naramata elementary principal: jan ramsay street …...3 november 2018, newsletter #3 we realize it...

1 F ROM THE D ESK OF MR S . RAMSAY The month of November is typically a quiet, studious month for students and staff. Everyone is feeling settled, and working hard to meet their learning goals by winter break. At Naramata School, we are also shifting our focus from giving gratitude (which of course will still continue on a daily basis!) to giving back- and this month we are asking our students and families to demonstrate kindness to the earth by working towards garbage-free lunches and snacks (or as close as possible) . After the Naramata Run, volunteers were astounded (and not in a good way!) at the amount of garbage that was left at Manitou Park by the many visitors. This got us all thinking (thank you Yanti!) of how much garbage is produced on a daily basis by students and staff at our school- especially with the extra candy wrappers from Halloween festivities! As a result, we are issuing these November challenges to our families: For the month of November, we will be promoting ‘garbage-free’ lunches- please consider reusable containers (with your child’s name on them) that are re-used; or if this isn’t an option, have your child bring their plastic wrapping home to be re-used. Rather than juice boxes, continue to send water bottles (which most students have). We know that many of you already are doing these things, but we are hoping that by spotlighting ‘green’ practices the school’s footprint will get smaller with each step. Adults also need these reminders (sometimes more than our students!) so staff will definitely be taking part in the challenge with the children. Lastly, just a reminder that our Remembrance Day assembly will be held on Thursday, November 8 th at 10:45 am. All are welcome to join us as we honour the brave men and women who have given so much for peace. “All the king’s horses and all the king’s men will never gather up all the plastic and put the ocean back together again” -Charles Moore, Marine Researcher November 1- Going Bat- ty Program November 2- Hot Lunch Pasta Day November 8- Remembrance Day As- sembly 10:45am (everyone welcome) November 9th - Professional Day (school closed) November 12– Remem- brance Day (school closed) November 14, PAC Meeting November 16– Vees Visit to the School November 16– Hot Lunch Soup and Bun Day November 17– Pentic- ton Vees Night please remember to get your tickets (Saturday) November 19– Special reading “Growing up in Wild Horse Canyon” November 23– Narama- ta’s Got Talent November 23– Hot Lunch Day Quesadilla November 24– Santa Rec Run 6:00pm (Saturday ) November 30-Hot Lunch Sushi Naramata Elementary Principal: Jan Ramsay 3660-8 th Street Phone: (250) 770-7688 Gen. Delivery, Naramata, B.C. FAX: (250)770-7689 V0H 1N0 web: email: [email protected] November 2018, Newsletter #3

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Page 1: Naramata Elementary Principal: Jan Ramsay Street …...3 November 2018, Newsletter #3 We realize it is only the beginning of November, but we know that the next few weeks leading into


F R O M T H E D E S K O F M R S . R A M S A Y

The month of November is typically a quiet, studious month for students and

staff. Everyone is feeling settled, and working hard to meet their learning

goals by winter break. At Naramata School, we are also shifting our focus from

giving gratitude (which of course will still continue on a daily basis!) to giving

back- and this month we are asking our students and families to demonstrate

kindness to the earth by working towards garbage-free lunches and snacks (or

as close as possible) . After the Naramata Run, volunteers were astounded

(and not in a good way!) at the amount of garbage that was left at Manitou

Park by the many visitors. This got us all thinking (thank you Yanti!) of how

much garbage is produced on a daily basis by students and staff at our school-

especially with the extra candy wrappers from Halloween festivities! As a

result, we are issuing these November challenges to our families:

For the month of November, we will be promoting ‘garbage-free’ lunches-

please consider reusable containers (with your child’s name on them) that are

re-used; or if this isn’t an option, have your child bring their plastic wrapping

home to be re-used. Rather than juice boxes, continue to send water bottles

(which most students have). We know that many of you already are doing

these things, but we are hoping that by spotlighting ‘green’ practices the

school’s footprint will get smaller with each step. Adults also need these

reminders (sometimes more than our students!) so staff will definitely be

taking part in the challenge with the children.

Lastly, just a reminder that our Remembrance Day assembly will be held on

Thursday, November 8th at 10:45 am. All are welcome to join us as we honour

the brave men and women who have given so much for peace.

“All the king’s horses and all the king’s men will never

gather up all the plastic and put the ocean back together

again” -Charles Moore, Marine Researcher

November 1- Going Bat-ty Program

November 2- Hot Lunch

Pasta Day

November 8-

Remembrance Day As-sembly 10:45am

(everyone welcome)

November 9th -

Professional Day

(school closed)

November 12– Remem-

brance Day (school closed)

November 14, PAC


November 16– Vees

Visit to the School

November 16– Hot

Lunch Soup and Bun Day

November 17– Pentic-

ton Vees Night please remember to get your

tickets (Saturday)

November 19– Special

reading “Growing up in

Wild Horse Canyon”

November 23– Narama-

ta’s Got Talent

November 23– Hot

Lunch Day Quesadilla

November 24– Santa Rec Run 6:00pm

(Saturday )

November 30-Hot

Lunch Sushi

Naramata Elementary Principal: Jan Ramsay

3660-8th Street Phone: (250) 770-7688 Gen. Delivery, Naramata, B.C. FAX: (250)770-7689

V0H 1N0 web:

email: [email protected]

November 2018, Newsletter #3

Page 2: Naramata Elementary Principal: Jan Ramsay Street …...3 November 2018, Newsletter #3 We realize it is only the beginning of November, but we know that the next few weeks leading into


November 2018, Newsletter #3

Over 420 children gathered at Manitou Park for the annual Nara-

mata Run in October. It was a fabulous day for a run, with sun-

shine and a light wind. Students cheered on their schoolmates,

and made each child proud of attaining their ‘personal best’.

