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  • 7/30/2019 Nano Technology Pitt









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  • 7/30/2019 Nano Technology Pitt



    The discoveries, which have been emerged from the tender minds of young scientists in

    20th century, had led too much innovative ideas. One such idea is applying the concept of

    Nanotechnology in the fields of nanorobots. This technology if handled safely can make

    the world without famines, air without toxic gases and many more. This technology

    mainly concerns with the atomic level and so the atom or molecule can be molded to any

    required state by just changing the atomic position . While the notion of 'science' has often

    been contrasted with that of 'technology'--the first referring to the building of theory and

    the second referring to the application of this theory--such a distinction may be blurred in

    the case of nanoscience and nanotechnology.

    This paper is mainly deals about Nanomedicine and some of its applications namely

    nanorobots and NASA. Nanomedicine is the application of nanotechnology i.e.

    engineering of tiny machines which is used for the prevention and treatment of diseases

    in human body. Nanomedicine has potential to change medical science dramatically in

    twenty first century.


    1. Introduction and definition.

    2. Carbon Nanotubes.

    3. Concepts of Nanotechnology.

    4. Nanotechnology at NASA.

    5. Nanomedicine.

    6. Nano in cancer treatment.

    7. Future of Nanotechnology.

    8. Conclusion.

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    Nano is a Greek prefix that defines the smallest (1000 times smaller than

    micrometer) natural structures. It is building with indent &design, molecule by molecule,

    these two things.

    Incredibly advanced extremely capable nanoscale machines & computers.

    With the introduction of nanotechnology we say we are in for a new invention, but we

    knew the concept of this technology from the days of Darwin; even his findings were

    based on this nanotechnology. There are many evidences for the existence of the concept

    of nanotechnology.

    It is going to be responsible massive changes in the way we live, the way interact with

    one another & our environment.

    What is nanotechnology?

    Nano is one billionth of one. Now we have the so-called microprocessors and

    micromanipulations that would reach the nano level within a few decades.

    The term "nanotechnology" has evolved over the years via terminology drift to mean

    "anything smaller than microtechnology," such as nano powders, and other things that are

    nanoscale in size, but not referring to mechanisms that have been purposefully built from

    nanoscale components. A key ingredient in understanding nanotechnology is realizing

    precisely what it is and what it isn't. ... We are talking about research and development in

    the length scale of .1 nanometers to 100 nanometers to create unique structures, devices,

    and systems.

    Many materials, once they are individually reduced below 100 nanometers,

    begin displaying a set of unique characteristics based on quantum mechanical forces that

    are exhibited at the level. Due to these quantum mechanical effects, materials may

    become more conducting, be able to transfer heat better, or have modified mechanical

    properties. The most important fact is, CARBON the king of organic chemistry is

    playing a prominent role in the development off nanotechnology, as major part of nano

    advancements is spun around carbon nanotube.

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    Carbon Nanotubes:

    Depending upon the structure can be metals or semiconductors. These have extremely

    high thermal conductivity and used as nano-wires or active components in electronic

    devices such as FET. Carbon nanotubes are extremely thus hollow cylinders made of

    carbon atoms. Their diameter is about 10000 times smaller than a human air. It is

    possible to manipulate the nanotube positions, change their shapes, cut them and place

    them on electrodes. The mechanical behaviour of the nanotubes can be simulated by

    calculating the forces acting between nanotubes and other objects such as substrate.

    Carbon nanotubes are chemically stable, mechanically very strong, and conduct

    electricity. Depending on their chirality and diameter, they are great candidates for many

    potential applications in the new field of nanotechnology.

    Totally tubular nanotubes: Research is being taken on a computing

    memory technology that could also double as a data storage medium. The method stores

    data by flipping electrons in structures called carbon nanotubes.They are prime examples

    of the weird properties quantum effects can produce in nanoscale structures. Carbon

    nanotubes (CNs) can serve as nanowires in molecular computers, thanks to a quantum

    property called electron tunneling, which lets them propagate electrical signals at scales

    where ordinary current flow is impossible.

    Light emission by carbon Nanotube: A nanotube transistor that emits 1.5-micron infrared

    light have been made and could be used in telecommunications. Light-emitting nanotubes

    could be used to form efficient communications devices and optical computer chips. By

    injecting electrons into one end of a nanotube, and holes, or positive charges, into the

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    other end, the two combine to emit light with a wavelength inversely proportional to the

    tube's diameter.

