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  • 7/25/2019 Nanotech Gols Copy 130304011722 Phpapp02



  • 7/25/2019 Nanotech Gols Copy 130304011722 Phpapp02


    Topics of the day Introduction

    Defination Tools & techniques

    Carbon Nanotubes



    Approaches used

    Top-down Bottom-up

    aterials used

    Application Dru!s





    $ther uses

    Nanotechnolo!% in INDIA

    ossiblities for future Implications of nanotechnolo!%'

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    A Nanometre is a unit of len!th in the metrics%stem( equal to one billionth of a metre)*+-,'

    Technology is the!( usa!e( and.nowled!e of tools( machines and techniques( in

    order to sol/e a problem or perform a specificfunction'

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    Nanotechnology is thestud% of manipulatin! matteron an atomic scale'

    Nanotechnology refers to

    the constructin! anden!ineerin! of the functionals%stems at /er% micro le/el or

    we can sa% at atomic le/el'

    A Nanometer is onebillionth of a meter( rou!hl%the width of three or fouratoms' The a/era!e humanhair is about 01(+++

    nanometers wide'

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    Tools & Technology There are se/eral important modern de/elopments'

    The atomic force microscope (AFM). The Scanning Tunneling Microscope (STM) are

    scannin! probes that launched nanotechnolo!%'

    2arious techniques of Nanolithographysuch as3 Optical lithography. X-ray lithography, ip pen nanolithography !lectron "eam lithography(in#$et printer)

    were also de/eloped'

    4itho!raph%in #5 conte6t is t%picall% thetransfer of a pattern into a photosensiti/ematerial b% selecti/e e6posure to aradiation source such as li!ht'

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    % A &ar"on Nanotu"e is a tu"e-shape' material, ma'e of car"on, haing a'iameter measuring on the nanometre scale.

    % &ar"on Nanotu"es are forme' from essentially the graphite sheet an' thegraphite layer appears somehat li#e a rolle'-up continuous un"ro#en

    he*agonal mesh an' car"on molecules at the ape*es of the he*agons.

    % Nanotu"es are mem"ers of the fullerene structural family.

    % Their name is 'erie' from their long, hollo structure ith the allsforme' "y one atom thic# sheets of car"on, calle' graphene.


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    Contd.% &ar"on nanotu"es are allotropes of car"on

    ith a cylin'rical nanostructure.

    % They hae length-to-'iameter ratio of upto +,,/+.

    fi!3-A scannin! tunnellin! microscop% ima!e

    of 57NT

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    Classified mainl% in two t%pes3

    +. S0N12! 3A22! NANOT45!S

    . M42T0 3A22! NANOT45!S

    $T8#9 9#4AT#D 5T9:CT:9#53



    %16A78!NAT! &A65ON NANOT45!S (1-&NTS)

    %N0T6O1!N O7! &A65ON NANOT45!S (N-&NTS)


    %&47-STA&9! &A65ON NANOT45!S

    Types Of Carbon Nanotubes

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    iameter /- + nanometer

    5an' gap /- -e

    A one atom thic# layer ofgraphene into seamlesscylin'er .

    Their electrical con'uctiitycan sho metallic orsemicon'ucting "ehaiour.

    The joining of two carbon nanotubes

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    Multi-alle' nanotu"es (M3NT)consist of multiple rolle' layers(concentric tu"es) of graphene.

    0nterlayer 'istance /- .: ;To 'escri"e structure of M3NTthere are to mo'els/-

    +. 6ussian 'oll mo'el

    . 7archment mo'el

  • 7/25/2019 Nanotech Gols Copy 130304011722 Phpapp02


    Strength :-&ar"on nanotu"es are the strongest, fle*i"le an' stiffest materials yet 'iscoere' in terms of tensile strength an' elasticmo'ulus respectiely.

    Hardness :-

    The har'ness (+

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    Thermal Conductivity3-

    All nanotu"es are e*pecte' to "e ery goo' thermalcon'uctors along the tu"e, the temperature sta"ility of car"onnanotu"es is estimate' to "e up to B C& in acuum an' a"outD

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    2. Nanoods!"#ant#$ dots% Nanoro's are one morphology of nanoscale

    o"$ects. imensions range from +>+ nm.

    They may "e synthesiEe' from metals or

    semicon'ucting materials.

    A com"ination ofligan's act as shape control agents an'

    "on' to 'ifferent facets of the nanoro' ith 'ifferent

    strengths. This allos 'ifferent faces of the nanoro' to

    gro at 'ifferent rates, pro'ucing an elongate' o"$ect.