Many thanks to retired teacher Mike Townley, who organizes this

great event every year, bringing together volunteers from the com-

munity, the school’s alumni and parents to support and help out.

As well, congratulations to Kolton Dennich, who placed 3rd for

grade 4 boys!


Page 3: Naramata Elementary Principal: Jan Ramsay Street …...3 November 2018, Newsletter #3 We realize it is only the beginning of November, but we know that the next few weeks leading into


November 2018, Newsletter #3

We realize it is only the beginning of November, but we know

that the next few weeks leading into December can become

quite hectic. With this in mind, you might want to mark your cal-

endar on Thursday December 13th, for our annual winter con-

certs. The afternoon show will be at 1:30, and the evening con-

cert will be at 6:30 pm. Looking forward to seeing you all at one

or the other!

Dress Rehearsal: Wed. Dec 12th @ 1:15pm Afternoon Performance: Thurs. Dec 13th @ 1:30 pm Evening Performance: Thurs. Dec 13th @ 6:00pm All students will be performing at both afternoon and even-ing concerts.


Page 4: Naramata Elementary Principal: Jan Ramsay Street …...3 November 2018, Newsletter #3 We realize it is only the beginning of November, but we know that the next few weeks leading into


November 2018, Newsletter #3

October 2018

Page 5: Naramata Elementary Principal: Jan Ramsay Street …...3 November 2018, Newsletter #3 We realize it is only the beginning of November, but we know that the next few weeks leading into


November 2018, Newsletter #3

The Leadership Conference Reflections by Minton Doull, Grade 5 student

“Ugh…” I thought. “The leadership conference is almost here. It’ll definitely be super annoying. Oh well,

too bad for me.”

But was I in for a surprise! The next day…

“Minton, Ronin, Graycie and Kaelen, will the four of you please go and welcome all of the schools who

are coming?” asked my principal, Mrs. Ramsay. “Sure,” The four of us say at the same time. So we

head down and greet all the school (it took a

while- over 400 grade five kids!). Finally it was

time to go back inside to Naramata Elemen-

tary School’s gym. We were given name tags

with a colour on them, then we split up into

teams according to the colour we had on our

name tags. I was team Pink. After a few

speakers had spoken, we were off. My team

went to the Columbia Hall, and at first we

played one small game, called handshake

murder- then we got into the serious stuff. All

of the people in my group had to write on a

sheet of paper how we can share kindness in

our family, how we can share kindness in our

community, how we can share kindness at

school, and how we can be kind in general. Then

we moved on to a station about ‘Wonder’. The

questions we asked ourselves were, “What are you

wondering about? How can you be a wonder?

What makes you a wonder? And, what does won-

der mean to you?” Finally, we went into a smaller

room and there was a woman speaking to us. She

was telling us that it is okay to NOT be okay. And

she had us talk to the person next to us about

what we are afraid of. After that, we wrote on a

small piece of paper, what we want to feel like

when we wake up in the morning and when we go

to school. Then it was time to go back to the gym.

Then the other schools left, and I thought to myself, “that leadership confer-

ence was actually really fun!” So if you get the opportunity to go to a confer-

ence like this, and you don’t think it will be fun, guess what? They are actual-

ly really fun, and you learn so much about yourself! Thank you Miss Aoki for

organizing the entire leadership conference.

Page 6: Naramata Elementary Principal: Jan Ramsay Street …...3 November 2018, Newsletter #3 We realize it is only the beginning of November, but we know that the next few weeks leading into


Hello Rattler Parents!!!

November brings cooler weather, but the PAC is active as ev-

er supporting your students. Naramata’s Got Talent, the

PAC’s biggest fundraiser of the year, is on November

23rd. We still need talented students or parents to register

their acts to Yanti ([email protected]) by November

3rd. There won’t be a talent show without any talented

acts!! Also, if you or a business you know would like to do-

nate to the talent show silent auction or sponsor the show

with a minimum $50 donation, we would love to hear from

you. E-mail [email protected] with any and all silent

auction donations or sponsorship offers. The PAC would like

to offer a big thank you to all the volunteers for the Narama-

ta Run. The run concession stand raised hundreds of dollars

for Naramata Elementary and your children. If you haven’t

yet responded to the volunteer form sent out in early Octo-

ber, please do so at your earliest convenience. The PAC de-

pends on parent volunteers to staff and support our efforts

during the school year. Lastly, our next PAC meeting is on

November 14th at 7pm in the library, and as always child-

care is provided. Please come out and support your school

and your PAC. Have a fantastic November!