    Concepts of nano technology:

    There are two concepts commonly associated with nanotechnology:

    Positional Assembly


    Clearly, we would be happy with any method that simultaneously achieved the following

    three objectives. However, this seems difficult without using some form of positional

    assembly (to get the right molecular parts in the right places) and some form of self-

    replication (to keep the costs down).

    1. Get essentially every atom in the right place.

    2. Make almost any structure consistent with the laws of physics and chemistry that we can

    specify in atomic detail.

    3. Have manufacturing costs not greatly exceeding the cost of the required raw materials and




    Multi walled carbon nanotubes to make denser more efficient data storage

    devices. It was possible to use multiwalled carbonnanotubes tips rather than silicon to

    write data on to a polymer film. Binary data is written by heating the polymer to make

    indentation that represent 1s; blank space represent 0s.nanotubes tips can be used to write

    more than 250 gigabytes.

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    Nano Technology at NASA

    Ultra small sensors, power sources, communication navigation, and propulsions

    systems with very low mass, volume and power consumption are needed.Revolutions in

    electronics and computing will allow reconfigurable autonomous thinking spacecraft

    Nanotechnology presents a whole new spectrum of opportunities to build device

    components and systems for entirely new space architectures

    1. New works of ultra small probes on planetary surfaces

    2. Micro-rovers that drive, hop, fly land burrow

    3. Collection of micro spacecraft making a variety of measurements

    The Nan rover Technology Task is a technology development effort to create very

    small (10-100s of grams) buy scientifically capable robotic vehicles for planetary

    exploration, which can easily fit within the mass and /or volume constraints of future

    missions to asteroids, comets and Mars. The task objectives two fold:

    to create a useful rover system using current-generation technology including

    mobility , computation, power and communications within a mass of a few

    hundred grams and

    To advance selected technologies which offer breakthroughs in size reduction,

    mobility, or science return to enable complete rovers tube built with a mass

    well under 100 Gms.

    Key Technology Elements

    Miniaturization of all rover systems including science payload

    Computer/electronics design for operation without thermal enclosure and

    control to survive ambient temperature ranges of -125C to +125C

    Miniature actuator usage and control in thermal/vacuum environments

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    Mobility and navigation in low gravity (1/100,000 of earth) environments

    Sensing and autonomous control of rover operations.



    Nanomedicine is the application of nanotechnology (the engineering of tiny machines)

    to the prevention and treatment of disease in the human body. It has the potential to

    change medical science dramatically in the 21st century.

    According to Jar off, Nanotech is capable of delivering medication to the exact

    location where theyre needed. In addition touch fewer deaths (and disorders) from side

    effects; the drug would also be more potent. The drug

    Could also reach nearly inaccessible places that current techniques dont allow.

    The most elementary nanomedical devices will be used to diagnose illness. Chemical

    tests exist for this purpose; nanomachines could be employed to monitor the internalchemistry of the body. Mobile nanorobots, equipped with wireless transmitters, might

    circulate in the blood land lymph systems, and send out warnings when chemical

    imbalances occur. Similar fixed nanomachines could be planted in the nervous to monitor

    pulse, brain-wave activity, and other functions.

    In cancer treatmentNANO:


    The human body is made up of many cellular units that worn out regularly. These worn

    out cells are removed and new cells replaces the old existing cells by a cellular division

    referred to as mitosis. Cancer begins when there has been a permanent change in the

    structure of DNA, referred to as the mutation. This change in gene structure takes place

    in several steps given below.
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    Primary steps:

    1. Proto-Oncogenes Become Oncogenes:

    2. Tumor Suppressor Genes Stop Working

    3. Cell Cycle Clock Malfunctions:

    4. Cells Achieve Immortality:

    B. Secondary steps:

    1. Tumors Spread:

    2. Tumor Forms:

    Cancer Detection and Treatment

    Nanotechnology can be used in detection of cancer at an early stage. Nanotechnology

    tools are extremely sensitive and can be used with out physically altering the cells or

    tissue and can be run on a singly small device. The cantilever is a tool and when the

    cancer molecules bid to the cantilevers the bends. From this, the detected from which the

    cancer ells are detected.

    Nanotubes help to identify DNA changes associated with cancer. Quantum dots

    are tiny crystals that flow when UV light stimulates them. Latex bend filled with these

    crystals can be designed to bind to specific DNA sequences and the cancer cells detected.

