farasat .Perception, sagacity فراست

Faraz .Ascent, height فراز

Farhan ,Glad, happy, joyful, cheerful فرحانdelighted.

Fari .Tall, towering, lofty فارع

Farid .Unique, matchless, precious فرید

Fariduddin .Unique of the religion (Islam) فریدالدین

Farih .Happy, delight فارح

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Faris .Horseman, knight فارس

Farman .Order, decree فرمان

Farmanullah .Order of Allah فرمان ال

Farookh .Sprout, shoot, young (bird) فروخ

Farooq فاروقOne who distinguishes truth from falsehood and right from wrong. Title of the Caliph Umar.

Farqad .Two bright stars of Ursa Minor فرقد

Farrukh ,Beautiful-faced, happy, auspicious فرخfortunate.

Farwah فروهSome companions had this name, for instance Ibn-Musayk and Ibn-Nawfal, and ibn-Amr.

Fasih .Eloquent, fluent, well-spoken فصیح

Fasih Ur Rahman


Eloquent (by grace of Rahman i.e. Allah).

Fatan .Intelligent, sagacious, smart, clever فطن

Fath .Victory, conquest, triumph, success فتح

Fathi .One who wins victory after victory فتحی

Fathullah Victory granted by Allah, victory of فتح الAllah.

Fatih ,One who eases difficulties فاتحconqueror.

Fatik Deadly, Lethal; Ibn-Fadalah a فاتکnarrator of Hadith was so named.

Fatin .Clever, fascinating فائن

Fattah فتاحConqueror, victor, one who opens, one who eases difficulties; an attribute of Allah.

Fattan .Charming, bright فتان

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Fattooh The little conqueror, diminutive of فتوحFattah.

Fawwaz ,Winner of victory after victory فوازsuccessful.

Fawz .Victory, triumph, success فوز

Fawzan .Successful, Slavation فوزان

Fawzy .Triumphant, victorious, successful فوزی

Fayyaz Generous, munificent, most فیاضbountiful, most generous.

Fayzul Haq .Grace of the truth i.e. Allah فیض الحق

Fazalah فضالهName of the father of Anas and Munis whom the Prophet PBUH sent as scouts to watch Quraysh movements at Badr.

Fazil فاضلAn accomplished person, knowledgeable virtuous, superior, outstanding, eminent.

Faziuddin .Bounty of religion (Islam) فیض الدین

Fazl فضلFavour, grace, kindness, gift, present, bounty, excellence, virtue, extra.

Fazle Ilahi یھفضل ال Bounty of Allah.

Fazle Mawla یفضل مول Bounty of the Lord (Allah).

Fazle Rab .Bounty of lord فضل رب

Fazle Rabbi .Bounty of my Lord فضل ربی

Fazli .Kind, bountiful, graceful, virtuous فضلی

Fazlullah .Bounty of Allah فضل ال

Fazulul Haq .Bounty of the Truth i.e. Allah فضل الحق

Fida .Sacrifice, redemption فداء

Fikhar .Honour, pride, glory فخار

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Firas .Perspicacity فراس

Firasah .Perspicacity, acumen فراسه

Firoz .Turquoise فیروز

Fizza Silver; Ibn Abu Mawdood, a فضهnarrator of Hadith had this name.

Fuad .The heart فواد

Fujai Name of a companion of the فجیعProphet PBUH Al-Fujai, Al-Amiri.

Furoogh .Splendour, light, brightness فروغ

Furqan فرقانCriterion (between right and wrong), proof, evidence, another name for he Quran.

Futuh .Victories, conquests; pl. of fatah فتوح

Fuzail .Diminutive of Fazl فضیل

Gauhar رھگو Gem, jewel, noble.

Ghaffar Most forgiving, one of the names of غفارAllah.

Ghafur .Most forgiving غفور

Ghais .Rain غیث

Ghaiyyas .Helper, reliever, winner غیاث

Ghalib .Conqueror غالب

Ghallab .Ever victorious, triumphant غلب

Ghani غنیRich, wealthy, prosperous, all-sufficient, one of the names of Allah.

Ghanim .Successful غانم

Ghannam Shepherd; Name of a companion غنامwho took part in the battle of Badr.

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Gharib .Poor, need, humble; stranger غریب

Ghassan .Prime, vigor (of youth) غسان

Ghaus .Help, aid, rescue, succor غوث

Ghaylan غیلنGreat, Fat; One of the companions of the Prophet PBUH bin Salamah As-Saqafi had this name.

Ghayoor .Self-respecting غیور

Ghazalan Spinner غزلن

Ghazanfar .Lion, title of Caliph Ali غضنفر

Ghazawan Warrior, a companion of the prophet غزوانPBUH had this name.

Ghazi .Conqueror, hero, gallant soldier غازی

Ghazzal .Name of a reciter of Quran, Ibn Khalid غزال

Ghiyas غیاثDeliverance from hardships, succorer, aid given in time of need, rain.

Ghiyas-ud-Din .Helper of the religion (Islam) غیاث الدین

Ghofran .Pardon, forgiveness غفران

Ghulam .Servant, boy, youth غلم

Ghunaim A person who takes booty. Name of غنیمa Sahabi RA.

Ghunayn .ne who collects booty غنین

Ghutaif .A well of a person; well to do غطیف

Gul-e-Rana .A beautiful flower گل رعنا

Gulab .Rose گلب

Gulfam .Rose faced گلفام

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Gulshan .A flower Garden گلشن

Gulzar Flower-garden گلزار

Haafiz حافظTitle of a man who has memorized the whole Quran; guardian, protector, attribute of Allah.

Habab .Aim, goal, end حباب

Habash هباشGuinea hen, Guinea fowl;, turkey; A tabaee (successor of the companions) was so named.

Habeel ابیلھ Name of one of the sons of Sayyidina Aadam AS; his sacrifice wias accepted by Allah but that of Qabeel, his brother rejected.

Habib .Beloved, dear, friend حبیب

Habibullah .Friend of Allah, dear to Allah حبیب ال

Habis حابسIbn Sad al-Taiy had this name; he ws a narrator of Hadith; a companion, Al-Tamimi RA also had this name.

Hadaya دایهھ Gifts, presents, pl. of Hadiyaa.

Haddad حداد

Blacksmith, Iron Smith; An Egyption jurist and judge who was a disciple of Al-Tabari, Muhammad Ibn-Ahmad was named ibn Al-Haddad

Hadi ادیھ One who leads to the right path, guide, one of the names of Allah.

Hadrami حضرمیThere have been notable men with this name, for isntance, (i) Abdullah ibn-Abi Ishaq, a Quran reciter of Basrah.

Hafeez .Guardian, protector حفیظ

Hafizullah Remembrance of Allah حفظ ال

Hafs .Collecting, gathering حفص

Haidar .Lion, Title of Caliph Ali حیدر

Haji Title of someone who has حاجیperformed Hajj.

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Hajib حاجب

Doorman, janitor, bailiff, eyebrow, edge, covering; Ibn Hajib was the name of the director of the Bureau of the Sawad under Muizz Al-Dawlah

Hajjaj حجاجOrbit, eye socket; Orgument, debate; Ibn-Yusuf the well-known ruler of Iraq had this name.

Hakam .Arbitrator, judge حکم

Hakeem .Wise, sage, judicious, prudent حکیم

Hakim .Judge, ruler, governor, leader, chief حاکم

Halif .Ally حلیف

Halim .Patient, tolerant, clement حلیم

Hallaj حلج

Cotton ginner; Al-Husayn ibn Mansur had this name, he was a famous martyr brought up at al-Wasit and grew up as an ascetic and extreme mystic.

Halwani حلوانیConfectioner. This was the name of Ahmad Ibn-Zayd a reciter of the Quran and student of Hadith.

Hamas .Enthusiasm, fervour حمس

Hamd .Praise, laudation of Allah حمد

Hamdan .The one who lauds, extols حمدان

Hameed .All-laudable حمید

Hameedullah .Servant of the All-laudable حمیدال

Hami ,Protector, Patron, Supporter حامیdefender.

Hamid .Praiser حامد

Hamim .Close friend حمیم

Hammad .Praising (Allah) حماد

Hammam مامھ Energetic, active.

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Hammud .Much praise to Allah حمود

Hamud ,Praised, commended, praiseworthy حمودcommendable.

Hamza Lion. Name of the Prophet حمزهMuhammad's uncle.

Hanash حنشA Hadith is anrrated by him to the effect that Sayyidina Ali RA Sacrificed two rams on the day of Sacrifice.

Hani انیھ Joyful, happy.

Hanif .True believer, true faith, upright حنیف

Hanifah حنیفهUpright. Name of Al-Numan Ibn Thabit, the great jurist of Al-Kufah, the Hanafi School takes its name from him.

Hanifud Din .True of religion (Islam) حنیف الدین

Hanin .Yearning, desire حنین

Hannan ,Compassionate, merciful حنانaffectionate, tender-hearted.

Hanoon حنونCompassionate, merciful, affectionate, tender-hearted, soft hearted.

Hanzalah حنظلهThis was the name of Ibn Abu "Aamir Al-Ansari; he is known as al-ghasil because when he had joined the battle at Uhud

Haq .True, truth, real, right, just حق

Haqqani .Correct, right, proper حقانی

Haqqi ,A person who upholds the truth حقیjust.

Haraam Sacred; A companion of the Prophet حرامPBUH had this name

Hareef .Pungent, Acrid حریف

Hareem .Respectable حریم

Harim ;Sanctuary, Sacred Place حریم

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Harir حریر Silk, Silken Cloth. Ibn Al-Sarih was so named.

Haris .Vigilant, guardian حارس

Haris Ploughman, cultivator, agnomen of حارثlion.

Harisah Farmer, Ibn-Wahb was a companion حارثهwho had this name.

Hariz .Strong, secure, guarded حریز

Harmalah حرملهA Plant (African rue); An Egyption disciple of Shafaee had this name. He was Ibn Yahya.

Haroon ارونھ Chief, protector, guard, the wealth of the entire universe, a Prophet known as Aaron in the Bible and brother of Prophet Moses.

Harun Al Rashid

ارونھ الرشید

Celebrated Abbasid Caliph (786-809).

Hasan .Handsome, beautiful, good-looking حسن

Hasanat .Good deeds, kind acts, favours حسنات

Haseen .Strong, secure, immune حسین

Hasher .Collector حاشر

Hashid ,One who rallies people, crowded حاشدgathered.

Hashim اشمھ One who smashes or breaks anything to pieces. Grandfather of the Prophet Muhammad.

Hashimi اشمیھ Hashemite, a nisba (relation) through ancestry to the Banu Haashim.

Hashmat .Prompt, magnificence حشمت

Hasib ,Noble, respected, highborn حسیبesteemed.

Hasif .Judicious, wise, prudent, sagacious حصیف

Hasim .Decisive, definite حاسم

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Hasin .Handsome حسین

Hasnain حسنینThe two Hasans, Hasan and Husain, the two sons of Caliph Ali and it is used as name of one person.

Hassan .Very handsome, beautifier حسان

Hatem .Judge, justice, decider حاتم

Hatib ;A wood collector حاطب

Hatif اتفھ Praiser; a voice from heaven, or from an invisible speaker; guardian angel.

Hawshab .A son of Imam Muslim had this name حوشب

Hayat .Life حیات

Haysam یشمھ Lion.

Hayy .Alive, living حی

Hayyan .Lively, energetic حیان

Hazim ,Firm, resolute, energetic, judicious حازمdiscreet, prudent.

Hazrat An honorific title, used at the حضرتbeginning of a name.

Hiba بهھ Gift.

Hibatullah بهالھ Gift of Allah.

Hibban حبانHaving too much flesh, angry, outburst. Name of a scholar of Hadith.

Hidayat دایتھ Instruction.

Hidayat-ul-Haq دایت الحقھ Guidance of the Truth (Allah).

Hidayatullah دایت الھ Guidance of Allah.

Hidayatullah Guidance of Allah هدایت ال

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Hifzur Rahman نحفظ الرحم Remembrance of the Beneficent

Hikmat .Wisdom حکمت

Hilaal للھ Crescent; A companion of the Prophet PBUH

Hilal للھ Crescent, new moon.

Hilali للیھ Crescent-like.

Hilmi ,Patient, tolerant, lenient, clement حلمیwise.

