napoleon hill’s keys to positive thinking

Napoleon Hill’s Keys to Positive Thinking 10 Steps to Health Wealth, & Success Paññāsāstra University of Cambodia Commitment to Excellence Instructor: Dr. Kol Pheng Group 18: 1. Mr. Lonh Nget 3. Ms. Sok Sonita 5. Ms. Sok Pisey 2. Ms. Eang Sreythea 4. Ms. Chan Sreynak Personal Growth and Development

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Page 1: Napoleon hill’s keys to positive thinking

Napoleon Hill’s Keys to Positive Thinking

10 Steps to Health Wealth, & Success

Paññāsāstra University

of CambodiaCommitment to Excellence Instructor: Dr. Kol Pheng

Group 18:1. Mr. Lonh Nget3. Ms. Sok Sonita 5. Ms. Sok Pisey 2. Ms. Eang Sreythea 4. Ms. Chan Sreynak

Personal Growth and Development

Page 2: Napoleon hill’s keys to positive thinking

Step One:Take Possession of

Your Own Mind with


Page 3: Napoleon hill’s keys to positive thinking


1. Understand the terms................................................

2. Introduction...............................................................

3. Commitment ............................................................

4. Words from the Wise................................................

5. Q & A.........................................................................

Page 4: Napoleon hill’s keys to positive thinking

Understanding the terms

• Possession: something that you own or that you are carrying with you at any time

• Mind: thinking, emotion, feeling, and understanding• Conviction: a strong opinion or belief

religious/moral convictions

We have to be the owner of your life and we have to control our mind, our thinking, our emotion, our feeling and our act with our nature tools.

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To understanding about yourself and you can direct your thought, control your emotions, and ordain your destiney.

Always bear in mind that your own resolution to success is more important than any other on thing.

Page 6: Napoleon hill’s keys to positive thinking

Mind enters our awareaness of nature on two separate levels.

-the highest level—the level of human consciousness

-The lowest level—the mind of an observersYou still have the power and ability to

use the tools of your mind effectively and efficiently.

Unlimitation of mental abilityLearning by doing Facing the problems

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Words from the Wise

“Circumstances—what are circumstances? Is make circumstances.” Napoleon

“Destiny is not a matter of chance; it is a matter of choice. It is not a thing to be waited for ; it is a thing to be achieved.” –William Jennings Bryan

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The End

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Page 9: Napoleon hill’s keys to positive thinking

Napoleon Hill’s Keys to Positive Thinking

10 Steps to Health Wealth, & Success

Paññāsāstra University

of CambodiaCommitment to Excellence Instructor: Dr. Kol Pheng

Group 18:1. Mr. Lonh Nget3. Ms. Sok Sonita 5. Ms. Sok Pisey 2. Ms. Eang Sreythea 4. Ms. Chan Sreynak

Personal Growth and Development

Page 10: Napoleon hill’s keys to positive thinking

Step Two:Take Possession of

Your Own Mind with


Page 11: Napoleon hill’s keys to positive thinking


1. Introduction...............................................................

2. Words from the Wise................................................

3. Commitment ............................................................

4. Q & A.........................................................................

Page 12: Napoleon hill’s keys to positive thinking


Focusus on the things you want to achieve of stand for your live. We must learn to discipline your thoughts and visualize the things you want, the wholesome characheristic you feel a need for or you can frain forself to act and react with good, whlesome, honest, and healthy visual images to any situation.

Page 13: Napoleon hill’s keys to positive thinking

• Once you take possession of your own mind,

you have to deep control of it.

• Learning to descipline your thoughts and

visualize the thing you want.

• Training youself to act and react with good

visual images to andy situation, person, or

circumstance you encounter.

• Recognizing the truth

• You cannot change the past but you can affect

what happens in the present and the future.

Page 14: Napoleon hill’s keys to positive thinking

Words from the Wise

“This one thing I do, forgetting thse things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before.” --Philippians

“The thing always happens that you really believe in; and the belief in a thing makes it happen.” –Frank Lloyd Wright

Page 15: Napoleon hill’s keys to positive thinking


Keep your mind focused on the things you want to achieve or stand for in life.

Remember: Yesterday is gone forever. Tomorrow may never come. Only today is yours to live in.

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The Eng

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Page 17: Napoleon hill’s keys to positive thinking

Napoleon Hill’s Keys to Positive Thinking

10 Steps to Health Wealth, & Success

Paññāsāstra University

of CambodiaCommitment to Excellence Instructor: Dr. Kol Pheng

Group 18:1. Mr. Lonh Nget3. Ms. Sok Sonita 5. Ms. Sok Pisey 2. Ms. Eang Sreythea 4. Ms. Chan Sreynak

Personal Growth and Development

Page 18: Napoleon hill’s keys to positive thinking

Step Three:

Live the Golden Rule

Page 19: Napoleon hill’s keys to positive thinking


1. Introduction...............................................................

2. Words from the Wise................................................

3. Conclussion................................................................

4. Q & A.........................................................................

Page 20: Napoleon hill’s keys to positive thinking


You do something good for

others; you will get happiness

and others from them. By

helping others, you have in turn

helped yourself; and together,

you have set in motion a chain

reaction of goodwill.

Page 21: Napoleon hill’s keys to positive thinking

Living the Goden Rule means you must

stand up for others, be their guardian,

protesctor, and advocate

Treating other as you want to be treated.

-helping them

-Smiling at them

Talking to them in the friendly and

honest way

Page 22: Napoleon hill’s keys to positive thinking

Words from the Wise

“What you do not want done to yourself, do not do to others.” --Confucius

“We secure our friends not by accepting favors but by doing them.” –Thucydides

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In dealing with your family,

friends, and business associates,

be a good- finder, not a fault-

finder. Give help, praise, and

encouragement instead of

criticism, blame, or revenge.

Walk the extra mile to help


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In sharing with others, you give away a portion of yourself, but that which remains with you multiplies and grows

By helping others, you have in turn helped yourslf.

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