    Nano Robots: Medicines of Future

    Living organisms are naturally-existing fabulously complex systems of molecular

    nanotechnology. The above statement raises the interesting possibility that machines

    constructed at the molecular level (nanomachines) may be used to cure the human body

    of its various ills. This application of nanotechnology to the field of medicines is

    commonly called as Nanomedicine.

    Nanorobots are nanodevices that will be used for the purpose of maintaining and

    protecting the human body against pathogens. They will have a diameter of about 0.5 to

    3 microns and will be constructed out of parts with dimensions in the range of 1 to 100

    nanometers. The main element used will be carbon in the form of diamond/fullerene

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    glucose and oxygen for energy can do the powering of the nanorobots. Communication

    with the device can be achieved by broadcast-type acoustic signaling.


    A navigational network may be installed in the body, with station keeping

    navigational elements providing high positional accuracy to all passing nanorobots that

    interrogate them, wanting to know their location. This will enable the physician to keep

    tract of the various devices sin the body. When the task of the nanorobots is completed,

    allowing them to excuses themselves

    Via the usual human excretory channels can retrieve them. They can also be removed by

    active scavenger systems. This feature is design dependent

    Nan robots working in the Blood Vessels

    A) Normal Blood b) Nano robot catching c) Nano robot moving the impurityhold of an impurity blood

    d) Front view of nana robot e) nano robot bursting f) Nano Robot back to normalout the impurity

    In this case we could use the nanorobots, specially designed nanodevices that could carry

    the chemotherapic drugs for the treatment of cancer cells and also to improve the MAb

    contents in these robots thereby improving the efficiency of the chemotherapy in cancer

    treatment, which has been a major problem in todays treatment techniques. Also the use

    of ATP powered biomotors used for nanodevices create a low hypoxia environment that

    decreases the danger of spreading of tumor to other regions. The chemotherapic drugs are

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    injected into the patient that along with the MAb are used to identify the affected areas

    thereby making a localized perception of the cancer tissue. Then the nanosensors used

    identify the temperature variation in the local environment that detects the specific areas

    of infection that could be used for application of chemotherapic drugs. The hypoxia is

    decreased in the local environment, due to the use of biomotors in nanodevices that helps

    in controlling the further spreading of tumor. Thus nanotechnology is implemented in thebiomedical field for treatment of cancer.


    Nanotechnology is expected to have an impact on nearly every industry. The U.S.

    National Science Foundation has predicted that the global market for nanotechnologies

    will reach $1 trillion or more within 20 years. The research community is actively

    pursuing hundreds of applications in nanomaterials, nanoelectronics, and


    By 2020, scientist at Rutgers University believes that nano-sized robots will be injected into the

    bloodstream, and administer a drug directly to an infected cell. This robot has a carbon nanotube

    body, a bimolecular motor that propels it and peptide limbs to orient itself. Because it is composed

    of biological elements such as DNA and proteins, it will be easily removed from the body.

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    Replicating Nanorobots

    MNT nanofacturing is popularly linked with the idea of swarms of coordinated nanoscale

    robots working together, as proposed by Drexler in his 1986 popular discussions of the

    subject. It is proposed that sufficiently capable nanobots could construct more nanobots.

    Recent technical proposals for MNT nanofactories do not include self-replicating

    nanobots, and recent ethical guidelines prohibit self-replication.

    Medical Nanorobots

    One of the most important applications of MNT would be medical nanorobotics

    or Nanomedicine. The ability to design, build, and deploy large numbers of medical

    nanorobots would, at an optimum, make possible the rapid elimination of disease and the

    reliable and relatively painless recovery from physical trauma. Medical nanorobots might

    also make possible the convenient correction of genetic defects, and medical nanorobots

    have any need for self-replication themselves since they would be manufactured

    exclusively in carefully regulated nanofactories.

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    Another proposed application of nanotechnology involves utility fog in which a

    cloud of networked microscopic robots (simpler than assembler) changes its shape and

    properties to form macroscopic objects and tools in accordance with software commands.


    Nano-technology will change the world as we know it. It will change how we

    live, in every conceivable and inconceivable way. It will impact every industry and every

    product. Humanity will be faced with a powerful, accelerated social revolution as a result

    of nanotechnology. In the near future, a team of scientists will succeed in constructing the

    first nano-sized robot capable of self replication. Consumer goods will become plentiful,

    inexpensive, smart, and durable. Medicine will take a quantum leap forward. Space

    travel and colonization will become safe and affordable. For these and other reasonsglobal life styles will change radically and human behavior drastically impacted.