Himayat .Protection, safeguarding, sheltering حمایت

Himmat متھ Ambition, endeavour, resolution, determination.

Hisham شامھ Beneficence, generosity, Name of a Sahabi.

Hozaifah A companion of the Prophet حدیفه

Hubaab .Bubble of Water حباب

Hubaish .Well known bird. Name of a Tabi حبیش

Hubayl بیلھ

Hud ودھ A Prophet title of the 11th Sura of the Quran.

Huda دیھ Right, guidance, right path.

Hujayyah The father of Ajlah bin Abdullah was حجیهso called.

Hujjat .Argument, reasoning, proof حجت

Hulayl .Old Arabic name حلیل

Humam مامھ Brave and noble, magnanimous, courageous, generous.

Humamuddin مام الدینھ Brave (person) of the religion (Islam), generous.

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Humayd .Diminutive of Ahmad, praised حمید

Humayl میلھ A companion of the Prophet PBUH had this name.

Humayun ںمایوھ Auspicious, fortunate, Mohammad Humayun (d. 1556): name of a Mughal Emperor.

Hunayn نینھ This was the name of the most important man in the Baytal Hikmah (House of Wisdom)

Hurayra ریرهھ Kitten. This name is usually used in combination with the word "Abu", as Abu-Hurayra.

Hurays ;A small cultivator حریث

Hurmat .Chastity; sacred حرمت

Hurrah .Liberal, free حره

Husam .Sword حسام

Husamuddawlah .Sword of the state حسام الدوله

Husamuddin .Sword of religion (Islam) حسام الدین

Husayn حسینDiminutive of Hasan, beautiful, Imam Husayn: second son of Caliph Ali.

Husayn حصینIn protection, security, ibn-Umar and Ibn-Wahuj (or Wah Wah) had this name.

Husayni Of Husayn; nisba (relation) through حسینیancestry to Husayn.

Husni .Possessing beauty حسنی

Huzaifa .An old Arabic name, short-statured حزیفه

Huzayl زیلھ Bin Shurah bil had this name.

Ibn .Son ابن

Ibn Sina ابن سیناSina was the father of Abu Ali Ib-e-Sina, the celebrated physician Avicenna.

Ibrahim یمھابرا Kind father, (combination of Abu, father and Rahim, kind) a Prophet's name.

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Ibtisam .Smiling, smile ابتسام

Idrak ,Intellect, perception, achievement ادرکattainment.

Idris /A Prophet, the biblical Enoch ادریسHenoch.

Iftikhar .Honour, grace, glory, pride, repute افتخار

Iftikhar-ud-Din .Pride of the religion (Islam) افتخار الدین

Iftikharus Sadat .Pride of the chiefs افتخارالسادات

Ihsanul Haq .Kindness of the Truth (Allah) احسان الحق

Ihtiraam .Honour, hold in honour احترام

Ijaz ,Miracle, inimitability, astonishment اعجازwondrous nature.

Ijazul Haq .Inimitability of the Truth (Allah) اعجاز الحق

Ijlal ,Glorification, exaltation, honesty اجللintegrity, fidelity, faithfulness.

Ijli This was the name of the makes of عجلیastrolables.

Ikhlas .Sincerity, purity اخلص

Ikhtiyar .Choice, preference, selection اختیار

Iklil .Crown, garland اکلیل

Ikram ,Honouring, glory, esteem, respect اکرامveneration.

Ikram-ul-Haq .Glory of the Truth (Allah) اکرام الحق

Ikramullah .Glory of Allah اکرام ال

Ikrima A female pigeon. Name of an عکرمهillustrious Sahabi.

Iksir .Elixir اکسیر

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Ilahi یھال My lord (for Allah), divine.

Ilahi Bakhsh ی بخشھال Gift of Allah.

Ilham امھال Inspiration, revelation.

Iltifat .Friendship, kindness, obligation التفات

Ilyas .A Prophet, the biblical Elias الیاس

Imaad .Pillar عماد

Imaduddin .Pillar of the faith (Islam) عماد الدین

Imam ,One who leads communal prayer امامleader, chief.

Iman .Belief, faith in Allah ایمان

Imdad .Help aid, support امداد

Imran عمران

Population, civilization, careful observance of rules of etiquette. Father of Maryam (Mother of Prophet Isa) i.e. Mary, mother of Jesus.

Imtiaz Distinction, privilege, mark of امتیازhonour.

Inam .Gift, present, prize, grant, reward انعام

Inamul Haq .Gift of Truth (Allah) انعام الحق

Inayat ,Care, concern, favour, bounty عنایتkindness.

Inayatuddin .Care of religion (Islam) عنایت الدین

Inayatullah .Care of Allah عنایت ال

Inayatur Rahman


Care of the most Gracious (Allah).

Insaf ,Justice, impartiality, fairness انصافequity.

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Inshirah .Delight, happiness, cheerfulness انشراح

Intikhab Choice انتخاب

Intisar .Victory, triumph انتصار

Intizar Wait انتظار

Iqbal ,Prosperity, good fortune, good-luck اقبالresponsiveness, welfare.

Iqrit A man of early Islam about whom عقرتamusing tales are told.

Iqtidar .Power, Office, Authority یقتدار

Irfan عرفانKnowledge, learning, perception, erudition, discernment, science, wisdom, knowledge

Irshad .Guidance, guiding hand, instruction ارشاد

Irtiza .Contentment, approval ارتضاء

Irtiza Husain .Approval of Husayn ارتضاءحسین

Isa عیسی A Prophet, the biblical Jesus.

Isaar .Selflessness ایثار

Isad ,Making happy or prosperous اسعادblessing, favoring.

Isam .Self-made عصام

Isbahani انیھاصب

From Isbahan; quite a few people were kown by this name; Abu Bakr ibn Ashtah, among them; he wrote on the syntax and rhetoric of the Quran

Ishaq اسحاقOne who laughs. A Prophet, the biblical Isaac and son of Prophet Ibrahim.

Ishfaq .Compassion, sympathy, pity اشفاق

Ishrat ,Society, Familiar and pleasant talk عشرتhappiness.

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Ishtiyaq ,Fondness, wish, desire, yearning اشتیاقeagerness.

Iskafi .Iskaf is a shoe-maker اسکافی

Iskandar اسکندرName of a Greek king, Alexander. Iskander Mirza: President of Pakistan (1956-58).

Islah .Reform, improvement, betterment اصلح

Islam اسلمTo bow ones head in submission, surrender (to the will of Allah) name of the religion of the Muslims.

Ismah عصمهPreservation; infallibility; A 9th century scholar, ibn Hammad had this name.

Ismail A Prophet, the biblical Ishmael and اسماعیلson of Prophet Ibrahim.

Ismat .Purity, chastity, modesty عصمت

Isra .Travel by night اسراء

Israfil Angel who will blow the Trumpet اسرافیل

Israil .Another name of Prophet Yaqub اسرائیل

Israr .Secret, mystery اسرار

Istakhri -A Shafaee jurist, Abu Saeed Al اصطخریHasan had this name.

Istifa To choose, to prefer, to give prefer اصطفاءto one over the other.

Itakh ;The name of Abu Mansur, the Turk ایتاخ

Itban ;Censured, blamed عتبان

Itidal ,Moderation, moderateness اعتدالclemency.

Itimad .Reliance, dependence, confidence اعتماد

Iyaas ;Compensation ایاس

Iyaaz عیاضGenerous, Ibn Himar Mujashit had this name and he was a companion of the Prophet PBUH.

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Iyad .Support, might, strength ایاد

Iyali Name of Abu Jafar, a jurist and عیالیdisciple of Abu Tawr.

Izaz اعزازHonour, esteem, regard, affection, to respect an honour, or raise to an exalted position.

Izazuddawlah .Honour of the state اعزازالدوله

Izz .Power, might, honour عز

Izzat .Honour, fame, power عزه

Izzuddin .Honour of the religion (Islam) عزالدین

Jabal جبلMountain; ibn Yazid, who lived and held hight office during the reigns of Al-Mansur and Al-Mahdi, had this name.

Jabalah جبلهName of Ibn Harisah a companion of the Prophet PBUH. And one who had participated in the Badr Battle.

Jabbar .Powerful, mighty جبار

Jabir .Consoler, restorer, comforter جابر

Jabr جبرCompulsion name of a companion, Ibn Ateeq; also bin Habib and bin Nawf.

Jad Curly, Frizzled; ibn Dirhim had this جعدname, he ws the tutor of Marwan.

Jadwal .Brook, rivulet جدول

Jafar .Spring, rivulet جعفر

Jah .Rank جاه

Jahan انھج World.

Jahangir انگیرھج World conqueror.

Jahdami ضمیھج Abu Amr Nasr, an authority for Hadith had this name.

Jahdari دریھج Abu al Mujashshar had this name; he was an authority for the Quran.

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Jahid دھجا Diligent, hardworking, striving.

Jahm مھج Sullen, Ibn Huzafah Al-Adawi had this name; he helped conduct the funeral of Sayyidina Usman RA.

Jalal .Majesty, grandeur, glory جلل

Jalal-ud-Din .The majesty of religion (Islam) جلل الدین

Jaleb Attainer جالب

Jalil .Great, exalted, magnificent جلیل

Jalis Companion جلیس

Jamal .Beauty, grace جمال

Jamal-ud-Din .Beauty of the religion (Islam) جمال الدین

Jami .Gatherer, collector, author, writer جامع

Jamil .Handsome, attractive, impressive جمیل

Jammaz جمازName of Muhammad Ibn Amr who related anecdotes and recited poetry at the court of al-Mutawwakil.

Jamshed .The sun in Pisces جمشید

Jamuh .Defiant جموح

Jan .Life, sing جان

Jan Muhammad .Life of Muhammad جان محمد

Jan-e-Alam .Life of the world جان عالم

Jandarah .Name of a Sahabi RA جندره

Jaraah .Surgeon; name of a tabaree جراح

Jareer Corpulent; A distinguished جریرcompanion,

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Jariya This was the name of Ibn Jamil; he جاریهwas on eof the Ashab-As-Suffa

Jarood Name of a companion of the جارودProphet PBUH

Jarrar Very Brave جرار

Jarullah .Neighbour of Allah جار ال

Jasim .Great and famous جسیم

Jasim-ud-Din .Great (man) of the religion (Islam) جسیم الدین

Jasir .Brave, bold, courageous, valiant جاسر

Jasur .Brave, bold, courageous, valiant جسور

Javed .Eternal, perpetual جاوید

Jawad .Generous, liberal, open-handed جواد

Jawahir رھجوا Jewels; pl. of jawhar, jewel.

Jawdan Goodness جودان

Jawhar رھجو Jewel, gem, essence.

Jibrail Arch Angel جبرائیل

Jihad ادھج Strive, holy war.

Jiyad Very good; there is also a mountain جیادin Makkah by this name.

Jnab .An honorific title, Your Excellency جناب

Juail جعیلOne black and ill-shaped, a black beetle, quarrelsome. Name of a Sahabi.

Jubayr جبیرCompelled, Assisted a companion of the Prophet PBUH ibn Mutim RA, also ibn Nufayr RA.

Juday جدیThis was the name of a skilled Kufic (Script) writer who wrote copies of the Quran during the reign of Mutasim.

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Juhaym یمھج Sullen; A companion of the Prophet PBUH was so named.

Jumanah .Pearl; name of a companion جمانه

Jummal A thick rope, a rope with which a جمالboat is anchored.

Junayd .Diminutive of Jund, army, soldiers جنید

Jundub -Grasshopper, A companion ibn جندبAbdullah had this name.

Jurayj جریجThis was the name of a teacher of Tabari, he was also an authority for Hadith.

Jurhad دھجر He was ibn Khuwaylid Al-Aslami.

Jusamah .Nightmare; Name of a companion جثامه

Juyal جعیلQuarrdsome; A companion of the Prophet PBUH, Ibn Suraqah al-Dumari had this name and was one of the Ahl as Suffah.

Kab .Fame, honour, high rank کعب

Kabir ,Great, grand, magnificent, senior کبیرAllah's epithet.

Kafi Sufficient, Al-Kafi, one of he names کافیof Allah.

Kafil ,Guarantor, surety, sponsor کفیلresponsible.

Kaif .State, condition, mood کیف

Kaisan کیسانWise; A companion of the Prophet PBUH. was known by this name. He was Ibn-Jareer Al-Awami RA.

