nano coating- pearl bulletproof.ppt

Super-Hydrophobic Ceramic & Waterproof Nano Coatings - Global Opportunities Available 866-285-1051 Powered by Repair, Improve & Prolong Car’s Surface Life Coatings Helps to maintain important surface and to accelerate drying. orce pushes water and anything in it away. Helps increased hydrophobicity and alter the wetting properties.

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Post on 16-Aug-2015




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Super-Hydrophobic Ceramic & Waterproof Nano Coatings - Global Opportunities Available !!-"#-$%#$Powered by Davesurf.comRepair, Improve & ProlongCars Surface LifeCoaingsHelps to maintain important surface and to accelerate drying.Force pushes water and anything in it away.Helps increased hydrophobicity and alter the wetting properties.P!"RL #$LL!%PR&&'Pearl BulletProof is an easy to use package containingnanobasedtechnologiesto improveandprotecteveryaspectofacar. FromwindshieldstoenginesPearl'sgoal was to develop an afordable superior auto body coating. allus!"el#$%&''()&*(%+*%or,(mail# -ave! ()a is Pearl #ulleproof Coaing* PigmentPigmentareuseddecorativelyascolorantorfunctionalasanticorrosionor magnetic pigment. Binder The binder bonds the pigment particles to each other and to the substrate. Additives-Substancesaddedinsmallproportiontocoatingcompositiontomodifyor improved properties Fillers -Mostly used to extend the volume (low price! to confer or to improve technical properties. Solvent "i#uid consists of several components and dissolved binders without chemical reaction.Componen of Coaing /anocoatingarecoatingthatproducedbyusageof somecomponentsatnanoscaletoobtaindesired properties. /anocoatingscanbecategori0edasnanocrystalline1 multilayercoatingswithindividuallayerthicknessof nanometers1 and nanocomposites. /anostructuredcoatingsofergreatpotentialfor various applications due to their superiorcharacteristics that are not typically found inconventional coatings.()a is +anocoaing*2uckland 3niversity have discovered that the fouling of vessels by marine creatures is greatly increased by the underwater sounds generated by the vessels themselves.Fouling of hulls is a ma4or problem for world shipping.Application of antifouling paint to a ship hullCoaing SysemCoaing SysemHow -oes /ano oatings Helpful5/ano oatings helps to maintain important surface and to accelerate drying./anoparticles helps increased hydrophobicity and alter the wetting properties.6n a surface treating with nanoparticles water cannot adhere and at the molecular level is not in contact with the surface at all. "his molecular force pushes water and anything in it away.7ince%88&19havebeeninvolvedwith waterlesscarwashproduct:carcleaning businessventures.9havecleanedmanycars andhavesoldmillionsofdollarsworthof waterless; car care productsarketer1 Business oach1 Podcaster : Aaterless ar Aash PioneerConac $s +owall us ! "el# $% &''()&*(%+*% or ,(mail# -ave! Sources,ch-11-nanocoating-presentation.ppt - WordPress.com