    In displa% technolo!ies( because the reflecti/it% of the rods canbe chan!ed b% chan!in! their orientation with an appliedelectric field'

    In microelectromechanical s%stems)#5'

    In cancer therapeutics'

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    . Nano'ots &lose to the scale of +-@m.

    2argely in 6 phase .

    Nano"ots of +.< nanometers across, capa"leof counting specific molecules in a

    chemical sample.

    Since nanoro"ots oul' "e microscopic in siEe, it oul' pro"a"ly "e necessary for erylarge num"ers of them to or# together to perform microscopic an' macroscopic tas#s.

    &apa"le of replication using enironmental resources .


    Detection of to6ic componentsin


    In dru! deli/er%'

    Biomedical instrumention'

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    Appoaches in nanotechnology

    +. 5ottom up/

    In the bottom up approach differentmaterials and de/ices areconstructed from molecularcomponents of their own' The%chemicall% assemble themsel/es b%reco!ni;in! the molecules of theirown breed'

    ' #6amples of molecular selfassembl% are 3atson cric# "asepairing , nano-lithoghraphy '

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    . Top 'on/In top down approach nano ob

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    (ateials #sed

    =inc o6ide3 Dirt repellent( h%drophobic ( cosmetics & stainresistant'

    5il/er ion3 8ealin! propert%

    Aluminium silicate3 5cratch resistance

    >old ion3

    Chip fabrication( dru! deli/er%'

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    Application $fNanotechnolo!%

  • 7/25/2019 Nanotech Gols Copy 130304011722 Phpapp02


    Carbon NanoTubes


    Information Technology

    Nano Robots


    Nanotechnology Applications

    )*tinger! Targeted "rug




    AerogelNAN$ &I%TER

  • 7/25/2019 Nanotech Gols Copy 130304011722 Phpapp02


    Nanotechnology in D#gs!Cance%

    ro/ide new options for dru! deli/er% and dru! therapies'

    #nable dru!s to be deli/ered to precisel% the ri!ht locationin the bod% and release dru! doses on

    a predetermined schedulefor optimal treatment'

    Attach the dru! to a nanosi;ed carrier'

    The% become locali;ed at the disease site( i'e cancer tumour'

    Then the% release medicine that .ills the tumour'

    Current treatment is throu!h radiotherap% orchemotherap%'

    Nanobots can clear the bloc.a!e in arteries'

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    Nanotechnology in +a'ics

    The properties of familiar materials arebein! chan!ed b% manufacturers who areaddin! nano-si;ed components tocon/entional materials to impro/eperformance'

    "or e6ample( some clothin!manufacturers are! water and stainrepellent clothin! usin! nano-si;edwhis.ers in the fabric that cause water to

    bead up on the surface'

    In manufacturin!bullet proof

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    Nanotechnology in (o'ile

    orph( a nanotechnolo!% concept de/ice de/eloped b% No.ia 9esearch Center )N9C and

    the :ni/ersit% of Cambrid!e ):?'

    The orph will be super h%drophobic!

    it e6tremel% dirt repellent'

    It will be able to char!e itself from a/ailable li!ht sources usin!photo/oltaic nanowire !rass co/erin! it@s surface'

    Nanoscale electronics also allow stretchin!' No.ia en/isa!e that ananoscale mesh of fibers will allow our mobile de/ices to be bent(stretched and folded into an% number of concei/able shapes'

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    Nanotechnology in Electonics

    #lectrodes made from nanowiresenableflat panel displa%s to be fle6ible as wellas thinner than current flat paneldispla%s'

    Nanolitho!raph% is used forfabrication of chips'

    The transistors are made of

    nanowires( that are assembled on!lass or thin films of fle6ible plastic'

    #-paper( displa%s on sun!lasses and

    map on car windshields'

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    Nanotechnology in co$p#tes

    The silicon transistors in %our computer ma% bereplaced b% transistors based on carbon nanotubes'

    A carbon nanotube is a molecule in form of a hollowc%linder with a diameter of around a nanometer whichconsists of pure carbon'

    Nanorods is a upcomin! technolo!% in the displa%stechniques due to less consumption of electricit% andless heat emission'

    5i;e of the microprocessors are reduced to !reatere6tend'

    9esearchers at North Carolina 5tate :ni/ersit% sa%sthat !rowin! arra%s of ma!netic nanoparticles( called


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    8ewett ac.ard is de/elopin! a memor% de/ice that uses nanowirescoated with titanium dio6ide'

    $ne !roup of these nanowires is deposited parallel to another !roup' 7hen a perpendicular nanowire is laid o/er a !roup of parallel

    wires( at each intersection a de/ice called amemristoris formed' A memristor can be used as a sin!le-component memor% cell in an

    inte!rated circuit'

    B% reducin! the diameter of the nanowires( researchers belie/ememristor memor% chips can achie/e hi!her memor% densit% thanflash memor% chips'

    a!netic nanowires made of an allo% of iron and nic.el are bein!used to create dense memor% de/ices'

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    Chips produced b% Intel before i series processors were between1nm -1nm'

    4ater with the help of nanotechnol!% 00nm chips were made whichitself is a milestone'

    A'antages of using car"on nanotu"es/

    Faster an' smaller- carbon nanotubes can be used to producesmaller and faster components'

    This will also result in computers that consume less energy.