Kajji کجیName of Ibrahim Abdullah of Basrah, an authority for the Hadith at Baghdad.

Kalam .Speech, conversation کلم

Kalbi کلبیName of Muhammad Ibn Saib an authority on genealogy and the Quran.

Kalim Interlocutor, speaker, one of the کلیمtwo conservators.

Kalim-ud-Din Spokesman of religion کلیم الدین

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Kalimullah One who conversed with Allah. An کلیم الepithet of Prophet Moses.

Kamal .Perfection, completion, integrity کمال

Kamaluddin .Perfection of religion (Islam) کمال الدین

Kamil ,Perfect, complete, genuine, total کاملlearned.

Kamil کاملPerfect, consumate, thotough; Abu Bakr Ahmad was Ibn Kamil; he studied with Tabari and was a judge at Kufah and a scholar of Hadith.

Kamran .Lucky, happy, success کامران

Karam .Generosity, bounty کرم

Karamat کرامتKarimah is dignity, honour, respect. Name of a companion of the Prophet PBUH.

Karamullah .Bounty of Allah کرم ال

Kardar .Prime minister کاردار

Karim کریمKind, generous, benevolent, noble, bountiful, magnificent, gracious, merciful, an epithet of Allah.

Karrar .Repeated assault کرار

Kashif .Discoverer کاشف

Kasib .Winner, provider کسیب

Kasir .Much abundant, plenty کثیر

Kaukab .Planet کوکب

Kausar Abundance, name of a river in کوثرParadise..

Kaykaus سٶکیکا Just, noble. King of Iran (d. 1058).

Kazim One who controls or suppresses his کاظمanger.

Khabbab ;One who paces, trots or walks fast خباب

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Khabir .Learned, expert, authority خبیر

Khadim .Servant خادم

Khafiz خافضEasy, comfortable, smooth; also a name of Allah Al-Khafid meaning one who humbles, The Abaser, hence Abdul Khafid.

Khair ,Good, blessing, boon, wealth خیرbenevolent, fortune.

Khairat .Blessings, good work, good deeds خیرات

Khairuddin .Boon of religion (Islam) خیرالدین

Khairul Bashar Best of mankind, an epithet of the خیرالبشرProphet Muhammad.

Khalaf .Successor, heir خلف

Khalaf Hasan .Successor of Hasan خلف حسن

Khaldun خلدونName of a famous Muslim philosopher, historian & social scientist.

Khaleed .Abiding خلید

Khaleeq .Qualified, suitable, worthy of خلیق

Khalid .Immortal, eternal خالد

Khalid Bin Walid خالد ابن ولید

General to whom the Prophet Muhammad awarded the title of honour, Sword of Allah (d. 642).

Khalifa -Successor, viceroy, caliph, vice حلیفهregent.

Khalil .Friend خلیل

Khalilullah Friend of Allah, an epithet of خلیل الProphet Ibrahim.

Khaliq .Creator خالق

Khaliqus Subhan .Worthy of the Glory (Allah) خلیق السبحان

Khaliquz Zaman ںخلیق الزما The qualified (person) of the era.

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Khalis .Pure, true, clear, real خالص

Khallad خلدOld, Aged; A companion of the Prophet PBUH had this name, he was Ibn As-Saib.

Kharijah Outside, external; Ibn Huzafah a خارجهcompanion, had this name.

Khashi .Pious, devout خاشع

Khasib .Fruitful, prolific خصیب

Khateeb Orator, title of someone who خطیبdelivers speech.

Khatib .Suitor, matchmaker خاطب

Khatir .Heart, idea خاطر

Khawli Deer. Name of a Sahabi who participated خولیin the battle of Badr.

Khawwas خواثTo be filled with food. Name of a Sahabi who participated in the battle of Badr.

Khawwat خوات

Name of a companion, bin Jubayr RA who was one of those whom them Prophet PBUH sent to verify reports of treachery of Banu Quraysh.

Khayr .Goodness, health, Safe خیر

Khayri .Benevolent, charitable, beneficent خیری

Khayyam .Tent-maker خیام

Khayyat -Tailor; Name of Abu Muhammad al خیاط=Qasim, a reciter of The Quran.

Khayyir .Generous خیر

Khazin .Treasurer خاذن

Khidash خداشA companion of the Prophet PBUH had this name, he was ibn Satamah RA.

Khirash Scratching, Scraping, Name of a خراشcompanion, ibn Abdullah.

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Khizar .Name of a Prophet خضر

Khubayb خبیبA fast walker; Ibn "Adi al-Ansari RA" a companion of the Prophet PBUH who participated in the battle of Badr had this name.

Khuda Bakhsh .Gift of Khuda (Allah) خدا بخش

Khulaidah خلیدهA form of Khalidah, meaning: permanent. Name of a Sahabi who participated in the battle of Badr.

Khulaifah خلیفهA form of Khalifah, meaning: Successor, heir. Name of a Sahabi who participated in the battle of Badr.

Khulayd Abidingt; A companion of the خلیدProphet PBUH.

Khulud .Immortality, eternity خلود

Khunays Hidden; Name of a companion of خنیسthe Prophet PBUH.

Khuraym .Ibn Fatik had this name خریم

Khuraymah خریمهName of ibn Jazi RA, A companion of the Prophet PBUH also bin Sabit a noted companion who was martyred at Badr.

Khurram .Cheerful, glad, fresh خرم

Khurshid .Sun خورشید

Khush Bakht .Fortunate, of good fortune خوش بخت

Khuzayma .Old Arabic name خزیمه

Kibria .Divine majesty, divine grandeur کبریاء

Kifah .Struggle, fight کفاح

Kifayat .Self-sufficiency کفایت

Kishwar .A country, region کشور

Kohinoor The mountain of light, name of a کوه نورprecious stone.

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Kulsoom کلثومIbn Al-Husayn al-Ghifari a well-known companion had this name; and quite a few others.

Kurayb .Ibn Abi Muslim al-Hashami had this name کریب

Labib ,Intelligent, reasonable, rational لبیبwise.

Labid A companion لبید

Lahi'ah یعهھل Bin Uqabah al-Misri a narrator of Hadith had this name.

Laiq .Worthy, deserving, capable, decent لئق

Lais A famous jurist had this name. bin لیثSaad bin Abdur Rahman

Lajlaj A companion of the Prophet PBUH لجلجal-Aamiree RA had this name.

Laqeet Bin Sabirah RA was a well-known لقیطcompanion of the Prophet PBUH.

Laskhar .Soldier, army لشکر

Latif ,Kind, gracious, courteous, gentle لطیفfriendly.

Layeeq لیق Worthy, capable, clever, sensible.

Layyin .Tender, resilient لین

Liaquat ,Decorum, decency, competence لیاقتworth, capability, merit.

Limazah Ibn Zabbar had this name; he was لمازهa narrator of hadith.

Lisan .Tongue, language لسان

Lisanuddin .Language of religion (Islam) لسان الدین

Luqman The sage Luqman.. is the type of لقمانperfect wisdom, Lokman.

Lut .Name of a great Prophet of Allah لوط

Lutf لطفKindness, friendliness, gentleness, grace, courtesy, favour (from Allah).

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Lutf-ul-Baari .Kindness of the Creator لطف الباری

Lutf-ur-Rahman نلطف الرحم Favour of the All-merciful (Allah).

Lutfi .Kind, friendly, courteous لطفی

Lutfullah .Kindness of Allah, favour of Allah لطف ال

Ma'dan معدان

Name of the tutor of the family of Ziyad ibn Abih at Basrah and then at Kufah; he was called al-fil because of the elephant his master had given.

Ma'mar One who lives long, an edifice or a معمرbuilding.

Ma'n .Examine closely; accept the truth معن

Maad .An old Arabian Tribe's name معد

Maali .Noble, sublime, Excellency معالی

Maalik .Owner, proprietor, master, lord مالکAllah's epithet.

Mabad معبدA place of worship; Many of the prominent people had this name including the companions ibn Khalid al-Juhanni and ibn-Hawzah RA.

Mabruk .Blessed, prosperous مبروک

Madani .Urbane, civilized مدنی

Madhat مدحت Praise, lauding.

Madih .Praised, commendable مدیح

Mahasin ,Pl. of Mahsana, beauty, attraction محاسنvirtue, merit.

Mahboob .Dear, beloved محبوب

Mahbubullah .Beloved of Allah محبوب ال

Mahdi دیھم Rightly guided.

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Maheen ینھم Fine or thin texture, feeble voice (also; despised, contemptuous).

Mahfuz ,Safeguarded, well-protected محفوظpreserved, secure.

Mahfuzur Rahman


Protected of the Beneficent

Mahib یبھم Majestic, dignified, magnificent.

Mahir رھما Skilled, skilful, proficient.

Mahja جعھم Place to sleep, quarters, lodgings.

Mahjub .Hidden, covered, screened محجوب

Mahmood ,Praised, commendable محمودpraiseworthy.

Mahrus .Guarded, protected, secured محروس

Mahtab تابھم Moon, moonlight.

Mahzuz .Fortunate محظوظ

Maimun Auspicious, prosperous, lucky, good میمونfortunate, blessed.

Maisara .Ease, comfort میسره

Maisur ,Easy, successful, fortunate, lucky میسورprosperous.

Majd .Glory, honour, nobility مجد

Majdi .Glorious, praiseworthy مجدی

Majduddin .The glory of the religion (Islam) مجدالدین

Majeed Glorious, noble, exalted, an epithet مجیدof Allah.

Majid ,Glorious, noble, honourable ماجدgenerous, Allah's attribute.

Makhdoom One who is held in reverence and مخدومserved by others, lord, master.

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Makin .Strong, firm مکین

Makki .Pertaining to Makkah مکی

Makram .Noble trait, excellent quality مکرم

Maleek .Reigning, ruling ملیک

Malih .Handsome ملیح

Malik ,An attribute of Allah, king ملکsovereign.

Maluf مالوف Familiar, popular.

Mamdooh ,Praised, celebrated, famous ممدوحcommended, laudable.

Mamoon مامونTrustworthy honest, faithful, reliable, something about which one feels secure.

Mamoor .Inhabited, civilized معمور

Man .Benefit معن

Manaf Abd Manaaf: an ancestor of the عبد منافProphet Muhammad.

Manal .Attainment, acquisition, reachable منال

Manhal لھمن Fountains, spring of salubrious water.

Mani ,Strong, secure, well-fortified منیعunconquerable.

Mannan .Benevolent, bountiful, generous منان

Mansoor ,Assisted, aided (by God) منصورvictorious, triumphant.

Mansooruddin .Victorious in religion (Islam) منصورالدین

Manus مانوس Friendly, sociable, polite.

Manzar .View, Sight منظر

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Manzoor .Visible, perspective منظور

Maqbool ,Accepted, admitted, granted مقبولapproved.

Maqil معقلIntelligent; Quite a few people had this name, among them companions of the Prophet PBUH ibn Sinah RA.

Maqsood .Intended, aimed at, object مقصود

Maram .Wish, desire, aspiration مرام

Marghoob .Desired, desirable, pleasant مرغوب

Marghoob .Desirable, coveted, agreeable مرغوب

Maroof ,Favour, kindness, kind act, famous معروفnoted.

Marsad مرثدIbn Abu Marsad al-Ghanavi was the companion of the Prophet PBUH who took part in the Badr Battle and had this name.

Marwan .An ancient Arab name مروان

Marzooq ,Blessed (by God), fortunate مرزوقprosperous, successful.

Masarrat Happiness, delight, joy, (Mussarrat مسرتis not correct).

Maseeh مسیحOne who is blessed with piety from the cradle to the grave. The Messiah (Jesus), a Prophet.

Maseehuzzaman ںمسیح الزما Masih (Messiah) of the age.

Mashhood ودھمش Witnessed, present, manifest, the day of judgment, the day of Arafah.

Mashkoor The person to whom one is مشکورindebted.

Masir .Destiny, goal مصیر

Masood ,Prosperous, happy, dutiful مسعودfortunate, lucky.

Masoom ,Innocent, sinless, infallible معصومprotected.

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Masrur Pleased مسرور

Masun .Guarded, well-protected مصون

Matin متینStrong, powerful, solid, of resolute mind, durable. Al-Matin: the Strong; one of the names of Allah.