Brent Rowland, PAC President

November 2018, Newsletter #3

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November 2018, Newsletter #3

Our school will be doing a

small fundraiser before the

Christmas season. Funds

raised will go towards our out-

door learning space, which is

being designed by our grade

four and five students, with

input from our younger chil-

dren. Please go to the web-

site to order) if you would like

to help support this!

Page 8: Naramata Elementary Principal: Jan Ramsay Street …...3 November 2018, Newsletter #3 We realize it is only the beginning of November, but we know that the next few weeks leading into


Parent (grandparent & community) volunteers are always welcome & needed in our school in varying capacities. If you

would like to volunteer and have not yet completed a Criminal Record Check simply follow the online link: jus- and use access code TNJP25P6CL. Once you have completed this, it is good for the

entire time your child attends Naramata Elementary. Below is a list of programs that may be of interest to our volun-


1) Home reading program. The program will be up and running shortly thanks to a group of dedicated volunteers.

This extra reading practice helps our young readers in developing their reading skills.

2) Hot Lunch, Milk Program, Veggie Program Helpers. A committee of parents is being established to “share the

load”. We will need parents to help with distribution of food to students on a weekly basis starting in October. If you

are able to help please contact our hot lunch coordinator [email protected]

3) Parent Drivers for field trips & sports teams. A “Driver’s Abstract” sent to the school from ICBC (1-800-950-1498)

will also be required for anyone driving as well as a Conveyance Form, and copy of your car insurance policy.

indicating liability limit and a copy of your Driver’s License.



Did you know that School District No. 67 (Okanagan Skaha) does not insure expenses for student injuries that happen on school grounds or during school activities? You are responsible for these expenses as a parent or guardian. For your convenience, we have made arrangements for families to voluntarily purchase student accident insurance through the IAP Kids Plus Accident Insurance pro-gram, underwritten by Industrial Alliance Insurance and Financial Services Inc.

IAP Kids Plus™ Accident Insurance offers protection against the high costs of serious injury from unexpected accidents, and is espe-cially valuable for families who:

do not have medical or dental plans,

have limited plans, as it may help supplement health and dental benefits, or

have active children who enjoy sports and outdoor activities.

Accidents can, and do, happen.

Kids Plus™ Accident Insurance offers protection against the unexpected costs of injury from accidents, and is especially valuable for families


do not have medical or dental plans,

have limited plans, as it may help supplement health and dental benefits, or

have active children who enjoy sports and outdoor activities.

The website for Kids Plus is or parents can speak directly with a Kids Plus representative at 1-800-556-7411.

Please note this message from Kids Plus Accident Insurance:

Effective this September 1st, there will be some changes to our Kids Plus™ Accident Insurance policy that

will impact our Active Plan holders. Permanent Total Disability coverage will be reduced from $360,000

to $100,000 and Dismemberment or Total & Permanent Loss of Use from $200,000 to $100,000. These

changes allow us to continue to offer the benefits families use most, such as dental treatment and eye-

wear, with no increase in premiums.

November 2018, Newsletter #3

Page 9: Naramata Elementary Principal: Jan Ramsay Street …...3 November 2018, Newsletter #3 We realize it is only the beginning of November, but we know that the next few weeks leading into


ARRIVING AT SCHOOL: Unless engaged in a school activity (i.e. sports practice), students are encouraged to arrive at school

AFTER 8:30 am. Staff SUPERVISION is not available before 8:30 or after 3:00 (Before & after school care is available

through Naramata Kids Club 250-496-0081.)In order to create independent responsible students we are encouraging our chil-

dren to line up at their assigned doors and the teachers will come to greet them there.

REPORTING TO THE OFFICE: We ask that ALL visitors use the front doors to the school and please report to the

office. All outside doors (other than the front door) are locked at 9:15 am.

OFFICE & HOME/SCHOOL COMMUNICATION: Our school secretary, Mrs. Rettie away from the office during parts of the

day. In addition to working in the office, she is the Library Assistant and Noon Hour Supervisor. We will do all we can to an-

swer your important calls but there will be times when that will not be possible. Please leave a message. Our PHONE NUM-

BER IS: 250-770-7688. It would be greatly appreciated if you would:

Call or email the school if your child will be away for appointments, illness or vacations [email protected]

Call the school to contact your child or to pass along messages ONLY WHEN IT IS URGENT.


We ask that you do not stop or park in the bus zone, or the GRAVEL AREA EAST of the school. We want to promote a

safe environment around the school so please be mindful of the school zone. When dropping children off, please do so in the

MAIN PARKING LOT on the NORTH SIDE of the school OR on the correct driving side of 8th street.

November 2018~ Newsletter #3


Please ensure your children have the

appropriate snow gear ready as well a

change of clothes including socks! Al-

so a change of mittens is helpful for

those wet cold hands!

We will send out further information

regarding sledding when the snow


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November 2018~ Newsletter #3

Page 11: Naramata Elementary Principal: Jan Ramsay Street …...3 November 2018, Newsletter #3 We realize it is only the beginning of November, but we know that the next few weeks leading into


November 2018 -Newsletter #3