    8i!h speed and hi!h capacit% memor%'

    Allows circuits to be more accurate on the atomic le/el'

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    Othe #ses Cuttin! tools made of nanocr%stalline materials( such as tun!sten

    carbide( tantalum carbide and titanium carbide( are more wear anderosion-resistant( and last lon!er than their con/entionalcounterparts'

    5il/er nanocr%stalsha/e been embedded in banda!es to .ill bacteria

    and pre/ent infection'

    Nanoparticulate-based s%nthetic bone "ormed b% manipulatin! calcium and phosphate at the molecular le/el'

    Aero!els li!htest .nown solid due to !ood insulatin! properties isused in space suits and are proposed to use in space craft'

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    Nanotechnology in ,ndia IIT umbai is the premier or!ani;ation in the field of nanotechnolo!%'

    9esearch in the field of health( en/ironment( medicines are still on'

    5tartin! in 0++* the >o/ernment of India launched the Nano 5cienceand Technolo!% Initiati/e )N5TI'

    Then in 0++E the Nanoscience and Technolo!% ission 0++E wasinitiated with an allocation of 9upees *+++ crores for a period of fi/e


    The main ob

  • 7/25/2019 Nanotech Gols Copy 130304011722 Phpapp02


    -ossi'ilities fo the f#t#e Nanotechnolo!% ma% ma.e it possible to manufacture li!hter(

    stron!er( and pro!rammable materials that require less ener!% toproduce than con/entional material and that promise !reater fuelefficienc% in land transportation( ships( aircraft( and space /ehicles'

    The future of nanotechnolo!% could /er% well include the use of


    These nanorobots ha/e the potential to ta.e on human tas.s as wellas tas.s that humans could ne/er complete' The rebuildin! of thedepleted o;one la%er could potentiall% be able to be performed'

    There would be an entire nano sur!ical field to help cure e/er%thin!from natural a!in! to diabetes to bone spurs'

    There would be almost nothin! that couldnFt be repaired

    )e/entuall% with the introduction of nano sur!er%'

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    Implictions of Nanotechnology Nano-particles can !et into the bod% throu!h the lun!s and

    di!esti/e s%stem( thus creatin! free radicals that can cause celldama!e'

    $nce nano-particles are in the bloodstream( the% will be able tocross the blood-brain barrier'

    Nanopollution is created b% to6ic wastes from nanomaterialmanufacturin!'

    #nhances >lobal warmin! in the lon! run'

    The most dan!erous Nano-application use for militar% purposes isthe Nano-"om" that contain en!ineered self multipl%in! deadl%/iruses that can continue to wipe out a communit%( countr% or e/ena ci/ili;ation'

    Nanobots because of their replicatin! beha/ior can be bi! threatfor >9AG >$$'It is a h%pothetical situation where self replicatin!nanobots !o out of control( and consume all matter on earth'

  • 7/25/2019 Nanotech Gols Copy 130304011722 Phpapp02


    efeences*' http3HHscience'howstuffwor.s'comHnanotechnolo!%'htm

    0' http3HHen'wi.ipedia'or!Hwi.iHCarbonJnanotube' http3HHen'wi.ipedia'or!Hwi.iHNanotechnology' http3HHcrnano'or!Hwhatis'htm

    1' http3HHwww'wifinotes'comHnanotechnolo!%Hintroduction-to-

    nanotechnolo!%'html' www'iitb'ac'inHKcrntsH

    E' www'nafenin'ia'comH"inalJ9eportJNanoJ$?'pdL' www'sciencedail%'comHreleasesH0+*+H+1H*++1*+L0L1E'htm

    ,' http3HHwww'nanostart'deHinde6'phpHenHnanotechnolo!%Hnanotechnolo!%-informationH*+-schneller-sparsamer-robuster-nanotechnolo!ie-in-computer-hand%-a-co
  • 7/25/2019 Nanotech Gols Copy 130304011722 Phpapp02


    Than' (ou

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