Matloob .Desired, required, sought after مطلوب

Mausoof Worthy of description, endowed موصوفwith laudable qualities.

Mawahib بھموا Pl. of Mauhiba, gift, talent.

Mawdood .Beloved, attached مودود

Mawhoob وبھمو Gifted, talented, endowed, favoured.

Mawla مولی Helper, protector.

Mawsil Naame of a Hanafi Jurist of Iraq موصل(Ibn Mawsil).

Mazhar رھمظ Manifestation, expression, outlook.

Mazhar-ud-Din رالدینھمظ Manifestation, of the religion (Islam).

Mazharul Haq رالحقھمظ Manifestation of the Truth i.e. Allah.

Mazid .Increase, excess, more مزید

Mazin .Proper name مازن

Mehtab تابھم The Moon.

Midlaj Ibn Amr as-Sulami RA had this مدلجname.

Miftah .Key مفتاح

Mimar .Mason, architect معمار

Mimrah .Cheerful, lively, gay-tempered ممراح

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Minhaj اجھمن Method, system, order, way, road.

Minhajuddin اج الدینھمن Way of religion

Minnat .Grace, kindness, favour, gift منه

Minnatullah .Gratitude owed to Allah منهال

Miqdad مقدادIbn Amir Ibn Thalabah RA, a well-known companion who participated in the battle of Badr.

Miqdam ,In the forefront of battle, very bold مقدامundaunted.

Mir .Prince, governor, leader میر

Mir Jahaan انھمیرج King of the world.

Miraj .Place of ascent معراج

Miran .Princes; pl. of Mir میران

Mirsab Prudent, wise, a sword of the مرسبProphet Muhammad.

Mirza .Son of a prince. Honorific title میرزا

Misaq ,Agreement, covenant, contract میثاقpact.

Misbah .Lamp, lantern مصباح

Misbahuddin .Lamp of the religion (Islam) مصباح الدین

Miskeen .Poor مسکین

Mistah hence, an (Musattah is plain level) مسطحinstrument to level something.

Mizan .Balance, scales میزان

Mizanur Rahman


Balance of the most merciful (Allah).

Moin .Fountain, spring معین

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Mu'afa معافاءIbn Imran, an ascetic, who travelled extensively to find Hadith, had this name.

Mu'alla ,A judge and follower of Abu Yusuf معلibn Mansur had this name.

Mu'allim .Teacher معلم

Mu'attib It was the name of a companion bin معتبUbayd RA.

Muad A noted companion of the Prophet موادPBUH had this name, ibn-Jabal RA.

Muammar معمرAntiquated, long-lived, one given log life, title of Luqman i.e. Lokman.

Muawin .Assistant, helper, supporter معاون

Muawiyah A young dog or fox (first Umayyad معاویهKhalifah).

Muawwaz Name of a Sahabi who participated معوذin the battle of Badr.

Muawwiz Ibn Afra RA, the companion who معوزparticipated in the battle of Badr.

Muayyad یدٶم Supported, championed, approved, victorious.

Muaz .Protected معاذ

Muazzam ,Exalted, glorified, honoured معظمrevered.

Mubajjal ,Glorified, exalted, honourable مبجلgreatly respected.

Muballigh Preacher, one who preaches and مبلغpropagates Islam.

Mubarak ,Blessed, fortunate, lucky مبارکauspicious, august.

Mubashir .Bringer of good news, a Prophet مبشر

Mubassir .Observer مبصر

Mubin .Clear, plain, distinct, manifest مبین

Mubtasim .Smiling مبتسم

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Mudabbir .Planner, designer, disposer مدبر

Muddassir Wrapped in, enveloped, attribute of مدثرthe Prophet Muhammad.

Mudrik ,Perceptive, intelligent, reasonable مدرکendowed with reason.

Mueez .A person who gives shelter معیذ

Mufakhar .Glorious, exalted مفخر

Mufakkir Thinker مفکر

Mufallah .One who prospers مفلح

Mufazzal .Preferred, chosen, favoured مفضل

Mufid ,Beneficial, useful, advantageous مفیدfavoured, profitable.

Mufiz .Giver مفیض

Muflih .One who succeeds, prospers مفلح

Mufti Interpreter or expounder of Sharia مفتی(Islamic Law).

Mughis .Helper, assistant مغیث

Mughni مغنیOne who releases another from straitened circumstances, an epithet of Allah.

Muhafiz .Preserver, custodian, guardian محافظ

Muhafiz-ud-Din .Preserver of the religion (Islam) محافظ الدین

Muhaimin یمنھم

Ruler, overlord, one who provides sanctuary from any hazard or danger. Al-Muhaimin, the All-preserver: one of the names of Allah.

Muhajir اجرھم Emigrant.

Muhammad محمد

Praised, lauded, commended, praiseworthy. Muhammad ibn Abdullah (570-632); Messenger of Allah who preached the faith of Islam.

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Muhannad ندھم Sword, Indian sword.

Muhazzab زبھم Polite, courteous, well-mannered.

Muhdee دیھم One who presents.

Muhib .Loving, affectionate, friend محب

Muhibuddin .Friend of the religion (Islam) محب الدین

Muhibullah .Friend of Allah محب ال

Muhit .Encompassing, ocean محیط

Muhiyuddin .Reviver of the religion (Islam) محیی الدین

Muhriz Obtainer, winner, earner, Ibn Awn محرزal-Hilali RA had this name.

Muhsin ,Benevolent, benefactor, charitable محسنhumanitarian.

Muhtadi تدیھالم Rightly guided, following the right path, on the right way.

Muhtashim .Decent, modest, chaste, shy محتشم

Muhyi .One who gives life, reviver محیی

Muid .Reviser, restore معید

Muin .Helper, patron, supporter, aide معین

Muinuddawlah .Defender of the state معین الدوله

Muinuddin .Helper of the religion (Islam) معین الدین

Muinul Islam .Supporter of Islam معین السلم

Muizz .One who honours, strengthens معز

Muizzuddawlah .He who renders the state mighty معزالدوله

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Muizzuddin One who strengthens the religion معزالدین(Islam).

Mujaddid One who renews or renovates or مجددrefreshes.

Mujahid دھمجا One who struggles, strives, or fights for the cause of Islam, soldier of Jihad.

Mujammil .Adorner, beautifier مجمل

Mujazzir مجذرA person who cuts off, uproots, or consolidates. Name of a Sahabi who participated in the battle of Badr.

Mujazziz One who cuts off, name of a مجذزcompanion, al-Mudliji.

Mujib .Replier, answerer. Allah's epithet مجیب

Mujir ,Protector, defender, helper مجیرsupporter.

Mujtaba مجتبی Chosen, selected, elected. Title of the Prophet Muhammad.

Mujtahid دھمجت Diligent, industrious, hardworking.

Mukafih .Freedom fighter مکافع

Mukammil .Perfecting, completing مکمل

Mukarram ,Honoured, revered, honourable مکرمnoble.

Mukhallad .Immortal مخلد

Mukhlis .Sincere, honest, true, faithful مخلص

Mukhtar ,Selected, chosen, preferred مختارfavorite, the most exquisite..

Mukhtarul Haq .Chosen by the Truth (Allah) مختارالحق

Muktafi .Satisfied, contended مکتفی

Mulayl .A companion was so name ملیل

Mulham مھمل Inspired.

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Mulk Kingdom, sovereignty, supreme ملکpower or authority.

Mulla ملA Persian construction probably from the Arabic Mawla (master, leader, lord).

Mumin منٶم Believer (in Islam), pious, one who advocates peace and harmony. Allah's attribute.

Mumtaz ,Distinguished, superior ممتازoutstanding.

Munadi منادیA scholar of Baghdad who wrote books on the Quran and related subjects, Abu al-Hasan, had this name.

Munadil .Fighter, defender مناضل

Munaf Exalted, inconsistent with contradictory منافto.

Munaim مناعمBenevolent kind. Al-Munaim, the Benevolent: one of the names of Allah.

Munasir .Helper, protector, friend مناصر

Munawwar .Illuminated, brilliant منور

Munib One who turns to Allah seeking His منیبpardon.

Munif ,Eminent, exalted, superior, high منیفlofty.

Munim .Benefactor, donor, grantor منعم

Munir منیرSplendid, shining, something that reflects light, bright, brilliant, radiant, luminous..

Muniruzzaman ںمنیرالزما Brilliant of the age.

Munis .Sociable, friendly, kind, gentle مونس

Munjid .Helper, supporter, rescuer منجد

Munkadir منکدرThis was the name of Abu Bakr Muhammad, an ascetic and authority for Hadith.

Munna .Strength, power, vigour منه

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Munqad .One who is led, conduted, obedient منقاد

Munqiz .Saviour, rescuer, deliverer منقذ

Munsif .Just, fair, righteous منصف

Muntaqim منتقمThe Avenger; He who punishes wrongdoers; One who takes revenge. Name: Abdul Muntaqim.

Muntasir .Victorious, triumphant منتصر

Muntazar ,Expected, prospective, anticipated منتظرawaited.

Munzir منذرWarner, cautioner, forerunner, Messenger sent by Allah to warn mankind.

Muqaddas .Sacred مقدس

Muqaffa مقفاName of Abdullah (Ibn al-Muqaffi) who had converted to Islam from Zoroastrian religion and worked with the uncles of al-Mansur.

Muqarrab مقربIntimate companion, friend, one who is brought near the throne of Allah, one who is nearest to Allah.

Muqbil .Following, next مقبل

Muqeet ;Provider. Al-Muqeet, the Nourisher مقیتone of the names of Allah.

Muqla مقلهEye, eyeball, the middle of anything, Ib Muqlah; Abbasid vizier and "founder of Arabic calligraphy".

Muqsit .Just, impartial, Allah's attribute مقسط

Muqtadi Follower, one who follows an imam مقتدیduring ritual prayer.

Muqtadir مقتدرAble, powerful, mighty, Allah's epithet. Al-Muqtadir, the omnipotent: one of the names of Allah.

Muqtafi -One who follows (another). Al مقتفیMuqtafi (1136-60): Abbasid Khalifa.

Muqtasid .Frugal, thrifty, economical مقتصد

Murabbi .Patron, superior, guardian مربی

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Murad .Will, intention, desire, intended مراد

Murarah مرارهBitterness, innermost, heart; al-Rabi al-Ansari RA was a companion who participated in the Battle of Badr.

Mursal .Messenger, Prophet, Ambassador مرسل

Murshid .Leader, guide, adviser, counselor مرشد

Murtaad .Ascetical مرتاض

Murtaza مرتضی Chosen, approved, agreeable, acceptable, an epithet of the Prophet Muhammad.

Mus'ab معصبIbn-Umair RA was so named he was a companion whom the Prophet PBUH name as one of the fourteen eminent guardians.

Musa موسی A Prophet, the biblical Moses.

Musad .Fortunate, lucky, unfettered camel مسعد

Musaddiq One who confirms. One who مصدقaccepts another's word as truth.

Musaid .Helper, assistant, supporter مساعد

Musawwir .Shaper, fashioner مصور

Musharraf .Honoured, exalted مشرف

Musharrif .One who exalts مشرف

Mushfiq .Kind, tender, fearful مشفق

Mushir .Counselor, advisor مشیر

Mushir-ul-Haq .Counselor of the Truth i.e. Allah مشیرالحق

Mushtaq .Longing, desiring, eager مشتاق

Musir .Prosperous, affluent, rich موسر

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Musleh Reformer مصلح

Muslih ,Peacemaker, conciliator, reformer مصلحone who sets things right.

Muslihuddin .Reformer of the religion (Islam) مصلح الدین

Muslim .Follower of the religion of Islam مسلم

Mustaeen One who asks the help or aid or مستعینassistance.

Mustafa مصطفی Chosen, selected, preferred.

Mustafa Kamalمصطفی

کمال Founder of modern Turkey (1881-


Mustafavi ,Attributed to the family of Mustafa مصطفویi.e. Muhammad.

Mustafeed .Profiting, gainful مستفید

Mustafiz .Profiting, one who is desirous of gaining مستفیض

Mustahfiz .Guardian, protector, custodian مستحفظ

Mustahsan .Commendable مستحسن

Mustajab One who is heard, one whose مستجابsupplication is answered.

Mustakfi One who desires another to do مستکفیsomething effectively.

Mustali .High, elevated, superior مستعلی

Mustamsik Composed, calm of mind, one who مستمسکrestrains himself.

Mustaneer .Brilliant مستنیر

Mustanjid .One who implores for help مستنجد

Mustansir .One who asks for help مستنصر

Mustaqim .Straight, upright مستقیم

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Mustarshid .One who seeks direction مسترشد

Mustasim .He who holds fast مستعصم

Mustatab .Good, Delectable مستطاب

Mustazhir رھمستظ Memorizer, one who knows by heart.

Mustazi مستضی One who seeks light or advice or guidance.

Muta .Obeyed مطاع

Mutad .Prepared, ready معتد

Mutahhar رھمط Pure, clean, purified, very beautiful.

Mutali .Exalted, supreme متعالی

Mutamad .Trustworthy, reliable, dependable معتمد

Mutamid .One who relies upon Allah معتمد

Mutamin تمنٶم One who entrusts his affairs to the management of another.

Mutammim .Perfecting, completing متمم

Mutaqid .Confident, believer, faithful friend معتقد

Mutasim Abstaining from sin (by the grace of معتصمAllah), preserved, defended.

Mutawakkil .One who puts his trust (in Allah) متوکل

Mutawassit .Mediator, umpire متوسط

Mutayyib .Fragrant مطیب

Mutazid One who takes assistance (of معتضدAllah), petitioner of justice.

Mutazz .Mighty, proud, powerful معتز

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Mutee ,Obedient, pious, devoted, faithful مطیعsubmissive.

Muti Giver, granter, donor, Al-Muti: the معطیGranter: one of the names of Allah.

Mutiul Islam .Obedient (follower) of Islam مطیع السلم

Mutiur Rahman مطیعنالرحم

Obedient (servant) of the most gracious i.e. Allah.

Mutlaq .Free, unlimited, unrestricted مطلق

Muttalib Seeker. Abdul Muttalib: grand مطلبfather of the Prophet Muhammad.

Muttaqi ,God-fearing, pious, religious المتقیdevout.

Muwaffiq ,Successful, prosperous, lucky موفقfortunate.

Muzaffar .Victorious, triumphant, conqueror مظفر

Muzaffaruddin .Victorious of the religion (Islam) مظفرالدین

Muzahir رھمظا Protector, defender, supporter.

Muzahiruddin رالدینھمظا Defender of the religion (Islam).

Muzakkir .Reminder, warner مذکر

Muzammil مزملOne who is enwrapped in garments. Al-Muzzammil: title of the 73rd Sura of the Quran. In this sura, Allah addresses the Prophet Muhammad.

Naabih ,Noble, famous, eminent نابهdistinguished, brilliant.

Naase .Clear, pure, white ناصع

Nabi Prophet sent by Allah for the نبیguidance of mankind.

Nabi Bakhsh .Gift of the Prophet نبی بخش

Nabigh Distinguished; talented; man of نابغgenius, brilliant person.

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Nabih ,Famous, noble, outstanding نبیهeminent, distinguished, brilliant.

Nabil نبیلNoble, high born, honourable, intelligent, dexterous, one skilled in archery.

Nabil .Archer, Bowman نابل

Nabiullah .An epithet of the Prophet Nuh نبی ال

Nadeem ,Intimate friend, boon companion ندیمcourtier.

Nadir ,Extraordinary, rare, dear نادرexceptional.

Nadqid .A critic; a reviewer; a fault-finder ناقد

Naeem نعیمHappiness, comfort, ease, tranquil, felicity, peaceful, bliss, pleasure, bounty, anything given as gift.

Naeemullah .Grace of Allah, bliss of Allah نعیم ال

Naef .Excess, surplus نیف

Nafasat .Refinement نفاست

Nafi ,Beneficial, advantageous نافعprofitable.

Nafis ,Refined, pure, choice, exquisite نفیسprecious, invaluable, costly.

Naib .Deputy نائب

Naif .Exalted, lofty, eminent, superior نائف

Nail .Winner, gainer نائل

Najah .Success نجاح

Najat .Rescue, salvation, deliverance نجات

Najeed .Highland نجید

Najeeh .Sound, good (opinion) نجیح

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Naji .Saved, liberated, safe ناجی

Najib نجیبExcellent, noble, distinguished, praiseworthy, generous, aristocratic.

Najib-ud-Din .Distinguished (person) of religion نجیب الدین

Najibullah .Distinguished (servant) of Allah نجیب ال

Najid .One who helps, supports ناجد

Najih .Successful, prosperous ناجح

Najillah Saved by Allah. An epithet of ناجی الProphet Nuh.

Najiullah .Intimate friend of Allah نجی ال

Najji .Intimate friend, bosom friend نجی

Najm .Star, planet نجم

Najmuddawlah .Star of the state نجم الدوله

Najmuddin .Star of the religion (Islam) نجم الدین

Nameer .Pure, clear, healthy, good نمیر

Namir .Leopard, tiger, panther نمر

Naqi .Pure, clean نقی

Naqib .President, head, chief نقیب

Naqib .Fault-finder ناقد

Naqit .Salih bin Aasim had this name ناقط

Naseer .Helper, protector, patron نصیر

Naseeruddin .Defender of the religion (Islam) نصیر الدین

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Nashat .Joy, Cheer نشاط

Nasheet ,Energetic, dynamic, lively, fresh نشیطvigorous.

Nashit ,Energetic, dynamic, lively, fresh ناشطvigorous.

Nashwan ںنشوا Elated, exalted, exuberant.

Nasib .Noble, highborn نسیب

Nasif .Just ناصف

Nasih .Adviser, counselor ناصح

Nasihuddin .Counselor of the religion (Islam) ناصح الدین

Nasim ,Gentle wind, fresh air, fragrant air نسیمzephyr, a cool breeze.

Nasim-ul-Haq .Breeze of the Truth i.e. Allah نسیم الحق

Nasimuddin .Breeze of the religion (Islam) نسیم الدین

Nasir .Helper, protector, defender ناصر

Nasiruddin .Defender of the faith (Islam) ناصر الدین

Nasr .Help, aid, support نصر

Nasri .Winner of victory after victory نصری

Nasruddin .Victory of the religion (Islam) نصرالدین

Nasrullah .Help of Allah نصرال

Natiq ,Endowed with speech, eloquent ناطقrational (being), spokesperson.

Naushad .Happy نوشاد

Naveed .Happy tidings, good news نوید

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Nawaz .One who caresses, soothes نواز

Nawfal Generous, old Arabic name for the نوفلsea.

Nayab .Rare, Precious نایاب

Nayyar Bright Star نیر

Nazakat .Delicacy نزاکت

Nazar A vow, promise made to God; a نذرgift, charity, votive offering.

Nazeer Warner, Prophet sent by Allah to نذیرwarn mankind, a courtier.

Nazif Pure, clean, innocent, neat and نظیفclean, chaste.

Nazih .Pure, virtuous, just, honest نزیه

Nazim ناظمOrganizer, governor, arranger, adjuster, administrator, director, a composer of verses.

Nazimuddin .Organizer of the religion (Islam) ناظم الدین

Nazir .Bright, radiant, blooming ناظر

Nazmi .Arranger, organizer نظمی

Nazzeer .Precedent, alike, equal to نظیر

Niaz Dependence نیاز

Nihal Prosperous نهال

Nimat ,Blessing, boon, favour, grace نعمتbounty, comforts of life.

Nimatullah .Blessing of Allah نعمت ال

Nisar .To strew, to sacrifice نثار

Nizal ,Striving, contest, competition نضالbattle.

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Nizam ,Order, arrangement, discipline نظامruler, system.

Nizam-ul-Mulk .The organization of the kingdom نظام الملک

Nizami .Of or relating to Nizam نظامی

Nizamuddin .Discipline of the religion (Islam) نظام الدین

Noor .Light, illumination. Allah's epithet نور

Noor Muhammad .Light of the Prophet Muhammad نور محمد

Noori .Light, luminous نوری

Nooruddin .Light of the religion (Islam) نورالدین

Noorul Absar .Light of vision نورالبصار

Noorul Ayn Light of the eye نورالعین

Noorul Haq .Light of the Truth i.e. Allah نورالحق

Noorul Huda دیھنورال Light of the right guidance (of Allah).

Noorullah .Light of Allah نورال

Nooruz Zaman ںنورالزما Light of the era.

Nooruzzaman ںنورالزما Light of the era.

Nuaym ,Diminutive of Naaim, gentle نعیمdelicate.

Nuaym نعیمOne of the narrators of Hadith was Abu Nuaym al-Nakhee; ibn Masood was a well-known companion by this name.

Nuh .Noah, name of Prophet of Allah نوح

Numan نعمانBlood; name of the kind of Hirah in Arabia, especially of the last, Numan bin Munzir, also name of a Sahabi (AS).

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Nusayb نصیبName of Ibn Rabah al-Thaqati a black slave who fought in the early wars of Islam.

Nusayr Ibn al-Farj al-Asaliyy a narrator of نصیرHadith had this name.

Nusrat .Help, aid, assistance, support نصرت

Nusratuddin .Help of the religion (Islam) نصرت الدین

Nuzayh .Pure, chaste نزیه

Parvez .Victorious, fortunate, happy پرویز

Pasha .Lord, honorific title پاشا

Pir .Saint, spiritual guide, wise پیر

Qabil .Son of Adam قابیل

Qadeer Able, powerful, mighty, one of the قدیرnames of Allah.

Qadim .Ancient قدیم

Qadir Able, capable, powerful, might. One قادرof the names of Allah.

Qahir رھقا Conqueror, subduer.

Qaid .Leader, commander قائد

Qaim Upright, independent, one who قائمperforms.

Qais ,Measure, measurement, firm قیسexample.

Qaiser .Caesar قیصر

Qamar The moon. Al-Qamar: title of 54th قمرsura of Quran.

Qamaruddin .Moon of the religion (Islam) قمرالدین

Qani .Content, Satisfied قانع

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Qanit ,Obedient, submissive, humble قانتGod-fearing.

Qareeb .Near قریب

Qaseem Distributor قسیم

Qasid .Messenger, courier قاصد

Qasidul Haq .Courier of the Truth i.e. Allah قاصدالحق

Qasim .Distributor, divider قاسم

Qatadah .Astragals, a hardwood tree قتاده

Qatawah A companion قتاوه

Qati'i Muhammad Ibn Yahya, a student of قطیعیHadith ahd this name.

Qawi Strong, powerful, firm, mighty. One قویof the names of Allah.

Qayyum Eternal, everlasting. An epithet قیومapplied to Allah.

Qazi .Judge, justice القاضی

Qismat .Fate, destiny قسمت

Qiwam .Support, prop قوام

Qiwamuddin .Support of the religion (Islam) قوام الدین

Qudamah A companio of the Prophet PBUH قدامهIbn Mazoon RA.

Quddoos قدوسHoly, most, pure, free from any defects. Al-Quddus, the All-holy: one of the names of Allah.

Qudrat .Power, might, strength قدرت

Qudratullah .Power of Allah قدرت ال

Quds .Holiness, sanctity قدس

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Qudsi .Holy, sacred قدسی

Qudus .Holiness, sanctity قدس

Qudwa .Model, example قدوه

Qurban Sacrifice, sacrifice on the occasion قربانof Eid-al-adha.

Qureshi Attributed to Quraish, the tribe of قریشیthe Prophet Muhammad.

Qusta قسطیHe was ibn Luqa. He translated works of philosophy, astronomy and geometry into Arabic for the Baytal Hikmah of Al-Mamun.

Qutaiba .Irritable, impatient قتیبه

Qutaybah Bin Saad bin Jamil a narrator of Hadith قتیبهhad this name.

Qutb .Leader, chief, pivot, axis, pole قطب

Qutbah Name of Ibn Maalik RA a comanion قطبهof the Prophet PBUH.

Qutbuddin .Leader of the religion (Islam) قطب الدین

Raafe A companion رافع

Raashid ,Major, Adult, Orthodox, Guided راشدIntelligent.

Raazi .Satisfied, contended, well-pleased راضی

Rab Lord, master. One of the names of ربAllah.

Rabah .Gain, profit رباح

Rabbani .Divine, from Allah ربانی

Rabi .Spring, springtime ربیع

Rabia .Fem. of Rabi ربیعه

Rabih .Winner, gainer رابح

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Rabit .Binding, Fastening رابط

Rafi ,High ranking, noble, eminent رفیعexalted, sublime.

Rafi-ud-Din Noble (person) of the religion رفیع الدین(Islam).

Rafid ,Tributary stream, affluent, helper رافدsupporter, aide.

Rafif .Glittering, shining, gleaming رفیف

Rafiq ,Associate, intimate friend رفیقcompanion.

Rafiqul Islam .Friend of Islam رفیق السلم

Ragheed .Comfort, opulence, affluence رغید

Raghib Willing, desirous, wishful, inclined راغبtowards anything.

Rahat .Rest, Repose, Peace راحت

Rahim رحیمMerciful, compassionate, kind. Al-Rahim, the most Merciful: one of the names of Allah.

Rahman نرحم Al-Rahman, the most Gracious; one of the names of Allah.

Rahmat ,Sympathy, mercy, compassion رحمتkindness.

Rahmatullah .Mercy of Allah رحمت ال

Rai ,Guardian, custodian, patron راعیprotector, sponsor.

Raid .Pioneer, explorer, leader, model رائد

Raiq .Pure, clear, tranquil, serene رائق

Rais ,Leader, chief, president, superior رئیسnobleman.

Raisuddin .Leader of the religion (Islam) رئیس الدین

Raja .Hope, wish رجاء

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Raja Al-Karim .Hope of the Kind رجاءالکریم

Rajab The seventh month of the Islamic رجبcalendar.

Raji .Hopeful, hoping, full of hope راجی

Rakhshan .Dazzling, Shining, Bright رخشان

Ramadan .Name of Islamic month of fasting رمضانMany people have this name.

Ramiz .One who indicates by signs رامز

Ramiz-ud-Din One who indicates by signs to the رامزالدینreligion (Islam).

Raqib Observer, guard. the watcher: one رقیبof the names of Allah.

Raqim Writer رقیم

Raseem .One who designs رسیم

Rashad ,To lead a righteous life, right guidance رشادintegrity of conduct.

Rashdan .Guidance. Name of a Sahabi RA رشدان

Rasheed رشیدWise, prudent, judicious, rightly guided. Al-Rasheed, the Right-minded: one of the names of Allah.

Rasheed-ud-Din .Wise (person) of the faith (Islam) رشیدالدین

Rashid .Right-minded, rightly-guided, pious راشد

Rashiduddin Rightly-guided (person) of the راشدالدینreligion (Islam).

Rashiq .Graceful, elegant رشیق

Rasikh ,Well-established, well-founded راسخstable, steady.

Rasim .Planner, designer راسم

Rasin .Calm, composed رصین

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Rasul .Messenger, messenger of Allah رسول

Ratib .Arranger راتب

Rauf وفٶر Merciful, kind, compassionate. Al-Rauf, the most Kind: one of the names of Allah.

Rawahah اھروا Departure, Fragrance, ease.

Rawh .Refreshment, Rest روح

Rawman رومان

Rawza GArden, Meadow, Paradise روضه

Rayhan ,Ease, fragrant herb, sweet basil ریحانcomfort.

Razeen -Sedate, Solemn, grave, Sober رزینMinded.

Razi .Satisfied, contended, pleased رضی

Razi-Ur-Rahman نرضی الرحم Pleasure of the Beneficent

Razin .Calm, composed, self-possessed رزین

Razzaq -Provider. Al-Razzaq, the All رزاقprovider: one of the names of Allah.

Rehan Scented ریحان

Reza ,Contentment, satisfaction رضاpleasure, approval, consent.

Rezaul Karim Satisfaction of the most Generous رضاءالکریم(Allah).

Rib'i ربعیIbn Ibrahim bin Muqasim al-Asadi, Ibn Jarash and Ibn Abdullah all had this name; they were narrators of Hadith.

Rifah Name of twenty three companions رفاعهof Muhammad.

Rifat ,High rank, high standing, dignity رفعتexaltation, eminence.

Riyasat .Rule, Dominion ریاست

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Riyaz .Pl. of Rawza, garden ریاض

Riyazul Islam ریاضالسلم

Gardens of Islam.

Riza -Pleasure, assent al-Sharif Abu al رضاءHasan Ibn-Tahir had this name.

Rizq Livelihood, subsistence, blessing of رزقAllah.

Rizq Allah .Livelihood from Allah رزق ال

Rizwaan رضوانSatisfaction contentment, happiness, pleasure, name of the Keeper of the gates of Jannah (Paradise).

Ronaq .Lustre رهنق

Rooh .Spirit, soul روح

Roohul Amin Spirit of the faithful, spirit of the روح المینreliable; an epithet of Jibreel.

Roohullah Spirit of Allah. An epithet of Prophet روح الIsa.

Roshan .Bright, Shining روشن

Ruhul Haq Spirit of the truth. An epithet of the روح الحقProphet Muhammad.

Ruhul Qudus Spirit of the holy. Epithet of Jibreel روح القدوسi.e. Gabriel.

Rukanah رکانهFirm, solid; Ibn Abd Yazid was RA a companion of the Prophet PBUH and he had this name.

Rukhailah Female sheep. Name of a Sahabi رخیلهwho took part in the battle of Badr.

Rukn .Pillar, prop, support رکن

Ruknud Din .Pillar of the religion (Islam) رکن الدین

Rushd .Right guidance رشد

Rustam رستمThe most renowned hero among the Persians, hero of the Persian epic Shahnama.

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Ruwayfi .Exalted رویفع

Ruwwad ,Pioneers, explorers, guides, leaders روادmodels; pl. of Raid.

Sa'dan .Happy, fortunate سعدان

Sa'id Ibn Al-Hasan Ar. Raba'ee a narrator صاعدof Hadith.

Sa'irah .Walking سائره

Saad ,Good luck, good fortune, success سعدhappiness, prosperity, lucky.

Saadat ,Prosperity, happiness, good fortune سعادتauspiciousness.

Saadi ,Happy, lucky, blissful fortunate سعدیname of a great Persian poet.

Saaduddin .Success of the religion (Islam) سعدالدین

Saadullah .Joy of Allah سعدال

Saafi .Pure, clear, crystal صافی

Saami ,Eminent, exalted, high-minded سامیsublime.

Saamir .Fruit-bearing, fruitful, productive ثامر

Sabah .Morning صباح

Sabahat .Beauty, Grace, Handsomeness صباحت

Sabat ,Firmness, stability, certainty ثابتendurance, boldness, truth.

Sabeeh Beautiful, handsome, one with a صبیحfair complexion.

Sabeer .Patient, tolerant صبیر

Sabih .Coming or arrival in the morning صابح

Sabiq .First, winner سابق

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Sabir .Patient, tolerant صابر

Sabit .Strong, well-established, certain, sure ثابت

Saboor .Patient, tolerant, forbearing صبور

Sabuh .Shining, brilliant صبوح

Saburah Ibn Abdul Aziz a narrator of Hadith سبرهhad this name.

Sadaat ساداتPrinces, lords, chiefs title of the Prophet Muhammad's director descendents.

Sadaqat .Truth صداقت

Sadeem .Haze, Mist سدیم

Sadid ,Correct, right, sound, appropriate سدیدunerring, hitting the target.

Sadiq ,True, truthful, honest, sincere صادقdevoted, faithful, veracious.

Sadooq ,Honest, truthful, sincere صدوقtrustworthy.

Sadr صدرChest, breast, forefront, start, dawn, bosom, the highest part, prime.

Sadruddin Person at forefront of the faith صدرالدین(Islam).

Saduh .Singer, singing صدوح

Saeed ,Fortune, auspicious, venerable سعیدdignified, happy, lucky.

Saeeduz Zaman ںسعیدالزما Luckiest of the age.

Safdar .Brave, a violent warrior صفدر

Safeenah .Ship سفینه

Saffah .Killer, blood shedder سفاح

Saffar Abu Ali Ism ail, an authority for صفارHadith had this name; died 952.

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Safi .Pure, just, righteous, pious صفی

Safir .Ambassador, mediator, intercessor سفیر

Safiuddin .The pure (one) of the faith (Islam) صفی الدین

Safiullah .The pure (one) of Allah صفی ال

Safiyy .Chosen One صفی

Safulmulk .Sword of the kingdom سیف الملک

Safwan Pure, clear, smooth stone, cloudless صفوانday.

Safwan .Rock صفوان

Saghir .Small, young, slender, tender صغیر

Saghir Ali .Little Ali صغیرعلی

Sahab .Clouds سحاب

Sahar .Time before day break; bewtich سحر

Sahib .Companion, freind صاحب

Sahir رھسا Wakeful.

Sahl لھس Soft, soil, smooth, smile. facile, easy, even.

Sahm مھس Arrow, dart.

Saib .Foresaken, abondaned سائب

Said .Rising, ascending صاعد

Saif .Sword سیف

Saifuddin .Sword of the religion (Islam) سیف الدین

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Saiful Baari .Sword of the Creator سیف الباری

Saiful Islam .Sword of Islam سیف السلم

Saifullah سیف الSword of Allah. Title of honour awarded to Khalid Bin Walid by the Prophet Muhammad.

Saim .Fasting صائم

Sair .Walking, going on foot سائر

Saji ساجیAbu Yahya had this name, a scholar and jurist who studied with the disciples of al-Shafaee.

Sajid Prostrate in worship, bowing in ساجدadoration to Allah.

Sajidur Rahman


One who prostrates to the Merciful (Allah).

Sajjad سجادOne who constantly prostrates, worshiper of Allah, worshipper engaged in sujud (prostration) before Allah.

Sakha .Generosity, liberality سخاء

Sakhawat .Generosity, liberality سخاوت

Sakhr Rock; Bin Wadaah RA was a سخرcompanion of the Prophet PBUH.

Sakhrah .Rock(s) صخره

Salabah B. Abdullah was a narrator of ثعلبهHadith.

Salabat .Strong, majesty, dignity, awe صلبت

Salah صلحPiety, righteousness, honesty, goodness, peace, concord, treaty, rectitude.

Salah-ud-Din .Rectitude of the faith (Islam) صلح الدین

Salam سلمPeace, safety, security. Al-Salam, the All-peaceable: one of the names of Allah.

Salama .Peace; fem. of Salam سلمه

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Salamat ,Safety, security, soundness سلمتintegrity.

Salamatullah .Security of Allah سلمت ال

Saleem ,Sound, affable, healthy, guarded, perfect سلیمcomplete, safe, secure.

Saleemullah .Soundest (servant) of Allah سلیم ال

Saleemuz Zaman ںسلیم الزما Soundest (servant) of the time.

Saleet .Shar-tongued سلیط

Salif .Previous, Former سالف

Salih ,Pious, righteous, upright, just صالحvirtuous, devoted, chaste.

Salik .Traveler, wayfarer سالک

Salil .Drawn (sword), scion, son سلیل

Salim .Safe, sound, perfect, complete سالم

Salit .Strong, solid, firm, sharp سلیط

Salman سلمانSafe, mild, affable, perfect, name of a sahabi i.e. companion of the Prophet Muhammad.

Salt Ibn Bahram, a narrator of Hadith صلتhad this name.

Samad صمدEternal, high, Al-Samad, the Everlasting: one of the names of Allah.

Samah -Generosity, bounty, good سماحheartedness.

Saman .Price, Worth ثمن

Samar .Fruit, Outcome ثمر

Sameen .Precious, invaluable ثمین

Sameer سمیرCompanion (in nightly conversation), entertainer (with stories, music etc.).

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Sami -Hearing, listening. Al-Sami, the All سمیعHearing: one of the names of Allah.

Samih ,Magnanimous, generous, king سمیحforgiving, good-hearted.

Samim ,Sincere, genuine, pure, true, essence صمیمheart.

Samin .Valuable, precious, priceless ثمین

Samir .Entertainer سامر

Samit .Quiet صامت

Sammak Abu al-Abbas Muhammad Ibn Sabih سماکhad this name.

Samsaam .Sword; name: Samsaamuddin صمصام

Samurah .Name of a distinguished Sahabi RA سمره

Sana .Praise, commendation, eulogy ثناء

Sanad .Support, prop سند

Sanaubar .A cone-bearing tree, fir, Pne صنوبر

Sanaullah .Praise of Allah ثناءال

Sanie ,Brilliant, majestic, exalted سنیeminent, splendid.

Saqaf .To surpass in skill ثقف

Saqib ,Penetrating, piercing, sharp-witted ثاقبsagacious, astute, acute.

Saqif .Proficient, skilful ثقیف

Sardar .Chief, noble man, officer of rank سردار

Sarkar .Chief, overseer سرکار

Sarmad .Everlasting سرمد

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Sarwar .Leader, chief, master سرور

Sarwat .Wealth, Fortune, riches ثروت

Sattar :Veiler (of sin). Al-Sattar, the veiler of sin ستارone of the names of Allah.

Sauban .Two garments ثوبان

Saud ,Fortunate, pious, auspicious سعودprosperous.

Saulat .Pomp, dignity, majesty صولت

Sawa .Equal, same سواء

Sawad .Blackness, Skill سواد

Sayfiyy .Concerning sword سیفی

Sayhan .Flowing سیحان

Sayyar .Mobile, constantly one the move سیار

Sayyid .Lord, master, chief سید

Seema .Mein, Expression, Countenance سیما

Shaafi .Intercessor, mediator شافی

Shabab .Youth شباب

Shabah .Resembling شابه

Shaban Eighth lunar month. It is a month of شعبانreligious significance for Muslims.

Shabb .Young شاب

Shabbar شبرSon of the Prophet Harun, by which name Muhammad is said to have called his grandson Hasan.

Shabbir شبیرSon of Prophet Harun, by which name Muhammad is said to have called his grandson Husain.

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Shabeeh .Resembling شبیه

Shabi ,A leading scholar of his time شعبیespecially for the Hadith.

Shabib A scholar who wrote about spelling in the شبیبQuran, Ibn Shabib.

Shad .Happy شاد

Shadan .Happy شادان

Shadi .Singer شادی

Shafaat ,Intercession, mediation شفاعتrecommendation.

Shafay .Intercessor, mediator شافع

Shafee .Intercessor, mediator شفیع

Shafiq شفیقAffectionate, compassionate, tender, kind-hearted friend, warm-hearted.

Shafqat ,Compassion, pity, kindness شفقتtenderness.

Shaguftah .Blooming, Happy شگفته

Shah King, emperor. Title assumed by شاهfakirs i.e. mystics.

Shah Alam .King of the world شاه عالم

Shah Jahan انھشاه ج King of the world.

Shah Nawaz .Friend of king شاه نواز

Shahadat ادتھش Testimony, evidence, fundamental belief in Islam.

Shahan انھشا Kings; pl. of Shah, king.

Shahan Shah ان شاهھشا King of kings.

Shahbaz ,Royal falcon, royal, generous شاهبازnoble.

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Shaheed یدھش Present, witness, martyr in the cause of Islam and as such held in very high esteem and honour.

Shaheen ینھشا Royal, white falcon; the needle of the beam of scales.

Shaheer یرھش Well-known.

Shahid دھشا Witness, angel.

Shahiq قھشا High, towering, lofty, tall.

Shahir رھشا Famous, eminent, renowned.

Shahrukh .Concerning monarchy شاه رخ

Shahzada .Prince شاه زاده

Shaibaan Grayness, senility, old age. Name of شیبانa Sahabi RA.

Shaida Greatly Attached شیدا

Shaikh Chief, an experienced man, an old شیخman.

Shaikhul Islam .Leader of Islam شیخ السلم

Shajee .Bold, Courageous شجیع

Shaji .Courageous, bold, brave, fearless شجیع

Shakib Patient شکیب

Shakil ,Well formed, handsome, comely شکیلwell-shaped.

Shakir .Thankful, grateful, contented شاکر

Shakur شکورThankful, most grateful, one who gives due appreciation. Al-Shakur, the All-thankful; one of the names of Allah.

Shamim Fragrant, scent, a sweet-smelling شمیمbreeze.

Shammas شماسA companion of the Prophet PBUH, bin Usman al-Makhzumi RA, who was martyred at Badr.

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Shams .The sun شمس

Shams .Sun شمس

Shams-ud-Din .Son of the religion (Islam) شمس الدین

Shams-ul-Haq The sun of truth شمس الحق

Shamshad .Box-tree شمشاد

Shamsheer .Sword شمشیر

Shamsudduha شمس

الضحی Son of forenoon.

Shamsuzzaman ںشمس الزما Sun of the age.

Shamuel Banu Israil Prophet شمیوئل

Shan .Dignity, Spendour شان

Shaqeeq Real; brother; name of a Sahabi شقیقRA; part, half, piece, brother.

Sharaf شرفNobility, high rank, eminence, honour distinction, honour, glory, dignity.

Sharafat .Honour, nobleness شرافت

Sharafuddin .Honour of the religion (Islam) شرف الدین

Sharaheel ,Ibn Abdul Hameed had this name شراحیلhe was a narrator of Hadith.

Shareeh A companion شریح

Shareek .Associate شریک

Shariat .Divine law, Islamic Law شریعت

Shariatullah .Divine law of Allah شریعت ال

Sharif ,Noble, honourable, highborn شریفeminent.

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Sharifuddin Noble (person) of the religion شریف الدین(Islam).

Shariq .Radiant, Bright شارق

Shaukat شوکتPower, might, valour, dignity, magnificence, grandeur, pomp, power.

Shaybah .Grey haired, Old شیبه

Shayban .Grey-haired, aged شیبان

Shehryar ریارھش Friend of the city.

Sher .Lion, An epithet of Kahlifa Ali شیر

Shibl .Lion cub شبل

Shibli Mawlana Shibli Numani was a great شبلیScholar and writer.

Shifa .Cure شفاء

Shihab ابھش Flame, meteor, shooting star, star.

Shihabuddin اب الدینھش Meteor of the religion (Islam).

Shiqdar شقدارLand tax collector during the Muslim rule in India, now a family title.

Shua ,Ray of the sun, sunshine, light شعاعluster, splendour.

Shuaib .A Prophet (see surat al-Araaf 7:88) شعیب

Shubool .Lion cubs; pl. of Shibl شبول

Shuhrat رتھش Fame, renown.

Shuja .Courageous, bold, brave شجاع

Shujaat .Courage, bravery, valour شجاعت

Shujauddin Brave (person) of the religion شعاع الدین(Islam).

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Shujauddin Brave (person) of the religion شجاع الدین(Islam).

Shukr .Thanks, gratitude, gratefulness شکر

Shuqran .Blondness, fair شقران

Shurahbeel Ibn Shurayk, a narrator of Hadith شرحبیلwas known by this name.

Shurayh Bin Artah al-Nakhee, a narrator of شریحHadith had this name.

Shuraym .Split, Cleavage شریم

Siddiq ,Righteous, very truthful, hones صدیقsincere.

Siddique .Friend, companion صدیق

Siddiqui صدیقیAttributed to the first Khalifa Abu Bakr Al-Siddiq (d.634) through ancestry.

Siddiqullah The truthful (one) to Allah. An صدیق الepithet of Prophet Yusuf.

Siham امھس Arrows; pl. of Sahm.

Sikandar .Alexander سکندر

Silah .Arms, armour, weapons سلح

Silahuddin .Armour of the religion (Islam) سلح الدین

Silm .Peace سلم

Simak .Arcturus (Star) سماک

Sinan سنانSpear. Umm Sinan: a sahaabia i.e. a woman who lived in Prophet Muhammad's time.

Sinanuddin .Spear of the religion (Islam) سنان الدین

Siraj .Lamp, light, the sun, candle سراج

Sirajud Dawlah .Lamp of the state سراج الدوله

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Sirajuddin .Lamp of the religion (Islam) سراج الدین

Siwar .Bracelet, Arm-ring سوار

Slaeet .Sharp-tongued سلیط

Somood ,Steadfastness, firmness ثمودendurance.

Souban A companion, Returning ثوبان

Subah .Beautiful, graceful صباح

Subahuddin Beautiful (person) of the religion صباح الدین(Islam).

Subaih Beautiful. Name of Sahabi who took صبیحpart in the battle of Badr.

Subayah .Handsome, Comely صبیح

Subbooh .Extremely pure; Allah's attribute سبوحName: Abdus-Subbooh.

Subhan Praise, glory. Al-Subhaan, the سبحانGlory: one of the names of Allah.

Subhi .Pertaining to morning صبحی

Sufi A mystic, someone believing in Sufi صوفیmysticism.

Sufian سفیانShip builder. Abu Sufian: name of a companion of the Prophet Muhammad.

Suhaib یبھص Of reddish hair or complexion.

Suhail یلھس Canopus, the second brightest star in the sky.

Suhaili یلیھس A companion

Suhrab رابھس Son of the Iranian epic hero Rustam.

Sulaiman A Prophet, the biblical Solomon, son سلیمانof Prophet Dawood.

Sulayk .Traveller, Walker سلیک

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Sulayt .Dominant, Strong سلیط

Sultan ,King, emperor, ruler, authority سلطانpower. Title of a Muslim king.

Sumamah .Millet (Plant) ثمامه

Suraqah .Thief سراقه

Surayj سریجIbn Yunus al-Marwazi, a jurist and authority on the Hadith had this name.

Surraq Thieves, name of a distinguished سراقSahabi RA.

Suwaybit Roof over path, alley between سویبطhouses.

Suwayd .Black سوید

Taai .Obedient, willing طاءع

Taban .Resplendent, Glittering تابان

Tabassum .Smile تبسم

Tabish .Heat, Brilliancy تابش

Tafazzul ,Courteousness, favour kindness تفضلbeneficence.

Tafazzul Husain .Favour of Husain تفضل حسین

Taha طهMystic letters at the beginning of Surat Taha, from which the sura derives its title.

Tahawwur ورھت Rashness.

Tahir رھطا Virtuous, pure, pious, modest, clean, chest.

Tahmid -Praising Allah, saying Al تحمیدHamdulillah.

Tahoor ورھط Purity.

Tahsin ,Adornment, ornament, decoration تحسینembellishment, betterment.

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Taib .Repentant, penitent تائب

Taif .Vision, specter طیف

Taifur Rahman طیفنالرحم

Vision of the Merciful i.e. Allah.

Taimullah .Servant of Allah تیم ال

Taisir ,Making easy, facilitating تیسیرsimplification.

Taj .Crown تاج

Taj Bakhsh .King maker تاج بخش

Tajammul .Dignity, Magnificence, Pomp تجمل

Tajammul Husain .Adornment of Hussain تجمل حسین

Tajuddin .Crown of the religion (Islam) تاج الدین

Tajul Islam .Crown of Islam تاج السلم

Talal طللBeing pleasant, nice, admirable, agreeable, joy, a beautiful.. form or appearance.

Talat .Appearance, countenance طلعت

Talha طلحهName of a Sahabi (R.A.) i.e. a companion of the Prophet Muhammad.

Tali .Rising. Ascending, going up طالع

Talib .Student, seeker, pursuer طالب

Talim .Education, instruction تعلیم

Taloot Commander of Banu-Israil's Army طالوت

Tamanna .Wish, desire تمنا

Tamim .Generalization تعمیم

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Tamir Rich or abounding in dates, date تامرseller.

Tamiz ,Distinction, distinguishing تمیزjudgment discrimination.

Tamiz-ud-Din .Distinction of the religion (Islam) تمیزالدین

Tamjid .Praise, glorification, extolment تمجید

Tamkeen .Dignity, Gravity تمکین

Tanvir .Illumination, blossoming تنویر

Tanzil .Revelation, sending down تنزیل

Tanzilur Rahman نتنزیل الرحم Revelation of the merciful (Allah).

Taqi .God fearing, devout, pious تقی

Taqiuddin God-fearing (person) of the religion تقی الدین(Islam).

Tarannum .Singing ترنم

Tarif .Rare, uncommon, strange, curious طریف

Tariq .Nocturnal visitor طارق

Tarub .Lively, gleeful, merry طروب

Tasadduq .Beneficence, benevolence تصدق

Tasadduq Husain .Benevolence of Husain تصدق حسین

Tasawwar .Idea, conception تصور

Taseen .A name of the Prophet PBUH طاسین

Taslim .Greeting, salutation تسلیم

Tasneem .A heavenly fountain تسنیم

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Tawbah Repentance; Ibn Mudarras had this توبهname.

Tawfiq ,Prosperity, good luck, good-fortune توفیقsuccess (granted by Allah).

Tawhid .Belief in the unity of Allah توحید

Tawoos سٶطا Peacock.

Tawqir .Honour, great respect, high regard توقیر

Tawseef .Praise توصیف

Tawwab توابMerciful, forgiving. Al-Tawwab, the All-compassionate: one of the names of Allah.

Tayyib ,Good, good-natured, generous, sweet طیبpure, chaste, good-tempered.

Tazim .Glorification, exaltation, honour تعظیم

Tazimuddin .Glorification of the religion (Islam) تعظیم الدین

Tihami امیھت A title of the Prophet PBUH.

Tirmizi الترمزیAbu Isa Muhammad al-Tirmidhi (824-92): compiler of the one collection of Prophet Muhammad.

Tooba .Good news طوبی

Tufail Intercession, mediation, diminutive طفیلof Tifl, baby.

Turab .Soil, dust تراب

Ubadah عبادهName of a prominent Sahabi i.e. companion of the Prophet Muhammad.

Ubaid ,Diminutive of Abd, small servant عبیدservant of lower rank.

Ubaidah .Servant of God عبیده

Ubaidullah .Lowly servant of the Allah عبیدال

Ubayy .Bin Kab RA had this name ابی

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Uhban بانھا Ibn Aws al-Aslani RA, a companion of the prophet PBUH, had this name.

Ukkashah .Web, Cobweb, Spider web عکاشه

Ula علی High rank, prestige, glory.

Ulfat .Love, affection, familiarity, intimacy الفت

Umar عمرThe meaning of 'Umar' is linked with 'Aamir', prosperous, full of life, large, substantial.

Umarah .An old Arabic name عماره

Umayr .Residents, Populace عمیر

Umayyah Bin Bistam al-Eeshi, a narrator of امیهHadith was known by this name.

Umdah .Support عمده

Umdatuddawlah .Support of the state عمدهالدوله

Unays .Friendly انیس

Uqba عقبهName of an illustrious Sahabi i.e. companion of the prophet Muhammad.

Urmia A Biblical Prophet ارمیا

Urooj .Ascension, mounting, rising عروج

Urwah .Name of A Prominent Sahabi i.e عروهcompanion of the Prophet Muhammad.

Usaid .Small lion, diminutive form of Asad اسید

Usama اسامهLion. Name of well-known Sahabi i.e. companion of the Prophet Muhammad.

Usman عثمانThe young of a lark, a beautiful pen, name of the third Caliph of Islam.

Utbah عتبهThreshhold. Bin Ghazwan was a narrator of Hadith who had this name.

Uwais Uways Qarni was the one of whom اویسthe Prophet PBUH foretold his people that he would be the one

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cured of leprosy.

Uwaym ;A float, buoyant عویم

Uzair ..A Prophet, the biblical Ezra عزیز

Waali والیThe Governor; He who directs; manages; conducts; governs; measure.

Wabisah .Bin Ma'bad RA had this name وابصه

Wadi .Calm, peaceful ودیع

Wadood ودودLover, warm-hearted, affectionate, friend, beloved. Al-Wadood, the All-loving: one of the names of Allah.

Wafa .Faithfulness, fidelity وفا

Wafai ێوفا Associated with faithfulness, fidelity, loyalty, faith.

Wafi ,True, trustworthy, reliable, perfect وفیcomplete.

Wafiq .Companion, friend, successful وفیق

Wahab بھو Gift, grant, donation.

Wahb بھو Donation, grant, gift, inherent.

Wahban بانھو related to Wahb.

Waheed ,Unique, matchless, singular وحیدunparalleled.

Wahhab ابھو Donor, grantor. Al-Wahhab, the All-giver: one of the names of Allah.

Wahhaj اجھو Shining, illuminated.

Wahid ,One, unique, matchless. Al-Wahid واحدthe one: one of he names of Allah.

Wahiduddin Unique (manifestation) of the وحید الدینreligion (Islam).

Wahiduzzaman ںوحیدالزما Unique (person) of the age.

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Wail .Coming back (for shelter) وائل

Waiz .Admonisher, preacher واعظ

Wajahat تھوجا Comely, dignity, elevated position.

Wajid .Finder, lover واجد

Wajih ھوجی Noble, honoured, well-esteemed, illustrious.

Wakalat .Advocacy, Agency وکالت

Wakee .Bin al-Jarrah had this name وکیع

Wakil ,Advocate, representative وکیلcounselor, attorney, agent.

Wali ولیPrince, guardian, protector, friend, saint. Al-Waliy, the Protector: one of the names of Allah.

Walid ولیدNewborn, newborn child, nascent, new, boy, son. Name of a Sahabi i.e. companion of the Prophet Muhammad.

Waliullah .Friend of Allah ولی ال

Wallad ولدAbu Al-Abbas al-Tamimi had this name. He was a grammarian of Basrah and egypt.

Waqar ,Majesty, veneration, dignity وقارgracefulness.

Waqas A companion, Warlike وقاص

Waqid Bin Abdullah al Tamimi RA was a واقدcompanion of the Prophet PBUH.

Waqif .Acquainted, aware واقف

Waraqah .Leaf ورقه

Warid .Arriving, Descending, Incoming وارد

Waris وارثHeir, inheritor, successor. Al-Waris, the Inheritor: one of the names of Allah.

Warqa .to do with paper, leaf ورقاء

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Waseef .Page, Valet (domestic) servant وصیف

Waseeq .Solid, strong, secure وثیق

Wasi واسعBroad-minded, liberal, learned, capacious, ample. scholarly. Al-Wasi, the All-embracing: one of the names of Allah.

Wasi An executor; administrator (of a وصیwill), preceptor.

Wasif Eulogiser, Praiser واصف

Wasil .Incoming, Arriving, Connected واصل

Wasilah .Bin al-Asqa RA had this name واثله

Wasim .Handsome, beautiful, graceful وسیم

Wasimuddin Handsome (person) of the religion وسیم الدین(Islam).

Wasiq .Confident, sure, certain واثق

Wazir Minister, vizier, an adviser or وزیرcounsel to the king.

Wilayat .Custody, guardianship ولیه

Wuhayb یبھو Something bestowed.

Ya'la .Hight یعلء

Yaamin .Blessed, auspicious یامین

Yaasoob Ali's Title یعسوب

Yaeesh Bin al-Jahm was a narrator of یعیشHadith.

Yafi افعے Bin Aamir had this name; he was a narrator of Hadith.

Yaghnam bin Salim Bin Qamber (Qanber) a یغنمnarrator of Hadith had this name.

Yahya یحیی To love, will live. A Prophet, the biblical John, son of Prophet Zakaria.

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Yamin .Right, right side, right hand یمین

Yaqeen .Belief یقین

Yaqoob A Prophet, the biblical Jacob, son of یعقوبProphet Ishaq.

Yaqoot .Ruby, sapphire, topaz یاقوت

Yaqzan .Vigilant, awake, on the alert یقظان

Yar .Friend یار

Yar Muhammad .Friend of the Prophet Muhammad یارمحمد

Yasar .Prosperity, wealth, affluence, ease یسار

Yasin یاسینThe opening letters of the first verse of surat Ya Sin (36:1). An epithet of the Prophet Muhammad.

Yasir .Easy, wealthy, affluent یاسر

Yasrib Former name of the city of یثربMadinah.

Yawar .Helping یاور

Yazeed A companion of the Prophet یزید

Yuhannis The name of the Freed slave of یحنسZubayr.

Yumn .Happiness یمن

Yunus .A Prophet, the biblical Jonah یونس

Yusr یسرEase, Convenience; Ibn Abdullah had this name; he was a narrator of Hadith.

Yusri .Easy یسری

Yusuf A Prophet, the biblical Joseph, son of یوسفProphet Yaqub i.e. Jacob.

Za'ir .Visitor, guest زائر

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Zaahir رھزا A blooming flower, a bright and shining colour, lofty.

Zaakir Rememberer of Allah ذاکر

Zabba ضبهLatch, door lock; Name of some people for instance, of ibn-Mihsin, a memeber of the exedition of Abu Musa.

Zafar .Victory, triumph ظفر

Zafeer .Of firm and resolute intention ظفیر

Zafir .Victorious, winner ظافر

Zaheer یرھز Blooming, shining, luminous.

Zaheer یرھظ Helper, supporter, protector, patron.

Zaheeruddawlah یرالدولهھظ Helper of the religion (Islam).

Zaheeruddin یرالدینھظ Helper of the religion (Islam).

Zahhaak ضحاکA person who laughs most. Name of a Sahabi who participated in the battle of Badr.

Zahi یھزا Beautiful, brilliant, glowing.

Zahid دھزا Devout, ascetic. One who renounces the world and is fully devoted to Allah.

Zahin ینھذ Sagacious, intelligent.

Zahir رھظا Apparent, evident, one of the attributes of Allah.

Zaid زیدAbundance, increase, increment, superabundance, addition, excess, surplus.

Zaim .Leader, chief زعیم

Zaimuddin .Leader of the religion (Islam) زعیم الدین

Zain ,Beautiful, pretty, beauty, grace زینornament, honour.

Zainuddin .Grace of the religion (Islam) زین الدین

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Zainul Abidin Ornament of the worshippers (of زین العابدینAllah).

Zaka Intelligent ذکا

Zakariya Zachariah - A Prophet زکریا

Zakawan ذکوانAbu Salih as Saman az-Ziyat had this name; he was a narrator of Hadith.

Zaki .Pure, sinless, chaste زکی

Zakiuddin Pure (person) of the religion زکی الدین(Islam).

Zaman .Time, age, era زمان

Zaman Shah .King of the sage زمان شاه

Zamil .Companion, friend زمیل

Zamin One who stands surety for another ضامنone who helps.

Zamir .Heart, mind, conscience ضمیر

Zamiruddin .Heart of the religion (Islam) ضمیرالدین

Zamurah Sparkle of light, fire; Name of ضمرهcompanion.

Zamzam ضمضمAbu-Zamzam was the name of Al-Madini, a man of an early Islam, about him amusing enecdotes were told.

Zarif .Elegant, witty, graceful ظریف

Zaydan .Growth and increase زیدان

Zaytoon .Olive (Tree/fruit) زیتون

Zeeshan Pompous ذیشان

Zhobin .Kind of spear ژوبین

Zia .Light, glow, illumination, splendour ضیاء

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Ziauddin .Light of the religion i.e. Islam ضیاءالدین

Ziaul Haq .Light of the Truth i.e. Allah ضیاءالحق

Ziaur Rahman نضیاءالرحم Light of the most Gracious i.e. Allah.

Zihni نیھذ Intellectual, cerebral.

Zill .Shadow, shade ظل

Zillullah .Shadow of Allah ظل ال

Zillur Rahman نظل الرحم Shadow of the Merciful i.e. Allah.

Ziyad .Increase, addition, surplus زیاد

Ziyada .Increase, addition, surplus, plenty زیاده

Ziyadatullah .Surplus bestowed by Allah زیادت ال

Zohoor ورھظ Appearance, ostentation.

Zohoorul Bari ورالباریھظ ostentation of the Creator i.e. Allah

Zubaid The diminutive of zubd, meaning زبیدcream, butter etc..

Zubair Diminutive of Zubrah, small piece of زبیرiron, a brave and wise person.

Zufar .Lion, a brave person, an army زفر

Zuha یضح Forenoon.

Zuhair یرھز Small flower.

Zuhoor ورھظ Fame, splendour, emergence.

Zuka .The sun, dawn, morning ذکا

Zukauddin .Sun of the religion (Islam) ذکاءالدین

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Zukaullah .Sun of Allah ذکاءال

Zukaur Rahman نذکاءالرحم Sun of Rahman i.e. Allah.

Zul Kifl .A Prophet of Allah ذوالکفل

Zul Qarnayn ذوالقرنین"Owner of the two horns" i.e. world conqueror, epithet of a just king mentioned in the Quran.

Zulaym Ibn-Hutayt was a narrator of Hadith ظلیمwith this name.

Zulfaqar ذوالفقارThe cleaver of vertebrae. Name of a sword presented to Ali (R.A.) by Muhammad.

Zunnoon ذوالنون'Lord of the fish', an epithet of Prophet Yunus i.e. Jonah who was swallowed by a big fish and later rescued by the grace of Allah.

Zushimalain .Name of a Sahabi RA ذوالشمالین

Zuti Name of the grandfather of Imam Abu زوطیHanifah